Indian Nurses Association of New York organizes Blood Drive in Long Island

Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY), the organization that represents the voice of all Indian origin nurses in New York State is all set to conduct this year’s first blood drive in Long Island, says Annie Sabu, the chairwoman of INANY’s Fundraising and Charity Committee. She said the event will take place on June 1st from 10:45 am to 3:15 pm at Westbury Memorial Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Home Health Aide Training Institute and the charity organization Connor’s Closet are also partnering with INANY for

WhatsApp Image 2024 07 24 at 20 22 17The New York area is currently experiencing a serious blood shortage.  According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. Studies show that one donation of blood can save at least two lives.  Many reasons such as accidents, operations, cancer treatment and blood diseases increase the importance of blood donation. According to New York Blood Center blood donation has never been so low in the last 20 years. The current shortage of blood is due to an unprecedented level of drop in donations.

Many people have the misconception that donating blood is physically draining and exhausting.  Blood is not drawn from us to the point of exhausting us. A normal healthy body contains nine to twelve pints of blood. A single donation will only give less than a pint of blood. The body, which is constantly making blood cells, can replenish the volume of the lost blood within twenty-four hours and the deficiency of cells within eight weeks.  This writer recently donated double red cell.  It is a special automated process called apheresis to collect two units of just red blood cells during a single donation.  The fluid known as plasma was returned to my body.  A whole blood donation is that we give whole blood with all the components.

Some people are afraid of needles. The only discomfort felt when the needle is inserted into the vein is to draw blood for testing at the doctor’s office, hospital, etc. Some find it difficult to spend time to donate. Yes, it takes about forty-five minutes to an hour for a single donation of blood.   But, when we consider spending an hour spent by us saves two or three lives, or the significant difference and impact our donation makes, it takes us to a different level of invaluable gratification.

Some find it difficult that each donation takes from three quarters to an hour; but when you think that one hour canWhatsApp Image 2024 07 24 at 20 22 25 save two or three lives, the preciousness of blood donation increases. Those who come ready to donate blood will be subjected to donation only after being checked and having a blood test done.

Anyone between the ages of seventeen and seventy-six in normal health can donate blood. Those under the age of sixteen can donate blood with the consent of either of their parents and those above the age of seventy-six with the consent of a doctor. A donor must weigh at least one hundred and ten pounds and have no cold or flue symptoms in the preceding seventy-two hours.  Eligibility of those who are ready to donate blood will be decided only after a health screening.

INANY  is an non-profit organization dedicated to the professional development of Indian nurses and the overall health of the individual, families and communities in the society. The blood drive is just one among INANY’s charity activities. Other initiatives include health fairs, clothing drives, fundraising for charities for local, national and needy in India, direct and indirect relief efforts in disasters, scholarships for nursing students, and tuition discount for higher education.

Dr. Anna George, an associate professor at Molloy University and an NP at Northwell Health who is INANY’s president said that it is hoped that everyone who has a helping mind and general health will cooperate in this life-saving effort. For more information and registration, contact Anne Sabu (516.474.5834), Dr. Anna George (646.732.6143), or Christine Koenig (516.333.3689).

Jesuit heads Tamil Nadu’s Minorities Commission

Chennai, July 24, 2024: The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu has appointed Jesuit Father Joe Arun as the chairperson of its 10-member Minorities Commission.

A government notification on July 23 said the appointment is for three years.

The commission vice chairperson is M M Abdul Khaddhus.

Other members in the commission are Hamilton Welson, A Sornaraj, Nagore A H Najimudeen, Praveen Kumar Tatia, Rajendra Prasad, M Rameet Kapoor, J Mohammed Rafi and S Vasanth.

Father Arun, a member of the Jesuit Chennai province, succeeds Peter Alphonse, a former Member of Parliament, a lawyer and a renowned Congressman.

The 59-year-old Jesuit is the secretary for the higher education secretariat of Jesuit Conference of South Asia and Director of the Chennai-based LIBA (Loyola Institute of Business Administration), a 45-year-old business management institute.

In his 23 years of robust experience in academic and industry, Father Arun has done extensive research in the areas of consumer behavior, cross-cultural management, conflict and identity construction and other related areas. He has published books and scientific papers on personal growth, globalization, leadership and strategy.

He holds an MBA from IIBM and Madras University and a doctorate from Oxford University UK.

Earlier, he directed St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, Trichy. During his tenure the institute became one of the top B-Schools in India. He has also served as the director of Goa Institute of Management and as the secretary and correspondent of Loyola College, director of Xavier Institute of Business Administration, Palayamkottai.

In August 2010, Tamil Nadu became the 12th state to set up the Minorities Commission as a statutory body to protect the rights and interest of minorities. It visits various parts of the state to study the problems of the minorities and recommends suitable remedial measures to the departments concerned.

22 July, 2024 et in Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Father is at the hospital and a mother is dying – not Father’s mother but a mother who is a patient – and the son is holding his mother’s hand and tears are streaming down the patient’s eyes and the son is shouting with anguish, « μητέρα μου, είσαι η μητέρα μου, δεν μπορώ να σε χάσω » and tears stream out of Father’s ducts and Father does not even notice them doing so.

Father holds his own mother’s hand every day. He holds her hand while his wife feeds her avgolemono in the breakfast hours. He holds her hand when the nurse comes to their home and checks her vitals. He holds her hand as she is going to sleep and he and his wife are singing her lullabies.

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Κοιμήσου και σαν σηκωθής κάτι θα σου χαρίσω,

την Πόλη και τη Βενετιά τη Χιό με τα καράβια,

να γίνης άντρας ‘ξακουστός σ’ Άνατολή και Δύση,

καβάλλα στην Άγιά Σοφιά να πας να προσκυνήσης.

She who is dying, she is not Father’s mother. She is just his patient. He notices suddenly the wetness on his face and dries it with his handkerchief. He’s never cried when a patient dies. Even now he doesn’t feel emotional, and yet there are the tears.

Luckily no one is even looking at him. No one else even notices it. The nurse is looking at the patient, as is the son. The son holds his mother’s hand and shouts at her not to leave, but this woman cannot control what is meant to come. All of her muscles have stopped working. Her eyes remain stuck in place, staring up towards the ceiling, towards the firmament, towards the next dimension. A sudden wide gasp escapes from the woman’s mouth and her hands go purple and her eyes cloud. Her entire body becomes solid as stone.

The woman has died. Someone comes in to note the time and date. Father comes to the bedside and tells the son that nothing can cure old age. The heart just stopped, and it was a brave decision to decide to turn off life support. Her death was not the fault of the son, nor was it the fault of anyone at the hospital. It was just the inevitable result.

The patient’s son nods his head, but his eyes are so blank that Father wonders if he has understood. Father leaves after having done all of his paperwork, but somehow his own heart feels heavy like a log drowning in the river.

Someday, soon, his own mother will die, and Father will be the person on the other side of the bed, holding her hand, watching the life drain away from her eyes. He will be exactly like this man, looking back at all he has done, and wondering if it was truly enough for the people he loved.


The word returns to the foreground of Father’s mind. It’s an annoying thought that keeps coming up every day and almost at every hour. It tires him to maintain small talk with patients and to keep all of their information in the back of his mind as he figures out their medical problems. The patients aren’t always polite. Sometimes they are very rude. Some take out their own financial problems on him, and it isn’t Father’s fault that the medical infrastructure in Greece is falling apart. He tries his best to fix it in his own way through his work, but there is only so much one person can do, and even he is slowing down now that he is getting properly old, and his body is less able to tolerate the heat, the working hours, the complaints, the attitude.

Retirement. It’s such an easy answer.

It isn’t time yet to retire, Father reminds himself, and he leaves it at that. He rushes to see his next patient, a fisherman from the neighbouring town of Agia Pelagia. He has a hook stuck inside his foot, and it has gotten infected. Father organises the surgery to get it removed and considers which antibiotics are best given the fisherman’s pre-existing heart issues.

Father goes to see some other patients, and within two hours the surgery is done. The patient is happy, as the removal of the hook was quick and didn’t require too much medication, at a fairly small cost. The fisherman takes Father’s hand not only to shake it, but also to force it on top of his chest, while his eyes blaze with the warmth of two little suns.

« You are a miracle worker. I feel like Naaman being cured of leprosy. You come to my home someday. And bring many bags. I will give you enough fish for your family to eat for months! »

Father says « ευχαριστώ » and assures that he will come, but there is a turbulent feeling inside of him. Normally when he sees his patients this happy, he feels a sense of relief, or the validation of his steadfast belief in providing his medical services at all costs.

Instead, the same nagging thought is bubbling in the bottom of his belly and rising upwards towards his throat like gas.

Retirement. Retirement. He’s tired of these people. He’s tired of being responsible for their emotions. He’s tired of having to visit strangers, which results in him feeling emotionally drained. He’s tired of acknowledging them, being around them. It’s time to retire. He’s given himself to enough people for decades. It is finally enough.

Father leaves the patient and heads to the lift to see another patient who is on the third floor. He looks at the people around him. Some are visibly exhausted, like they just need to nap against the elevator door. Others are clearly affected by illness, and their bodies have had enough. It is hard enough to age, let alone deal with serious mental and physical concerns.

Father is at the exact age when pensions are starting to be mailed to him. Sixty-seven is when most people retire in this country. And he has earned a lot over the years. Inflation is horrid, and the cost of living is rising, but he has prioritised the goal of saving first for almost three decades. He next to never went out to eat, never bought a nice car or expensive fragrances, never took a trip once to another country, let alone to another island of his own country. He has a lot of savings, and they are going to be needed given how rough the next few years are looking.

Even if Greece becomes incredibly expensive, he has enough for himself and his wife. He can retire.

But what about the patients? And there aren’t that many people training to be doctors. The island of Crete is facing a shortage of medical workers. Father does not want to contribute to this major problem. His patients need him. Many times when he finishes up his work, he will be greeted with compliments like « Doctor, I don’t know what I would do without you » or « Doctor, you are the only good doctor of this hospital. » He is an objectively good doctor, in a country where few people take work seriously or care about producing proper results.

Father reaches his next patient. He seems to be one of the refugees, clearly African based on his complexion, hair, and features. The nurse informs Father of his background. He came from one of the illegal boats shipping people to Crete from Libya, and nearly drowned when it capsized a few kilometres away from shore. The medical infrastructure is already horrid in Crete, but it is being overwhelmed because so many new people are coming to their hospitals who have to be taken care of. Where’s the space? Where’s the equipment? Where’s the staff?

Retirement. It is not a crime to leave one’s work when it is getting tougher and tougher and less rewarding each day. Quite the opposite. Many valiant and hard-working people retire. Father swore an oath to his patients, but it isn’t meant to be lifelong. He even had the idea of retiring in his sixties when he first started hospital work in his thirties. It’s only because he knows life will be incredibly boring once he is done with his work. He’s used to dealing with patients day in and day out, not sitting out on his porch drinking a beer while the wind blows the fragrance of the olive trees from the field towards his home.

For now, he finishes up with the patient. He does his best, but the waterlogging in the patient’s body has caused a lot of permanent damage, and there’s no easy solution. Father can’t imagine what it is like to leave one’s family, in the hope of going to a richer country and making money that can be sent back to take care of one’s grandparents or cousins, only to have the possibility of any of it ended before the story can even start.

In many ways he’s not too different from this migrant. He wanted to do the best that he could do for his mother and his family in the village.

That was the promise he made to her, wasn’t it? Back when he was in the interior of the island, many hours south of here, he told her he wanted to be a doctor, yes, because he wanted to help others, but he also wanted to take care of his family. Over time he made it about the financial aspects of helping out, like sending money home, but there is also a lot of help that comes with just being there, holding her hand, and not just for thirty minutes during a weekend trip but being able to hold her hand each and every hour every day. That was what his mother did when Father was just a boy. She held him when he was learning how to stand upright, she took him by the hands and pulled him upwards as he took his first steps against the thistly ground.

That’s all that his mother wants at this point. She doesn’t want more money sent back to Atsipades. She doesn’t want her bills paid. She wants a son who will be there to hold her hand, no matter the hour of the day, no matter how little of her memory resides in her.

Father holds this patient’s hand. He is partly checking his pulse, but he also feels like holding someone’s hand now. He feels so much sympathy for this person. He knows this person made a lot of promises and sacrificed a lot, but unlike Father he will never know of or gain any returns from his decisions. Father’s situation is not like his.

Retirement. It’s not really that bad of an idea, actually.

Retirement. It won’t be something Father does because he’s tired, or because he’s sick of other people, or because he wants the easy way out.

Retirement. Yes, it’s time to retire, and it’s because of his promise to his mother to take care of her. And while the meaning of that has changed over the years, to fulfil that core promise now, he will have to return to her side, and her side only, and be with her.

Women’s exclusion from ordination discriminatory, Pope Francis told

New Delhi, July 22, 2024: Christian reform groups from across the world observed the feast of Saint Mary Magdalene July 22 by urging Pope Francis to ensure women’s full equality in the Church, including their ordination to priesthood.

In an open letter addressed to “Dear Brother Francis,” the Catholic Women’s Council and We Are Church International termed women’s exclusion from ordination and preaching homily as “discriminatory” and against Christ’s teachings.

The letter, endorsed by 35 Christian women groups spread across the world, also urges the Pope to include women’s full equality in the Synod on Synodality scheduled for October this year.

“The exclusion of women from Church ordination (canon 1024); Church governance (cc.129 and 274§1), and from preaching the homily (c.767§1) are discriminatory, contrary to Jesus’ inclusion of all, and deprive the Church of the benefits of gender diversity and balance in leadership,” asserts the letter.

The letter also points out that the exclusion of women hurts women’s dignity and unacceptable in the 21st century since all have received the same baptism, the same Spirit and the same calling.

“We place our request before you, Pope Francis as it is you who has set out a synodal church that “walks together”, listens, and dialogues; and therefore, invites everyone to “speak with courage and candor” (preparatory document p. 20). It is in this spirit that we place our appeal for due consideration of women’s position of full equality in the Church to be kept on the table for the Synod of 2024,” the letter concludes.

According to the Gospels, Mary Magdelene travelled with Jesus as one of his followers. She was a witness to his crucifixion and resurrection.

The Catholic Church has made her the patron of contemplative life, converts, penitents, and women. She has been designated as the patron of hairstylists and perfume makers due to the Gospel story of her anointing Jesus’ feet.

Open Letter to Pope Francis by Reform Groups

Include Women’s full equality in the Synod on Synodality, October 2024
Dear Brother Francis,
The exclusion of women from Church ordination (canon 1024); Church governance (cc.129 and
274§1), and from preaching the homily (c.767§1) are discriminatory, contrary to Jesus’ inclusion of
all, and deprive the Church of the benefits of gender diversity and balance in leadership.
All have received the same Baptism, the Same Spirit, and the Same Calling. The exclusion of women
to respond to that Calling is hurtful to women’s dignity and unacceptable in the 21 st century.
You have rightly called the Church to Walk together in Communion, Participation and Mission.
However, if women continue to be kept in an infantile position, then women can never hope to be
part of a synodal Church where they are in communion, participating equally in mission. A synodal
Church requires a change in the structures where women participate equally in decision taking, not
just in decision-making processes.
We understand that the topic ‘women deacons’ has been assigned to one of the 10 study groups
reporting in 2025. We call for transparency about the synod working groups, their members, and
their mandates. We are aware of the abundance of study, research, history, etc., that supports the
restoration of women deacons, and therefore wonder why you continue to stall on this issue.
The role of women is key to the synodal process and should be discussed as a whole and not
portioned out into women deacons, women in decision-making, women needing care, etc. To ignore
the question of women’s equality which means their access to ordination to the priesthood, is to
exclude women from synodality and ignore the voice of the ‘sensus fidei’ of the people of God.
Why do we ask this?
• Jesus treated women as equals and had many women disciples
• The “natural inferiority” of women is today completely unacceptable
• There is worldwide support for women to be ordained
• The Pontifical Biblical Commission (1976) found nothing in scripture preventing the
ordination of women
• The blunt “No” in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (1994) is based on power and not on scripture
We place our request before you, Pope Francis as it is you who has set out a synodal church that
“walks together”, listens, and dialogues; and therefore, invites everyone to “speak with courage and
candor” (preparatory document p. 20). It is in this spirit that we place our appeal for due
consideration of women’s position of full equality in the Church to be kept on the table for the Synod
of 2024.

1. Women and the Australian Church (WATAC)
2. Council of Catholic Women Perth (CCWP).
3. Revuelta de Mujeres en la Iglesia from: Asturias, Sevilla, Extremadura, Zaragoza, Madrid, La
Rioja, Granada, Alicante, Tenerife, Murcia, Valladolid, Cabra, Navarra, and Gran Canaria
4. Ecclesia of Women in Asia
5. Indian Women Theologians Forum
6. Indian Christian Women’s9 Movement
7. Call To Action, Columbus Chapter, USA
8. Alcem la Veu from: Catalunya, Menorca, Valencia. Spain
9. ⁠Mujeres y Teología Zaragoza, Cabra, Cantabria, Spain.
10. ⁠Movimiento por el Celibato Opcional (Spain)
11. ⁠Redes Cristianas (Spain)
12. ⁠Emakumeen Aldarria Donostia – San Sebastián, (Spain)
13. ⁠As Mulleres Cristiás Galegas Exeria, Spain.
14. ⁠Mujeres por la igualdad en la Iglesia, Burgos, Spain.
15. ⁠Comunidad Cristiana de la Esperanza, Spain.
16. ⁠Tras las Huellas de Sophia. Mexico.
17. Ordens Frauen für Menschenrechte,
18. In BONA FIDE, Lana Bobic
19. Red Mirian de Espiritualidad Religiosa Femenina
20. Sr. Mary John Mananzan OSB, Philippines
21. Catholic women’s Ordination conference UK,
22. Ursula Halligan Ireland
23. Sr. Susanne Schneider Missionare Christi, München, Germany.
24. Donne per la Chiesa, Italy
25. Un Camino Teologia Para Nuestra Vida, Chile
26. Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER), USA
27. Women’s Wisdom in the Church (WWITCH), Australia
28. Roman Catholic Women Priests, South Africa
29. Sisters of Justice, South Africa.
30. Root & Branch Community for Reform, UK
31. Ru’ha Community, South Africa
32. Dr Sr. R=ekha Chennattu, Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption.
33. MUFECA- Mujeres de Fe para el cambio. Bolivia
34. – ⁠Comunidad Tejiendo historias. Bolivia
35. – ⁠Asociacion Civil Memoria de Mujeres. Argentina

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Inaugurates AAPI’s 1st Ever World Health Congress

New York City Mayor Eric Adams inaugurated the first ever World Health Congress of Physicians, a Maga Convention of physicians of Indian Origin with the cutting of the Ribbon and a powerful and memorable inaugural address at the Marriott Marquis on Times Square in New York City on July 18th, 2024.

20240718 125536In his brief inaugural address, Adams lauded the contributions of Indian American physicians across the United States, especially during the Covid pandemic. “When you look at the 1000s of physicians across the country, you walk into any hospital, the emergency rooms, especially during COVID, you were present. You were there, and you sacrificed your own health to make sure of the health of this entire country. Your contributions are so rare.”

Recalling his past visit to India, Mayor Adams said, “When I was in India, the home of Gandhi and I saw the steps, his last few steps that he took, before the assassin took his life. It is our obligation and responsibility, no matter what field we are in, to ensure that we live out the dreams of Gandhi and we live out the dreams of those steps,” Adams said. “As we mark, the image of unity here, throughout the United States of America, we believe in the fundamentals and the foundation for the family. You believe in public service, and you believe in our children, and you are a real partner in doing so,” Mayor Adam told Indian American physicians.

“I want to extent a very warm welcome to AAPI delegates from around the world to first ever World Congress of Physicians, being held here from July 18th-22, 2024 in New York City, organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI) at the prestigious Marriott Marquis on Times Square, at the heart of the most popular city in the world,” Dr. Anjana Samadder, President of AAPI said in her welcome address.

Sri Brahmrishi SiddhGuru Gurudev, embodying compassion, love, humility, and simplicity, adhering to ancient Indian spiritual practices, while bestowing his blessings on the organizers and the AAPI delegates called the Indian American Physicians “the best” in the world, because “they give their best to the world.” He lauded them for their virtues of “learning, earning and returning” that makes them stand out across the globe.

Others who addressed the audience e during the inaugural session included, Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner for Trade, Investment and Innovation, and Jenifer Rajkumar, a lawyer, professor, and government leader who made history as the first South Asian-American woman ever to be elected to a state office in New York, whom Mayor Adams praised for her contributions to the society and urged the community to support her in her efforts to be the first person of Indian origin to run for statewide office in New York.

Some of the key speakers invited to be at the Congress include: Dr. Mehmet Oz, American television personality,20240718 130625 (1) Physician, Author, and Professor Emeritus of cardiothoracic surgery at Columbia University; Smriti Zubin Irani, an Indian politician and former actress, fashion model, and television producer. She has been Minister of Women and Child Development since 2019, and also Minister of Minority Affairs since 2022; Mansukh Laxmanbhai Mandaviya is an Indian politician currently serving as the Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Chemicals and Fertilizers of India. He is also a Rajya Sabha member from Gujarat; Dr. Jesse Menachem Ehrenfeld, President of the American Medical Association and Professor of Anesthesiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin.; and, Dr. Vivek Hallegere Murthy, a vice admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps who has served as the 19th and 21st Surgeon General of the United States under Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.

“We want to welcome you to the AAPI’s inaugural World Congress of Physicians in the world’s capital city, New York,” Dr. Achintya Moulik, Chair of AAPI Convention 2024 said. “We have convened a fantastic group of dedicated organizers to meet the needs of the 2024 convention and are very excited about this year. Please reach out to any one of the representatives from the New York Tri-State team with questions or comments.”

Dr. Sumul Raval, current Secretary of AAPI, “We have an event that is full of fun-filled, research-filled, and learning-filled activities.” Outlining other features of the event, Dr. Raval said “There is something for everyone, including the younger generation, the teenagers, and children, making it a family event. “We have amazing food for all the many days — from Moghul catering from New Jersey, and many more activities throughout the five days,” Raval said.

According to the organizers, some of the major themes at the convention include: Yoga and Meditation practices, a Welcome kit with books & self-care supplies, A Personal Reflexology Session, Take home wellness routine, yoga therapy sessions, a workshop on Spiritual well-being, Book talk with Yoga Gurus, including on the science of Yoga & Lifestyle medicine, and several wellness sessions.

20240718 131234The World Congress has, among many others, sessions on cutting-edge research and CMEs, promoting business relationships, and display the ethnic items. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the prime focus of our World Health Congress. There will be entertainment features for children, performances by singer Atul Purohit and a comedy show by Kapil Sharma, Live entertainment by Javed Ali and Atif Aslam, Traditional Garba, Bollywood Film Festival, and a fashion show.

AAPI’s World Health Congress offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. The physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.

In addition to colorful entertainment, and exquisite authentic Indian cuisine, esteemed health industry leaders, world-renowned speakers, and experts will be sharing their wisdom and expertise in the industry, offering enlightening sessions to the delegates.

Amit Chakrabarty, Vice President of AAPI said, “AAPI’s mission has evolved in the past 42 years. “Today, AAPI is strong representing over 120,000 Indian American physicians, 130 local Chapters, who make up 10% of total physicians in the US and nearly 50% of International Medical Graduates, rooted in every corner of the nation, who serve every 7th patient in the US. We are proud of our achievements and our contributions to the healthcare industry and the millions of people we serve.”

“The annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” Dr. Samadder added.   For more details on AAPI and the 1st World Congress, please visit: AAPI World Health Congress  and

A VP called Vance, and a Chilukuri called Usha- an Indian intriguing hope!

As former President Donald Trump seeks to return to the White House, Ohio US Senator JD Vance has been selected as his vice president nominee. James David Vance is an American author, venture capitalist, and politician who has served as the junior US Senator from Ohio since 2023. He is a member of the Republican Party and is the party’s nominee for the post of Vice President in the 2024 election.
But what intrigues Indians is another matter. The wife of Vice President Nominee Vance Usha Chilukuri is of Indian origin. Biden has Indian-born Kamala Harris as his vice president. I don’t know how history will change. It is not wrong for the Indian of the time to dream that this Usha Chilukuri may become “another Kamala” of the future.
Mr. Vance’s wife, Usha Chilukuri, now realizes that Vance has many credentials and a deep connection with Indian values ​​and culture. Usha Vance, a litigation lawyer at a national firm, is the daughter of Indian immigrants from Andhra. Born as Usha Chilukuri, she forged a career in law, clerking for Supreme Court Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh before Mr Kavanaugh was nominated to the bench. Mr. Vance, a 39-year-old Republican serving his first term in the Senate, was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. He joined the Marines and served in Iraq, then graduated from Ohio State University and Yale Law School. He also worked as a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley.
Mr. Vance made a name for himself with his 2016 bestseller “Hillbilly Elegy,” published when Trump was first running for president. Even among the working class and among rural white voters, The book made Mr. Vance famous as a New York businessman who helped Trump win the presidency. “Hillbilly Elegy” also introduced Mr. Vance to the Trump family. Donald Trump Jr. loved the book and got to know Mr. Vance when he went to start his political career. And Trump, now 78, developed a great friendship and equation with Vance, half his age. Our Indian lady helped Mr. Vance organize his thoughts about social decay in rural white America, which inspired Vance’s best-selling memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.” In the past, she has made some rare appearances with Mr. Vance when he sought an Ohio Senate seat.
Ms. Usha grew up in the suburbs of San Diego, California. Some of Usha’s academic achievements should also be known. After four years of intensive extracurricular activity at Yale, he continued his studies as a Gates Fellow at Cambridge, mingling with leftist and liberal groups. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University and a master’s degree in philosophy from Cambridge University. No kidding, she was a registered Democrat in 2014. Ms. Usha and J.D. Vance first met at Yale Law School and were married in Kentucky in 2014, with a Hindu priest presiding over the special ceremony. The couple has three children: Ivan (born 2017), Vivek (born 2020) and Mirabel (born 2021). Usha Chilkuri is a Hindu, and her husband is a Roman Catholic. Vance was born James David Bowman in Middletown, Ohio. His grandfather and grandmother raised him.
 “Ushaji knows Indian culture and India. She can help her husband navigate the great relationship between the USA and India, and Indians can hope for something.”


Dr.Mathew Joys

(16): 16th July, 2024 set between Pnohm Penh, Cambodia and Preah Dak, Cambodia

16 July, 2024

What was it that Father had done, and was it really a mistake?

Looking back on his life, he feels like that he has never really made mistakes. What he could say was that he had made a series of decisions, all of which had consequences, and he was now living in the shadows of them. He always had sound reasons for his decisions, at least at the time when he made them.

It is only now that he is getting a strongly reprehensible feeling that something has gone horribly wrong.

But Father made so many decisions in his life. Which one of them, if any, had been the wrong one?

16 June, 2024

The tube was taken out of her throat yesterday, and yet when Father looked at his mother, all he could see was the hole. It was of course covered by a dressing and bandage, and it would heal in about two weeks. But as his mother sat in her wheelchair, being spoon-fed samlor by his wife, all his mind could focus on was the fact that for the last month, each time his mother was fed through the tube, she looked to be on the verge of sobbing.

He had done it for her good. She had been choking on her food, something many people at her age died of. It was better that she ate properly so that she could live longer. That was at least how Father first justified inserting the tube into her throat, despite his wife’s objections that it was inhumane.

His mother, Tum Sareth, was having her dinner. The samlor was made out of crab, water spinach, and tamarind, all soaked in water. Father had asked Mother to make sure that the samlor was stewed properly. As Mother fed her spoon after spoon, she asked « Is it tasty? » « Does the samlor taste good? » « How is the food? » all in quick succession. Mother had a rapid style of speaking which made it hard for others to answer her questions.

But Tum Sareth seemed to respond. There was a change in his mother’s glances, a sense that she was answering in her own way, the salty and sour taste of the soup activating her taste buds and causing certain memories to rush through her mind.

When Tum Sareth was done, Father finished up the crab pieces and greens that his mother would not have been able to digest. Then he sank into the sofa and turned on folk music on the radio. Father thought. No, he didn’t regret putting his mother on a tube diet. He had done it with good intentions, and while it had not had the best outcome, he had learned something from it. After resting his feet, he went upstairs to take a shower, then laid himself in bed in preparation for the next day of work. As his mind fell asleep, the same question kept ringing in his head.

No, he said in response to it. I have done the right thing. 

16 January, 1977

Ti Leng was twenty-three, and he wanted to study medicine. But this was also the time of the Khmer Rouge, when no one could study medicine. For years, doctors had been disappearing in the middle of the day and the night, and no one knew where they had gone or what had become of them. In the meantime, orders were given for the local population, dressed in pitch-black clothing no matter their age of profession, to keep farming, to keep building up the land of the country, to make sure there was an abundance of food for everyone.

It was two years into the regime, and Leng had not given up on his dream of being a doctor. But there was nothing else to do but work the fields like his father, Khim Ti, wanted. Leng was growing tired of the pressure that Khim Ti was putting on him to take farming seriously like his brothers. He was also getting closer to his mother’s brother, Tum Din, during this time. His uncle Tum Din had a house out in Phnom Penh but had moved back to their village, Preah Dak, due to the orders of the government. Leaning against one of the fences, smoking a cigarette beside the backdrop of a broken Hindu stela, his uncle Tum Din told him stories about the Phnom Penh of the good old days, how he would make out and have sex with random French girls visiting the city and go about getting drunk in the various pubs in town. While Leng wasn’t interested in the life of debauchery and intrigue that his uncle preached of, the idea of living in a grand city entranced him. In the two years since Pol Pot had taken power, malnutrition had become a nationwide epidemic. The more Leng saw the people in his village succumbing to random and preventable illnesses, the more he became convinced that he needed to leave for a place where he could put his intelligence and ambitions to use. He would learn how to serve his countrymen as a doctor. Healing people was more important than farming the land, but these were dangerous thoughts he kept to himself.

Then the Pol Pot regime collapsed, and Leng acted on his decision.

Leng left at a suitable time, in the 80s, just as he was freshly married and looking to start a new life not only for himself, but also for his future descendants.

16 May, 1990

It was just two weeks after his son was born. It was about four in the morning. Father was getting ready to go to work. His wife and child were lying on their bed. She was still sleeping with a hot rock on top of her belly, to help the uterus contract and for her belly sag to reduce. The smell of galangal root lingered in the room. It was a bit too strong for Father, who preferred to be outside when she pasted it all over her body, and yet the smell of the galangal and ginger clung to his clothes.

Their place was small. At this stage of Father’s career, all he could afford was a room in a small hovel, right on the outskirts of Phnom Penh. They were in the process of buying an apartment in a modern complex in the nicer part of town, which required a substantial advance payment. Because Father had saved a lot over the years, they could afford it. Father had made it very clear that they should never take out a loan, because he had seen how loans had left his uncle Tum Din in a financial rut that he would never be able to get out of.

He was grateful that they had left his uncle’s house. His uncle Tum Din had offered to host them for longer when they first moved to the city, but Father no longer wanted to take advantage of a hospitality that had already expired. Tum Din and Mother had started to bicker, and the pregnancy had also made her a bit more tempestuous. The smell of the pollution from the nearby river was horrid in their current apartment, but at least the view of the rising Phnom Penh was in the background. He could look out and see a skyline, as well as the outlines of the golden temples, the stupas.

This coming century was going to be a good one for Phnom Penh. He could feel it in his bones. And he was going to be a part of it. He was going to find his way to contribute. He would do whatever it would take to help his country heal from the baggage of the last few decades, and to ensure the best for the upcoming one.

And he knew his son would be a part of it, too. The boy was just born, barely an anything, but looking at his face, Father could predict an ambition. His son was going to put Cambodia on the map. He was going to make people across the planet remember that people of creativity and talent came from this part of the world, too.

Father decided he was going to do everything for his son and his wife. He would work hard in the hospital, earn as much money as possible, and make sure they would have everything they needed to make a difference for this city, for their people, and for the world.

16 April, 2012

It was the last day of the New Year, Veareak Laeung Sak, and Father felt like treating Mother to a meal in the market after their visit to the temple. After washing the statues of the Buddha with the monks and the other temple goers, they drove to the food market at the centre of town, found themselves on a bench, and ordered some rice noodles. It was rare for them to go out. Father was always busy at the hospital, and these were the years when Son was about to graduate from his uni in Australia. Mother was convinced he would soon come home and they would find him a nice girl to marry, so she spent most of her time researching the most suitable brides from their village network.

Father’s intention was for them to get some time to themselves, maybe chat about things that would bring more fondness back into their increasingly perfunctory marriage. Instead Mother complained about how many people there were, the heat which was causing her to sweat, and how oily the spring rolls cut and dropped into the noodles were. She went on and on about how annoying everything around them was, and this made Father feel annoyed, too. He very rarely had time off from hospital work, he rarely had time to even be around his wife, and this was how she was going to spend it?

They left the market immediately after the meal. Mother started going on about the bad condition of the French-style colonial houses above them as a different set of thoughts came to Father’s mind. He decided he was not going to spend his free time on excursions in the future. Instead he would use it to focus on his body and get the ideal amount of rest that would allow him to work hard so that he would be able to do his best for his patients, who never felt disappointed in his efforts.

16 September, 1961

One day, young Leng was out exploring the outskirts of his village when he ended up befriending a French man. Preah Dak was located right on the edge of the ruins of Angkor Wat. These were the years after Cambodia had gotten independence from France, and the government was actively working to excavate and restore the temple with the goal of making it into a global cultural heritage site. As a result, wherever Leng went, there were statues of Hindu gods overcome by vines and giant stone elephants partly under the ground and covered in fungi. There were also various men, mostly from France, out digging in parts of the ground.

This man was very kind. He’d let young Leng ride on his shoulders, showed him half-broken rocks that they were trying to shape back into statues. He let Leng try all sorts of lollipops and sweets from his pocket. He always dropped Leng back to his parents, who would scold him for going out with strangers. Yet Leng decided it was worth taking the risk, glad to meet his friend even if he knew it offended his parents.

And then one day that man disappeared. He just stopped coming to the site. Leng became sad and cried, but his father beat him for showing too much emotion, and he lost the habit. He spent many days wondering what happened to the French man, creating stories in his mind involving the man being tumbled over by the rocks or swallowed by the vines. Eventually he completely forgot about the man, grew older, and rarely went out for excursions as Angkor Wat became a protected tourist site and was no longer as easy for the villagers to wander into.

16 July, 2024

It is the end of the day. Father was supposed to be going home around six but because of the overload at the hospital he looks to be returning home around eight or nine. He was looking forward to reaching early so he could help feed his mother, but given how late it is dinner would have probably long been done, and his mother would have been put to sleep. He would drive back to his fancy apartment at BKK1, take a tub bath to unwind his joints, and immediately go to bed.

He is exiting the building, but as he steps down the stairs towards the parking lot he feels something in the back of his mind.

In January, back when he had been planning for his mother to move in with him, he had entertained a brief thought. What if he retired? He was getting towards seventy, and it was going to be a lot of time and effort to help his mother and go to work both.

But the thought had only flashed in his mind. He had his wife who lived at home and had nothing else to do. She could easily manage the work, he had decided, and he would do the best he could to help her in the off hours.

It was now a half a year later, and nothing had gone as predicted. Yes, his wife had done a lot of work, but it had also soured their relationship immensely. His mother’s state had also deteriorated since she had come to the city. Yes, she had access to better medical care, but her body was declining, a downward trend with no improvement.

Father felt as he touched the exit doors of the hospital a certain coldness. It was a sense of distance, frustration, and a detachment from his physical body. A question came to his mind.

What am I doing? Why am I doing it? And what is the purpose of it?

Normally when Father made his decisions, he made them well. But as he saw his car in the distance, and he relived in his mind all of the moments he would drive back and forth, forth and back, to home and hospital, and hospital and home, he felt another thought encroaching.

He hadn’t made the right decision.

Was it a mistake not to retire? Was it a mistake to leave his mother’s health in the hands of his wife?

What was it that Father had done, and was it really a mistake?

Archaeologists Unearth 1,500-Year-Old Ivory Box with Christian Motifs in Southern Austria

A team of archaeologists from the University of Innsbruck made a remarkable find while excavating a church site in southern Austria. They uncovered a marble shrine containing a 1,500-year-old ivory box decorated with Christian motifs. This relic, believed to be linked to Moses receiving the Ten Commandments, is considered highly significant due to the rarity of early Christian sacred objects.

“We know of around 40 ivory boxes of this kind worldwide and, as far as I know, the last time one of these was found during excavations was around 100 years ago—the few pyxes that exist are either preserved in cathedral treasures or exhibited in museums,” explains the finder, archaeologist Gerald Grabherr.

“The pyx was presumably also seen as sacred and was treated as such because it was in contact with a relic. The archaeological and art-historical significance of the pyx cannot be denied,” emphasises Gerald Grabherr.

The intricately carved box was discovered under an altar inside a chapel located at the summit of Burgbichl, a small hill in the municipality of Irschen. The University of Innsbruck has been conducting excavations in this area, part of the Carinthian Drava Valley, since 2016.

“This is the typical depiction of the handing over of the laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, the beginning of the covenant between God and man from the Old Testament,” says Gerald Grabherr.

Towards the end of the Roman Empire, times became more uncertain, especially in the peripheral provinces of the empire, including the area that is now Austria. For this reason, from around the 4th century, the inhabitants increasingly founded settlements on hilltops that were easier to defend and left the valley floor.

Indians Abroad Send Record $107 Billion in Remittances in FY 2023-24, Surpassing $100 Billion Mark for Second Year

In the financial year 2023-24, Indians living abroad sent a record $107 billion in remittances to their families in India, marking the second year in a row that remittances exceeded $100 billion, as reported by The Economic Times.

This massive inflow of remittances nearly doubles the combined $54 billion from foreign direct investments (FDI) and portfolio investments during the same timeframe.

According to balance of payments data, gross remittances from the Indian diaspora, categorized as private transfers, reached $119 billion in FY24. After deducting repatriated income by foreign residents and other related expenses, net private transfers stood at $107 billion.

Both global studies and domestic research indicate a correlation between remittances and migration levels in various economies, as well as the employment conditions in the countries of origin. The cost of sending money is also a crucial factor influencing the volume of remittances.

United States: The Largest Source of Remittances

A survey by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on post-Covid-19 remittances identified the United States as the largest source, contributing 23% of the total amount. Meanwhile, remittances from the Gulf region saw a decline during this period.

The majority of these funds are sent to support families, with some also allocated to investments such as deposits, according to the RBI’s findings on remittances.

In 2023, the United States remained the top contributor to global remittances. India was the largest recipient, with $125 billion, followed by Mexico ($67 billion), China ($50 billion), the Philippines ($40 billion), and Egypt ($24 billion).

Remittance Flow to Developing Nations

In December, the World Bank’s “Migration and Development Brief” confirmed that India continues to lead globally in receiving remittances from its diaspora. This trend, ongoing for over two decades, is largely driven by the migration of IT professionals to North America and Europe since the 1990s.

Dilip Ratha, lead economist and principal author of the World Bank report, stated that remittance flows to developing nations have recently outpaced foreign direct investment and official development assistance. He added that this trend is expected to continue growing.

The World Bank report predicts a slower growth rate in remittances to low- and middle-income countries, forecasting a 3.1% increase in 2024.

The Liberalised Remittance Scheme

The Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) allows resident individuals, including minors, to remit up to $250,000 annually (April to March) for any permissible current or capital account transaction, or a combination thereof. Additionally, residents can utilize foreign exchange services as specified in Para 1 of Schedule III of the FEM (CAT) Amendment Rules 2015, dated May 26, 2015, with a cap of $250,000.

Introduced on February 4, 2004, the scheme initially had a cap of $25,000. The LRS limit has since been gradually increased in line with prevailing macroeconomic and microeconomic conditions.

If the remitter is a minor, the LRS declaration form must be signed by the natural guardian. The scheme does not apply to corporates, partnership firms, and trusts, among others.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of remittances under the LRS, but the total foreign exchange bought or remitted through any Indian source in a financial year cannot exceed $250,000. Once an individual remits up to $250,000 within a financial year, they are not eligible for further remittances under this scheme, regardless of whether investment proceeds have been repatriated.

Senate Republicans Block Tax Credit Expansion, Democrats Claim Political Motive to Deny Biden Victory

Senate Democrats accuse Senate Republicans of blocking an expansion of the child tax credit and a corporate tax credits package, despite significant support from business groups, to prevent President Biden from securing a legislative win five months before Election Day.

This marks the second instance this year where presidential politics have caused a divide between Senate Republicans and major business trade groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable.

Earlier this year, Senate Republicans overwhelmingly voted against a bipartisan border security deal endorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable, among others, following former President Trump’s instructions to avoid giving Biden a victory on border security.

Democrats allege Republicans are once again obstructing a major bipartisan initiative to aid Trump. “The business community still really wants that; we really want it. It’s all presidential politics — they don’t want to give Biden a win. That’s 100 percent what it is,” stated a senior Senate Democrat regarding the opposition to the House-passed Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024.

The senator noted that Senate Democrats are intensifying efforts to break through the Republican blockade. “We are trying very hard. There’s no real reason they’re objecting,” the source said.

The proposed package aims to reinstate research and development expensing for businesses, which expired in 2022. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has urged the Senate to approve the package, warning that failing to restore research and development expensing retroactively would cause “irreversible harm to U.S. innovation and competitiveness.”

The Business Roundtable has also pushed for the Senate to pass the legislation. Joshua Bolten, the CEO of the Business Roundtable, emphasized that it would “boost business investment at home, create American jobs and strengthen U.S. competitiveness.”

The bill also enhances the child tax credit to help low-income families manage inflation and increases tax relief for victims of disasters like the 2023 toxic rail derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) supports his colleagues’ view that Senate Republicans are blocking the tax package to boost Trump’s prospects by denying Biden a legislative success. “No question about it. They said that right from the get-go,” Wyden told The Hill.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa), a senior Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, previously indicated that Senate Republicans did not want to help Biden “look good” and improve his reelection chances. He expressed concerns that Biden’s reelection would eliminate any possibility of renewing Trump’s 2017 tax cuts before they expire at the end of next year. “Passing a tax bill that makes the president look good, mailing out checks before the election, means he could be reelected and then we won’t extend the 2017 tax cuts,” Grassley told Semafor on the day the House passed the tax bill.

For Democrats, this situation mirrors the fate of the bipartisan border security deal negotiated by Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), and the White House. Only four Senate Republicans supported the deal after Trump advised his Senate allies to reject it to deny Biden a victory.

Wyden crafted the stalled $79 billion tax package with House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-Mo.), and it passed the House with overwhelming support, 357-70. The package would restore Section 174 expensing for research and development investments and 100 percent “bonus” depreciation, allowing businesses to deduct more depreciation costs than normally allowed. It also includes a low-income housing tax credit to increase affordable housing supply.

The package is nearly fully funded by advancing the deadline for filing backdated pandemic-related employee retention tax credit claims, according to a PwC analysis.

Amanda Critchfield, spokesperson for Sen. Mike Crapo (Idaho), the top-ranking Republican on the Finance Committee, said her boss “fully supports extending the pro-growth business provisions” and “also supports expanding the child tax credit to provide additional tax relief to working families.” However, she noted that Crapo “has policy concerns with the current bill, as do other Republican members, and he has been clear that he would like to find a compromise that a majority of Republican senators can support.”

A tax lobbyist familiar with the bill’s passage efforts said the business community has intensified its lobbying efforts towards Senate Republicans. “The Chamber and other business groups are very firmly for it, and they are making the rounds,” the source said. “The business community has upped its effort, and they’re saying because of the expiration of 174 and expensing, we really do have tangible economic harm. Companies are doing grasstops lobbying at home, and that’s starting to sink in. The business community is upping the ante,” the source added.

Watson McLeish, senior vice president for tax policy at the U.S. Chamber, warned in a statement on Monday that the Senate’s failure to advance the tax package is burdening employers. “As the tax extenders package remains stalled in the Senate, some small and midsize businesses have been forced to take out high-interest loans, raise prices, pare back operations, and even cut jobs just to survive and pay their taxes,” McLeish said. “We urge the Senate to take up this legislation immediately after the Independence Day recess and send it to the President’s desk to be signed into law.”

A Senate Republican aide mentioned that Senate GOP leaders are deferring to Crapo on handling the issue and pointed out that he might prefer to delay action on expired tax breaks until after the election, by which time Republicans will know if they will control the Senate in 2025. Some Republican senators believe they will secure a better deal on extending expired provisions if they control the White House and Senate, though waiting until after the election carries the risk that Democrats could retain the White House and regain control of the House.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters earlier this month he hopes to bring the bill to the floor if it garners more Republican support. “I supported it the minute it was announced. I think it’s a good bill; I was very proud that I pushed hard and got into the bill the low-income housing tax credit,” Schumer said last week. “I’m currently working with Chairman Wyden to try and get something done. It’s not dead.”

Minta Rose Santy, A Young Malayali Woman, Secures 4th Rank Globally

Plavan International Medical University is a famous university in Europe that was established in 1974. It is based on a former local hospital that was established in 1865.

Minta Rose Santy A Young Malayali Woman Secures 4th Rank Globally 1A young Malayali woman, Minta Rose Santy, ranked fourth globally, out if the One hundred seventy-one young medical doctors from 16 countries Italy, India, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Finland, Canada, Bangladesh, Ireland, Pakistan, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Iraq, Netherlands, and Zimbabwe completed their studies at the graduation ceremony held last week in Bulgaria-Plavan.

Minta Rose Santy A Young Malayali Woman Secures 4th Rank Globally 2Minta Rose Santi, a native of Kothamangalam, has achieved the rare feat of honors and fourth rank. This is also a proud moment for Malayalis all over the world. This young doctor is the daughter of Kothamangalam Thekilakat Kudumbayogam Secretary, Global Indian Council Ambassador, and Director of Thodupuzha Global Indian Public School Mr.Santy Mathew Madappattu. Mother Lovely Santy, Siblings – Linta Maria Santy (Engineer – Bank Officer in Switzerland) and Emmanuel M Santy (IT Student – Canada), who completed 6 years of studies and graduated with Honors, Minta is also the winner of the “Best Student of the Year” award of the University 2023. Also, Minta Rose has become the First in Asia and the fourth winner globally.

Her parents, Santy Mathew and  Lovely Santy attended the graduation ceremony held last week at Bulgaria. University Rector Prof. Dr. Dobromir Dimitrov honored the Honors graduates with special prizes. He also congratulated other successful young doctors. In his speech, he emphasized that medical ethics should always be preserved.
Minta’s meticulous accomplishment is also a proud moment for Malayalis all over the world.
Minta Rose Santy A Young Malayali Woman Secures 4th Rank Globally 3

TheUNN Corporation Announces Joint Publication of Ambassador T.P. Sreenivasan’s New Best-Selling Book

Boca Raton, FL – TheUNN Corporation has announcedthe agreement to jointly publish Ambassador T.P. Sreenivasan’s latest best-selling book, “Diplomacy Liberated: The Golden Treasury of T.P. Sreenivasan” to readers worldwide. This significant partnership underscores TheUNN Corporation’s commitment to promoting influential voices in international relations and global diplomacy.

Chalil and KPRAmbassador Sreenivasan’s new anthology, meticulously edited by Wing Commander Ragashree D. Nair (Retd) offers an unparalleled insight into the complex world of diplomacy. Spanning over two decades of insightful essays and personal reflections, the book delves into pivotal geopolitical events and diplomatic challenges that have shaped modern international relations.

“We are honored to collaborate with Ambassador T.P. Sreenivasan on this important publication,” said Dr. Joseph M. Chalil, TheUNN News’s Publisher and Indo-American Press Club’s Chairman. “His extensive career and profound understanding of global affairs make this book an invaluable resource for scholars, diplomats, and anyone interested in the nuances of international relations.”

“Diplomacy Liberated: The Golden Treasury of T.P. Sreenivasan” is a compelling and thought-provoking anthology that offers a rare glimpse into the world of international diplomacy through the eyes of one of India’s most esteemed diplomats. This collection, edited with precision by Wing Commander Ragashree D. Nair (Retd), encapsulates over two decades of insightful essays, personal reflections, and profound analyses.

T.P. Sreenivasan’s extensive career as a diplomat lends an unmatched authenticity and depth to his writings. The book is organized into thematic sections that cover a wide range of topics, from the intricacies of India-US relations and the evolution of multilateral diplomacy to the complexities of India-China relations and the significance of the Indian diaspora. Each essay is a testament to Sreenivasan’s keen intellect, deep understanding, and unparalleled experience in the field of international relations.

One of the standout features of “Diplomacy Liberated” is its exploration of critical issues such as nuclear disarmament, environmental diplomacy, and the ethics of political appointments. Sreenivasan’s analysis of these topics is not only insightful but also provides a nuanced understanding of the global challenges and diplomatic strategies that shape our world today. His reflections on multilateral diplomacy, in particular, offer a deep dive into the workings of the United Nations and other international bodies, highlighting both the successes and shortcomings of these institutions.

The personal memoirs interspersed throughout the book add a touching and humanizing element to this scholarly work. From his early days in Japan to his involvement in higher education reforms in Kerala, Sreenivasan’s anecdotes provide an intimate look at the life and experiences of a seasoned diplomat. The poignant tribute to his late wife, Chandralekha Sreenivasan, is especially moving and adds a layer of personal depth to the narrative.

The book’s comprehensive coverage of diverse geopolitical events and diplomatic challenges makes it an essential read for scholars, diplomats, and anyone interested in international relations. Sreenivasan’s ability to contextualize historical events within contemporary geopolitical frameworks is particularly commendable. His essays, updated and contemporized, provide a lasting legacy of his efforts to interpret and influence global events.

TP and KPRIn “Diplomacy Liberated,” readers will find a treasure trove of wisdom, analysis, and personal reflections that are both enlightening and engaging. The anthology not only chronicles past events but also offers valuable insights into present and future trajectories of global diplomacy. It is a golden treasury of diplomatic wisdom that will remain relevant and influential for years to come.

Overall, “Diplomacy Liberated: The Golden Treasury of T.P. Sreenivasan” is a masterful collection that reflects the breadth and depth of Sreenivasan’s experience and vision. It is a fitting tribute to a distinguished career and a valuable addition to the literature on international diplomacy.

TheUNN Corporation, known for its dedication to fostering global understanding through impactful publications, views this partnership as a significant milestone. “This collaboration not only enhances our publication portfolio but also aligns with our mission to disseminate knowledge that bridges cultural and political divides,” added Mr. KPR Nair, Managing Director of Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

The book is available on Amazon worldwide and is set to captivate a global audience, offering timeless wisdom and a deeper understanding of the forces shaping our world.

About TheUNN Corporation:

TheUNN Corporation and The Universal News Network is a leading publishing and media company that promotes diverse voices and fosters global understanding. Through innovative collaborations and a commitment to quality content, TheUNN Corporation aims to enlighten, educate, and inspire readers worldwide.

Title: Diplomacy Liberated: The Golden Treasury of T.P. Sreenivasan

Author: T.P. Sreenivasan

Editor: Wing Commander Ragashree D. Nair (Retd)

Publisher: Konark Publishers and TheUNN Corporation

Publication Date: June 2024

ISBN: 978-1-7359048-9-4

Dabbling in Diplomacy AuthorisedDiplomacy Liberated Konark UNN front for PODIndia Beyond The PandemicBeyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Modi was set to lose 2024 like Vajpayee in 2004. Here’s what changed

Why did Narendra Modi come back to power? Why did the NDA manage to secure a majority? Why did the BJP not face a more comprehensive defeat?

It is a mark of the power of false narratives that we have not started to ask these questions. Much of the post-election analysis in the media is still stuck in a mistaken and self-serving question: What explains this unexpected electoral setback for the BJP? The question is mistaken, for the surprise in this instance lies in the eyes of the beholder.

The commentariat has not started reflecting on the possibility that there is nothing surprising about a bad, non-responsive and arrogant government losing an election, that the shock was entirely the creation of the media. It is self-serving as it draws the discussion exactly to the kind of minutiae blame games that helps to cover up the real issues. But once the dust settles, we can hope for more attention to the real issues and ask the counterfactual question: How did the BJP scrape through in an election that it was going to lose badly?

A precedence from the past

A comparison with the election of 2004 is very instructive here. Recall that it was the conclusion of a ‘successful’ five-year term of the NDA government led by the charismatic Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Riding on the slogan of ‘India Shining’, he was ‘widely expected’ to come back to power in 2009. All the pre-election polls and indeed the exit polls forecast a clear majority for the ruling coalition. Yet, the results belied all expectations and left everyone bewildered. Just as it did this month.

Fortunately, we have a post-poll survey conducted by Lokniti-CSDS in 2004 that asked the same questions that have been asked by the Lokniti survey after this election, whose findings have been made public.

Modi’s popularity ratings in 2024 are not very different from those of Vajpayee in 2004. When people were asked to name their choice for the PM, 38 per cent named Vajpayee, as compared to 41 per cent for Modi this year. In 2004, the nearest rival was Sonia Gandhi at 26 per cent. This year it was Rahul Gandhi at 27 per cent. Peoples’ satisfaction with the Vajpayee government was a shade higher than that with the Modi government: net satisfaction (satisfied minus dissatisfied) was 29 per cent in 2004 compared to 23 per cent in 2024. The critical question about whether the incumbent government should be given another chance elicited similar responses: Vajpayee was favored 48 to 30 percent, similar to Modi’s 46 to 39.


  The striking similarities between what happened in 2004 and 2024



People’s choice for the next PM




Sonia/ Rahul Gandhi



Satisfied with Central Govt?







Another chance for incumbent Govt?







Poll projections

Average for NDA in pre polls



Average for NDA in exit polls



Actual seats for NDA (BJP)



Source for 2004 and 2024 survey data: Lokniti-CSDS National Election Study 2004 and 2024; Average for NDA in pre polls and exit polls are authors’ calculations.

 Yet, Vajpayee lost the 2004 election badly. Exit polls had predicted anything between 230 and 275 seats for the NDA. The alliance ended up with 181. The BJP was unseated and the UPA government was formed.

Why did that not happen in 2024? One good answer could be that the NDA’s starting point in 2024 was much higher than it was in 2004. Back then, the NDA was a fledgling coalition of 23 parties held together by Vajpayee whose BJP had won only 182 seats in the 1999 elections. An electoral setback pushed the BJP down by 44 seats. This is not very different from what happened to Modi’s BJP, down from 303 to 240.

A counterfactual scenario

At the same time, the question remains: Could the outcome have been substantially different? Could the BJP have been ousted from power in 2024? Once we stop focusing on the wrong question and look at the election outcome with new spectacles, we can see that Modi saved his government by the skin of his teeth.

The scenarios presented in Table 2 and Table 3 present us with various possibilities. Let’s take the final outcome of this election as the starting point. If there was an additional 1 percentage point swing against the NDA (loss to NDA and proportionate gains to its principal opponent), it would have lost 18 seats. A national-wide swing of 1.5 pp would have brought the NDA tally down to 261, well below the majority mark. It would have also brought the ruling coalition slightly below its principal rival: 261 for NDA and 263 for INDIA. Another half a percent would have taken it down further to 246 and INDIA above the majority mark at 275.

 Just 1.5 percentage point Uniform National Swing would have unseated the BJP


Scenario/ Seats








Actual outcome








If 1% swing against NDA








If 1.5% swing against NDA








If 2% swing against NDA








  Table 3 shows a more realistic scenario. Instead of assuming a uniform swing across all the states, it presents the likely outcome if a national-wide swing was distributed unevenly across different states, concentrated more in Hindi heartland states where there was a momentum against the BJP that could be pushed further. If we assume an additional swing of 2 percentage point each in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Haryana, the NDA would be down to just 260 seats, well below the majority mark. In that scenario, the BJP would be at 214, too far away from staking a claim to form the government. All these would add up to just one percentage point national swing against the BJP.

 Just 2 percentage point swing focused in select states, amounting to just over 1 pp (-1.1pp) national swing would have unseated BJP


State Name Change in NDA seats Change in BJP seats






West Bengal












All India total



 Remember this: Modi’s BJP was about 1 percentage point away from a comprehensive defeat that would have forced it to sit in the opposition.

Now the question for us and future historians to ponder is: what could have made a difference of 1 percentage point national vote? What may have helped the BJP avert this disaster? Did the BJP leaders know something that all of us did not know, or were prevented from knowing?

One obvious answer is alliances. It is now evident why the BJP had struck a strange alliance with Nitish Kumar (JDU) and Jayant Chaudhary (RLD), why it did a U-turn to join hands with Chandrababu Naidu (TDP) and why it pursued every ally in Bihar and Maharashtra. The allies not only shored up the numbers for the NDA, they also helped the BJP pick at least 10 additional seats in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh. In retrospect, we can also see the cost of TMC-Congress rift in West Bengal (3 seats) and the damage done by the VBA of Prakash Ambedkar (4) and AIMIM of Asaduddin Owaisi (1).

Consider another answer. Just imagine that the mainstream media had covered this election a shade less unfairly than it did. Lokniti-CSDS post-poll survey tells us that 83 percent of the voters had a TV at home, 66 percent watched news channels every day or sometimes (compared to 47 percent who received information from social media), all but a fraction named one or the other Godi media channel as the source of their information on elections. Just imagine what would have happened if TV news had presented a balanced picture of the performance of the Modi government? Let alone speak truth to power, if only they had not run blatant propaganda for the ruling party and the cringe-worthy interviews of the Supreme Leader? Imagine if they had simply reported that the 2024 election was not a one-way race, that it might be a close contest?

Remember, if just 1 out of the 66 people watching the sarkari propaganda had changed their mind, the Supreme Leader would have been the Leader of Opposition today.

4,300 Indian Millionaires to Migrate in 2024, Favoring UAE Amid Global Wealth Mobility Trends

Around 4,300 millionaires are projected to migrate from India this year, with many choosing the UAE as their new home, according to a report by Henley and Partners, a global investment migration advisory firm. Despite India’s status as the world’s fastest-growing economy, it is expected to rank third in millionaire migrations, following China and the United Kingdom. This migration trend occurs as India, now the most populous country globally, experiences a net millionaire exodus that is less than 30 percent of China’s. “While India loses thousands of millionaires each year, with many migrating to the UAE, concerns over the outflows may well be mitigated as with wealth growth of 85 percent over the past decade, the country continues to produce far more new high-net-worth individuals than it loses to emigration,” the report stated. In the previous year, 5,100 Indian millionaires migrated abroad, according to the report.

The migration of millionaires significantly impacts a country’s foreign exchange reserves since these individuals often transfer substantial assets when they relocate. The primary motivations for millionaire migration include tax benefits, safety and financial considerations, retirement prospects, business opportunities, and an enhanced lifestyle. Despite the decline from the 5,100 departures in 2023, India remains among the countries with the highest number of HNWIs leaving the country. Henley & Partners defines millionaires and HNWIs as those with liquid wealth of at least US$1 million. Meanwhile, the UAE is expected to attract an unprecedented 6,700 millionaires by the end of 2024, thanks to its world-class infrastructure, strategic location, advantageous tax regulations, and other appealing factors. To further attract talented individuals, the UAE offers a golden visa, granting permanent residency to entrepreneurs, foreign investors, and talented individuals making substantial investments. This visa program has become particularly popular among Indians.

Besides the UAE, Indians are increasingly seeking citizenship and residency through investment schemes in countries such as Portugal, Greece, Spain, Malta, and the Caribbean nations of Antigua and Barbuda, and Grenada. The reasons for these relocations vary. Some wealthy families move due to security concerns, while others seek tax advantages and better budgetary conditions. Many also migrate in search of improved retirement options, business opportunities, appealing lifestyles, healthcare systems, education for their children, and an overall higher standard of living.

This trend of millionaire migration is notable as it reflects the broader socio-economic dynamics at play within India. The country’s rapid economic growth has led to the creation of significant wealth, but it has also highlighted disparities and concerns that drive individuals to seek opportunities abroad. The report emphasizes that while the loss of millionaires could be seen as a negative indicator, India’s ability to generate new high-net-worth individuals at a faster rate suggests a resilient economic environment.

The migration of millionaires has various implications for India. On the one hand, it represents a loss of potential investment and economic activity that these individuals might have contributed domestically. On the other hand, the continuous creation of new millionaires indicates a robust economic framework capable of producing and sustaining wealth. As the world’s fastest-growing economy, India faces the dual challenge of retaining its wealthy citizens while continuing to foster an environment conducive to wealth creation.

In terms of foreign exchange reserves, the departure of millionaires can lead to a significant outflow of capital. These individuals often move substantial portions of their wealth to their new countries of residence, impacting the host nation’s financial landscape. The motivations behind these migrations are diverse, encompassing financial, personal, and lifestyle considerations. For many, the allure of lower taxes, safer environments, better retirement options, and enhanced business opportunities outweigh the benefits of staying in India.

The UAE stands out as a particularly attractive destination for migrating millionaires. Its strategic location, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and favorable tax policies make it a prime choice for those seeking a new home. The introduction of the golden visa program has further boosted its appeal, offering a streamlined path to permanent residency for investors, entrepreneurs, and talented individuals. This program’s popularity among Indians highlights the UAE’s success in positioning itself as a hub for global wealth.

In addition to the UAE, European countries like Portugal, Greece, Spain, and Malta have become popular choices for Indian millionaires. These countries offer various investment schemes that grant residency or citizenship in exchange for significant financial investments. The Caribbean nations of Antigua and Barbuda and Grenada are also emerging as attractive destinations, offering similar investment-based residency programs. The factors driving these migrations range from seeking better security and financial conditions to desiring a higher quality of life and improved healthcare and education systems for their families.

The report from Henley and Partners sheds light on the complex interplay of factors influencing millionaire migration. It underscores the importance of understanding these trends within the broader context of global economic and social shifts. While the departure of wealthy individuals presents challenges, it also highlights the dynamic nature of wealth creation and distribution in today’s world. India’s experience, as detailed in the report, illustrates the ongoing evolution of the global economic landscape and the factors driving individual decisions to seek opportunities beyond their home country.

Ultimately, the migration of Indian millionaires is a multifaceted phenomenon with implications for both India and the destination countries. It reflects broader trends in global wealth mobility and the factors influencing individuals’ decisions to relocate. As India continues to grow and evolve economically, understanding and addressing the motivations behind millionaire migration will be crucial in shaping its future trajectory on the global stage. The insights provided by Henley and Partners’ report offer valuable perspectives on these dynamics, highlighting the need for a nuanced approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by this trend.

India’s Unfinished Journey: A Post-Colonial Quest for Major Power Status from Nehru to Modi

A Post-Colonial Quest

The pursuit of recognition is an intrinsic human trait, and this collective yearning is mirrored in a state’s quest for major-power status. In “The Unfinished Quest: India’s Search for Major Power Status from Nehru to Modi” (“The Quest”) by T.V. Paul, a professor of International Relations at McGill University, the journey of post-colonial India towards global recognition as a major power is thoroughly examined.

Throughout history, states have sought status recognition, traditionally tied to military might. T.V. Paul notes, “Victory in great power wars was the most prominent mechanism through which a state gained or lost status that had already been conferred on it.” This understanding of power was dominant during times when European nations, believing their languages and knowledge systems superior, pursued widespread colonization in Asia and Africa.


Colonization entailed not just political domination but also religious and racial superiority. Paul emphasizes, “Closeness to the Christian religious establishments was the key element in nineteenth-century Europe, based on the ideas of ‘standards of civilization.’” The colonizers’ zeal to establish Christian supremacy in their colonies was a byproduct of their power dynamics.

Following World War II and especially after the USSR’s collapse in 1991, the criteria for power and status recognition expanded beyond military prowess to include economic strength, knowledge, and skills.

“The Quest” is a thorough exploration of India’s ongoing journey to significant global status. The book provides a detailed analysis of India’s political, economic, and strategic ambitions since its 1947 independence. Paul asserts, “No leader since the Nehru era has fundamentally reduced India’s hard-power asset acquisition.”

Hard Power Resources

Paul identifies ten critical components in a nation’s quest for major power status, termed “comprehensive national power capability.” These include four ‘hard-power resources’—military, economy, technology/knowledge, and demographics—and six ‘soft-power resources’—normative position, leadership in international institutions, culture, state capacity, strategy and diplomacy, and effective national leadership. He traces India’s trajectory from the early days under Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to current leader Narendra Modi, weaving in internal political dynamics, economic growth, and strategic decisions.

When Nobel laureate V.S. Naipaul visited India in 1988 for his book “India: A Million Mutinies Now,” he encountered an India overshadowed by “pietistic Gandhian gloom.” Naipaul noted, “The talk among the talkers in the towns was of degeneracy, a falling away from the standards of earlier times.” This pervasive gloom reflected nearly four decades of unsuccessful Nehruvian socialism.

A Wounded Nation Rises

Centuries of Islamic and British colonization had transformed a historically prosperous and entrepreneurial society into one that was defeated and despondent. Today, however, optimism is sweeping across India. In a post-COVID world marked by inflation, rising food and energy prices, and prolonged conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, Indians are hopeful and eager to restore India’s pre-colonial economic and civilizational prominence.

Economic liberalization in the 1990s, initiated by Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao, opened up India’s foreign investment markets. Although there were initial successes, economic progress faced hurdles. India’s international status has significantly advanced with nuclear tests in 1974 and 1998 and recent Moon and Mars missions.

An Outsider’s Perspective

Despite these achievements, Paul concludes that India’s major power status remains elusive, with an uncertain future. “The Quest” stands out as an academic work but is presented from an outsider’s perspective. During colonial times, non-native Western scholars began to control the intellectual discourse about India. This tradition continues, as illustrated by the critiques from homegrown Marxist/Leftist scholars detailed in Arun Shourie’s book “Eminent Historians: Their Technology, Their Line, Their Fraud.”

Paul mentions “caste” and “Hindutva” in “The Quest” but does not provide a framework for assessing India’s status quest on these parameters. Historically, “jati” (caste) has been part of Indian society, which has remained prosperous and knowledge-producing. The term ‘Hindutva’ is often used to demonize India’s assertive Hindu majority, as Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee argue, “raises the spectre of Hindutva to scare off critics.”

India’s Statecraft

Paul critiques the “religious-nationalist coloration” in naming India’s weapons systems with “Sanskrit/Hindu mythological terms,” while overlooking ‘panchsheela,’ misspelled as ‘panschila’ in his book. He also refers to India’s “founding fathers,” although India is a civilizational nation not founded by a group of men in 1947.

Notably, Paul’s work omits significant concepts like Dharma and Kautilya. Dharma, the core Hindu philosophy of righteous deeds, underpins Hindu cosmology. Kautilya, a 4th-century BCE Indian scholar, is known for the Arthashastra, a foundational text on statecraft. Arshid Iqbal Dar states, “Kautilya’s realism is there in the DNA of India’s strategic culture and has been the default strategy for South Asia.” Yet, “The Quest” lacks references to these critical elements.

Overall, “The Quest” is an excellent academic examination of India’s journey, though it is presented through a 19th/20th-century colonial-Western narrative that overlooks native perspectives.

Apple’s iPhone Sales Soar to $1.95 Trillion Despite Q1 Decline

Despite a slight decline in the first quarter of 2024, Apple’s lifetime iPhone sales have reached staggering heights, with total revenues surpassing $1.95 trillion, according to a new report released on Wednesday.

In Q1 2024, Apple shipped 50.1 million iPhones, a decrease of five million units compared to the same period last year. Consequently, iPhone sales revenue dropped by nearly 10%, amounting to $45.9 billion, as per data from

Five years after the launch of the first iPhone, Apple had generated $78.7 billion in iPhone sales. By fiscal year (FY) 2014, this figure had surged to $101.9 billion, continuing to climb steadily based on Statista and official company reports.

Over the course of two years, Apple accrued more than $405 billion from iPhone sales. Although revenue figures dipped slightly in Q2 FY 2024, iPhone sales have remained robust.

In H1 FY 2024 alone, Apple earned $115.6 billion from iPhone sales, pushing its cumulative revenue from iPhone sales to an impressive $1.95 trillion.

The report also highlighted that over 2.65 billion iPhones have been shipped since their initial launch in 2007. In 2014, Apple shipped 192.7 million iPhones. A decade later, this number had risen to 231.8 million.

IRS Announces Permanent Expansion of Free Online Tax Filing Program

The IRS’s trial of a free online tax filing program this year is set to become a permanent fixture, with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen revealing plans for its expansion. Dubbed “Direct File,” this digital platform will undergo integration with state tax systems and a broadening of its capabilities beyond its current limited deductions processing, as announced by Yellen and IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel.

“We’re making Direct File — the new product we piloted this year — permanent,” affirmed Yellen, citing the increased IRS funding from the Inflation Reduction Act as a contributing factor.

Werfel indicated that while the scale of the expansion remains undecided, it will progressively accommodate a broader range of tax scenarios over the forthcoming years, with a particular focus on those pertinent to “working families.”

Presently, the system can only handle income received in the form of W2 wages, the predominant payment method for most U.S. workers, alongside a select few credits such as the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. Werfel highlighted various tax scenarios where there was a notable demand for inclusion in Direct File, including health care and retirement tax credits.

“The premium tax credit — under the Affordable Care Act, those that get their health insurance in the affordable care act marketplace and therefore receive a premium tax credit. That was something that was not in our eligibility scope this year,” explained Werfel, adding, “There were other refundable tax credits that were out of scope. There was certain retirement income that was out of scope.”

Senator Ron Wyden, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, lauded the development as “tremendous news for taxpayers all over the country who are tired of getting ripped off by the big tax prep companies that routinely upcharge for unnecessary services, oversell the quality of their products and offer crummy customer service.” Wyden commended Werfel and Secretary Yellen for their approach, noting the careful testing and development of the service before its expansion.

In contrast, Republicans and the private tax preparation software industry have criticized the initiative. House Republicans moved to defund Direct File shortly after assuming control of the lower chamber in 2023. Senate Finance Committee ranking member Mike Crapo expressed concerns about the IRS’s legal authority to implement such a program without congressional authorization in a statement last year.

Thursday’s announcement did not delve into additional types of income that could become eligible for Direct File, such as investment returns, rental property income, or independent contractor income filed on 1099-Ks.

The process of expanding Direct File will commence with the identification of additional states to be included beyond the initial 12 where it was accessible this year.

“It really depends on state readiness,” noted Werfel. “There will be no limit to the number of states that can participate in the coming year.”

The projected cost of the program for the next year could reach up to $75 million, as outlined in the IRS’s strategic operating plan annual supplement, a figure that Werfel assured would not be “significantly or materially exceed.”

12-Year-Old Bruhat Soma Triumphs in Thrilling Spell-Off to Win 96th Scripps National Spelling Bee

Bruhat Soma, a 12-year-old from Tampa, Florida, emerged victorious at the 96th Scripps National Spelling Bee held on May 30th. His impressive performance in a spell-off saw him correctly spell 29 challenging words in just 90 seconds. This rapid-fire round featured some of the most obscure and difficult words in the English language.

This year’s competition, which saw its 96th edition, concluded with a spell-off, a fast-paced elimination method that was introduced in 2021 and has only been used once before. Bruhat qualified for this decisive round by correctly spelling “Hoofddorp,” a town near Amsterdam, positioning himself against Faizan Zaki, another 12-year-old from Allen, Texas. Faizan secured his spot by flawlessly spelling “nicuri,” a term derived from a Brazilian palm, without seeking any clarification on its origin or meaning.

In the spell-off, Bruhat swiftly navigated through a series of words, managing to spell 29 accurately before the 90-second timer expired. Faizan, competing from the same list, correctly spelled 20 words in the allotted time. This remarkable performance secured Bruhat the esteemed trophy and a $50,000 prize. A recorded segment earlier in the televised event showcased Bruhat, a basketball enthusiast, shooting hoops.

The eight finalists, including Bruhat and Faizan, had advanced from regional competitions that filtered down to 245 local champions aged 8 to 15. These finalists competed over three days at a convention center near Washington, D.C. Among them, some were stumped by particularly tricky words such as “Lillooet” (a people from modern British Columbia), “kanin” (boiled rice in the Philippines), and “murrina” (a horse disease).

Throughout the competition, young participants demonstrated exceptional skill and composure as they tackled some of the English language’s most difficult and rarely used words. Their ability to spell with such accuracy and confidence left spectators in awe.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee, sponsored by the Scripps media group since 1925, has been held annually except for a hiatus during World War II and a pause in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The majority of participants hail from the United States, representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Additionally, this year’s competition featured contenders from Canada, the Bahamas, Germany, and Ghana.

The history and prestige of the Scripps National Spelling Bee make it a significant event in the academic lives of young spellers. The competition not only tests their spelling prowess but also their ability to remain composed under pressure. Each year, the bee highlights the dedication and hard work of these young scholars, who often spend countless hours preparing for this momentous event.

The introduction of the spell-off in 2021 added a new level of excitement and urgency to the competition. This rapid-elimination format tests contestants’ quick thinking and spelling accuracy under extreme time constraints, making for a thrilling conclusion to the bee. Bruhat’s success in this format is a testament to his exceptional preparation and mental agility.

Bruhat’s journey to victory is an inspiring story of perseverance and passion. His ability to spell 29 words correctly in just 90 seconds is a remarkable achievement that showcases his dedication and love for language. This win not only brings him a substantial monetary prize but also the honor of being recognized as one of the top young spellers in the nation.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee continues to be a celebration of linguistic talent and intellectual prowess. It brings together young minds from diverse backgrounds, united by their love of words and their commitment to academic excellence. As the competition grows in scope and popularity, it continues to inspire new generations of spellers to pursue their passion for language and learning.

The 96th Scripps National Spelling Bee was marked by the impressive performances of its young finalists, particularly Bruhat Soma, whose skill and speed in the spell-off secured him the championship. The event remains a cornerstone of academic competition, highlighting the extraordinary talents of young spellers from across the globe. Bruhat’s victory serves as a reminder of the importance of dedication, hard work, and the joy of learning.

Christian Exodus from Nazareth as Mafia Crime Wave and Rising Islamic Influence Threaten Community

Nazareth, Israel’s largest Arab city and known as the childhood home of Jesus, is grappling with a severe crisis as its historic Christian population contends with a rampant mafia crime wave spreading through northern Israel and the rise of Islam.

A recent report by The Telegraph reveals that Christian business owners are being extorted by primarily Muslim mafia gangs, who demand hefty protection fees of about $13,500 per month.

Despite the efforts of Israel’s Shin Bet security agency and increased police presence, the situation continues to deteriorate, prompting many Christians to flee the city.

Peter Roshrash, an experienced police inspector, likened the situation to the Wild West. “In Nazareth, the mafia will shoot at the stores, then tell them they need ‘chawa’ [protection money]. It’s like the Wild West,” he stated.

Roshrash also accused the mafia of hiding weapons in Christians’ homes, threatening the occupants with death if they reported to the authorities.

The impact on Nazareth’s Christian community, which once formed the majority, has been significant. When Israel gained independence in 1948, Christians made up about 80% of Nazareth’s population; today, they represent only 20%. Many have emigrated to Western countries, while others have moved to predominantly Jewish areas to escape the violence.

Once lively Easter and Christmas celebrations have diminished, and Christian-owned businesses are vanishing, replaced by Muslim-owned ones.

The surge in mafia violence has become a national issue. Despite assurances from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the mafia’s influence continues to grow.

According to the Abraham Initiatives, a nonprofit advocating for Jewish-Arab equality, Nazareth was among the deadliest cities last year due to criminal violence. “Nazareth became a focal point for crime in 2023,” the group reported.

Municipal officials have tried to downplay the religious angle of the mafia’s activities, insisting the targeting is indiscriminate, affecting both Muslims and Christians. “If there is a mafia, it’s against Muslims and Christians alike. You think the rich Muslims aren’t also a target for the mafia? To the mafia, there is no religion,” said Municipality Spokesman Salem Sharara.

However, there is a long history of Christian mistreatment by Muslims in the Holy Land. In the late 1990s, Muslims attempted to build a mosque on the property of the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. Although the attempt was unsuccessful, many Arab political groups in Israel and the Palestinian Territories have increasingly adopted Islamic characteristics as their former socialist stances have lost popularity.

This pressure on Christians can be observed in the Palestinian Territories and throughout the Middle East.

The Arab population in Israel, including Nazareth, has increasingly called for more government intervention to combat rising crime rates. Initially, the outbreak of the Gaza War led to a decrease in violent crime and deaths in the Arab sector, but recent increases in criminal attacks suggest a return to the high levels of violence seen in 2023.

Many Christians in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, often wealthier than their Muslim counterparts, have the means to relocate, leading to an exodus from cities like Nazareth and Bethlehem, which are central to Christian history and heritage.

Trump’s Conviction: A Game-Changer or Temporary Setback for the 2024 Election?

Scandals have surrounded former President Donald Trump since his initial presidential campaign in 2016. However, following his conviction in his New York hush-money case, he is now officially labeled as a convicted felon, adding a new dimension to his controversial legacy. This development begs the question: could this conviction significantly alter the trajectory of the 2024 election?

Initial indicators suggest that Trump’s conviction could indeed erode his support base. A poll conducted by CNN/SSRS in April revealed that while 76 percent of Trump supporters vowed unwavering allegiance, 24 percent admitted they might reconsider their support if he were convicted. Similarly, a May survey by Emerson College found that 25 percent of voters claimed a guilty verdict in New York would diminish their likelihood of voting for Trump.

Some pollsters adopted a two-pronged approach, asking respondents their voting preferences both with and without considering Trump’s conviction. On average, Trump’s standing shifted from a 1 percentage point lead to a 6-point deficit when the conviction was factored in.

However, Democrats should temper their enthusiasm, considering the nuances within these statistics. The wording of the CNN/SSRS poll, for instance, reveals that while 24 percent of Trump supporters might reconsider their vote, this doesn’t necessarily translate to definitive abandonment. Many may simply experience a crisis of confidence without outright switching allegiance to President Joe Biden.

A poll by ABC News/Ipsos echoed this sentiment. While 16 percent of respondents claimed they would reconsider their support for Trump following a conviction, only 4 percent stated they would completely withdraw it. Moreover, caution is warranted in interpreting polls like Emerson’s, which gauge whether events influence voting behavior. Often, respondents use such questions as proxies for their approval or disapproval rather than literal indicators of future action.

Interestingly, a significant portion of those claiming a conviction would sway their vote towards Biden had already expressed support for him in previous questions. Conversely, only a small fraction of Trump supporters indicated that a guilty verdict would deter them from voting for him, suggesting a lesser impact on his actual support than initially presumed.

Additional polls reinforce the notion that Trump’s conviction may not trigger mass defections to Biden. Instead, the majority of lost support for Trump translates into undecided or hypothetical “someone else” categories. While Trump’s support decreases by an average of 6 points post-conviction, Biden only gains 1 point, with 5 points going to undecided or alternative options.

This dynamic suggests that while some Trump supporters may hesitate to endorse him following the conviction, they are unlikely to pivot towards Biden. Consequently, the dip in Trump’s support may be transient. Past behavior serves as a predictor, indicating that many defectors could eventually realign with Trump, especially given the substantial time remaining until Election Day. Trump’s ability to craft a narrative that assuages concerns about supporting a convicted felon could further facilitate this return to the fold.

The parallels with past events, such as the fallout from the “Access Hollywood” tape during the 2016 campaign, underscore the potential for Trump’s support to rebound swiftly. Despite initial discomfort among Republicans, Trump’s popularity recovered within weeks of the tape’s release.

Nevertheless, even if most defectors ultimately return to Trump’s camp, the conviction’s impact on the race should not be dismissed entirely. Biden’s marginal 1-point gain could prove decisive in a closely contested election, though it’s crucial not to exaggerate the conviction’s influence. Ultimately, if the outcome of the hush-money trial shapes the presidential race, it will likely be within the margins of a closely contested contest.

US Stock Markets Grapple with Sharp Declines Amid Economic Concerns and Disappointing Earnings

US stock markets encountered a challenging week with the Dow witnessing a decline of approximately 1,000 points in the past three days alone, and this negative trend persisted on Thursday.

The Dow concluded 331 points lower, marking a decrease of 0.9%. Similarly, the S&P 500 experienced a decline of 0.6%, while the Nasdaq Composite dropped by 1.1%. The disappointing earnings report from Salesforce (CRM) contributed to investor concerns.

Salesforce, a prominent player in customer relationship management, suffered a substantial drop of 19.7% following its announcement of a revenue shortfall and a downward adjustment of expectations for the forthcoming year, marking its worst performance in two decades.

The market woes extended from Wednesday when all 11 sectors of the S&P 500 closed in the red. The Dow experienced a significant dip of over 300 points, primarily driven by a decline in shares of Nvidia (NVDA), a leading chipmaking company, which subsequently dragged down other major tech stocks.

The recent downturn can be attributed to various factors, including disappointing earnings reports and unexpectedly strong economic data. Bonds witnessed a notable decrease in value amidst mounting concerns about inflation, exacerbated by a lackluster Treasury auction on Wednesday. The 10-year Treasury yield surged to its highest level since late April.

Investor anxiety was further fueled by robust economic indicators, raising fears that a stronger economy might prompt the Federal Reserve to maintain higher interest rates for a prolonged period to counter inflationary pressures.

Despite the S&P 500 registering gains in 23 out of the last 30 weeks, matching a record set in 1989, it appears to be heading towards a negative performance for the current week.

Deutsche Bank analysts observed, “There had already been a relentless run of gains in recent weeks that was always going to be tough to maintain. It’s clear that the momentum is now more negative.”

New economic figures released on Thursday indicated a downward revision of US gross domestic product for the first quarter, from 1.6% to 1.3%, coupled with a slowdown in personal consumption. This suggests a moderation in economic expansion, a development viewed with mixed sentiments by analysts.

Chris Zaccarelli, Chief Investment Officer at Independent Advisor Alliance, remarked, “The data could be a concern for companies and stock market investors, but on the other hand, slowing consumption and economic growth could be just the news we need to see in order for the rate of inflation to keep coming down and allow the Fed to reduce interest rates after all.”

All eyes are now on the impending release of the Personal Consumption Expenditures index for April on Friday, which serves as the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation.

NASA’s Lunar Timekeeping Initiative: Charting a New Temporal Frontier

The intricacies of timekeeping have always fascinated humanity, from the simple tick of a sundial to the precision of atomic clocks. But as our ambitions extend beyond Earth’s boundaries, so too do the challenges of measuring time accurately.

In recent years, a new space race has emerged, with the United States, its allies, and China vying to establish permanent settlements on the moon. This renewed interest in lunar exploration has once again brought to light the complexities of timekeeping in space.

On the moon, a single Earth day is approximately 56 microseconds shorter than on our home planet, a minute difference that can have significant implications over time. To address this challenge, NASA and its international partners are working to develop a new “time scale” tailored specifically for lunar conditions.

Rather than simply creating a new time zone for the moon, as some headlines have suggested, NASA aims to establish a comprehensive system of measurement that accounts for the subtle variations in timekeeping between Earth and its celestial neighbor. This initiative has been underscored by a recent memo from the White House, which directed NASA to outline its plans for the new time scale by the end of the year 2026.

For astronauts exploring the lunar surface, accurate timekeeping is essential for navigation, communication, and scientific research. As Cheryl Gramling, from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, explains, “When they’re navigating relative to the moon, time needs to be relative to the moon.”

The foundation of modern timekeeping on Earth lies in our understanding of relativity, as articulated by Albert Einstein. General relativity posits that gravity warps both space and time, resulting in phenomena such as time dilation. This principle explains why time passes slightly more slowly at lower elevations, closer to massive objects like Earth.

To maintain precise timekeeping on our planet, scientists have deployed atomic clocks at various locations worldwide. These clocks, which rely on the vibrations of atoms, provide a standardized measure of time known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). However, even UTC occasionally requires adjustments, such as the addition of “leap seconds,” to account for fluctuations in Earth’s rotation speed.

Beyond Earth’s bounds, the complexities of timekeeping become even more pronounced. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, time passes slower for objects in motion, a phenomenon observed by astronauts aboard the International Space Station. Despite orbiting at high speeds, these astronauts can synchronize their activities with Earth time, thanks to onboard clocks and ground-based communication systems.

However, for missions farther into space, such as those exploring the outer reaches of the solar system, maintaining accurate time becomes more challenging. Spacecraft must rely on their internal clocks while also coordinating with Earth-based timekeeping systems for navigation and communication.

As preparations intensify for lunar exploration, scientists are faced with the task of establishing precision timekeeping instruments on the moon itself. The logistics of this endeavor, including funding, clock selection, and placement, are still being determined. Atomic clocks are favored for their long-term stability, while crystal oscillators offer short-term reliability at a lower cost.

The development of a lunar time scale, known as LunaNet, will serve as the backbone for future lunar missions. This framework, akin to the internet, will standardize timekeeping across various lunar activities and international space agencies.

While discussions with US partners have been promising, the involvement of other nations, such as China, remains uncertain. International collaboration will be essential in establishing common standards for lunar timekeeping through organizations like the International Astronomical Union.

Beyond the technical challenges of timekeeping, future lunar inhabitants will grapple with the unique rhythms of life on the moon. With its prolonged periods of sunlight and darkness, the lunar surface presents a stark contrast to Earth’s diurnal cycle. Despite these differences, precise timekeeping will be crucial for coordinating missions and ensuring the success of lunar exploration endeavors.

By mastering timekeeping on the moon, scientists hope to pave the way for future missions to Mars and beyond. As Cheryl Gramling emphasizes, “We are very much looking at executing this on the moon, learning what we can learn, so that we are prepared to do the same thing on Mars or other future bodies.”

Long Island Ramps Up Security for India-Pakistan Cricket World Cup Match Following ISIS Threat

**Police Heighten Security for Cricket World Cup Match on Long Island Following ISIS Threat**

Authorities are significantly increasing security measures on Long Island in response to a threat from ISIS targeting the upcoming cricket World Cup match between India and Pakistan at East Meadow’s Eisenhower Stadium. This decision was announced on Wednesday by local officials, who emphasized that while there is no “specific threat” of an attack during the June 9 match, they are not willing to take any risks with the international event approaching.

Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder assured the public, “This will be the tightest security that Nassau County has ever seen. Every single asset in the police department is involved, including our intelligence.” The police force has coordinated with several agencies to ensure comprehensive security coverage. “We have partnered with the NYPD, the MTA, the New York State Police, Suffolk County, FBI, and DHS. Customs have all provided briefings,” Ryder added, affirming that all intelligence reports are credible.

The decision to bolster security follows a menacing online post by the Islamic State on The post, dated May 28, featured a hooded individual with a rifle, accompanied by the message, “You wait for the matches… and we wait for you,” with “Nassau Stadium” and the date June 9 prominently displayed at the top.

To enhance safety, county officials have announced several measures. A contingent of 100 police officers will be assigned to patrol neighboring areas, and the stadium will have metal detectors at every entrance. Additionally, a no-fly zone will be enforced overhead, and there will be strict regulations on items spectators can bring into the venue. Ryder emphasized that lingering outside the stadium will be prohibited, and drones are strictly banned.

“This is like the Super Bowl on steroids,” Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman declared during Wednesday’s press conference. He expressed full confidence in the safety measures, stating, “If I wasn’t confident that we were safe, secure, and that our healthcare measures were not in place, I would not do this.”

Governor Kathy Hochul also commented on the preparations, noting that officials in Albany have been coordinating with federal agencies for months to ensure the cricket matches are well-protected against potential terrorist activities. “While there is no credible public safety threat at this time, we continue to monitor the situation closely,” she said. “I have also directed the New York State Police to engage in elevated security measures, including an increased law enforcement presence, advance surveillance, and thorough screening processes.”

The International Cricket Council has announced that the 11-week World Cup competition will be hosted at various international venues, including eight matches scheduled to take place at the 34,000-seat Long Island stadium.

Anasuya Sengupta Makes History as First Indian Actress to Win Best Actress at Cannes Film Festival, Signaling India’s Rising Influence on Global Cinema Stage

In a groundbreaking and historic occurrence, Anasuya Sengupta has made history by becoming the inaugural Indian actress to clinch the esteemed Best Actress accolade at the Cannes Film Festival.

The extraordinary feat was attributed to her exceptional portrayal in ‘The Shameless,’ a compelling cinematic piece vying for recognition in the Un Certain Regard segment of the 77th iteration of the festival.

Upon accepting the award, Anasuya fervently dedicated her triumph to various marginalized communities worldwide, especially the queer community, expressing, “This is for the queer community everywhere, and all other marginalized communities all over the world, for bravely fighting a fight they shouldn’t have to fight.” She further emphasized the significance of embracing the female perspective in cinema, stating, “More female gaze is the way forward, and the browner the better.”

The 77th Cannes Film Festival stood as a momentous occasion for India, with Anasuya’s historic win setting the stage. Additionally, the festival commemorated nearly 48 years since the release of Shyam Benegal’s iconic ‘Manthan’ through a special screening.

Moreover, Indian luminaries and influencers captivated audiences on the prestigious red carpet, underscoring India’s escalating impact on the global cinematic landscape. This year, Indian cinema seized numerous nominations across diverse categories, highlighting its burgeoning prominence.

Hailing from Kolkata, Anasuya Sengupta delivered a stellar portrayal as Renuka in ‘The Shameless,’ helmed by Bulgarian director Konstantin Bojanov. The film delves into Renuka’s daunting yet empowering odyssey as she escapes a brothel in Delhi following the demise of a police officer. It also delves into her intricate romance with her love interest, depicted by Omara Shetty.

Further elevating India’s triumph at Cannes 2024, two Indian films clinched top accolades in the La Cinef Selection. ‘Sunflowers Were the First Ones to Know,’ a Kannada short film directed by Chidananda Naik, a student from the Film and Television Institute of India, secured the first position. Meanwhile, ‘Bunnyhood,’ directed by Mansi Maheshwari from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, and currently pursuing studies in the UK, secured the third position.

As the curtains closed on the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 25, it etched a significant milestone for Indian cinema on the global arena, showcasing its prowess and potential to captivate audiences worldwide.

(15): 17th, May, 2024 set in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France

« It has come to this time, and you know it. »

« She is still young. She looks this way, and it looks hopeless, but I am not desolate. I know my mother. I know what she is capable of and what she is not. »

« So, will you disagree with what the doctors say and let your mother suffer because you are stubborn? »

« I will do what is best for my mother, and that is all. »

23 March, 2024

His mother made a choking sound. He and his wife were in the dining room picking at the crab with their hands. His mother could not do it herself, and so he took the crab and mashed it into a pulp to feed directly to her. It was common for her to cough while she ate, but this time she made a sound that was stronger than that. It was the sound of someone trying to expel food out of their lungs.

His wife came up from behind and patted her. The choking sounds stopped. He talked with his wife. They wondered if the pieces were too big for her. He tried some of the mush. There were some red wedges that even he could have choked on. He should have been more careful. At his mother’s age, just the simple act of remembering how to swallow was difficult. A lot of people at that age died because their throat muscles gave out.

Father hoped that day would be a good time away from this one. He asked his wife to mash the crab better. Whatever they served for the rest of the meal did not choke his mother. He did see some tears in her eyes, but she teared often. He observed her, tried to talk to her when she seemed in the mood to attempt speech, and when she had finished her meal and her throat was fully settled, he turned on the television, and they watched it together, knowing that he’d have to go to the hospital for work in an hour and be there for the rest of the day.

29 March, 1960

It was a festive night in the town of Mtsamborou. Because of the breaking of the fast and the start of iftaar, everyone was out on the street, getting fried brochette and snacks from the various venders. Boys were out playing ball. The women were in the hovels on each side, sitting on the steps, eating their meals, feeding their children, and partaking in gossip.

The young Abdou Madi was out with his brothers and his mother. His father was on the coast with his friends who were fishermen. It was rare for Abdou to be with his family, but he liked to spend time with them. Abdou was five. He saw the boys playing ball and it filled him with curiosity. He tried to run over to them, but because his sandals were broken, he kept falling over. His brothers laughed at him and called him names rather than help him up. Tired, he decided to go back to his mother.

His mother, who was known in the village as Zakia Madi, was sitting on their stoop. She was by the fire making the pilao that she would serve to him and his brothers and the other men and women of the household.

The pilao had a strong saffron, spicy taste. He would mash the peas with his tongue and swallow the small carrot pieces whole. The chicken pieces sometimes got wedged in between his teeth, and his mother would tell him to keep his mouth shut so as to not show the neighbours how unkempt his mouth was.

But his mother wasn’t that much better when it came to eating. She must have been hungry from the fasting. She took her hand to the plate and stuck as much food as possible into her mouth. Only one in every six hands went to her son.

It never really changed over the years. Whether it was during the breaking of the fast during the holy month or just food that she made regularly in her own home, Zakia Madi was a ravenous eater. She drank little water, but gulped down her food as if it were liquid, and that was probably where Abdou had learned the habit. Years later, Abdou moved to Mamoudzou for work and he learned to eat all sorts of things, from Chinese food commonly sold at nearby restaurants to the French styles of croissants and baked goods that were common in the capital. His mother never had that exposure and stuck to what she ate, but for Abdou, that was a good thing. Abdou became a father, and Abdou became a doctor, and Abdou became a fixture of the capital, but whenever he visited his hometown in the north of the island, it was like time was stuck in place, with his mother always bending over the fire outside of their small little hovel, cloaked in hijab, throwing spices and vegetables bits into the rice she was boiling in her pot.

2 April, 2024

« What is that sound? »

« Do not worry. She makes it when she is eating. »

« It sounds like a crow is dying. »

« Halima, this is the mother of my husband. She is like a grandmother to you. She is our family. Do not say such things. And today is the day of my husband’s birthday. Do you want to come here to tell him your wishes, or are you going to make him sad? »

« I am sorry. »

« Mariame, I am fine. Your niece means well. When people get old, they make different sounds. In time she will come to learn them. Now, Halima, you came here for a reason, I am sure. What is it? »

« Happy birthday, my uncle. »

« Thank you so much, my child. I am happy to see you here. »

« Thank you. Auntie, I have something else to discuss with you. We will go to the other room and speak. »

« Thank you for coming, Halima. »

« Anytime, my uncle. I wish a good day to you. »

« Thank you…now, my mother, do not make such a face. It is my birthday. She means well. She doesn’t know you. You are doing well, my mother. Now, open your mouth. Yes, like that. Good. Will you have some more cake? Eat, if you please. Eat… »

14 May, 2024

It was inevitable that her throat would stop working. She was an old woman, and she had lost most of the mobility in her legs and body. At some point the upper parts were going to go as well. But when Mother called and told Father that his mother, the great dame of the family, Zakia Madi, was blue in the face, and she didn’t know what to do, his first instinct was to think that she was dying.

Father was at work, tending to one of his patients at the main hospital of Mamoudzou. He politely told the nurse who was on staff with him to continue the patient’s check-up, and he rushed to the ER, demanding that they send an ambulance. Father’s house was just on the other side of the hospital. It only took them a few minutes to curve through the snaking small roads of the city centre. Father was happy to see that his mother was alive. She was lying on the floor on her belly, with the caramel colour back to her face. He saw pieces of pilao and chicken on her orange flower dress and her unfastened headscarf on the table, as Mother had probably removed it while trying to get the food out of Koko Madi’s throat.

Koko Madi was too old and frail to be attended to with the Heimlich manoeuvre. The paramedic had to bend her at certain angles to make sure all the food was dislodged. Koko Madi coughed and flailed and ultimately vomited, spilling a yellow gruel of rice and chicken all over the hardwood floor. Koko Madi was put on a stretcher, placed in the ambulance, and sent to the hospital, alongside her son.

The news came after some tests that it was dysphagia. Father knew it had to be something like that, given how often Koko Madi coughed and hacked out whatever they fed her. The doctor who looked over his mother recommended that they insert a tube into her throat so that she could be fed with it. Father thought carefully but ultimately decided against it. His mother loved the taste of pilao too much. She would grow depressed not being able to eat food. Given that she was no longer able to walk or talk, food was the only thing left that she could enjoy, and Father did not want to take that away from her.

Koko Madi left the hospital, and Father told Mother over the phone that she really had to watch her as she was being fed. Mother asked Father what the doctor at the hospital had said, and Father said nothing. He would tell her in some days, when he had the free time to talk properly about his mother’s situation.

15 May, 2024

« Let her eat pilao, please. »

« It is a bad idea. »

« My mother loves pilao. If she were your mother, you would understand. »

« If she were my mother…well, since I take care of her all day long and all week long, it is like she is my mother. That is the truth. It is a bad idea to feed her rice. It will get stuck in her throat. Aren’t you the doctor? Should you not be the one saying this? »

« I suppose… »

« I suppose I have become the doctor of this family now, and the caretaker, and the one you vent all of your frustrations on. And it is unfair since you are not giving any payment. Remember? You are the one who is receiving payment. »

«You are not thinking correctly. I do not want to fight. You are my wife. I love you. But she is not ready… »

« Abdou, my love…the doctor said she needs to have her throat cut open. There needs to be a tube put in. Why did you not tell me? You are also a doctor. You would say something different if she were your patient. I know she is your mother. I know it is hard. But the mother whom you knew is long gone, my love. You have to really think about what is best for her. It has come to this time, and you know it. »

17 May, 2024

Father is not able to come into the room when his mother is having her throat drilled into, but at least he visits after the tube is inserted. He sees the strange little nob at the start of his mother’s chest. He goes immediately to grab her by the hand. She is making an anguished noise. It is like the helpless sound that animals make when they are about to be taken to the slaughterhouse by their owners. Father’s hand tightens around hers, and he feels her hand tighten around his, too, but her sounds do not stop.

The nurse comes to show him how to feed her. Father finds this condescending. He is a doctor. He knows how it is done. Still, at this point, he is the son of a patient, and he does not argue with her. The liquid is poured down the tube, making a strange gurgling sound, like putting oil into a machine.

But unlike a machine, Koko Madi has the most humiliated look in her eyes as she is being fed. She makes a protesting sound, but ultimately quiets when she realises it doesn’t change the outcome.

Father knows that she knows that what she is being subjected to is degrading.

She would have never wanted this. If she were still able to speak, she would have told her son to kill her then and there. Or she would have asked for her death months before, before she progressed to this state. She would have absolutely not wanted to live if she had known that her future would be a mindless body, with none of her organs or muscles working properly.

Though, then again, that is the future for all beings, even Father. What would he choose? Would he want to live on in a state barely considered life, because it was better than being nothing at all, or would he want to have peace, that sense of relief, that knowing of finality, when he could at the very least choose the end?

Father signs some papers to pay for the surgery. He doesn’t let go of his mother’s hand as she sits in her wheelchair. Mother was right when she said it. Father isn’t ready to let go. He wants to be hopeful. He wants to believe that this is the right decision for his mother. He wants to make sure his mother lives and lives and lives, even though his gut instinct tells him that all he has done is prolong the inevitable.

His mother’s hand grows sweaty and she lets it go limp, but he holds on. He tells himself over and over again that he will never let go. This is not one of his patients. This is his mother. His mother never gave up on him no matter what problems he faced. It is his fate, as a son, to do the same, until the end of her life comes.

Overdose Deaths Fall for First Time in Five Years

Newswise — In recent data shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overdose deaths involving opioids fell in 2023; it’s the first decrease the agency has reported in five years. While the decline is encouraging, experts are still concerned as more than 100,000 individuals in the United States died of drug overdose last year. Daniel Lasoff, MD, emergency medicine physician with UC San Diego Health is available to discuss the decrease in deaths, as well as provide information on measures in place to treat opioid addiction and prevent overdose.

Biography :

Daniel Lasoff, MD, is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who treats patients of all ages, including those with life-threatening or critical conditions, at UC San Diego Health Emergency Departments in Hillcrest and La Jolla.

As an assistant professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine, Lasoff trains medical students, residents and fellows in the Department of Emergency Medicine, where he serves as medical director of the medical toxicology fellowship program. His research interests include drugs of abuse and resuscitation.

Google Unveils Cutting-Edge AI Upgrades Amid Competition with OpenAI

Google is poised to introduce fresh artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities across its search features and other services, as it competes head-to-head with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, to maintain its position at the forefront of AI advancement.

The tech giant’s latest AI advancements, under the banner of Google’s AI Oversights, leveraging its revamped Gemini model, promise users more comprehensive responses to inquiries — even those posed via video, as revealed by the company on Tuesday during its annual developers conference.

The unveiling of Google’s AI updates, a central focus of the conference, occurred hot on the heels of OpenAI’s introduction of GPT-4o during a live showcase. Both companies have been pivotal players in the rapidly evolving landscape of generative AI technology.

Liz Reid, Google’s head of search, characterized the updates as a “glimpse of how we are reimagining search in the Gemini era.”

One of the showcased advancements demonstrated how a single query could enable users to explore yoga studios in their vicinity, while simultaneously providing detailed breakdowns of pricing, reviews, and distance within AI Oversights. This enhancement harnesses multistep reasoning capabilities newly integrated into the AI’s functionalities.

Another instance highlighted how users could diagnose the issue of a malfunctioning record player by capturing a video of the broken device, rather than articulating the problem.

Beyond the enhancements to search functionality, Google also lifted the curtain on Project Astra, an AI agent fueled by Gemini. During a demonstration, Google exhibited an employee navigating the DeepMind office in London, with Project Astra adeptly identifying items, equations, and the office’s precise location through the lens of a smartphone camera.

Additionally, Google announced plans to integrate AI-powered search features into Android smartphones, with Gemini slated to become the new AI assistant for Android devices.

Prostate Cancer: From Controversy to Clarity, Unveiling Revolutionary Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing and treating prostate cancer has long stirred controversy and ambiguity. One focal point of debate involves prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, a blood examination identifying a distinctive protein that may unveil cancer even in asymptomatic patients. Since its inception in the early 1990s, PSA testing garnered widespread acceptance with millions conducted annually in the U.S. Nonetheless, in 2012, a government task force cautioned that this test might lead to overtreating cancers of minimal threat, advocating for a more restrained approach.

While the discourse surrounding PSA testing oscillates, the field has made significant strides in understanding the factors driving rapid growth in certain prostate cancers. These insights have contributed to improved patient prognoses across all disease stages, even in advanced cases. Today, prostate cancer specialists wield an enhanced arsenal of treatment tools and can judiciously assess when intervention is warranted.

The significance of these advancements cannot be overstated, considering prostate cancer remains one of the most prevalent malignancies. Beyond some skin cancers, prostate cancer ranks among the most common cancers affecting men in the U.S. Each year, nearly 270,000 Americans receive a prostate cancer diagnosis, making it the fourth most common cancer globally. Fortunately, most patients diagnosed with prostate cancer can expect to live for many years post-diagnosis, more likely succumbing to unrelated causes.

At its core, prostate cancer manifests as a malignancy within the prostate gland, responsible for producing fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Situated in front of the rectum, below the bladder, and above the penis, the prostate cancer spectrum encompasses four major stages.

Initially, localized tumors confine themselves within the prostate gland. Subsequently, a “regionally advanced” variant of the disease remains in close proximity to the prostate. Metastatic prostate cancers extend beyond the gland, spreading to other body parts. The advent of enhanced diagnostic imaging tests has facilitated the characterization of oligometastatic prostate cancer, marking a stage between localized and widely dispersed metastatic disease. Noteworthy discoveries over the past decade have revolutionized the approach to each prostate cancer type, with ongoing advancements anticipated for years to come.

In terms of treatment, the initial steps for individuals with localized cancer involve risk assessment. Physicians gauge the potential for eliminating or curing cancer through local treatments, typically surgery or radiation, and the likelihood of recurrence. This assessment relies on PSA results, physical prostate gland examinations, and tumor cell inspection from biopsies.

The approach to elevated PSA levels in patients continues to evolve. Traditionally, physicians conducted rectal examinations followed by needle biopsies to procure prostate tissue snippets. However, technological advancements now allow for perineal biopsies, conducted outpatient without general anesthesia, mitigating infection risks and antibiotic needs. Notably, MRI scans are increasingly replacing biopsies, aiding in identifying clinically significant cancers while sparing patients unnecessary treatment for clinically insignificant ones.

Following a prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment decisions have historically sparked contentious debates akin to those surrounding diagnosis. Recent research from the U.K. sheds light on this matter, with findings suggesting that “active surveillance,” involving delayed or avoided treatment, is increasingly offered post-diagnosis. Rigorous monitoring, including PSA testing, physical prostate examinations, and urinary symptom assessments, is now common practice, even for patients with more concerning tumors.

For cancers displaying intermediate- or high-risk features, monitoring disease progression entails bone and abdominal-pelvic CT scans, though these may miss small metastatic areas, leading to understaging. Advanced scanning techniques combining PET and CT are addressing this issue, allowing for more precise diagnostic testing.

Such scans, particularly PSMA PET-CT scans, enable the identification of small metastatic deposits, paving the way for metastasis-directed therapy (MDT). MDT targets cancer-containing lymph nodes or bony areas with radiation or surgical removal, yielding promising outcomes, including long-term remission in some cases.

Additionally, advancements in hormone therapy for advanced disease are noteworthy. Traditional androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) mainly targets testosterone produced by the testicles, but newer approaches aim to block androgen production by the adrenal glands or cancer cells, substantially improving survival rates.

Moreover, targeted therapies, such as lutetium-177-PSMA-617, show promise in treating prostate cancer resistant to conventional ADT and chemotherapy. Genetic and genomic testing further enhance treatment efficacy, guiding specific therapies tailored to patients’ mutations for improved outcomes.

These remarkable advances, achieved within a decade, mark a significant stride in prostate cancer oncology. From offering conservative choices for early-stage cancers to managing metastatic diseases with fewer systemic side effects, these innovations are transforming prostate cancer into a manageable chronic condition, prolonging patients’ life expectancy.

Heeremandi: The Diamond Bazaar – A Grand Saga of Passion, Betrayal, and Redemption Unfolds in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Web Debut

Heeremandi: The Diamond Bazaar, Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s foray into the world of web series, offers a rich tapestry of intrigues, conspiracies, and complex emotions, all wrapped in the grandiose style typical of the filmmaker. Drawing inspiration from a story by Moin Beg, Bhansali weaves together a narrative that mirrors his signature blend of opulence, intense human drama, and historical backdrop, reminiscent of his acclaimed films like Bajirao Mastani, Padmaavat, and Gangubai Kathiawadi. Set against the backdrop of Heeramandi, a fictionalized version of Lahore’s famed Heera Mandi, the series transports viewers to a bygone era of cultural richness and social intricacies.

Originally known as Heera Mandi, the real-life locale was a vibrant center of art and culture during Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s reign, attracting courtesans renowned for their mastery of classical arts. These women, known as tawaifs, were not merely entertainers but also intellectuals, influencers, and even revolutionaries, leaving an indelible mark on the socio-cultural landscape of their time. However, the decline of Heera Mandi, attributed partly to British colonization and Victorian morality, saw the fading of its once-thriving arts scene.

Bhansali’s narrative ingeniously intertwines fictional characters with real historical figures, offering a dramatic reinterpretation of their lives and motivations. Mallikajaan, portrayed by Manisha Koirala, emerges as the central figure—a formidable courtesan whose past sins and familial ties catalyze a series of tragic events. Sonakshi Sinha delivers a compelling performance in a dual role, embodying the cunning and vengeful Fareedajaan and the tragic figure of Rehana. Adhyayan Suman’s portrayal of Zoravar, Mallikajaan’s estranged son, adds depth to the narrative, while Sharmin Segal’s Alamzeb grapples with her desire for love and freedom amidst familial discord.

At the heart of the story lies the forbidden romance between Alamzeb and Nawab Tajdar, played by Taaha Shah Badussha, whose union becomes a symbol of defiance against societal norms and political upheaval. As the characters navigate a landscape fraught with betrayal and intrigue, their destinies become intertwined in the backdrop of India’s struggle for independence.

Bhansali’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in every aspect of production, from the lavish sets and costumes to the evocative cinematography. While the music may not reach the heights of Bhansali’s previous works, the stellar performances and riveting script captivate the audience throughout the near-eight-hour runtime. Notable performances include Sanjeeda Sheikh’s portrayal of the conflicted Waheeda and Richa Chadha’s poignant turn as Laddo.

While the series boasts a stellar cast, including veterans like Manisha Koirala and Sonakshi Sinha, as well as promising newcomers, some performances fall short of expectations. Aditi Roy Hydari shines in her role as Bibbojan, while Sharmin Segal’s portrayal of Alamzeb leaves room for improvement.

Despite its flaws, Heeremandi: The Diamond Bazaar is a testament to Bhansali’s vision and ambition, offering viewers a sumptuous feast of storytelling and spectacle. As the series unfolds against the backdrop of Heeramandi’s fading glory, it invites audiences to immerse themselves in a world of passion, betrayal, and redemption—a quintessential Bhansali experience not to be missed.

FBI Warns of Targeted Extortion Scheme Against Individuals of Indian Descent, Urges Vigilance

The FBI has issued a warning to individuals of Indian descent regarding a targeted extortion scheme that poses potential violence. The FBI’s Sacramento office is actively investigating this scheme, which involves threats of violence or death unless a significant sum of money is paid. The interactions typically commence with phone calls containing demands and threats, but they can escalate to in-person confrontations. Some victims have even experienced “targeted shootings at their residences and vehicles,” according to FBI reports.

While many are accustomed to more conventional scams perpetrated through calls, texts, or emails from individuals posing as someone else to solicit money, Special Agent Sid Patel of the Sacramento FBI office emphasizes that this scheme differs significantly. Patel clarifies, “This is not fraud. This is true extortion.” The perpetrators demand money and resort to threats of violence to coerce compliance.

Although no specific number of reports has been disclosed, officials note that the targets are primarily individuals of Indian descent, particularly “business owners, influential members, or individuals with what is perceived to be large amounts of money,” Patel stated. He further highlights a recent surge in crimes against individuals of Indian descent globally over the past six months to a year. Patel suggests that Sacramento may be experiencing targeted incidents partly due to its sizable Sikh community.

Patel emphasizes the underreporting of such cases and urges anyone with relevant information to contact the FBI at 1-800-225-5324 or submit a tip online. He stresses the importance of seeking immediate assistance by calling 911 if one believes their life is in danger.

In a call to action, Patel asserts, “If you see something, say something. We will do something. We’re here to protect you and our communities.” He underscores the illegality of extortion in the United States, urging victims to report such incidents promptly to the authorities.

Unlocking the Power of Handwriting: The Cognitive Benefits Beyond the Screen

In our increasingly digital world, the act of handwriting seems to have become a relic of the past for many of us who are adept at navigating screens. Instead of penning handwritten notes or letters, we rely on text messages and digital lists. The efficiency offered by electronic keyboards is undeniable, revolutionizing how we communicate and organize our thoughts. Yet, as schools integrate computers into education from an early age, the traditional practice of handwriting is fading.

However, recent research sheds light on the cognitive benefits of handwriting, both for children and adults. Studies indicate that handwriting, compared to typing, enhances letter recognition and understanding in children, leading to better literacy skills and memory retention. Similarly, adults who take handwritten notes during lectures tend to have a deeper conceptual grasp of the material.

Neuroscientists delve into the underlying mechanisms that make handwriting a powerful cognitive tool. Unlike typing, which involves relatively simple finger movements, handwriting demands intricate coordination between motor and visual systems. This complexity engages various brain areas simultaneously, facilitating learning and memory formation.

According to Marieke Longcamp, a cognitive neuroscientist, handwriting is among the most intricate motor skills, requiring precise finger movements to reproduce letters accurately. This intricate process involves constant adjustment of finger pressure and real-time comparison with mental letter models.

Research shows that when individuals write by hand, brain regions responsible for motor and visual processing synchronize with those crucial for memory formation, enhancing learning. This synchronization is absent in typing, indicating that handwriting offers unique cognitive advantages.

Educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher highlights the significance of handwriting in learning letter recognition, particularly during early childhood. The variability inherent in handwritten letters aids in solidifying conceptual understanding, promoting neural communication patterns essential for future learning.

Recognizing the potential consequences of abandoning handwriting instruction, some states mandate cursive education in schools. California, for instance, recently introduced a requirement for elementary students to learn cursive, emphasizing the importance of handwriting in cognitive development.

For adults, writing by hand compels a slower processing of information compared to typing. This deliberate pace encourages deeper engagement with the material, leading to better comprehension and retention. While typing allows for faster transcription, it may result in passive data entry without meaningful processing.

Despite the convenience of digital tools, concerns linger regarding the broader implications of relying solely on screens for writing. Neuroscientist Ramesh Balasubramaniam suggests that while digital devices expand cognitive capabilities, they might also diminish the immersive experiences that foster deep learning and critical thinking.

Balasubramaniam emphasizes that leveraging the benefits of handwriting doesn’t necessitate abandoning digital technology altogether. Research indicates that using a stylus on a screen activates similar brain pathways as traditional handwriting, emphasizing the importance of physical movement in cognitive processes.

While digitalization offers undeniable advantages, preserving the practice of handwriting is crucial for optimal cognitive development. Whether pen meets paper or stylus meets screen, the act of physically engaging with writing remains a fundamental aspect of human cognition.

President Biden Halts Arms Shipment to Israel Amid Gaza Crisis, Signals Shift in US-Israel Relations

President Joe Biden made a significant move this week that shook up a key global relationship. During a TV interview, he responded to a question about Israel’s potential invasion of Rafah by stating, “I’m not supplying the weapons.” This statement marked a departure from the long-standing tradition of arms shipments being central to the US-Israel alliance. It was the first time in forty years such a crack had appeared. Biden faced pressure from both domestic and international fronts to prevent further civilian casualties and alleviate the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Consequently, he took the unprecedented step of withholding arms shipments to Israel, a move not seen since President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

Aaron David Miller, a former State Department analyst, noted Biden’s reluctance to take actions that might harm the US-Israel relationship but highlighted a shift in Biden’s stance due to concerns about Israel’s potential invasion of Rafah.

Israel’s announcement of ground forces beginning “targeted activity” in Rafah, coupled with the looming threat of a full-scale invasion, prompted Biden’s decision. The situation in Rafah had led to over 100,000 people fleeing the fighting, facing dire shortages of basic necessities. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence on launching a full ground invasion exacerbated concerns, despite Washington’s urging for a more targeted approach against Hamas in Rafah.

Biden’s primary concern was de-escalating the conflict and avoiding a crisis with neighboring Egypt while minimizing divisions within the Democratic Party. The temporary halt in arms shipments, including high payload weapons like 2,000-pound bombs and JDAM kits, reflected Biden’s attempt to signal his concerns about the situation in Rafah. However, the impact of this pause on Israel’s military capabilities was deemed inconsequential by some experts.

Nonetheless, Biden’s move sparked strong reactions, with Republicans condemning it as outrageous and a sign of weakness, while Democrats viewed it as a necessary step to address humanitarian concerns. The rift between Biden and Netanyahu comes at a critical juncture in ceasefire negotiations, with disagreements over Hamas’ demands for a permanent end to the war.

The longstanding relationship between Biden and Netanyahu has been characterized by turbulence, with occasional praise from Netanyahu but frequent disagreements over Palestinian policy. Despite historical support for Israel, Biden’s recent actions signal a potential shift in US-Israel relations. Netanyahu’s defiant response to Biden’s move underscores his willingness to resist US pressure, while Democratic senators emphasize the importance of minimizing civilian casualties in any military action by Israel.

Cartier’s Enduring Legacy: A Journey of Cultural Fusion and Artistic Mastery

A sunlit, sepia-toned image depicts a stylish European gentleman, complete with a handkerchief peeking out of his pocket and a cigarette poised between his fingers, amidst a group of men garbed in bisht and keffiyeh. This snapshot freezes a moment from Jacques Cartier’s inaugural voyage to the Persian Gulf in 1911, marking his return journey to London from Delhi—a business venture instigated by his father, Alfred, who then helmed the Cartier enterprise. The waning power of the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Constitutional Revolution of 1905 had inundated Europe’s artistic hubs with novel influences, birthing an aesthetic christened as “the Muslim arts.” Driven by an insatiable curiosity, Jacques embarked on a four-month odyssey across Asia and the Middle East, delving into bustling bazaars, engaging with high society, and immersing himself in the cultural tapestry.

Fast forward over a century, and the enduring impact of Jacques’s expedition—and his enduring fascination with Islamic and Indian artistry—finds expression in a freshly minted tome, “Cartier: Islamic Inspiration and Modern Design,” birthed from exhibitions held in Abu Dhabi, Dallas, and Paris. Within its pages lies a homage to the maison’s enduring fusion of quintessential French craftsmanship with the intricate beauty of Islamic art, chronicling the transformative influence of Jacques’s voyages across the landscapes of India, Bahrain, Egypt, Oman, and what is now Dubai—altering the trajectory of Cartier’s jewelry craftsmanship irreversibly.

Louis, Jacques’s elder sibling, emerged as a fervent aficionado of Persian miniatures, Islamic relics, and Asian artistry, traversing Indian locales such as Kolkata and Hyderabad in pursuit of treasures, while cultivating a distinguished clientele among the ruling maharajahs.

Meanwhile, Jacques set sail across the Arabian Sea to Bahrain, questing for pearls to adorn opulent tiaras and embellish vanity cases and brooches destined for Indian royalty, European aristocracy, and the crème de la crème of American high society. Consequently, Cartier garnered renown for its masterful interpretations of Persian gardens, Kashmiri and Egyptian motifs, and the mesmerizing complexity of Islamic geometric designs—a natural consequence of the maison’s embrace of global cultural currents.

Google CEO Sunder Pichai Discusses AI Competition and Strategy Amidst Rivalry with Microsoft

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Sunder Pichai, the Indian American CEO of Google, delved into the fierce competition within the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and articulated strategies for navigating this landscape. Pichai highlighted the importance of remaining focused amidst external noise, cautioning against the temptation to mimic competitors. He emphasized, “One of the ways you can do the wrong thing is by listening to noise out there and playing someone else’s dance music.”

Pichai’s commentary serves as a rebuttal to statements made by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in the previous year. Nadella had expressed his desire for the “new Bing” to prompt Google to “come out and show that they can dance.” Reflecting on the launch of the revamped Bing search engine developed in collaboration with OpenAI, Nadella remarked, “And I want people to know that we made them dance, and I think that’ll be a great day.”

Acknowledging the rapid pace of technological evolution, Pichai remarked, “It’s happening at a faster pace, but you know technology changes tend to get faster over time.” Despite this accelerated rate of change, Pichai expressed confidence in Google’s direction, stating, “I think we have a clear sense of what we need to do.”

Despite Microsoft’s efforts with Bing, Google continues to maintain its dominance in the realm of search. Nadella himself recognized this fact subsequent to his earlier comments about challenging Google, underscoring Google’s steadfast position in the market.

ZEE5 Global Gears Up For The Digital Premiere Of The Gripping Movie Bastar: The Naxal Story

ZEE5 Global, the world’s largest streaming platform for South Asian content, announces the digital premiere of the hard-hitting crime drama produced by Sunshine Pictures Pvt Ltd – ‘Bastar: The Naxal Story’. Post the success of The Kerala Story, the core team of director Sudipto Sen, producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah, Sunshine Productions and lead actor Adah Sharma have created yet another intense and thought-provoking narrative. The film, inspired by true events, centers on the Naxal insurgency in the Indian state Chhattisgarh and the extraordinary efforts of a single police officer to quell the threat. Along with Adah Sharma, the movie also features Indira Tiwari, Vijay Krishna, Shilpa Shukla, Yashpal Sharma, Subrat Dutta, and Raima Sen in prominent roles. Viewers can stream ‘Bastar’ from May 17 onwards, exclusively on ZEE5 Global!

‘Bastar’ is a gripping tale that sheds light on the Naxal menace that has claimed thousands of lives and caused immense destruction in the region. Drawing inspiration from actual events, the film follows the journey of a dedicated police officer who goes above and beyond to combat the Naxal insurgency in Chhattisgarh. With intense moments that will shake you to the core, ‘Bastar’ offers an unflinching look at the complexities of this issue.

Watch Bastar on ZEE5 Global to witness the unsung heroes fight terrorism and delve deeper into the personal challenges of officers and their courageous battle against the Naxal community. The film will be available in Hindi and Telugu languages starting May 17, 2024.

Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer at ZEE5 Global said, “At ZEE5 Global, we believe in curating a diverse library of content that sparks conversation and widens perspectives. Bastar is a powerful film that tackles the complexities of the Naxal insurgency, offering a raw and thought-provoking exploration of a sensitive topic. Its addition to our platform adds a powerful global narrative to our ever-expanding entertainment landscape.”

Producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah said, “This is our second collaboration after “The Kerala Story” and I am proud to be the Producer of Bastar: The Naxal Story. With ‘Bastar,’ we wanted to shed light on the Naxal insurgency in Chhattisgarh, an issue that has impacted countless lives. This film talks about the bravery of those who have fought against this threat, and we hope it serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing such critical societal issues. Exploring this subject was a risky terrain, but I hope viewers appreciate our efforts in bringing this powerful story to the forefront. Sudipto, Adah, and the entire team have worked tirelessly to create a thought-provoking and we are delighted that ZEE5 Global is platforming this authentic portrayal of the Naxal conflict.”

Director Sudipto Sen recollects, “Directing ‘Bastar’ was a challenging yet rewarding experience. We aimed to present a very realistic side of the Naxal conflict, drawing inspiration from real-life events and characters. Adah Sharma has done a fabulous job once again, and the great performances from the entire cast make the film even more interesting and convincing. Making ‘Bastar’ was very important for me; it is something I have felt, lived, and understood since my childhood. While the subject matter is intense, we hope this film encourages dialogue and understanding about this terrifying issue. I am looking forward to the film’s digital premiere on ZEE5 Global and taking this lesser-known story to the masses.”

Actor Adah Sharma mentioned, “Bastar is a powerful film that tackles a sensitive and important issue. I’m overwhelmed by the love and appreciation that fans have showered upon my character during its theatrical release. With the digital premiere on ZEE5 Global, I feel the film will reach an even wider audience and hope that they continue to shower their love and support. I’m grateful for the opportunity and it was an intense and challenging experience.

ZEE5 Global is the digital entertainment destination launched by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL), a global Media and Entertainment powerhouse. The platform launched across 190+ countries in October 2018 and has content across 18 languages: Hindi, English, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Bhojpuri, Gujarati, Punjabi, including six international languages Malay, Thai, Bahasa, Urdu, Bangla and Arabic. ZEE5 Global is home to 200,000+ hours of on-demand content. The platform brings together the best of Originals, Movies and TV Shows, Music, Health and Lifestyle content in one destination. In addition, ZEE5 Global offers features like 15 navigational languages, content download options, seamless video playback and Voice Search. The platform also recently launched ZEE5 Global Add-ons in the US where one can access and subscribe to multiple South Asian streaming platforms like Chaupal, Oho Gujarati, NammaFlix, Simply South and iStream all in one single destination, ZEE5.

Indian Nurses Association of New York organizes Blood Drive in Long Island

Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY), the organization that represents the voice of all Indian origin nurses in New York State is all set to conduct this year’s first blood drive in Long Island, says Annie Sabu, the chairwoman of INANY’s Fundraising and Charity Committee. She said the event will take place on June 1st from 10:45 am to 3:15 pm at Westbury Memorial Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Home Health Aide Training Institute and the charity organization Connor’s Closet are also partnering with INANY for

Dr Anna GeorgeThe New York area is currently experiencing a serious blood shortage.  According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. Studies show that one donation of blood can save at least two lives.  Many reasons such as accidents, operations, cancer treatment and blood diseases increase the importance of blood donation. According to New York Blood Center blood donation has never been so low in the last 20 years. The current shortage of blood is due to an unprecedented level of drop in donations.

Many people have the misconception that donating blood is physically draining and exhausting.  Blood is not drawn from us to the point of exhausting us. A normal healthy body contains nine to twelve pints of blood. A single donation will only give less than a pint of blood. The body, which is constantly making blood cells, can replenish the volume of the lost blood within twenty-four hours and the deficiency of cells within eight weeks.  This writer recently donated double red cell.  It is a special automated process called apheresis to collect two units of just red blood cells during a single donation.  The fluid known as plasma was returned to my body.  A whole blood donation is that we give whole blood with all the components.

Some people are afraid of needles. The only discomfort felt when the needle is inserted into the vein is to draw bloodAnnie Sabu (1) for testing at the doctor’s office, hospital, etc. Some find it difficult to spend time to donate. Yes, it takes about forty-five minutes to an hour for a single donation of blood.   But, when we consider spending an hour spent by us saves two or three lives, or the significant difference and impact our donation makes, it takes us to a different level of invaluable gratification.

Some find it difficult that each donation takes from three quarters to an hour; but when you think that one hour can save two or three lives, the preciousness of blood donation increases. Those who come ready to donate blood will be subjected to donation only after being checked and having a blood test done.

Anyone between the ages of seventeen and seventy-six in normal health can donate blood. Those under the age of sixteen can donate blood with the consent of either of their parents and those above the age of seventy-six with the consent of a doctor. A donor must weigh at least one hundred and ten pounds and have no cold or flue symptoms in the preceding seventy-two hours.  Eligibility of those who are ready to donate blood will be decided only after a health screening.

INANY  is an non-profit organization dedicated to the professional development of Indian nurses and the overall health of the individual, families and communities in the society. The blood drive is just one among INANY’s charity activities. Other initiatives include health fairs, clothing drives, fundraising for charities for local, national and needy in India, direct and indirect relief efforts in disasters, scholarships for nursing students, and tuition discount for higher education.

Dr. Anna George, an associate professor at Molloy University and an NP at Northwell Health who is INANY’s president said that it is hoped that everyone who has a helping mind and general health will cooperate in this life-saving effort. For more information and registration, contact Anne Sabu (516.474.5834), Dr. Anna George (646.732.6143), or Christine Koenig (516.333.3689).

Indian Cinema’s Heritage Shines Bright: Shyam Benegal’s ‘Manthan’ Set for Cannes Revival

During the filming of ‘Manthan’ in the remote Gujarat village Sanganva, director Shyam Benegal instructed his actors, including Naseeruddin Shah, Smita Patil, Girish Karnad, and Amrish Puri, to wear the same clothes for the entire 40-45 day shoot, reflecting the locals’ reality of enduring days without bathing due to water scarcity. Benegal humorously remarked, “if they stank, they would stink jointly!”

The 77th Cannes Film Festival, set to take place from May 14-25, presents an Indian showcase with ‘Manthan’ among the eagerly-awaited films. Payal Kapadia’s ‘All We Imagine As Light’ joins the Competition section, marking 30 years since Shaji N Karun’s ‘Swaham,’ bringing a full Indian summer to the Croisette.

Several other Indian entries grace the festival: Sandhya Suri’s ‘Santosh’ in Un Certain Regard, Karan Kandhari’s ‘Sister Midnight’ in the Director’s Fortnight, Maisam Ali’s ‘In Retreat’ in the ACID program, Chidananda Naik’s ‘Sunflowers Were The First To Know’ in La Cinef competition, and ‘The Shameless’ by Bulgarian director Konstantin Bojanov. Additionally, ‘Sauna Day’ directed by Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash features in Critics’ Week.

Beyond screenings, renowned cinematographer Santosh Sivan receives the Pierre Angenieux award and conducts a masterclass, highlighting the diverse talent representing independent Indian cinema.

‘Manthan,’ Benegal’s third feature, portrays a fictionalized account of India’s successful co-operative movement in milk production, commissioned by Dr. Verghese Kurien, the visionary behind Amul. The film garnered National Awards and served as India’s Oscar submission in 1977, embodying the essence of India’s ‘White Revolution.’

Now, ‘Manthan’ receives a grand revival, presented in the Classics Section of the festival in a restored version, much to Benegal’s delight. Despite health reasons preventing his attendance, Benegal’s wife and key cast members, including Naseeruddin Shah and Prateik Babbar, will be present, alongside Nirmala Kurien, daughter of Dr. Verghese Kurien.

The film’s restoration by Shivendra Dungarpur brings it back to its original brilliance, ensuring its legacy endures. Plans are underway for a wide release across India post-Cannes.

Dungarpur, known for his preservation efforts, continues his Cannes streak with ‘Manthan,’ India’s first crowd-funded film, reflecting the communal effort of 500,000 farmers from Kheda district.

Reflecting on the shoot, Benegal fondly recalls the cast’s immersion in village life, despite the challenges, emphasizing their commitment and camaraderie. The experience, though rugged, remains a cherished memory for Benegal, epitomizing their collective achievement.

‘Manthan’ stands as a testament to India’s cinematic heritage, its restoration and Cannes screening symbolizing its enduring impact and relevance.

Legal Battle Escalates: TikTok Challenges New Law Amid National Security Concerns

TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance, are facing a significant challenge to their operations in the U.S., prompting them to resort to legal action, once again invoking the First Amendment. The company has filed a lawsuit against a new bipartisan law that mandates it to divest TikTok or face a ban in the country. This law, known as the Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, is designed to address national security concerns arising from TikTok’s ties to China. Despite TikTok’s past successes in court using First Amendment arguments, this new law presents additional hurdles, as it is specifically tailored to address national security threats.

Sarah Kreps, director of the Tech Policy Institute at Cornell Brooks School of Public Policy, noted the ongoing efforts to ensure the constitutionality of such measures, emphasizing the evolving legal landscape since the Trump administration’s initial attempts to ban TikTok in 2020. The swift passage of the recent law, signed by President Biden, underscores the bipartisan consensus on the perceived national security risks posed by TikTok.

The law gained momentum in Congress, receiving bipartisan support and advancing rapidly through the legislative process. It was championed by members of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party and eventually incorporated into a broader package of foreign aid bills. Despite previous legislative efforts targeting TikTok, this new law distinguishes itself by providing ByteDance with an opportunity to sell TikTok before facing a ban and by authorizing the president to designate other apps with ties to adversarial nations.

However, TikTok remains steadfast in its First Amendment defense, arguing that the law unfairly targets the company and imposes an unattainable deadline for divestment. TikTok contends that the mandated divestiture is not feasible and represents an unconstitutional overreach by the government. While TikTok has successfully defended itself against previous bans using First Amendment arguments, the focus of the new law on national security presents a unique challenge.

The Knight First Amendment Institute has voiced opposition to both the federal law and previous state-level attempts to ban TikTok. According to George Wang, a staff attorney at the institute, any restriction on free speech must be justified by compelling evidence of harm, which the government has yet to provide convincingly.

The passage of the law was facilitated by a classified briefing to lawmakers from the intelligence community, highlighting potential security threats posed by TikTok. Despite some dissenting voices, the bill garnered broad bipartisan support, signaling a rare consensus on the perceived national security risks associated with TikTok.

Kreps observed that such broad bipartisan support lends credence to the notion of TikTok as a national security threat, given the typically polarized political climate. This unanimity among lawmakers and the executive branch strengthens the perception of TikTok as a significant security concern.

TikTok and ByteDance are challenging a new law aimed at addressing national security threats posed by the app’s Chinese ownership. Despite TikTok’s history of successfully using First Amendment arguments in court, the specific focus of this law on national security presents fresh challenges. The bipartisan support for the law underscores the widespread concern over TikTok’s potential risks, as perceived by both lawmakers and the intelligence community.

First Recipient of Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplant Passes Away: Medical Milestone and Family Gratitude Highlight Legacy

The primary recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has passed away nearly eight weeks following the procedure, as announced by his family and the hospital where the operation was conducted, on Saturday.

Richard “Rick” Slayman, aged 62, underwent the transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in March. The surgical team had expressed confidence that the pig kidney would remain functional for a minimum of two years.

In their statement, the transplant team at Massachusetts General Hospital expressed deep sorrow at Slayman’s demise and extended condolences to his family. They emphasized that there were no indications suggesting his demise was linked to the transplant.

Hailing from Weymouth, Massachusetts, Slayman marked history as the inaugural living recipient of such a procedure. Formerly, pig kidneys were transplanted into brain-dead donors on a temporary basis. There had been instances where two individuals received heart transplants from pigs, albeit both succumbed within months.

Slayman had previously undergone a kidney transplant at the same hospital in 2018. However, he had to revert to dialysis last year when signs of failure appeared in his transplanted kidney. Subsequent complications with dialysis, necessitating frequent procedures, prompted his medical team to recommend a pig kidney transplant.

Expressing gratitude, Slayman’s family conveyed appreciation to his medical caregivers. According to their statement, “Their enormous efforts leading the xenotransplant gave our family seven more weeks with Rick, and our memories made during that time will remain in our minds and hearts.”

They highlighted that Slayman opted for the surgery partly to instill hope in the thousands awaiting transplants to prolong their lives. “Rick accomplished that goal and his hope and optimism will endure forever,” the statement asserted.

Xenotransplantation denotes the practice of utilizing cells, tissues, or organs from animals to treat human patients. Historically, such endeavors faced setbacks due to immediate rejection by the human immune system of foreign animal tissue. Recent advances have focused on modifying pigs to render their organs more akin to human physiology.

Over 100,000 individuals are currently listed on the national transplant waiting roster, with a majority requiring kidney transplants. Tragically, thousands succumb annually before their opportunity arises.

Tharoor Foresees Leadership Change: Modi’s Term to End in June, Asserts Congress Leader

Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor remarked on Sunday that there’s no need to wait until September 2025 for a change in leadership, asserting that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will no longer be in charge after the declaration of Lok Sabha poll results on June 4.

In response to AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal’s assertion that Modi is seeking votes for Home Minister Amit Shah as his successor post-September 2025, Tharoor stated, “A new government will come to power at the Centre in June. There is no need to wait till September 2025.”

During a press conference in Mumbai, Tharoor criticized Modi for diminishing the quality of public discourse and employing language unsuitable for the nation. He defended the Congress’ refusal to attend the consecration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, stating that Lord Ram is not under BJP’s exclusive domain. Tharoor emphasized, “I visit temples to pray, not to engage in politics. The ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony in Ayodhya is being exploited for political gains. Should I relinquish Lord Ram to the BJP?”

Tharoor further accused the BJP of neglecting crucial issues such as inflation, unemployment, the failure to double farmers’ income, and the dwindling income of 80% of the population. Responding to Kejriwal’s comments about Modi’s “retirement age,” Tharoor questioned whether the BJP would make an exception for one individual, reiterating that Modi’s tenure as PM would end after the June 2024 elections.

Regarding the absence of Muslim candidates from Maharashtra in the Lok Sabha polls, Tharoor cited “compulsions of coalition politics,” explaining that in such scenarios, parties contest fewer seats. He emphasized that making concessions for the greater benefit of the alliance shouldn’t be viewed as surrender.

Tharoor highlighted the inclusive nature of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance in Maharashtra, comprising the Congress, Shiv Sena, and NCP, contrasting it with the BJP-led NDA where allies like Akali Dal and BJD have distanced themselves from the BJP. He praised former PMs Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh for their adept handling of coalition governments, implying that Modi’s approach leans toward a presidential style of governance, deviating from the parliamentary system.

Asserting the Congress’ commitment to preserving Mumbai’s cosmopolitan essence, Tharoor noted a noticeable shift in sentiment after three phases of polling. He campaigned for Congress candidates Varsha Gaikwad and Bhushan Patil contesting from Mumbai North Central and Mumbai North constituencies, respectively, against BJP’s Ujjwal Nikam and Union Minister Piyush Goyal. Tharoor expressed confidence in favorable outcomes for the Congress in the upcoming elections on May 20.

Overall, Tharoor’s statements reflect his conviction in the impending change in leadership at the national level and his party’s strategic positioning within coalitions while advocating for inclusive governance and addressing pressing socioeconomic concerns.

US Explores Indian Doctors to Bridge Healthcare Gap in Underserved Areas

In a bid to enhance healthcare access in remote and economically disadvantaged regions, the United States is turning its attention towards educated and qualified Indian doctors, encouraging them to practice and offer medical services in underserved areas. By 2034, the US is projected to face a shortage of at least one hundred thousand physicians. To address this looming deficit, Indian doctors are being considered under a specialized J1 visa category, which is set to grant entry to at least five thousand doctors into the US.

Research conducted by the University of California San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy highlights the significance of relaxed visa regulations in facilitating the practice of foreign-trained doctors in remote and low-income regions, while not impeding the employment opportunities for domestically trained physicians. The study indicates that due to the limited number of physicians graduating from medical schools within the US, foreign-born doctors educated abroad could serve as a vital resource in areas with inadequate medical services.

According to information provided by the US embassy in New Delhi to ETV Bharat, the Conrad 30 Waiver program has been in operation for some time with the aim of addressing medical service gaps in underserved regions. This program offers a waiver for graduates holding J1 visas, permitting them to return to their home countries. Established in 1994, the Conrad 30 waiver program allows foreign medical graduates on J-1 visas to request a waiver of the two-year foreign residence requirement upon fulfilling the J-1 exchange visitor program.

A majority of participants in the Conrad 30 program are deployed in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), which are regions lacking a sufficient number of primary care physicians, dentists, or mental health care providers.

It has been reported that the waiver of visa requirements for Indian doctors under the Conrad 30 program will be implemented in thirty out of the fifty states in the US. This move aims to streamline the visa application process for Indian students pursuing medical studies in the US. Currently, approximately one hundred and twenty-five thousand Indian doctors are actively serving in the US.

The J1 visa for physicians is specifically tailored for exchange visitors, including a designated category for physicians. It allows foreign medical graduates to partake in medical training programs, fellowships, or academic research endeavors in the US.

As for the J-1 Visa Waiver, physicians arriving in the US on a J-1 visa are obligated to fulfill a two-year home residency requirement. However, they have the option to seek a waiver for this requirement. In exchange for the waiver, the physician is required to commit to working for a sponsoring healthcare organization in the US for a period of three years. This provision not only enables doctors to gain valuable experience but also serves the underserved populations in need of medical attention.

Japan’s Vacant Housing Crisis: Nine Million Homes Empty as Population Decline Continues

The count of unoccupied residences in Japan has surged to an unprecedented nine million, exceeding the population of New York City, a reflection of the ongoing struggle with Japan’s dwindling population.

In Japan, deserted houses are commonly referred to as “akiya,” a term typically associated with dilapidated residential properties found in rural areas. However, the prevalence of akiya is expanding in major urban centers like Tokyo and Kyoto, posing a significant challenge for a nation already contending with an aging demographic and a declining birth rate.

Jeffrey Hall, a lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, remarked, “This is a symptom of Japan’s population decline…It’s not really a problem of building too many houses, but a problem of not having enough people.”

Official data compiled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications reveals that 14% of all residential properties in Japan stand vacant. These figures encompass second homes as well as properties left unoccupied for various reasons, including owners working abroad temporarily.

However, not all vacant properties deteriorate like traditional akiya, which present a range of issues for the government and local communities. These problems include impeding efforts to revitalize declining towns, posing potential hazards due to neglect, and exacerbating risks for emergency responders during natural disasters in a country susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis.

The issue of a surplus of homes stems from various factors. Akiya are often passed down through generations, but with Japan’s plummeting fertility rate, many lack heirs or are inherited by younger generations disinterested in rural living. Additionally, some houses remain in administrative limbo due to poor record-keeping by local authorities.

Consequently, the government faces challenges in rejuvenating rapidly aging rural communities, hindering initiatives to attract younger residents seeking alternative lifestyles or investors seeking bargains.

Under Japan’s tax policies, some owners find it economically favorable to retain properties rather than demolish them for redevelopment. Furthermore, even if owners wish to sell, they may struggle to find buyers, particularly for houses lacking access to public amenities.

While social media trends depict foreigners purchasing inexpensive Japanese houses for conversion into trendy guesthouses and cafes, Jeffrey Hall cautioned that the reality is more complex. He emphasized the administrative hurdles and language barriers foreigners face in navigating the process, suggesting that acquiring these houses inexpensively is unlikely.

Japan’s population decline has persisted for years, with the latest data indicating a decrease of over 800,000 individuals since the previous year, totaling 125.4 million in 2022. The birth rate, which has remained around 1.3 for an extended period, is far below the 2.1 required to sustain a stable population. Furthermore, the number of children under 15 has declined for the 43rd consecutive year, reaching a record low.

The imbalance between housing availability and population size is poised to persist. Yuki Akiyama, a professor at Tokyo City University’s faculty of architecture and urban design, highlighted the repercussions of vacant houses, citing their obstruction of evacuation routes during disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis.

Akiyama underscored the challenges faced in post-disaster reconstruction due to unclear ownership of damaged properties. In rural areas with a surplus of vacant houses, development initiatives have stalled, leading to diminished real estate values and perceptions of devaluation within communities.

Although Akiyama developed an AI program to predict areas vulnerable to akiya, he noted that this issue extends beyond Japan, with similar phenomena observed in the US and parts of Europe. However, Japan’s unique architectural history and cultural attitudes exacerbate the situation, as newer houses command higher prices, and historical buildings are not widely valued for residential purposes.

Japan’s surplus of vacant houses underscores the complex interplay between demographic trends, urbanization, and cultural attitudes toward property. Addressing this issue will require multifaceted solutions that consider economic, social, and administrative factors to revitalize communities and mitigate risks associated with abandoned properties.

Indian-American Community Urged by FBI to Report Extortion Cases Promptly

The FBI’s Sacramento Field Office is calling upon the Indian-American community to report cases of extortion, emphasizing the importance of timely reporting to aid in apprehending perpetrators. Several incidents targeting individuals of Indian origin are currently under FBI investigation, with extortionists demanding significant sums of money. When these demands are not met, the perpetrators resort to violence, including targeted shootings at victims’ homes and vehicles.

Acting Special Agent in Charge Mark Remily, leading the FBI Sacramento Field Office, expressed concern over these criminal activities, stating, “Criminals are targeting hard-working, law-abiding business owners and are using thug tactics to extort them in clear violation of the law. We are deeply concerned for the safety and economic security of our neighbors of Indian descent who have been targeted.”

The FBI stresses that such incidents are likely underreported and urges victims to step forward promptly. By doing so, they not only seek justice for themselves but also contribute to the apprehension of those responsible for these crimes.

Renewable Energy Shines Bright: 2023 Marks Record Year, but Challenges Persist

In a recent report unveiled by Ember, a London-based think tank, it was highlighted that 2023 witnessed an unprecedented surge in the utilization of renewable energy sources worldwide, marking a significant milestone in the global energy landscape. The report underscores that a remarkable 30% of the electricity generated globally originated from clean energy sources, which do not discharge greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. This surge in clean energy adoption was primarily propelled by the rapid proliferation of solar and wind farms across various regions.

Despite the dominance of hydroelectric dams in clean energy generation, as observed in previous years, the debilitating impact of droughts in key regions like India, China, North America, and Mexico led to a notable decline in hydropower production, hitting a five-year low. Such adverse climatic conditions, exacerbated by the effects of climate change, underscore the urgency for transitioning towards more sustainable energy alternatives.

The escalating demand for electricity, which escalated by approximately 2% compared to the previous year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of Canada, was largely fueled by burgeoning adoption of technologies such as heat pumps for efficient building heating and cooling, electric vehicles, and electrolyzers utilized for hydrogen production from water—an essential step towards mitigating climate change impacts.

Furthermore, the burgeoning demand for electricity was propelled by the proliferation of data centers and the increased use of air conditioning systems, particularly in regions experiencing rising temperatures. Solar energy emerged as the frontrunner among clean energy sources, accounting for the largest share of new clean energy additions, surpassing coal power by more than double. Notably, this marked the 19th consecutive year of solar energy being the fastest-growing source of electricity generation, with a notable surge in solar installations towards the end of the year, foreshadowing even more substantial growth projections for 2024.

China emerged as a global leader in renewable energy adoption, accounting for a significant portion of new solar and wind power installations, followed by the European Union, the United States, and Brazil. However, despite these strides in renewable energy adoption, China remained heavily reliant on coal for electricity generation, contributing to a substantial portion of global coal generation and overall electricity production.

The report also highlights a concerning trend of increasing electricity generation from fossil fuels, primarily driven by countries like China, India, Vietnam, and Mexico, which compensated for the shortfall in hydropower caused by drought-induced reservoir depletion by resorting to coal-based electricity generation. This underscores a concerning feedback loop wherein climate change-induced events prompt further reliance on fossil fuels, exacerbating the very issue they aim to address.

Despite the significant growth in renewable energy adoption, fossil fuels retained their dominance in global electricity generation, resulting in a 1% increase in global power sector emissions. Scientists emphasize that even if all greenhouse gas emissions were halted immediately, the planet would continue to experience warming due to the cumulative effects of pollutants already present in the atmosphere.

Looking ahead, analysts anticipate a further surge in global electricity demand in 2024. However, the forecast also suggests an accelerated growth trajectory for renewable energy generation, potentially leading to a 2% reduction in energy generated from fossil fuels, signaling a positive shift towards a more sustainable energy paradigm.

Unlocking Restful Sleep: Strategies to Combat Nighttime Phone Use and Improve Sleep Quality

Jessica Peoples, like many individuals today, is no stranger to the cautionary tales surrounding excessive screen time before bed. Despite this awareness, she admits to spending between 30 to 60 minutes on her phone before drifting off to sleep, often engrossed in social media feeds. Peoples, employed as a discrimination investigator with the state of New Jersey, acknowledges the impact of her screen time on her sleep, noting, “Recently, I’ve been trying to limit the amount… I do notice that how much time I spend affects how long it takes to fall asleep.”

The prevalence of this behavior extends beyond just Peoples. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that over half of Americans engage with their phones within an hour of bedtime, prompting experts to highlight this hour as the cutoff point for device usage. Melissa Milanak, an associate professor at the Medical University of South Carolina specializing in sleep health, underscores the necessity for the brain to unwind well before bedtime to facilitate restorative deep sleep. Drawing an analogy, she compares the brain’s need to cool down before sleep to letting a casserole cool before refrigerating, emphasizing the importance of this preparatory phase for optimal sleep quality.

While altering bedtime habits may pose challenges, the consequences of insufficient sleep are well-documented, ranging from heightened anxiety to obesity. Research underscores the disruptive impact of smartphones on the body’s circadian rhythm, crucial for regulating sleep and hormone functions. Lisa Strauss, a licensed psychologist focusing on cognitive behavioral treatment of sleep disorders, elucidates the multifaceted ways in which screens impede sleep. Beyond the widely discussed blue light emitted by smartphones, even minimal exposure to bright light in bed can disrupt melatonin production, thus delaying the onset of deep sleep.

However, it’s not merely the light emissions that disrupt sleep patterns; the activities conducted on screens also play a significant role. From endlessly scrolling through news updates to succumbing to the allure of personalized social media content, engaging with digital devices at night carries its own set of repercussions. Technostress, induced by the constant influx of information, can trigger heightened arousal, potentially activating the brain’s fight-or-flight response. Additionally, algorithmically curated content often leads users into prolonged scrolling sessions, far beyond their intended duration.

Despite much of the existing research on digital media’s impact on sleep focusing on younger demographics, Strauss notes that a substantial portion of her clients grappling with insomnia are middle-aged individuals. She observes a trend wherein individuals immerse themselves in online content, spiraling down addictive rabbit holes, irrespective of age.

Breaking the cycle of nighttime phone usage necessitates a holistic approach, encompassing not just restricting phone usage in bed but also revamping evening routines. This entails cultivating alternative activities that provide fulfillment and relaxation. Suggestions include indulging in reading physical books (preferably over e-readers), listening to podcasts, engaging in household chores, spending quality time with family, or connecting with loved ones. Milanak emphasizes the importance of utilizing the pre-sleep hour for tasks devoid of screen involvement, recommending the creation of to-do lists as a means of diverting attention away from rumination in bed.

Moreover, it’s crucial to establish a mental association between the bed and sleep by performing non-screen-related activities in another room. Strauss advocates for delineating distinct microenvironments for wakefulness and sleep, even if it entails minor adjustments like altering one’s seating position or facing a different direction. Placing the phone out of reach, preferably in another room, serves as a practical measure to minimize the temptation of late-night screen usage.

For those finding complete cessation of nighttime phone usage unfeasible, there are strategies to mitigate the adverse effects. Implementing night mode settings on devices or gradually reducing screen brightness can help attenuate the impact of artificial light on sleep quality. Minimizing disruptive notifications by activating “do not disturb” mode, with exceptions for essential contacts, offers a compromise between connectivity and sleep hygiene. However, Strauss cautions against viewing these measures as a carte blanche for unrestricted nocturnal screen time, encouraging individuals to reflect on the underlying reasons driving their late-night digital habits.

In essence, addressing the pervasive issue of nighttime phone usage necessitates a comprehensive overhaul of bedtime routines and digital habits. By fostering alternative pre-sleep activities and implementing practical strategies to minimize screen exposure, individuals can reclaim restful sleep and mitigate the detrimental effects of excessive screen time on sleep quality and overall well-being.

President Biden’s Warning to Israel: A Delicate Balancing Act in Gaza

President Biden’s firm stance against a significant Israeli military operation in Rafah has put Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a difficult position. Launching a major offensive to crush Hamas in southern Gaza risks rupturing ties with the U.S., while failure to act decisively could weaken Netanyahu’s domestic political coalition.

According to White House national security communications adviser John Kirby, the U.S. acknowledges Israel’s need to make its own decisions regarding military actions. However, Biden made it clear that a major invasion of Rafah would prompt significant consequences, including withholding offensive arms transfers to Israel.

Biden’s warning comes amid growing criticism of Israel’s military conduct, particularly concerning civilian casualties in Gaza. Despite emphasizing support for Israel’s security, Biden stated that the U.S. opposes Israel’s ability to wage war in civilian areas.

Netanyahu hinted at Israel’s readiness to confront Hamas in Rafah independently, irrespective of U.S. warnings. Meanwhile, opposition leader Benny Gantz stressed Israel’s duty to defend itself, underscoring the U.S.’s obligation to support Israel’s security.

While some Israeli leaders criticized Biden’s stance, Netanyahu has shown a degree of compliance with U.S. demands behind closed doors. However, he faces pressure from his right-wing base, necessitating a delicate balancing act.

Despite Biden’s frustration over Gaza’s humanitarian crisis, his administration aims to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas and negotiate a ceasefire to end the conflict. A key aspect of Biden’s Middle East strategy involves brokering a deal for Saudi Arabia to normalize ties with Israel, contingent upon ending the Gaza war.

Saudi Arabia insists on a pathway to a Palestinian state before establishing relations with Israel. Although Israeli public support for a Palestinian state is mixed, it becomes more acceptable within the context of a broader U.S.-brokered agreement.

The Biden administration envisions post-war Gaza being overseen by the Palestinian Authority, supported by a coalition of Arab security forces. However, Israel asserts the need to defeat Hamas before such arrangements can be implemented.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Herzog, emphasized the necessity of neutralizing Hamas’s military capabilities in Rafah to prevent its resurgence. He underscored the importance of Arab forces intervening only after Hamas is decisively defeated.

Young Indian Chess Prodigy Gukesh D Makes History, Set to Challenge World Champion in 2024 Championship

Teenage chess sensation Gukesh Dommaraju, known as Gukesh D, clinched victory at the men’s Candidates Tournament held in Toronto, Canada, making history as the youngest player to achieve this feat. The 17-year-old grandmaster’s triumph paves the way for a potential showdown with current world champion Ding Liren of China at the upcoming 2024 World Chess Championship. Should Gukesh emerge victorious against Ding, who has faced recent struggles with his performance, he will shatter the longstanding record held by Garry Kasparov, becoming the youngest world champion at the age of 22.

Ranked 16th globally by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), Gukesh secured his title with a comfortable draw against world number 3 Hikaru Nakamura, a seasoned player more than twice his age. Gukesh’s achievement positions him as the youngest contender ever to vie for the world chess championship, a milestone he acknowledged with mixed emotions, stating, “I was completely emotional but after the game I’m feeling quite good. I don’t really care about [being] the youngest and all these records, but it’s a nice thing to say.”

Gukesh’s success drew jubilant crowds of Indian fans outside his hotel, underscoring the celebration of yet another rising star in the nation’s chess scene. Expressing his anticipation for the forthcoming championship, Gukesh remarked, “I’m very excited to play in the world championship and really looking forward to all the preparations,” noting that his journey is “only halfway through.”

The previous youngest winner of a Candidates tournament was Russian prodigy Kasparov, who claimed victory at the age of 20 in 1984. Kasparov, renowned for his subsequent multiple world championships, commended Gukesh and the burgeoning influx of chess talent from Asia and Asian diaspora communities, particularly in nations like the United States and Britain. Reflecting on the significance of Gukesh’s achievement, Kasparov remarked, “The Indian earthquake in Toronto is the culmination of the shifting tectonic plates in the chess world.”

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also lauded Gukesh’s remarkable feat, praising his exceptional talent and dedication. Gukesh is poised to challenge Ding, the 31-year-old Chinese star who ascended to the world championship in 2023, succeeding Magnus Carlsen. The exact details regarding the date and venue of the 2024 World Chess Championship clash between Ding and Gukesh are yet to be disclosed.

In the women’s Challenger category, China’s Tan Zhongyi emerged victorious, earning the opportunity to contend for the world title against compatriot and reigning champion Ju Wenjun, with the specifics of the match also awaiting announcement. Meanwhile, India continues to showcase its wealth of young chess talent, with Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa (R Praggnanandhaa), aged 18, making waves after his remarkable victory against Carlsen in 2022.

Affectionately known as “Pragg” among fans, he achieved the title of youngest international chess master at age 10, followed by becoming the world’s second-youngest grandmaster at 12. Notably, he and his sister, 22-year-old Rameshbabu Vaishali (R Vaishali), made history as the first sibling duo to attain grandmaster titles. Gukesh follows in the footsteps of legendary Indian player Viswanathan “Vishy” Anand, becoming the second Indian to compete in a world championship.

In a gesture of support, Anand expressed his pride in Gukesh’s performance, commending his resilience in navigating challenging situations. With these rising talents, India’s presence in the global chess arena continues to grow, fueled by a new generation of players poised to make their mark on the world stage.

Yuzvendra Chahal Makes History: First Indian Bowler to Reach 350 T20 Wickets

Yuzvendra Chahal, recently included in the Indian T20 World Cup squad for June, made history at the Arun Jaitley Stadium during an IPL 2024 clash against Delhi Capitals by dismissing their captain, Rishabh Pant. This pivotal wicket marked Chahal’s attainment of a remarkable milestone as the first Indian bowler to achieve 350 wickets in the shortest format of the game.

Heading into the match against Delhi Capitals, Chahal needed just one wicket to reach this landmark, and he accomplished it by dismissing Pant, who appeared to struggle against a fuller delivery, resulting in an uncharacteristically poor shot selection. Remarkably, this marked the third time Chahal had dismissed Pant in their IPL encounters.

With this significant dismissal, Chahal etched his name in the record books as the first Indian bowler to accumulate 350 wickets in T20 cricket, achieving this feat in his 301st appearance in the format. Piyush Chawla, a seasoned bowler from Mumbai Indians, trails him as the next best Indian on the list with 310 wickets. Overall, Chahal ranks 11th in the all-time list, which is topped by former West Indies cricketer Dwayne Bravo, boasting an impressive tally of 625 wickets in 574 matches. Notably, Chahal is the fifth spinner and the sixth Asian bowler to reach this milestone.

Breaking down his impressive tally of 350 wickets, Chahal has claimed 96 wickets while representing Team India, the highest by any bowler for the national side. Additionally, he has bagged 201 wickets in his IPL career, setting a new record for the most wickets by any cricketer in the league.

In the ongoing IPL 2024 tournament, Chahal has emerged as the leading spin bowler from India, scalping 14 wickets in 12 appearances. His stellar performance throughout the season not only propelled his team but also caught the attention of the selectors, earning him a spot in the Indian T20 World Cup squad. The selectors opted for spin bowlers like Chahal, anticipating the conditions likely to be encountered in the USA and the West Indies.

Reflecting on the match itself, Delhi Capitals set a challenging target of 222 runs after opting to bat first. Their innings was highlighted by a rapid 19-ball fifty from Jake Fraser-McGurk, supported by a solid knock of 65 from Abishek Porel and a blazing cameo from Tristan Stubbs, who scored 41 off just 20 deliveries. Among the Rajasthan Royals bowlers, Ravichandran Ashwin stood out with figures of 3 for 24.

TikTok Challenges U.S. Law Targeting Its Ownership

TikTok and its parent company ByteDance have taken legal action against a U.S. law aimed at compelling the divestment of the popular social media app from its Chinese-based ownership or facing a ban in the United States. The lawsuit, filed on Tuesday against the U.S. government, contends that the law, known as the Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversaries Act, infringes upon the First Amendment rights.

The legislation grants ByteDance a 270-day window to offload TikTok to a new entity that would oversee its operations in the U.S. Failure to comply would result in the app being barred from American networks and online platforms. Additionally, the president has the authority to grant ByteDance an extra 90 days if deemed necessary.

TikTok and ByteDance argue that a “qualified divestiture” is unattainable, citing commercial, technological, and legal challenges. They assert that such a move would inevitably lead to the shutdown of the app in the U.S., impacting millions of daily users. Furthermore, TikTok criticizes the law for singling out the app by name, while the president is granted the power to identify other applications falling under similar regulations, though TikTok and ByteDance are the sole entities explicitly mentioned in the legislation.

Even if a sale were feasible, TikTok maintains that the law represents an “extraordinary and unconstitutional assertion of power.” It contends that the legislation sets a dangerous precedent, allowing Congress to circumvent First Amendment protections by invoking national security concerns to compel the divestment of any media outlet.

This legal challenge represents the latest and most significant threat to TikTok’s presence in the U.S., although it is not the first time the company has faced such peril. Previously, the Trump administration attempted to enact a ban on TikTok, which was thwarted by federal courts. Additionally, TikTok has successfully navigated challenges at the state level, including a Montana law that was later blocked by a judge.

However, the current law poses a formidable obstacle to TikTok’s future operations in the U.S., particularly given its national security underpinnings, which may complicate legal defenses. The legislation garnered swift approval in Congress, with overwhelming bipartisan support. The House passed the bill with a decisive 352-65 vote in March, less than a week after its introduction. Subsequently, the measure was included in a broader foreign aid package that President Biden signed into law last month.

What does the success of a marriage depend on? Pope Francis answers What does the success of a marriage depend on? Pope Francis answers | ZENIT – English

Speech to the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement
(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.04.2024).- On the morning of Saturday, May 4th, Pope Francis received in audience the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement. This is a Catholic Church movement that brings together married couples who wish to fully experience the riches of their sacrament of marriage. The Equipes Notre-Dame were recognized by the Vatican’s International Catholic Association in 1975 and by the International Private Association of the Faithful in 2002.
I am pleased to meet you, international leaders of the Équipes Notre-Dame Movement. Thank you for coming and above all thank you for your commitment to families.

You are an expanding movement: thousands of équipes spread throughout the world, many families who are seeking to live Christian marriage as a gift.

The Christian family is going through a genuine “cultural storm” in this changing era, and is threatened and tempted on various fronts. Your work, therefore, is valuable for the Church. You closely accompany married couples so that they do not feel alone in the difficulties of life and in their marital relationship. In this way, you are an expression of the “outbound” Church, which is close to the situations and problems of the people and unreservedly committed to the good of the families of today and tomorrow.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, POPE FRANCIS The Equipes Notre-Dame Were Recognized By The Vatican’s International Catholic Association In 1975 Photo: Vatican Media What does the success of a marriage depend on? Pope Francis answers Speech to the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement MAY 04, 2024 01:49ZENIT STAFFMARRIAGE AND FAMILY, POPE FRANCIS WhatsAppMessengerFacebookTwitterShare Share this Entry (ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.04.2024).- On the morning of Saturday, May 4th, Pope Francis received in audience the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement. This is a Catholic Church movement that brings together married couples who wish to fully experience the riches of their sacrament of marriage. The Equipes Notre-Dame were recognized by the Vatican’s International Catholic Association in 1975 and by the International Private Association of the Faithful in 2002. *** I am pleased to meet you, international leaders of the Équipes Notre-Dame Movement. Thank you for coming and above all thank you for your commitment to families. You are an expanding movement: thousands of équipes spread throughout the world, many families who are seeking to live Christian marriage as a gift. The Christian family is going through a genuine “cultural storm” in this changing era, and is threatened and tempted on various fronts. Your work, therefore, is valuable for the Church. You closely accompany married couples so that they do not feel alone in the difficulties of life and in their marital relationship. In this way, you are an expression of the “outbound” Church, which is close to the situations and problems of the people and unreservedly committed to the good of the families of today and tomorrow. It is a true mission to accompany married couples today! Protecting marriage indeed means protecting an entire family, it means saving all the relationships generated by marriage: the love between couples, between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren; it means saving that witness of a love that is possible and forever, which young people struggle to believe in. Indeed, children need to receive from their parents the certainty that God created them out of love, and that one day they too will be able to love and be loved as their mother and father did. Be sure that the seed of love, sown in their hearts by their parents, will germinate sooner or later.

I see a great urgency today: to help young people to discover that Christian marriage is a vocation, a specific calling that God addresses to a man and a women so that they can fully realize themselves as generative, becoming a father and a mother, and bringing the Grace of their Sacrament into the world. This Grace is the love of Christ united with that of the married couple, His presence between them, it is God’s fidelity to their love: it is He who gives them the strength to grow together every day and to remain united.

Today, it is thought that the success of a marriage depends only on the willpower of the people. It does not. If it were so, it would be a burden, a yoke placed on the shoulders of two poor creatures. Marriage, on the other hand, is a “three-way step”, in which Christ’s presence between the bride and groom makes the journey possible, and the yoke is transformed into a game of glances: a glance between the bride and groom, a glance between the bride and groom and Christ. It is a game that lasts a lifetime, which can be won together if one takes care of one’s relationship, if one cherishes it like a precious treasure, helping each other to pass through each day, even in married life, that gateway that is Christ. He said: “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved” (Jn 10:9). And, speaking of glances, once, during a General Audience, there was a couple, married for sixty years; she was 18 when she got married, and he was 21. They were therefore 78 and 81 years old. And I asked them, “And now, do you still love each other?”. And they looked at each other, then they came to me, with tears in their eyes: “We still love each other!” Beautiful!

Therefore, I would like to leave you with two brief reflections: the first relates to newly-wed couples. Take care of them! It is important that newly-weds experience a nuptial mystagogy, that will help them to live the beauty of their Sacrament and a spirituality of the couple. In the first years of marriage, it is necessary above all to discover faith within the couple, to taste it, to savour it by learning to pray together. Many people marry today without understand how faith enters into their married life, perhaps because no-one bore witness to it before them prior to their marriage. I invite you to help them with a “catechumenal” journey – let’s call it that – of rediscovery of the faith, both personal and as a couple – so that they learn straight away to make room for Jesus and, with Him, succeed in taking care of their marriage.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY, POPE FRANCIS The Equipes Notre-Dame Were Recognized By The Vatican’s International Catholic Association In 1975 Photo: Vatican Media What does the success of a marriage depend on? Pope Francis answers Speech to the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement MAY 04, 2024 01:49ZENIT STAFFMARRIAGE AND FAMILY, POPE FRANCIS WhatsAppMessengerFacebookTwitterShare Share this Entry (ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.04.2024).- On the morning of Saturday, May 4th, Pope Francis received in audience the international leaders of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement. This is a Catholic Church movement that brings together married couples who wish to fully experience the riches of their sacrament of marriage. The Equipes Notre-Dame were recognized by the Vatican’s International Catholic Association in 1975 and by the International Private Association of the Faithful in 2002. *** I am pleased to meet you, international leaders of the Équipes Notre-Dame Movement. Thank you for coming and above all thank you for your commitment to families. You are an expanding movement: thousands of équipes spread throughout the world, many families who are seeking to live Christian marriage as a gift. The Christian family is going through a genuine “cultural storm” in this changing era, and is threatened and tempted on various fronts. Your work, therefore, is valuable for the Church. You closely accompany married couples so that they do not feel alone in the difficulties of life and in their marital relationship. In this way, you are an expression of the “outbound” Church, which is close to the situations and problems of the people and unreservedly committed to the good of the families of today and tomorrow. It is a true mission to accompany married couples today! Protecting marriage indeed means protecting an entire family, it means saving all the relationships generated by marriage: the love between couples, between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren; it means saving that witness of a love that is possible and forever, which young people struggle to believe in. Indeed, children need to receive from their parents the certainty that God created them out of love, and that one day they too will be able to love and be loved as their mother and father did. Be sure that the seed of love, sown in their hearts by their parents, will germinate sooner or later. I see a great urgency today: to help young people to discover that Christian marriage is a vocation, a specific calling that God addresses to a man and a women so that they can fully realize themselves as generative, becoming a father and a mother, and bringing the Grace of their Sacrament into the world. This Grace is the love of Christ united with that of the married couple, His presence between them, it is God’s fidelity to their love: it is He who gives them the strength to grow together every day and to remain united. Today, it is thought that the success of a marriage depends only on the willpower of the people. It does not. If it were so, it would be a burden, a yoke placed on the shoulders of two poor creatures. Marriage, on the other hand, is a “three-way step”, in which Christ’s presence between the bride and groom makes the journey possible, and the yoke is transformed into a game of glances: a glance between the bride and groom, a glance between the bride and groom and Christ. It is a game that lasts a lifetime, which can be won together if one takes care of one’s relationship, if one cherishes it like a precious treasure, helping each other to pass through each day, even in married life, that gateway that is Christ. He said: “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved” (Jn 10:9). And, speaking of glances, once, during a General Audience, there was a couple, married for sixty years; she was 18 when she got married, and he was 21. They were therefore 78 and 81 years old. And I asked them, “And now, do you still love each other?”. And they looked at each other, then they came to me, with tears in their eyes: “We still love each other!” Beautiful! Therefore, I would like to leave you with two brief reflections: the first relates to newly-wed couples. Take care of them! It is important that newly-weds experience a nuptial mystagogy, that will help them to live the beauty of their Sacrament and a spirituality of the couple. In the first years of marriage, it is necessary above all to discover faith within the couple, to taste it, to savour it by learning to pray together. Many people marry today without understand how faith enters into their married life, perhaps because no-one bore witness to it before them prior to their marriage. I invite you to help them with a “catechumenal” journey – let’s call it that – of rediscovery of the faith, both personal and as a couple – so that they learn straight away to make room for Jesus and, with Him, succeed in taking care of their marriage. Your work, next to priests, in this sense, is valuable; you can do a great deal in parishes and in communities, opening up to welcome the youngest families. We must start out again from the new generations to make the Church fruitful: to generate many domestic Churches in which a Christian style of life is lived, where one feels familiar with Christ, where one learns how to listen to those who are next to you, just as Christ listens to us. You can be like flames that kindle other flames to faith, especially among the youngest couples: do not let them accumulate sufferings and wounds in the solitude of their homes. Help them to discover the oxygen of faith gently, patiently, and trusting in the action of the Holy Spirit.

The second reflection is on the importance of co-responsibility between married couples and priests within your movement. You have understood and live tangibly the complementarity of the two vocations: I encourage you to take this into the parishes, so that the laypeople and priests discover its richness and necessity. This helps to overcome that clericalism that prevents the Church from being fruitful – beware of clericalism! – and this will also help married couples to discover that, with marriage, they are called to a mission. Indeed, they too have the gift and the responsibility of building the ecclesial community, alongside ordained ministers.

Without Christian communities, families feel alone, and loneliness does a great deal of harm! With your charism, you can become rescuers attentive towards those who are in need, those who are alone, those who have family problems and do not know how to talk about them because they are ashamed or have lost hope. In your dioceses, you can make families understand the importance of helping each other and forming a network; building communities where Christ can “dwell” in the homes and in family relations.

Dear brothers and sisters, next July you will have your international gathering in Turin. In the midst of the synodal journey that we are undertaking, may it be for you a time of listening to the Spirit and fruitful planning for the Kingdom of God.

I entrust your mission and all your families to the Virgin Mary, so that She may protect you, keep you steadfast in Christ, and always make you witnesses of His love. In this year dedicated to prayer, may you discover and rediscover the joy of praying, praying together at home, with simplicity and in daily life. This time I will not say anything about mothers-in-law, because there are some here! I bless you from my heart. And I ask you to please pray for me. Thank you!

Modi Administration’s Global Image Management: A Struggle Against Rising Criticism

In the lead-up to the G20 summit, the Narendra Modi administration frequently employed the phrases ‘mother of democracy’ and ‘vishwaguru’.

The term ‘mother of democracy’ seemed to be introduced as a counter to India’s swift decline in the global democracy index.

‘Vishwaguru’ aimed to convey the message that Modi is a global leader whose presence cannot be overlooked any longer.

India’s presidency of the G20 rotates, and last year it was India’s turn to host the summit. Yashwant Sinha reminisced about his chairing of the G20 during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure, noting that Vajpayee didn’t utilize it for cult-building purposes. However, the current government’s focus during the G20, symbolized by a globe resting on a lotus, was centered on projecting India as a robust democracy with Modi as its singular leader. This shift prompts the question: why has the BJP manifesto now replaced ‘Vishwaguru’ with ‘Vishwabandhu’?

Recently, several Western nations have expressed concerns about events in India. The US, for instance, has raised issues regarding communal tensions, religious freedom, and the arrests of political figures:

The US State Department’s annual human rights assessment highlighted “significant” abuses in Manipur;

  • It also voiced concerns about communal violence in Gurugram;
  • The US Commission on International Religious Freedom noted a ‘decline in religious freedom’ in India and urged the Modi government to release 37 individuals of various faiths detained for the ‘peaceful exercise of their freedom of religion or belief’.
  • State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated that the US closely monitored the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and the freezing of Congress party bank accounts, emphasizing the need for fair, transparent, and timely legal processes.
  • A State Department official called on India to uphold its human rights obligations.

President Joe Biden’s absence as the chief guest at the Republic Day parade, the postponement of the Quad summit, and NSA Jake Sullivan’s cancellation of visits to India have been interpreted by some as indications of US disapproval. The latest negative comment was Biden’s labeling of India as ‘xenophobic’.

Even during the G20 summit in New Delhi, a resolution was passed advocating for religious freedom, freedom of peaceful assembly, and condemning all acts of religious hatred.

In response to criticism, the Modi government’s initial reaction has been to dismiss it as Western propaganda and minimize its impact on domestic politics. Television channels and print media have cooperated, often presenting carefully curated versions of reports that cast the government in a favorable light. Frequently, the mainstream media leads such stories with official denials before briefly acknowledging the criticism and dismissing it.

This age-old tactic, reminiscent of the Cold War era, was employed recently when Germany and the US commented on Kejriwal’s arrest. Envoys were summoned to the External Affairs Ministry and handed formal protests against ‘interference’ in India’s internal affairs. Simultaneously, the government launched a robust diplomatic offensive against what it deemed ‘disinformation’.

One strategy borrowed from the US involves leveraging trade and arms purchases as diplomatic tools, with mixed success. While France, India’s defense collaborator, and Gulf countries have remained relatively silent, India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has defended India’s democracy in foreign capitals, and Indian embassies have been tasked with countering ‘Western propaganda’.

The Modi government’s unease with foreign criticism is understandable. Initially, the domestic media highlighted such criticism. However, within the first three years of Modi’s tenure, negative news was largely suppressed in mainstream media. Nonetheless, strategies like ‘sam, dam, dand, bhed’ have failed to silence external critics.

The BBC underwent tax raids and faced FDI inquiries, leading it to separate its Indian newsroom into a distinct company. Emily Schmall of The New York Times recounted being invited to meetings with the government, during which ministers would criticize foreign correspondents. At one such meeting, the “minister of information” read aloud headlines from articles written by the gathered correspondents in a seemingly random manner, with a hint of sarcasm. At least 13 journalists, nine of whom were Muslims in Kashmir, have been booked under the anti-terror Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. Schmall emphasized that journalism is under threat in India.

Last year, Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur accused The New York Times of spreading lies after it published an article on press freedom in Kashmir. His response mirrored the government’s tendency to dismiss negative reports as false.

When Lancet questioned the accuracy and transparency of Indian healthcare data, the government dismissed it. Similarly, a Harvard study indicating 6.7 million malnourished children in India was labeled as fake news.

To refute the IMF’s lower GDP prediction, former Chief Economic Adviser Krishnamurthy Subramaniam criticized the IMF’s estimates as consistently inaccurate. Incumbent CEA Anantha Nageswaran has also questioned the metrics of ratings agencies like Fitch, Moody’s, and S&P.

Union Minister Rajiv Chandrasekhar described as ‘half-truths’ a report by The Washington Post claiming that India had requested Apple to ‘soften’ its hacking alert.

Despite these efforts, negative news about India continues to surface:

Reporters Without Borders stated that India’s ranking in the World Freedom Index for 2024 is 159 out of 176 countries, compared to 150 in 2022.

India ranked 111 out of 125 countries in the Global Hunger Index 2023, with the highest rate of child wasting at 18.7%. In the previous year, its ranking was 107 out of 121 countries.

India topped the Global Slavery Index for 2023 among G20 countries, followed by China, Russia, Indonesia, and the US.

Youth unemployment in India in 2022 was 23.22%, higher than in Pakistan (11.3%), Bangladesh (12.9%), China (13.2%), and Bhutan (14.4%), according to World Bank data.

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and 10 other international rights groups have criticized the misuse of laws like UAPA and financial regulations to silence journalists, human rights activists, and government critics.

Accordingly, an all-out mobilization effort is underway by the Modi regime to counteract this negative narrative. To counter organizations like Freedom House, V-Dem, and the Economic Intelligence Unit, the government-run Niti Ayog has engaged the Modi-friendly Observer Research Foundation to create India’s own democracy index. The Adani group has announced the establishment of a new think-tank. Additionally, pro-government voices, including academic groups, intellectuals, lawyers, and retired judges associated with the Sangh Parivar, are encouraged to issue statements and contribute articles to the media.

The PMO is coordinating the media response, both in print and digital formats. It appears that Vishwabandhu feels he has nothing to lose but his world.

Google Layoffs Shift Hundreds of Jobs Overseas, Amplifying Concerns for American Workers Amid Global Economic Shifts

U.S. Google recently implemented significant layoffs, affecting more than 200 ‘core’ employees, with plans to relocate these positions to foreign countries as part of cost-cutting measures. The job positions from Google’s U.S. headquarters are slated to move to Mexico and India, a BRICS nation. This move follows a trend of outsourcing jobs from the U.S. to developing countries that began in the 1990s due to the availability of similar talent at lower wage costs.

The outsourcing of American jobs, particularly in the technology sector, has escalated since the early 2000s, with Mexico and India emerging as key destinations for such endeavors. Google’s recent layoffs coincide with a broader pattern of job cuts in the U.S. following the COVID-19 lockdowns, disproportionately impacting American workers.

India, as a BRICS member, offers a vast pool of talent in various fields, including technology and software development, often at salaries significantly lower than those paid in the U.S. Consequently, while Google and similar companies benefit from cost savings, American employees bear the brunt of outsourcing.

This shift in employment practices by Google comes at a time when BRICS nations are actively leveraging their talent pools to drive economic growth. However, while companies like Google prioritize profits and seek cheaper labor, the implications extend beyond corporate interests, affecting the livelihoods of U.S. workers.

Mexico’s potential inclusion in BRICS reflects broader global economic shifts, including efforts to reduce reliance on the U.S. dollar. Despite these geopolitical changes, American workers facing job displacement due to outsourcing find themselves without significant government assistance.

The situation underscores the challenges faced by U.S. workers in an increasingly globalized economy, where job opportunities in sectors like technology are dwindling while the financial industry experiences growth. As businesses pursue strategies aimed at maximizing profits, the consequences for American workers remain a pressing concern, with no clear solution in sight.

Hamas Agrees to Temporary Ceasefire with Israel Amid Hostage Negotiations and Diplomatic Tensions

Hamas has reportedly agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Israel amidst ongoing diplomatic maneuvers aimed at securing the release of Israeli hostages held by the group and preventing an Israeli military intervention in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

According to Basem Naim, Hamas’s head of political and international relations, the group has communicated its acceptance of a ceasefire proposal to mediators from Egypt and Qatar. This comes after weeks of intensive diplomatic efforts by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar to broker a truce between Israel and Hamas.

While Israel has indicated its willingness to send a delegation for negotiations on a temporary ceasefire, it has expressed reservations about Hamas’s proposal, deeming it insufficient to meet Israel’s demands. The Israeli government, in a statement from the prime minister’s office, asserted that Hamas’s proposal falls short of their requirements.

Simultaneously, Israel’s wartime Cabinet has unanimously decided to continue military operations targeting Hamas positions in Rafah. Despite efforts by the Biden administration to dissuade Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from launching an offensive in Rafah, the White House remains cautious about Hamas’s ceasefire offer.

President Biden held discussions with Netanyahu, although the conversation occurred prior to Hamas’s announcement. John Kirby, the White House national security communications adviser, emphasized the administration’s commitment to securing the release of Israeli hostages through a temporary ceasefire, as well as safeguarding the lives of over a million Palestinians in Rafah.

Rafah, located on Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, serves as a crucial entry point for humanitarian aid into the besieged territory. Following Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, which resulted in numerous casualties and the abduction of over 250 individuals, Israel has been engaged in a protracted conflict with the group.

A brief ceasefire in November facilitated the release of more than 100 hostages, a precedent that the administration seeks to replicate in ongoing negotiations. However, the specific details of the proposed truce have not been publicly disclosed by mediators, and Hamas has refrained from elaborating on the terms.

Nonetheless, the tentative agreement reportedly involves a six-to-eight week cessation of hostilities, during which Hamas would gradually release Israeli hostages, starting with the most vulnerable among them. In return, Israel is expected to release an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners, withdraw troops from select areas of Gaza, and permit movement for Palestinians within the territory.

Additionally, the ceasefire would enable a significant influx of humanitarian aid into Gaza, where the population has endured displacement, casualties, and dire humanitarian conditions due to the prolonged conflict.

Enhance Mental Resilience and Revitalize Metabolism with a 30-Minute Weight-Free Walking Routine

In a bid to cultivate mental fortitude and invigorate metabolic activity, a 30-minute walking workout devoid of weights emerges as a versatile regimen accessible to all, irrespective of location or fitness level.

Collaborating with outdoor footwear giant Merrell, Goop introduces a mindful walking meditation aimed at fostering an enhanced connection with nature while promoting mindfulness. The session, spearheaded by Mel Mah, serves as a guided practice tailored for outdoor environments, be it a hike, beach stroll, park visit, or even a simple backyard excursion. “Developing a deep connection with nature is a matter of getting out in it,” underscores the team. With just half an hour dedicated to this endeavor, participants are encouraged to immerse themselves in the present moment.

For those venturing into public spaces, outfitting with premium workout headphones ensures privacy during this introspective journey. Time spent amidst nature yields multifaceted benefits, ranging from improved sleep and stress reduction to lowered heart rates. Furthermore, research suggests that exposure to outdoor settings, particularly natural landscapes, fosters heightened creativity.

Mah emphasizes the significance of connection in facilitating a deceleration of pace. “Let’s begin by slowing down the mind and body,” she suggests. Commencing with a series of preparatory steps involving closing one’s eyes, elongating the spine, and tuning into bodily sensations through mindful breathing sets the tone for the session.

A notable aspect of Mah’s approach is the delayed introduction of walking, accommodating individuals not solely focused on physical exertion. To fully leverage the 30-minute walking workout, initiating the walk prior to commencing the session is advised.

The Physical and Mental Perks of Outdoor Walking

From a physical standpoint, brisk walking proves instrumental in sustaining a robust metabolism, curbing sedentary behavior, and contributing to Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), which encompasses calorie expenditure beyond formal workouts. While the session is framed as a walking meditation, it can seamlessly transition into a workout by incorporating light handheld weights, ankle or wrist weights, amplifying pace, or tackling undulating terrains to elevate heart rate, introduce resistance, and intensify muscle engagement.

However, weighted accessories are not indispensable for reaping rewards. Mental resilience can be honed concurrently with physical conditioning, utilizing body weight to fortify muscles, joints, bones, and ligaments. Moreover, the session underscores a strong emphasis on mindfulness, allowing for moments of silence for personal exploration or heightened intensity if desired.

It is noteworthy that any form of exercise, including walking, contributes positively to overall well-being, with a daily target of 7,000 steps recommended. Individuals pursuing weight loss objectives may find the session’s intensity insufficient and may opt for alternative routines geared towards this goal.

In addition to uplifting mood and mindfulness, walking fosters strength in lower body musculature and vital joints such as hips, knees, and ankles, crucial for preserving muscle mass and bone density with advancing age. This aligns with osteogenic loading, a process wherein bones undergo stimulation for growth and reinforcement.

During the walking session, participants are encouraged to immerse themselves in their surroundings, keenly observing scents, sounds, and tactile sensations. Conscious engagement with foot movements and rhythmic breathing serves to tether the mind to the present, fostering a deeper connection with the sensory experience.

Indian-American Groups Oppose Kashmiri Flag Display at Rutgers University Amidst Gaza Conflict Protests

Prominent Indian-American community organizations have appealed to Rutgers University Chancellor in New Jersey to refrain from allowing the exhibition of a separatist Kashmiri flag on its campus. They argue that such an act would convey a misleading message amid the ongoing turmoil at prominent US educational institutions over Israel’s conflict in Gaza.

Leading universities across the US are witnessing protests against Israeli military action in Gaza. The conflict was instigated by unprecedented attacks against Israel by Hamas militants on October 7, resulting in the deaths of over 1,400 people. In response, Israel has initiated a significant counter-offensive against the Islamic militant group governing Gaza since 2007.

On Friday, a group representing protesting students claimed that eight out of their ten demands had been met by the Rutgers University administration. However, the ninth demand, which proposed the display of flags of occupied peoples, including Palestine, Kurds, and Kashmiris, across Rutgers campuses, did not receive approval. The university administration stated that it would assess the flags exhibited on the New Brunswick Campus to ensure appropriate representation of enrolled students.

This refusal to meet the demand angered several Indian American groups, including the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) and the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA). They criticized Rutgers University for what they perceived as giving in to hate by approving the display of a Kashmiri separatist flag, which they associated with terror and the displacement of Kashmiri Hindus.

Some individuals, like Dharma Viveka, criticized Rutgers University for what they saw as capitulating to the demands of protesting students and failing to uphold equitable resource allocation. Additionally, the university’s decision sparked concern among Indian American communities, given the significant number of Indian students at Rutgers and the large Indian American population in New Jersey.

Thomas Abraham, Chairman of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), expressed surprise and dismay over Rutgers’ consideration of the demand to display flags of occupied peoples. He argued that such actions would call into question India’s integrity, asserting that Kashmir is an integral part of India and not a separate entity. Abraham cautioned against Rutgers’ involvement in internal conflicts of other countries, emphasizing its role as a public educational institution belonging to everyone.

The controversy surrounding Rutgers University’s handling of demands for flag displays reflects broader tensions over international conflicts within US educational institutions and the complexities of representing diverse student populations while navigating geopolitical sensitivities.

Apple CEO Teases Early AI Plans Ahead of Let Loose Event

Apple’s plans regarding artificial intelligence (AI) may be unveiled sooner than anticipated, with CEO Tim Cook hinting at a potential reveal of the company’s AI developments ahead of schedule. Initially speculated to be showcased during the Worldwide Developers Conference slated for June 10, insights into generative AI could be shared with users sooner than expected, as per reports. The upcoming Let Loose event scheduled for May 7 leaves a slight possibility for Apple to provide hints regarding the forthcoming features set to debut later in the year.

During the company’s quarterly earnings call, Cook reportedly disclosed these intentions. Despite a reported 4 percent year-on-year revenue decline, bringing it to $90.8 billion, Cook expressed optimism about Apple’s prospects in generative AI, emphasizing significant investments and the anticipation of unveiling exciting developments to customers imminently.

This announcement underscores Apple’s commitment to capitalizing on the AI trend. Cook underscored the company’s innovation in processors and neural engines, asserting a strategic advantage over competitors in integrating AI technology into its devices. Furthermore, he hinted at an enduring commitment to privacy, suggesting that AI features are likely to be powered on-device.

In recent months, Apple’s AI aspirations have garnered significant attention. The tech giant has acquired two AI-focused companies, Darwin AI and Datakalab. Additionally, its researchers have published numerous papers on AI models, encompassing computer vision, on-device operations, and multimodal capabilities.

Previous reports have hinted at potential AI-powered features slated for release later this year. Notably, the Safari browser may play a pivotal role, with rumors circulating about an ‘Intelligent Search’ feature capable of summarizing articles and web pages. Another speculated feature is an AI-powered web eraser, designed to eliminate banner ads and other elements on web pages based on user preferences. These features are anticipated to be unveiled at WWDC 24, coinciding with the launch of iOS 18 and macOS 15.

Tory Turmoil: Sunak Stands Firm Despite Election Setbacks

Rishi Sunak has rebuffed calls for a change in direction following disappointing local election outcomes, asserting his ability to foster “progress” among voters prior to a general election.

In his initial response since the extent of Tory setbacks became evident, the prime minister lamented the loss of 470 councillors as “deeply disappointing”.

Critics within the Tory party have urged Sunak to steer towards the right.

However, Sunak expressed to The Times his determination to unify the party, stating, “I am determined that we will come together as a party.”

The Conservative party is reeling from a series of defeats in local elections. After the final tally on Sunday, they relinquished control of 10 councils, over 470 council seats, and suffered the symbolic defeat of West Midlands mayor Andy Street.

Additionally, the party ceded 10 Police and Crime Commissioners to Labour, posing a potentially significant setback for the Conservatives if they intend to focalize their next general election campaign on law and order.

Acknowledging for the first time that his party might be on course to lose its majority, Sunak conceded, “The local election results suggest we are heading for a hung parliament with Labour as the largest party.”

In an interview with The Times, he cautioned against the prospect of Keir Starmer leading a government backed by the SNP, Liberal Democrats, and the Greens, deeming it disastrous for Britain.

Sunak emphasized the necessity for action, asserting, “There is work to do and more progress to be made, and I am determined that we will come together as a party and show the British people we are delivering for them.”

His remarks parallel the analysis by leading psephologist Prof Michael Thrasher for Sky News, which projected that Labour would secure 294 seats in a general election.

The projection, though contested by some polling experts, extrapolated the nationwide vote share at a general election from the local election results. It operated on the assumption that voting patterns in the local elections would mirror those in a general election, notwithstanding the usual stronger performance of smaller parties and independent candidates in local elections.

Moreover, it did not factor in potential developments in Scotland, relying instead on the 2019 general election results, despite expectations of a stronger showing for Labour there this year.

Polling expert Prof Sir John Curtice noted that winning more seats in Scotland alone probably wouldn’t suffice for Labour to secure a majority. Nonetheless, he observed that the impact of Reform UK was subdued in the local elections as they contested only one in six wards. Where they did contest, there was a significant decline in the Conservative vote, indicating that they could wield greater influence in a general election, given their pledge to field candidates in every seat across England, Scotland, and Wales.

Health Minister Maria Caulfield acknowledged the caveats surrounding the projection. However, she asserted that last week’s results indicated former Conservative voters were abstaining rather than defecting to Labour, emphasizing, “they want a reason to vote for us.”

Labour refuted claims of planning alliances with other parties to form a government in the forthcoming general election, expected in the latter half of the year.

Speaking on BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Labour’s election coordinator Pat McFadden expressed confidence in his party’s prospects, citing a growing belief in victory. He hailed the party’s remarkable election outcomes, particularly the unexpected triumph in the West Midlands mayoral race.

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman criticized Sunak’s strategy as ineffective, acknowledging the dismal election results for the Conservatives. However, while advocating for a rightward shift in policies to recapture disenchanted Tory voters, she stopped short of calling for Sunak’s replacement, deeming it impractical so close to a general election.

Braverman is among several conservative voices advocating for a shift to the right following the bleak local election results. Miriam Cates, co-chair of the New Conservatives group primarily comprising “red wall” MPs from the 2019 intake, urged the party to emphasize “patriotism and national security” to avoid decline.

In an op-ed for the Telegraph, Cates urged Sunak to prioritize policies that resonate domestically over those catering to an international elite, proposing measures such as substantial immigration reduction and planning law reforms to stimulate house-building.

Former lead Brexit negotiator Lord David Frost expressed skepticism about rescuing the Conservative Party from electoral defeat in the next general election, contending that Sunak must implement “more tax cuts, more spending cuts,” and a “serious assault on the burden of net zero” to salvage the party’s prospects.

Contrarily, Damian Green, chairman of the centrist One Nation Group of Conservative MPs, criticized calls for a rightward shift as irrational, pointing out that recent losses were to parties on the left.

Conservative Party chairman Richard Holden stressed the need for the party to articulate a clear vision for the country rather than engaging in internal discussions, deeming it self-indulgent in the current climate

India Dismisses USCIRF Report, Labels Accusations of Discrimination as Biased

India has firmly dismissed the recent findings of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), accusing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of promoting discriminatory nationalist policies. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson, Randhir Jaiswal, labeled the USCIRF as biased and propagandist, expressing little hope for the organization to grasp India’s diverse, pluralistic, and democratic essence. Jaiswal emphasized this stance during a press briefing, asserting, “We really have no expectation that USCIRF will even seek to understand India’s diverse, pluralistic and democratic ethos. Their efforts to interfere in the largest electoral exercise of the world will never succeed.”

USCIRF, established by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, comprises Commissioners appointed by the President and bipartisan leadership from both chambers of Congress. The Commission’s recent report accused India’s government, particularly the BJP, of exacerbating communal tensions and neglecting to address violence disproportionately impacting various religious and ethnic communities.

“In 2023, religious freedom conditions in India continued to deteriorate,” the USCIRF report stated. It criticized the BJP-led government for reinforcing discriminatory policies, fostering divisive rhetoric, and failing to address communal violence, particularly affecting Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits, Jews, and indigenous Adivasi communities. The report highlighted the continued enforcement of laws such as the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and anti-conversion and cow slaughter laws, which allegedly led to the arbitrary detention and targeting of religious minorities and their advocates.

Moreover, USCIRF’s report raised concerns about media and NGO freedom, citing instances of strict monitoring under FCRA regulations. It pointed to the suspension of the FCRA license of the Centre for Policy Research, an NGO focused on social issues and minority discrimination, as well as raids on the offices and homes of journalists, including Teesta Setalvad, known for her reporting on anti-Muslim violence during the 2002 Gujarat riots.

India’s response to the USCIRF report underscores the ongoing tensions between the Indian government and international organizations regarding religious freedom and human rights. The rejection of USCIRF’s findings reflects India’s assertion of sovereignty and resistance to external scrutiny, particularly from entities perceived as biased or politically motivated. As India continues to navigate complex religious and social dynamics, its relationship with international bodies like USCIRF remains contentious, with divergent perspectives on issues of religious freedom and minority rights.

USCIRF Urges State Department to Include India in Religious Freedom Violator List Amidst National Elections

India is currently amidst a significant national election spanning six weeks, and amid this democratic process, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has urged the U.S. State Department to include India in its roster of countries with severe violations of religious freedom. This bipartisan commission, established under the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998, holds the authority to recommend countries for special designations to the State Department. This year, in its 25th annual report, the commission called for India’s inclusion due to escalating hate speech, particularly targeting Muslims, in the lead-up to the elections.

According to the USCIRF report, hate speech has seen a surge in India, especially directed towards Muslims, ahead of the national elections. Commissioner David Curry highlighted instances where Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party have been accused of exacerbating tensions by making statements targeting religious minorities. In the northeastern state of Manipur, clashes between Hindu and Christian communities have resulted in the destruction of numerous places of worship.

The commission’s concerns extend beyond India. It has recommended that Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, and Vietnam be designated as “countries of particular concern” (CPC) due to their poor records on religious freedom. Additionally, the commission called for the retention of CPC designation for countries like China, Cuba, Iran, and Russia, among others.

In Nigeria, religious freedom conditions have remained dire, with thousands of Christians participating in protests following deadly attacks over the Christmas season. Commissioner Eric Ueland criticized the State Department for its failure to recognize Nigeria as one of the worst violators of religious freedom, emphasizing the government’s consistent failure to prevent or punish religiously motivated violence.

Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan have also come under scrutiny, with the former being recommended for CPC designation for the first time due to its refusal to register non-Muslim religious communities and its targeting of ethnic Armenians in disputed regions. Kyrgyzstan has been added to the special watch list for its strict penalties against religious practices.

The report also flagged China and India for engaging in “transnational repression,” with governments increasingly using digital surveillance to monitor religious minorities. However, there was a positive note regarding Syria, which was moved from the worst violators list to the special watch list due to changes in the nature of violations.

Commissioner Frank Wolf emphasized the need for meaningful consequences for governments designated as CPCs, suggesting that waivers based on other U.S. interests should not be reissued for countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, which have avoided penalties for their abuses in the past.

Small U.S. Banks Under Stress: Threat of Failures Looms Amid Economic Challenges

Numerous small and regional banks throughout the United States are experiencing significant strain, with concerns rising about potential repercussions.

According to Christopher Wolfe, managing director and head of North American banks at Fitch Ratings, some banks could face dire circumstances, potentially failing or falling below their minimum capital thresholds.

Klaros Group, a consulting firm, conducted an analysis of approximately 4,000 U.S. banks, identifying 282 institutions confronting a double jeopardy scenario involving commercial real estate loans and the specter of losses linked to escalating interest rates.

The affected banks predominantly consist of smaller financial entities with assets totaling less than $10 billion.

Brian Graham, co-founder and partner at Klaros Group, clarified that while many of these banks aren’t insolvent or on the brink of insolvency, they are undoubtedly under pressure. This pressure, he emphasized, may result in fewer bank failures but could still have adverse effects on communities and customers.

Graham elaborated that communities may experience subtle ramifications due to banks opting out of investments in endeavors such as establishing new branches, embracing technological advancements, or expanding their workforce.

The ramifications of small bank failures are more tangential for individual depositors. As Sheila Bair, former chair of the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., explained, there’s no immediate impact for depositors if banks fall below the insured deposit limits, which are presently set at $250,000. In the event of a bank failure insured by the FDIC, all depositors are entitled to receive compensation “up to at least $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.”

Analysis: Declining US Birth Rate Not the Economic Disaster Some Fear, Says Fisher Investments

Recent analysis from Fisher Investments suggests that the declining birth rate in the United States, though significant, may not spell the economic catastrophe that some anticipate. The advisory firm highlights a global trend of falling birth rates, with the US experiencing its lowest rate in decades, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control.

This downward trend in birth rates is not a new phenomenon. World Bank data indicates a consistent decline since the 1960s. Despite these numbers, Fisher Investments argues that a shrinking population may not be detrimental to the economy, citing previous instances in the 1980s and 1990s when economic growth persisted despite declining fertility rates.

The correlation between falling birth rates and economic prosperity is not straightforward. Wealthier nations tend to have lower birth rates due to factors such as improved healthcare leading to lower infant mortality rates and longer life expectancies, allowing individuals to delay or choose not to have children.

While acknowledging potential long-term implications of declining birth rates on human capital and other factors, Fisher Investments remains cautiously optimistic about the future. They emphasize the unpredictability of future developments and the potential for technological advancements, such as AI, to mitigate the effects of a smaller workforce.

Economists have also speculated on the impact of technological innovations like AI on the labor force. Goldman Sachs estimates that AI could disrupt millions of jobs worldwide, potentially offsetting the effects of a declining workforce.

Moreover, Fisher Investments suggests that any economic repercussions from declining birth rates would likely unfold gradually over time rather than having an immediate impact. Founder and co-chief investment officer Ken Fisher remains bullish on the stock market, downplaying concerns about a recession or prolonged periods of high-interest rates. He asserts that the recent fluctuations in the market do not signify the beginning of a bear market, as bear markets typically manifest through a gradual decline rather than sudden drops like those observed recently.

JPMorgan Stays Cautious on Cryptocurrencies Amid Lack of Bullish Catalysts

JPMorgan, a leading US bank, has expressed a cautious outlook towards cryptocurrencies in its recent report released on April 23rd. The report highlights several factors contributing to the current state of the cryptocurrency market. One notable observation is the absence of bullish catalysts following a decline in ETF inflows. Analysts at the bank point to various factors amplifying the bearish sentiment, including high market positioning, disappointing venture capital funding, and the associated production costs.

In a previous assessment, JPMorgan suggested that the impact of the Bitcoin halving had already been factored into the market, which tempered optimistic forecasts. This sentiment was echoed back in February when the bank projected a potential drop in Bitcoin’s value post-halving, envisioning a figure as low as $42,000 per coin. Additionally, JPMorgan foresaw a doubling in the production cost of individual coins. During this period, Bitcoin advocate Mike Novogratz also cautioned against an overheated market.

Despite hitting an all-time high of $73,737 in March and achieving eight consecutive months of gains, Bitcoin faced a significant downturn in April, followed by continued declines into May. This downward trajectory was attributed to substantial outflows from ETFs and broader macroeconomic uncertainties. As of the latest update, Bitcoin is trading at $59,110.

Meanwhile, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, reiterated his longstanding skepticism toward Bitcoin, labeling it as “a fraud” and likening it to a “Ponzi scheme.” Dimon maintained his stance that Bitcoin lacks the fundamental qualities of a viable currency. However, he acknowledged the potential value of blockchain technology despite his reservations about cryptocurrencies.

Renowned Trader Peter Brandt Sparks Controversy with Bold Bitcoin Price Prediction

Renowned trader Peter Brandt has ignited yet another fervent discussion within the cryptocurrency community with his most recent Bitcoin price forecast. In a recent social media update, Brandt put forth the notion that should Bitcoin sustain its current price levels and persist on its upward path, it could adhere to a conventional pattern indicative of a continuation in the bull market.

Brandt’s analysis, coupled with an illustrative chart portraying his perspective, indicates that notwithstanding recent fluctuations, Bitcoin might be on the brink of a substantial surge towards the $74,000 threshold, potentially revisiting its prior all-time pinnacle. This buoyant prognosis, however, hasn’t garnered unanimous acceptance.

Some skeptics have cast doubt on Brandt’s credibility, pointing to his earlier prognostications which oscillated between predicting a downturn to $40,000 per BTC and speculating that Bitcoin had already peaked. Nevertheless, Brandt remains steadfast in his conviction that the cryptocurrency is amidst a bullish phase, underscoring the significance of adaptability in proficient trading.

In response to the criticism levied against him, Brandt dismissed detractors, underscoring his extensive decades-long experience in trading and stressing the indispensability of agility in maneuvering through volatile markets. Engaging in a direct confrontation with one skeptic, Brandt assertively proclaimed his readiness to capitalize on their skepticism, cautioning them against the risk of jeopardizing their capital in the process.

The veracity of whether Bitcoin will indeed adhere to Brandt’s envisaged trajectory remains uncertain, yet one aspect is indisputable: the esteemed trader has once again kindled deliberation and captured the attention of investors.

Americans Remain Concerned About Inflation: Gallup Survey Reveals Financial Worries

In the latest survey unveiled on Thursday, inflation maintains its prominent position as a foremost concern among Americans regarding their financial challenges.

Gallup’s findings reveal that 41 percent of Americans pinpoint inflation or a high cost of living as “the most important financial problem facing” their families, surpassing concerns such as taxes and energy expenses. This marks the third consecutive year where inflation has led the list, showcasing a marginal uptick from the previous year’s 35 percent, as per the survey.

The report from Gallup researchers emphasizes the significance of inflation as a domestic worry, standing just behind immigration, government affairs, and the broader economy when Americans identify the paramount issues confronting the nation.

Despite a robust labor market and a notable increase in inflation, the Federal Reserve opted to uphold interest rates at a 23-year peak.

Data disclosed by the Commerce Department last week underscores a rise in inflation for March, attributed to escalated spending and augmented incomes. The personal consumption expenditures price index, a preferred gauge of inflation by the Fed, exhibited a 0.3 percent surge in March and a 2.7 percent increment over the preceding year.

Additionally, the survey divulges a minor decline in individuals who perceive their overall financial situation as deteriorating, dropping from 50 percent to 47 percent compared to the previous year. Conversely, the proportion of those expressing an improvement in their financial circumstances rose from 37 percent to 43 percent in comparison to last year.

The poll highlights other significant financial concerns, including excessive debt (8 percent), healthcare expenses (7 percent), insufficient income or low wages (7 percent), and energy costs or gasoline prices (6 percent).

Examining responses by age, older adults manifest a greater tendency to identify inflation as a primary impediment to their financial well-being. Notably, 46 percent of adults aged 50 or above cited inflation, contrasting with 36 percent among those under 50.

Furthermore, individuals with higher incomes exhibit a heightened propensity to perceive inflation as a financial burden, according to the survey’s findings.

The Gallup poll, conducted from April 1-22 with a sample size of 1,001 individuals, carries a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Report Reveals Surge in Democratic Support for Abortion Rights Post-Dobbs Decision

A recent report from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) reveals a significant shift in Democratic voters’ attitudes towards abortion rights. Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which enabled abortion restrictions nationwide, more Democrats are considering abortion a crucial voting issue.

PRRI CEO Melissa Deckman emphasized this transformation, stating, “So the salience of abortion as an issue is really different for Democratic voters this election cycle,” attributing it directly to the political and policy aftermath of Dobbs. The report also highlights a widening disparity between Republicans and Democrats regarding abortion views.

Deckman noted that the growing partisan gap is primarily driven by Democrats’ increasing support for abortion rights over the past decade, contrasting with relatively stable Republican sentiments. The study reveals a substantial rise in Democratic backing for abortion rights, with 86% of surveyed Democrats in 2023 expressing support, up from 71% in 2010. Independent voters also show growing support.

Exit polls following the Dobbs decision confirm these trends, indicating widespread backing for abortion rights across various states and an escalating number of voters prioritizing abortion as a key voting factor. Notably, women and younger voters, particularly those aged 18 to 29, exhibit heightened motivation on the issue, especially within the Democratic demographic.

Nationwide, the survey indicates that 64% of voters advocate for abortion to be mostly or always legal, while 35% favor making it mostly or always illegal. Even in states with Republican-dominated governments, the majority of voters support legal abortion, with minimal backing for complete bans.

Deckman highlighted the inconsistency between state policies and public opinion, stating, “In no state does anywhere near a majority of state residents support the banning of abortions, yet we have a policy landscape in which some states have effectively made the procedure almost impossible to access.” She underscored that the restrictive measures enacted in many Republican-controlled state legislatures do not align with the preferences of their citizens.

NASA’s Psyche Mission: Deep Space Signal Interception Marks Milestone in Laser Communication

NASA has disclosed that Earth has intercepted an enigmatic signal from the depths of space, originating from its recently dispatched spacecraft, “Psyche,” situated approximately 140 million miles away.

In October 2023, NASA embarked on a pioneering space mission, dispatching a spacecraft towards an asteroid known as ‘Psyche 16,’ believed to be primarily constructed of metal, a peculiarity within our solar system. This asteroid is positioned within the asteroid belt flanked by Mars and Jupiter.

Dubbed Psyche, in homage to the asteroid it’s destined for, this robotic explorer harbored an additional objective – to evaluate laser communications.

Psyche is armed with the Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) system, devised to facilitate laser communication over expansive interstellar distances, promising significantly swifter connections compared to prevailing methods.

Despite Psyche predominantly employing radio frequency communication, the optical communications technology has showcased its prowess. In a notable accomplishment, the laser communications demonstration effectively relayed engineering data from over 140 million miles away, a distance 1.5 times the span between Earth and the sun, subsequent to engaging with Psyche’s radio frequency transmitter.

Moreover, DSOC seamlessly interfaced with Psyche’s radio transmitter, enabling the direct transmission of spacecraft information and engineering data back to Earth.

Meera Srinivasan, overseeing operations for the project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California, elucidated that during a pass on April 8, they downlinked roughly 10 minutes of replicated spacecraft data. This duplicated data underwent transmission via laser communications, while the original Psyche data was routed to ground control using conventional radio-frequency communication channels on NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN). The aim was to gauge whether laser communications could match, if not surpass, traditional methods in performance.

NASA’s optical communications demonstration has validated its capacity to transmit test data at a maximum speed of 267 Mbps employing the flight laser transceiver’s near-infrared downlink laser, akin to broadband internet velocities. Nonetheless, due to the spacecraft’s increased distance, the data transmission rate has decreased.

During an assessment on April 8, the spacecraft proficiently relayed test data at a peak rate of 25 Mbps, surpassing the project’s objective of establishing that at least 1 Mbps was attainable at that distance.

As Psyche advances towards the Psyche 16 asteroid situated between Mars and Jupiter, reports indicate that it remains stable and in good health.

Police Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Encampment at UCLA Amid Nationwide Campus Protests

Police dismantled the fortified encampment of pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) early Thursday, following the defiance of evacuation orders by hundreds of protesters. Some formed human chains as police employed flash-bangs to disperse the crowds, leading to detentions and tense confrontations. The crackdown ensued after prolonged warnings through loudspeakers. Over 1,000 individuals had congregated both within and outside the barricaded tent encampment in solidarity. The clashes echoed historic crackdowns on Vietnam War protests.

The incident garnered global attention, with live coverage by Iranian state television, Qatar’s Al Jazeera, and Israeli networks. California Highway Patrol officers, clad in protective gear, arrived en masse to the campus, facing off against demonstrators donning helmets and gas masks. The dismantling of barricades, comprised of plywood, pallets, metal fences, and dumpsters, commenced, accompanied by the removal of tents and canopies. As the morning progressed, the protester numbers dwindled, with some leaving voluntarily and others being detained.

Contrastingly, Tuesday night witnessed a tepid response from authorities as counterdemonstrators attacked the pro-Palestinian encampment, resulting in injuries and property damage. Criticism mounted over the delayed law enforcement intervention. Chancellor Gene Block pledged a review of the events, following condemnation by California Governor Gavin Newsom. The University of California system initiated an independent review, aiming to address concerns about law enforcement’s role.

Elsewhere, similar protest encampments faced police clearance or voluntary closures at various U.S. universities, including those in New York, Oregon, New Hampshire, Arizona, and Louisiana. Incidents of police intervention, such as at Columbia University and the University of Wisconsin, resulted in injuries and arrests. Amidst the unrest, some universities negotiated agreements with protest leaders to mitigate disruptions.

The protests, which commenced at Columbia University on April 17 in response to Israel’s offensive in Gaza, have spread nationwide. The movement aims to defend Palestinian rights and denounce the conflict’s toll, characterized by civilian casualties. However, allegations of antisemitism have surfaced, countered by assertions of peaceful advocacy by protest organizers, including Jewish individuals.

Since April 18, at least 38 campus protests across the U.S. have led to over 1,600 arrests, reflecting the escalating tensions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Alleged Indian Intelligence Operations Abroad Stir Tensions with Western Allies

US and Australian media reports on alleged overseas operations by Indian “intelligence officials” have caught New Delhi off-guard, stirring disquiet within the establishment. Sources suggest a perceived “concerted pushback” from key Western strategic allies. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Indian operatives were expelled from Australia for attempting to pilfer sensitive defense and airport security information, along with classified data on trade relationships. The Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald confirmed the expulsion of two Indian “spies.”

The ABC highlighted a foreign “nest of spies” dismantled by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) in 2020, alleging surveillance on Indian expatriates and forging close ties with current and former politicians. The Washington Post, a day prior, identified an Indian intelligence official implicated in a plot to assassinate pro-Khalistan Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, seeking connections with senior Indian intelligence and security figures.

Randhir Jaiswal, spokesperson for the Ministry of External Affairs, denounced The Washington Post’s report, labeling it as containing “unwarranted and unsubstantiated imputations” on a serious matter. He referenced an ongoing high-level investigation addressing security concerns shared by the US government regarding organized crime and terrorism networks.

ABC disclosed that ASIO Director-General Mike Burgess had hinted at the spy network during his 2021 annual threat assessment, without divulging the country involved. Burgess reportedly detailed how the spies recruited an Australian government security clearance holder with access to sensitive defense technology information. The Indian government has yet to respond to ABC’s revelations, given the lack of official endorsement from the Australian government.

When questioned about allegations linking the Indian government to the “nest of spies,” Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong refrained from commenting on intelligence matters but emphasized democratic principles and the resilience of Australian democracy against foreign interference. Sources indicate a shared sentiment in South Block and North Block, housing the Ministries of External and Home Affairs, that Western agencies aim to establish boundaries with India, a key Quad grouping partner.

The timing, amidst a heated election season in India, bolsters New Delhi’s belief that Western partners prefer a more “sensitive” approach from the next government regarding overseas operations, particularly in certain countries.

India’s T20 World Cup Squad Unveiled

India’s squad for the forthcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 has been unveiled by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), with Yuzvendra Chahal and Shivam Dube securing spots among the 15-member team. Rohit Sharma will lead the team, with Hardik Pandya serving as vice-captain.

Chahal, the leg-spinner, who was left out of India’s recent T20 fixtures, earned his place on the back of impressive performances for Rajasthan Royals in the ongoing IPL season. Notably, he stands as the solitary right-arm spinner in the squad, complemented by left-arm spinners Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, and Kuldeep Yadav.

The pace battery comprises Jasprit Bumrah, Arshdeep Singh, and Mohammed Siraj, while K.L. Rahul of Lucknow Super Giants and Dinesh Karthik of Royal Challengers Bengaluru find themselves among the notable exclusions. Karthik, who exhibited promising form as a finisher for RCB, had hoped for a spot on the roster.

In a shuffle for the opener slot, Shubman Gill conceded ground to Yashasvi Jaiswal, with Gill and lower-order batsman Rinku Singh securing spots in the reserves. Dube, known for his ability to deliver big hits, replaced Singh in the final squad.

The T20 World Cup marks the return of wicketkeeper-batsman Rishabh Pant to the international arena after a hiatus since December 2022 due to a car accident. Pant, who has showcased his prowess with the bat for Delhi Capitals (DC) in IPL 2024, brings his dynamic batting and adept wicketkeeping skills to the fold.

Sanju Samson, the skipper of Rajasthan Royals, earns his place as the second wicketkeeper. Samson has dazzled with the bat, boasting a strike-rate of 161.08 and an impressive average of 77 for RR.

Despite recent criticisms regarding his strike-rate, Virat Kohli retains his place in the squad, with selectors expressing confidence in his abilities. Kohli addressed concerns about his performance by emphasizing the importance of contributing to the team’s victory, following his stellar 44-ball 70 for Royal Challengers Bangalore against Gujarat Titans.

Similarly, trust remains vested in Hardik Pandya, despite his struggles in his inaugural season as captain of Mumbai Indians. Hardik has faced criticism from MI supporters for his lackluster performances with both bat and ball, compounded by the team’s disappointing run under his leadership.

India will kick off their World Cup campaign against Ireland on June 5 at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium (New York), followed by a highly-anticipated showdown against Pakistan on June 9 at the same venue. Subsequent matches will see India facing off against USA and Canada on June 12 and 15, respectively.

The full squad includes: Rohit Sharma (Captain), Hardik Pandya (Vice Captain), Yashasvi Jaiswal, Virat Kohli, Suryakumar Yadav, Rishabh Pant (WK), Sanju Samson (WK), Shivam Dube, Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel, Kuldeep Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, and Mohammed Siraj.

Reserves comprise: Shubman Gill, Rinku Singh, Khaleel Ahmed, and Avesh Khan.

Unlocking the Promise of Genetic Therapies: Advances and Challenges in Treating Rare Disorders

In the realm of medical research, there is a profound exploration into the intricacies of cellular processes and the potential implications for various health conditions. One such focus lies on calcium signaling, a fundamental process within cells, which has garnered attention due to its association with Timothy syndrome and its possible relevance to more prevalent disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. As elucidated by the original article, “It is also studying how calcium signaling — the cellular process affected in Timothy syndrome — may play a role in much more common conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder.”

Simultaneously, within the scientific community, efforts are underway to develop antisense drugs tailored for rare genetic conditions impacting brain development. Among these conditions are Angelman syndrome and Dravet syndrome. These endeavors signify a concerted effort towards addressing the specific needs of individuals grappling with these genetic anomalies. The original article encapsulates this notion, stating, “Meanwhile, scientists are working on antisense drugs for other rare genetic conditions that affect brain development. These include Angelman syndrome and Dravet syndrome.”

Highlighting a significant milestone in medical advancement, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted approval for an antisense drug designed for spinal muscular atrophy in 2016. This drug offers hope to individuals grappling with the challenges posed by this genetic disorder, which undermines muscle strength. The original text underscores this development, noting, “An antisense drug for spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease that affects muscle strength, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2016.”

Central to these advancements is the identification of genetic mutations underlying various conditions. Many rare disorders, including Timothy syndrome, Angelman syndrome, and Dravet syndrome, stem from mutations in a single gene. However, the road to developing antisense treatments for conditions influenced by multiple genes, such as certain forms of autism, schizophrenia, and epilepsy, presents formidable challenges. Dr. Huda Zoghbi, a prominent figure in this field, acknowledges this complexity, as articulated in the original article: “All of those conditions are caused by mutations to a single gene. Antisense treatments for conditions that involve multiple genes – like most forms of autism, schizophrenia, and epilepsy — are likely to be much harder to develop, Zoghbi says.”

Nevertheless, amidst these challenges, there exists a burgeoning optimism within the scientific community regarding the prospect of treating these complex diseases. Dr. Zoghbi reflects on the evolution of her journey in medical research, tracing back to 1985 when she transitioned from clinical practice as a child neurologist to delve into research. She recalls a time when the understanding of devastating genetic disorders like Rett syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia was rudimentary, stating, “In 1985, Zoghbi left her practice as a child neurologist to do research because ‘we could offer nothing’ to patients with devastating genetic disorders like Rett syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia. ‘We didn’t know what caused the diseases,’ she says.”

Over the years, significant strides have been made, with scientists unraveling the genetic underpinnings of numerous childhood conditions, paving the way for the development of targeted treatments. The realization of this progress is particularly poignant for Dr. Zoghbi, who expresses, “Now, scientists know the genetic changes responsible for hundreds of childhood conditions, and they are beginning to develop treatments for some, including Timothy syndrome. ‘That’s a dream come true for me,’ Zoghbi says.”

The landscape of medical research is characterized by both challenges and triumphs. From the elucidation of cellular processes to the development of targeted therapies, the journey towards understanding and treating genetic disorders is multifaceted. As scientists continue to unravel the complexities of these conditions, there is an ever-growing sense of hope for individuals and families impacted by rare and complex diseases.

Supreme Court Emphasizes Life and Liberty in Kejriwal Arrest Case Amidst Election Timing Concerns

The Supreme Court emphasized the paramount importance of life and liberty during a hearing regarding Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s challenge against his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in a money laundering case related to the alleged Delhi excise policy scam. Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta directed the central agency to delve into the timing of Kejriwal’s arrest, particularly concerning the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. The bench adjourned the matter till May 3.

Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi argued during the proceedings that the ED had not recovered any “proceeds of crime” and emphasized the high threshold for arrest under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA). He asserted that mere non-cooperation should not warrant Kejriwal’s incarceration.

In response, the ED contended in its affidavit before the Supreme Court that arresting politicians who are involved in criminal activities does not impede free and fair elections.

Meanwhile, the Delhi High Court stated on Monday that Kejriwal’s decision to continue as Chief Minister despite his arrest was his personal choice. However, the court emphasized that this should not obstruct the provision of free textbooks, writing material, and uniforms to underprivileged school children.

The Delhi High Court had previously ruled on April 9 that there was no illegality in Kejriwal’s arrest by the ED, citing sufficient evidence including statements from approvers, involvement of middlemen, and indications of cash exchanges for the 2022 Goa elections.

Currently, Kejriwal is in judicial custody at Tihar jail in New Delhi, with his detention extended until May 7 by a Delhi court on April 23.

During the hearing, the Supreme Court delved into various aspects of the case. Justice Khanna raised concerns about the timing of Kejriwal’s arrest, particularly in the context of ongoing elections, highlighting the significance of life and liberty. Singhvi, representing Kejriwal, referred to safeguards outlined in the PMLA against vexatious arrests and the lack of proceeds of crime recovered by the ED.

Singhvi also highlighted discrepancies in the statements of approvers and witnesses, arguing that they were hearsay and lacked direct evidence against Kejriwal. He pointed out instances where bail was granted to co-accused after they made incriminating statements against Kejriwal, suggesting coercion.

Additionally, Singhvi emphasized the subjective evaluation criteria for arrest under Section 19 of the PMLA, asserting that it requires the probe officer to have a reason to believe in the accused’s guilt, not just suspicion.

The Supreme Court will resume hearing the matter on May 3, as the legal battle surrounding Kejriwal’s arrest continues amidst political and legal intricacies.

1 May, 2024: The First of May set in Tartu, Estonia

It is Kevadpüha. It is the first day of spring, a day of great festivity and warmth for the Estonian people. Had Mother not had her mother-in-law at home, she would be spending the entire night with her sister, Eha, and her nephew, Jaan, out on the streets of Tartu, celebrating the Walpurgis Night to the fireworks above the town hall building. Of course things are different this year for many reasons. Her nephew is growing to become a teenager and wants to spend less time with the uncool adults who helped raise him. And Mother has been so busy being a second mother to her mother-in-law that she has little time to meet her sister. She hasn’t met her in months and has no idea what is going on in her life, which is why she decided to call her some days ago and invite herself over, to the house she used to visit regularly, in an attempt to celebrate the first day of spring like they used to.

It is Kevadpüha. Mother didn’t come the evening before because there was no way she could have spent a whole night without sleeping after taking care of her mother-in-law all day. Mother comes at seven in the morning, the hour during which Eha readies herself for work. It is in theory the start of spring, but the weather is still incredibly cold. The morning’s temperature is right about zero, and it is hard to bear because of Mother’s lack of fat on her bones and the lack of sunlight above to warm her in its glow. Eha has a beautiful backyard with ample space for a garden and an apple tree, but all that one can see in this hour is the dead, dry, blacked-out branches, the frosted wooden planks of the fence, and the snow. Mother finds the key Eha hides under a doormat—some things never change—and uses it with the fence that will lead to the back of Eha’s home.

Indoors, Mother is greeted by the heat. She takes off all of her outerwear, hangs them in the closet, sits herself at the table in the kitchen, and lets the hot air from the heater blow right over her back.

Just as planned, Mother’s arrival coincides with Eha finishing her shower. She comes downstairs with her blond hair wrapped in a towel. She is looking wet from the shower but also from the excess make-up and lip balm that she cakes on her face. She is wearing a tight black dress that cover her legs but shows off her cleavage. Mother notices the stretch marks and wrinkles around her breasts. She looks like a mess, Mother thinks in the back of her head. Mother feels like she should admonish her for wearing clothes that show off her body in unflattering way, particularly since Eha is aging, but she chooses not to. Her sister will fight with her if she says it.

,, Good morning, Jelena,” Eha says, looking downwards to mind her steps but also connecting her gaze with Mother’s eyes. Her eyes are warm and expressive because of the full shape of her eyelids, but they are icy blue, which make even her casual glance a little piercing.  ,, How was your trip to the house?”

,, Good morning, Eha,” Mother says. ,, My trip was good. Normal. I am a regular, after all.”

Mother laughs and puts her hand on the table, showing off her confidence.

Eha doesn’t respond but focuses on her steps, as if she is having trouble with the dimness of the lights and the shadows being cast by the stair planks.

,,Why are you taking so long to come down?” Mother asks, a light boastfulness in her voice. ,, Are you having trouble? Don’t tell me, you are becoming old like me.”

Again, Eha doesn’t retort. She reaches the end of the bannister and tells Mother, ,, Age is a funny thing, yes. It affects us all, whether it is today or someday.”

Mother curls her fingers on the table. She is used to Eha being snappy, willing to get into an argument over whatever Mother says. But today she is being quite self-effacing, slow, and contemplative.

Did something change over the first few months of the year that Mother did not know about?

Eha opens the fridge, takes out a bunch of food, readies some plates and pans. She seems to be making pancakes, as is the tradition of her house. Mother stands up to help her, but as she grabs at the eggs, Eha slaps her hands away.

,, You have some morning coffee,” she says, and she pours some from the kettle, probably made an hour earlier. Eha has the habit of leaving the stove flame on while the coffee brews during her shower so that it will be piping hot for breakfast. Eha thrusts a cup into Mother’s hand, singeing it. Mother retreats quickly to the table to put it down.

,, Let me help you with the breakfast,” Mother says as she flicks her hand in the air to soothe the burn.

,, You sit, and you wait for your food,” Eha says. ,, It has been too long since you had any of my food.”

Yes, it has, Mother thinks to herself, which is why she wants to help with the breakfast. When Mother helps with the breakfast, she feels like a part of the kitchen. But today she is being served like a guest, which makes her feel even more removed. It doesn’t help that the house looks different. Generally, Eha’s house is decorated like any other traditional house, with brown wooden walls and the smell of wheat almost staining the air, but in the last few months someone has hung up a number of pop art pictures here or there. Mother is tempted to ask if Jaan is suddenly getting interested in Andy Warhol, or contemporary art.

,, Will Jaan come down soon?” Mother asks. Eha is meticulously whisking batter and pouring jams into small little plates.

,, He will come when he comes,” is all she says. Then she follows it up with:. ,, By the way, his style has changed. You will be surprised.”

How? Mother wants to ask. Eha’s comment is the type of thing one says when one wants to invite more questions. Mother feels like her sister has purposefully said it to get a rise out of her. She remembers the last time she tried to pry into Jaan’s life. She had forced herself into his room when he was supposed to be coming down for breakfast and caught him masturbating. She still feels the shame in seeing what she saw, and in the lack of conversation she should have had with him. As that shame returns to her body, the questions in Mother’s mind still, and she finds herself wanting to change the subject.

,, Is your husband joining us for breakfast?” Mother asks.

Eha puts a pancake on the pan and readies another, but instead of answering Mother, she responds with her own question. ,, How is life at home going? How is Kaspar?”

,, Kaspar is fine,” Mother says. ,, But now, there is also the question of Kaspar’s mother.”

Mother puts a dry smile onto her face, but really she is getting worried. There is a lot on Mother’s mind that goes unsaid. Father was kind enough to hire a nurse to take care of her for a few hours, but Mother can’t help but think the worst of things. Will this nurse abuse her mother-in-law while no one is there to observe her? Will she do the work that is expected of her, or will she sit there and watch TV, waiting for Mother to return to get her hands dirty? Was it a good idea to take time off like this? Is it worth it, too, if Mother and her sister are simply going to be sitting here, having breakfast, like they used to in the past before Mother became so busy?

Mother looks up. Eha is looking directly at Mother this time. It is not a casual look. It’s like Eha is looking into Mother, prying something out of her, and taking the time to examine it, without Mother’s consent. Mother feels vulnerable. She winces, wondering what Eha sees.

Is Eha about to say something? It has to be something that is going to hurt.

Eha says: ,, I am proud of you, you know that?”

,, What?” Mother says, actually aloud. She clarifies: ,, What is there to be proud of?”

,, You are thinking a lot about your mother-in-law. It is not how you normally behave.”

Mother scoffs. ,, I do a lot for my family. Don’t you remember how much I did for you and your son? Or now that I am rarely here, are you forgetting?”

Eha ignores Mother and continues. ,, It is nice, all that you are doing for your husband. It’s a big sacrifice you are taking on. I don’t think I would be able to change my lifestyle like you have done. And you genuinely care for her. I know you want to complain, but I see it in your eyes. You genuinely care.”

Mother lets out a sigh. She cannot help it. She did not even know she had a sigh inside of her. She was not expecting Eha to say any of these nice things. It is like she has been punched in the stomach, but in a positive way. Her eyes are watering.

It’s been months, and everyone has gotten busy and grown apart, pulled in all the different directions that life is taking them.

But Eha, of all people, had taken the time to appreciate Mother. It makes Mother feel like all of the hard work she has done for her mother-in-law has made a difference, just like all the other times she has made sacrifices for the people she loves and cares for. Suddenly, it all feels like time and effort well spent. The clarity that only distance provides means that, for once, she is being seen by her sister. It is a distance that is worth it.

Scores turn up to pay their respects to Californian Indian American family that perished in car crash

Friends, neighbors, colleagues, students, teachers, the school principal and almost the entire community gathered by the dozens at Val Vista Community Park, Pleasanton, California to remember the Indian American family that was killed in a horrific car crash on April 24. Flowers, candles, balloons and photos of victims were laid for all to pay their respects.

The police have not released the names of the victims. But the friends of the victims’ family holding a ‘Remembrance Ceremony’ named the father as Tarun George, his wife Rincy George, and their two children Rowan, an eighth grader at Hart Middle School and Aaron, a second grader at Donlon Elementary School. The memorial was organized by friends and community members.

Students were seen wiping the tears. They remembered their friends as members of a happy family. The immediate family is yet to arrive from India. Tarun, it is learned, was the eldest son of his parents, and worked as Senior Director, Customer Services at Chargepoint in Santa Clara, California.

The City of Pleasanton Police Department has called it a single-vehicle accident that occurred around 9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24 on Foothill Road near Stoneridge Drive. It resulted in the deaths of all four. The investigation is ongoing; however, the police suspect speeding may have been a factor. The vehicle appears to have lost control and collided with a large oak tree.

Janet Gates, principal at Donlon Elementary School where Rowan attended until fifth grade before moving to middle school and Aaron was a second grader, spoke at the memorial. She told indica, “Both were sweet boys and so were their parents. They were an integral part of the community. Students, even the little ones, are here at the memorial, apart from the adults. It shows how much a part of the community they were,” Gates said.

Friends of Rowan described him to indica as smart and helpful, with one friend rememberig how he had shared an ice-cream with him before saying bye to each other on Wednesday, the day of the accident. Geetha Rajagopal, a friend of Rincy George, told indica that her son Shravan went to the same school. The last time she met her was during Rowan’s birthday in May last year. “They are such a sweet family I always saw Rincy’s smiling face and the kids were very nice. The whole family was very caring.”

Geetha described Tarun George as “a jolly person.” She said, “Our kids used to go celebrate Halloween with them and Tarun would dress up as well. He would take the kids out for trick-or-treating.”

Shravan said Rowan was his best friend. He told indica, “We were in same class. He was always energetic and I never saw him angry. He was super positive and ready to help. He was in advanced math and wanted to be an engineer.”

One day before they died, Aaron had a musical performance and his parents were invited. The whole second grade was part of Program Zoo, where students sang about different animals. “Even though we have 740 kids, it’s a big hole in our community, we are a pretty close community. These older kids have known Rowan since 3rd grade and a lot of them know each other.”

Gates and other teachers who attended sang ‘Amazing Grace’, while children released white balloons into the sky. Aakash Yendluri, an eighth grader who knew Rowan since fourth grade, told indica, “He often helped me during class, especially math. We were friends and he was kind. He was a good a student.” The day the incident happened, they had Kona ice cream together at school. “There was an ice cream truck at school and we both ordered. We bought it for $5 and he liked it a lot. He ordered a mixture of cherry and raspberry.”

He said that was the last time they spoke. “He had a bike and he biked away home…” and added after a pause, “We used to play video games after school. He used to come to my place around 4 pm…”

Nita Bhaliya, a close friend who lived in Pleasanton before moving to another city, told indica that her elder son Kirti and Rowan learned Taekwondo in Pleasanton, and they were friends since fourth grade. “Even though we have moved, this is where the kids still met. We visited each other during birthdays and on special occasions,” Bhaliya said.

Krish, another good friend of Rowan, told indica, “He was the happiest person ever. I never never saw him getting angry. We shared chocolate, and we used to go trick-or-treating. We played sports together until seventh grade, then I moved to another school.”

Krish’s mother said the next day he could not sleep as he kept thinking of Rowan. The challenging part for kids is they have tests ongoing and they cannot concentrate. Geetha told indica, “Its hard for them to accept he is no more.”
Another 8th grader, Mason Cheong and Micah Carabollo, told indica, “We used to play basketball together during lunch and have fun. He was very smart in everything.”

Jayashekhar from the nearby community, said, “I know his neighbors and close friends and I remember seeing him. When this news broke on Friday morning… it was really shocking… the family who was living just a few meters away… the entire family losing their lives. My son goes to the same school and has common friends. They shared with me how Rowan’s friends were crying at school on learning about the accident.

Another neighbor Rajesh Panikarla, who never met Tarun, came with his friend Naresh Jampani. Another neighbor told indica, “Tarun and I used to work in the same company. He was the kind of person everyone wanted to interact with. He was the best team manager anyone can have and he was a software engineer. I have no words to say he… this is tragic…”

DOT Introduces New Rules: Airlines Required to Offer Automatic Cash Refunds for Canceled and Delayed Flights

The Department of Transportation has unveiled new regulations aimed at providing greater protection to airline passengers. Under these rules, airlines will now be required to automatically offer cash refunds to travelers for canceled or significantly delayed flights. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg hailed this announcement as a landmark moment for air travelers, labeling it the most significant expansion of passenger rights in the department’s history.

In a press conference, Buttigieg emphasized the importance of prompt refunds, stating that airlines will no longer have the discretion to determine the duration of delays before issuing refunds. According to the Department of Transportation, refunds will be mandated for delays exceeding three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international flights. Importantly, these regulations apply to tickets purchased through various channels, including directly from airlines, travel agents, and third-party platforms such as Expedia and Travelocity.

The guidelines specify that passengers are entitled to refunds if their flight is canceled or substantially altered, and they decline alternative transportation or travel credits. Additionally, airlines will be obligated to provide cash refunds if checked bags are lost and not delivered within 12 hours. Refunds must be processed within seven days and issued in cash, unless passengers opt for an alternative form of compensation. The era of airlines issuing refunds in the form of vouchers or credits when cash is due is officially over.

Airlines have been given a grace period of six months to comply with these new regulations. Buttigieg stressed the importance of ensuring that passengers receive their rightful refunds without encountering unnecessary obstacles or negotiations. He underscored the DOT’s commitment to protecting consumers from hidden fees, estimating that these regulations could save Americans billions of dollars annually.

Furthermore, the Department of Transportation is working on additional regulations to address various issues affecting airline passengers. These include rules related to family seating fees, ensuring the rights of wheelchair-traveling passengers, and mandating compensation and amenities in the event of flight delays or cancellations by airlines.

The announcement of these regulations follows the imposition of a record $140 million fine on Southwest Airlines for its operational failures during the 2022 holiday travel season. Buttigieg characterized this fine as setting a new standard for airlines and passenger rights. He emphasized the department’s desire to see the airline industry prosper while ensuring rigorous protection for passengers.

Buttigieg reiterated that refund requirements are already standard practice for airlines, but these new DOT rules aim to hold airlines accountable and ensure that passengers receive the refunds owed to them. Despite potential resistance from airlines, Buttigieg expressed confidence that they would be able to adapt to these higher standards.

In response to these regulations, Airlines for America, the trade association representing major U.S. airlines, stated that its members offer a variety of options, including fully refundable fares. The association emphasized that consumers are presented with refundable ticket options with terms and conditions that align with their preferences from the outset of their search. According to the group, the 11 largest U.S. airlines issued $43 billion in customer refunds from 2020 through 2023, including nearly $11 billion in refunds in the previous year.

Dr. Manju Sheth Among 4 South Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission’s Unity Awardees

Three Indian Americans and a person of the Nepalese origin are among this year’s Massachusetts Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission’s annual Unity Dinner awards recipients. The Unity Dinner celebrates the achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders around the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The 16th Annual Unity Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The Unit Dinner will honor and recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions by working tirelessly to promote positive change in the communities they serve.

Guest speakers at this year’s event are: Kim Driscoll, Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Deborah B. Goldberg, Massachusetts State Treasurer and Receiver General; Diana DiZoglio, Auditor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and Tackey Chan, State Representative for the Second Norfolk District.

Dr. Manju Sheth, MD: Leadership for Diversity and Inclusion Award

She has been a dedicated physician for over 25 years, with experience at Mass General Brigham, Beth Israel Lahey Health, and Harvard Vanguard/Atrius Health. A physician with a passion for media and community service, Dr. Sheth is also the President of India New England Multimedia, where she created the prestigious New England Choice Awards, honoring prominent South Asian leaders in fields such as business, healthcare, nonprofit leadership, and technology.

Dr Manju Sheth Among 4 South Asian AmericanShe is known for her celebrity interview series Chai with Manju, which recently celebrated its 10 year anniversary and has received millions of views and featured esteemed guests including Indra Nooyi, Sadhguru, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Kennedy to name a few. Her passion for empowering women is reflected in her work as the Director of Woman of the Year Award Gala for the past 12 years, and her previous work as Chair of the Advisory board of Saheli and with Asian Task Force [ATASK] over the years.

She also serves as the Community Ambassador for Akshaya Patra USA, the world’s largest NGO serving mid-day meals in schools across India.

She strives to bring doctors together and advocate for healthcare, having been past president of the Indian Medical Association of New England [IMANE], served on the Patient Care Advisory Committee of Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare and through co-founding the New England Health Expo at India New England. She served on the steering committee for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Harvard Vanguard/Atrius Health. She served as co-chair of Indian Women’s Physicians Forum.

Most recently, she co-founded Women Who Win, an award-winning nonprofit media platform amplifying the stories of diverse women, which recently published their first book. She has received numerous awards and recognitions for her work including 150 Women of Influence by YWCA and 50 most influential Indian Americans in New England. She resides in Lynnfield Massachusetts with her husband Dipak and has one daughter Shaleen.

KC Pralhad: Lifetime Achievement Award

This year’s Lifetime Achievement Award goes to KC Pralhad, of Nepalese-origin and a certified international human rights consultant with over 30 years of specialized management experience. He brings a wealth of expertise in human rights, political affairs, international relations, law, and related fields.

He has played a pivotal role in a project aimed at promoting human rights awareness in collaboration with a prominent international organization, contributing significantly to the protection and promotion of human rights through targeted initiatives. Additionally, he has contributed to fostering a more inclusive and harmonious community environment within the immigrant community of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

His extensive track record includes leadership roles in projects conducted in partnership with prestigious entities such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Furthermore, he has demonstrated proficiency in diagnosing challenges within the private sector and assisting public and semi-public institutions in implementing policy reforms to address these issues.

Mr. Pralhad excels in cultivating strategic alliances with decision-makers at various levels and empowering international personnel to assume comprehensive project management responsibilities. Beyond his professional commitments, he actively engages in social and community development efforts within the Asian American community in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. His involvement extends to initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for immigrant populations.

Mohan Nannapaneni: the Unsung Hero Award

Mr. Nannapaneni, co-Founder and CTO of Sigma Systems Inc., is a remarkable entrepreneur and philanthropist with a profound commitment to both the Indian and American communities. He has achieved extraordinary success in the business world, leading Sigma Systems Inc. to become one of the fastest-growing privately held companies in America. However, Mr. Nannapaneni’s impact extends far beyond the business realm.

In the realm of philanthropy, Ms. Nannapaneni has left an indelible mark. His contributions have led to the rebuilding of government schools in India, transforming them into thriving educational institutions. He has provided financial support to numerous students, enabling them to pursue higher education in medical and engineering colleges, including the prestigious IITs. One of his notable contributions is the establishment of TEAM Aid, ( a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing assistance to individuals and families affected by catastrophic incidents such as accidents and sudden deaths.

TEAM Aid has emerged as a vital resource, coordinating the transportation of deceased individuals to their respective hometowns across India and 15 other countries. It has become a leading emergency assistance provider within the immigrant community throughout North America. His advocacy skills came to the forefront when he intervened on behalf of over 2,400 students facing deportation when Tri-Valley University was closed, securing their readmission opportunities and protecting their dreams.

In addition to its role in helping families cope with the sudden loss of their loved ones, TEAM Aid, under Mr. Nannapaneni’s leadership, has also extended its support to individuals facing legal issues, especially those dealing with mental health challenges. This organization has rapidly expanded its reach, with more than 2,500 dedicated volunteers across North America and over 20 countries. On average, TEAM Aid now provides assistance to at least a dozen families per week in the USA, demonstrating its commitment to helping those in distress.

Mr. Nannapaneni’s community service efforts have touched the lives of countless individuals and families affected by disasters and emergencies, making TEAM Aid an indispensable resource in times of crisis. His dedication to community service and humanitarian work has earned him numerous service awards and recognitions from teachers’ unions, educational/cultural organizations, city councils, and NGO entities in both India and America. Through his unwavering commitment to TEAM Aid and other charitable causes, Mr. Nannapaneni continues to make a positive and lasting impact on communities worldwide.

Ramakrishna Penumarthy: the Unsung Hero Award

Mr. Penumarthy epitomizes the values of dedication, compassion, and service, which are deeply ingrained in both his personal and professional life. Born and raised with a strong sense of community responsibility, Ramakrishna has dedicated himself to improving the lives of seniors and contributing to various community organizations.

Mr. Penumarthy, the esteemed founder of Volunteering for Seniors, showcases unwavering dedication not only to the welfare of seniors but also actively engages in uplifting the community through his involvement in esteemed organizations like Lions Club, TAGB (Telugu Association of Greater Boston) and Team Aid. His commitment extends beyond senior care, readily stepping in to support the local community whenever needed.

Mr. Penumarthy’s partnership with his wife, Pratima Penumarthy, in founding a volunteering organization focused on senior citizens underscores their shared commitment to making a difference. Together, they have established a thriving community that not only provides practical assistance but also fosters a sense of belonging and happiness among seniors. Their dedication to ensuring seniors lead fulfilling lives is reflected in the diverse range of activities and support services offered by their organization.

Through his selfless actions and tireless efforts, Mr. Penumarthy has touched the lives of countless individuals, fostering a sense of belonging, happiness, and hope. His collaborative spirit, exemplified by his partnership with his wife in founding a volunteering organization for seniors, underscores the power of collective action in creating positive change.

Mouli Pal

Mouli Pal, an exponent of Odissi, a captivating performer, dedicated teacher, choreographer and cultural ambassador, will perform an Odissi dance at the Unity Dinner. She is a regularly presented by prestigious presenters across United States, India and Austria. Her performances include solo concerts at the prestigious Hopkins Center for Arts at Dartmouth College , Yuwa Bharati California, and Trinetra Boston.

Ms. Paul is the founder and director of Upasana a Non profit for promotion and preservation of Odissi. She has received several awards and grants including the New England Foundation for Arts and Mass Cultural Council.

The Sugar Masters of the World:
Series: Season 2:
“Unveiling the Inspirational Art of Royal Icing Cookies: Julia M. Usher”

Breaking Boundaries and Sweetening the World!

There are master sugar artists who, by displaying their unparalleled expertise in the confectionery industry, have succeeded in captivating audiences across the world for many decades. They have sculpted the ever-changing sugar landscape with their timeless artistry and created a legacy that continues to inspire generations of artists to thrive in the magic of confectionery art.

Their enduring success has stood the test of time. Their timeless artistry has navigated its way into them becoming sugar icons through decades of perseverance and evolution.

We had the honor of an interview with a world-renowned master sugar artist whose sweet skills know no bounds. A magician of royal icing cookies, each creation a masterpiece, our guest, Julia M. Usher, can easily be one of the world’s foremost and renowned authorities on Royal Icing Cookies.

Julia M. Usher is most recognized for her pioneering work in 3-D royal icing cookies. Each of her extraordinary cookie creations is a testament to artistry and a symphony of color. With each creation, she is constantly pushing the boundaries of her craft and has created a legacy for the world to behold. As a tribute to this timeless craft, she has also authored two books, 13 ebooks, and an app, all about cookie decorating. Delve into her sugar world and get ready to be enthralled by the wisdom and experiences of a legendary master sugar artist.

When not spreading her love for cookie art in classes across the globe or online, Julia produces videos for her popular YouTube channel and website, She also oversees Cookie Connection™, one of the world’s largest online cookie decorating communities, and generously shares her skills with her fans. Additionally, she is also a most sought-after judge at many popular international cake and cookie competitions.

To enable her fans to reach new heights of creativity, she designs and sells cookie stencils and cutters under her JULIA brand, making the exploration of new techniques in royal icing accessible to all.

Generations of cookie artists are able to stretch their skills to new heights by participating in Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™, a 2D and 3-D cookie decorating competition that Julia founded in 2013 and hosts annually online. This competition has become a stepping stone for many aspiring sugar artists, allowing them to join Julia on the phenomenal journey of spinning sugar into true gold.

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Join us as Julia talks exclusively to UNN’s reporter Ancy James about the intricate techniques, boundless creativity, and unwavering passion that have defined her remarkable career.


Julia, thanks so much for the time you took out from your busy schedule for this interview.

What can you tell us about how you grew up, the journey you took before cookie decorating, and how you spend your personal time these days?


I’ve been decorating cookies seriously since about 2009 when I published my first cookie book, Cookie Swap: Creative Treats to Share Throughout the Year, though I started baking at a very early age alongside my mom who worked magic with breads and pastries. I grew up in an old farmhouse (built in the 1790s!) in rural Connecticut, USA. After graduating from Yale College in 1984, I moved to California where I designed nuclear reactor heat suppression systems for General Electric Company. I stayed in that job to earn a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at U.C. Berkeley and then went on to work for a management consulting firm for several years, during which time I earned an MBA from Stanford. But, I tossed all of that education aside – LOL – when I decided to quit consulting and follow my early childhood passion of baking. In 1994, I enrolled in a 10-month culinary program. From there, I worked in restaurants and ran my own custom cake shop until I started writing books and making YouTube videos, which brings me full circle to where I am today. I am married to my college sweetheart, and we split our time between St. Louis, Missouri and Stonington, Maine, though all of my cookie work and video production are done in my basement test kitchen in Missouri. When not decorating cookies for my next video tutorial or class, or designing stencils and cutters for my JULIA line of tools, I love interior design and gardening, and spending time with my husband and mom who recently moved to St. Louis to be closer to us.

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Did you have any early childhoood influences that got you on the path of cookie decorating?


As I alluded to earlier, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mom beginning as early as I can remember. While other kids were tinkering with Easy Bake Ovens, I was making yeast breads and pastries from scratch and going all-out with their decoration. I remember how, every Christmas, I would painstakingly cut out flowers and leaves from pastry dough and turn plain stollens into elaborate edible wreaths and garlands. Cookie decorating was also a competitive sport of sorts in the Usher household, with my two siblings and I always vying to see who would come up with the most spectacular Christmas cookie designs. Of course, as I look back at what I did then and even in my first cookie book, I am astonished by how rudimentary my cookie decorating once was. But with practice, we all evolve, right?


How did you end up teaching cookie decorating all over the world?


Long story short – by accident. When I closed my cake bakery in 2007, I had fully intended to write a series of cake books. (I wanted to maintain my creative outlet of making cakes without having the constant customer demands that come with a retail storefront.) Mind you, all of this was happening pretty much before the internet had taken off, so blogs and YouTube channels weren’t viable options for creative expression at that time. In 2007, the US was also in the height of a low-carb craze, and no publisher wanted to produce a cake book. By some odd stroke of luck, I interested a publisher in a cookie concept, and ended up publishing two cookie decorating books, an app, and several ebooks with them. But the book-writing process was cumbersome and long and drawn out, with too many editors sticking their fingers in the process. (I am a control freak, so I didn’t much like their editing “help”! ) By the time my second book (Ultimate Cookies) was published and I had finished that book tour, it was 2012 and the internet was rallying! I decided I could explain some of my cookies and sweets much more efficiently and effectively in video form, and so I abandoned book writing and launched a YouTube channel. Let’s just say that YouTube really opened up a world of cookies for me. Soon after launching, I started to receive invitations from all over the globe to travel to teach – especially my 3-D cookie designs, which were rather unique back in the day. Ever since then, I’ve been nearly 100-percent dedicated to teaching in one way or another – be it online or in-person, or through tutorials about new projects or products. I truly love the energy of the classroom, and it’s so gratifying to see people’s eyes light up when they master a new technique!

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What formal cookie decorating or other training did you have to get where you are today?


No formal culinary training other than the 10-month culinary program I mentioned, but it was a broad-based program covering both savories and sweets. I did virtually no decorating in culinary school. When I moved to St. Louis, while working in restaurants, I also did a brief stage with a local chocolatier by the name of Neika Soissons. She introduced me to piping intricate chocolate pieces, and gave me the confidence to ultimately open my own cake shop, where I learned almost entirely on the job. Though always by my side for guidance were the books of Colette Peters and Kerry Vincent! Those books were inspirational, and those icons of the industry taught me so much, especially about the power of original designs, long before I ever met them. I am forever grateful to both women for urging me on through the stunning pages of their books, and, later in life, through their fellowship at shows and other events.

As for how I learned to teach cookie classes, that too came on the job. But I started with baby steps by doing lots of short demos while on tour with my books. Of course, making YouTube videos also taught me a lot about being a good instructor. To put together a truly compelling instructional video, you need to map out every step, anticipate the questions viewers are likely to have, and make sure you answer all of the key ones very clearly. The one thing I didn’t do is leap into teaching full-scale classes without practicing in these ways – and practicing a lot!

Today, so many people are jumping into the teaching of cookie decorating, I believe because teaching can often be more lucrative than producing highly decorated sweets. However, there’s a common misconception, IMO, that if you can decorate cookies well, you can also be a great teacher. But the two things require very different skills – and both require lots of practice and hard work if one wants to be truly exceptional.


You do a lot in the cookie world. How would you summarize your flurry of activities in a nutshell?


I would call myself a jack-of-all-trades with respect to cookie decorating. I create video tutorials and classes, teach online and in-person classes, design projects and products, run a cookie decorating community (Cookie Connection™), and host arguably the largest worldwide cookie art competition (Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™). But the true heart of all this action – the “glue” that binds it all together, if you will – is my love of creating eye-opening projects (often 3-D ones!) that stretch the imagination, sharing what I know to help others learn and grow. As for the timing of it all: I started making video tutorials in 2012; Cookie Connection and my competition were founded in 2013; my stencil line launched in 2016; and the rest is history!


What have been your biggest accomplishments in the cookie world?


People can read about my various awards in my bio if that’s what you’re asking, but my greatest reward isn’t any one professional accolade. It’s the gratification I get when I see people turned onto cookie decorating after watching my videos, taking a class, or trying one of my products. It’s knowing that people have acquired skills that will bring them and others joy for years to come. One of my crowning moments actually came years ago, when I was touring with my first book. I met a very young decorator by the name of Zoe at a book signing. (I think she was five-years-old at the time.) For years we exchanged little gifts and cards through her mom. Her enthusiasm for baking and decorating fueled mine, and vice versa, I think. I still have her notes and drawings, and often take them out when I need a shot in the arm.



It looks like your path to where you are today was an easy glide to success. Is that true, or did you meet any challenges or obstacles along the way?


Oh no, it hasn’t been easy at all! My path has required a ton of hard work and persistence. And, yes, I’ve met so many obstacles. We all do, and we face challenges at every stage of business, no matter how long we’ve been at it. I’m facing a bunch right now, not the least of which is figuring out how to juggle all of the things that I do without burning out. As I said, I am a control freak – and also quite a perfectionist – so it’s hard for me to delegate and ask for help. But this year, I’ve decided I need to do something about this issue, as the constant work is taking a toll on my enthusiasm for decorating


How did you deal with your biggest business challenge – and what was it?


Let’s start with the last part of that question. My biggest challenge is probably what I just mentioned above – that is, how to find the right lifework balance that will allow me to continue creating with passion and energy for years to come. I need to offload more admin tasks and jettison lines of business that take too much time and bring too little joy, all to free up more time for doing what I like most – which is conceptualizing new projects and techniques. I also need to allow myself more time off from cookies – for necessary sanity checks, and to get reenergized. I haven’t figured out exactly how to do all of this yet, so let’s just say I’m working on it!  Tackling challenges is an ongoing process in any business, and, as a business owner, you need to get used to near-constant troubleshooting. In other words, don’t get dismayed by the challenges; instead treat them as opportunities for learning and growth.


What’s your greatest hope for your business or career?


To find that blissful life-work balance! LOL! And to continue to create cookie work that really captures peoples’ hearts and stretches them to do things they never thought possible.


What’s your biggest fear as you move forward in your career?


I hate to sound like I’m on replay mode, but I fear not finding that optimum balance of work and pleasure that will keep me happy and healthy while still feeling like I am progressing in my field and making a difference to others. I have a fear of letting go of some of the things that have brought me success in the past. What if I were to just stop doing one or more things? Will I let down my followers and viewers? Will my reputation in the industry suffer? These questions are what run through my head whenever I am contemplating change, and, too often, they immobilize me and lead to inertia. So I still have to find the courage and right time – if there is ever a right time – to put a plan for achieving better life-work balance into action.


Any tips for those who hope to be great cookie decorators one day?


“Practice, practice, practice! (By now, you’ve probably gathered that practice, experimentation, and lots of trial and error are key themes for me. They all help fuel my creativity.) But, my biggest tip is to be generous with sharing what you know and giving back to the community. At the end of the day, people won’t remember your last spectacular cookie; they will remember what you taught them and how you made them feel in the process. Also, be kind to yourself. Don’t focus on what others are doing (I know, social media makes that hard to do these days); focus instead on what brings you and others the most joy day to day

My mantra is “live sweetly”, (you’ll see it in all of my email signature lines, on my site, in class handouts…you name it),and I urge everyone to do every day!

Ancy : As we bring this insightful interview to an end , I would like to thank you for this privilege of making us a part of your extraordinary journey and unparalleled expertise as a master sugar artist. Wishing you many more accolades and sweet adventures along the way as your royal icing cookie creations continue to captivate audiences around the globe.

I also take this opportunity to thank our viewers who have joined us as we share the incredible stories of Sugar Maestros in this series: The Sugar Masters of the World”

38 Phenomenal Sugar Maestro Julia M Usher

Julia M. Usher
Sugar Artist and Instructor
Owner/Founder, Cookie Coonection and Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition





Julia’s Sugar Art Legacy

Julia is Past President of the International Association of Culinary Professionals and has received multiple food writing, decorating, and video awards, including James Beard Food Writing Award finalist (2008), Cordon d’ Or Food Writing Award winner (2009), Cake Masters Magazine Cookie Award winner (2013), Oklahoma State Sugar Art Show (OSSAS) Medal of Honor (2014), both Edible Artists Global Academy Association (EAGAA) US and International Sugar Artist of the Year Awards (2016), Cake Masters Magazine Cookie Icon (2018), TASTE Breakout Foodie of the Year (2019), and Best Online Cookie Decorating Classes from The Spruce Eats (2020). She is also a three-time Global Sugar Hero finalist in the Australian Cake Artists & Decorators Association (ACADA) annual Cake Oscar Awards (2021/2022/2024), a two-time Sugar Hero finalist in the American Cake Awards(2023/2024), and a 2023 finalist in the global Positive Leadership Awards for her impact on the cookie arts community.

Most recently, Julia launched a series of licensed 3-D cookie decorating courses in Asian markets with the highly regarded Japan Salonaise Association.

UNESCO Unveils 18 New Geoparks: From Dinosaur Treasures to Monastic Marvels, Discover Nature’s Tapestry

A selection of 18 new geological sites, spanning from the dinosaur-rich landscapes of Brazil to the majestic monasteries of Meteora, has recently been unveiled by UNESCO, accentuating the intricate blend of natural wonders, cultural significance, and intangible heritage within specific regions.

Catering to the interests of travelers seeking profound encounters with geology, culture, and sustainability, UNESCO’s latest announcement adds to the global roster of 213 designated Global Geoparks, representing 48 nations worldwide.

António Abreu, director of the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences at UNESCO, elaborates on the significance of these geoparks, stating, “UNESCO Global Geoparks represent landscapes where internationally significant geological heritage intertwines with human history and supports rich biodiversity.”

Five of these newly designated geoparks offer unique narratives:

1.Uberaba, Brazil:Dubbed the “Land of the Giants,” this geopark, situated in southeast Brazil, is home to rich palaeontological treasures, boasting impressive geological formations like the Serra da Galga and Serra Geral mountain ranges. These formations, shaped by ancient volcanic activities, narrate tales of prehistoric life through over 10,000 fossils. Moreover, the area’s 19th-Century farming practices, employing a breed of cattle with lower CO2 emissions, contribute to ecological preservation.

2.Biokovo-Imotski Lakes, Croatia:This Croatian geopark comprises two distinct geological marvels – the Biokovo mountain range and the captivating Red and Blue Lakes at Imotski. Biokovo offers diverse outdoor activities within its Nature Park, while the lakes, nestled within Europe’s deepest karst lake crater, boast vibrant hues and intriguing formations. Man-made attractions, including medieval tombstones and a modern glass skywalk, enrich the geopark’s cultural tapestry.

3.Meteora Pyli, Greece:Situated in Greece’s Thessaly region, Meteora Pyli presents a fusion of nature and culture. Towering sandstone columns host Byzantine-era monasteries, while nearby geological wonders like the Tafoni formations of Kalambaka and the biodiverse Pindos Mountains provide enriching experiences for visitors.

4.Longyan, China:Central to China’s Hakka culture, Longyan in Fujian Province showcases distinctive roundhouse-style buildings and age-old traditions. The geopark encompasses natural forests teeming with endemic flora and fauna, including the Chinese yew tree and the South China tiger, safeguarded under the shadow of Meihuashan Mountain.

5.South Fyn Archipelago, Denmark:This drowned ice age landscape, aptly called the “Garden of Denmark,” features around 55 islands and islets, offering prime sailing waters and a thriving marine ecosystem. Visitors can engage in various activities, from island hopping to supporting local farms, epitomizing the area’s historical and future significance.

These geoparks encapsulate a harmonious blend of geological wonders, cultural heritage, and ecological significance, offering immersive experiences for travelers seeking enriching encounters with our planet’s diverse landscapes.

International Booker Prize 2024: Diverse Narratives and Global Perspectives Shine on Shortlist

Six different languages, six distinct countries, and three continents feature in the novels shortlisted for this year’s International Booker Prize, showcasing a rich tapestry of cultures, styles, and human experiences.

Eleanor Wachtel, Chair of judges for the 2024 International Booker Prize, highlighted the transformative power of novels, stating, “Novels carry us to places where we might never set foot and connect us with new sensations and memories.” She emphasized the shortlist’s ability to transport readers across vast mental landscapes, often intertwining personal lives with political contexts in innovative ways.

The shortlist for the International Booker Prize 2024 includes:

“Not a River” by Selva Almada, translated from Spanish by Annie McDermott: The narrative revolves around two men and a deceased friend’s teenage son embarking on a fishing expedition. Themes of masculinity, guilt, desire, and societal suspicion permeate this story, described as “prophetic,” “ghostlike,” and “a punch in the gut.”

“Kairos” by Jenny Erpenbeck, translated from German by Michael Hofmann: Erpenbeck describes “Kairos” as a tale of both personal love and the unraveling of a political system. Reviewer Lily Meyer notes its ability to reflect and magnify generational and geopolitical divides.

“Crooked Plow” by Itamar Viera Junior, translated from Portuguese by Johnny Lorenz: Two sisters discover a mysterious knife under their grandmother’s bed, leading to a narrative blending magical and social realism. Set amidst Brazil’s poorest region, the novel emphasizes the importance of preserving history and protecting the land.

“Mater 2-10” by Hwang Sok-yong, translated from Korean by Sora Kim-Russell and Youngjae Josephine Bae: Hwang Sok-yong’s ninth translated work, this novel portrays the lives of ordinary Koreans spanning the Japanese colonial era to the twenty-first century.

“What I’d Rather Not Think About” by Jente Posthuma, translated from Dutch by Sarah Timmer Harvey: The protagonist, a twin grappling with the recent suicide of their sibling, navigates personal grief. Posthuma’s novel is lauded for its authenticity and poignant narrative style.

“The Details” by la Genberg, translated from Swedish by Kira Josefsson: Beginning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, this novel explores themes of relationships, memory, and time. Praised for its mesmerizing prose, “The Details” offers a profound exploration of human connection.

The winner of the International Booker Prize 2024 will be revealed at a ceremony on May 21 at London’s Tate Modern. The £50,000 prize money will be evenly split between the author and translator(s), with shortlisted authors and translators sharing a £5,000 prize. The event will be livestreamed on the Booker Prizes’ channels, with YouTuber Jack Edwards hosting.

Georgi Gospodinov and translator Angela Rodel clinched last year’s International Booker Prize for their novel “Time Shelter.”

YouTube Under Fire: Approval of Election Disinformation Ads Raises Concerns Ahead of Indian Polls

YouTube has greenlit numerous advertisements endorsing voter suppression and inciting violence ahead of India’s upcoming election, according to a recent investigation conducted by rights organizations Global Witness and Access Now, exclusively revealed to TIME.

India, renowned as the world’s largest democracy, is poised to conduct its election across seven phases from April 19 to June 1 of this year. Voters will determine whether Prime Minister Narendra Modi secures a third term or faces a setback to his Hindu nationalist agenda. With over half the global population participating in around 65 national elections this year, India’s election stands out as the largest and a pivotal test for social media platforms in combatting election misinformation, especially following industry-wide layoffs.

In a bid to assess YouTube’s efficacy in curbing disinformation, Global Witness and Access Now submitted 48 ads featuring election-related content banned by YouTube rules, written in Hindi, Telugu, and English. Surprisingly, within a 24-hour review window, YouTube gave the green light to all ads. Although the ads were withdrawn before publication, raising concerns about YouTube’s ability to halt the dissemination of paid disinformation during a significant global election. Namrata Maheshwari, senior policy counsel at Access Now, expressed disappointment, highlighting the broader issue of YouTube’s focus on particular countries.

Google refuted the report’s methodology, claiming it applies policies consistently worldwide and defended its enforcement process. The company asserted that none of the ads were published, and emphasized multiple layers of review to ensure policy compliance. YouTube’s massive user base in India, with over 450 million users, positions it as the second-most-popular tech platform after WhatsApp. Unlike WhatsApp, YouTube offers targeted advertising tools, which contributed to its substantial $9.2 billion ad revenue in the final quarter of 2023.

Some approved ads contained false information aimed at voter suppression, falsely stating ID requirements or suggesting voting by text message. Others hinted at violence, targeting religious communities or alleging electoral fraud hotspots. This report highlights a concerning global divide in platform enforcement against election disinformation, with the south often receiving less attention than the north.

The report’s authors contested Google’s response, arguing that the damage is already done once ads go live, even if later removed. They urged YouTube to enhance its efforts against disinformation before the Indian election begins. The organizations called for various measures, including evaluating the ad approval process, ensuring adequate resources for content moderation in local languages, and conducting an independent human rights impact assessment.

Henry Peck from Global Witness suggested recent layoffs in YouTube’s trust and safety division might have exacerbated the situation. Although Google didn’t disclose specific impacts of layoffs on ad review teams, they assured significant investments in countering election disinformation and highlighted a dedicated team for Indian languages.

As the election approaches, there’s an urgent need for YouTube to bolster its defenses against disinformation, ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process.

Global Security Landscape Shifts: Nations Adapt to Rising Threats with Defense Spending Surge and Strategic Alliances

The resurgence of major power competition worldwide is prompting nations to adjust their strategies, leading to significant shifts in alliances and defense spending from regions spanning Europe to the Indo-Pacific to the Middle East.

The impact of this shift is particularly noticeable in countries like Sweden and Japan, which are undertaking substantial measures to counter growing threats from Russia and China.

U.S. Admiral John Aquilino, head of Indo-Pacific Command, emphasized the severity of the security landscape, stating, “I’ve described the security environment as the most dangerous I’ve seen in 40 years in uniform.”

As tensions escalate, defense expenditures globally have seen a notable increase. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, global defense spending surged by 9 percent last year, reaching $2.2 trillion.

The majority of nations witnessed a rise in defense spending from 2021 to 2023. European countries collectively elevated their spending from around $350 billion in 2021 to over $388 billion in 2023, while Asian nations increased theirs from over $500 billion to surpassing $510 billion during the same period.

Public perception mirrors the escalating tensions, with an Ipsos poll from November revealing that 84 percent of respondents across 30 countries believe the world is growing more perilous.

Smaller Baltic nations are bolstering their defenses against potential Russian aggression. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, alarmed by signs of a Russian military buildup reminiscent of the Soviet era, have agreed to establish a common defense line comprising bunkers and other defensive structures.

Further north, Finland and Sweden have opted to align with the Western security alliance NATO in response to Russia’s incursions. Sweden’s decision marks a significant departure from its longstanding policy of neutrality, spanning over 200 years. Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson emphasized that joining NATO was a “natural” step to safeguard their freedom and democracy.

The move reflects the profound shift in the security environment, characterized by Minna Ålander, a nonresident fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), as “huge” and indicative of unprecedented uncertainty, surpassing even the complexities of the Cold War era.

Finland’s application to NATO further propelled Sweden’s decision, underscoring the tangible threat posed by Russia’s actions and its impact on European security dynamics.

NATO members are committing to ramp up defense spending to meet the longstanding target of dedicating 2 percent of economic output to defense. However, achieving this target has been a point of contention, with former President Trump expressing willingness to allow Russia leeway with countries failing to meet their financial commitments to NATO.

Ålander highlighted the profound shockwaves triggered by Trump’s remarks in Europe, prompting a renewed commitment to defense spending and individual national security, amid concerns about potential vulnerabilities should a future U.S. administration adopt a hostile stance.

The European Union, alongside NATO, acknowledges the imperative to bolster security measures, advocating for increased collaboration on security challenges and a surge in defense spending. European Council President Charles Michel emphasized the need for a “real paradigm shift” to fortify the EU’s defense readiness in the face of the gravest security threat since World War II.

However, some analysts caution against the militarization of Europe, advocating for alternative approaches focused on arms control treaties akin to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

In the Indo-Pacific region, the rivalry between the U.S. and China intensifies, particularly amid concerns over a potential Chinese incursion into Taiwan and North Korea’s escalating belligerence towards the U.S. and South Korea.

The U.S. is fortifying alliances in the region and augmenting its presence to deter Beijing from any aggressive actions against Taiwan, potentially slated for 2027, as per Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s directive.

Last year, the U.S. reached agreements with the Philippines to establish four new bases and deepened defense cooperation with Vietnam. The AUKUS pact, a major Indo-Pacific alliance between the U.S., Australia, and the U.K., aims to enhance defense capabilities and advance advanced weapon development.

Japan emerges as a pivotal partner for the U.S. in countering China and North Korea, with Tokyo undergoing a strategic shift, doubling its defense budget by 2027 and relaxing restrictions on the export of lethal weapons.

The changing political landscape within Japan, marked by diminishing pro-Beijing factions and a younger generation more attuned to the contemporary geopolitical realities, has propelled Tokyo towards a more assertive defense posture.

Additionally, Japan’s pivotal role in the trilateral alliance with the U.S. and South Korea underscores its growing significance as a strategic ally in the region.

In the Middle East, escalating tensions with Iran have raised fears of a major regional conflict, particularly amid a recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, exacerbating hostilities between Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Israel’s defense minister warned of an impending conflict with Iran, reflecting growing concerns about Tehran’s regional ambitions and its proxies’ increasing proximity to Israel’s borders.

The potential for a conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could have far-reaching consequences, potentially sparking a broader regional crisis with implications for global security.

In response, the U.S. may seek to solidify alliances with Arab nations in the region to prepare for a potential confrontation with Iran, reflecting a broader trend towards coalition-building in the face of escalating geopolitical tensions.

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Halts Marine Traffic at Port of Baltimore, Disrupts Supply Chains

Marine activity near the Port of Baltimore has ground to a halt following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, an incident poised to disrupt shipping and logistical networks.

A significant container vessel collided with a support column shortly before 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday, resulting in the bridge plummeting into the Patapsco River. Officials have reported the successful rescue of two individuals, but tragically, six others are presumed deceased following their fall into the river.

Analysts are scrutinizing the potential ramifications of the incident on a crucial hub for automobile imports. While Baltimore’s port may not be the largest in the nation, it boasts the highest throughput of car and light truck shipments.

According to Abe Eshkenazi, who leads the Association for Supply Chain Management, certain automakers may be compelled to reroute their shipments to alternate East Coast ports such as those in New York, New Jersey, or Roanoke, Virginia. This redirection carries the risk of transporting goods further from their intended destinations, potentially inflating costs. Eshkenazi notes, “In the short term, we’re going to have to address the ships that are already in port that can’t get out. And then similarly, we have a number of ships that are already in transit that are scheduled to come into the port that can’t get in.”

The repercussions of the bridge collapse extend beyond automotive imports, impacting coal and sugar shipments as well as the operations of warehouses and trucking companies in the Baltimore area.

However, the collapse of the bridge is not anticipated to exert a substantial influence on global shipping, which is already contending with pressures stemming from attacks by Houthi militants in the Red Sea and a drought in Panama leading to congestion at the Panama Canal.

Catholic media in India mourns revolutionary editor’s death

New Delhi, March 28, 2024:Catholic communicators in India have mourned the death of James Kottoor, a former editor of the Chennai-based New Leader publication and a prolific writer who helped spread the Vatican II reforms in India.

Kottoor died March 27 in Kochi, Kerala, where he was spending his retired life. He was 89. He is survived by his wife Agnes and three daughters who are nurses settled in the United States, and a son who is a doctor.

He was born on August 18, 1934, in Kottayam, Kerala. He edited The New Leader during 1967-1975.

He was also the editor-in-chief of the Church Citizens’ Voice, a portal. He regularly contributed to Matters India until a few years ago.

A former priest of Madras-Mylapore, he obtained a doctorate in theology from Rome’s Pontifical Urban University and Bachelors in Journalism, at Marquette University in the US.

Father D Amudhan, a former president of the Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA), expressed sadness over Kottoor’s death. “He was the editor of the New Leader when I met him in 1973. Under his editorship the New Leader was a widely read and well liked Catholic weekly,” Father Amudhan told Matters India March 28.

According to the 80-year-old priest of Thanjavur diocese, Kottoor’s “constructive criticism and bold proposals were an eye opener in the Indian church. He was one of the few who openly and positively contributed for the reforms of the Vatican Council to spread in the country.”

Salesian Father C M Paul, a former president of the Signis India, says Kottoor was known and respected for his progressive stance and critical analysis of societal and political matters from a Catholic perspective. “He was my inspiration when I took charge as the editor of the Herald weekly of Calcutta in 1989,” Father Paul told Matters India.

Father Paul too agrees that Kottoor, during his tenure as editor, was known for his bold and outspoken editorial style, often addressing controversial topics such as corruption, social justice, gender equality and religious reform within the Catholic Church.

He gained recognition for his advocacy for the rights of marginalized communities and his efforts to promote dialogue and reform within the Church hierarchy, the Salesian priest added.

Kottoor’s writings, Father Paul added, often reflected his deep concern for the poor, and he used his platform to raise awareness about issues such as poverty, caste discrimination, and human rights abuses.

“He was also known for his criticism of religious fundamentalism and his calls for greater accountability and transparency within religious institutions,” he added.

ICPA’s current president Ignatius Gonsalves, mourning Kottoor’s death, hailed the veteran journalist who clamoured for reform in the Church, especially among his own community of Kananites.

This former priest “was fiercely committed to the Church and the Gospel values. Until recently he was active with his website called “Church Citizens Voice.” survived by his and their four children.

Kottoor encouraged the formation of an association of former priests and nuns and addressed its conference at Kochi on February 28, 2015.

Virat Kohli’s Milestone Century Propels RCB to Victory in T20 Clash Against Punjab Kings

Proving his mettle and solidifying his candidacy for the forthcoming T20 World Cup, Virat Kohli showcased his prowess by notching up his 100th 50-plus score in T20 matches during the Royal Challengers Bangalore’s pursuit of 177 runs against Punjab Kings in Bengaluru, as reported on Monday.

Chris Gayle currently holds the record for the most 50-plus scores in T20 cricket, achieving this milestone in 110 matches, closely followed by David Warner with 109 matches to his credit. Kohli now stands third on this leaderboard, accomplishing the feat in 100 matches. Notably, he becomes the first Indian cricketer to achieve this milestone, countering critics who doubted his suitability for inclusion in the T20 World Cup squad.

The former captain of RCB displayed his batting prowess with a blistering knock of 77 runs off 49 deliveries, embellished with 11 boundaries and two maximums. Kohli’s departure saw RCB positioned at 130/5 in 16 overs, requiring a further 47 runs from 24 balls to secure victory. Throughout the match, Kohli emerged as the lone standout performer for his team, especially given RCB’s faltering start with early dismissals of Faf du Plesis (3), Cameron Green (3), Rajat Patidar (18), and Glenn Maxwell (3).

Despite the setbacks, Kohli exhibited composure and drew upon his experience to keep the scoreboard ticking in RCB’s favor.

In the initial innings, Shikhar Dhawan’s contribution of 45 runs off 37 deliveries propelled Punjab Kings to a total of 176/6 in their allotted 20 overs. Despite the early loss of his opening partner Jonny Bairstow (8), the PBKS skipper orchestrated a recovery alongside number three batsman Prabhsimran Singh (25). Additionally, noteworthy contributions from Sam Curran (23), Jitesh Sharma (27), and Shashank Singh (21) bolstered PBKS’ innings. Mohammed Siraj and Glenn Maxwell made significant impacts for RCB’s bowling department, claiming two wickets each.

Reflecting on PBKS’ innings, all-rounder Sam Curran remarked, “It is probably slightly under par. But it (the surface) is not a belter, good finish by the boys and a few early wickets can get us back. They bowled really with the new ball and there was some help for the spinners. We are going out there with a plan and make 176 enough.”

Cargo Ship Collides with Key Bridge in Baltimore: Crew Safe, Emergency Declared

In the early hours of March 26, a cargo ship carrying a crew of 22 Indians collided with a pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland.

The Singapore-based Synergy Marine Group, the charter manager of the cargo ship, confirmed that all crew members were safe, and there were no casualties.

Reports indicate that the ship struck a column of the bridge, causing it to fall into the water. Rescue operations are ongoing, and both city and state officials have declared a state of emergency in response to the incident.

The shipping company issued a statement regarding the collision, stating, “Owners and managers of the Singapore-flagged container ship ‘DALI’ (IMO 9697428) report that the vessel collided with one of the pillars of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Baltimore whilst under pilotage with two pilots onboard, at approximately 01:30 local time on 26th March.”

The statement also confirmed that all crew members, including the two pilots, were safe, with no injuries or pollution reported. The exact cause of the collision is still under investigation, but initial findings suggest that the crew issued a distress call, indicating a loss of power and propulsion before the collision.

The company stated that it has informed the US Coast Guard and local officials and is fully cooperating with government agencies. Details about the ship’s capacity were also provided, noting it as a 10,000 TEU vessel with 4,679 TEU onboard, outbound from Baltimore to Colombo.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore mentioned on social media platform X that the ship had lost power before the collision. He stated that his office is in communication with the US Transportation secretary and fire emergency personnel to coordinate response efforts.

Authorities at the Patapsco River Baltimore Port have suspended vessel traffic until further notice, stating, “At this time, we do not know how long vessel traffic will be suspended. As soon as that is determined, we will provide an update.”

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott declared a local state of emergency following the collapse of the Key Bridge. He assured the public that resources were being mobilized swiftly to address the crisis and ensure community safety and well-being.

Fear Among Christians Rises in India as Election Looms

KANDHAMAL, India: In India’s Kandhamal district, the scars of brutal attacks on Christians 16 years ago still linger, evoking fear and uncertainty among the minority community. As the country braces for upcoming elections with Prime Minister Narendra Modi expected to secure another term, many Christians worry about the resurgence of violence and persecution.

The 2008 attacks, triggered by the murder of a Hindu priest, left a devastating impact, with mobs targeting Christians and leaving scores dead. Survivors like Deepti recall the horrors of that time, including incidents of gang rape and widespread sexual assault.

Last year, the Vatican initiated the beatification process for 35 individuals killed in the violence, offering a glimmer of hope for the community. However, for many, the trauma persists, overshadowing any sense of closure or justice.

The looming elections add to the apprehension, especially amid concerns of rising Hindu nationalism and the BJP’s alleged agenda to convert India into a Hindu state. Reports of attacks against Christians across the country further fuel anxiety, with memories of past atrocities still fresh.

Despite reassurances from political leaders, including Modi, many Christians remain wary, fearing a repeat of past violence. The recent inauguration of a temple in Ayodhya, a site marked by historical religious tensions, served as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by religious minorities in India.

While efforts are made to foster inclusivity and dispel fears, the specter of communal discord looms large, casting a shadow of doubt on the promise of religious freedom and harmony in the country. As Kandhamal’s survivors navigate between fear and hope, the road ahead remains uncertain, with the need for genuine reconciliation and peace more urgent than ever.

Syro-Malabar Archbishop Urges Voters to Prioritize Minority Protection in 2024 Elections Amid Rising Attacks

The Major Archbishop of the influential Syro-Malabar Church, Mar Raphael Thattil, has urged citizens to cast their votes in favor of parties that prioritize the protection of minorities and uphold the Constitution, as the nation prepares for the 2024 general elections.

Speaking to reporters at an event, Thattil expressed concern over a recent report by a Christian forum revealing 161 reported attacks on Christians in 2024. He described the findings as “painful” and highlighted the significance of the Constitution in safeguarding citizens’ rights. He mentioned assurances from the Prime Minister and the government regarding taking strict actions in response to such incidents.

“The reports on the rise in attacks are painful, especially when we have a strong Constitution which provides us our rights. The Prime Minister, when we met him, and the government had assured stern action,” said Thattil.

When questioned about the approaching Lok Sabha elections, Thattil emphasized the importance of voting for candidates who prioritize protecting minorities and upholding the Constitution.

“Everyone can vote according to their wish. But personally, I would say, people should vote for those who protect minorities and the Constitution,” he stated.

Regarding the increasing attacks on the Christian community, Thattil advised members to remain composed while urging the government to take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the victims.

Meanwhile, the Election Commission of India has scheduled April 26 as the polling date for Kerala’s 20 Lok Sabha constituencies.

Unveiling Savarkar: A Nuanced Biopic Explores India’s Controversial Freedom Fighter

The latest biographical film on Savarkar offers a compelling narrative, catering not just to his admirers but also to those unfamiliar with his legacy or critical of it. It delves into the complexities of Savarkar’s life, highlighting his pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence and the sacrifices he made. Despite facing a decade of harsh imprisonment in the British penal colony of Kālā Pānī, Savarkar remained steadfast in his commitment to the cause.

While some may argue that the film portrays Savarkar in a glorified light, it undeniably presents factual accounts that challenge common perceptions. A central theme of the biopic is the contrast between Mahatma Gandhi and Savarkar, emphasizing their differing approaches to achieving Indian independence. Unlike Gandhi’s advocacy for non-violence, Savarkar championed armed resistance, earning him the fear of the British authorities.

Savarkar’s redefinition of the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny as the First War of Indian Independence and his inspiration drawn from figures like Mazzini are depicted in the film. It also explores his establishment of “Abhinav Bharat,” mirroring Mazzini’s “Young Italy,” to promote nationalist sentiment and unity.

Despite covering a vast expanse of history, the film maintains a brisk pace, though some editing could have streamlined the narrative. Portrayals of historical figures such as Gandhi and Churchill occasionally border on caricature, detracting from the otherwise factual presentation.

The harrowing experiences of Savarkar in Kālā Pānī, including torture and encounters with brutal jailers, are vividly depicted. While the extensive portrayal of torture may seem excessive, it underscores the exceptional suffering endured by Savarkar, orchestrated by fellow Indians under British direction.

The biopic raises pertinent questions about the legitimacy of resistance against colonial oppression. It suggests that India’s independence ultimately came through the threat of violence, forcing the British to recognize the futility of continued colonial rule.

A notable aspect addressed in the film is Savarkar’s infamous mercy petition, contextualizing it within his broader strategy for the freedom struggle. His pragmatic approach, rooted in legal training, aimed to secure the release of all prisoners, prioritizing the larger cause over personal liberty.

Furthermore, the film challenges misconceptions about Savarkar’s Hindutva ideology, portraying it as inclusive rather than exclusionary. According to Savarkar, anyone identifying with the Indian homeland and culture could be considered a Hindu, irrespective of religious affiliation.

In essence, the Savarkar biopic offers a nuanced portrayal of a controversial figure in Indian history, inviting viewers to reassess their perspectives on his contributions to the nation’s freedom struggle. Whether one admires or opposes Savarkar’s ideology, the film provides valuable insights into a pivotal era of Indian history.

 Economic Impact of High-Earning Indian Expatriates

Shubhangi Sharma, a resident of Berlin, prepares for a vibrant Holi celebration, emblematic of the growing trend among high-earning Indians settling abroad to infuse billions into local economies. Sharma’s forthcoming festivities reflect a significant economic footprint, as she plans to spend approximately €200 to host friends, purchase Holi paint, and adorn traditional attire procured during her visits to Delhi.

As a microbiologist married to a tech professional, Sharma epitomizes a demographic capable of indulging in traditional festivals and luxury living, attributing their financial freedom to their relocation to countries like Germany. She remarks, “I moved my investments from India to Germany, so now all my savings are here, and I enjoy investing money in different stock profiles and different exchange-traded funds (ETFs).”

The surge in skilled Indian migration to Germany, facilitated by relaxed visa regulations, mirrors broader global trends. Indians, particularly in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), are becoming the top immigrant earners in Europe’s largest economy, with a median monthly wage of €4,974.

The diaspora’s economic influence extends beyond Germany, with approximately 18 million Indians residing overseas, spanning continents. This dispersion contributes to a significant global economic footprint, as highlighted by economist V N Balasubramanyam: “Both in terms of the global economy and their own purchasing power, the impact is substantial.”

Remittance payments to India, a key economic driver, reached record highs in 2023, reflecting the diaspora’s financial contributions. However, the economic impact transcends remittances, encompassing investments, entrepreneurship, and skill enhancement within industries such as IT and pharmaceuticals.

In the United States, Indians emerge as the highest-earning ethnic minority group, wielding considerable buying power and driving demand in real estate markets. Similar patterns manifest in countries like the UK, Singapore, and the Gulf, indicating a global trend of Indian diaspora investment.

Strategic financial planning characterizes the diaspora’s approach to wealth management, with a focus on low-risk investments and retirement planning. Approximately 25% of non-resident Indians prefer conservative investment options, demonstrating a prudent approach to capital retention and growth.

Analysts anticipate continued global resonance of the Indian diaspora’s economic story, contingent upon political dynamics and visa policies. Balasubramanyam observes, “The economic power of the Indian diaspora will continue to increase and be substantial,” emphasizing the potential for joint ventures and investment back into India.

This economic narrative is propelled by a cohort of young, ambitious professionals navigating open-market policies across multiple countries. Dutta notes, “They are young people in the 30s who still have decades of work life ahead, are super ambitious and aspirational,” underscoring their potential to shape global economies.

In a digitalized, globalized context, the economic impact of high-earning Indian expatriates resonates across borders, promising continued contributions to global markets and investment landscapes.

Moscow Mourns: Tragic Concert Hall Attack Claims 137 Lives, Sparks Nationwide Grief and International Concern

Russia is observing a day of mourning following a tragic incident that claimed the lives of at least 137 individuals during a crowded concert at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on Friday evening. Flags across the nation fly at half-mast, numerous events have been canceled, and TV schedules have been adjusted in light of the somber occasion.

The assault, perpetrated by gunmen who entered the venue, resulted in more than 140 people sustaining injuries as they fired indiscriminately before setting the hall ablaze. The Islamic State (IS) group has claimed responsibility for the attack, with Amaq, the IS media outlet, posting an image purportedly depicting the four masked assailants involved. However, Russian authorities have not officially commented on IS’s assertion.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that all four perpetrators have been apprehended. Images released by Russia’s Investigative Committee showed the detainees being escorted into a building, restrained and blindfolded. President Putin condemned the massacre as a “barbaric terrorist act,” echoing earlier statements by Russian security services that the assailants may have attempted to flee to Ukraine.

However, Ukraine swiftly dismissed any involvement, labeling such claims as “absurd.” Andriy Yusov, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military intelligence directorate, refuted suggestions of a link to Ukraine, stating that such a notion would imply the attackers were either “stupid or suicidal.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Putin of attempting to shift blame onto Ukraine, criticizing his silence in addressing the Russian populace in the aftermath of the tragedy.

BBC Verify has corroborated details of two of the alleged attackers seen in the IS video with images of the arrested suspects circulating on pro-Kremlin Telegram channels. The US National Security Council revealed it had previously alerted Russia to a potential IS threat targeting “large gatherings,” including concerts, in Moscow. The Kremlin dismissed this warning as “propaganda” and an attempt by the US to interfere in Russian affairs.

The White House condemned the attack, describing IS as a “common terrorist enemy” that must be defeated globally. Reports of the assault inside Crocus City Hall emerged around 20:00 local time on Friday, as thousands gathered for a rock concert by veteran band Picnic. Videos posted online captured the chaos as gunmen opened fire, prompting panic among attendees who sought refuge wherever possible.

Eyewitness accounts described the assailants methodically targeting individuals, with some concertgoers attempting to escape to the basement or roof. Anastasia Rodionova, who attended the concert, recalled the terrifying scene of gunmen gunning down victims in silence. Vitaly, another witness, observed the attackers throwing petrol bombs before chaos ensued.

Outside the hall, smoke billowed into the sky as flames engulfed the roof and facade. Reports indicated explosions that shattered glass on the building’s upper floors. Special forces units swiftly responded, storming the venue as medical personnel and numerous ambulances rushed to the scene. Helicopters circled overhead, aiding efforts to extinguish the fire.

The Russian Investigative Committee confirmed that the attackers used flammable liquid to ignite portions of the concert hall. They attributed the victims’ deaths to gunshot wounds and poisoning from smoke inhalation. On Saturday, a makeshift memorial emerged outside the venue, where mourners lit candles and laid flowers. Across Moscow and other cities, electronic billboards displayed a single burning candle alongside the word “Skorbim” – “we mourn.”

Manhunt Underway for Squatters Suspected in Gruesome Manhattan Murder

Authorities are currently in pursuit of two individuals believed to be involved in the brutal murder of a 52-year-old woman whose body was discovered concealed in a duffel bag within her deceased mother’s luxurious Manhattan residence last week, as stated by law enforcement officials on Thursday.

The victim, identified as Nadia Vitel, reportedly encountered the assailants while she was preparing her late mother’s 19th-floor apartment on East 31st Street for the occupancy of a family friend upon her recent arrival from Spain. According to police, Vitel was subjected to a vicious assault by the perpetrators upon discovering them unlawfully occupying the premises.

“We believe that some squatters took the apartment over and this woman came home … and walked in on the squatters that were there,” stated NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny.

The suspects, whose identities have not been disclosed by the NYPD, were captured on surveillance footage fleeing the scene following the murder, absconding in the victim’s Lexus SUV. Their escape led them across state lines, culminating in a crash in Lower Paxton Township, Pennsylvania.

Despite the occurrence of the incident, authorities were not notified until the subsequent day, as Pennsylvania law enforcement officials did not promptly run the license plates to ascertain the vehicle’s connection to a homicide, explained Kenny.

The fugitives, who are still at large as of Thursday, reportedly attempted to procure a new vehicle for $1,000 from various local car dealerships subsequent to the collision.

These developments transpired subsequent to the grim discovery made by Vitel’s 19-year-old son, Michael Medvedev, who stumbled upon his mother’s lifeless body inside the apartment with the assistance of the building’s superintendent after being unable to contact her for 48 hours.

“As they’re getting ready to leave, the son opens up the closet door near the front door and discovers the duffel bag with a foot sticking out,” recounted Kenny.

The duration of time the perpetrators had been occupying the apartment prior to Vitel’s encounter with them remains unclear, as does the method by which they gained entry into the premises.

“The apartment itself is very unique in that there’s no front door to the apartment. You take an elevator up and then you key your way in. The elevator is actually your front door,” explained Kenny, emphasizing the upscale nature of the residence.

Although the identities of the two suspects have not been divulged by law enforcement, insider sources have previously described them as a man and woman in their twenties.

“As of right now, we have probable cause, we have two subjects, we have the Regional Fugitive Task Force actively hunting as we speak,” asserted Kenny, noting that one of the squatters has a prior arrest record.

Speculation Mounts as Aaron Taylor-Johnson Emerges as Frontrunner for Next James Bond

Speculation surrounding the next actor to portray the iconic character of James Bond is once again reaching a fever pitch, with reports suggesting that British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been offered the role. The Sun has stated that the actor, known for his roles in films like Kick-Ass and various Marvel movies, has received a formal offer to step into the shoes of the famed 007 spy, a role previously inhabited by Daniel Craig. Craig’s departure from the franchise in 2021, after a tenure spanning five films over 16 years, has opened the door for a new face to grace the screen as Bond in the upcoming 26th installment following “No Time to Die.”

Although The BBC has approached Taylor-Johnson for confirmation, Eon Productions, the entity behind the Bond films, has declined to comment on the swirling speculation. However, an insider associated with the production informed BBC News that there’s “no truth in the rumours.” Speculation regarding the coveted role has been circulating for quite some time, and Taylor-Johnson himself acknowledged the buzz in an interview with Numero magazine, expressing his appreciation for the recognition, stating it was “charming and wonderful” that people envisioned him in the role of Bond. He embraced the notion as a compliment, further fueling anticipation.

Taylor-Johnson, aged 33, who notably portrayed John Lennon in the biopic “Nowhere Boy” in 2009, has emerged as a frontrunner according to bookmakers. His diverse acting portfolio includes acclaimed performances in films such as “Nocturnal Animals,” for which he garnered a Golden Globe in 2017, as well as “Anna Karenina,” “Godzilla,” and “Tenet.”

The anticipation over who will assume the mantle of 007 has led to a plethora of names being tossed into the ring over the past few years. Mark O’Connell, author of “Catching Bullets: Memoirs of a Bond Fan,” emphasized the multifaceted nature of the role, stressing that the ideal candidate must encompass qualities beyond mere on-screen charisma, serving as an ambassador for the franchise and British culture itself. O’Connell emphasized the necessity for the actor to possess global recognition and command attention on the grandest of scales.

Among the contenders, Henry Cavill, known for his roles in “Superman” and “Mission: Impossible,” stands out as a favorite. Cavill, who previously expressed his enthusiasm for the role, described the prospect as “very, very exciting” in an interview with GQ in 2020. Another contender, 32-year-old Damson Idris, gained prominence for his role in the US TV crime drama “Snowfall” and Netflix’s “Outside the Wire.” James Norton, recognized for his work in stage productions like “A Little Life” and films such as “Little Women,” also garners attention as a potential candidate. Norton, aged 38, has showcased his acting prowess in various gritty TV dramas, though he remains modest regarding speculation about his suitability for the role, deeming it “very flattering” yet speculative.

The pool of potential Bonds extends further, with names like Tom Hardy, Idris Elba, and Chris Evans also entering discussions. Elba, however, acknowledged concerns regarding his age, suggesting that at 51, he might be deemed “too old” for the role, particularly considering the longevity associated with portraying Bond. Producers, as history shows, may not always opt for the most high-profile actor, as evidenced by the selection of Daniel Craig, whose name initially wasn’t at the forefront following Pierce Brosnan’s departure from the franchise in 2002.

Speaking of Brosnan, the former Bond recently expressed his endorsement for fellow Irishman Cillian Murphy, citing him as a “magnificent” choice for the role. Brosnan had previously lauded Regé-Jean Page, of “Bridgerton” fame, as a “wonderful” potential Bond. As the speculation continues to swirl and discussions regarding the next 007 persist, the anticipation only intensifies, leaving fans eager to see who will ultimately assume the iconic mantle of James Bond.

Standing up for my belief system

In the quiet corners of Assam, where the lush greenery meets the vibrant culture of its people,lies a tale of dedication, faith, and unwavering commitment. It is a tale woven through the corridors of schools, where knowledge blossoms and futures take shape. And in this tale, I find myself as both witness and participant, a humble servant in the grand tapestry of education and enlightenment.

My journey has taken me through the hallowed halls of Dokmoka Krist Jyoti School, Assumption School Chokihola, Holy Family School Japrajan, and besides being an acting principal of Don Bosco School, Diphu, St.Joseph School Dolomora, Principal of St.Mary’s School Diphu,Principal of Little Flower School Manja, Principal of Kristu Jayanti School Dhansiri, Principal of St. Mary’s School Daldali and many others scattered across the landscape of Assam. As a teacher, as an acting principal-I have walked these paths with reverence and purpose, knowing thet each step I take is a step towards shaping young minds and nurturing the seeds of wisdom within them.

But beyond the titles and the roles, there lies a deeper truth that guodes me- the truth of my faith, the truth of my calling. As a Catholic priest, In wear my cassock not just as a uniform but as a symbol of my commitment to the priesthood of Jesus Christ, It is a mantle of responsibility, a reminder of thge sacred duty bestowed upon me to serve others with love, compassion, and humility.

In a world where divisiveness and discord seem to be on the rise, I am confronted with a choice – to stand idly by or to speak out, to conform to the status quo or to challenge it. And I choose the latter, not out of defiance, but out of a deep-rooted belief in the values that I hold dear. For I believe that true courage lies not in the absence of fear,but in the willingness to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.

I have seen the status of famous figures that adorn our government buildings, parks, and memorials – figures who have shaped the destiny of our nation and left an indelible mark on history. And just as we honour and commemorate these individuals, so too do Christians honor and preserve the memory of the saints who have walked before us. They are beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness, guiding us with their examples of faith, courage, and selflessness.

But amidst the noise and clamor of the world, I am reminded of the simple yet profound teachings of Jesus Christ – to love one another, to treat others as we would like to be treated, to uphold the dignity and worth of every human being. And so, I stand resolute in my commitment to these values, ready to defend them with every fiber of my being.
To my students, to their parents, to all who call Assam home – I urge you to embrace the sacredness of our constitution and the magnanimity of Christian works. For it is through these principles that we can build a society rooted in justice, equality, and compassion.

And as I reflect on the countless lives that have passed through the doors of our schools, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and humility. For it is in the faces of these young minds that I see the hope and promise of a brighter future – a future built on the foundation of humanity, decency, and mutual respect.

So let us rise above the divisions that threaten to tear us apart. Let us stand together as one community, United in our shared humanity and our common purpose. For only then can we truly safeguard the values that define us as a people, and only then can we fulfill the promise of a better tomorrow for generations to come.

Indian Data Journalist Dies in Tragic New York City Apartment Fire

A tragic fire at St. Nicholas Place in Harlem, New York, claimed the life of a 27-year-old Indian man, identified as Fazil Khan. The Indian Consulate in New York released a statement extending condolences and confirming their engagement with Khan’s family and friends. Their statement, as reported on X, expressed deep sorrow over Khan’s demise and assured continued support in repatriating his remains to India.

Fazil Khan, an alumnus of Columbia Journalism School, worked as a data journalist at The Hechinger Report, a media outlet in New York focusing on educational innovation and inequality. Khan had relocated to New York in 2020 to pursue his graduate studies at Columbia University, according to his LinkedIn profile.

The Hechinger Report also mourned Khan’s loss, describing him as a “great colleague and a wonderful person” in their statement following the tragic incident. They expressed profound sadness over his passing and extended sympathies to his family.

According to the Indian Express, the New York City Fire Department attributed the fire’s cause to a lithium-ion battery, terming it “devastating.” Firefighters responded to the scene at approximately 2:14 pm on Feb 23, finding several individuals on the fire escape and others hanging out of windows on the fifth floor. A total of 18 individuals were identified as patients, with four in critical condition. The incident remains under investigation.

The FDNY detailed the rescue efforts, indicating that three firefighters utilized a lifesaving rope to reach victims trapped on the fifth floor, successfully evacuating them. Among the 18 patients, 12 were transported for medical attention, with four in critical condition. Tragically, one individual succumbed to injuries at the hospital. The fire’s cause is still being investigated, as noted in the FDNY’s post on X.

Jury Awards E. Jean Carroll $83.3 Million in Defamation Suit Against Donald Trump

A jury rendered a substantial verdict of $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll on Friday, serving as a resounding rebuke to former President Donald Trump for his persistent attacks against the veteran advice columnist on social media, stemming from her allegations of sexual assault against him in a Manhattan store.

This latest award, combined with a prior $5 million verdict for sexual assault and defamation last year from a separate jury in Carroll’s case, brings the total amount Trump owes her to $88.3 million. Trump, vehemently protesting the decision, declared his intention to appeal.

The 80-year-old Carroll, visibly moved, held her lawyers’ hands tightly and smiled upon hearing the verdict delivered by the anonymous jury comprised of seven men and two women. Following the decision, she shared an emotional embrace with her legal team.

While Carroll declined to comment upon leaving the Manhattan federal courthouse, she later released a statement through her publicist, celebrating the victory as not just her own but as a triumph for all women who refuse to be silenced in the face of adversity: “This is a great victory for every woman who stands up when she’s been knocked down, and a huge defeat for every bully who has tried to keep a woman down.”

Trump had attended the trial earlier in the day but stormed out during the closing arguments made by Carroll’s attorney. He returned for his attorney’s closing argument and part of the deliberations but departed the courthouse half an hour before the verdict was announced. Expressing his outrage shortly after the decision, he criticized the legal system, branding it as “out of control” and manipulated for political ends.

His lawyer, Alina Habba, attributed the verdict to strategic forum-shopping by Trump’s adversaries, stating, “It will not deter us. We will keep fighting. And, I assure you, we didn’t win today, but we will win.”

The trial’s conclusion coincides with Trump’s continued pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination for the third consecutive time. Throughout, he has sought to portray his legal battles and vulnerabilities as evidence of a biased political system, resonating with his steadfast supporters.

Despite Trump’s efforts to deflect attention from the verdict, his former rival in the Republican primaries, Nikki Haley, highlighted the financial implications of the decision, diverting focus from pressing national issues.

With the civil case brought by Carroll concluded, Trump still faces 91 criminal charges across four indictments, including allegations of attempting to overturn the 2020 presidential election, mishandling classified documents, and orchestrating hush payments to a porn star.

This marks the second time in less than a year that a civil jury has ruled on Carroll’s allegations stemming from a 1996 encounter with Trump at a Manhattan department store. In May, a jury awarded Carroll $5 million, finding Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation, albeit not for rape. Trump is appealing that decision as well.

Trump’s legal challenges extend beyond the Carroll case; he awaits a verdict in a New York civil fraud trial, where state prosecutors seek the return of $370 million in alleged ill-gotten gains.

Regarding Trump’s financial capacity to meet the mounting legal obligations, he has claimed assets of approximately $294 million in cash or equivalents, as reported in his most recent financial statement.

Trump’s absence from the initial Carroll trial was followed by his insistence on testifying in the second trial, although the judge limited his testimony, citing missed opportunities to contest Carroll’s allegations. During his brief appearance on the witness stand, Trump denied assaulting Carroll, subsequently lamenting the proceedings, asserting, “this is not America.”

In this recent trial, the jury was tasked solely with determining the damages owed by Trump for two statements he made as president regarding Carroll’s allegations. They were not asked to reevaluate the veracity of the assault claim itself.

In her closing argument, Carroll’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan, sought substantial compensatory and punitive damages, urging the jury to penalize Trump sufficiently to deter future defamation. The jury awarded $18.3 million in compensatory damages and an additional $65 million in punitive damages, aimed at curbing Trump’s disparaging behavior.

Kaplan highlighted Trump’s vast wealth and the need to hold him accountable for his actions, emphasizing the significance of punitive damages in restoring Carroll’s reputation and protecting her from ongoing harassment.

Trump, visibly agitated during Kaplan’s address, abruptly left the courtroom, prompting a rebuke from the judge. Throughout the trial, Trump tested the judge’s patience, leading to warnings of expulsion for disruptive behavior.

Carroll testified to the detrimental impact of Trump’s statements on her life, citing death threats and the need for increased security measures. She emphasized her quest to restore her reputation tarnished by Trump’s allegations.

In contrast, Trump’s lawyer argued that Carroll had profited from her accusations and achieved the fame she desired, suggesting no damages were warranted.

Ultimately, the jury’s verdict stands as a significant legal blow to Trump, underscoring the consequences of his actions and the importance of accountability in matters of defamation and assault.

The makers of the unconventional superhero film ‘American Sikh’

(RNS) — Once the idea for Sikh Captain America — a turbaned, bearded version of the Marvel comic hero — was born, it took more than a year for him to appear on the streets of his native New York City.

The creation of Vishavjit Singh, a writer and illustrator in Harlem, and the photographer Fiona Aboud, who was working on a photo project, “Sikhs: An American Portrait,” the character is a social experiment about what it means to be American, and to be Sikh in America. Now, it is also a short animated film by Singh and Ryan Westra that recently premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival.

The film tells the true story of Singh, 52, who, besides inventing in the face of anti-Sikh bigotry after 9/11, is a performance artist and diversity speaker. After a lifetime of facing prejudice, self-doubt and violence, his animated self, as in life, finally finds acceptance in a superhero costume. He first drew Captain America in a turban and beard in 2011, but it took almost a year after Aboud discovered the character to convince Singh to step out as Sikh Captain America on the streets, where his mission is to tackle bias and intolerance, powered by his humor, turban, beard and storytelling prowess.

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I had the opportunity to speak with Singh and Westra to discuss the what, why and how of “American Sikh.” This interview has been adapted for clarity and concision.

How did this film come together?

RW: In 2014, as my very last student project in film school, I happened to be assigned to do a live action documentary about Vishavjit’s work as Sikh Captain America. While shooting that project (“Red, White, and Beard”), I was so impressed by Vishavjit’s ability to inspire people to open up about their stereotypes and biases in a positive way. Yet as we wrapped the shoot, I watched a stranger on the street call Vishavjit “Osama bin Laden,” moments after changing out of his superhero costume.

It was a shocking juxtaposition to witness, and it made Vishavjit’s work even more impactful to me. Ever since then, I had been interested in working with Vishavjit again on a more in-depth and ambitious project. In 2019, I reached out with the idea of doing an animated short about his life and, more broadly, the struggles that the Sikh community has gone through.

What do you hope the film will accomplish?

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RW: In a recent interview, our incredible executive producer, Vikas Khanna, had a beautiful answer to this question. He said, “I believe that the answer to hate cannot be hate.” With the difficult times we are facing right now around the world, I think now, more than ever, is a perfect time for us to gain greater understanding, empathy and compassion for those around us.

VS: I’ve spent years traveling around the nation visiting schools, companies and government agencies to share my story and create a space for conversations about identity, bias, vulnerability and transformative power of art. I hope in amplifying this message via an animated film, we can encourage others to do the same with their story.

I hope this film opens doors for the most underrepresented and misrepresented stories to be shared across American media, cultural and entertainment landscape.

RW: Unfortunately, especially since 9/11, turbans and beards have been villainized and portrayed as un-American in the media. Sikh Captain America challenges those stereotypes in a lighthearted, creative and familiar way. Our hope is that this image sticks with people, and they are able to walk away with a greater empathy for all Americans who, as Vishavjit says, “look a little different.”

What’s been most gratifying so far now that audiences have seen the movie?

VS: Hearing feedback from people from varying backgrounds about connections they find with my story.

RW: It’s extremely exciting to be working with Vishavjit on such a historic project. Never has an American Sikh story reached this level of prominence. With so little representation in the media, it’s exciting that we have the privilege of introducing Vishavjit’s beautiful religion and work to so many for the first time.

How does this film depict Sikh characters differently than other media?

VS: Much of the Sikh media I’ve seen has been created by Sikhs for Sikhs. This film is meant for people who maybe have had little to no experience with Sikhs. It’s created with a national audience in mind and tells a story that is relatable to many Americans, not just Sikhs.

What were some of the biggest challenges to pulling this story together?

VS: With animation being extremely expensive, we had a lot of back and forth narrowing down the few key chapters of my life to tell the most compelling and concise story. There were 30 different cuts of the film that we user-tested on Ryan’s friends and family who knew nothing about me or Sikhism at all. This helped us pick the most impactful moments. But there are a few poignant moments and experiences that did not make it into the final version of the film that I typically include in my life story.

Did you ever doubt that animation was the right medium?

VS: We knew there are two major tragedies that are part of this story — the 1984 genocidal massacre of Sikhs in India, which I survived, and the post-9/11 hate/bias crime wave, which targeted many Sikhs, including me. One of the main reasons we chose animation was it allowed us to showcase these tragedies without overwhelming the viewer.

RW: We didn’t want the tone to focus too much on tragedy, but rather leave the audience feeling inspired and encouraged at the end.

Where do you go from here?

VS: The “American Sikh” has had an amazing journey on the film festival circuit. We always wanted this film to be accessible to American and global audiences. Ryan and I are also writing pitches for full-length films and series. We would love to tell a more comprehensive American story with a Sikh lead character.

RW: We are interested in working together again on a longer and more ambitious project featuring a Sikh lead character. We want to make Sikh characters a part of the bigger cultural landscape we see in all media — not just exclusively Sikh stories.

Microsoft’s Satya Nadella Crowned CNN Business CEO of the Year for Pioneering AI Revolution and Navigating Industry Challenges

In the epoch dominated by artificial intelligence, Microsoft emerged as a trailblazer, making substantial strides under the visionary leadership of CEO Satya Nadella. In a decisive move in 2023, Nadella orchestrated a multi-billion dollar investment in AI, swiftly integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into Microsoft’s product suite ahead of competitors. This strategic maneuver propelled the company back into the limelight as a tech innovator, marking a departure from its historical success anchored in Windows. Evidently, Wall Street took notice, with Microsoft’s stock witnessing an impressive 55% surge throughout the year.

Recognizing Nadella’s exceptional achievements, CNN Business bestowed upon him the prestigious title of CEO of the Year, outshining formidable contenders like Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, and Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. Nadella, reflecting on the significance of AI in 2023, remarked, “We’re no longer just talking about innovation in the abstract; we’re seeing real product-making, deployment, and productivity gains.”

CNN Business, in its annual tradition of selecting an individual whose executive prowess stands out, acknowledged Nadella’s pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of AI, the most groundbreaking innovation from Silicon Valley in decades. Gil Luria, a senior research analyst at DA Davidson, lauded Nadella’s ability to steer Microsoft into the AI era, describing it as “nothing short of remarkable.”

Nadella’s journey is a testament to his transformative leadership. Born in India, he arrived in the United States in the late 1980s for a master’s in computer science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, followed by an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. His ascent at Microsoft began in 1992, an era when the company faced regulatory scrutiny as a monopoly. Upon assuming the role of CEO almost a decade ago, Nadella inherited a company known for its sluggish response to major trends such as mobile technology. His 2017 book, “Hit Refresh,” detailed the internal overhaul he spearheaded, reworking teams and products to foster collaboration.

A pivotal moment in Nadella’s leadership unfolded with the company’s partnership with OpenAI in 2016. This collaboration allowed OpenAI to operate its technology on Microsoft’s Azure cloud servers, a synergy that culminated in a massive $13 billion investment in OpenAI. The subsequent launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 facilitated the integration of AI-powered versions of Microsoft’s flagship products, breathing new life into their software offerings. Nadella’s swift commercialization of these tools positioned Microsoft ahead of competitors like Google and Amazon, catalyzing an industry-wide arms race.

Despite Nadella’s overall successful year, a challenging episode tested his leadership skills. The sudden removal of OpenAI’s Altman, a key figure in the AI landscape, cast a shadow over Microsoft’s plans. Nadella, who learned about Altman’s ousting just before the public announcement, swiftly responded by offering Altman and co-founder Greg Brockman positions at Microsoft. This diplomatic move not only salvaged the situation but also enhanced Microsoft’s standing with a crucial partner.

Stuart Carlaw, Chief Research Officer at ABI Research, attributes Nadella’s success to his unwavering focus on people and outcomes. Carlaw notes, “His approach to the mechanics of leadership remains people-driven.” Takeshi Numoto, Microsoft’s Chief Marketing Officer, observed an internal culture shift, describing the company as feeling “fresh” and “energizing.” Nadella emphasized his commitment to empowering individuals and organizations as Microsoft continues to develop and deploy new products.

Looking ahead, Nadella envisions a future where AI-powered products empower 8 billion people worldwide. He sees possibilities like personalized tutors, medical guidance from virtual doctors, and mentors offering advice at a global scale. However, the challenge lies in making these AI-powered products profitable, a hurdle not unique to Nadella but shared by many in the tech industry.

As Nadella charts Microsoft’s course into 2024 and beyond, the spotlight remains on whether he can translate the promise of AI into sustainable financial success. In the words of Stuart Carlaw, “You are only as good as your last results release,” acknowledging the ongoing challenge faced by leaders navigating the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Sikh International Film Festival 2023: A Cinematic Journey of Sikh Heritage and Diversity Captivates New York City Audience

New York, NY – December 16, 2023: In the bustling heart of the city that never sleeps, the Sikh International Film Festival 2023 unfurled a spellbinding tale of Sikh heritage and cultural diversity at the prestigious Rubin Museum on December 16th. This year’s festival treated the audience to an enchanting journey through impactful stories, with standout films like

“Baywatana: Without a Country’, directed by high school students from Boston”, explored the plight of Sikhs and Hindus in Taliban-era Afghanistan.

“American Sikh”, is a true story of Indian American Sikh who was trying to assimilate with the Americans. The Oscar qualified animated short film is a story of American Sikh Hero Vishvajit Singh and Produced by Guneet Monga Kapoor – Oscar-winning producer (The Elephant Whisperers) and Michelin-starred chef-filmmaker Vikas Khanna and directed and illustrated by American Sikh Hero Vishavjit Singh and Ryan Westra.  Vikas Khanna said, “One of the highlights of screening ‘American Sikh’ at Sikh International Film Festival was engaging the little ones and the youth who could see themselves reflected in our film. Their dreams and hopes keep me inspired.”

“Colonel Kalsi: Beyond the Call”: is another true story of a Sikh young Kamal Kalsi who fought to serve in the US Army with his turban and beard. The film explores themes of diversity, sacrifice, faith, identity and resilience. Colonel Kalsi expressed, “Serving in the Army with my unique camo turban and beard was a profound experience of celebrating my Sikh identity while embodying the spirit of American patriotism…”

As the curtains closed on these impactful narratives, the festival featured over 10 films, covering a diverse range of topics from current affairs to historical perspectives. Teji Bindra (Founder and President of Sikh Art & Film Foundation), Mandeep Sobti (Senior VP and Chair of Finance), Dr Paul Johar (Chair SAFF – Film Festival), Harmeet Bharara ( Former Chair FF and Gala), Hansdip Bindra ( Head of PR and Marketing), expressed their satisfaction with the films that captivated a packed auditorium at the Rubin Museum in Manhattan.

Teji Bindra emphasized, “Sikh Art & Film Foundation has been at the forefront in bringing better awareness of Sikhs through films and arts for the past 17 years. We are pleased with the fantastic movies showcased this year.”

Dr. Paul Johar added, “This year’s Sikh International Film Festival showcased a powerful lineup addressing contemporary Sikh Diaspora issues, delved into the challenges faced by the community. “Amardeep Singh’s documentary, “Oneness in Diversity: Elixir of Guru Nanak and the Indic Saints,” intertwined memories of Saints and Sufi mystics, emphasizing the essential theme of oneness and diversity. The festival, with its captivating stories and impactful quotes from filmmakers, not only celebrated Sikh culture but also provided a dynamic platform for filmmakers to showcase their artistry.

The Sikh International Film Festival, originating in 2004, has been a cultural beacon, fostering awareness of Sikh culture through films and arts. As the curtains closed on this year’s festival, the organizers expressed gratitude to viewers for their unwavering support, marking a significant chapter in the festival’s journey. The success of SIFF 2023 promises an even brighter future, continuing to celebrate Sikh heritage and diversity through the captivating lens of cinema.


For further information or media inquiries, please contact:

Contact: Neeta Bhasin | Phone: 516-343-0181

Email: [email protected]

Republicans Form Congressional Hindu Caucus

House Republican Conference Chair, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik officially launched the Congressional Hindu Caucus (CHC), in the presence of fellow Republican lawmakers and 600 Hindu American Leaders from around the country, on November 15, 2023, at The Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill.

The event hosted by the Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC) and its Chairman and CHC’s Policy Advisor, Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar, also celebrated Diwali along with CHC’s Co-Chairs Elise Stefanik and Pete Sessions, along with lawmakers and community members.

“And for each of you here from the Republican Hindu Caucus, your core values of free enterprise, fiscal discipline, family values, and a firm foreign policy not only guide the Hindu American community, but our central tenets shared and fought by House Republicans and Republicans across America,” noted Stefanik while adding “That is why, today, I am so excited to announce the official launch of the Congressional Hindu Caucus in the United States Congress with my good friend and Co-Chair Pete Sessions.”

Stefanik said, “As we conclude Diwali festivities, we have the joyous reminder of the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. This guidance must remain at the core of our mission each and every day as we tackle the very great challenges in front of us,” and reminded everyone of the ongoing battle between Israel and Hamas.

Commending the role of Hindu Americans for their support to Israeli and Jewish friends, she said both India and the United States form a “unified force to counter terrorism.” “Countering communist China’s malign influence, collaborating on technological development and security cooperation, and supporting a free and open Indo-Pacific must remain top priorities,” added Stefanik while talking about US-India jointly tackling China. “To do so, we will continue to pursue policies that encourage and enhance trade between the United States and India, decrease India’s reliance on Russian and Chinese made defense equipment and increase collaboration and joint quad and bilateral military exercises.”

Republicans Form Congressional Hindu Caucus

She urged that the “United States and India can continue to pursue a strong foreign policy [stance] to combat aggression, discourage authoritarian regimes and contain territorial expansions,” adding House Republicans and CHC should join forces with millions of Hindu Americans nationwide and lawmakers on Capitol Hill. It is also vital to fortify connections and further amplify the considerable achievements established by Shalli, RHC, President Trump, and Prime Minister Modi, she added.

Stefanik also recalled that President Trump was the first Presidential candidate to acknowledge the noteworthy achievements of Hindu Americans during a 2016 rally in New Jersey. She noted that during the rally Trump said in Hindi “Ab Ki Baar Trump Sarkar” which went viral with 1.2 billion views around the world. She went on to say “Ab Ki Baar Republican Sarkar,” on behalf of the House Republicans.

Commending second-generation Hindu Americans for their “significant impact on American society, business, culture, and American history,” she continued “From all over the world your unique experiences have shaped and influenced our country, continuing the time-honored tradition of American exceptionalism and the American dream.”

CHC’s Co-chair, Congressman Pete Sessions, said, “The things that the Republican Party teaches today are the same things that Ronald Reagan taught also… that we will stand with our allies. And America will stand with its allies like we’re doing not just with India, but also with Israel.

Praising the work of Hindu Americans, Sessions said “Shalli Kumar, Elise Stefanik, and I will be taking our message around the United States. And we intend to take not only our candidates, but we intend to take our members, some 150, who represent people [from] all over this country and include Hindu Americans in that political relationship to reshape our world and our country,” while asking the help of Hindu Americans to share and spread the message.

Kumar emphasized, “This will be one of the largest caucuses in the US Congress that would be actively engaged in enacting legislation and passing resolutions important to the Hindu American community,” while highlighting the “impressive educational and professional achievements of the Hindu American community,” said a press statement from RHC.

Notably, Congressman Shri Thanedar also launched a Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain American Congressional Caucus on September 29, 2023. “We should really fight against hatred in the world. We should fight against bigotry, and we need to unite and lift people. We need to foster understanding, promote inclusion, and take affirmative policy actions” Thanedar said after launching the Caucus.

A congressional caucus is a group of members of the United States Congress that meet to pursue common legislative objectives. Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar, an Indian-American is the founder of the Republican Hindu Coalition. Shalabh Kumar said more than 150 members of the US House of Representatives have committed to becoming members of the Congressional Hindu Caucus.

This would make it one of the largest caucuses in the US Congress that would be actively engaged in enacting legislation and passing resolutions important to the Hindu American community, Kumar added.

GOPIO Joins with Stamford Muticultural Council and the Public Library to Celebrate Diwali

Diwali, the Indian Festival of Lights, was celebrated by the Connecticut chapter of GOPIO (Global Organization of People of Indian Origin) in partnership with the Ferguson library and the Stamford Mayor’s Multicultural Council (MMC) with traditional music, dance, Mehendi, Indian snacks and a rangoli exhibition.

GOPIO Joins with Stamford Muticultural Council and the Public Library to Celebrate Diwali 3The highly successful Diwali program for the 3rd year in a row, was presented with 75 artists to a houseful crowd on November 19th at the Ferguson Library in Stamford, Connecticut. The GOPIO chapter has been promoting the soft power of India and the indian Diaspora to the larger society since 2006.

Diwali, which is a major festival in the Indian sub-continent, celebrates the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. It is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains all over the world. Diwali is now a public holiday in many US towns and cities including New York. Last week New York State Governor Kathy Hochul declared Diwali as a holiday in the state.

At the Connecticut program, performances by local dance schools showcased the diversity of India with classical, fusion, folk as well as Bollywood dances. Indian delicaciesserved after the event were enjoyed by all.

Mahesh Jhangiani, Executive Vice President of the GOPIO-Connecticut chapter told the audience  that as aGOPIO Joins with Stamford Muticultural Council and the Public Library to Celebrate Diwali registered 501(c)3 non-profit, GOPIO serves as a non-partisan, secular, civic and community service organization – promoting awareness of Indian culture, customs and contributions of people of Indian origin through community programs, forums, events and youth activities.  “We seek to strengthen partnerships and create an ongoing dialogue with local communities,” said Jhangiani.

Prachi Narayan, Vice-President of GOPIO-CT introduced the Stamford Mayor’s multicultural council team; Chair Eva Weller, Secretary Ana Gallegos and Members Sandra and Sonal, as well as Yelena Clompus, who is also the Cultural Programs Manager at Stamford’s Ferguson Library, who coordinated the program from the library. The rest of the GOPIO-CT team Anita and Ambrish Mathur, Sonali Zullurwar, Ashvini Persaud, Prasad Chintalapudi, Manish Maheshwari and Yashasvi Jhangiani were present helping run the event smoothly. The cultural program was put together by Mrs Jhangiani.

The event was a culmination of the flawless team work between three organizations. Everyone came together to spend the afternoon immersed in the culture, heritage and colors of the Diwali, the festival of lights.

The Macallan 1926 Single Malt Breaks Auction Records, Fetching $2.7 Million

In a historic moment for the world of spirits, a rare bottle of The Macallan 1926 single malt whisky has shattered records, fetching an astounding $2.7 million (£2.1 million) at a recent Sotheby’s auction. This sale not only establishes a new benchmark for the most expensive wine or spirit ever sold at auction but also highlights the unparalleled allure of this sought-after Scotch whisky.

Sotheby’s, the renowned auction house, orchestrated the sale on a Saturday, with the Macallan 1926 single malt exceeding its estimated price, selling for more than double the initial valuation. Jonny Fowle, the head of whisky at Sotheby’s, provided a tantalizing preview of the prized bottle, revealing, “It’s very rich, it’s got a lot of dried fruit as you would expect, a lot of spice, a lot of wood,” according to statements made to the AFP news agency.

This particular Macallan 1926 single malt spent an impressive 60 years maturing in dark oak sherry casks before being bottled in 1986, adding to its mystique and rarity. Only 40 bottles were produced, and these were reportedly not made available for public purchase. Instead, select bottles were offered exclusively to The Macallan’s top clients. Over the years, whenever these elusive bottles have surfaced at auctions, they have consistently generated extraordinary results. In a comparable instance in 2019, a similar bottle commanded an impressive £1.5 million.

Expressing the significance of The Macallan 1926, Mr. Fowle emphasized, “It is the one whisky that every auctioneer wants to sell and every collector wants to own,” underscoring its iconic status in the world of rare spirits.

Sotheby’s provided additional insights into the distinctive labeling of the 40 bottles from the 1926 cask. The bottles were marked in various ways, with two lacking any labels, up to 14 adorned with the iconic Fine and Rare labels, and 12 receiving labels designed by renowned pop artist Sir Peter Blake. Another set of 12 bottles, including the record-breaking one sold recently, featured labels crafted by Italian painter Valerio Adami.

The Adami-designed bottles, known as The Macallan Adami 1926, hold particular intrigue. The article notes that it remains uncertain how many of these 12 bottles still exist today. One was reportedly lost in a devastating earthquake in Japan in 2011, and there are indications that at least one more has been opened and enjoyed, adding an element of mystery to the limited availability of this prized whisky.

The sale of The Macallan 1926 single malt at a staggering $2.7 million not only sets a new record for the most expensive wine or spirit sold at auction but also underscores the enduring fascination and desirability of this exceptional Scotch whisky. With its rich history, unique maturation process, and limited availability, each bottle of The Macallan 1926 represents a rare and coveted piece of spirits history.
