Indian Nurses Association of New York organizes Blood Drive in Long Island

Featured & Cover Indian Nurses Association of New York organizes Blood Drive in Long Island (1)

Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY), the organization that represents the voice of all Indian origin nurses in New York State is all set to conduct this year’s first blood drive in Long Island, says Annie Sabu, the chairwoman of INANY’s Fundraising and Charity Committee. She said the event will take place on June 1st from 10:45 am to 3:15 pm at Westbury Memorial Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Home Health Aide Training Institute and the charity organization Connor’s Closet are also partnering with INANY for

Dr Anna GeorgeThe New York area is currently experiencing a serious blood shortage.  According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. Studies show that one donation of blood can save at least two lives.  Many reasons such as accidents, operations, cancer treatment and blood diseases increase the importance of blood donation. According to New York Blood Center blood donation has never been so low in the last 20 years. The current shortage of blood is due to an unprecedented level of drop in donations.

Many people have the misconception that donating blood is physically draining and exhausting.  Blood is not drawn from us to the point of exhausting us. A normal healthy body contains nine to twelve pints of blood. A single donation will only give less than a pint of blood. The body, which is constantly making blood cells, can replenish the volume of the lost blood within twenty-four hours and the deficiency of cells within eight weeks.  This writer recently donated double red cell.  It is a special automated process called apheresis to collect two units of just red blood cells during a single donation.  The fluid known as plasma was returned to my body.  A whole blood donation is that we give whole blood with all the components.

Some people are afraid of needles. The only discomfort felt when the needle is inserted into the vein is to draw bloodAnnie Sabu (1) for testing at the doctor’s office, hospital, etc. Some find it difficult to spend time to donate. Yes, it takes about forty-five minutes to an hour for a single donation of blood.   But, when we consider spending an hour spent by us saves two or three lives, or the significant difference and impact our donation makes, it takes us to a different level of invaluable gratification.

Some find it difficult that each donation takes from three quarters to an hour; but when you think that one hour can save two or three lives, the preciousness of blood donation increases. Those who come ready to donate blood will be subjected to donation only after being checked and having a blood test done.

Anyone between the ages of seventeen and seventy-six in normal health can donate blood. Those under the age of sixteen can donate blood with the consent of either of their parents and those above the age of seventy-six with the consent of a doctor. A donor must weigh at least one hundred and ten pounds and have no cold or flue symptoms in the preceding seventy-two hours.  Eligibility of those who are ready to donate blood will be decided only after a health screening.

INANY  is an non-profit organization dedicated to the professional development of Indian nurses and the overall health of the individual, families and communities in the society. The blood drive is just one among INANY’s charity activities. Other initiatives include health fairs, clothing drives, fundraising for charities for local, national and needy in India, direct and indirect relief efforts in disasters, scholarships for nursing students, and tuition discount for higher education.

Dr. Anna George, an associate professor at Molloy University and an NP at Northwell Health who is INANY’s president said that it is hoped that everyone who has a helping mind and general health will cooperate in this life-saving effort. For more information and registration, contact Anne Sabu (516.474.5834), Dr. Anna George (646.732.6143), or Christine Koenig (516.333.3689).

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