The preparations for the Ninth Biennial Conference of the National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA) are in full swing.  The two-day conference will be held on October 4 and 5th at Crown Plaza Hotel in Albany (New York).  The conference objectives and topics are based on the theme: “Synergy in Action:  Innovate, Inspire, Integrate”.

Suja ThomasNAINA stands as the representing voice of the tens of thousands among the 4.7 million nurses in the healthcare arena.  The primary goal of NAINA is to provide service to and bring all the nurses and nursing students of Indian origin under one umbrella.  With twenty chapters across the nation, NAINA stands as the sole national organization of Indian nurses with thousands of nurses enjoying the benefits of its membership.  In the mainstream, NAINA is closely associated with American Nurses Association, CGFNS International, National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurses Organization, and National Council of State Board of Nursing.  As we witness Indian Americans all across the life spectrum in the country, the Indian American nurses have already established their presence in healthcare. You will Indian nurses at bedside, in outpatient clinics, nursing leadership, nursing education, hospital administration, university faculty, and research.  They are ambitious; they uphold a vision of high-quality healthcare.  They believe that higher education can equip them with advanced knowledge, critical thinking skills, upward career opportunities, professional respect, and healthcare progress.” Suja Thomas, the president of NAINA emphasized.  Suja, a nursing administrator and an adjunct professor, is also in the governing team of CGFNS International.  The leadership team of NAINA also represents nursing professionals with expertise from diverse fields.

The conference, after the inaugural ceremony and keynote addresses, will be split in four concurrent sessions at theTara Shajan same time and will bring out new research outcomes and evidence- based practice initiatives that could empower and embolden nurses with knowledge and skills to bring back to their home practices. Attendees of each session will get continuing education credits that could be used for maintaining their specialty certifications and help nurses to achieve promotional initiatives like Clinical Ladder.  Tara Shajan, a nursing director at Health and Hospitals Corporation of New York who is the National Convenor and the treasure of NAINA pointed at the networking opportunities that NAINA conference provides to the attendees.  “Besides the valuable continuing education credits, you get opportunities to network with bedside nurses from all specialties, scholars, nurse practitioners and educators from California to Main and Florida to Minnesota. You can inspire and get inspired!”

Dr. Colleen Irwin-Walsh will be the keynote speaker on the first day.  She is the Associate Director of Evidence Based Practice at the Department of Veterans Affairs Health System, Washington DC whose Cardiac guidelines have been implemented by all VA System hospitals nationwide and will be presenting on the topic:  Driving Nurse Excellence: Ambili Nair Integrating Research, and Technological Innovation for Enhancing Practice.”   Mukul Bhakshi, Chief of Strategy and Governmental Affairs, will be another guest speaker.  Dr. Debbie Hatmaker, Chief Nursing Officer of American Nurses Association, and Dr Kelly Foltz-Ramos, director of simulation & innovation and assistant professor at University at Buffalo School of Nursing will be the guest speakers on Saturday, the second day.  Dr. Glenda B. Kelman, chair and professor of nursing at Russell Sage College Troy will do the keynote presentation on “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Age of Technological Innovation in Nursing Practice.”  The concurrent sessions will follow.

Early registration to the conference is underway.  Ambili Nair, president of Indian American Nurses Association of Albany, the host of the conference, and the chapter convenor emphasized the benefits of early bird registration: “by being a participant at the conference, you are also participating in the discussion in transforming the future of nursing.”   Registration can be done at

A Conference Souvenir will also be published at the conference.  Dr. Shyla Roshin, the chief nursing officer at South Beach Psychiatric Center in Staten Island is the chair of the souvenir committee.  She said more information on submission of contributions to the conference is available at

Indian Nurses Association Of New York Conducts Health Screening And Education In Long Island

The health screening and education booths of Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY) at the Senior Health Expo in Rockville Center, Long Island was a major attraction for the local communities in the area. They included blood pressure monitoring, body mass index measurement, blood sugar check, physical and mental health screening, diabetes education, heart related education and other health maintenance education and guidance. The Senior Health Expo was organized by the first Indian American second term New York State Senator of Long Island Kevin Thomas. The event was targeted at the seniors in the region to give access to information and resources for maintaining and bettering their health.

Indian Nurses Association Of New York Conducts Health Screening And Education In Long Island 1INANY, the organization that stands as the voice of Indian nurses living in New York, has been engaged with New York State Senator to extend healthcare services to the underserved communities in his constituency for the last three years. INANY was also a recipient of a $10,000 grant in partnership with Coalition of Asian American Children and Families to address the surge anti-Asian hate incidents after the COVID-19 pandemic began. The nurses conducted an awareness and bystander intervention training program in senior centers, professional forums, social gatherings and as part of a nursing continuing education conference. The training program comprises various strategies that could be used by a witness or bystander of an anti-Asian hate incident to comfortably intervene to help the victim, without compromising safety or fear. Dr. Anna George, the president of INANY pointed out that the strategies are evidence based and have been adopted by various universities and healthcare organizations such as Northwell Health.

INANY also utilized this opportunity to provide innovative and accessible infection control education for frontline healthcare workers to protect their patients. This initiative was part of National Association of Indian Nurses of North America (NAINA) instituting a grant from American Nurses Association.

Indian Nurses Association Of New York Conducts Health Screening And Education In Long Island 2The nurse-volunteers who attended at the Health Expo comprised of nurses working at bedside, nurse practitioners from cardiac catheter lab, and university professors who shared their expertise to educate on reducing risks of life threatening illnesses and conditions. They also did depression screening and talked about need for seeking help or reaching out to resources when someone from own family or others suffers from mental health conditions or substance abuse. They also counselled about the stigma attached to mental illness. Taylor Darling, the New York assembly woman from district 18 who observed services of INANY nurses at the Expo said that she was thoroughly impressed and delighted with what INANY did for the health of the community. She talked about the stressors in nursing related to staff shortage, safe staffing issues, faculty shortage and acuity at work and thanked the nurses for their compassion and altruism. Senator Kevin Thomas expressed his gratitude for the services INANY provided to the people of his district and for the dedication of Indian nurses for what they do every day in healthcare facilities.

INANY president Dr. Anna George, Annie Sabu Aleyamma Appukuttan, Grace Alexaner, Nisha Jayan, Grace Geevarghese, Rupinder Kaur, Paul Panakal, Shiney Xavier, Paul Panakal, and Jaya Vathappally dedicated the day for their voluntary services at the Expo.

7 Key Signs You’re Dehydrated and How to Stay Hydrated, According to Experts

You might believe you’re staying adequately hydrated, especially if you’re frequently sipping coffee throughout the day, but you might be more dehydrated than you realize. The human body is approximately 70% water, and daily activities can lead to a loss of up to two and a half liters. Even breathing contributes to fluid loss, with about half a liter exhaled daily.

How Much Water Should You Drink Each Day?

Maintaining fluid balance is essential, and drinking sufficient water plays a crucial role. According to the Mayo Clinic, which references data from the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, adult women should consume around 11.5 cups or 2.7 liters of fluids daily, while men need about 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters. Although roughly 20% of this intake can come from food sources like fruits, soups, and vegetables, few individuals actually meet these recommended amounts.

Signs You May Be Dehydrated

To better understand if you’re dehydrated, we consulted Dr. Lela Ahlemann, a specialist in dermatology, proctology, and nutritional medicine. She highlighted seven common indicators that you might not be drinking enough water:

  1. Dry Mouth and Thirst

A classic symptom of dehydration is feeling thirsty and experiencing a dry mouth. This sign suggests that your body is signaling a need for fluids. Dr. Ahlemann notes that a dry mouth not only indicates dehydration but can also impair your immune system. “A dry mouth can lead to a weakened oral mucosa, which serves as an immune defense, making you more susceptible to infections,” she explains. If you can’t drink water, at least rinse your mouth with some liquid.

  1. Dark Urine or Reduced Urine Output

Dr. Ahlemann explains that concentrated urine, which appears darker, is a sign of insufficient hydration. Ideally, urine should be a pale yellow. “If your urine is dark, it’s a clear indication that you need to drink more water. Observing your urine color is a simple self-check to determine if you’re adequately hydrated.”

  1. Headaches and Dizziness

Dehydration can reduce blood volume, which in turn affects the brain’s supply of blood and nutrients, leading to headaches and dizziness. “Headaches and dizziness are often caused by this decreased blood volume,” says Ahlemann. If you experience frequent dizziness, seeking medical advice is recommended.

  1. Fatigue and Difficulty Concentrating

Lack of fluids can also result in fatigue and difficulty concentrating. This is because reduced blood volume impacts brain function. “Fatigue and trouble focusing are common signs of dehydration. The decreased blood volume means that the brain is not receiving optimal support,” explains Dr. Ahlemann.

  1. Dry Skin and Lips

Dry skin and lips are additional indicators of dehydration. Dr. Ahlemann suggests a simple test to check for dehydration: “Pinch the skin on the back of your hand and pull it up. If the skin returns slowly to its original position, it indicates dehydration.” Dry skin can also cause itching and make your skin appear paler due to insufficient oxygen and micronutrient supply.

  1. Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Not drinking enough water can make blood thicker, which may make blood vessels more visible, resulting in dark circles and sunken eyes. “If you’re not drinking enough, the blood can become thicker, making blood vessels more noticeable. This can lead to dark circles, sunken eyes, and increased wrinkles around the eyes,” says Ahlemann.

  1. Constipation

Constipation is a common consequence of inadequate fluid intake. When you drink insufficient water, your intestines absorb too much water from stool, reducing its volume and leading to constipation. Dr. Ahlemann notes, “In medical terms, constipation is described as having hard stools due to dehydration. Many people are unaware that insufficient hydration can also cause bloating.”

Understanding these signs can help you recognize when your body needs more water and take appropriate steps to stay hydrated.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New York

The first ever World Health Congress organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI) held from July 18-22nd, 2024 came to a close here at the Marriott Marquis on Times Square in New York City with the call by the outgoing President, Dr. Anajana Samadder to work towards the realization of the mission of AAPI.

“I want to thank the AAPI delegates, sponsors and organizing committee who have put together such a great event at the heart of New York City,” Dr. Samadder said in her concluding address. “We have had an exciting 1st ever World Health Congress that was full of fun-filled, educational and entertaining. There was something for everyone, including the younger generation, the teenagers, and children, as wells to the AAPI members, making it a family event,” said Dr. Samadder.

Top News AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New YorkIn her keynote address at the gala on Sunday night, Honorable Smriti Irani, a former Cabinet Minister of India and a Bollywood star shared with the over 1,500 AAPI delegates who came from across the United States about the many contributions of India to the world, especially in the healthcare filed and the numerous achievements of the Government of India. She thanked the AAPI members for their great contributions and services to the people of the United States and for their motherland India.

The World Health Congress, which began on July 18th with the cutting of the Ribbon by the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams is being attended by over 1,000 physicians and has over 80 speakers and CEOs from around the globe, provide the delegates with an unparalleled opportunity to network, learn, and explore groundbreaking advancements across healthcare disciplines.

Some of the key speakers addressed the delegates at the  Congress included: Dr. Mehmet Oz, American television personality, Physician, Author, and Professor Emeritus of cardiothoracic surgery at Columbia University; Eric Adamas, Mayor of New York City; Smriti Zubin Irani, an Indian politician and former actress, fashion model, and television producer; Binaya Srikanta Pradhan, Consul General of India in New York, Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner for Trade, Investment and Innovation, and NY Assembly woman Jenifer Rajkumar.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New YorkNew York City Mayor Eric Adams inaugurated the World Health Congress of Physicians with the cutting of the Ribbon and a powerful and memorable inaugural address on July 18th, 2024. In his inaugural address, Adams lauded the contributions of Indian American physicians across the United States, especially during the Covid pandemic. “When you look at the 1000s of physicians across the country, you walk into any hospital, the emergency rooms, especially during COVID, you were present. You were there, and you sacrificed your own health to make sure of the health of this entire country. Your contributions are so rare.”

Dr. Mehmet Oz delivered an inspiring talk on “Living the Good Life” sharing with delegates who had assembled at the Broadway Ballroom his insights into wellness and health optimization that resonate deeply within and beyond the medical community.

Sri Brahmrishi SiddhGuru Gurudev, while bestowing his blessings on the organizers and the AAPI delegates called the Indian American Physicians “the best” in the world, because “they give their best to the world.” He lauded them for their virtues of “learning, earning and returning” that makes them stand out across the globe.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New York

Pramukh Swami Dr. Swami Gyanvatsal, a Motivational Speaker from Akshardham, BAPS Swaminaryan Mandir presented his inspirational talk on “Physician Burnout.” Swami Gyanvasti Dr. Gyan Vatsal focused on various aspects of personal development, spirituality, social harmony, giving back to society, education, and knowledge, highlighting the significance of continuous learning and education in personal growth.

The CEO Forum was moderated by Dr. Achintya Moulick, Chair of the AAPI World Health Congress. In his opening remarks, Dr. Moulick said, “The first World Congress of AAPI signals the beginning of a new chapter for the organization which has had a significant impact on American healthcare. The goal for me as the first convention chair of the World Congress is to bring healthcare providers, entrepreneurs, financial bodies and policymakers together and create a perfect gathering of first, second and third generation physicians and other healthcare providers of Indian origin lead the way for the future of global health.”

The CEO had industry leaders from healthcare, pharma and IT, including Dr. Oz; Edward Chan, 1315 Capitall; Michael Kopko,, Co-founder & CEO | Pearl Health; Hemanth Neeli,, Inhospital Physicians; Ishan Shivanand,, Yoga of Immortals (YOI); and Dr. Samin Sharma, The Mount Sinai Hospital, Director, Cardiovascular Clinical Institute. The inspiration forum deliberated on ways to provide the best and most efficient healthcare delivery to patients, with minimum cost and how AI has and will influence healthcare delivery in the US and around the world.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New York

AAPI’s Legislative Day discussed the need to regulate healthcare, visa, physician-patient relationship, insurance issues and was moderated by Dr. Sumul Raval, national Secretary of AAPI. He said, “AAPI’s lobbying efforts on some of the issues affecting the broader Indian American community and other immigrant groups is also a testament to its growth and reach. Being one of the oldest Indian American organizations, it’s also among the most influential, as was evident from the lawmakers who took time out of their busy schedule to address the group.”

Dr. Srinagesh Paluvoi, member of AAPI’s national Board of Trustees, and the Regional Director, Mid Atlantic-I Region Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan moderated the Legislative Day. Lawmakers how were part of the Panel included: New York City Councilwoman Susan Zhuang; New York City Councilman Shekar Krishnan; NY Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumarl;  Ravi Reddi, representing the Office of US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand; New Jersey state Senator Vin Gopal; and, NYC Councilwoman Majority Whip Selvena N. Brooks-Powers. During the discussions, AAPI members highlighted the importance of healthcare delivery, Green Card backlog, physician-patient health relationship, and insurance issues. In a show of support for AAPI, all the lawmakers addressed the AAPI delegates and listened to their concerns and promised support.

Moderated by Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan and co-moderated by Dr. Mamta Singhvi co moderator, past president of MSRF and led by Dr. Anjana Samadder, president of AAPI, the popular Women’s Forum had Smiriti Irani, former federal Minister from India and Bollywood star, Dr. Leena Gupta, Regional Director from the West Coast, Yoshita Singh, Press Trust of India, Chief Correspondent for USA and the United Nations, Dr. Soumya Vishvanathan, a physician and corporate leader, leading a group of 17 Hospitals in Florida. Each of them shared with the audience their personal journey to become successful in their professional careers.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New York Some of the major themes at the convention include: Yoga and Meditation practices, a welcome kit with books & self-care supplies, A Personal Reflexology Session, Take home wellness routine, yoga therapy sessions, a workshop on Spiritual well-being, Book talk with Yoga Gurus, including on the science of Yoga & Lifestyle medicine, and several wellness sessions.

The World Congress has had, among many others, sessions on cutting-edge research and CMEs, promoting business relationships, and displaying of ethnic items. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was the prime focus of our World Health Congress. There were entertainment features for children, live and exciting performances by Javed Ali and Atif Aslam, Aditya Narayan, Traditional Garba, Bollywood Film Festival, a standup comedy show by Kapil Sharma and a fashion show by the world renowned fashion designer and artist Archana Kochar.

In addition to colorful entertainment, and exquisite authentic Indian cuisine, esteemed health industry leaders, world-renowned speakers, and experts shared their wisdom and expertise in the industry, offering enlightening sessions to the delegates.

AAPI’s World Health Congress offered an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. The physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New YorkAmit Chakrabarty, Vice President of AAPI said, “AAPI’s mission has evolved in the past 42 years. “Today, AAPI is strong representing over 120,000 Indian American physicians, 130 local Chapters, who make up 10% of total physicians in the US and nearly 50% of International Medical Graduates, rooted in every corner of the nation, who serve every 7th patient in the US. We are proud of our achievements and our contributions to the healthcare industry and the millions of people we serve.”

Dr. Lokesh Edara, Chair, AAPI Board of Trustees said, “The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers.”

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New YorkResearch and Arts Competition: Poster Competition brought in the best among the aspiring medical students and new graduates from Medical schools. A Panel Discussion on Global Medical Education addressed by the Heads of NBME, FSMB, Intealth, NBME, and NBEMS offered practical tools on navigating the educational systems across India, UK and the United States.

Networking Mixer and Speed dating was a unique session catering to the needs of the young physician community. Immigration Talk by Nalini Mahadevan provided insights into current immigration trends and about the ways to obtain Resident/Green Card status to physicians community members.

Can India become a Vishwaguru in Healthcare? by Dr. Anupam Sibal was an important topic that provided insights into how  India is becoming a world leader in Medicine.

AAPI with Mayor Eric AdmasEach day began for the participants with an hour long session on “Harmony and Health: Integrative Yoga” where delegates benefited from hands on sessions teaching and practicing Yoga. Another theme that ran across all days of the Congress was Art Gallery – Oorja: The Feminine Light in Indian Art. Healing Breath that was part of the schedule everyday of the Congress was another way AAPI delegates had an opportunity to ground themselves to the present and start afresh.

Cultural Programs including “AAPI GOT TALENT” offered an opportunity to Physicians to showcase their talents in art and music, competing with one another for top honors.

Making it relevant and meaningful to young children, each day had a session on “Sky Kids and Sky Teens Leadership Camp” providing them with meaningful insights on self-development. Bollywood Bhangra workout LIVE by Zumbhangra was another way offered to members to relax and learn new ways to stress reduction.

AAPI’s World Health Congress Concludes In New York The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers.

“The 1st ever World Congress of AAPI has offered extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” said Dr. Samadder, whose one-year term as AAPI president has come to a close as per AAPI bylaws.  For more details on AAPI and the 1st World Congress, please visit:

AAPI’s Women’s Leadership Forum Focuses on “Celebrating Women of Excellence”

Women are leading the world by being the proponents of economic empowerment, strengthening educational organizations, and being a powerful voice in politics. They have overcome obstacles and have shown the world what a woman can achieve and contribute to the betterment of the world as never before in human history. AAPI’s Women’s Leadership Forum focused on “Celebrating Women of Excellence”

Moderated by Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan and co-moderated by Dr. Mamta Singhvi co moderator, past president of MSRF and led by Dr. Anjana Samadder, president of AAPI, the Forum had Smiriti Irani, former federal Minister from India and Bollywood star, Dr. Leena Gupta, Regional Director from the West Coast, Yoshita Singh, Press Trust of India, Chief Correspondent for USA and the United Nations, Dr. Soumya Vishvanathan, a physician and corporate leader, leading a group of 17 Hospitals in Florida. Each of them shared with the audience their personal journey to become successful in their professional careers.

Smirti Irani shared with the audience where she broke many glass ceilings and rose to the top of the political and Bollywood world. “I am honored to be part of the panel of trail blazing women.” She said, she was one of the youngest ever to be elected to the Rajya Sabha and Cabinet positions at the Federal Government. She was proud to have been honored by the World Economic Forum when it named me as a Young Woman Leader of the world.”

AAPI WomenSmiriti Irani highlighted India’s role in bringing women’s leadership to the world forum though its leadership of G 20. She said, “Women don’t have the problem of speaking up, but they have the problem of being heard.” She said, “Women’s values cannot be measured by their success, she needs to be evaluated by what she is.” She paid homage to physicians of Indian origin “for your great contributions” and urged that “AAPI celebrates where every voice of women is celebrated.”

Young Yoshita Singh shared about the journey she made from India to the UN. “You learn everyday as there is new everyday. I have seen the sea change in multilateral and bilateral relationships with USA.”

Dr. Soumya Vishvanathan said, “I am honored to be part of the powerful panel. It’s not about women, but people’s development. An internal medicine physician in New England, she decided to take on leadership roles and rose to the top of the ladder today. She said, “With a well-rounded education and belief that I am ready to take on this leadership role leading 17 hospitals across Florida, where our system wise focus on training young physicians.”

While congratulating the members of AAPI’s Women’s Forum, Dr. Anajana Samadder, President of AAPI said, “From birth to death, all of us need women in our lives. They sacrifice their lives for the rest of the family, society, and the world at large. AAPI’s Women Forum salutes the great contributions of the women panelists here today and all the women who are present here today and everywhere.” For more information about AAPI, please visit:

FDA Finds Potentially Dangerous Bacteria in Sealed Tattoo and Permanent Makeup Inks

Research by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discovered that sealed bottles of tattoo and permanent makeup ink, some marked as sterile, contain millions of potentially harmful bacteria.

“In light of our study results, we want to emphasize the importance of continuously monitoring these products to ensure the microbial safety of tattoo inks,” stated Seong-Jae (Peter) Kim, a microbiologist at the FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research. Kim, the corresponding author of the report published on July 2 in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology, highlighted the significant findings of the study.

Tattoo ink is injected deep into the skin, creating an environment where some bacteria can thrive, potentially causing infections and serious injuries. Linda Katz, director of the FDA’s Office of Cosmetics and Colors, explained, “Pathogens or other harmful substances in these inks can travel from the injection site through the blood and lymphatic systems to other parts of the body.”

This systemic spread of bacteria can lead to severe, life-threatening complications such as endocarditis, an inflammation of the heart lining, and septic shock, the final and most severe stage of sepsis. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warn that if not treated quickly, “sepsis can rapidly lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death.”

Common symptoms of tattoo ink infections include injection-site rashes, impetigo (a contagious bacterial skin infection), erysipelas (a bright red and tender skin rash), and cellulitis (a deep skin infection requiring antibiotic treatment). According to Katz, individuals with multiple or large tattoos are at a higher risk due to the increased likelihood of exposure to microorganisms. Permanent makeup, especially around the eye area, poses additional risks as microbes can enter the eye and cause infections.

John Swierk, an assistant professor of chemistry at Binghamton University, noted, “We know that contamination in tattoo inks is a common occurrence. Part of the problem is that there is no agreed upon, industry-standard method for sterilizing inks. Our work and the current study really highlight the need for good, standardized manufacturing processes across the tattoo ink industry.”

The tattoo industry is working with regulatory bodies to comply with safety standards. Selina Medina, director of research at the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, stated, “Manufacturers are investing in advanced sterilization technologies and formulation advancements to improve their production environments to reduce the risk of contamination. This includes using clean rooms and enhanced quality control processes to mitigate against problems like this.”

The latest study examined 75 samples of sealed tattoo and permanent makeup ink from 14 US manufacturers. Researchers found that 26 samples from 10 manufacturers, or 35% of the sample set, had some degree of bacterial contamination. While most samples had bacterial counts of less than 250 CFUs (colony-forming units) per gram, a few contained bacterial counts as high as 105, or 100,000 bacteria per gram.

Earlier FDA studies found that 35% of unopened and sealed inks from US manufacturers had bacterial counts as high as 108 CFU, or 100 million bacteria per gram. Infectious disease expert Dr. Robert Schooley emphasized that the bacterial level in materials injected into the skin should be zero. “The level of bacteria in materials that are injected into the skin or that come into contact with abraded or injured skin should be ‘none detected,’” said Schooley.

Schooley also noted that tattooing has been associated with the transmission of viral infections like hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV. He added, “These (infections) were not studied in the FDA manuscript, but the fact that so many of the inks failed bacterial sterility tests suggests that other organisms like viruses and fungi also can slip through the cracks.”

Many certified tattoo artists are aware of the contamination risks and take steps to avoid them. Medina emphasized, “Transparency with clients is vital. Artists should communicate openly about the steps they take to ensure ink safety and address any concerns clients may have.”

Some artists conduct their own testing or require proof of testing from suppliers, including microbial testing for potential contamination. Tattoo artists can also resterilize inks before application using an autoclave, a machine that uses steam to apply high pressure and temperature to eliminate bacteria.

The way ink is handled during tattooing is crucial. For instance, using the same gloves to touch a client and the ink bottle can lead to contamination. Artists should ensure ink bottles are tightly sealed when not in use and stored in cool, dry places away from direct sunlight to minimize contamination risks.

Experts advocate for regulations requiring testing and certification of tattoo and permanent makeup inks before they are marketed. Swierk mentioned, “Tattoo inks are in the process of being regulated due to the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) of 2022, but much of that law dealing with tattoo inks has yet to be implemented.”

“We anticipate that MoCRA will be phased in over the next few years and that will represent the first serious regulation of tattoo inks in the US. Most of this will focus on good manufacturing processes and safety substantiation.”

In June 2023, the FDA released draft guidance for the tattoo industry, detailing how manufacturers should conduct quality control measures, including sterilization.

Irregular Sleep Patterns Linked to Higher Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Sleeping long hours one night but only a few hours the next can be detrimental to your health, with new research suggesting that inconsistent sleep patterns may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The findings “underscore the importance of consistent sleep patterns as a strategy to reduce type 2 diabetes,” according to Sina Kianersi, the lead author of the study and a research fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s Channing Division of Network Medicine in Boston.

This new study analyzed sleep and health data from over 84,000 participants enrolled in the ongoing UK Biobank Study. The participants, who were on average 62 years old and did not have diabetes at the start of the study, provided a valuable dataset for the researchers.

For a period of seven consecutive nights, participants wore an accelerometer—a watch-like device that tracks movement during sleep.

The researchers then monitored whether these individuals developed type 2 diabetes over the next 7.5 years.

After accounting for various potential confounding factors, Kianersi’s team found a significant association between irregular sleep patterns and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

“Irregular” sleep was defined in the study as having a nightly sleep duration that varied by an average of 60 minutes or more.

Individuals with irregular sleep patterns were found to be 34% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to those whose sleep duration remained more consistent.

The study could not definitively explain how fluctuating sleep duration might contribute to the onset of diabetes. However, the researchers theorized that “circadian disruption and sleep disturbances” could be contributing factors.

These findings were published on July 17 in the journal Diabetes Care.

U.S. Allocates $176 Million to Moderna for Accelerated Bird Flu Vaccine Development Amid Dairy Cow Outbreaks

The U.S. government has committed $176 million to Moderna for the accelerated development of a pandemic influenza vaccine targeting bird flu, federal officials announced Tuesday. This funding reflects growing concerns about the spread of bird flu to dairy cows across the country.

Moderna is currently in the early stages of testing a bird flu vaccine utilizing the same mRNA technology that facilitated the swift creation and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing this new funding to support the ongoing development of the vaccine, potentially leading to a late-stage trial next year, provided that initial study results are promising.

Importantly, HHS officials have highlighted that the project is designed to be adaptable, allowing a swift pivot to address other forms of influenza should a different threat arise, rather than the current focus on the H5N1 strain of bird flu.

The funding is being provided through the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), a program dedicated to the development of medical treatments for potential pandemics.

The H5N1 virus, which was detected earlier this year in dairy cows, has now spread to more than 135 herds across 12 states. To date, three people have been infected, all of whom experienced only mild symptoms. Federal health officials emphasize that the overall risk to the general population remains low.

The U.S. government’s investment in Moderna is a proactive measure to combat potential pandemic threats. By leveraging mRNA technology, which proved effective against COVID-19, and ensuring flexibility in targeting various forms of influenza, this initiative aims to bolster national preparedness against future influenza outbreaks.

Doctors Protest Harsh New Law on National Doctor’s Day, Citing Increased Penalties for Medical Negligence

On National Doctor’s Day, doctors across the professional spectrum expressed discontent and anger, opting to protest rather than celebrate.

Their protests centered on a specific provision in the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS), which replaced outdated British-era laws. This discontent highlighted the medical community’s widespread concern about the legal change coinciding with National Doctors’ Day.

The new law imposes both a fine and a mandatory five-year jail term on doctors found guilty of negligence not amounting to culpable homicide. Previously, under the Indian Penal Code, penalties included a fine or up to two years in jail.

Despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda extending greetings to doctors, many medical professionals saw the new BNS law as a punitive measure. One doctor called it a “gift from the government” designed to punish them.

Dr. Arun Gupta, president of the Delhi Medical Council, commented, “Earlier, the provision under 304 A did not specify medical professions, and it was of a general nature. However, the new law brings modern medicine practitioners into the ambit and clearly defines them. The law now makes jail term mandatory.” He questioned the lack of protection for doctors handling critically ill patients under the new law, asking, “What kind of protection will they have now?”

He expressed his concerns on Twitter: “BNS is here – happy Doctor’s Day from the government. Now, jail is a must in case of medical negligence. Think 100 times before you take a sick patient.”

Dr. Gupta further highlighted that a Supreme Court ruling had previously stated police negligence under 304 A must be severe to warrant action. The Court had also mandated that police could not register a case against a doctor without clearance from a competent medical body. He questioned the fate of these clauses now that the IPC had been repealed.

Dr. R.V. Asokan, National President of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), stated that they had communicated their concerns to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, arguing that doctors should be exempt from the law as their actions do not involve criminal intent. The IMA, representing over 3.5 lakh members, felt the new law unfairly increased penalties for doctors.

“The new law has in fact increased the punishment for the doctors. Doctors don’t deserve this,” Dr. Asokan told this paper.

Kerala-based Dr. K.V. Babu expressed his disappointment, saying, “Today, Doctors’ Day 2024, is a sombre day for doctors practising modern medicine in our country.” He added, “Hundreds of our colleagues have sacrificed their lives when our nation was going through the worst COVID pandemic. Now it seems that jail is ‘Modi Sarkar’s gift’ to medical professionals who will likely get convicted in case of unfortunate situations when a death occurs during treatment.”

During a parliamentary discussion last year, Shah had stated the criminal law bill was amended to provide relief to medical professionals in cases of death due to alleged medical negligence. He had promised to bring an amendment to protect doctors from being treated as criminals in such situations.

However, Dr. Rohan Krishnan, FAIMA national chairman, pointed out that doctors were not exempt from the new law and instead faced harsher penalties. “What was promised in the parliament has not been delivered. This change in the law can be misused against the doctor who genuinely works to save the patient’s lives. How will a doctor now treat an emergency patient? Now, doctors will refer serious cases to a government hospital as they would not want to be involved in litigation. In the end, the patient will suffer.”

Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan, past president of the IMA Cochin, explained that modern medical practice involves inherent risks. “Many of these carry an inherent risk of side effects, injury or death which is never intentional. This makes it different from homicide, notably because the action is taken in the patient’s best interest, and done with informed consent.” He added, “Despite the best efforts, bad outcomes do occur, such is the nature of the profession. Unfortunately, excessive fear of punishment discourages doctors from discharging their duties, and many are now opting to take up less risky specialties. This eventually will harm patients who are critically ill, and whose lives could be potentially saved.”

Dr. Dhruv Chauhan, national council coordinator of the Indian Medical Association-Junior Doctors Network (IMA-JDN), remarked, “This doctor’s day, we have got something which surely no doctor would probably want! The doctors working in the critical departments already have to worry before treating a sick patient thinking what if anything happens to the patient by trying to save life by critical approach then it’s the doctor who has to pay and suffer. The doctors should be relieved from these acts considering the sensitivity of our profession.”

Dr. Asokan suggested the government should clarify the provisions under Section 26 and Section 106 of BNS for the benefit of investigating officers (IO). He recommended that the home ministry instruct IOs to act against doctors only when there is clear evidence of recklessness or gross negligence and to register a case only after consulting a state medical expert team, as practiced in some states.

Previously, under Section 304 A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), those causing death by negligence not amounting to culpable homicide faced up to two years of imprisonment, a fine, or both. Under the new BNS law, Section 106 (1) prescribes up to five years of imprisonment and a fine for similar offenses, with mandatory imprisonment for those found guilty.

The BNS law defines a “Registered medical practitioner” as someone with a recognized medical qualification under the National Medical Commission Act 2019 and listed in the National Medical Register or a State Medical Register under that Act.

Special Postal Cover Promoting Community CPR Released by the Indian Postal Service National Doctors Day

National Doctors’ Day is celebrated on July 1st since 1991 in India to honor the contributions of the legendary Indian Physician Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. A special “National CPR Promotional History Event” highlighted this year’s celebration.

Mrs. Sree Latha, Postmaster General of Hyderabad Circle, Telangana released a unique postal cover with the ‘National CPR Challenge Campaign of Srinivasa Heart Foundation, India’ on July 1, 2024, at Jamai-I Osmania Post Office Hyderabad on the occasion of National Doctors’ Day at a well-attended event.

This historic event not only conveys the Government of India’s commitment to ‘Saving Lives through Community Bystander CPR’ but also underscores the significant role of the Indian Postal Service in promoting this life-saving technique. On this occasion, about 100 postal employees and 250 employees of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (Hyderabad Zone) received CPR training.

Several National (Indian) and International Resuscitation Organizations with multi-institutional collaborations have been promoting community CPR programs to enhance outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in India for more than two decades.

Srinivasa Heart Foundation is the Indian Partner of the recently inaugurated “National India Hub Community Health & CPR Training Center” at the National India Hub in Schaumburg, Illinois, the biggest community center in the USA. Dr. Srinivas Ramaka is the Founder and Chairman of the Srinivasa Heart Foundation in India, which has been promoting Bystander CPR programs for many years. Mr. Harish Kolasani, the Founder of the National India Hub, congratulated Dr. Ramaka and thanked him for his collaboration with the CPR Training Center as an Indian Partner.

Research has found that Heart Disease is the number one Global Public Health problem. Heart attacks strike South Asian Men and Women at younger ages, and as a result, both morbidity and mortality are higher among them compared to any other ethnic group. They tend to develop heart disease ten years earlier than other groups. In India, heart disease remains the number one cause of death. South Asians are at a four-times greater risk of heart disease than their Western counterparts and have a greater chance of having a heart attack before 50 years of age. Almost one in three in this group may die from heart disease before 65 years of age. Efforts to raise awareness of heart disease and promote a “Healthy Heart” lifestyle are essential.

Dr. Vemuri S Murthy, an Indo-US Resuscitation Training and Research expert and the Founder of the “National India Hub Community Health & CPR Training Center,” Schaumburg, Illinois in his interview with the media on the occasion of “National Doctors Day, elaborated the ongoing global efforts to combat the world’s number one killer, Heart Disease.

While pointing to the need for promoting CPR Training across the nations, Dr. Murthy said, “It’s critical to initiate “Community Heart Health” programs with preventive strategies, retard the progression of heart disease with early diagnosis and individualized treatment plans, and implement measures to enhance neurological and other functional outcomes after sudden cardiac arrests. The latter involves providing immediate resuscitation help with high-quality bystander CPR, early defibrillation, and faster transportation to tertiary cardiac care hospitals. Immediate Bystander CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) has proved to have double or triple the chances of their survival.”

Dr. Murthy paid tributes to the commendable efforts by the Government of India (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) for the extensive support being offered to the community CPR programs including mandatory resuscitation training initiatives with India-tailored National Emergency Life Support (NELS) Courses for Doctors, Nurses, and Paramedics.

Study Reveals Surgeons Most Reported for Unprofessional Behavior Among Physicians

A recent cohort study investigated the disparity in unprofessional behavior reports among physicians across various specialties, as perceived by their coworkers. Involving 35,120 physicians, the study discovered that 9.1% had at least one report from a coworker describing unprofessional behavior.

Key Findings

Surgeons were the most frequently reported group, with 13.8% having at least one report, whereasnonsurgeonnonproceduralists had the lowest rate at 5.6%. Emergency medicine physicians and nonsurgeon proceduralists exhibited unprofessional behavior at rates of 10.9% and 12%, respectively. Physicians specializing in pediatrics were notably less likely to receive reports compared to their nonpediatric counterparts, especially among nonsurgeonnonproceduralists (3.6% vs. 6.0%).

The primary types of unprofessional behavior reported were issues with clear and respectful communication, followed by lapses in professional responsibility, competent medical care, and integrity.

Study Design

This retrospective cohort study, published in JAMA Network Open, utilized data from the Coworker Concern Observation Reporting System (CORS), administered by the Vanderbilt Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy, covering January 2018 to December 2022. Reports were categorized into clear and respectful communication, professional responsibility, competent medical care, and integrity. The study employed logistic regression to calculate the odds of any CORS report, adjusting for specialty, region, academic practice status, and pediatric specialty status.

The cohort included 18,288 nonsurgeonnonproceduralists, 1,876 emergency medicine physicians, 6,743 nonsurgeon proceduralists, and 8,213 surgeons. Notably, surgeons had the smallest proportion of pediatric-focused practitioners (5.5%). The largest proportion of the cohort practiced in academic settings, reflecting the distribution of CORS sites.

Detailed Results

Out of the 35,120 physicians in the cohort, 3,179 (9.1%) had at least one CORS report. The incidence of reports varied significantly by specialty: nonsurgeonnonproceduralists (5.6%), emergency medicine physicians (10.9%), nonsurgeon proceduralists (12.0%), and surgeons (13.8%). Nonsurgeonnonproceduralists were significantly less likely to be reported compared to all other specialties combined (5.6% vs. 12.8%).

Pediatric-focused physicians were less likely to receive a CORS report than nonpediatric-focused physicians (6.8% vs. 9.4%). Specifically, pediatric-focused nonsurgeonnonproceduralists had fewer reports compared to their nonpediatric counterparts (3.6% vs. 6.0%).

In a multivariable logistic regression model, controlling for physician and practice site characteristics, all specialty types had significantly higher odds of receiving at least one coworker concern report compared to nonsurgeonnonproceduralists. The adjusted odds ratios (OR) were: emergency medicine physicians (adjusted OR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.63-2.24), nonsurgeon proceduralists (adjusted OR, 2.34; 95% CI, 2.12-2.57), and surgeons (adjusted OR, 2.75; 95% CI, 2.51-3.01) (P < .001). Pediatric-focused physicians were significantly less likely to have a coworker concern report than those with a nonpediatric focus (adjusted OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.61-0.78; P < .001).

The predominant types of CORS reports across all specialties involved issues with clear and respectful communication, followed by professional responsibility. Reports concerning professional integrity were the least common.


“Because unprofessional behaviors are associated with patient complications, malpractice claims, and well-being concerns, monitoring concerning behavior and especially those physicians with repeated reports provides important opportunities for physicians and leaders to support professionalism, which increases the chance of health care organizations meeting their clinical, cultural, and other performance goals,” the study researchers concluded.

A complete list of disclosures from the researchers is available in the study.

Half of Adult Indians Physically Inactive, Women More Affected: Lancet Global Health Study Reveals Alarming Trend

According to new research published in the Lancet Global Health, half of the adult population in India does not meet the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) guidelines for adequate physical activity. The study highlights that more women (57%) than men (42%) are physically inactive. Alarmingly, the prevalence of insufficient physical activity among Indian adults has escalated dramatically from 22.3% in 2000 to 49.4% in 2022.

If this trend continues unchecked, by 2030, 60% of the Indian population could be unfit and at increased risk of diseases associated with insufficient physical activity.

Importance of the Study

The WHO advises that all adults should engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, or an equivalent amount of vigorous activity. Insufficient physical activity is defined as failing to achieve 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or a combination of both each week. According to the WHO, physical inactivity significantly raises the risk of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes, Type 2 diabetes, dementia, and cancers of the breast and colon.

India ranks 12th highest in terms of insufficient physical activity among 195 countries. Globally, nearly one-third (31%) of adults—approximately 1.8 billion people—did not meet the recommended levels of physical activity in 2022. Dr. Rüdiger Krech, Director of Health Promotion at WHO, explained, “This is because of many factors, including changes in work patterns (move towards more sedentary work), changes in the environment, convenient transportation modes and changes in leisure time activities (that is more screen-based/sedentary activities).”

The highest rates of physical inactivity were found in the high-income Asia-Pacific region (48%) and South Asia (45%). Other regions showed levels of inactivity ranging from 28% in high-income Western countries to 14% in Oceania.

Why Should Indians Be Concerned?

Indians are genetically predisposed to developing non-communicable diseases like heart disease and diabetes about a decade earlier than others. Dr. K Srinath Reddy, a public health expert and leading cardiologist, noted, “Lack of physical activity means that you are just aggravating your existing risk factors. The WHO goals were set to reduce risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some types of cancer while improving mental health and a stronger immune system.”

He added, “Delayed urbanisation and industrialisation in some parts of the world have led to a sedentary and comfortable lifestyle, particularly South Asia (including India).”

Overcoming a Sedentary Lifestyle

Maitreyi Bokil, a Pune-based nutritionist and exercise physiologist, believes the biggest obstacle to fitness is the mental barrier that views exercise as just another chore in a busy day. She advises starting with enjoyable physical activities, such as watering plants or doing household chores. “Once you do that regularly, take the next step by finding a friend to go for a walk or join a community club. Having a pet is a great way to break a sedentary lifestyle,” she says.

For people with comorbidities, she recommends seeking medical advice on the frequency, intensity, and type of physical activity based on their endurance levels. Regarding diet, Bokil advocates for a rainbow-colored diet. “Everyone is aware of the importance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, but we don’t realize the importance of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. They make sure we get the energy out of carbs, protein, and fat. In addition, they help us fight inflammation caused due to erratic lifestyles. So everyone should focus on at least two vegetables (one cooked, one raw) for each meal and two whole fruits in a day,” she advises.

As for starting exercise at any age, Bokil cites research indicating that muscle gains can be made throughout life. “New neuro-muscle connections can be made at any age,” she says.

Gender Disparity in Physical Activity

Dr. Reddy noted that several studies within India have also shown low levels of physical activity among women, who often mistakenly believe that household chores constitute sufficient exercise. Cultural barriers also contribute to this inactivity, especially among middle-aged urban women. Indian women are faring worse than their counterparts in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal, according to the study.

Dr. Fiona Bull, head of the WHO unit for physical activity, and epidemiologist Dr. Tessa Strain, attributed these figures to women bearing a larger share of home duties. “These combined with their caregiver role provide women lesser opportunities to prioritize themselves; they don’t have time and feel tired,” they said.

This comprehensive study underscores the urgent need for India to address its rising levels of physical inactivity. With a significant portion of the population at risk of developing serious health conditions, promoting a more active lifestyle through awareness and accessible initiatives is crucial.

Unite in Balance: Celebrating International Yoga Day

Black and Gold Simple Elegant Mandala Page Border US Letter SizeDr. Indranill Basu-Ray is a Cardiac Electrophysiologist and a Professor of Cardiology and Public health, based in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. He is the Founder Chairman of American Academy for Yoga in Medicine.

Finding time to care for our health can feel impossible in our fast-paced world. Busy schedules and unhealthy routines can leave us stressed and out of balance. That’s where yoga comes in—a holistic exercise that keeps our bodies flexible, our minds calm, and our spirits energized. Yoga provides a sanctuary of peace amidst the chaos, offering a path to inner harmony and well-being.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that started in India over 5,000 years ago. It was developed to connect the mind, body, and soul, helping individuals reach a state of enlightenment. Today, yoga is popular worldwide to improve overall health and manage stress. It goes beyond the physical, touching every aspect of our lives and promoting peace and balance.

What Makes Yoga Unique?

  • Holistic Approach: Yoga integrates physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote overall well-being.
  • Accessibility: It can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels.
  • Picture: Canva Regular practice reduces stress and anxiety, fostering mental clarity and calmness.
  • Flexibility and Strength: Enhances physical strength, flexibility, and balance.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Encourages a deeper awareness of the body and mind, promoting mindfulness in daily activities.

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21. This special day highlights the importance of yoga and encourages people worldwide to practice it. It’s a global event that brings together yoga enthusiasts from all walks of life, celebrating yoga’s positive impact on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga Day is a reminder of the ancient practice’s enduring relevance and ability to transform lives.

History and Importance of International Yoga Day

Proposed by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014, International Yoga Day was first celebrated on June 21, 2015. The date, the longest day of the year, symbolizes the light and energy that yoga brings into our lives. This day promotes yoga’s mental and physical health benefits and fosters a sense of global unity and peace.

How International Yoga Day Contributes to Yoga Development

  • Global Awareness: Raises awareness about the benefits of yoga.
  • Community Building: Brings people together to practice and celebrate yoga.
  • Educational Events: Features workshops and sessions that educate people about yoga.
  • Encouragement: Inspires individuals to incorporate yoga into their daily lives for improved well-being.

Yoga’s Popularity and Benefits in Numbers

Yoga’s popularity continues to grow globally, supported by various studies and statistics:

  • Global Reach: Approximately 300 million people practice yoga worldwide, with over 36 million practitioners in the United States alone.
  • Health Benefits: Scientific studies show that yoga can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, improve heart health, and enhance mental clarity.
  • Regular Practice: About 37% of yoga practitioners have been practicing for five years or more, indicating long-term commitment and benefits.
  • Physical Fitness: Yoga improves flexibility, strength, and balance, with 86% of practitioners citing physical fitness as their main reason for practicing.
  • Mental Health: Yoga significantly reduces anxiety and depression, with 43% of practitioners stating it helps them manage mental health issues.

The Theme of International Yoga Day 2024

The theme for 2024 is “Yoga for Women Empowerment.” This theme aims to raise awareness about yoga’s benefits for women and encourage individuals to incorporate yoga into their daily lives for improved well-being. It emphasizes the role of yoga in promoting physical, mental, and emotional health, empowering women to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

How to Celebrate International Yoga Day

  • Join a Virtual Event: Participate in online yoga classes and workshops.
  • Go on a Yoga Retreat: Spend time focusing on yoga and relaxation.
  • Practice with Family and Friends: Gather loved ones and practice yoga together.
  • Learn a New Pose: Challenge yourself with a new yoga pose.
  • Create a Yoga Space at Home: Set up a special place for your yoga practice.

Basic Rules for Practicing Yoga

  • Empty Stomach: Practice yoga on an empty stomach for comfort and effectiveness.
  • Start Slowly: Begin with simple poses and gradually move to more challenging ones.
  • Relax Before You Start: Take 10 minutes to relax your mind and body before beginning.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothes: Choose comfortable, light-colored clothes.
  • Use a Yoga Mat: Practice on a mat for support and cushioning.
  • Morning Practice: Doing yoga in the morning can help you feel energized all day.
  • Stay Regular: Practice yoga daily for the best results.

Family Yoga Practice

Yoga with your family strengthens your bonds and creates a peaceful and fun routine. Here’s why you should try family yoga:

  • Increases Mutual Understanding: Spending time together through yoga fosters love and respect.
  • Strengthens Bonds: Helps you understand and support each other.
  • Encourages Open Communication: Yoga creates a safe space for honest conversations.
  • Starts the Day Fresh: Relieves mental fatigue and energizes you.
  • Inculcates Healthy Habits: Promotes good habits like punctuality and empathy.

Yoga is a wonderful practice that improves flexibility, reduces stress, boosts immunity, and much more. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, let’s roll out our mats this International Yoga Day and embrace the benefits of yoga! Let’s make this day a celebration of health, peace, and unity.

Healthcare Disparities in America: Inequalities Persist Across Every Dimension of Access and Outcomes

Over the past nine weeks, we’ve delved into the crucial issues defining healthcare, revealing a stark reality: healthcare in America is riddled with inequalities, and these disparities may worsen in the future.

Throughout our exploration, one resounding theme persists: disparities pervade every aspect of healthcare access and outcomes. Samantha Artiga, from the Racial Equity and Health Policy Program at KFF, emphasizes, “It’s not only inequities in access to the system, but then also differential experiences even within the system.” This inequality spans a lifetime, affecting health outcomes “from the beginning of life to end of life.”

The disparities are multifaceted. They extend beyond simple demographic categories, affecting people differently based on various dimensions of their identities. Artiga notes, “People have multiple identities and don’t fit into one single box, so their experiences are going to be shaped by who they are based on multiple different dimensions.”

Insurance coverage is a critical issue exacerbating these disparities. As highlighted by a recent JAMA Internal Medicine study, low-income individuals with private insurance disproportionately allocate a larger share of their budget to healthcare costs compared to their higher-income counterparts. Furthermore, disparities in insurance coverage directly impact hospital care, influencing facilities’ financial health and their ability to serve diverse patient populations. Hospitals serving more Medicare, Medicaid, and uninsured patients often struggle financially, leading to closures or reduced services, perpetuating healthcare inequalities.

Racial segregation in hospitals mirrors residential segregation patterns, contributing to disparate health outcomes among Medicare beneficiaries of different racial backgrounds. The implications are significant: where one seeks care can determine health outcomes, illustrating the systemic inequalities embedded within the healthcare landscape.

Access to prescription drugs also underscores these disparities, particularly in clinical trials where people of color are underrepresented. This gap extends to market access, where new medical advancements and treatments are often more accessible to those with comprehensive insurance coverage, leaving Medicaid recipients and small businesses at a disadvantage.

Geographic and socioeconomic factors further compound disparities in healthcare access. Rural communities often lack adequate healthcare facilities, forcing residents to travel long distances for essential medical services. Meanwhile, aging populations, especially lower-income seniors, face higher rates of disabilities and shorter life expectancies, despite Medicare coverage.

Mental health and addiction treatment highlight additional disparities. White individuals with mental illnesses are more likely to receive treatment compared to their Black, Hispanic, or Asian counterparts. Similarly, the opioid crisis has disproportionately affected American Indian, Alaska Native, and Black communities, exacerbating disparities in addiction treatment and criminal justice involvement.

Workforce shortages exacerbate these challenges, creating unequal access to care. Concierge practices, catering to affluent patients, highlight a growing trend where those with financial means bypass waiting times and access superior care, further entrenching a two-tier healthcare system.

Advancements in medical technology, such as precision medicine and AI algorithms, hold promise for personalized care but risk widening disparities if not implemented equitably. Concerns persist that without effective policy interventions, these innovations could primarily benefit affluent populations, exacerbating existing healthcare inequalities.

Ultimately, these disparities manifest concretely in life expectancy variations across demographic groups defined by race, income, education, and occupation. These metrics underscore the profound impact of social determinants on health outcomes, reflecting broader structural inequities embedded within American society.

In conclusion, while discussions often focus on healthcare access and experiences within the system, the determinants of health extend far beyond clinical settings. Factors such as location, access to nutritious food, transportation, and employment all shape health outcomes. These underlying structural inequities must be addressed comprehensively to achieve meaningful progress toward a more equitable healthcare system.

As Samantha Artiga aptly summarizes, “People’s health is shaped by so many factors that sit outside the health care system and play such a large role. All those factors are influenced by underlying structural inequities.” Addressing these inequities is not just a matter of healthcare policy but requires a broader societal commitment to equity and justice in all facets of life.

Telugu Fine Arts Society Hosts Free Health Camp In Edison

A free health camp was organized on June.9 under the leadership of Madhu Anna, president of the Telugu Fine Arts Society (TFAS), a renowned organization celebrating its 40th year. The event, hosted in partnership with Sai Datta Peetham, took place at Siva Vishnu Temple’s community hall in Edison, New Jersey, from 9 am to 1 pm, serving over 125 patients.

The event was honored by the presence of Bernards Township Mayor Jennifer Assay, who commended both TFAS and Sai Datta Peetham for their dedication to community service. Mayor Assay highlighted the significance of such initiatives in supporting local communities. The event was held in collaboration with Sai Datta Peetham, serving over 125 patients.

TFAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Telugu culture and arts. And, Sai Datta Peetham is a renowned spiritual and cultural center in Edison, NJ, committed to serving the community through various religious, cultural, and social service activities.

Raghusarma Sankaramanchi, founder and chairman of Sai Datta Peetham, provided facilities for the camp and blessed the TFAS committee for their noble efforts. His support was instrumental in the smooth execution of the event. A team of distinguished medical professionals, including Dr. Janani Krishna, Dr. Janardhan Bollu, Dr. Shanthi Eppanapalli, Dr. Anish Nihalani, Dr. Srinivas Pavuluri, Dr. Madhu Rajaram, and Dr. Devipriya Thirugnanabandham, provided specialized treatments. Patients expressed their gratitude for the doctors’ exceptional and free services.

Avantik Labs offered blood work services, while Woodlane Pharmacy distributed necessary medical kits, both contributing significantly to the camp’s success.

The event saw active participation from various community members and volunteers, including Damu Gedala, Venkata Satya, Subhadra, Latha Devi, Vara Lakshmi, Vani, Arundathi, Seshagiri, Lokendar, Mahidhar, and Edison Council Member Ajay Patil.

Dr. Bobby Mukkamala Elected as President-Elect Of The American Medical Association (AMA)

Bobby Mukkamala, MD, an otolaryngologist from Flint, Michigan was elected president-elect of the American Medical Association (AMA)by physicians and medical students gathered at the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago on June 11th, 2024.

Mukkamala will take over the presidency of AMA starting in June 2025 after the current President, Bruce Scott, M.D., who was inaugurated as AMA president on June 11, 2024. Mukkamala will serve a one-year term for the physician advocacy group, which has been focused on reforming Medicare physician pay, reducing prior authorization burden and mitigating provider burnout, including through the use of technology to augment provider workflow.

“It is a turbulent time to be a physician in this country,” said Dr. Mukkamala. “Challenges like an unsustainable Medicare payment system, excessive prior authorization, and physician burnout have put our health system in a precarious place. But the AMA is fighting these battles in Congress, in state capitals, and in our communities to achieve a better future where physicians can spend more time with their patients. I am honored to be chosen by my peers as the AMA’s president-elect and I am eager to continue fighting for better health care for all our communities.”

Dr. Mukkamala has been active in the AMA since he was a resident physician at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago. He is chair of the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force, serving as a strong voice in advocating for evidence-based policies to end the nation’s overdose epidemic.

Dr Bobby Mukkamala Elected as President Elect Of The American Medical Association (AMA)

The son of two immigrant physicians, Dr. Mukkamala was inspired to go into medicine and return to his hometown of Flint to serve the community that welcomed his family decades before. He played a central role in response to the Flint water crisis, serving as chair of the Community Foundation of Greater Flint with a focus on funding projects to mitigate the effects of lead in children.  

As an otolaryngologist, Dr. Mukkamala sees patients at all stages of life and all phases of health. He will succeed Bruce A. Scott, MD, as the second consecutive AMA president to specialize in otolaryngology. Explore why the AMA is the otolaryngologist’s powerful ally in health care.

Dr. Mukkamala is a past recipient of the AMA Foundation’s “Excellence in Medicine” Leadership Award. He was elected to the AMA Council on Science and Public Health in 2009 and chaired the council 2016– 2017, before being elected to the AMA Board of Trustees in 2017. He won reelection to the board in 2021.

He has served as a member of the Michigan State Medical Society’s board of directors since 2011, as board chair for two years, and as its president. He is also a past president of the Genesee County Medical Society and continues to serve on its board of directors.

Mukkamala has served in leadership roles within the American Medical Association and for local health initiatives in Michigan. Mukkamala attended the University of Michigan Medical School and completed his residency at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago.

Mukkamala was among 10 honorees awarded the Governor’s Service Awards in Michigan for supporting his community during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the state of Michigan’s Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity website, Mukkamala served the Flint community on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic at testing sites and mobile clinics. He also partnered with his son to make N95-like masks for healthcare professionals with 3D printers within their homes and worked on vaccination efforts.

Mukkamala said in an interview with the media that he hopes to work on prevention of chronic diseases rather than the “sick care” model that costs the health system millions.

Mukkamala is interested in chronic disease detection and prevention from community work in Flint, Michigan. He said that at a local farmer’s market, he offered blood pressure screenings. Nearly 30% of people entering the farmer’s market had stage one hypertension, and they didn’t know it.

“That’s the sort of observation that I make in my hometown that is perfectly aligned with exactly what the priority stories of the AMA is, which is to identify that and decrease the burden of chronic disease in our country,”Mukkamala said.

Mukkamala also hopes to continue in the AMA’s advocacy of modernizing technology in healthcare and facilitating interoperability.

“If, during my three years, we can kind of call attention to the foolishness of this lack of interoperability of health information, I will leave the AMA in three years as a happy man knowing that I put my fingerprints on the work that makes that rights that wrong,” he said.

He continued, saying: “If somebody has an allergy to a medication…  they don’t have to worry about remembering that in every physician’s office that they go to because it automatically populates the allergy field of their medical record. It’s just something so basic that we’re missing out on. That’s one thing that is my sort of pet project.”

The AMA House of Delegates passed a resolution addressing prior authorization at its annual meeting in Chicago. The resolution, which will ultimately be passed onto lawmakers, would create greater oversight of health insurers’ use of prior authorization controls on patient access to care. A statement by AMA says the group will advocate for increased legal accountability of health insurers, increased transparency for prior authorization denials, and support real-time prescription benefit tools .

Mukkamala said, one of his priorities as future AMA president is to increase the physician supply in the country. He advocates for the addition of international medical graduates to the workforce as well as fostering growth of U.S.-educated doctors. He said residency slots need to be increased to address the shortage.

He also pointed to restrictive laws, like one in Michigan, that require internationally-trained physicians to re-do residency training before working as physicians in the U.S. He advocates a shorter acclimation period for international doctors to work in the U.S.

AMA delegates also elected Bobby Mukkamala, MD, an otolaryngologist in Flint, Michigan, as the organization’s president-elect. They also re-elected David Aizuss, MD, a Los Angeles ophthalmologist, and Ilse Levin, DO, MPH, a Washington-area internist, to the board of trustees. And they elected first-time trustees Melissa Garretson, MD, a pediatric emergency physician in Forth Worth, Texas; Lynn Jeffers, MD, MBA, a plastic surgeon in Oxnard, California; and David Welsh, MD, MBA, a general surgeon in Batesville, Indiana.

Bruce Scott, MD, an otolaryngologist from Louisville, Kentucky, was sworn in as the American Medical Association’s (AMA) 179th president; he promised to “fight for our profession [and] fight for our patients.” In his inaugural address, Scott said, “I still believe the AMA can and does make a difference for our patients and our profession. We are committed to protecting the patient-physician relationship. Standing up for science and the ethical practice of medicine. Pushing back against reckless scope expansions. Fighting for fair payment that supports thriving practices. Pressing for relief from administrative burdens — so that physicians can focus our attention on what matters most — our patients.”

Mukkamala said, in the next year as president-elect, he hopes to learn from incoming president Bruce Scott, also an otolaryngologist, who has been a mentor to him for many years.

“He’s been a mentor for more than a decade now, and I certainly there’s a lot of fire in my belly about a lot of things, but I’m hoping to learn from him about how to translate that passion into conversations with people to accomplish solutions,” Mukkamala said. “So I’m really looking forward to honing my skills, honing my communication, my ability to communicate what’s on my mind and what’s that fire in my belly in a way that’s constructive. And so I’m glad to have this year as president-elect to kind of brush up my skills.”

Study Reveals Intense Exercise May Suppress Immune Function in Firefighters

Excessive intense exercise might suppress the immune system, a potential concern for those with physically demanding jobs such as emergency responders and athletes. A 2023 study involving over 4,700 post-exercise fluid molecules from firefighters supports this notion.

Ernesto Nakayasu, a biomedical scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), explains, “People who are very fit might be more prone to viral respiratory infection immediately after vigorous exercise. Having less inflammatory activity to fight off an infection could be one cause.”

Moderate physical activity is known to benefit the immune system over time. However, the immediate impact of vigorous exercise on the immune system is debated. Although some prior studies have reported upper respiratory tract infections in athletes after strenuous activity, there is little concrete evidence linking intense exercise directly to an increased risk of opportunistic infections.

Nakayasu and colleagues conducted an experiment on 11 firefighters, analyzing their blood plasma, urine, and saliva before and after a 45-minute intense exercise session, which involved carrying up to 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of gear over hilly terrain.

Kristin Burnum-Johnson, a bioanalytical chemist at PNNL, said, “We wanted to take an in-depth look at what’s happening in the body and see if we’re able to detect danger from exhaustion in its earliest stages. Perhaps we can reduce the risk of strenuous exercise for first responders, athletes, and members of the military.”

Exercise undoubtedly benefits health, from mood enhancement to immune system strengthening. However, similar to previous studies, this new research found signs of possible immune suppression in the firefighters post-exercise.

Amid the expected physical adaptations to meet the demands of increased fluids, energy, and oxygen during exercise, a decrease in inflammation-related molecules was observed, alongside an increase in opiorphin, which dilates peripheral blood vessels.

The implications of these changes for short-term immune function remain unclear, though the researchers offer hypotheses. “[Opiorphin] may increase blood flow to muscles during the exercise regimen to improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients,” the researchers write. They suggest the decrease in inflammatory molecules after exercise could be an adaptive response to improve gas exchange due to higher cellular oxygen demand.

The participants’ oral microbiome also changed, possibly due to an increase in antimicrobial peptides in their mouths after intense activity. This increase may compensate for immune suppression, though this is debated. “However, this increase in antimicrobial peptides had no effect on inhibiting E. coli growth,” Nakayasu and his team note, indicating a limited protective capacity of these peptides against infections in the oral cavity.

Other scientists argue that some observed changes might indicate a “heightened state of immune surveillance and immune regulation” rather than immune suppression.

While the study’s within-subject comparison minimized the small sample size impact, firefighters’ unique exposure to pollutants during fires might also alter their immune responses.

Moreover, the study only involved healthy, active men, prompting researchers to call for broader research to confirm their findings. Despite these limitations, Nakayasu and his team conclude, “There is evidence supporting a relationship between physical demands and a higher incidence of respiratory infections.”

AAPI’s First-Ever World Health Congress In New York To Cater To The Needs Of All

“AI, CMEs, Research, CEO/Women’s Forums, Live Entrainment, Broadway Shows, Fashion Shows, Garba, Mindfulness, Spiritual Discourses, And Heartbeat”

“We are very excited to invite you to the most awaited event of the year, the first-ever World Health Congress, being organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the heart of New York City,” said Dr. Anjana Samadder, President of AAPI. “This 5-day event set at the prestigious Marriott Marquis on Times Square in the amazing city of New York will be held from July 18–22, 2024.”

The theme for the Congress is “Beyond Boundaries: The Confluence of Medicine and Artificial Intelligence.”

Taking into account the diverse needs of the AAPI delegates coming from around the world, the World Congress organizers have meticulously planned the event, with the conference packed with sessions on “AI, CMEs, Research, CEO/Women’s Forums, Live Entrainment, Broadway Shows, Fashion Shows, Garba, Mindfulness, Spiritual Discourses, and Heartbeat.”

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the prime focus of our World Health Congress, said Dr. Samadder, while describing the major innovation of AI use in healthcare. “We have physicians registered from England, Australia and India to come to this Congress,” Samadder said.

According to Dr. Sumul Raval, current Secretary of AAPI, “We have invited leaders in AI and CEOs of companies to tell us how AI is going to affect healthcare.” Sessions at the Congress will discuss how AI is primarily utilized to increase speed and accuracy in healthcare. It is already being used today in diagnosing patients, in transcribing medical documents, in drug discovery and development, and in increasing administrative efficiency.
Complicated surgeries and procedures are being done with the use of AI. Sessions will also discuss the use of AI technologies including machine learning, natural language processing, and rule-based expert system. Artificial Intelligence experts will hold informative sessions on how AI is positioned to improve patient outcomes, increase safety, reduce human error, and reduce costs associated with healthcare.

The event is set to offer opportunities for the participants to connect with influential leaders including former First Lady Michelle Obama, international actor Priyanka Chopra and India’s first woman Police Chief Kiran Bedi, at the Women’s Forum. It will also offer a transformative experience in public health, bridging, communities, and as it explores AI’s role in these endeavours. The Congress, thus, promises empowerment, leadership, inspiration, and networking with esteemed leaders from around the world.

Other highlights include keynote speeches on the Future of Health Care, cutting-edge medical exhibits, research contests, and 24 Continuing Medical Education, and accredited workshops.

There will be entertainment features for children such as The Wiz and The Lion King, performances by singer Atul Purohit and a comedy show by Kapil Sharma, Live entertainment by Javed Ali and Atif Aslam, Traditional Garba, Bollywood Film Festival, and a fashion show.

This conference will host Physicians, Healthcare professionals, and leaders from across the world for a dynamic exchange of ideas, a collaborative effort to shape the future of healthcare on a global scale. We invite you to be an active participant in this transformative journey.

Raval said, “We will have an event that will be full of fun-filled, research-filled, and learning-filled activities.” Outlining other features of the event, Raval said there was something for everyone, including the younger generation, the teenagers, and children, making it a family event. “We will have amazing food for all the many days — from Mogul catering from New Jersey, and many more activities throughout the five days,” Raval said.

The Congress will include a section on young physicians with different activities. He said a Singles Match section will also be part of the Congress. “A lot of our physicians have children who are at the age where they are ready to mingle and find a life partner, and we have also included those activities,” Raval said.

In addition to colorful entertainment, exquisite authentic Indian cuisine, esteemed yoga gurus and experts, who are planned to share their wisdom and leading the Wellness Sessions by world renowned speakers and leaders in the industry will offer enlightening sessions to the delegates.

“We invite you to the World Congress in the world’s capital city, New York,” Dr. Achintya Moulik, Chair of AAPI Convention 2024 said. “Dedicated to enhancing patient care through professional development, AAPI at the World Congress is proud to present CMEs that enrich the participants with the latest in healthcare policy, technology and medical advancements.”

It is the first time that AAPI is organizing a World Health Congress. Dr. Samadder said, the idea behind this was to rebrand the annual convention to include physicians from South Asia from every walk of life. “Because at the end of the day, we all need to stand together to address healthcare issues,” she said.

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin’s World Congress offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. The physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.

“The annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” Dr. Samadder added. For more details on AAPI and the World Congress, please visit: and

Unlocking the Secrets to Mental Sharpness: Eight Daily Habits for Healthy Aging

Maintaining Cognitive Sharpness: A Guide to Healthy Aging

Maintaining mental acuity as we age isn’t solely reliant on chance. It’s a consequence of our daily routines and lifestyle decisions.

Many marvel at the mental agility of individuals well into their 70s, 80s, and beyond. Yet, it’s no enigma – they adhere to daily practices that foster sharpness.

I’ve observed and aggregated the prevailing habits of such individuals. Surprisingly, it’s never too late to integrate these into your own life.

In this piece, I’ll outline eight daily habits typically embraced by those who retain mental agility well into their senior years. They’re more straightforward than you might imagine.

1) Physical Activity

One of the most prevalent habits among those who sustain mental acuity into their later years? Regular physical activity.

Exercise doesn’t just sustain physical fitness; it profoundly impacts brain health too.

Engaging in physical activities enhances blood circulation to the brain, bolstering cognitive functions. Moreover, it releases neurotransmitters that uplift mood and induce relaxation.

From strolls to yoga, swimming to gardening – the nature of the activity is inconsequential. Consistency is key.

To maintain sharpness as you age, incorporate regular physical activity into your daily regimen. Commence modestly, but commence promptly. It’s never too late to adopt a new habit for your well-being.

2) Continuous Learning

Another habit prevalent among those who maintain mental sharpness is a commitment to lifelong learning.

For instance, my octogenarian aunt, remarkably astute for her age, has always been an avid reader. She commences each day by perusing the newspaper from cover to cover.

Yet, it doesn’t cease there. She actively partakes in book clubs, attends lectures, and even enrolled in an online course last year, delving into ancient history – a topic she’s perennially been captivated by.

What her example underscores is that perpetually learning and stimulating one’s mind isn’t merely beneficial for brain health; it imbues life with interest and excitement.

3) Nutritious Diet

Our dietary choices wield considerable influence over our mental sharpness as we age. Certain foods are known to fortify brain health.

The Mediterranean diet, abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, and lean protein, is often correlated with reduced risks of cognitive decline.

It’s not about adhering to stringent dietary regimes, but consistently opting for healthier choices. Incorporating brain-boosting foods like blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate into our meals can yield significant benefits.

Remember, what you consume doesn’t solely impact your waistline; it profoundly affects your brain health. Make the conscientious decision to nourish your body and mind with wholesome food.

4) Social Engagement

Maintaining social connections is another habit of those who preserve mental sharpness in later years. Human beings thrive on interpersonal interactions.

Whether it involves catching up with friends over coffee, engaging in group activities, or simply conversing with neighbors, regular social interaction invigorates our brains and keeps us mentally stimulated.

Conversely, isolation can exert deleterious effects on both mental and physical well-being. So, keep your social calendar abuzz – it’s beneficial for your brain.

5) Quality Sleep

Obtaining adequate sleep isn’t solely about awakening refreshed; it plays a pivotal role in cognitive health.

During sleep, the brain consolidates memories and eliminates waste products, essentially recharging and resetting.

Individuals who sustain mental sharpness into their later years often prioritize quality sleep as part of their daily routine.

Thus, ensure you’re receiving sufficient sleep each night. Your brain will express gratitude.

6) Mindfulness and Meditation

In today’s frenetic pace, it’s easy to succumb to hustle and bustle, neglecting moments of introspection.

Yet, those who retain mental sharpness as they age often engage in mindfulness or meditation. These practices alleviate stress, enhance concentration, and foster tranquility and well-being.

By grounding ourselves in the present moment, we allow our minds to rejuvenate, fortify, and develop resilience against life’s stressors.

Therefore, allocate a few moments daily to breathe deeply, introspect, and be present. It’s a gift bestowed not only upon oneself but also upon those in one’s orbit.

7) Cognitive Stimulation

Just as physical exercise is vital for maintaining bodily health, cognitive exercises are imperative for brain health.

I recall my grandfather’s daily ritual of solving crosswords. Every evening, he would ensconce himself in his favorite armchair, pencil in hand, deeply engrossed in the puzzle. Even as his eyesight waned, he persisted, switching to larger prints but never relinquishing his beloved crosswords.

Cognitive exercises such as puzzles, board games, or learning a new language challenge our brains, preserving mental agility and staving off cognitive decline.

Embrace the practice of challenging your brain daily. Your future self will be appreciative.

8) Optimistic Outlook

Arguably the most crucial habit is maintaining a positive attitude. Those who retain mental sharpness in their golden years often harbor an optimistic perspective on life.

A positive outlook enhances resilience in confronting stressful situations, mitigates the risk of physical health ailments, and contributes to longevity. It’s a potent tool that shapes our reality and influences mental well-being.

Therefore, endeavor to nurture a positive mindset, even amidst adversity. It transcends mere sentiment; it’s indispensable for cognitive health.

Time Magazine Honors Tata Group and Serum Institute of India in Top 100 Most Influential Companies of 2024

Tata Group and the Serum Institute of India (SII), led by Adar Poonawalla, have been named among the top 100 ‘World’s Most Influential Companies of 2024’ by Time magazine.

Tata Group was featured in the ‘Titans’ category, while Pune-based SII was listed under the ‘Pioneers’ section.

Time magazine’s description of Tata Group reads: “Founded in 1868, the Tata Group long ago cemented its place in India’s economy, its vast portfolio extending from steel, software, watches, subsea cables, and chemicals, to salt, grains, air-conditioners, fashion, and hotels.”

Despite its extensive reach, Tata has faced significant challenges from competitors aggressively pursuing new business opportunities. In 2017, after over a century of family-led management, N. Chandrasekaran, a “high-tech pivot,” was appointed as Chairman of Tata Group. His lack of family ties to the company was particularly notable in a business landscape dominated by family succession.

As Chairman, Chandrasekaran has spearheaded a transformation within the group by focusing on tech manufacturing, AI, and semiconductor chips. The magazine highlighted, “In 2023, it became the first Indian company to assemble iPhones, and is building another plant. In September, Tata announced a partnership with Nvidia to develop an AI cloud in India.”

Tata’s market influence is substantial. In February, the combined market capitalisation of Tata’s companies reached $365 billion, “more than the entire economy of India’s neighbour and rival, Pakistan.”

Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine producer, manufactures 3.5 billion doses annually, including vaccines for measles, polio, and HPV. CEO Adar Poonawalla credits the company’s success to its private ownership. “We’ve always looked at growth not in terms of pricing, but in providing access,” he told Time magazine.

SII has been instrumental in providing 90% of the vaccines for India and has expanded its reach to export vaccines globally. However, the company faced significant challenges with its Covid-19 vaccine production. At the end of 2021, SII ceased manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines and in 2022, destroyed approximately 210 million doses that were in stockpile.

This recognition by Time magazine underscores the influential roles both Tata Group and SII play in the global economy and their respective industries. Tata Group, with its extensive and diverse portfolio, continues to shape India’s economic landscape, while SII’s commitment to vaccine accessibility and its impact on global health are commendable.

Tata Group, established in 1868, has long been a cornerstone of India’s economy, encompassing a wide array of industries including steel, software, watches, subsea cables, chemicals, salt, grains, air-conditioners, fashion, and hotels. Despite its vast portfolio, the group has had to navigate intense competition as rivals aggressively pursued new business ventures.

In a significant shift in 2017, N. Chandrasekaran, described as a “high-tech pivot,” assumed the role of Chairman of Tata Group. His appointment was particularly notable as it marked a departure from the company’s century-old tradition of family-led management, an uncommon move in India’s business sector which is largely governed by family succession.

Under Chandrasekaran’s leadership, Tata Group has undergone a significant transformation with strategic investments in tech manufacturing, AI, and semiconductor chips. The company achieved a milestone in 2023 by becoming the first Indian firm to assemble iPhones, with plans for building another plant underway. Additionally, in September, Tata announced a collaboration with Nvidia to develop an AI cloud in India.

The group’s financial stature is remarkable. In February, Tata’s combined market capitalisation hit $365 billion, surpassing the entire economy of Pakistan, a neighboring and rival country.

On the other hand, the Serum Institute of India stands as the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, producing 3.5 billion doses annually for diseases such as measles, polio, and HPV. CEO Adar Poonawalla attributes the company’s success to its private ownership model. He remarked to Time magazine, “We’ve always looked at growth not in terms of pricing, but in providing access.”

The institute has played a crucial role in India’s healthcare by supplying 90% of the country’s vaccines and has extended its efforts to export vaccines globally. However, SII faced hurdles with its Covid-19 vaccine production. By the end of 2021, the institute had stopped manufacturing Covid-19 vaccines and in 2022, had to destroy around 210 million doses that were in stockpile.

The inclusion of Tata Group and SII in Time magazine’s list of the top 100 ‘World’s Most Influential Companies of 2024’ highlights their significant impact on the global economy and their respective sectors. Tata Group’s expansive and diverse operations continue to shape India’s economic framework, while SII’s dedication to vaccine accessibility has made substantial contributions to global health.

Tata Group’s establishment in 1868 has solidified its integral role in India’s economy, with a broad spectrum of businesses spanning from steel and software to watches, subsea cables, chemicals, salt, grains, air-conditioners, fashion, and hotels. However, it has faced significant competition from rivals eager to capture new market opportunities.

In a pivotal moment in 2017, N. Chandrasekaran, known for his expertise in technology, took the helm as Chairman of Tata Group. His appointment was a break from the norm, as he had no familial ties to the company, which is uncommon in an industry dominated by family-led businesses.

Chandrasekaran’s leadership has been transformative for Tata, emphasizing investments in technology, AI, and semiconductor chip manufacturing. In 2023, Tata Group made history as the first Indian company to assemble iPhones and is currently developing another manufacturing plant. Furthermore, in September, Tata formed a partnership with Nvidia to create an AI cloud in India.

Tata’s market influence is profound, with its combined market capitalisation reaching $365 billion in February, a figure that eclipses the entire economy of Pakistan, India’s rival neighbor.

Simultaneously, the Serum Institute of India, the leading vaccine producer worldwide, manufactures 3.5 billion doses annually for various diseases including measles, polio, and HPV. CEO Adar Poonawalla attributes the company’s success to its private ownership, telling Time magazine, “We’ve always looked at growth not in terms of pricing, but in providing access.”

SII has been pivotal in supplying 90% of India’s vaccines and has extended its reach by exporting vaccines internationally. Nonetheless, the institute faced significant challenges with its Covid-19 vaccine production. By the end of 2021, SII had ceased Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing and in 2022, had to destroy approximately 210 million doses that were stockpiled.

The recognition of Tata Group and SII in Time magazine’s top 100 ‘World’s Most Influential Companies of 2024’ emphasizes their substantial contributions to the global economy and their respective industries. Tata Group continues to influence India’s economic landscape with its diverse business portfolio, while SII’s commitment to vaccine accessibility has had a notable impact on global health.

GOPIO-CT Hosts Virtual Seminar to Promote Mental Health Awareness in South Asian Community

Speakers at the virtual seminar organized by GOPIO-CT to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, Top row, l. to r. Mini Santosh, Japa Daptardar; Bottom row: from l. to r. Dr. Mohini Ranganathan and Dr. Thomas Abraham

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin – Connecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT) recently held an engaging virtual seminar in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of GOPIO International and Trustee of GOPIO-CT, opened the seminar by introducing GOPIO and its Connecticut chapter, outlining their various activities and ways to get involved. He then introduced GOPIO-CT President Jaya Daptardar, who spearheaded the organization of this wellness seminar and panel discussion on May 30, 2024, via Zoom. The event received a positive response from the attendees.

The seminar’s theme was “Embracing Wellness and Cultivating Mental Health Awareness,” and it featured a distinguished and diverse panel of speakers. The panelists included Dr. Mohini Ranganathan, an associate professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing psychiatrist for two decades; Dr. Jaya Daptardar, an Ayurvedic Doctor with 25 years of experience who also serves as the Chief Compliance Officer for Bridges Healthcare in Connecticut; and Mini Santosh, an Early Childhood Director with the Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut.

Dr. Mohini Ranganathan emphasized that no community is exempt from mental health issues and underscored the importance of having open conversations about mental health. She pointed out the lack of sufficient awareness and dialogue about mental health within the South Asian American community but noted an increasing willingness to learn about it. “It is important not to be shy about discussing behavioral health issues,” she said.

Dr. Jaya Daptardar highlighted that behavioral health challenges are universal and not confined to any particular race, ethnicity, or gender. She stressed the significance of recognizing early signs of behavioral changes and challenges and initiating conversations to seek help. Dr. Daptardar also discussed various therapies and treatments available, as well as simple prevention and wellness methods such as breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga.

Mini Santosh, an educator specializing in early childhood education, spoke about the heightened need for mental health attention, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. She highlighted the stigma surrounding mental health in Indian communities and emphasized the importance of providing support and access to mental health services.

The panel discussion elicited insightful questions from the participants, and the Q&A session provided valuable insights for parents and attendees. It was clear that more panels and community discussions are necessary to raise awareness of mental health in South Asian and Indian communities. GOPIO-CT has a robust platform to offer health and wellness-related seminars for the community.

Over the past 18 years, GOPIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO International, has evolved into an active and dynamic organization. It hosts interactive sessions with policymakers and academicians, community events, youth mentoring and networking workshops, and collaborates with other local organizations to foster a better future. GOPIO-CT serves as a non-partisan, secular, civic, and community service organization, promoting awareness of Indian culture, customs, and contributions of people of Indian origin through various community programs, forums, events, and youth activities. The organization seeks to strengthen partnerships and create ongoing dialogues with local communities.

India’s Record-Breaking Heat: Mungeshpur Hits Potential 52.3°C Amid Severe Heat Wave Warnings

India, one of the hottest countries on Earth, potentially recorded its highest temperature ever on Wednesday. A weather station in Mungeshpur, a suburb of New Delhi, recorded a temperature of 52.3 degrees Celsius (approximately 126 degrees Fahrenheit), as reported by the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

This unprecedented reading is currently under scrutiny by the government. Authorities are evaluating the data, noting that this temperature is an outlier compared to other measurements in the region. They suggest the possibility of an error in the sensor or an influence from unique local conditions.

The IMD reported that this temperature was more than 9 degrees Celsius higher than anticipated. The unusually high temperatures have been attributed to hot winds originating from northwestern India, as reported by New Delhi Television (NDTV), a partner of ABC News.

Previously, the highest recorded temperature at the Mungeshpur station was 49.2 degrees Celsius (120.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in 2002. The record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in India was set in Rajasthan in 2016, reaching 51 degrees Celsius (123.8 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the IMD.

In response to the forecast, the India Meteorological Department issued a severe heat wave warning for the region. In India, heat waves are classified as “severe” when temperatures exceed the norm by 6.5 degrees Celsius or more.

A red alert health notice was also issued in New Delhi, warning of a “very high likelihood of developing heat illness and heat stroke in all ages” among the vulnerable groups in the region’s population, which totals around 30 million.

Local government officials have imposed restrictions on water usage due to a shortage, threatening fines for non-essential water use, such as washing cars. Those caught using water unnecessarily could face fines of 2,000 rupees (approximately $24), as reported by Reuters.

The IMD also forecasted rain for Wednesday evening in New Delhi, which could potentially increase humidity levels.

India is renowned for its hot climate, characterized by tropical conditions and prolonged summers. These early-season high temperatures could signal an intensely hot summer ahead.

Copernicus, Europe’s climate change service, has recorded 11 consecutive months of record-warm temperatures, a trend likely to persist through May.

Climate scientists link rising global temperatures to more frequent and prolonged heat waves. A study by the World Weather Attribution found that the extreme heat experienced across Asia in late April was 45 times more likely due to climate change.

The exceptional temperature recorded in Mungeshpur stands out as a significant anomaly. The IMD’s ongoing review aims to verify the accuracy of the data. “The temperature soared to more than 9 degrees Celsius higher than expected,” highlights the severity of this heat event.

Local reports suggest that the hot winds from northwestern India played a crucial role in driving the temperatures up beyond typical expectations. NDTV corroborates this by reporting that “hot winds from northwestern India contributed to the hotter-than-expected temperatures.”

The severity of the heat wave in New Delhi prompted immediate action from the government. The red alert notice underscores the extreme risk to public health, particularly emphasizing the potential for heat illness and heat stroke among vulnerable populations. The scale of the alert reflects the urgency of the situation, given New Delhi’s large population.

In addition to health warnings, the government has taken steps to manage the strain on water resources. With a significant portion of the population potentially affected by water shortages, the authorities have implemented stringent measures to curb non-essential water use. Reuters reported on the enforcement of fines to deter wastage, stating, “Local government officials set limits on water usage, citing a shortage, and threatened to fine those using water unnecessarily.”

The forecasted rain for New Delhi introduces the potential for increased humidity, which could compound the discomfort and health risks associated with the high temperatures. The IMD’s prediction of rain suggests a dynamic weather pattern that may offer temporary relief from the heat but could also introduce new challenges.

India’s climate, already predisposed to high temperatures, faces an increasingly uncertain future as global warming intensifies. The record temperatures reported by Copernicus are a stark reminder of the ongoing trend towards warmer global conditions. “Copernicus, Europe’s climate change service, has recorded 11 consecutive months of record-warm temperatures,” illustrating the persistent nature of this trend.

The link between climate change and the increasing frequency of heat waves is well-established among scientists. The World Weather Attribution study provides a quantifiable measure of this connection, indicating that the recent extreme heat in Asia was significantly influenced by climate change. The study’s findings that the sweltering conditions were “45 times more likely because of climate change” emphasize the profound impact of human activities on weather patterns.

As the situation in Mungeshpur is closely monitored, it underscores the broader implications of climate change for regions already vulnerable to high temperatures. The potential record-setting temperature serves as a critical data point in understanding the trajectory of climate impacts. The IMD’s verification process will be crucial in confirming the legitimacy of this extraordinary measurement and understanding the underlying causes of such extreme weather events.

The reported 52.3 degrees Celsius in Mungeshpur highlights a significant climatic event in India, necessitating careful examination and response from authorities. The combination of immediate health risks, water scarcity, and the broader context of climate change illustrates the multifaceted challenges posed by extreme heat. As global temperatures continue to rise, the frequency and intensity of such events are likely to increase, demanding adaptive measures and heightened awareness of the impacts of climate change.

Fiji Water Recalls 1.9 Million Bottles Due to Elevated Manganese Levels and Bacterial Contamination

Natural Waters of Viti Limited has initiated a voluntary recall of 78,533 cases of Fiji Natural Artesian Water due to testing that revealed elevated levels of manganese and three types of bacteria, according to a report by the United States Department of Food and Agriculture (FDA).

The recall pertains to approximately 1.9 million 500-milliliter bottles of water, sold in 24-pack cases. These products were available on from February 1, 2024, through March 3, 2024. The affected products can be identified by the following information:

– Case UPC Code: 6 32565 00004 3

– Bottle UPC Code: 6 32565 00001 2

– Dates: November 11, 2023, November 12, 2023, November 13, 2023, November 24, 2023, and November 25, 2023

This recall updates a previous recall from March, which had not posed adverse health or safety risks to the public. The FDA classifies this recall as Class III, indicating that the products violate federal regulations but are unlikely to cause adverse health consequences.

Manganese is an essential mineral for the body. While no harm from manganese in food and beverages has been demonstrated in studies, some individuals have developed manganese toxicity from consuming water with extremely high manganese levels.

Consumers who purchased the recalled product are being notified by telephone, but those with questions or concerns can contact the FIJI Water hotline at 1-866-406-4149.

This recall affects a significant number of water bottles sold on over a one-month period. The affected bottles are easily identifiable by their UPC codes and specific production dates. The company has been proactive in reaching out to consumers to inform them of the recall and to address any potential concerns.

The FDA’s classification of this recall as Class III highlights that while the products do not meet federal standards, they are not expected to cause serious health issues. However, the presence of elevated manganese levels and bacteria in the water prompted the recall as a precautionary measure.

Manganese is naturally occurring and necessary for human health, involved in bone formation, blood clotting, and reducing inflammation. Normally, manganese is found in various foods such as nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. While manganese toxicity is rare, it can occur if a person is exposed to high levels over a long period, particularly through drinking water. Symptoms of manganese toxicity may include neurological issues such as tremors, muscle stiffness, and in severe cases, cognitive impairment.

The discovery of bacteria in the water is another reason for the recall. While the specific types of bacteria found were not disclosed, the presence of any bacteria in bottled water intended for human consumption is a concern. Bacteria in drinking water can lead to gastrointestinal issues and other infections, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.

Natural Waters of Viti Limited has taken the necessary steps to address the contamination. By recalling the affected products, the company aims to protect consumer health and maintain the integrity of its brand. The company’s decision to voluntarily recall the products demonstrates a commitment to consumer safety and regulatory compliance.

Customers are encouraged to check their purchases against the provided UPC codes and production dates to determine if they have any of the recalled bottles. If so, they should dispose of the water and contact FIJI Water for further instructions or potential refunds. The company’s hotline is available for consumers who need more information or assistance regarding the recall.

This recall underscores the importance of regular testing and quality control in the bottled water industry. Ensuring that products meet safety standards is crucial to preventing potential health risks. While this recall is classified as low risk by the FDA, it serves as a reminder for companies to maintain stringent quality checks and for consumers to stay informed about the safety of the products they purchase.

Natural Waters of Viti Limited’s voluntary recall of Fiji Natural Artesian Water due to elevated levels of manganese and bacterial contamination is a precautionary measure to ensure consumer safety. The recall affects nearly 1.9 million bottles sold in a specific timeframe, identifiable by their UPC codes and production dates. The FDA’s Class III classification indicates that the products are unlikely to cause serious health issues, but the company is taking no chances in addressing the contamination. Consumers with the recalled product should contact the FIJI Water hotline for assistance. This recall highlights the need for ongoing vigilance in the bottled water industry to ensure the highest safety standards for consumers.

Americans Brace for Hefty Water Rate Hikes Amidst Push for PFAS Removal

In return for purer water, Americans across the nation may soon face substantial financial burdens. Water systems are cautioning residents about significant rate increases as they gear up to implement technology to filter out harmful chemicals known as PFAS.

Utilities from South Florida to upstate New York are alerting customers that they might experience considerable price hikes following the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate to eliminate these substances, linked to various cancers and other illnesses, from their systems. The EPA recently announced its requirement for utilities with water systems containing elevated levels of six types of PFAS to eradicate them from the water.

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, represent a group of thousands of chemicals utilized in the production of nonstick and waterproof products as well as firefighting foam. These substances have become pervasive in the environment, persisting for extended periods without breaking down.

Exposure to these persistent chemicals has been associated with heightened risks of prostate, kidney, and testicular cancers, compromised immune systems, elevated cholesterol, and developmental issues in children. Now, utilities nationwide face the unprecedented task of removing them from drinking water to mitigate customer exposure. However, this endeavor comes at a cost.

Broward County officials in South Florida cautioned residents about potential drastic water rate increases. Alan Garcia, director of Broward County Water and Wastewater Services, indicated that average monthly water bills, currently around $26, could potentially double or triple as the county addresses PFAS filtration. Yet, the exact extent of the rate increase remains uncertain. With 66,000 accounts, representing an estimated 230,000 individuals, the utility is bracing for substantial changes.

Similarly, officials in Fort Worth, Texas, foresee repercussions for ratepayers in light of the recent EPA regulation. Chris Harder, Fort Worth Water Director, acknowledged the anticipated expenses and their impact on ratepayers, emphasizing efforts to secure federal funding support to alleviate the burden.

Reports from water suppliers in the Buffalo, N.Y., area also suggest that PFAS filtration efforts could influence rates, signaling broader implications beyond specific locales. According to Chris Moody, regulatory technical manager at the American Water Works Association, numerous systems nationwide may face rate increases as a consequence of the rule.

While it remains unclear which water systems will necessitate PFAS filtration, utilities have a few years to conduct tests to determine if their chemical levels surpass federal thresholds. Should they exceed these thresholds, utilities must install filtration technology, indicating that communities warned of rate increases may only represent the beginning. The EPA estimates that approximately 6 percent to 10 percent of water systems will ultimately require action, though Moody believes this figure may underestimate the extent of contamination nationwide.

Much of the financial strain will stem from the installation and maintenance costs of filters capable of eliminating these toxic substances. Despite recent settlements in a major class-action lawsuit against PFAS manufacturers, which could potentially offset treatment costs, Moody doubts these settlements will suffice.

He anticipates that any financial restitution will likely cover only a fraction of the overall expenses. While the added costs pose significant financial burdens, they offer the crucial benefit of reducing communities’ exposure to harmful substances. Garcia acknowledged the importance of PFAS treatment, characterizing it as a necessary measure. Nonetheless, he lamented that communities are bearing the brunt of companies’ past PFAS usage.

Global Life Expectancy to Rise by 2050, But More Years in Poor Health Expected, Study Reveals

A study released on Friday predicts a significant rise in global life expectancy by 2050, despite current geopolitical, metabolic, and environmental challenges. The study, derived from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2021 and published in The Lancet journal, forecasts an increase of 4.9 years for men and 4.2 years for women.

However, the study also indicates that people will likely spend more of these additional years in poor health. This is primarily due to a shift from communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (CMNNs) to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes.

According to the research, global life expectancy is expected to rise to 78.1 years by 2050, representing a 4.5-year increase from current figures. Additionally, global healthy life expectancy (HALE) — the average number of years a person can expect to live in good health — is projected to increase to 67.4 years by 2050, an improvement of 2.6 years.

“In addition to an increase in life expectancy overall, we have found that the disparity in life expectancy across geographies will lessen,” said Chris Murray, Chair of Health Metrics Sciences at the University of Washington and Director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME).

Murray emphasized that the most significant opportunity to reduce the global disease burden lies in policy interventions aimed at preventing and mitigating behavioral and metabolic risk factors. “There is immense opportunity ahead for us to influence the future of global health by getting ahead of these rising metabolic and dietary risk factors, particularly those related to behavioral and lifestyle factors like high blood sugar, high body mass index, and high blood pressure,” he stated.

The findings underscore the importance of addressing non-communicable diseases, which are poised to become the predominant health challenges globally. The research highlights the need for robust health policies that focus on preventive measures to curb the rise of these conditions.

The shift from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases marks a significant transition in global health trends. While advancements in medical science and public health have led to a decline in communicable diseases, the increasing prevalence of NCDs presents new challenges. These diseases are often linked to lifestyle factors such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, and exposure to tobacco and alcohol.

This trend underscores the necessity for comprehensive health strategies that encompass preventive care, early detection, and management of NCDs. Policymakers and health professionals must prioritize interventions that target these risk factors to improve health outcomes and reduce the disease burden.

The anticipated rise in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy indicates progress in global health but also highlights the need for sustained efforts to address health disparities. The reduction in geographical disparities in life expectancy suggests that more regions will experience improvements in health outcomes, but it also calls for targeted efforts to support areas that lag behind.

Murray’s call for policy interventions reflects a broader consensus among health experts on the importance of addressing behavioral and metabolic risk factors. Effective policies can lead to significant health improvements and contribute to the overall well-being of populations.

The study’s projections serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in global health and the critical role of preventive measures in addressing these challenges. As the global population continues to grow and age, the burden of non-communicable diseases is expected to increase, necessitating proactive and comprehensive health strategies.

While the projected increase in global life expectancy by 2050 is a positive development, it comes with the caveat that people will spend more years in poor health due to the rise of non-communicable diseases. Addressing these diseases through effective policy interventions targeting behavioral and metabolic risk factors is essential for improving global health outcomes. The study highlights the need for a concerted effort to tackle the emerging health challenges and ensure that the gains in life expectancy translate into better quality of life for all.

Nandita Das Joins Global Film and Arts Luminaries to Judge WHO’s 5th Health for All Film Festival, Celebrating Powerful Health Stories

Nandita Das, a prominent Indian actor, filmmaker, and social advocate, recently participated as a juror for the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 5th Health for All Film Festival. This esteemed panel also included actors Sharon Stone and Alfonso Herrera, filmmaker and producer Apolline Traoré, Olympic swimmer and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Yusra Mardini, multidisciplinary artist Mário Macilau, and film director Paul Jerndal. The winners were announced on May 26.

Entering its fifth year, the Health for All Film Festival received nearly 1,000 submissions from filmmakers worldwide. These films addressed critical issues such as gender equity, war trauma, burnout, climate change, and healthy aging. A shortlist of 61 films was then evaluated by the distinguished panel of professionals, artists, and activists.

“WHO’s Health for All Film Festival gathers many powerful stories about a variety of health experiences from people from all over the world,” said WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Listening to the stories of people affected by health issues helps us to understand people’s lived experiences and move towards achieving better health for all.”

At the event in Geneva on May 26, awards were presented in seven different categories, with four films receiving special mentions from the jury.

From the official selection at the WHO Health For All Film Festival, a “Grand Prix” was awarded in each of the three main competition categories: Universal Health Coverage, Health Emergencies, and Better Health and Well-Being, reflecting WHO’s Triple Billion Targets. Additionally, four special prizes were awarded for a student-produced film, a film on physical activity and health, a film focusing on migrants and refugees’ health, and a very short film.

This year’s festival saw mental health as a significant theme among the winning entries. One of the standout films was a moving short from France titled “Mom & Me, and that…,” which highlights the emotional and practical challenges faced by a 14-year-old girl living alone with her mother, who is battling cancer.

Nandita Das, who has served twice on the jury of the Cannes Film Festival and has acted in over 40 feature films in 10 different languages, expressed her enthusiasm for being part of the festival. “I am delighted to be a juror for WHO’s Health For All Film Festival,” she said. “Films can create awareness, challenge prejudices, ask uncomfortable questions and tell stories that need to be told. Health is personally and collectively, our right and responsibility. So to celebrate films that focus on these issues is important. I am glad that l have the opportunity to announce the winners of the 5th edition of this annual event.”

Das’s filmography includes notable works such as “Fire,” “Earth,” “Bawandar,” “Kannathil Muthamittal,” “Azhagi,” “Kamli,” and “Before The Rains.” Her directorial debut, “Firaaq,” premiered at the Toronto Film Festival and traveled to over 50 festivals, earning more than 20 awards.

Additionally, Das holds the distinction of being the first Indian to be inducted into the International Hall of Fame of the International Women’s Forum in Washington, DC. She was recognized in 2011 for her “sustained contributions to the arts and to the world as one of the most gripping cinema arts leaders of our time.”

The WHO Health for All Film Festival continues to serve as a vital platform for highlighting global health issues through the powerful medium of film. This year’s festival reinforced the importance of storytelling in raising awareness and promoting understanding of health challenges worldwide. The diverse array of films and the inclusion of mental health themes reflect a growing recognition of the complex and multifaceted nature of health and well-being. By showcasing these films, the festival not only honors the creativity and dedication of filmmakers but also inspires collective action towards better health outcomes for all.

The festival’s impact extends beyond mere entertainment, encouraging a deeper engagement with pressing health issues and fostering a global conversation about health equity and the shared responsibility to achieve it. The stories told through these films resonate on a personal and universal level, bridging gaps in understanding and compassion. The participation of esteemed jurors like Nandita Das underscores the significance of the festival and its mission to illuminate the myriad health experiences of people around the world.

Unlocking the Complex Pursuit of Happiness: Insights from Neuroscientist Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Happiness is a concept deeply embedded in human history, dating back to ancient civilizations. Approximately 250 years ago, it was enshrined as an unalienable right in the United States’ Declaration of Independence: “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Despite centuries of contemplation, the notion of happiness and its attainment remains elusive. For some, it signifies a general sense of well-being, while others equate it with moments of pure joy. Some find happiness in achieving dreams, while for others, it could be a blend of these experiences or something entirely different.

Personally, I consider myself a fairly happy person. I have three wonderful teenage daughters and a loving wife, Rebecca, with whom I recently celebrated our 20th anniversary. My family, including my parents and my “baby” brother, is close-knit. My career as a practicing neurosurgeon and CNN’s chief medical correspondent provides me with a sense of purpose. However, I recognize that happiness is complex, layered, and nuanced.

**The Pursuit of Happiness**

A challenging question is how best to pursue happiness. Is it a fixed trait we are born with, or can it be cultivated and enhanced? If it’s the latter, what strategies can help us achieve it?

Despite the “pursuit of Happiness” being a foundational principle in the U.S., many Americans struggle with it. The latest World Happiness Report saw the U.S. drop to 23rd place, its lowest ranking in the report’s 12-year history. Additionally, a 2024 Gallup poll revealed that less than half (47%) of Americans are “very satisfied” with their personal lives.

This issue isn’t confined to Americans; humans as a species might not be naturally adept at achieving happiness. Contrary to what one might expect, happiness isn’t something we are genetically primed to attain; it requires effort.

“If anything, natural selection kind of doesn’t really care about our happiness that much. I mean, natural selection’s job is just to keep us alive and keep us around to reproduce. And I think it does that not by making us feel these moments of contentment but maybe just the opposite,” cognitive scientist Dr. Laurie Santos explained to me recently.

“It does that by building in a negativity bias. So we’re just a little bit worried that there could be a tiger around the corner, that we could get shunned at work. And we’re kind of constantly on the alert for that,” she added.

Dr. Santos, who holds a doctorate in psychology, teaches “Psychology and the Good Life” at Yale University, the most popular course in the university’s history, and hosts “The Happiness Lab” podcast. She was also the first guest on the 10th season of my podcast, “Chasing Life.” This season, I speak with experts across various disciplines about the science of happiness, including its definition, attainment, maintenance, and effects on our minds and bodies.

**I’m Happy but ‘Constructively Dissatisfied’**

Despite being a generally happy person, I also consider myself “constructively dissatisfied,” a term I coined during my conversation with Santos.

I distinguish between happiness and satisfaction, believing that complete satisfaction might erode my happiness by leading to complacency and stagnation. My personality seems to thrive on dissatisfaction, which propels me into action and enhances my energy and enthusiasm.

The times when I feel happiest are when my constructive dissatisfaction drives me to improve situations, whether it’s removing a brain tumor, completing a documentary, working in my garden, or cooking dinner with my family.

Kelly McGonigal, a health psychologist and author, who also appeared on my podcast, agreed with this perspective. “Because dissatisfaction often is the soil in which growth and positive change happens,” she explained. “And dissatisfaction doesn’t actually have to be a lack of appreciation or gratitude. If you can envision a better future for yourself or others, it requires feeling a gap between how things are and how things could be.”

The “constructive” aspect is crucial to me because I don’t want to merely wallow in dissatisfaction; I want it to be productive. As long as dissatisfaction doesn’t overwhelm my emotional well-being, it benefits me, though it can be a source of tension and struggle.

“It strikes me that you’ve kind of gotten something out of the journey, gotten something out of that struggle,” Santos told me, while also cautioning against overextending oneself. “We can push ourselves and engage in challenges; those can be some of the happiest, most flow-inducing moments of our lives. But we need to make sure we’re doing that in balance.”

She warned that if we lose sleep, neglect friendships, and make ourselves miserable, “maybe think about pushing yourself in a different way.”

To mitigate negative feelings, Santos suggested incorporating moments of true happiness into one’s life. “Maybe I need a little bit more laughter or some breaks, or I need to engage in that purposeful pursuit with a bit more social connection, or something like that.”

**Tried and True Strategies**

According to Santos, most people have a set point of happiness. Mine might be lower than my brother’s, who is more outgoing and cheerful, despite our similar backgrounds. Significant events like winning the lottery or experiencing tragedy can temporarily alter happiness levels, but people typically return to their baseline. However, with diligent practice, Santos believes it’s possible to raise one’s happiness level, a concept she teaches her students.

Santos not only lectures about behaviors and mindsets that boost happiness but also assigns practical “course rewirements” to rewire these practices into students’ lives. Her recommendations include paying attention to sleep, exercise, and diet, becoming more “other”-oriented, and fostering gratitude and compassion.

My favorite advice from her is to nurture social connections. “Every available study of happy people suggests that happy people are more social,” Santos said. And conversely, social people tend to be happier. “So we just need to make time for our friends and family members and loved ones.”

Dr. Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist who oversees the Harvard Study of Adult Development, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that good relationships are the key to both happiness and health. Warm relationships help buffer life’s challenges, reducing stress hormones and inflammation, which are linked to many chronic diseases.

This doesn’t mean one must be an extrovert or a social butterfly. Rather, it’s about consistently nurturing relationships. Waldinger advises being proactive in reaching out to friends, establishing routines like weekly calls, refreshing old relationships with new activities, making new friends through shared interests, and initiating conversations with strangers. The right amount of social interaction varies from person to person.

Meaningful relationships are essential to my happiness. I know from experience that strong connections with family and friends are crucial, and they are ultimately what bring me the greatest joy.

Book Review: India Beyond The Pandemic

A healthy world is made of healthy nations. A healthy nation is made of healthy families.

It’s a global initiative that unites individuals, communities, and organizations in a shared commitment to prioritize and address pressing health issues.

In March 2020, while COVID-19 was declared a pandemic globally, many onlookers feared that India would be in trouble, just thinking about the poor sanitary conditions, water shortages, and crowded cities. The healthcare system in India must have limited success in curbing similar outbreaks.

Congratulations to the proficient writers with academic backgrounds like Dr. Joseph M Chalil and Ambassador Pradeep. K. Kapoor and Prof. M D Nalapat, the coauthors of their latest book “India Beyond The Pandemic-A Sustainable Path Towards Global Healthcare, recently published a release by the Konark Publishers, New Delhi.

This book opens up boundless opportunities for transforming the global healthcare system.

The Cowin Mobile App and its platforms created a global Interest from more than 50 countries to boast about its Indian legacy of ‘Vasudaiva Kudumbagam’( the world is one family). The book also narrates how COVID-19 tortured the rural and urban life. The authors successfully project that Covid-19 was a wake-up call to reform the Healthcare system.

Central and state scientific and administrative agency coordinators held hands together from scratch to produce Protective Personal equipment, 24×7 monitoring, and surveillance under a strategic framework for production and distribution.

However, strategically overcoming the so-called 18-month process, India has already administered over a billion doses and, soon after, completed the most significant public vaccinations in history, vaccinating more than 2.2 billion doses altogether.

However, the authors submit that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reformative agenda enabled policies and schemes to promote biotechnology, the National Digital Health Mission, and similar initiatives.

This book proves that India has also established itself as the world’s DPG ( digital public infrastructure).

I could browse through the book’s pages and appreciate precisely two chapters: (1) How the pandemic changed the world, in which the history of the outbreak is microscopically analyzed and chronologically narrated. Secondly, I highlight the chapter’ Tapping into the digital world and India’s Emergence as a global healthcare leader’.

In between these chapters, the authors explain the COVID waves sweeping thousands of innocent human lives. This book summarizes the fact that the future of medicine is intertwined with technological innovations. Even smartphones function as diagnostic tools, helping individuals to assess, diagnose, and prescribe medications and treatments without leaving the comfort zones of their homes.

The digital and bio-technological advances will surely help India lead the global healthcare system. With the increase in telemedicine, India already provides a significant share of the world’s doctors. India took the challenge of providing resources to rural and urban areas alike.

During the COVID era, India has also established itself as a pharmaceutical manufacturing hub.

In conclusion, the authors call for action to champion the motto “One India, One Healthcare.” India has victoriously demonstrated its capacity to envision and execute leadership to excellence, with sophisticated strategies and tools to contain any pandemic or bioterrorism in the future.

No doubt, this well-researched book will be a great source of inspiration, actionable insights and a  guideline for policymakers, healthcare practitioners, innovators, and who all care for a better healthcare system.

Renowned Gastroenterologist Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin Advocates Personal Health Ownership at New York Event

Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin, an esteemed Indian gastroenterologist, hepatologist, translational scientist, researcher, and educator, imparted invaluable wisdom regarding personal health ownership during a gathering at the Indian Consulate in New York. He urged individuals not to delegate their health concerns but to take charge of their well-being.

“Health cannot be bestowed; it must be earned,” emphasized the Padma Bhushan recipient, emphasizing the necessity for proactive engagement in one’s health journey.

Dr. Sarin delivered a comprehensive discourse on health and wellness, centering around his book ‘Own Your Body,’ during the session at the Indian Consulate in New York. In his book, Dr. Sarin delves into the strategies for cultivating a healthier self.

During the event, Dr. Sarin delineated ten principles for optimal health, stressing the significance of preventive actions, such as tracing one’s family health history to recognize genetic health susceptibilities.

“The initial principle is to construct a family health tree. It is your responsibility to ensure the well-being of your child and to safeguard the health of a fetus,” Dr. Sarin asserted.

He elucidated the pivotal role of the liver in metabolism and overall well-being, elucidating how a fatty liver can precipitate various health ailments, including diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and cancer. Dr. Sarin also offered practical advice for self-assessment of liver health, advocating for the monitoring of blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and liver enzyme levels. He advocated for proactive health management through early detection and lifestyle modifications.

Furthermore, he introduced four pillars for attaining and preserving health. “The foremost pillar is maintaining a slim and fit physique. It’s not merely about being lean but being both slim and fit. Understanding what constitutes fitness is imperative. Secondly, it entails knowing when to eat, what to eat, and in what quantity,” Dr. Sarin delineated. “The third pillar emphasizes the importance of restorative sleep, and my final fourth pillar pertains to medications. However, resorting to the fourth pillar should only be considered after exhausting the options offered by the first three pillars,” he added.

Dr. Sarin instilled a sense of empowerment in his audience, encouraging them to embark on a journey toward a prolonged, healthy, and fulfilling life through proactive management of their health.

Revolutionary Eyebrow Keyhole Surgery Removes Deep-Seated Brain Tumor in World-First Operation

In a landmark medical achievement, a team of neurosurgeons in Chennai successfully excised a deeply embedded insular brain tumor from a 44-year-old woman using a revolutionary eyebrow keyhole technique.

“This unprecedented technique, being the world’s first, marks an important advancement in the field of neuro-oncology,” stated Apollo Cancer Centres (ACC), Chennai, in an announcement on Tuesday.

The tumor was discovered during a routine examination following the woman’s bike accident. It was located within the delicate folds of her dominant-side insular lobe of the brain.

The insula, situated deep within the cerebral cortex, presents substantial challenges for surgical removal due to its proximity to critical areas responsible for speech and movement. It is enveloped by a complex network of blood vessels, making traditional surgical approaches highly risky.

Conventional surgeries involve navigating through vital brain tissue and blood vessels, posing risks of paralysis, stroke, and language impairment. Patients are often required to remain awake during these procedures, heightening their distress and the potential for complications such as seizures and brain bulges. Despite these dangers, surgery is usually the only viable option.

The neurosurgical team at ACC decided to employ the innovative keyhole technique, making a small incision in the eyebrow to access the insula. This decision was informed by their extensive experience with keyhole surgeries for skull base lesions.

The new approach not only offers an alternative for removing deeply seated brain tumors but also exemplifies “clinical excellence, efficiency, and safety.”

“The impact of this achievement cannot be overstated. The eyebrow keyhole approach offers a transformative alternative to reach these deep-seated tumours inside the brain, minimising invasiveness, reducing collateral damage, and significantly enhancing patient safety and overall quality of life,” commented Hrishikesh Sarkar, Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at Apollo Cancer Centres.

According to the doctor, the patient was discharged from the hospital within 72 hours and is now recovering well.

Expressing her gratitude, the woman said that the advanced treatment not only cured her but also “gave me hope, comfort, and a shorter return to normalcy.”

Dr. Hari Krishna Shukla Given Liberty Medal By New York State Senate

Dr Shukla with Liberty Medal(Albany, NY – May 23, 2024)  Dr. Hari Krishna Shukla, practicing Medicine in Flushing, Queens in New York for nearly four decades, serving thousands of young patients, was bestowed with the New York State Liberty Medal during a solemn ceremony on the New York Senate Floor in Albany, NY on May 15th, 2024.

The New York State Liberty Medal is the state’s highest honor, presented to citizens, who have merited special commendation for the actions on behalf of their fellow New Yorkers and their community.

Dr. Shukla, whose discovery of the “Shukla’s Formula” made him popular across the globe, was given the Liberty Medal by New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky (11th SD- Queens), recognizing his life-saving work in the field of neo-natal pediatric medicine. Earlier, on March 26, 2024, the New York State Senate passed and adopted a resolution (Senate No. 2010) to honor Dr. Hari Krishna Shukla for his work in the field of Pediatric-Neonatal Medicine.

“Dr. Shukla has received international acclaim for his work in advancing the science of how doctors treat infants born prematurely,” said Senator Toby Ann Stavisky. “Dr. Shukla is most renowned for developing a mathematical formula for ideal position of umbilical catheters in sick infants that helps to deliver critical fluids and medications more safely to premature children both intravenously and through the umbilical cord. Known as “Shukla’s formula.”

Senator Toby Ann Stavisky IS New York state senator since 1999 and Chairwoman  for higher education. This is the first time she has presented the Liberty Medal to any constituent. “Dr. Shukla’s life’s work in the field of neo-natal pediatric medicine warrants this honor,” Sen. Stavisky said.

Dr. Shukla is well known across the world for his work in advancing the science of how doctors treat infants born prematurely. Dr. Shukla is most renowned for developing a mathematical formula  to place umbilical catheters in an ideal position, in order that it causes minimal complications. The umbilical catheters in infants are known as life line  as it helps in maintaining fluid, electrolytes  and nutrition. It is also used for blood drawing, transfusion and admiration of medications.

Since Dr. Shukla published his research article on the topic in 1986, millions of infants have been benefited using Dr. Shukla’s Formula worldwide. Dr Shukla created a mathematical equation to place catheter in a position where it causes minimal complications. Dr Shukla’s Formula is now being used worldwide in  several countries, including the United States, Canada, Unite Kingdom, other European countries, Australia, India, Japan, China Russia, South Korea, Middle east. Every year about fifteen million infants receives umbilical catheterization. Dr Shukla’s equation is quoted in several medical textbooks and manuals throughout the world.

Dr. Shukla developed a formula for rapid estimation of insertional length of Endo-tracheal tubes in infants. This formula is used widely in the hospitals in United States, and has been made as part of the required training in BLS, PALS and ACLS courses in United States, given to residents, fellows, physician assistants, nurse practitioners prior to commencing employment and in continuing medical education courses required for maintenance of licensure.

Additionally, Dr. Shukla’ work has significantly contributed to the field of Pediatric Medicine. Dr. Shukla was the first US Physician to use surfactant in Preterm babies in the City of New York in 1986 under Investigational New drug (IND) protocol of Unite States Food and Drug Administration and NIH. The Surfactant therapy is now the standard mode of therapy for preterm infants with premature lungs all over the world. Dr Shukla received a Citation from United States Congress for being the first physician in New York to use surfactant.

Another area, where his contributions have helped are the patients with jaundice. His investigative research on how jaundice causes Kernicterus after his basic research on rats in an animal laboratory at the NYU School of Medicine was the first to demonstrate blood brain barriers for Bilirubin. This research helps in understanding how bilirubin reaches brain tissue and causes damage to Neurons.

His skills and love for the patients was witnessed during the Covid epidemic, when Dr Shukla treated over four hundred Covid positive children, from one-day- old to eighteen years old, with zero mortality.

Senate Majority leader

Dr Shukla is the recipient of the “Pasteur, Merieu and Connought” (The Makers of Polio Vaccine) Award for his work toward eradication of Polio in the United states and India.

Dr Shukla has served as a Consultant Pediatrician for over 38 years for the Permanent Missions of numerous countries to the United Nations and Consulate General of India. He is also the Civil Surgeon for the United States Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service since 1990.

Dr. Shukla, a triple Board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics, Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine & Forensic Medicine, is a Clinical Associate Professor at the New York University, School of Medicine and has nearly four decades of experience in training over 300 Residents and Fellows and he continues to provide state of the art care to preterm infants and children in the US and abroad.

Dr. Hari Shukla came to the United States in 1980 as a Rotary International exchange scholar from India. He is married to Kirti Shukla. The couple are blessed with two boys Mrugank and Mehool, who are American Medical Graduates, practicing in New York.

(15): 17th, May, 2024 set in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France

« It has come to this time, and you know it. »

« She is still young. She looks this way, and it looks hopeless, but I am not desolate. I know my mother. I know what she is capable of and what she is not. »

« So, will you disagree with what the doctors say and let your mother suffer because you are stubborn? »

« I will do what is best for my mother, and that is all. »

23 March, 2024

His mother made a choking sound. He and his wife were in the dining room picking at the crab with their hands. His mother could not do it herself, and so he took the crab and mashed it into a pulp to feed directly to her. It was common for her to cough while she ate, but this time she made a sound that was stronger than that. It was the sound of someone trying to expel food out of their lungs.

His wife came up from behind and patted her. The choking sounds stopped. He talked with his wife. They wondered if the pieces were too big for her. He tried some of the mush. There were some red wedges that even he could have choked on. He should have been more careful. At his mother’s age, just the simple act of remembering how to swallow was difficult. A lot of people at that age died because their throat muscles gave out.

Father hoped that day would be a good time away from this one. He asked his wife to mash the crab better. Whatever they served for the rest of the meal did not choke his mother. He did see some tears in her eyes, but she teared often. He observed her, tried to talk to her when she seemed in the mood to attempt speech, and when she had finished her meal and her throat was fully settled, he turned on the television, and they watched it together, knowing that he’d have to go to the hospital for work in an hour and be there for the rest of the day.

29 March, 1960

It was a festive night in the town of Mtsamborou. Because of the breaking of the fast and the start of iftaar, everyone was out on the street, getting fried brochette and snacks from the various venders. Boys were out playing ball. The women were in the hovels on each side, sitting on the steps, eating their meals, feeding their children, and partaking in gossip.

The young Abdou Madi was out with his brothers and his mother. His father was on the coast with his friends who were fishermen. It was rare for Abdou to be with his family, but he liked to spend time with them. Abdou was five. He saw the boys playing ball and it filled him with curiosity. He tried to run over to them, but because his sandals were broken, he kept falling over. His brothers laughed at him and called him names rather than help him up. Tired, he decided to go back to his mother.

His mother, who was known in the village as Zakia Madi, was sitting on their stoop. She was by the fire making the pilao that she would serve to him and his brothers and the other men and women of the household.

The pilao had a strong saffron, spicy taste. He would mash the peas with his tongue and swallow the small carrot pieces whole. The chicken pieces sometimes got wedged in between his teeth, and his mother would tell him to keep his mouth shut so as to not show the neighbours how unkempt his mouth was.

But his mother wasn’t that much better when it came to eating. She must have been hungry from the fasting. She took her hand to the plate and stuck as much food as possible into her mouth. Only one in every six hands went to her son.

It never really changed over the years. Whether it was during the breaking of the fast during the holy month or just food that she made regularly in her own home, Zakia Madi was a ravenous eater. She drank little water, but gulped down her food as if it were liquid, and that was probably where Abdou had learned the habit. Years later, Abdou moved to Mamoudzou for work and he learned to eat all sorts of things, from Chinese food commonly sold at nearby restaurants to the French styles of croissants and baked goods that were common in the capital. His mother never had that exposure and stuck to what she ate, but for Abdou, that was a good thing. Abdou became a father, and Abdou became a doctor, and Abdou became a fixture of the capital, but whenever he visited his hometown in the north of the island, it was like time was stuck in place, with his mother always bending over the fire outside of their small little hovel, cloaked in hijab, throwing spices and vegetables bits into the rice she was boiling in her pot.

2 April, 2024

« What is that sound? »

« Do not worry. She makes it when she is eating. »

« It sounds like a crow is dying. »

« Halima, this is the mother of my husband. She is like a grandmother to you. She is our family. Do not say such things. And today is the day of my husband’s birthday. Do you want to come here to tell him your wishes, or are you going to make him sad? »

« I am sorry. »

« Mariame, I am fine. Your niece means well. When people get old, they make different sounds. In time she will come to learn them. Now, Halima, you came here for a reason, I am sure. What is it? »

« Happy birthday, my uncle. »

« Thank you so much, my child. I am happy to see you here. »

« Thank you. Auntie, I have something else to discuss with you. We will go to the other room and speak. »

« Thank you for coming, Halima. »

« Anytime, my uncle. I wish a good day to you. »

« Thank you…now, my mother, do not make such a face. It is my birthday. She means well. She doesn’t know you. You are doing well, my mother. Now, open your mouth. Yes, like that. Good. Will you have some more cake? Eat, if you please. Eat… »

14 May, 2024

It was inevitable that her throat would stop working. She was an old woman, and she had lost most of the mobility in her legs and body. At some point the upper parts were going to go as well. But when Mother called and told Father that his mother, the great dame of the family, Zakia Madi, was blue in the face, and she didn’t know what to do, his first instinct was to think that she was dying.

Father was at work, tending to one of his patients at the main hospital of Mamoudzou. He politely told the nurse who was on staff with him to continue the patient’s check-up, and he rushed to the ER, demanding that they send an ambulance. Father’s house was just on the other side of the hospital. It only took them a few minutes to curve through the snaking small roads of the city centre. Father was happy to see that his mother was alive. She was lying on the floor on her belly, with the caramel colour back to her face. He saw pieces of pilao and chicken on her orange flower dress and her unfastened headscarf on the table, as Mother had probably removed it while trying to get the food out of Koko Madi’s throat.

Koko Madi was too old and frail to be attended to with the Heimlich manoeuvre. The paramedic had to bend her at certain angles to make sure all the food was dislodged. Koko Madi coughed and flailed and ultimately vomited, spilling a yellow gruel of rice and chicken all over the hardwood floor. Koko Madi was put on a stretcher, placed in the ambulance, and sent to the hospital, alongside her son.

The news came after some tests that it was dysphagia. Father knew it had to be something like that, given how often Koko Madi coughed and hacked out whatever they fed her. The doctor who looked over his mother recommended that they insert a tube into her throat so that she could be fed with it. Father thought carefully but ultimately decided against it. His mother loved the taste of pilao too much. She would grow depressed not being able to eat food. Given that she was no longer able to walk or talk, food was the only thing left that she could enjoy, and Father did not want to take that away from her.

Koko Madi left the hospital, and Father told Mother over the phone that she really had to watch her as she was being fed. Mother asked Father what the doctor at the hospital had said, and Father said nothing. He would tell her in some days, when he had the free time to talk properly about his mother’s situation.

15 May, 2024

« Let her eat pilao, please. »

« It is a bad idea. »

« My mother loves pilao. If she were your mother, you would understand. »

« If she were my mother…well, since I take care of her all day long and all week long, it is like she is my mother. That is the truth. It is a bad idea to feed her rice. It will get stuck in her throat. Aren’t you the doctor? Should you not be the one saying this? »

« I suppose… »

« I suppose I have become the doctor of this family now, and the caretaker, and the one you vent all of your frustrations on. And it is unfair since you are not giving any payment. Remember? You are the one who is receiving payment. »

«You are not thinking correctly. I do not want to fight. You are my wife. I love you. But she is not ready… »

« Abdou, my love…the doctor said she needs to have her throat cut open. There needs to be a tube put in. Why did you not tell me? You are also a doctor. You would say something different if she were your patient. I know she is your mother. I know it is hard. But the mother whom you knew is long gone, my love. You have to really think about what is best for her. It has come to this time, and you know it. »

17 May, 2024

Father is not able to come into the room when his mother is having her throat drilled into, but at least he visits after the tube is inserted. He sees the strange little nob at the start of his mother’s chest. He goes immediately to grab her by the hand. She is making an anguished noise. It is like the helpless sound that animals make when they are about to be taken to the slaughterhouse by their owners. Father’s hand tightens around hers, and he feels her hand tighten around his, too, but her sounds do not stop.

The nurse comes to show him how to feed her. Father finds this condescending. He is a doctor. He knows how it is done. Still, at this point, he is the son of a patient, and he does not argue with her. The liquid is poured down the tube, making a strange gurgling sound, like putting oil into a machine.

But unlike a machine, Koko Madi has the most humiliated look in her eyes as she is being fed. She makes a protesting sound, but ultimately quiets when she realises it doesn’t change the outcome.

Father knows that she knows that what she is being subjected to is degrading.

She would have never wanted this. If she were still able to speak, she would have told her son to kill her then and there. Or she would have asked for her death months before, before she progressed to this state. She would have absolutely not wanted to live if she had known that her future would be a mindless body, with none of her organs or muscles working properly.

Though, then again, that is the future for all beings, even Father. What would he choose? Would he want to live on in a state barely considered life, because it was better than being nothing at all, or would he want to have peace, that sense of relief, that knowing of finality, when he could at the very least choose the end?

Father signs some papers to pay for the surgery. He doesn’t let go of his mother’s hand as she sits in her wheelchair. Mother was right when she said it. Father isn’t ready to let go. He wants to be hopeful. He wants to believe that this is the right decision for his mother. He wants to make sure his mother lives and lives and lives, even though his gut instinct tells him that all he has done is prolong the inevitable.

His mother’s hand grows sweaty and she lets it go limp, but he holds on. He tells himself over and over again that he will never let go. This is not one of his patients. This is his mother. His mother never gave up on him no matter what problems he faced. It is his fate, as a son, to do the same, until the end of her life comes.

Overdose Deaths Fall for First Time in Five Years

Newswise — In recent data shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overdose deaths involving opioids fell in 2023; it’s the first decrease the agency has reported in five years. While the decline is encouraging, experts are still concerned as more than 100,000 individuals in the United States died of drug overdose last year. Daniel Lasoff, MD, emergency medicine physician with UC San Diego Health is available to discuss the decrease in deaths, as well as provide information on measures in place to treat opioid addiction and prevent overdose.

Biography :

Daniel Lasoff, MD, is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who treats patients of all ages, including those with life-threatening or critical conditions, at UC San Diego Health Emergency Departments in Hillcrest and La Jolla.

As an assistant professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine, Lasoff trains medical students, residents and fellows in the Department of Emergency Medicine, where he serves as medical director of the medical toxicology fellowship program. His research interests include drugs of abuse and resuscitation.

The Role of Health Care Workforce Education in Southeast Asia for Greater Cancer Control

Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) recently released The Role of Health Care Workforce Education in Southeast Asia for Greater Cancer Control, authored by Alexandra Zenoff, ASPI’s Research Associate on Global Health. In this new report, Zenoff argues that investing in primary health care systems is crucial for improving health equity in Southeast Asia, where many rural populations don’t have access to specialized treatments like cancer care.

“In 2019, noncommunicable diseases accounted for approximately 40 million deaths—mostly in low-and-middle-income countries — with that number expected to surpass 100 million deaths per year by 2025,” writes Zenoff. With an aging population, Southeast Asia will see an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases and an increased demand for long-term care to address them.

Cancer has been Thailand’s leading cause of death since 2000. “While the proportion of the population in Thailand that has access to the package of basic essential services is high, there is not necessarily a high proportion of the population that can access all relevant specialized services needed for cancer care,” says Zenoff.

To address this, Thailand established the Thai Foundation of National Health Professional Education Reform and has begun investing in a variety of workforce training programs to improve the ability of primary care providers to address noncommunicable diseases, like cancer, through integrated care. According to the report, preliminary research has shown a positive association between some of the of these training programs and health-related quality of life of patients with multiple chronic conditions.

The World Health Organization believes that up to 60 million lives could be saved globally by 2030 through expanding primary health care in low-and-middle income countries. “Within larger efforts to modernize primary health care systems in Southeast Asia, innovations in health workforce training are a key opportunity to expand and improve equitable access to cancer care,” notes Zenoff.

According to the report, “Improving health care workforce training to expand equitable access to cancer care requires a high-level multisectoral effort to consider the health care system as a whole to ensure alignment between updated training and how the system operates, including standards, available technologies, responsibilities of different players, accreditation, and accountability mechanisms.”

Prostate Cancer: From Controversy to Clarity, Unveiling Revolutionary Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosing and treating prostate cancer has long stirred controversy and ambiguity. One focal point of debate involves prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, a blood examination identifying a distinctive protein that may unveil cancer even in asymptomatic patients. Since its inception in the early 1990s, PSA testing garnered widespread acceptance with millions conducted annually in the U.S. Nonetheless, in 2012, a government task force cautioned that this test might lead to overtreating cancers of minimal threat, advocating for a more restrained approach.

While the discourse surrounding PSA testing oscillates, the field has made significant strides in understanding the factors driving rapid growth in certain prostate cancers. These insights have contributed to improved patient prognoses across all disease stages, even in advanced cases. Today, prostate cancer specialists wield an enhanced arsenal of treatment tools and can judiciously assess when intervention is warranted.

The significance of these advancements cannot be overstated, considering prostate cancer remains one of the most prevalent malignancies. Beyond some skin cancers, prostate cancer ranks among the most common cancers affecting men in the U.S. Each year, nearly 270,000 Americans receive a prostate cancer diagnosis, making it the fourth most common cancer globally. Fortunately, most patients diagnosed with prostate cancer can expect to live for many years post-diagnosis, more likely succumbing to unrelated causes.

At its core, prostate cancer manifests as a malignancy within the prostate gland, responsible for producing fluid that mixes with sperm to form semen. Situated in front of the rectum, below the bladder, and above the penis, the prostate cancer spectrum encompasses four major stages.

Initially, localized tumors confine themselves within the prostate gland. Subsequently, a “regionally advanced” variant of the disease remains in close proximity to the prostate. Metastatic prostate cancers extend beyond the gland, spreading to other body parts. The advent of enhanced diagnostic imaging tests has facilitated the characterization of oligometastatic prostate cancer, marking a stage between localized and widely dispersed metastatic disease. Noteworthy discoveries over the past decade have revolutionized the approach to each prostate cancer type, with ongoing advancements anticipated for years to come.

In terms of treatment, the initial steps for individuals with localized cancer involve risk assessment. Physicians gauge the potential for eliminating or curing cancer through local treatments, typically surgery or radiation, and the likelihood of recurrence. This assessment relies on PSA results, physical prostate gland examinations, and tumor cell inspection from biopsies.

The approach to elevated PSA levels in patients continues to evolve. Traditionally, physicians conducted rectal examinations followed by needle biopsies to procure prostate tissue snippets. However, technological advancements now allow for perineal biopsies, conducted outpatient without general anesthesia, mitigating infection risks and antibiotic needs. Notably, MRI scans are increasingly replacing biopsies, aiding in identifying clinically significant cancers while sparing patients unnecessary treatment for clinically insignificant ones.

Following a prostate cancer diagnosis, treatment decisions have historically sparked contentious debates akin to those surrounding diagnosis. Recent research from the U.K. sheds light on this matter, with findings suggesting that “active surveillance,” involving delayed or avoided treatment, is increasingly offered post-diagnosis. Rigorous monitoring, including PSA testing, physical prostate examinations, and urinary symptom assessments, is now common practice, even for patients with more concerning tumors.

For cancers displaying intermediate- or high-risk features, monitoring disease progression entails bone and abdominal-pelvic CT scans, though these may miss small metastatic areas, leading to understaging. Advanced scanning techniques combining PET and CT are addressing this issue, allowing for more precise diagnostic testing.

Such scans, particularly PSMA PET-CT scans, enable the identification of small metastatic deposits, paving the way for metastasis-directed therapy (MDT). MDT targets cancer-containing lymph nodes or bony areas with radiation or surgical removal, yielding promising outcomes, including long-term remission in some cases.

Additionally, advancements in hormone therapy for advanced disease are noteworthy. Traditional androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) mainly targets testosterone produced by the testicles, but newer approaches aim to block androgen production by the adrenal glands or cancer cells, substantially improving survival rates.

Moreover, targeted therapies, such as lutetium-177-PSMA-617, show promise in treating prostate cancer resistant to conventional ADT and chemotherapy. Genetic and genomic testing further enhance treatment efficacy, guiding specific therapies tailored to patients’ mutations for improved outcomes.

These remarkable advances, achieved within a decade, mark a significant stride in prostate cancer oncology. From offering conservative choices for early-stage cancers to managing metastatic diseases with fewer systemic side effects, these innovations are transforming prostate cancer into a manageable chronic condition, prolonging patients’ life expectancy.

Unlocking the Power of Handwriting: The Cognitive Benefits Beyond the Screen

In our increasingly digital world, the act of handwriting seems to have become a relic of the past for many of us who are adept at navigating screens. Instead of penning handwritten notes or letters, we rely on text messages and digital lists. The efficiency offered by electronic keyboards is undeniable, revolutionizing how we communicate and organize our thoughts. Yet, as schools integrate computers into education from an early age, the traditional practice of handwriting is fading.

However, recent research sheds light on the cognitive benefits of handwriting, both for children and adults. Studies indicate that handwriting, compared to typing, enhances letter recognition and understanding in children, leading to better literacy skills and memory retention. Similarly, adults who take handwritten notes during lectures tend to have a deeper conceptual grasp of the material.

Neuroscientists delve into the underlying mechanisms that make handwriting a powerful cognitive tool. Unlike typing, which involves relatively simple finger movements, handwriting demands intricate coordination between motor and visual systems. This complexity engages various brain areas simultaneously, facilitating learning and memory formation.

According to Marieke Longcamp, a cognitive neuroscientist, handwriting is among the most intricate motor skills, requiring precise finger movements to reproduce letters accurately. This intricate process involves constant adjustment of finger pressure and real-time comparison with mental letter models.

Research shows that when individuals write by hand, brain regions responsible for motor and visual processing synchronize with those crucial for memory formation, enhancing learning. This synchronization is absent in typing, indicating that handwriting offers unique cognitive advantages.

Educational neuroscientist Sophia Vinci-Booher highlights the significance of handwriting in learning letter recognition, particularly during early childhood. The variability inherent in handwritten letters aids in solidifying conceptual understanding, promoting neural communication patterns essential for future learning.

Recognizing the potential consequences of abandoning handwriting instruction, some states mandate cursive education in schools. California, for instance, recently introduced a requirement for elementary students to learn cursive, emphasizing the importance of handwriting in cognitive development.

For adults, writing by hand compels a slower processing of information compared to typing. This deliberate pace encourages deeper engagement with the material, leading to better comprehension and retention. While typing allows for faster transcription, it may result in passive data entry without meaningful processing.

Despite the convenience of digital tools, concerns linger regarding the broader implications of relying solely on screens for writing. Neuroscientist Ramesh Balasubramaniam suggests that while digital devices expand cognitive capabilities, they might also diminish the immersive experiences that foster deep learning and critical thinking.

Balasubramaniam emphasizes that leveraging the benefits of handwriting doesn’t necessitate abandoning digital technology altogether. Research indicates that using a stylus on a screen activates similar brain pathways as traditional handwriting, emphasizing the importance of physical movement in cognitive processes.

While digitalization offers undeniable advantages, preserving the practice of handwriting is crucial for optimal cognitive development. Whether pen meets paper or stylus meets screen, the act of physically engaging with writing remains a fundamental aspect of human cognition.

Indian Nurses Association of New York organizes Blood Drive in Long Island

Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY), the organization that represents the voice of all Indian origin nurses in New York State is all set to conduct this year’s first blood drive in Long Island, says Annie Sabu, the chairwoman of INANY’s Fundraising and Charity Committee. She said the event will take place on June 1st from 10:45 am to 3:15 pm at Westbury Memorial Library, 445 Jefferson Street, Westbury, NY 11590. Home Health Aide Training Institute and the charity organization Connor’s Closet are also partnering with INANY for

Dr Anna GeorgeThe New York area is currently experiencing a serious blood shortage.  According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. Studies show that one donation of blood can save at least two lives.  Many reasons such as accidents, operations, cancer treatment and blood diseases increase the importance of blood donation. According to New York Blood Center blood donation has never been so low in the last 20 years. The current shortage of blood is due to an unprecedented level of drop in donations.

Many people have the misconception that donating blood is physically draining and exhausting.  Blood is not drawn from us to the point of exhausting us. A normal healthy body contains nine to twelve pints of blood. A single donation will only give less than a pint of blood. The body, which is constantly making blood cells, can replenish the volume of the lost blood within twenty-four hours and the deficiency of cells within eight weeks.  This writer recently donated double red cell.  It is a special automated process called apheresis to collect two units of just red blood cells during a single donation.  The fluid known as plasma was returned to my body.  A whole blood donation is that we give whole blood with all the components.

Some people are afraid of needles. The only discomfort felt when the needle is inserted into the vein is to draw bloodAnnie Sabu (1) for testing at the doctor’s office, hospital, etc. Some find it difficult to spend time to donate. Yes, it takes about forty-five minutes to an hour for a single donation of blood.   But, when we consider spending an hour spent by us saves two or three lives, or the significant difference and impact our donation makes, it takes us to a different level of invaluable gratification.

Some find it difficult that each donation takes from three quarters to an hour; but when you think that one hour can save two or three lives, the preciousness of blood donation increases. Those who come ready to donate blood will be subjected to donation only after being checked and having a blood test done.

Anyone between the ages of seventeen and seventy-six in normal health can donate blood. Those under the age of sixteen can donate blood with the consent of either of their parents and those above the age of seventy-six with the consent of a doctor. A donor must weigh at least one hundred and ten pounds and have no cold or flue symptoms in the preceding seventy-two hours.  Eligibility of those who are ready to donate blood will be decided only after a health screening.

INANY  is an non-profit organization dedicated to the professional development of Indian nurses and the overall health of the individual, families and communities in the society. The blood drive is just one among INANY’s charity activities. Other initiatives include health fairs, clothing drives, fundraising for charities for local, national and needy in India, direct and indirect relief efforts in disasters, scholarships for nursing students, and tuition discount for higher education.

Dr. Anna George, an associate professor at Molloy University and an NP at Northwell Health who is INANY’s president said that it is hoped that everyone who has a helping mind and general health will cooperate in this life-saving effort. For more information and registration, contact Anne Sabu (516.474.5834), Dr. Anna George (646.732.6143), or Christine Koenig (516.333.3689).

First Recipient of Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Transplant Passes Away: Medical Milestone and Family Gratitude Highlight Legacy

The primary recipient of a genetically modified pig kidney transplant has passed away nearly eight weeks following the procedure, as announced by his family and the hospital where the operation was conducted, on Saturday.

Richard “Rick” Slayman, aged 62, underwent the transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital in March. The surgical team had expressed confidence that the pig kidney would remain functional for a minimum of two years.

In their statement, the transplant team at Massachusetts General Hospital expressed deep sorrow at Slayman’s demise and extended condolences to his family. They emphasized that there were no indications suggesting his demise was linked to the transplant.

Hailing from Weymouth, Massachusetts, Slayman marked history as the inaugural living recipient of such a procedure. Formerly, pig kidneys were transplanted into brain-dead donors on a temporary basis. There had been instances where two individuals received heart transplants from pigs, albeit both succumbed within months.

Slayman had previously undergone a kidney transplant at the same hospital in 2018. However, he had to revert to dialysis last year when signs of failure appeared in his transplanted kidney. Subsequent complications with dialysis, necessitating frequent procedures, prompted his medical team to recommend a pig kidney transplant.

Expressing gratitude, Slayman’s family conveyed appreciation to his medical caregivers. According to their statement, “Their enormous efforts leading the xenotransplant gave our family seven more weeks with Rick, and our memories made during that time will remain in our minds and hearts.”

They highlighted that Slayman opted for the surgery partly to instill hope in the thousands awaiting transplants to prolong their lives. “Rick accomplished that goal and his hope and optimism will endure forever,” the statement asserted.

Xenotransplantation denotes the practice of utilizing cells, tissues, or organs from animals to treat human patients. Historically, such endeavors faced setbacks due to immediate rejection by the human immune system of foreign animal tissue. Recent advances have focused on modifying pigs to render their organs more akin to human physiology.

Over 100,000 individuals are currently listed on the national transplant waiting roster, with a majority requiring kidney transplants. Tragically, thousands succumb annually before their opportunity arises.

US Explores Indian Doctors to Bridge Healthcare Gap in Underserved Areas

In a bid to enhance healthcare access in remote and economically disadvantaged regions, the United States is turning its attention towards educated and qualified Indian doctors, encouraging them to practice and offer medical services in underserved areas. By 2034, the US is projected to face a shortage of at least one hundred thousand physicians. To address this looming deficit, Indian doctors are being considered under a specialized J1 visa category, which is set to grant entry to at least five thousand doctors into the US.

Research conducted by the University of California San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy highlights the significance of relaxed visa regulations in facilitating the practice of foreign-trained doctors in remote and low-income regions, while not impeding the employment opportunities for domestically trained physicians. The study indicates that due to the limited number of physicians graduating from medical schools within the US, foreign-born doctors educated abroad could serve as a vital resource in areas with inadequate medical services.

According to information provided by the US embassy in New Delhi to ETV Bharat, the Conrad 30 Waiver program has been in operation for some time with the aim of addressing medical service gaps in underserved regions. This program offers a waiver for graduates holding J1 visas, permitting them to return to their home countries. Established in 1994, the Conrad 30 waiver program allows foreign medical graduates on J-1 visas to request a waiver of the two-year foreign residence requirement upon fulfilling the J-1 exchange visitor program.

A majority of participants in the Conrad 30 program are deployed in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), which are regions lacking a sufficient number of primary care physicians, dentists, or mental health care providers.

It has been reported that the waiver of visa requirements for Indian doctors under the Conrad 30 program will be implemented in thirty out of the fifty states in the US. This move aims to streamline the visa application process for Indian students pursuing medical studies in the US. Currently, approximately one hundred and twenty-five thousand Indian doctors are actively serving in the US.

The J1 visa for physicians is specifically tailored for exchange visitors, including a designated category for physicians. It allows foreign medical graduates to partake in medical training programs, fellowships, or academic research endeavors in the US.

As for the J-1 Visa Waiver, physicians arriving in the US on a J-1 visa are obligated to fulfill a two-year home residency requirement. However, they have the option to seek a waiver for this requirement. In exchange for the waiver, the physician is required to commit to working for a sponsoring healthcare organization in the US for a period of three years. This provision not only enables doctors to gain valuable experience but also serves the underserved populations in need of medical attention.

Unlocking Restful Sleep: Strategies to Combat Nighttime Phone Use and Improve Sleep Quality

Jessica Peoples, like many individuals today, is no stranger to the cautionary tales surrounding excessive screen time before bed. Despite this awareness, she admits to spending between 30 to 60 minutes on her phone before drifting off to sleep, often engrossed in social media feeds. Peoples, employed as a discrimination investigator with the state of New Jersey, acknowledges the impact of her screen time on her sleep, noting, “Recently, I’ve been trying to limit the amount… I do notice that how much time I spend affects how long it takes to fall asleep.”

The prevalence of this behavior extends beyond just Peoples. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation revealed that over half of Americans engage with their phones within an hour of bedtime, prompting experts to highlight this hour as the cutoff point for device usage. Melissa Milanak, an associate professor at the Medical University of South Carolina specializing in sleep health, underscores the necessity for the brain to unwind well before bedtime to facilitate restorative deep sleep. Drawing an analogy, she compares the brain’s need to cool down before sleep to letting a casserole cool before refrigerating, emphasizing the importance of this preparatory phase for optimal sleep quality.

While altering bedtime habits may pose challenges, the consequences of insufficient sleep are well-documented, ranging from heightened anxiety to obesity. Research underscores the disruptive impact of smartphones on the body’s circadian rhythm, crucial for regulating sleep and hormone functions. Lisa Strauss, a licensed psychologist focusing on cognitive behavioral treatment of sleep disorders, elucidates the multifaceted ways in which screens impede sleep. Beyond the widely discussed blue light emitted by smartphones, even minimal exposure to bright light in bed can disrupt melatonin production, thus delaying the onset of deep sleep.

However, it’s not merely the light emissions that disrupt sleep patterns; the activities conducted on screens also play a significant role. From endlessly scrolling through news updates to succumbing to the allure of personalized social media content, engaging with digital devices at night carries its own set of repercussions. Technostress, induced by the constant influx of information, can trigger heightened arousal, potentially activating the brain’s fight-or-flight response. Additionally, algorithmically curated content often leads users into prolonged scrolling sessions, far beyond their intended duration.

Despite much of the existing research on digital media’s impact on sleep focusing on younger demographics, Strauss notes that a substantial portion of her clients grappling with insomnia are middle-aged individuals. She observes a trend wherein individuals immerse themselves in online content, spiraling down addictive rabbit holes, irrespective of age.

Breaking the cycle of nighttime phone usage necessitates a holistic approach, encompassing not just restricting phone usage in bed but also revamping evening routines. This entails cultivating alternative activities that provide fulfillment and relaxation. Suggestions include indulging in reading physical books (preferably over e-readers), listening to podcasts, engaging in household chores, spending quality time with family, or connecting with loved ones. Milanak emphasizes the importance of utilizing the pre-sleep hour for tasks devoid of screen involvement, recommending the creation of to-do lists as a means of diverting attention away from rumination in bed.

Moreover, it’s crucial to establish a mental association between the bed and sleep by performing non-screen-related activities in another room. Strauss advocates for delineating distinct microenvironments for wakefulness and sleep, even if it entails minor adjustments like altering one’s seating position or facing a different direction. Placing the phone out of reach, preferably in another room, serves as a practical measure to minimize the temptation of late-night screen usage.

For those finding complete cessation of nighttime phone usage unfeasible, there are strategies to mitigate the adverse effects. Implementing night mode settings on devices or gradually reducing screen brightness can help attenuate the impact of artificial light on sleep quality. Minimizing disruptive notifications by activating “do not disturb” mode, with exceptions for essential contacts, offers a compromise between connectivity and sleep hygiene. However, Strauss cautions against viewing these measures as a carte blanche for unrestricted nocturnal screen time, encouraging individuals to reflect on the underlying reasons driving their late-night digital habits.

In essence, addressing the pervasive issue of nighttime phone usage necessitates a comprehensive overhaul of bedtime routines and digital habits. By fostering alternative pre-sleep activities and implementing practical strategies to minimize screen exposure, individuals can reclaim restful sleep and mitigate the detrimental effects of excessive screen time on sleep quality and overall well-being.

“AstraZeneca Pulls Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Globally Amid Legal Battles and Rare Side Effect Concerns”

AstraZeneca has declared the withdrawal of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine globally, weeks after acknowledging its potential rare side effects. The decision, highlighted by The Telegraph, stems from commercial motives, indicating that the vaccine is no longer in production or distribution due to newer versions designed to combat emerging variants.

The withdrawal entails the cessation of the vaccine’s usage within the European Union as AstraZeneca voluntarily revoked its marketing authorization, effective from Tuesday. The application for withdrawal, filed on March 5, has now taken effect, signaling the end of an era for the vaccine developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford.

Legal battles loom for the pharmaceutical giant as it faces a class-action lawsuit alleging severe adverse effects, including Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), a condition associated with blood clotting and low platelet levels. Despite mounting legal pressure, AstraZeneca maintains that the timing of the withdrawal isn’t connected to ongoing court proceedings or the acknowledgment of TTS risks, dismissing any correlation as coincidental.

The vaccine’s journey, marked by highs and lows, saw its development in partnership with the University of Oxford as AZD1222, later known as Covishield in India and other economically disadvantaged nations, manufactured and supplied by the Serum Institute of India under license.

Acknowledging the vaccine’s rare side effects, AstraZeneca conceded to the High Court in February that TTS could occur in very limited instances. This admission fueled legal claims branding the vaccine as “defective” and challenging its efficacy, a stance vehemently opposed by AstraZeneca, which refuted allegations of overstated effectiveness.

The legal battle intensifies with 51 cases filed in the High Court, seeking substantial damages, estimated at £100 million, as reported by The Telegraph. Sarah Moore, a partner at Leigh Day law firm representing claimants, criticized AstraZeneca and the government for allegedly prioritizing legal maneuvers over addressing the profound impact of the vaccine on affected individuals.

In response, AstraZeneca reiterated its commitment to patient safety, expressing condolences to those affected while emphasizing adherence to rigorous regulatory standards ensuring the safe usage of medicines, including vaccines.

In essence, AstraZeneca’s decision to withdraw the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine globally reflects a strategic shift driven by commercial considerations and the emergence of updated vaccine formulations. Amid legal challenges and controversies surrounding rare side effects, the pharmaceutical giant maintains its stance on prioritizing patient safety and compliance with regulatory protocols.

Unlocking the Promise of Genetic Therapies: Advances and Challenges in Treating Rare Disorders

In the realm of medical research, there is a profound exploration into the intricacies of cellular processes and the potential implications for various health conditions. One such focus lies on calcium signaling, a fundamental process within cells, which has garnered attention due to its association with Timothy syndrome and its possible relevance to more prevalent disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. As elucidated by the original article, “It is also studying how calcium signaling — the cellular process affected in Timothy syndrome — may play a role in much more common conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder.”

Simultaneously, within the scientific community, efforts are underway to develop antisense drugs tailored for rare genetic conditions impacting brain development. Among these conditions are Angelman syndrome and Dravet syndrome. These endeavors signify a concerted effort towards addressing the specific needs of individuals grappling with these genetic anomalies. The original article encapsulates this notion, stating, “Meanwhile, scientists are working on antisense drugs for other rare genetic conditions that affect brain development. These include Angelman syndrome and Dravet syndrome.”

Highlighting a significant milestone in medical advancement, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted approval for an antisense drug designed for spinal muscular atrophy in 2016. This drug offers hope to individuals grappling with the challenges posed by this genetic disorder, which undermines muscle strength. The original text underscores this development, noting, “An antisense drug for spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease that affects muscle strength, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2016.”

Central to these advancements is the identification of genetic mutations underlying various conditions. Many rare disorders, including Timothy syndrome, Angelman syndrome, and Dravet syndrome, stem from mutations in a single gene. However, the road to developing antisense treatments for conditions influenced by multiple genes, such as certain forms of autism, schizophrenia, and epilepsy, presents formidable challenges. Dr. Huda Zoghbi, a prominent figure in this field, acknowledges this complexity, as articulated in the original article: “All of those conditions are caused by mutations to a single gene. Antisense treatments for conditions that involve multiple genes – like most forms of autism, schizophrenia, and epilepsy — are likely to be much harder to develop, Zoghbi says.”

Nevertheless, amidst these challenges, there exists a burgeoning optimism within the scientific community regarding the prospect of treating these complex diseases. Dr. Zoghbi reflects on the evolution of her journey in medical research, tracing back to 1985 when she transitioned from clinical practice as a child neurologist to delve into research. She recalls a time when the understanding of devastating genetic disorders like Rett syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia was rudimentary, stating, “In 1985, Zoghbi left her practice as a child neurologist to do research because ‘we could offer nothing’ to patients with devastating genetic disorders like Rett syndrome and spinocerebellar ataxia. ‘We didn’t know what caused the diseases,’ she says.”

Over the years, significant strides have been made, with scientists unraveling the genetic underpinnings of numerous childhood conditions, paving the way for the development of targeted treatments. The realization of this progress is particularly poignant for Dr. Zoghbi, who expresses, “Now, scientists know the genetic changes responsible for hundreds of childhood conditions, and they are beginning to develop treatments for some, including Timothy syndrome. ‘That’s a dream come true for me,’ Zoghbi says.”

The landscape of medical research is characterized by both challenges and triumphs. From the elucidation of cellular processes to the development of targeted therapies, the journey towards understanding and treating genetic disorders is multifaceted. As scientists continue to unravel the complexities of these conditions, there is an ever-growing sense of hope for individuals and families impacted by rare and complex diseases.

NBPAS Applauds FTC’s Initiative Against Healthcare Monopolies

The National Board of Physicians and Surgeons (NBPAS) commends the recent announcement made by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding their collaborative initiative to seek public input on anti-competitive and monopolistic practices within the healthcare sector.

Back in September, NBPAS formally approached the FTC seeking relief from what it perceives as an attempt by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and its affiliated boards to utilize their monopolistic authority to exclude or eradicate competitors from the market for continuing certification. Of significant concern is the refusal of other segments of the medical community to engage with NBPAS, particularly given their shared board memberships and close economic ties to ABMS.

According to NBPAS, the existence of a monopoly that stifles competition not only burdens physicians but also inflates healthcare costs for consumers and exacerbates the ongoing physician shortage. Despite providing physicians with a more streamlined, less cumbersome, and cost-effective path for continuous board certification over the span of eight years, NBPAS has struggled to gain substantial traction in the market due to perceived obstacles to competition and unfair trade practices.

NBPAS founder and president, Dr. Paul Teirstein, emphasizes the importance of physicians affected by ABMS Maintenance of Certification (MOC) to voice their grievances. He asserts, “We urge every physician who has been harmed by ABMS MOC to speak now, speak loudly, and spread the word to every physician you know.” Dr. Teirstein expresses gratitude that the FTC, DOJ, and HHS are providing a platform for physicians and the public to express their concerns through the FTC’s new submission portal.

Dr. Teirstein underscores that the issue transcends NBPAS, stating, “At the end of the day, this is not about NBPAS.” He asserts that no single entity should wield unchecked authority over the lives and careers of physicians, as it ultimately impacts patient care. Taking a principled stance, NBPAS is proud to lead the charge on behalf of practicing physicians and future generations.

NBPAS emerged as a response to the demand for a continuous certification pathway founded on practice-relevant and specialty-specific Continuing Medical Education (CME). It adheres to national accreditation standards for hospitals and health plans and presently certifies over 13,000 physicians across more than two hundred institutions, including hospitals, academic medical centers, telemedicine firms, major insurers, and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) system. NBPAS’ continuous board certification program aims to alleviate physician burnout and address the physician shortage by offering an evidence-driven, clinically relevant certification pathway.

AAPI Charitable Foundation in Collaboration with Embassy of India in Guatemala Organizes Healthcare Camps

The Embassy of India in Guatemala, in collaboration with the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Charitable Foundation (AAPI-CF), COOITZA, Krishpar Healthcare S.A, the Santa Cruz Naranjo Health Center and Municipalities of Santa Cruz Naranjo and Santa Rosa Lima, jointly organized medical camps in Santa Rosa Lima on Friday, April 26, and Santa Cruz Naranjo on Saturday, April 27, 2024.

 These medical camps were aimed to serve the local communities by providing specialized and complimentary medical services to those in need, including consultations, diagnoses, and treatments across a range of specialties such as Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Gastroenterology, Urology, Gynecology, and Dermatology. Approximately1050 patients (400 at Santa Rosa Lima and 650 patients at Santa Cruz Niranjo) in visited the camp at both the locations and got free medical consultations from these specialists.

Guatmela 3With a primary focus on promoting health equity and enhancing access to quality care, the AAPI Charitable Foundation signed an MoU with COOITZA on April 26th, 2024 in Santa Roza Lima to organize similar health camps in the future.

 The delegation of AAPI-CF physicians was comprised of Dr Ajeet Singhvi, Dr. Gaurav Singhvi, a gastroenterologist, Dr Kishan Agarwal, internal medicine, Dr Madhu Agarwal, an OB-GYN, Dr Shashi Shah, Dr Ravi Jahagirdar, urologist, Dr. Raj Bhayani, ENT facial plastic surgeon, Dr Shweta Singhvi, radiologist, Dr Mamta Singhvi, oncologist, and, Dr Brahma Sharma, cardiologist.

 According to a report shared by the Indian Embassy in Guatemala, a group of specialists from The AAPI Charitable Foundation, an eminent physician organization of Indian origin in USA, visited Guatemala specifically for the medical camp. Founded by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the AAPI – CF Charitable Foundation embodies the spirit of compassion and service, channelling resources and expertise towards meaningful projects and initiatives.

 By leveraging the collective strengths of its members and partners, the AAPI’s Charitable Foundation strives to make a tangible difference in the lives of underserved communities, both locally and globally. Through its steadfast commitment to philanthropy and healthcare initiatives, the foundation significantly contributes to improving the lives of individuals in Guatemala during the health camps.

 The Health camp also got significant support from COOITZA and , the Santa Cruz Naranjo Health Center andGutamela 2 Municipalities of Santa Cruz Naranjo and Santa Rosa Lima. COOITZA, established in 2019 with the objective of the social and economic improvement and focused on the development and improvement of life, through health products, was instrumental in providing invaluable logistical support to arrange the health camp.

 This support likely included coordinating transportation, arranging venues, managing supplies, and facilitating communication between stakeholders. By leveraging its resources and expertise, COOITZA ensured the smooth execution of the health camp, contributing significantly to its success. Their dedication to improving lives aligns seamlessly with the objectives of the health camp, making their involvement indispensable in achieving the goal of providing essential healthcare services to those in need.

 Krishpar Healthcare S.A. played a vital role in the medical camp by providing essential medical support in the form of supplying necessary medicines. Their contribution ensured that the camp had the necessary resources to deliver comprehensive healthcare services to the attendees. By supplying medicines, Krishpar Healthcare S.A. helped to enhance the quality of care provided at the camp, enabling medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients effectively.

 The support from the municipalities of Santa Rosa Lima and Santa Cruz was invaluable in the successful execution of the medical camp. Their collaboration ensured that the necessary infrastructure and logistical arrangements were in place to facilitate the smooth functioning of the camp. The municipalities likely provided assistance with venue selection, permits, security, and other administrative tasks. Additionally, their engagement helped in mobilizing local resources and community participation, further strengthening the impact of the camp. The partnership between the medical organizers and the municipalities exemplifies the importance of community involvement in addressing healthcare needs and underscores a shared commitment to improving the well-being of residents.

 Ambassador Dr. Manoj Kumar Mohapatra while extending his gratitude to all the stakeholders emphasized India’s unwavering commitment to healthcare support in Guatemala. He underscores the significant strides made by India in extending medical assistance globally, including Guatemala, as a testament to India’s dedication to fostering health equity and access to quality care.

Gutamela 1 Dr. Mohapatra highlights India’s multifaceted approach to healthcare cooperation, encompassing capacity-building initiatives, provision of medical supplies, and collaborative projects aimed at strengthening healthcare infrastructure in Guatemala. He highlights India’s recognition as the “pharmacy of the world,” symbolizing the nation’s pivotal role in supplying affordable and high-quality generic medicines to countless countries. He reaffirms India’s steadfast commitment to standing in solidarity with Guatemala in addressing healthcare challenges, thereby embodying the spirit of cooperation and goodwill between the two nations.

 The Embassy is committed to realizing the vision of our Hon’ble Prime Minister, who aims to ensure accessible and affordable healthcare not only for our citizens but for the entire world. Collaborative health camps conducted with AAPI-CF, COOIZA, and Krishpar in Guatemala have made positive changes in the lives of the Guatemalan population.

These camps have provided crucial healthcare services in specialties like Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Gastroenterology, Urology, Gynecology, and Dermatology to those lacking access to proper medical facilities.

The successful execution of these camps highlights the Embassy’s dedication to making a significant impact on the lives of those in need. By organizing these camps in a carefully planned, phased manner, the Embassy has demonstrated the Government of India’s profound commitment to improving the vision and quality of life for underprivileged individuals in Santa Rosa Lima, Santa Cruz, and surrounding areas. Their proactive collaboration with local experts, hospitals, and organizations showcases their unwavering dedication to promoting community well-being and addressing eye diseases.

According to the Embassy of India, it remains steadfast in its commitment to partnering with the local community to combat health diseases and expand access to high-quality medical care. The successful completion of two eye camps in Peten, the donation of lifesaving TB medicines to the Government of Guatemala, the donation of diabetes medicines to the Municipality of Xela, and the recently concluded health camp are all testament to this commitment.

 These initiatives reflect the Embassy’s ongoing efforts to make a tangible difference in the lives of the Guatemalan population and underscore India’s dedication to global health equity. Furthermore, the Embassy is actively engaged in discussions with relevant government authorities to facilitate the provision of artificial limbs to individuals in the local Guatemalan community, with plans for an upcoming camp focused on this essential aspect of healthcare. It is anticipated that this initiative will be organized in the near future.

For more information about AAPI, please visit:

AAPI Announces 1st Ever World Congress of Physicians

(New York, NY – April 27, 2024) “It is with great pleasure that we announce that American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI) is organizing our first ever World Congress of Physicians, a Maga Convention of the Decade from July 18th-22, 2024 in New York City,” Dr. Anjana Samadder, President of AAPI announced here.

Dr. Anjana Samadder, the only 5th woman President of AAPI in the 42 year history of AAPI, provided a brief history of AAPI, stating how AAPI’s mission has evolved in the past 42 years. “Today, AAPI is strong representing over 120,000 Indian American physicians, 130 local Chapters, who make up 10% of total physicians in the US and nearly 50% of International Medical Graduates, rooted in every corner of the nation, who serve every 7th patient in the US. We are proud of our achievements and our contributions to the healthcare industry and the millions of people we serve.”

The Convention will be held at the prestigious Marriott Marquis on Times Square, at the heart of the most popular city in the world. This world-class facility will afford an intimate setting that will facilitate our ability to provide cutting-edge research and CME, promote business relationships, and display ethnic items. Vendor satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities. Participants will experience unique opportunities to explore and experience the City and the many unique programs including Broadways Shows and City Tours New York has to offer.

“We invite you to the AAPI’s inaugural World Congress of Physicians in the world’s capital city, New York,” Dr. Achintya Moulik, Chair of AAPI Convention 2024 said. “We have convened a fantastic group of dedicated organizers to meet the needs of the 2024 convention and are very excited about this year. Please reach out to any one of the representatives from the New York Tri-State team with questions or comments.”

“The Early Bird Special for the World Congress is going on,” Dr. Moulik said. “Take advantage of this limited-time offer before it’s too late for you to avail of this special offer that includes 5 nights stay at the iconic  Marriott Marquis on Times Square, City Tours, and Broadways Shows, in addition to all the educational and entertainment events.”

“Our physician members have worked very hard during the covid 19 pandemic, and the 2024 convention is a perfect time to heal the healers with a special focus on wellness,” said Dr. Samadder. Accordingly, some of the major themes at the convention include: Yoga and Meditation practices, a Welcome kit with books & self-care supplies, A Personal Reflexology Session, Take home wellness routine, yoga therapy sessions, a workshop on Spiritual well-being, Book talk with Yoga Gurus, including on the science of Yoga & Lifestyle medicine, and several wellness sessions.

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Convention offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. The physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.

In addition to colorful entertainment, and exquisite authentic Indian cuisine, esteemed health industry leaders, world-renowned speakers, and experts will be sharing their wisdom and expertise in the industry, offering enlightening sessions to the delegates.

“The annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” Dr. Samadder added.   For more details on AAPI and the 42nd convention, please visit:  and

Unveiling the Power of Walking: A Pathway to Holistic Health and Wellness

The Revelation of Walking

In the domain of health and fitness, walking often remains overshadowed by more vigorous exercises. Nevertheless, it stands out as one of the most efficient methods to improve overall health. From enhancing mental clarity to boosting cardiovascular fitness and managing weight, the advantages of walking are extensive and profound.

Tailoring Your Daily Walk

Determining the ideal daily walking distance isn’t as simple as it appears. It’s not merely about adhering to a standard but about customizing your walk to suit your individual health condition and objectives:

Weight Considerations: “Heavier individuals burn more calories per mile; thus, your body weight influences how much you should walk.”

Start Gradually: For newcomers to regular exercise, commencing with manageable distances and gradually increasing both the pace and duration of your walk is crucial.

Set Clear Goals: Establish clear, attainable objectives. If weight loss is your aim, you may need to aim for longer walks.

Dietary Integration: “Integrating walking with a balanced diet is crucial. The synergy of diet and walking can accelerate your progress towards your fitness goals.”

Optimal Walking Metrics

While individual needs differ, a general guideline for those aiming to improve fitness is to target around 10,000 steps daily, equivalent to approximately 7 to 8 kilometers. This objective aligns well with burning roughly 300 to 400 calories each day, potentially resulting in a loss of about half a kilogram per week when combined with a suitable diet.

Incorporating Walking Into a Busy Schedule

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving 10,000 steps daily might seem daunting. Here’s how I integrate walking into my hectic life:

Break It Down: “Segment Your Walks: Break down the goal into smaller, more manageable walks throughout the day. This could mean a morning walk, a midday stroll, and an evening walk.”

Walk to Work: If viable, walking to work not only contributes to your step count but also energizes your morning.

Choose Stairs: “Stairs Over Elevators: Opt for the stairs whenever possible to increase calorie burn.”

Walking Meetings: Transforming catch-ups into walking meetings not only benefits physical health but can also enhance creativity and team spirit.

Monitor Progress: Utilizing a pedometer or smartphone app to monitor your steps can offer motivation and accountability.

Walking surpasses mere physical exertion; it serves as a cornerstone of wellness, supporting both the mind and body in harmonious ways. While the 10,000-step goal serves as an excellent starting point, personalizing this target to align with your unique health journey is crucial for optimal benefits. Walking is less about reaching a destination and more about savoring each step on the journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life.

Indian American Trailblazers Raja Rajamannar and Dr. Guriqbal Nandra Named Recipients of 2024 Ellis Island Medal of Honor

The Ellis Island Honors Society (EIHS) has unveiled the distinguished individuals chosen to receive the esteemed 2024 Ellis Island Medal of Honor, a coveted recognition in the United States.

Among the honorees are two Indian Americans: Raja Rajamannar, the Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Mastercard, and Dr. Guriqbal Nandra, an anesthesiologist based in Chicago.

The medal, bestowed annually since 1986, celebrates Americans—whether native-born or naturalized—who embody and enrich the diverse tapestry of the nation. The recipients will be feted at a grand ceremony on May 18th, hosted in the illustrious Great Hall of Ellis Island.

Raja Rajamannar stands acclaimed for his pivotal role in elevating Mastercard into one of the world’s fastest-growing brands. His leadership has propelled the company to rank among the top 12 most valuable brands globally. Besides his role as the company’s CMO, he also spearheads its healthcare division as its founding president.

His literary work, ‘Quantum Marketing: Mastering the New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow’s Consumers,’ has garnered widespread acclaim, emerging as a bestseller featured in The Wall Street Journal. Rajamannar’s insights serve as a guiding beacon for marketing luminaries and scholars worldwide. His academic journey includes a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from Osmania University and a Master of Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore.

Dr. Guriqbal Nandra, known familiarly as Bal Nandra, is the visionary behind the IV Solution and Ketamine Centers of Chicago. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Dr. Nandra has administered nearly 10,000 ketamine infusions, positioning his center as a paragon of excellence and success among ketamine clinics nationwide.

Hailing from Punjab, Dr. Nandra completed his anesthesiology residency at the University of Chicago and pursued his general surgery residency at Spectrum Health-Butterworth Campus in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He attained his Doctor of Medicine degree from the esteemed University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Venki Ramakrishnan Discusses Consequences Of Aging

Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist Venki Ramakrishnan sat down with ABC News Live to discuss the science and ethics of extending the human lifespan.  In his new book, “Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality,” Ramakrishnan explains why we may not want to lengthen our lives much longer.

Ramakrishnan’s thought-provoking argument is that a society where people lived for hundreds of years could potentially become stagnant, as it would consist of the same group of people living longer, raising important questions about societal dynamics and progress.

He discussed the cycle of life and why we die.

ABC NEWS LIVE: If you think it might be wonderful to live forever, you may want to hear what a Nobel Prize-winning molecular biologist has to say that could change your mind. Venki Ramakrishnan has examined the latest science, weighed the possibilities and researched the ethical cause of lengthening our lifespans in his new book, ‘Why We Die The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality.’ Doctor, thank you so much for joining us.

ABC NEWS LIVE: So humans now live twice as long as we did 150 years ago. But you raise some, some caveats to why we may not want to lengthen our lives that much longer. Why is that?

RAMAKRISHNAN: Well, I think a society where everybody lived indefinitely or very long time, say, hundreds of years would be a very different society. It would be quite stagnant. It’d be the same group of people just living longer and longer.

You wouldn’t have that turnover between generations. You know, maybe new ideas, things like that. But I think that’s still in the realm of science fiction. I think biology is looking at the causes of aging, and that’s allowing us to tackle some of these causes. But most of the focus is how to live healthily for longer, because all developed societies are living longer lives.

So we’re having more and more older people well past retirement. And we want to see how can we keep older people healthy and productive, you know, and energetic and and actually lively. So I think a lot of biology is trying to understand those causes so we don’t suffer some of the debilitating consequences of aging.

ABC NEWS LIVE: Explain why it is that sometimes our biological age doesn’t match our chronological age.

RAMAKRISHNAN: That’s because aging you can think of as an accumulation of damage as over time. And we have very sophisticated repair mechanisms, and we have ways to deal with the problems of old age, of the accumulation of damage, accumulation of garbage in the cells. We have recycling mechanisms and all those things break down. And the rate at which they break down is different for different people.

ABC NEWS LIVE: Explain the new research, though, that talks about how there are certain blood markers that indicate why people age faster than others, and we could say this is separate from drinking and smoking or lack of sleep.

RAMAKRISHNAN: Yeah. So blood — there are different markers for aging. So some markers are on our DNA. Our DNA acquires marks called epigenetic marks as we age. And that changes the pattern with which we express different genes.

So it changes how our biology works. There are also markers in our blood. And this was found because when they connected an old animal with a young animal and allowed them to exchange their blood supply, the old animal benefited from the young blood. And that suggested these things in younger blood that deteriorate or don’t exist or have changed in older blood. And people are trying to find what those markers are.

ABC NEWS LIVE: Let’s say in the next few decades, we’re able to come up with cure for, for cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes. What’s the best-case scenario, do you think, for the longevity of human life?

RAMAKRISHNAN: So someone did a calculation. And if we eliminated some of the major causes of fatality today, like the things you mentioned, you would only gain about 15 years. But what biologists think is if you tackle the underlying causes of aging, then you could really, expect to, live a longer and healthier life.

ABC NEWS LIVE: Really fascinating. Doctor, we thank you so much for joining us. Want to let our viewers know “Why We die? The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality” is now available wherever books are sold.

Study Reveals Physician-Led Care Teams Outperform Nonphysician Providers in Cost and Quality

An analysis of cost data within the South Mississippi system’s Accountable Care Organization (ACO) uncovered that care administered by nonphysician providers managing their own patient panels was pricier than care delivered by physicians. This revelation prompted leaders at Hattiesburg Clinic to revamp the clinic’s care model and publish their discoveries. Initially employing 26 physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) in 2005, the clinic now boasts 118 such providers. Alongside certified registered nurse anesthetists and optometrists, these 186 nonphysician providers constitute what is termed as advanced practice providers (APPs) at the clinic.

According to a study titled “Targeting Value-based Care with Physician-led Care Teams,” published in the Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association, Hattiesburg Clinic made strategic decisions over the past 15 years to expand their care teams by integrating advanced practice providers, primarily due to shortages in primary care physicians. The study highlights, “Focusing specifically on primary care, because our shortage of physicians there was so dire—due to retirements, massive panel sizes and lack of medical students entering primary care residencies—we allowed APPs to function with separate primary care panels, side by side with their collaborating physicians.”

However, upon retrospect and analysis of extensive internal data, encompassing cost data from over 33,000 Medicare-enrolled patients, the findings were consistent and unequivocal: the integration of advanced practice providers with independent panels under physician supervision fell short of meeting primary care objectives in providing patients with an equivalent value-based experience.

Hattiesburg Clinic, a private multispecialty clinic with over 300 physicians, holds membership in the AMA Health System Program. Its ACO earned the top rank in quality within its cohort in 2016 and 2017 among 471 other participants and has garnered recognition from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for delivering high-quality care at a low cost.

According to CMS cost data spanning from 2017 to 2019, for Medicare patients excluding those with end-stage renal disease or in nursing homes, per-member, per-month spending was $43 higher for patients under the care of nonphysician primary health professionals compared to physicians. This contrast could translate to an annual increase of $10.3 million in expenditure if all patients were overseen by APPs. Following risk-adjustment for patient complexity, the disparity amounted to $119 per member, per month, equating to an annual difference of $28.5 million.

Dr. Bryan N. Batson, an internist and CEO of Hattiesburg Clinic, a co-author of the study, stated, “We didn’t set out to do a scientific study per se. This was really an observational experience that used data to help us drive decision-making going forward.” He added, “This was us looking in the mirror to say: As we’re becoming more advanced in value-based care, how do we do it better?”

Initially, upon receiving the initial CMS reports on care costs, the focus was on identifying the highest-cost physicians and collaborating with them to curtail spending. Dr. Batson mentioned, “When we got the claims data for the first time, one of the first things we did was to look at who our highest-cost providers were.” He further expressed surprise at the stark disparities in costs between physicians and advanced practice providers at the high-cost end of the spectrum.

Further analysis revealed that the additional costs were attributed to a combination of factors, including increased test ordering, more specialist referrals, and heightened emergency department utilization. Dr. John M. Fitzpatrick, a nephrologist and president of Hattiesburg Clinic, noted that “four of the five top highest-cost providers were nurse practitioners,” prompting a comprehensive analysis of the entire population and leading to the findings presented in the study.

Patients whose primary care provider (PCP) was a nonphysician exhibited higher rates of emergency department visits compared to those without a PCP. Moreover, physicians outperformed nonphysicians on nine out of ten quality measures, particularly excelling in flu and pneumococcal vaccination rates, despite these being considered manageable by nonphysician staff. Physicians also attained higher average patient satisfaction scores across six domains measured by Press Ganey.

Acknowledging the invaluable contribution of nurse practitioners and physician assistants to the care team, the study emphasized that they should not operate independently based on a wealth of information and experiences in collaborative relationships with physicians.

Driven by data insights, Hattiesburg Clinic revamped its care model, ensuring that all patients consult with a physician as their primary care provider and no patient exclusively sees a nonphysician. Dr. Batson elaborated, “We had a one-year transition period leading up to that, so that the nurse practitioners could tell their patients that beginning Jan. 1, 2021, you’re going to have alternating visits with me and my supervising physician, but your PCP will officially be the physician.”

Telemedicine has played a pivotal role in facilitating the implementation of the new care-team model, enhancing healthcare delivery in rural settings. Dr. Batson highlighted, “It really changes the way that we’re able to deliver health care in a rural setting—in a positive way—such that a clinic may be able to be staffed some days with an APP, some days with a physician, but in those days that the APP is the lead there, there’s the availability of telemedicine to support more advanced health care delivery.”

The American Medical Association (AMA) asserts that patients deserve care led by physicians, advocating against scope-of-practice expansions that jeopardize patient safety. Dr. Fitzpatrick emphasized the importance of credible, Mississippi-based data in influencing legislative decisions, noting the commendable efforts of legislators in prioritizing patient well-being while devising strategies to reduce healthcare costs.

Both doctors expressed optimism that their experience would encourage other ACOs to conduct similar analyses, potentially stimulating discussions with other organizations nationwide or attracting the attention of CMS.

“We would encourage other organizations to look at their data—like we did—to help them refine their care teams in ways that can improve health care,” Dr. Batson concluded. “That’s what this was all about: trying to improve health care of our patients and for the system.”

Decoding Hydration: Understanding Water Needs in a Heatwave

Understanding your body’s water needs can be tricky, especially during periods of extreme heat. With sweat working overtime to keep us cool, our bodies demand more water to stave off dehydration. Neglecting this essential need can result in fatigue, blood pressure spikes, and irregular heart rhythms.

The ubiquitous advice to drink eight glasses of water a day, each containing 8 ounces, has long been a staple. Referred to as the “eight-by-eight” rule, it suggests consuming 64 ounces of water daily. However, this guideline lacks scientific grounding and may not suit everyone’s hydration requirements.

While some adhere faithfully to this rule, it’s important to recognize its origins are more tradition than science. Although consuming 64 ounces of water daily isn’t harmful, it might not suffice for some individuals.

While the eight-by-eight guideline is prevalent, it’s far from the only recommendation. The absence of a universal consensus on daily water intake underscores the individual variability in hydration needs.

An “adequate intake” of water exists for adults, though it fluctuates among individuals. This includes fluids from sources beyond water, such as milk, sports drinks, tea, and even coffee, as well as water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. For men, this intake is around 15.5 cups (3.7 liters or 125 ounces), while for women, it’s approximately 11.5 cups (2.7 liters or 91 ounces). Nevertheless, these figures remain general, subject to personal variation based on several factors.

Certain circumstances warrant higher water consumption:

– Active Jobs:Occupations demanding physical activity, especially outdoors, necessitate increased water intake to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.

– Regular Exercise:Even without a physically demanding job, individuals engaging in frequent exercise, whether at the gym or through recreational activities, should augment their water intake to compensate for fluid loss.

– Hot Climates:Elevated temperatures lead to more sweating, accentuating the need to replace lost fluids. Dry environments exacerbate fluid loss, making hydration particularly crucial in desert regions.

– Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:Expectant and breastfeeding individuals require additional water to support physiological processes vital for their health and that of their baby.

Various hydration strategies exist, offering diverse approaches:

– Thirst as a Guide:Some advocate drinking when thirsty, though opinions vary on its efficacy, with concerns that thirst may signal dehydration.

– Scheduled Intake:Structuring water consumption around meals can establish a hydration routine, though its effectiveness may vary depending on meal frequency.

– Eight Glasses a Day:While convenient, this rule overlooks individual differences in hydration needs, potentially resulting in under or overhydration.

– Half Your Body Weight in Ounces:This straightforward guideline adjusts water intake based on body weight, yet overlooks other crucial factors like activity level and climate.

Ultimately, finding the right hydration strategy involves experimentation. Monitoring signs of dehydration, such as fatigue or headaches, and observing urine color can help gauge hydration levels effectively.

Medicaid Disenrollment Disruption: Struggles and Consequences for Millions Across America

The journey of Justin Gibbs reflects the challenges faced by many Medicaid recipients across the United States during a period of significant coverage disruption. Gibbs, who had been effectively managing his high blood pressure with a trio of medications, found himself in a precarious situation when his Medicaid coverage was abruptly terminated amidst a nationwide review of eligibility. The fear of potential health complications loomed large as he had to endure a week without one of his prescribed medications and several days without another.

Gibbs, a 53-year-old resident of Miamisburg, Ohio, and a father of four, articulated his concerns, stating, “I was concerned that my blood pressure would spike, and I wouldn’t have any way to regulate it.” Fortunately, Gibbs did not suffer adverse effects during this period of coverage lapse, and he was able to obtain new prescriptions once his Affordable Care Act policy came into effect in January. Additionally, he is on the brink of starting a new job with employer-sponsored coverage.

However, Gibbs’s experience is not unique. A considerable portion of the 20.1 million Americans disenrolled from Medicaid during what is termed the “unwinding” process over the past year found themselves in similar predicaments. A survey conducted by KFF revealed that nearly a quarter of adults who were disenrolled now find themselves uninsured. The survey, released on Friday, sheds light on the ramifications of this process on enrollees, consequences that are not extensively monitored by state and federal authorities.

The survey uncovered that approximately half of those disenrolled eventually regained Medicaid coverage, while over a quarter secured coverage through alternative avenues such as employer-sponsored plans, Medicare, or Affordable Care Act exchanges. Nonetheless, a significant portion of those disenrolled experienced periods of being uninsured, with more than half reporting having to defer or forgo medical care or medications during this time.

The loss of coverage took a toll on the mental and physical well-being of many, with three-quarters expressing concerns about their physical health and 60% experiencing anxiety regarding their mental health. Ashley Kirzinger, KFF’s director of survey methodology, remarked, “It was disruptive to people’s lives.”

Despite the challenges faced by many Medicaid recipients, the survey revealed that the majority of adults enrolled in Medicaid prior to the unwinding remained undisrupted, with 81% reporting no disenrollment over the past year.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic initially provided relief for tens of millions of Americans concerning Medicaid coverage. A congressional relief package in 2020 prevented states from disenrolling residents, resulting in a significant surge in enrollment. However, as eligibility reviews and terminations resumed, approximately 44 million people had their coverage renewed, while more than 30 million individuals still await renewal, according to KFF.

Of those disenrolled from Medicaid, around 69% were dropped due to procedural reasons, often stemming from incomplete renewal forms or administrative issues. This raised concerns among federal officials and advocates, as many of these individuals might still be eligible for Medicaid but risk becoming uninsured.

The renewal process proved to be arduous for many Medicaid enrollees. While some states verified ongoing eligibility through alternative data sources, two-thirds of those surveyed had to take action to renew their coverage. However, 58% of those attempting to reenroll encountered at least one issue during the process, with long wait times for assistance being a common complaint.

Justin Gibbs recounted his frustrating experience, mentioning a day when he spent 6.5 hours on hold before having to abandon the call to attend work. He highlighted the purposeful difficulty of the process, suggesting it might deter eligible individuals from maintaining coverage.

While some found the renewal process straightforward, others struggled with understanding required documents and faced challenges related to internet access for online submissions. Residents in states that did not expand Medicaid reported additional document requirements, adding to the confusion.

Despite the difficulties, some enrollees received assistance with the renewal process, while others expressed a desire for help but did not receive it. JP Peters, a 57-year-old resident of Punta Gorda, Florida, shared his anxiety upon learning about the need to renew his coverage, fearing the prospect of being left uninsured. Fortunately, he received aid from a retired nurse friend, who assisted him in enrolling in Medicare.

However, Peters encountered complications, including an initial error in his coverage start date, which necessitated a visit to the local Social Security office for correction. Despite these challenges, he ultimately obtained coverage and now feels relieved with access to necessary medical resources.

For many like Peters and Gibbs, the unwinding of Medicaid coverage proved to be an exasperating inconvenience, highlighting the complexities and challenges within the healthcare system that continue to impact vulnerable populations across the nation.

Supreme Court Rejects Ramdev’s Apology, Questions Uttarakhand’s Action on Patanjali Advertisements

The Supreme Court declared on Wednesday its refusal to accept the “unconditional and unqualified” apologies tendered by Yoga guru Baba Ramdev and Patanjali Ayurved Managing Director Acharya Balkrishna. This apology came in response to contempt of court notices issued by the court, following a lawsuit by the Indian Medical Association (IMA). The IMA accused them of publishing misleading advertisements, claiming cures for certain diseases, and criticizing the allopathy branch of medicine.

A bench consisting of Justices Hima Kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah had previously expressed dissatisfaction with the apology affidavits submitted by Ramdev and Balkrishna. They were given an opportunity to provide better responses to the show cause notices. These notices were issued due to alleged violations of an undertaking given to the court on November 21, 2023, pledging not to make “casual statements claiming medicinal efficacy or against any system of medicine”.

The court expressed displeasure over a press conference held by Ramdev on November 22, 2023, in Haridwar, and an advertisement released by the company on December 4, 2023, which were seen as violations of the undertaking made on November 21, 2023.

Subsequently, fresh affidavits were filed on April 6, offering unqualified and unconditional apologies. However, Justice Kohli stated, “We do not accept these affidavits. We decline to accept or condone it. We consider it a wilful and deliberate violation of the order.” The court criticized the respondents’ actions as a deliberate breach of the undertaking, despite repeatedly emphasizing their apologies in the affidavits.

In its order, the court remarked, “Having regard to the entire history of the matter, and the past conduct of the respondents, we have expressed our reservations about accepting the latest affidavit filed by them.” The bench scheduled another hearing for April 16.

The court also found fault with an application submitted by the duo during the previous hearing, seeking exemption from appearing in court due to international travel. It was noted that the affidavits were sworn a day before the air tickets were issued, leading the court to believe the respondents were attempting to avoid personal appearance.

The court stated, “It is now been stated in the affidavit filed by the proposed contemnors that admittedly the tickets were issued on a date after the affidavit was sworn…Fact remains that on the date, the affidavits were shown, there was no such ticket in existence (at the time the affidavits were sworn). And therefore, the assumption is the respondents were trying to wriggle out of their personal appearance before this court, which is most acceptable.”

Furthermore, the court reprimanded the state of Uttarakhand for failing to take action against Patanjali and its subsidiary Divya Pharmacy for advertisements promising cures for diseases. The court requested affidavits from officials who had held the post of Joint Director of the State Licensing Authority in Haridwar between 2018 and the present, to explain their actions to address this issue.

India’s Health Crisis Unveiled: Rising Cancer Cases Make Nation ‘Cancer Capital of the World’, Apollo Hospitals Report Warns

A recent study has shed light on a concerning trend of declining health in India. According to the report, released by Apollo Hospitals, India is now labeled as “the cancer capital of the world” due to a surge in cancer and other non-communicable diseases nationwide.

The report aims to draw attention to the growing health crisis that requires urgent action from all Indians. Despite recording over a million new cases annually, India’s cancer rate still falls below countries like Denmark, Ireland, and Belgium, and is lower than the United States, with 100 cases per 100,000 people compared to 300 in the U.S.

However, this might soon change due to what experts describe as an “epidemiological transition.” The study reveals that one in three Indians is pre-diabetic, two in three are pre-hypertensive, and one in ten suffers from depression. Chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders have reached alarming levels nationwide.

The number of cancer cases is projected to exceed global averages, increasing from 1.39 million in 2020 to 1.57 million by 2025. Breast cancer, cervix cancer, and ovarian cancer are the most common among women, while lung cancer, mouth cancer, and prostate cancer prevail among men. Surprisingly, more women in India are diagnosed with cancer compared to men, deviating from the global trend.

Certain cancers are also affecting younger individuals earlier than in other countries. For instance, the median age for lung cancer in India is 59, compared to 70 in the U.S., 68 in China, and 75 in the U.K.

The high incidence of cancer can be attributed to various environmental, socioeconomic, lifestyle, and dietary factors. Nearly 40% of cancer cases in India are linked to widespread tobacco use, significantly increasing the risk of lung, oral, and throat cancers. Poor dietary habits and lack of physical activity contribute to 10% of cases.

The report also warns of an impending healthcare crisis due to escalating obesity rates (from 9% in 2016 to 20% in 2023) and hypertension (from 9% in 2016 to 13% in 2023). Additionally, pre-diabetes, prehypertension, and mental health disorders are manifesting at younger ages, while obstructive sleep apnea poses a significant risk among Indians.

Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice Chairperson of Apollo Hospitals Group, emphasizes the crucial role of health in the nation’s development. She calls for unified efforts from the healthcare ecosystem and the nation to combat non-communicable diseases effectively.

Experts stress the importance of regular health screenings, including blood pressure and body mass index monitoring, to reduce the risk of cardiac-related ailments. Although India has screening programs for oral, breast, and cervical cancer, national data indicates screening rates of less than 1%. However, there’s a positive trend towards more comprehensive health checks among the population.

Despite this, experts emphasize the need to expand health checks across India by investing in health infrastructure, promoting preventive healthcare measures, and addressing health disparities. Prioritizing these aspects will be crucial in safeguarding the health and well-being of the nation.

Preventing Dementia: Understanding Modifiable Triggers and Genetic Variations

A significant stride has been made in understanding the preventable risk factors associated with dementia, a debilitating condition affecting memory, cognitive function, and reasoning. Researchers from the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Oxford have identified key factors that could potentially delay the onset of dementia. These findings are based on a study involving brain scans of 40,000 participants from the UK Biobank, focusing on what they term as “weak spots” in the brain – specific networks of higher-order regions vulnerable to degeneration.

The study underscores the critical role of controlling diabetes, limiting alcohol consumption, and reducing exposure to traffic-related air pollution as essential measures in preventing dementia. Dr. Pawan Ojha, Director of Neurology at Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, elaborates on the impact of these risk factors and offers insights into potential preventive strategies.

Diabetes emerges as a significant contributor to the vulnerability of key brain areas. Patients with Type 2 diabetes face an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease due to the detrimental effects of elevated blood sugar levels on the hippocampus, the brain’s memory center. Excessive secretion of amylin hormone from the pancreas can further harm neurons, while impaired insulin function contributes to the formation of beta-amyloid plaque, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, abnormal inflammation in the brain exacerbates the neurodegenerative process associated with diabetes.

Air pollution from vehicular emissions poses another significant risk to brain health. Neurotoxicants present in traffic-related air pollution, such as particulate matter and nitric oxide, induce neuro-inflammation and oxidative stress, exacerbating cardiovascular diseases and negatively impacting cognitive function.

Heavy alcohol consumption is also strongly linked to dementia risk. Excessive alcohol intake, defined as more than 213 ml per week, leads to increased neurodegeneration, particularly affecting the brain’s white matter volume responsible for signal transmission between different brain regions. Prolonged alcohol abuse can result in the shrinkage of brain areas involved in memory, with consumption exceeding 28 units per week accelerating cognitive decline in older individuals.

To mitigate these risks, lifestyle modifications are paramount. Adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, ensuring adequate sleep, and maintaining optimal weight are essential steps. Monitoring and limiting alcohol intake, along with reducing exposure to air pollution, are crucial preventive measures. Dr. Ojha stresses the importance of social interaction in maintaining cognitive health, highlighting the need for an active and engaged lifestyle.

The study also delves into genetic variations associated with dementia, focusing on seven genetic clusters related to immune and inflammatory responses. Genetic cluster 1 is specifically linked to Alzheimer’s disease, while clusters 2 and 4 show associations with both Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia, particularly in individuals with heavy alcohol consumption habits. Cluster 5, located in the MAPT region, plays a role in various neurodegenerative disorders. Furthermore, genetic loci on the X chromosomes, such as genes XG and CD99, are associated with early-life and environmental factors impacting health outcomes. Four genetic loci contribute to abnormal leukocyte inflow in the brain, contributing to inflammation observed in Alzheimer’s disease.

Understanding and addressing modifiable risk factors such as diabetes, air pollution, and alcohol consumption are crucial steps in preventing dementia. Lifestyle modifications, coupled with genetic insights, offer promising avenues for reducing the burden of this debilitating condition on individuals and society as a whole.

Mass General Hospital Makes Medical History with Successful Pig Kidney Transplant

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), a leading institution within the Mass General Brigham health care system, has achieved a groundbreaking feat by successfully completing the world’s first genetically-edited pig kidney transplant into a 62-year-old patient suffering from end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). This milestone procedure, conducted by surgeons from the Mass General Transplant Center, took place on Saturday, March 16, marking a significant advancement in the effort to address the scarcity of organ donors.

The surgical team, led by Dr. Leonardo V. Riella, along with Dr. Tatsuo Kawai and Dr. Nahel Elias, accomplished the transplant of a genetically-edited pig kidney with 69 genomic modifications into a living recipient. This achievement underscores Mass General Brigham’s longstanding commitment to pioneering innovations in organ transplantation, building upon past milestones such as the first successful human organ transplant in 1954 and the nation’s inaugural penile transplant in 2016.

Dr. Anne Klibanski, President and CEO of Mass General Brigham, praised the institution’s dedication to advancing medical science and addressing pressing health challenges, stating, “Our clinicians continue to push the boundaries of science to improve the lives of our patients worldwide.”

Acknowledging the collaborative effort behind this achievement, Dr. David F. M. Brown, President of Academic Medical Centers at Mass General Brigham, expressed gratitude to the hospital staff involved in the successful surgery and commended the patient for his bravery.

Dr. Tatsuo Kawai emphasized the collective endeavor spanning decades that led to this milestone, expressing hope that the transplant approach will offer hope to millions of kidney failure patients globally.

The pig kidney used in the transplant was sourced from eGenesis of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and underwent genetic editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to enhance its compatibility with humans. Measures were also taken to eliminate the risk of infection by inactivating porcine endogenous retroviruses. Collaborative research between MGH and eGenesis over the past five years culminated in this successful transplantation, with findings published in Nature in 2023.

Mike Curtis, CEO of eGenesis, hailed the achievement as a significant step forward in medical science, highlighting the potential of genome engineering to address the needs of millions of patients worldwide.

Dr. Nahel Elias underscored the multidisciplinary effort involved in the procedure, acknowledging the contributions of various teams and specialists at MGH.

This successful transplant represents a historic milestone in xenotransplantation, offering a potential solution to the global organ shortage crisis. With over 100,000 individuals in the U.S. awaiting organ transplants and 17 people dying each day due to the lack of available organs, this achievement holds profound implications for addressing the urgent need for organ donors.

The patient, Mr. Richard ‘Rick’ Slayman, is currently recovering well at MGH and is expected to be discharged soon. Praising Mr. Slayman’s courage, Dr. Joren C. Madsen, Director of the MGH Transplant Center, highlighted his role as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with end-stage renal disease.

In a statement, Mr. Slayman expressed gratitude to the medical team at MGH for their unwavering support throughout his journey, emphasizing his trust in their expertise and commitment to improving patient outcomes.

Mr. Slayman, who has been battling Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, had previously undergone a kidney transplant from a deceased human donor in 2018. However, the transplanted kidney began to fail in 2023, leading to his inclusion in the groundbreaking pig kidney transplant procedure.

Dr. Winfred Williams, Mr. Slayman’s nephrologist, emphasized the potential of this breakthrough to address longstanding disparities in access to kidney transplants, particularly among ethnic minority patients.

The procedure was conducted under a single FDA Expanded Access Protocol (EAP), allowing access to experimental treatments for patients with life-threatening conditions. Mr. Slayman also received novel immunosuppressant drugs to support the success of the transplant.

Dr. Leonardo V. Riella, leading the team at Mass General Transplant Center, emphasized the significance of xenotransplantation in addressing the organ shortage crisis, expressing optimism about its potential to revolutionize the field of transplantation.

Massachusetts General Hospital, founded in 1811, stands as a pioneer in medical research and patient care, while Mass General Brigham continues to lead efforts in solving complex medical challenges through collaboration and innovation.

Mass General Brigham’s integrated academic health care system encompasses a comprehensive range of medical services, reflecting its commitment to patient care, research, and community service.

India Becomes Russia’s Leading Pharmaceutical Supplier Amid Western Withdrawal: Report

India has emerged as the primary pharmaceutical supplier to Russia, stepping in to fill the gap created by the withdrawal of Western companies from the market due to geopolitical tensions. According to RBK’s report citing data from RNC Pharma, Indian manufacturers increased their exports by 3% last year, delivering nearly 294 million packages of medicines to Russia. This shift in dominance displaced Germany, which had been India’s top supplier in 2021 and 2022.

The withdrawal of Western pharmaceutical companies from Russia, prompted by the conflict in Ukraine, has led to a significant reduction in their supplies to the country. Germany, for instance, slashed its exports to Russia by almost 20% last year, down to 238.7 million packages. Major international players such as Eli Lilly, Bayer, Pfizer, MSD, and Novartis have also suspended new clinical trials in Russia, further opening up opportunities for Indian pharma companies.

In contrast, Indian pharmaceutical firms are seizing the opportunity to expand their presence in the Russian market. RBK’s article highlights that Indian companies are not only increasing exports but also exploring joint production ventures in Russia. The Indian pharmaceutical industry, ranked as the world’s third largest by volume according to the Indian government, has earned the moniker of “the world’s pharmacy.”

Data from 2023 indicates substantial growth in Indian pharmaceutical exports to Russia. For example, Mumbai-based Oxford Laboratories saw a remarkable 67% increase in its supplies to Russia, totaling 4.8 million packages. Ipca Laboratories, another major player specializing in generics, witnessed a 58% surge in exports, reaching 13.7 million packages last year.

The geopolitical situation, characterized by Western restrictions, has inadvertently catalyzed bilateral cooperation between Russia and India in various sectors beyond pharmaceuticals. Experts note that this shift has prompted both countries to explore new avenues of collaboration, including pharmaceuticals, chemical, and food industries, as well as oil extraction and diamond processing.

Besides India, other countries also maintained or increased their pharmaceutical exports to Russia last year. France saw a 7.6% rise, with exports totaling 149.4 million packages. Hungary and Israel also experienced double-digit increases, with 11.6% and 11% growth respectively. Hungary delivered 112.5 million packages, while Israel’s exports reached 149.8 million packages, according to RNC Pharma.

UN Report Exposes Global Food Waste Crisis: Over 1 Billion Meals Squandered Daily Amidst 800 Million Hunger Cases

A recent report by the United Nations has brought to light the alarming scale of food wastage globally, revealing that over 1 billion meals are thrown away every day while nearly 800 million people suffer from hunger. In 2022 alone, the world squandered a staggering 1.05 billion metric tons of food, equating to approximately one-fifth of the food available for consumption being wasted by households, eateries, and various segments of the food industry.

Moreover, an additional 13% of the world’s food is lost during its journey from production to consumption, culminating in a distressing one-third of all food being discarded in the production process. These findings sharply contrast with the fact that approximately one-third of the global population grapples with food insecurity, with 783 million individuals suffering from hunger.

The UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Food Waste Index Report 2024, published recently, underscores the profound implications of food wastage on both global development and environmental sustainability. Inger Andersen, Director of UNEP, emphasized the severity of the situation, stating, “Food waste is a global tragedy. Millions will go hungry today as food is wasted across the world.” She further highlighted the significant costs incurred by such unnecessary waste on climate and natural resources.

The report makes a crucial distinction between food “loss” and food “waste.” Food loss refers to the disposal of food early in the supply chain, such as vegetables rotting in fields or meat spoiling due to lack of refrigeration, while food waste pertains to the disposal of food by households, restaurants, and retail outlets. Shockingly, households accounted for 60% of the total food waste in 2022, amounting to 631 million metric tons, while the food service sector and retail contributed 28% and 12%, respectively.

On an individual level, the average person wastes 79 kilograms (174 pounds) of food annually, translating to at least one billion wasted meals daily. However, these figures are likely conservative, as the report points out deficiencies in data collection despite improvements in recent years. While data points at the household level have nearly doubled since the UN’s 2021 food waste report, monitoring remains patchy across many countries.

Despite the significant environmental impact of food wastage, only 21 countries have included measures to address it in their national climate plans. Astonishingly, food waste generates 8% to 10% of global planet-heating emissions, surpassing emissions from the aviation sector by nearly fivefold. The report emphasizes that while the climate impact of activities like air travel has received substantial attention, the equally consequential issue of food waste has often been overlooked.

Furthermore, food production is resource-intensive, demanding vast amounts of land and water, and contributes significantly to global planet-heating emissions. Most food waste ends up in landfills, where it decomposes and emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas with approximately 80 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Additionally, the report highlights that climate change exacerbates food wastage, with hotter countries experiencing higher levels of food waste due to challenges in storing and transporting food in warmer temperatures.

Importantly, the report dispels the misconception that food waste is solely a problem of affluent nations. The disparity in food wastage between high- and middle-income countries is minimal, with just a 7-kilogram (15-pound) difference per person annually. This underscores the need for global action to address food wastage comprehensively, acknowledging its multifaceted impact on food security, environmental sustainability, and climate change mitigation.

Global Gathering of Physicians: GAPIO Conference 2024 Highlights Excellence in Medicine and Healthcare Innovations

Physicians hailing from Indian backgrounds and experts across various medical disciplines from 57 nations congregated in Lucknow on March 16 and 17, 2024, to partake in the 14th Annual Conference organized by the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO).

With a turnout exceeding 500 attendees from countries like the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Africa, UAE, and India, the conference delved into crucial healthcare matters while also featuring the presentation of GAPIO Awards.

The event saw distinguished figures in attendance, including India’s Defense Minister Rajnath Singh as the Chief Guest, alongside Brajesh Pathak, the Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Medical Education of Uttar Pradesh state, and Sudhanshu Trivedi, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha, as Guests of Honor, as detailed in a press release from GAPIO.

Over the years, the GAPIO conference has evolved into a prominent fixture in the medical community’s calendar, providing a platform for the exchange of insights on clinical skill enhancement, leadership development, women’s health, tackling contemporary health challenges, and modernizing healthcare delivery approaches.

Notably, the Uttar Pradesh Medical Council accorded three credit hours for participation in this conference, underscoring its significance in the medical fraternity.

Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the Founder President of GAPIO and chairman of Apollo Hospitals Group, emphasized the relentless pursuit of excellence among physicians of Indian origin, both domestically and internationally. He applauded their remarkable contributions worldwide, instilling a sense of pride among fellow Indians.

Furthermore, Dr. Reddy commended the awardees for their outstanding achievements, considering them as beacons of inspiration for others in the field. He expressed gratitude for the esteemed presence of dignitaries like Union Defense Minister Shri Rajnath Singhji and Deputy CM of UP Brajesh Pathakji, who added prestige to the awards ceremony.

Dr. Nandakumar Jairam, the president of GAPIO, highlighted the caliber of international and national experts participating in the conference, offering invaluable insights into cutting-edge advancements across various medical domains. The conference covered a diverse array of topics spanning Gastroenterology, Infectious Diseases, Endocrinology, ECMO, Physiotherapy, Women’s Health, Leadership Mantras, and more.

Dr. Anupam Sibal, Past President of GAPIO and Group Medical Director at Apollo Hospitals, underscored the dedication and commitment to academic excellence and social causes among GAPIO members. Despite geographical dispersion and diversities, this shared ethos binds the organization together, he noted. The hybrid format of the conference facilitated knowledge expansion and facilitated discussions on pressing issues faced in everyday medical practice.

Dr. Sudhir Parikh, Vice President of GAPIO and Chairman and Publisher of Parikh World Wide Media and ITV Gold 24×7 TV Channel in the USA, emphasized the significance of embracing technological advancements in medical sciences. He described GAPIO 2024 as an excellent opportunity to witness firsthand the integration of technology into medical practice and conference organization, aligning with GAPIO’s vision of improving health globally.

Dr. Mayank Somani, MD, and CEO of Apollo Medics Hospitals, Lucknow, stressed the role of research and innovation in enhancing healthcare delivery across India, particularly in addressing the country’s diverse health challenges.

Established in 2011 by Padma Vibhushan Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO) operates as a non-profit organization committed to fostering excellence in healthcare worldwide.

The conference also recognized exemplary individuals with various awards, celebrating their contributions to medicine:

– GAPIO Life Time Achievement Award – Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian

– Dr. Prathap C Reddy Philanthropy Award – Dr. K V Ravishankar

– Dr. IA Modi award for excellence in Medicine in Distinguished Category – Dr. Sheffali Gulati

– GAPIO Surgical Excellence award in Distinguished Category – Dr. Achal Gulati

– GAPIO Excellence in Radiology / Radiation therapy award in Distinguished Category – Dr. Goura Kishor Rath

– GAPIO Excellence in Diagnostics award in Distinguished Category – Dr. Kashi Nath Prasad

– Dr. IA Modi award for excellence in Medicine in Young Category – Dr. Radha Vikas Taralekar

– GAPIO Surgical Excellence award in Young Category – Dr. Kirtikumar J Rathod

– GAPIO Excellence in Radiology / Radiation therapy award in Young Category – Dr. Pooja Nandwani Patel

– GAPIO Excellence in Diagnostics award in Young Category – Dr. Pradeep Kumar Dabla

– GAPIO Commendation Award for achieving excellence in Medicine – Dr. Nalini Mohan Guda

– GAPIO Commendation Award for achieving excellence in Surgery – Dr. J B Sharma

– GAPIO Commendation Award for achieving excellence in Radiology/ Radiation Therapy – Dr. Sanjay Gandhi

– GAPIO Commendation Award for achieving excellence in Diagnostic Medicine – Dr. Anoop Nigam

The GAPIO conference of 2024 served as a platform for medical professionals to engage in fruitful discussions, exchange knowledge, and honor outstanding contributions to the field, reaffirming GAPIO’s commitment to advancing healthcare globally.

Nvidia’s Healthcare Odyssey: Pioneering AI’s Impact on Drug Discovery and Surgical Innovation

Nvidia recently made significant strides in the healthcare sector, unveiling partnerships with Johnson & Johnson and GE Healthcare to integrate generative AI into surgery and medical imaging, respectively. These developments, showcased at the 2024 GTC AI conference, underscore Nvidia’s burgeoning revenue opportunities beyond its traditional tech sector.

Raj Joshi, a technology analyst at Moody’s Ratings, praised Nvidia’s pivotal role, stating, “The reason why Nvidia is so popular today is because it basically provided the plumbing and the technology for something that you could not do simply before.” He emphasized the potency of healthcare in Nvidia’s future revenue streams.

The surge in Nvidia’s shares, nearly doubling year-to-date, reflects investor optimism in untapped sectors like biotech. AI’s capacity to accelerate drug discovery and repurpose failed drugs for alternative uses fuels this enthusiasm.

Arda Ural, EY Americas health and life sciences industry market leader, highlighted AI’s tangible impact in healthcare over the past 18 months, moving beyond mere speculation to tangible outcomes. He stressed AI’s crucial role in revolutionizing pharmaceutical, medtech, and biotech industries.

Ural underscored the prolonged and costly nature of drug development, stating, “Drug development is a risky process that can take at least a decade… with a high chance of failure.” However, he noted a paradigm shift among biotech CEOs, with 41% exploring concrete applications of generative AI, a trend surpassing expectations.

Nvidia’s healthcare focus aligns with its long-standing ambitions. Colette Kress, Nvidia’s CFO, emphasized the company’s decade-long expertise in healthcare, epitomized by the NVIDIA Clara healthcare platform and BioNeMo, a generative AI service tailored for drug discovery.

Nvidia’s $50 million investment in Recursion Pharmaceuticals underscores its commitment to advancing drug discovery. Recursion’s collaboration with Roche’s Genentech and Schrödinger further underscores Nvidia’s pivotal role in fostering innovative healthcare solutions.

Joshi lauded Nvidia’s transition from semiconductor design to comprehensive technology packages, citing BioNeMo’s efficacy in facilitating drug development. He emphasized the ease with which biotech firms can integrate Nvidia’s technology, streamlining their operations.

Generative AI platforms not only expedite drug development but also mitigate costs across pharmaceutical companies’ back-office functions. Ural highlighted the potential for AI-driven robotic process automation to enhance operational efficiency, redirecting capital towards drug development.

Nvidia’s evolution from gaming graphics cards to healthcare solutions exemplifies its visionary trajectory. Joshi commended Nvidia’s foresight in recognizing the broader applicability of its technology beyond gaming.

However, widespread AI adoption in healthcare hinges on overcoming workforce apprehensions. EY’s survey revealed significant concerns among health science and wellness employees regarding AI adoption, underscoring the need for concerted efforts to alleviate anxieties.

Nvidia’s foray into healthcare signifies a strategic pivot towards diverse revenue streams, propelled by AI’s transformative potential. Despite workforce reservations, the convergence of AI and healthcare promises groundbreaking advancements in drug discovery and patient care.

Princess Catherine’s Brave Cancer Revelation: A Call for Support and Privacy

The unexpected announcement from Catherine, Princess of Wales, regarding her initiation of chemotherapy for cancer treatment came as a surprise to many. In the wake of this news, major newspapers in Britain expressed concern on their front pages. The Times reassured its readers with the headline, “Princess reveals her cancer and says: I’m going to be OK.” Similarly, the FT Weekend chose the headline, “Kate puts end to speculation,” while The Sun tabloid conveyed a message of solidarity to the princess with, “KATE, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”

In an emotional video statement released a day prior, the 42-year-old princess opened up about her battle with cancer after weeks of intense scrutiny regarding her health. Despite her usual nervousness in front of cameras, the princess bravely shared her story in her own words, filmed simply on a bench against a backdrop of spring foliage.

Acknowledging the challenging weeks she has faced, the princess addressed ongoing interest in her health, particularly following reports of a potential breach of her medical privacy by hospital staff where she underwent treatment in January. This development followed a surge of unfounded conspiracy theories, fueled by speculation surrounding her surgery in January, her husband Prince William’s absence from a memorial event, and her admission of editing a family photo for Mother’s Day.

The revelation about her health sheds new light on recent events and prompts questions about the transparency of the royal family regarding her condition. This period of uncertainty adds to the challenges faced by the monarchy, with two senior members now indisposed, leaving Prince William and Queen Camilla to take on additional responsibilities.

The diagnosis of cancer for the future Queen follows King Charles III’s own health struggles, disclosed earlier in February, further straining the monarchy. Kate’s condition, especially given her youth, contrasts sharply with her image as a symbol of health and perfection since marrying into the royal family in 2011.

Kate’s vulnerability underscores her humanity, challenging perceptions of her as a flawless public figure. Despite her previous portrayal as a steadfast member of the royal family, her battle with cancer serves as a poignant reminder of her humanity.

The prime minister’s statement reflects widespread sentiments of support for the princess, condemning media scrutiny and advocating for her privacy and well-being. While Kate was expected to resume official duties after Easter, her return will be delayed pending medical clearance, with any appearances likely to be spontaneous.

The lack of detailed updates from Kensington Palace underscores the family’s desire for privacy as they navigate this challenging time. The public’s access to Kate’s video message serves as the most comprehensive update on her health, in exchange for respecting the family’s need for space.

Prince William’s continued public engagements aim to reassure the nation amidst the upheaval, while prioritizing his family’s well-being. In her video message, Kate emphasized the importance of maintaining normalcy for their children, suggesting a desire for privacy amidst media attention.

The timing of the announcement, after the Easter holidays, highlights the couple’s consideration for their children’s routines. Despite her ordeal, Kate remains resolute in her focus on recovery, while also calling for understanding and privacy from the public.

Navigating the delicate balance between media coverage and privacy presents a challenge, particularly with international attention. While some online speculation persists, Kate’s message has prompted an outpouring of support, potentially reshaping public discourse around royal figures and confronting baseless conspiracy theories.

In the face of adversity, Kate’s openness about her health journey offers a chance for reflection on the impact of media scrutiny and the importance of empathy and understanding in the public sphere.

Unlocking Wellness: The Science and Spirituality of Chakra Healing Explored

Following her father’s passing five years ago, Nirmala Chetty, now professionally known as Dr. Sahila, a medical practitioner based in New Jersey, faced a challenging health journey, grappling with bipolar depression and thyroid issues, among other ailments. Despite seeking relief in various hospitals, she found no solace.

However, delving into her Hindu and Indian heritage, Sahila discovered what she describes as a transformative solution. Today, she proudly asserts being “pill-free, disease-free, and stress-free,” attributing her well-being to the scientific efficacy of chakra healing.

Expressing her lament over the diminished faith in this ancient practice, Sahila, who operates her own clinic named Wellness with Sahila, remarked, “It’s very sad that, you know, such a beautiful and crucial concept is lost today because people don’t have faith in it.”

Critics have often derided chakra healing as pseudoscience, noting its exploitation by self-professed healers who charge exorbitant fees. Common perceptions associate chakras with energy centers in the body, correlated with colors and shapes representing emotions and meanings.

Yet, amidst skepticism, proponents of chakra healing, buoyed by the growing acceptance of Indian-origin practices like yoga in the West, endeavor to dispel misconceptions and assert the scientific grounding of their methods.

Reflecting on this evolution, Maetreyii Ma Nolan, a spiritual instructor in California, elucidated, “As Indian thought has come to the West, it’s gone through various incarnations, first as a spiritual tradition, and then as asana, or yoga posture tradition.”

Chakra healing, an ancient Hindu doctrine, posits that chakras—Sanskrit for “wheels”—align with specific nerve endings and internal organs. The body comprises seven chakras, prominently featuring the “third eye” at the forehead, often adorned with a bindi in Hindu culture.

According to Sahila and fellow practitioners, blockages in these chakras can manifest as emotional, physical, and spiritual maladies. For instance, an imbalance in the muladhara chakra, linked with identity and situated at the base of the spine, may result in depression, anxiety, or narcissism if not rectified. Similarly, issues with the svadhisthana chakra, situated in the lower abdomen and associated with women’s health, can affect childbirth.

Addressing these blockages, Sahila advocates surrendering the ego and embracing a journey of “sadhana”—a daily regimen of yoga and meditation targeting each chakra and its corresponding natural element.

While Western medicine often dismisses chakra healing as alternative or new-age, Sahila contends, “there’s a science to it, and if you understand the science to it, then the flow just automatically happens.”

Offering a testimony to the compatibility of chakra healing and Western medical practices, Hina Mehta, a neuroscience fellow at the National Institute of Health, revealed her initial hesitance as a scientist to explore Eastern healing. However, she emphasized the non-mutually exclusive nature of Hindu philosophy and Western science.

Mehta highlighted the direct correlation between chakras and the body’s hormone-producing glands, asserting that yogis and gurus have long mastered the art of channeling energy to these glands through specific yoga postures and hand movements.

For Lata Nigam, who underwent a significant lifestyle change following a breast cancer diagnosis, chakra healing provided a deeper understanding of her internal struggles. While acknowledging Sahila’s impact on her life, Nigam stressed the importance of personal commitment to the healing process.

Critics attribute the skepticism surrounding chakra healing to Western misinterpretations of Hindu healing concepts. Maetreyii Ma Nolan, blending psychology with Tantric philosophy, leads a community in California dedicated to meditation and self-discovery.

Evan Rofheart, another advocate of chakra healing, dismisses the necessity of subscribing to Hindu doctrines, underscoring personal experiences of divine energy transfer as foundational to his practice.

Nevertheless, proponents like Sahila emphasize the scientific underpinnings of chakra healing, citing correspondences between the seven chakras and cosmic and human realities. Sahila’s personal experiences with chakra healing, particularly the opening of her throat chakra, have reinforced her belief in its efficacy.

Sahila posits that widespread recognition of the authentic science behind chakra healing could significantly benefit society, fostering profound personal growth and well-being.

Report Reveals Alarming Air Pollution Crisis: Asia Bears Brunt, Urgent Action Needed Worldwide

A recent report has shed light on the alarming state of air pollution worldwide, particularly in Asia. The findings reveal that of the 100 cities grappling with the worst air quality, almost all were located in Asia, indicating a profound crisis that imperils the health of billions of individuals globally.

The report, conducted by IQAir, an organization dedicated to tracking air quality on a global scale, underscores the severity of the situation. It discloses that a staggering 83 out of these 100 cities were situated in India alone, surpassing the air quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO) by more than tenfold.

Specifically focusing on the presence of fine particulate matter known as PM2.5, the study highlights its pervasive and hazardous nature. PM2.5, originating from various sources such as the combustion of fossil fuels, dust storms, and wildfires, poses severe health risks upon inhalation, penetrating deep into lung tissue and even entering the bloodstream. The consequences include a heightened susceptibility to asthma, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and cognitive impairments, particularly in children.

Frank Hammes, the CEO of IQAir Global, emphasizes the far-reaching impacts of air pollution on human lives, stating, “We see that in every part of our lives that air pollution has an impact.” He notes that in heavily polluted countries, individuals may be losing up to six years of their lives due to air pollution-related ailments, highlighting the urgent need for improved air quality.

India, in particular, faces a dire situation, with cities like Begusarai in Bihar state ranking as the most polluted globally, with PM2.5 concentrations exceeding WHO guidelines by 23 times. Across the country, a staggering 1.3 billion people, constituting 96% of the population, are exposed to air quality levels far surpassing WHO recommendations.

The report identifies Central and South Asia as the worst-performing regions globally, with countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Tajikistan ranking among the most polluted. Notably, South Asia stands out, with nearly all of the 30 most polluted cities located in India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh.

Addressing the root causes of this crisis, Hammes emphasizes the necessity for significant changes in energy infrastructure and agricultural practices to mitigate pollution levels effectively. He also underscores the interconnectedness of outdoor and indoor air pollution, stressing that actions like cooking with dirty fuel exacerbate indoor air quality issues.

The report’s global analysis reveals a bleak reality, with a staggering 92.5% of locations worldwide exceeding WHO’s PM2.5 guidelines. Only a handful of countries and territories, including Finland, Estonia, and New Zealand, boast healthy air quality levels.

Tragically, air pollution-related health issues claim millions of lives annually. The burning of fossil fuels alone leads to the premature deaths of 5.1 million individuals annually, while combined ambient and household air pollution accounts for 6.7 million deaths yearly, according to WHO.

The report underscores the pivotal role of the climate crisis in exacerbating air pollution levels globally. Changing weather patterns, intensified wildfires, and prolonged pollen seasons contribute to worsening air quality, with vulnerable communities bearing the brunt of these environmental shifts.

While North America grapples with the aftermath of devastating wildfires, Asia experiences a resurgence in pollution levels, with China witnessing a reversal in declining pollution trends. Despite previous efforts to curb pollution, Chinese cities experienced a resurgence in smog, underscoring the challenges in sustaining clean air initiatives.

Southeast Asia also faces escalating pollution levels, with Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand registering significant increases. Thailand, in particular, grapples with toxic smog, prompting authorities to implement measures such as remote work arrangements to mitigate health risks.

However, amidst these dire circumstances, there are glimmers of hope. The report highlights growing civic engagement and pressure from various stakeholders to monitor and address air quality issues, signaling a promising shift towards prioritizing environmental health.

As Frank Hammes aptly summarizes, “Ultimately that’s great because it really shows governments that people do care.” This collective effort is crucial in driving meaningful change and safeguarding the health and well-being of communities worldwide.

Supreme Court Temporarily Bans Patanjali’s Misleading Claims: Ayurvedic Medicines Under Scrutiny Amid Government Support

Imagine a world where a single pill could ward off COVID-19, where diabetes could be cured with vegetable juices and herbal concoctions instead of insulin, or where asthma could vanish with just yoga and breathing exercises. These are the bold assertions put forward by Patanjali Ayurved, a major player in India’s traditional ayurvedic products industry, reflecting the ancient Hindu healing practices dating back 3,000 years. The term “ayurveda” originates from Sanskrit, combining “ayur” meaning life and “veda” meaning science or knowledge. Practitioners of ayurveda utilize herbs, animal extracts, and minerals prepared according to age-old texts.

Despite widespread acceptance among Indians, concerns linger among scientists regarding the safety and effectiveness of ayurvedic products. Unlike medicinal drugs, ayurvedic products are classified as dietary supplements in the United States, lacking the rigorous testing required for medical approval.

Under the Hindu-nationalist government in power since 2014, alternative systems of medicine, including ayurveda, have received unprecedented support. India’s Ministry of Alternative Medicine receives nearly $500 million annually, with the government actively promoting ayurveda on the international stage, boosting the fortunes of companies like Patanjali.

However, the Supreme Court of India has recently issued a temporary ban on certain Patanjali products. This move follows allegations by the Indian Medical Association that Patanjali and its brand ambassador Baba Ramdev made false claims against evidence-backed modern medicine and spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.

“The entire country has been taken for a ride,” remarked one of the judges during the court proceedings. The case, brought to court in August 2022, highlights Patanjali’s bold advertisements in Indian newspapers, claiming the ability of ayurvedic products to cure chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.

Notably, Patanjali’s public face, Baba Ramdev, is a vocal supporter of India’s ruling party, the BJP, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The company’s ties to the government have raised concerns among scientists who accuse the administration of prioritizing alternative medicines over modern medical practices to glorify India’s cultural heritage.

Despite court orders and warnings from regulatory agencies, Patanjali continues to defy restrictions on misleading advertisements. Critics allege the company’s close association with the ruling party shields it from accountability.

However, the rise of traditional medicine in India coincides with a broader cultural shift in healthcare policy. Since Modi assumed office in 2014, the government has significantly increased funding for traditional medicines, despite ongoing doubts about their efficacy.

“The worry is people are being misguided,” expresses Dr. Jayesh Lele of the Indian Medical Association, citing cases where patients suffered adverse effects from ayurvedic treatments due to misinformation.

Yet, skepticism persists among some experts, like Kishor Patwardhan of Banaras Hindu University, who believe that the promotion of ayurveda should be based on robust evidence rather than political agendas.

Critics accuse the Modi government of undermining scientific education and promoting historical inaccuracies, eroding public trust in evidence-based practices. The dissemination of unscientific ideas by influential political figures contributes to societal damage, undermining the progress of rational thinking and scientific inquiry.

Bill Introduced To Combat Heart Disease Among South Asians

United States Senator Cory Booker, D-NJ, introduced legislation Feb. 29, 2024, that would establish a grant program aimed at strengthening cardiovascular research, promoting heart disease awareness, and improving health outcomes in the South Asian community in honor of American Heart Month.

The Bill mirrors one introduced by Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Washington, and Joe Wilson, R-South Carolina last year in the House of Representatives.

Booker’s South Asian Heart Health Awareness Act would raise awareness about the alarming rates of heart disease for South Asians across the United States while also improving resources for all communities disproportionately impacted by cardiovascular diseases.

Bill Introduced To Combat Heart Disease Among South Asians“Despite the heightened prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among South Asians, their risk for heart disease is not widely understood by the medical community,” Senator Booker said while introducing the bill. “This bill is an important step toward promoting critical research on heart disease, and supporting organizations working to improve heart health for at-risk communities across the nation. To reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease nationally, it is essential to invest in research into communities that are disproportionately at risk.”

Rep. Jayapal, echoing his sentiments, said, “I have seen the devastating impacts of heart disease on our community firsthand, and as the first South Asian American woman ever elected to the House of Representatives, I’m fully committed to increasing understanding of heart disease and the unique risk factor in the South Asian community while ensuring that all those living with it get the resources, treatment, and support they need.”

“No community should face disproportionate health outcomes because of lack of research, understanding, or awareness,” Jayapal added. “I won’t stop fighting for this legislation to make sure we have the research resources and treatments to prevent heart disease cases and deaths in the South Asian community and across the world.”

Rep. Wilson said the Bill expand research and education to benefit those communities most affected by heart disease. “I am grateful that this bipartisan bill passed the house in multiple previous Congresses, and I look forward to its final passage into law,” Wilson added.

Communities of color are disproportionately affected by heart disease with South Asian Americans being particularly at risk, noted Booker’s press release.

The South Asian community has both the highest death rate from heart disease and the highest rate of Type 2 diabetes at lower body weights compared to other racial and ethnic groups.

Despite the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among South Asians, their risk for heart disease is not widely understood by the medical community. This contributes to a lack of preventative measures being taken which could improve the community’s heart health, the press release said.

Specifically, the South Asian Heart Health Awareness Act would appropriate $2 million for each fiscal year between 2025 and 2029 in planning and implementing grants. These grants can be used to:

  • Develop culturally appropriate materials on topics related to heart health including nutrition, diet planning, and exercise.
  • Support heart health promotion activities in community organizations which work with disproportionately affected communities.
  • Support research conferences or workshops on research practices, methodologies, and designs which include more members of communities disproportionately affected by heart disease in scientific studies.
  • Conduct research into cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and other ailments affecting at-risk populations.

The full text of the Bill can be found on Senator Booker’s website at

It is Time to Go Back, Only to Move Forward in Time

Prayagraj Hule is a renowned Vedantic Scholar. He recently concluded a 5-dayseries on self-help at the International University of Vedic Wellness in Streamwood, IL.

His talks resonated with people across Chicago land, leaving a profound impact onthe youth and individuals of diverse backgrounds. This universal message transcended race and religion, offering knowledge that spoke to the shared human experience.

In collaboration with the University, Prayagraj will offer youth and adult retreats in 2024 as well as online sessions throughout the year. For more information contact Aparna Kulkarni 847-306-7616 or [email protected].

Unearthing Human Nature

Vedanta is a science which deals with human beings. An encyclopedia which has the compilation of subtlest thoughts related to human relationship with the Transcendental Self. Rendered by, several enlightened sages of India. These great people dedicated their lives thousands of years ago to reflect upon the mystery of human origin, purpose of living and constitution of human inner nature. The effort of such crystalline contemplation culminated in the Vedanta philosophy, which decoded the apogee of happiness. Present day humans are disconnected with their roots and live in ignorance about this state of Bliss.

The Labyrinth

Today, the world over alma maters and mushrooming educational institutions are priming students with a lot of data. No doubt valuable to earn wealth and mark the material progress of nations. But limit the young in their rational approach and application of the knowledge provided. Very few truly implement the knowledge gained. The rest just follow a beaten pattern to work. Consequently, the young become victims of contemporaneity pressure. Affliction is arising out of work culture and impending personal perils caused by a lack of clarity of balancing their work and professional life.

The Unrestrained Mind, the Ignorance of Intellect

The youth are unaware of Vedantic education. People hence find themselves tormented by the pernicious traits of an ungoverned mind. The lack of higher values absent in present day education has made humans weak. They find challenges in life difficult to handle, mostly, amongst well-educated and the rich. Depression and stress-related ailments have risen to alarming proportions. Divorce has reached record-breaking numbers worldwide.

The human mind turns malignant when left unattended to make decisions by itself in the absence of the intellect. As a result, greed has led to decadence in society. Humans have turned greedy to amass ill-gained wealth and devour millions, billions, without paying any heed to others living juxtaposed in denial. Ultimately, the greedy only find themselves isolated and lonely.

The Problem Lies Elsewhere

Knowledge gained from universities has no doubt raised the standard of human living, made people wealthy and indulgent. But are they happy? By their own admission people have lost their morals, peace and cheer. Standard of life has deteriorated to a substantial level.

The lack of Vedantic knowledge also makes it difficult for individuals to unravel one’s true aptitude. As a result, few flourish in their natural field of work. Others experience work as a burden, instead of finding it a source of pleasure and joy. Vedanta brings in clarity to discover one’s aptitude and subsequently identify a suitable field of work. One then finds success by employing the right technique of action guided by the intellect. When work becomes a pleasure, so does the working environment.

Live to Give

Giving should be preceded by thinking. Take a look at the charity structure in the world. Ideally, it should be the confluence of feeling and thinking to give the society punctiliously. A true philanthropist will initiate research if wealth gives charity, and has resolved a whirlwind of present predicaments.

Corporation’s today have started charity enclaves, urged by the government to be socially responsible. But has this changed the mind-set of people? Seldom has the donor looked into the effect and effort of organizations and hence the persisting quandaries in the world still remain recurring. Genuine philanthropists share their wealth. But most charitable entities are unable to reach the bottom of the problem. Applying balm to a wound is calming. But that will not help in getting to the source of the disease. True charity is supposed to lift a person spiritually. Make one independent to progress along with others. Not make them dependent and selfish, lethargic and diseased. Remember, “Candent living brings forth Prudent giving”.

The Time is Ticking

Few care about Vedantic intellectual education. An education is beyond the precincts of secular education provided by schools and universities. The educated should mull over the recent graph of wars, poverty, crimes, rapes, stress, divorces… These unfortunate escalations of events have gripped all families in the world. Even children are not spared, as crime perpetrated on children is on the rise.

Pressure on children has led them not to cooperate with parents and educators. Eager to leave homes, the moment they reach the periphery of youth. Therefore, the necessity of bringing in a value system alongside secular education in society should be implemented imminently. The good and spiritual side of humans has to be tapped. The negative will then slowly diminish. Vedanta impacts an individual to harness one’s mind. By imbibing its knowledge, you gain intellectual clarity. This then creates collectively awakened human beings to be more affable and reaching out. There is a saying: “You cannot reach God unless you serve & love the expressions of God”.

For the Youth

The future of every country is the power of youth. Parents must pause for a moment and look behind at the legacy they leave, Asian families in recent times a tradition of debts. Westerners, a tradition of separation is in relationships, angst in their behavioral habits and pills to pop anxiety. This directly affects every child.

The youth get influenced by any one higher in stature. They want to emulate everything their icons do. It is hereby the responsibility of all leaders to leave trails of culture and wisdom that follows sound intellectual reason. Social media has become the death knell of values, a harbinger of sorrow. A disorder which is the eating up concentration of youth and even adults. Use it to evolve, benefit others, but don’t get abused by it, harm others and devolve!

An effort has to be made to save the youth. Leaders need to plan a paradigm shift in education. An awakened person would leave behind a cleaner world and not unresolved filth for the young to remove. Albert Einstein made an apt, wise statement: ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them’. Oh folks! Isn’t it time to wake up? Awaken the intellect with the knowledge of Vedanta.

It is hence time to go back only to move forward in Time.

Diabetes Is A Leading Cause Of Blindness In India

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the working age group, said health experts on World Glaucoma Day on Tuesday, March 12th.

World Glaucoma Day is observed every year on March 12, to raise awareness about the set of eye diseases that can damage the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness if not treated early.

Diabetes is known to double the chances of having glaucoma, which hurts the optic nerve that is known to send visual information from the eyes to the brain.

“Diabetes Mellitus when uncontrolled affects all parts of the eye from the eyelids, cornea, lens, retina, and blood vessels of the eye and affects the eye pressures,” Dr Aishwarya Krishnamurthy, Consultant – Endocrinology & Diabetes, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, told IANS.

“Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in the working age group. The blood vessels in the retina may swell and leak fluid into your eye. If it’s not treated, it can cause serious problems such as vision loss and retinal detachment, where the retina is pulled away from its normal position at the back of your eye,” added Dr Surender Kumar, Sr Endocrinologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.

According to a recent study, published in the Lancet journal, approximately 21 million people in India are visually impaired, including 2.4 million that are blind. The figures are set to increase as diabetes — a significant risk factor for vision loss — is soaring in the country.

The 10th edition of the International Federation Diabetes Atlas 2021 estimates that there are 74 million people aged 20-79 years affected by diabetes in India, and this number is expected to increase to 125 million by 2045.

Dr Rajeev Gupta, Director – Internal Medicine at the CK Birla Hospital, Delhi told IANS that diabetes also raises the risk of a host of other eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma, macular edema, dry eyes — all which can decrease vision or even blindness if left undiagnosed and untreated.

However, the experts noted that vision loss is preventable if the blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol remain controlled.

They recommended all patients with diabetes undergo regular eye examinations, follow a healthy eating plan, engage in regular physical activity, and quit smoking. (IANS)

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Holds Annual “Health for Humanity Yogathon”

The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA (, which describes itself as a “voluntary non-profit cultural organization” with more than 230 chapters nationwide, wrapped up its 17th annual “Surya Namaskar Yajna,” widely known as the “Health for Humanity Yogathon,” on January 28th, 2024.

This 16-day public health awareness initiative commenced on January 13th, 2024, introducing participants to the rejuvenating practice of Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, a press release said. This yoga routine, consisting of 10 simple postures and accompanied by mindful breathing, is said to offer profound benefits for both body and mind.

The Yogathon unfolded across the nation in a relay format, blending virtual and in-person events from the East Coast to the West Coast.

Over 15,585 participants from 36 states collectively completed nearly 925,051 repetitions of the Surya Namaskar sequence. Notably, 4,640 teachers and students from 35 schools contributed close to 50,000 repetitions, underscoring the program’s educational impact. Temples, community centers, and marathon events further enriched the initiative, with enthusiasts completing over 100 sets per person at various locations.

Since its inception in 2007, the Health for Humanity Yogathon has served as a flagship event for HSS, promoting the holistic benefits of yoga for individuals and communities. Elected officials, including US senators, governors, state representatives, and mayors, endorsed the Yogathon through official proclamations, encouraging widespread participation in this health-conscious endeavor.

Participants doing the Surya Namaskar during the HSS-USA nationde Yogathon. PHOTO: HSS

Educators hailed the program’s merits, recognizing its potential to foster mental tranquility and physical strength among students. A teacher from an Elementary school appreciated this program. He commented, “I feel that there are many things that the students can get from this program, not only in the mind, but also in the body. So the mind can be calming. They can learn different strategies to calm themselves down and focus. And then with their body, they can be strengthening and stretching their body and making it more strong. So these kinds of techniques are just another technique that we would learn in any other class, whether it be in physical education. This could be an extension of that, even into the classroom, where the classroom teachers can use these calming effects to maybe focus before the test, calm their minds, and be ready to engage in the next activities that we’re going to cover.”

Another school administrator reflected on her experiences, “This morning I got to do the sun salutations with some experts here at PV and I have to say it was very invigorating. I feel very both rested and ready to start my day and if I can do it I think anybody can do it. Thank you so much for the instructors.”

Reflecting on the Yogathon’s success, national project coordinator Manjunath expressed satisfaction with its role in promoting health awareness across diverse American communities.

Is Mobile Screen The New Cocaine?

In 2017, Frontiers in Psychiatry published ‘An Update Overview on Brain Imaging Studies of Internet Gaming Disorder’ as part of their research on IGD or Internet Gaming Disorder.

The conclusion was startling:

“There is emerging evidence that IGD is associated with similar brain mechanisms responsible for substance use disorders. The brain imaging studies in IGD show similarity in brain mechanisms between IGD and substance use disorder and therefore support the classification of IGD as a behavioral addiction.”

In simple words,

— Screen addiction is an addiction classified as per WHO

— Its impact on the brain is similar to substance (e.g. Narcotics like Cocaine) use addiction

In short, there may be an irreversible long term impact on the brains of children addicted to Internet games. However the question arises if only internet games are to be blamed or the problem is broader. In 2019, researchers made an attempt to bring together all the use cases under the umbrella of SmUD (Smartphone Use Disorder).

It was the research of Joel Billieux who provided clear pathways into problematic mobile phone usage. He emphasised on the following four pathways for SmUD:

— Impulsive

— Relationship

— Extraversion

— Cyber Addiction

Billieux further broke down cyber addiction into online gambling, online video games, online sex, social networks and mobile phone, thereby defining a spectrum of cyber addictions

Many parents despair at the amount of time their kids spend glued to screens, as a recent study by Kantar for Amazon India showed. However, they may not be in a position to co-relate symptoms in a child’s behavior with cyber or mobile addiction.

A research published by National Library of medicine suggests that both physical and mental well-being can be adversely affected by too much screen use. It divided students into low cellphone usage and high-cell phone usage groups and came up with the following conclusions.

— Physical: High Cell Phone usage group observed higher numbers of eye strain, neck pain, back pain, and gain in weight

— Mental: High Cell Phone usage group were more likely to report loneliness, depression, and mood disorders

Is Mobile Screen The New CocaineIn short, excessive phone usage is going to do you and your children harm. And what you may be passing off as a lifestyle aberration, may be the symptom of a larger disorder taking shape for e.g. eye strain and lack of concentration may be the trigger point for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) aggravated by years of mobile phone usage.

At this point, it is important for us to introduce neurotransmitters, especially dopamine commonly called the happiness hormone. But sudden surges in dopamine release causes addiction, this is exactly what cocaine or narcotics do inside our body. They release a lot of dopamine, the brain responds less to the excess dopamine. Then we consume more to release more dopamine.

Eventually this cycle leads to mania, hallucinations and delusions. Now, here is the fun fact: the reason you can’t put that mobile phone down is because it releases cheap and plentiful dopamine in your brain. So you are on a high without consuming anything, just by spending more and more time on a mobile screen on gaming, gambling, sex or social networks!

A logical question therefore is how many hours a day is classified as addiction. A few researchers came up with a limit of 20 hours a week. But, this is hotly contested and WHO has refrained from providing hour-based classification of mobile addiction. Among practitioners a generally held view is that the behaviors of the addict should be such that spending time on the phone comes at the expense of normal life commitments. An often-cited example is that you have an exam or an assignment submission but you skip it because you were unable to keep your mobile phone away.

You may start wondering if this is such an important problem, considering that 70 per cent of India’s population has smartphones. What is being done to solve the problem? To begin with, is it being identified as a problem? The bugle was sounded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Pariksha Pe Charcha wherein he highlighted the distractions mobile phones may cause to students preparing for exams.

There is a lot that needs to be done by different stakeholders like Educators, Health Practitioners, Mobile Device Manufacturers, Mobile Gaming Companies.

However, the biggest question to ask is for a parent themselves. When you hand over a phone or a mobile device to a young child, are you aware you may be starting a one-way cycle for impairing the potential of your own child? What do you think you can do as a parent to change course midway? If you are just starting out, what may be your alternatives to entertain your newborn beyond the mobile screen? To all parents, the question is “are you making your child addicted to cocaine”? (IANS)

Indians Lead Successful Global Healthcare Studies

India is leading in healthcare studies, with most content coming from the country’s researchers and doctors, according to experts. Indian healthcare space with a $372 billion market is one of the largest worldwide, and is expected to go even further with more research and innovation coming from the country, Professor John Adler, Founder of Cureus and Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi, MD, Springer Nature India Private Limited told IANS at an event held in the national capital on Thursday.

“All the research going on in India shows that the future of medicine is bright here,” John Adler said at Cureus India Medical Science & Publishing Symposium: Innovating for Tomorrow.

“What I think is a new revolution in healthcare happening here, especially low-cost healthcare, which is something the rest of the world needs to learn and Cureus is the vehicle to tell those stories,” he added.

Indians Lead Successful Global Healthcare Studies 1Cureus is an online platform that utilises crowdsourcing to share and promote medical knowledge worldwide, without paywalls.

Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi, MD, Springer Nature India told IANS that it is important to empower young researchers, and doctors to publish more research.

“If I look into our global numbers, we have 18,000 articles published every year on our platform and more than 4,000 articles come from India alone, which is close to 20 to 23 per cent of articles coming from Indian researchers and doctors,” he added.

During his recent G20 address, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya also highlighted the significance of research and development in healthcare advancement.

He mentioned India’s efforts to foster an innovative environment in the sector, transitioning from volume-based approaches to value-based leadership models.

“India is not only a powerhouse in medicine today, but it is going to be increasingly so over the coming decades. And there is lots of innovation happening in all different corners of medicine. It is not predictable where your next great breakthrough is going to come. It is not necessarily the big hospitals of the world. It is oftentimes the very humble locations where several observations lead to the next revolution,” John said. (IANS)

(14): 12th March, 2024 set in São Tomé, São Tomé and Principe

Eu não posso acreditar que a minha mae tivesse estado comigo para dois meses, Father reflects to himself as he chews on his calulu. Actually, it has been more like a month and a half, but Father has been busy with work at the hospital. There’s only one public hospital in the entire city of São Tomé, a little far from where he lives, and he oversees more than forty patients in the course of an hour. It’s only in the hours of the evening after he comes home that he has time to savour the taste of the fish his wife makes, sit by the television beside his mother, and chat with her, making her feel young again by sharing the stories of his childhood. How the hours pass, with Father telling long stories about the things he did with his brothers in the coastal town of Vila Malanza, such as how they would cheat each other at football or how they’d spend hours hiking around the crags alongside the ocean without telling any of the adults, just to feel the fresh saltiness of the breeze, the uninterrupted humid smell of the green groves.

A piece of spinach is stuck in between Father’s teeth. He tries to suck it out from the back of his throat, and when that doesn’t work he tries to push it out with his tongue. He pricks at it with his nails, but it refuses to come out. Father finishes his meal and attends to his hygiene in the mirror of the guest bathroom. The spinach is wedged in between his front two teeth like a flag.

As he is taking care of it, Father senses something.

Does my mother have something to say to me? 

14 February, 2024

« You know, it is a lot of work to deal with your mother. »

« I know already. »

« Artur, listen to me. It’s a lot of work. »

« I have to go to the hospital. You stay all day at home. What else can we do? »

« Artur, literally look at me. Don’t look at the phone. Look at your wife. »

Father was busy reading some text messages from the electric company, but he looked away, towards his wife, who had extended both of her arms towards him. They were full of red scratches and purple bruises.

« It is a lot of work to put your mother on the toilet. I am a frail woman. I am also almost seventy. Yesterday, I almost slipped on the water from the bath and could have hit my head. »

« We will get someone to help you at the house. »

« That is not all. Your mother scratches at me and hits me. Look at how she has marked me. It is like she is a kitten. »

« That is because she doesn’t remember who you are. She thinks you are a stranger, and she is defending herself. »

« Artur, this is all easy to say. You have to listen to me. It is a lot of work to be at home alone like this, dealing every day with your mother. »

« Deolinda, don’t worry. It will get better as you get used to it. »

Mother scoffed.

« That is easy for you to say given how little you are in the house. »

Father scoffed as well, almost mocking Mother’s response.

« I am hard at work, paying the bills for this family. »

« I know. » Mother said. She breathed in and out, measuredly, and folded her arms to herself. « And I appreciate your work.  »

Mother didn’t say anything else. She looked like she was observing the atmosphere of the room, then left it, to go back to her housework. Father was relieved to see the conversation was over, and he went back to reading the messages about the power shortages.

But a part of him knew that Mother wasn’t saying something that she really had to get off of her chest, and that part of his mind couldn’t stop wondering what it was.

12 March, 2024

It’s rare for Father to intuit these things. Unlike Mother, who seems to think every offhand sound in the background involves them, Father tends to not notice anything unless it occurs in his direct line of vision, or unless it involves his work. Father is still picking at the spinach between his teeth while looking at himself in the mirror. His skin has always been a light caramel, but he has noticed that he is getting dark freckles on his cheeks. His skin is also darkening in patches. He hopes that it isn’t cancer.

But the feeling doesn’t go away. Father has a strong sense that his mother has something important to say. The thought resounds in his head, though he doesn’t know for what reason. It’s not easy for him to talk to his mother. Each time they speak, there’s a stutter and a pause—and she usually ends up not saying a single thing. She swallows her words, her eyes go blank, and she returns to staring mindlessly at the wall.

Father doesn’t understand why it would be any different today.

7 March, 2024

Alda Alves squirmed in the wheelchair. It was seven in the evening, but it felt like it was seven in the morning, or seven in the evening from the day before. The same serial was playing on the television. The colours flashed in the background. The smell of frying fish filled the house.

Suddenly her body shook. There was no control to the shaking. It would not stop no matter what. It was because she wanted to move but she didn’t move. She wanted to stand but she wasn’t standing. She wanted to adjust her body in the wheelchair but the most she could do was vibrate to herself.

She clutched her earring. Why did she have an earring on? She did not put it in her ear. Her eyes were blinking and blinking and blinking. She wanted to try to take it off, but it was a struggle to get her arm to raise up to her ear, and so she gave up.

There was a book next to her. The Bible. The pages used to feel so warm against her fingers. She wanted to grab it but how. Her finger shook. The book is so big. How would she make her hand fit around it?

She rubbed the edges of the pages with her fingers and then slapped over the book. It fell onto the floor.

Deolinda rushed into the room.

« Mamãe, what are you doing? »

Her mother-in-law’s eyes shuddered like a window blind partially closed.

Deolinda picked up the Bible and put it back in its place on the table.

« Do you want me to read some of the stories from the book? »

At the moment at which she asked she got no response, so Deolinda returned to her work in the kitchen.

But in a few hours, Alda Alves reached for the pages again, trying her hardest to pick up the book.

12 March, 2024

Father leaves the bathroom and returns to the green living room, with its eggshell-blue paintings of the ocean on the walls. Theirs is one of the nicer houses in the city. They live in a two-storey cottage right by the ocean, alongside a small wooden port used by the fishermen in the early hours of the morning. The houses are painted yellow and red and pink and blue. Their house is one of the green ones—green outside, green inside, and particularly green when the sun sets and cascades its light across the living room.

Just on the other side of the hall, the matriarch of the family, Alda Alves, is sitting in her wheelchair. She is in a pink nightgown, and she’s resting her neck on the back of the wall. Father remembers how effortlessly his mother used to lug entire fire logs on the top of her head, and yet now she can no longer support her head with the strength of her own muscles. Drool is dribbling out of her mouth, forming a thin liquid thread down to her arm. Father finds the small blue towel they use to wipe away her sweat and cleans it off.

« And how was your day, mamãe? »  Father says, in the childishly excited tone he uses with his senile patients. « Como foi? » he repeats, two or three times.

His mother doesn’t make an effort to respond, which makes Father wonder if his earlier thoughts were founded on nothing. He sighs. As he said to himself earlier, he is not the intuitive one in his family, and he has long made peace with it. He wonders if he should watch the serial that Mother has put on, one of those random ones from Brasil where not a single character looks remotely African. Honestly, these are the things Mother would watch, not Alda Alves, who used to complain to Father that the things people consume in Africa should be made by Africans.

« Oi, Deolinda, » Father calls out. « Where have you put the remote? » Mother is too far away to hear Father, so he shouts louder. « And why is the program on this? » Something about him having to say it angers him. « You should be putting on things my mother will watch. This is not the time for you to enjoy your shows. »

Perhaps it is the tone he used, but Father suddenly hears a lamenting groan. He turns back to his mother. Suddenly her neck has stiffened out, and her head is straight. The expression on her face is one of fright.

« Oi, mamãe, calm down. Everything is good. Everything is good, I promise. Do you remember me? Do you remember who is talking? Who is this? Who is talking right now? »

Father puts on his excited face, trying to look how he looked when he was a little boy, raptured by everything in the world.

« A…ahh »

« Artur. »

« Ahhh…ahh »

« Artur. »

« Artur. »

« Exatamente. Very good, mamãe, ótimo… »

Normally, the conversation would end here. Father would try to make his mother say his name over and over again, and once she got the hang of it, he would ask her to say the names of his brothers, or his father. At that point his mother would get exhausted. Her eyes would lose their glisten, all concentration would be lost, and she’d return to staring at the nothingness on the other side of the wall.

Only now his mother’s eyes don’t break concentration. They suddenly look the way they looked all those decades ago, back when Alda Alves lived in the fishing settlement of Vila Malanza, full of life and urgency and hunger for more.

31 May, 1962

There was once a day when Alda Alves looked through her open window, at the clothes on the drying line as she was drying the dishes, and said to Artur, « Do you know why we live the way we do? »

Artur was busy eating ice cream, but he shook his head, not knowing what his mother was referring to.

Alda smiled. The sun’s light imprinted the shadows of the palm trees over her face.

« There is no reason for why we live the way we do. We are born where we are. We are from where we are from. But we have all of the power to be more than that. »

Alda put her hand up towards the sky. She clenched it to make the shape of a fist, and she put it right in the place of the ever-shining sun, blocking its light. Her hair coils were slicked against her face like angry serpents. Her pinkish-purple chapped lips cracked against the breeze as she spoke.

« That is the reason why God has put us on this Earth. To surpass the challenge of the life we have been given. To prove that we are far more than what we have been put on this earth for. »

12 March, 2024

« Eu estou sozinho » Alda Alves says.

I am lonely.

The suddenness of her confession shocks Father. He utters without thinking, « What? »

« Sozinho » Alda Alves says, and then she says, quite lucidly, with the most piercing sadness in her eyes, « I am alone. » She says it over and over again.

A tear falls from Father’s eye and traverses over his face. A hotness warms his cheeks.

« My mother, you don’t have to be lonely. My mother, I am here for you now. My mother, I will always be here for you. I know I lived so far away from you for a long time, and it was hard to keep in touch, but I did it all for my family and for us. I’ve always done everything for you even when I have not been around. So, don’t be lonely, my mother. I love you. »

Father holds his mother’s hand. He tries to clasp the top of it with his other, as if that will somehow help to convey the authenticity of his words. He hopes that his mother has heard him in this sudden moment of clarity. He wants to believe more than anything that this is a sign that his mother is still inside of this body, that her dementia is starting to wane, even if just in this moment, and that a part of her consciousness will grace his presence more often.

However, instead of acknowledging her son, Alda Alves utters again and again, « Sozinho, sozinho…soz…so… »

Her voice cracks, her tone changes, her facial expression loses tension.

Her eyes are vacant once more.

She stops staring with that sadness, and faces blankly at the empty green painted on the wall.

Study Finds Any Extra Steps Count: Even Sedentary Lifestyles Benefit from Increased Daily Walking

You’ve likely encountered the recommendation that adults should strive for 10,000 steps daily. While this guideline offers a straightforward directive, it overlooks the diversity of human lifestyles and physical compositions.

A global team of researchers has uncovered that even individuals with predominantly sedentary habits can mitigate the adverse effects of prolonged sitting by integrating more steps into their daily routines.

The prevalence of sedentary lifestyles is on the rise, with established connections to heightened risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD), elevated susceptibility to cancer and diabetes, and a reduced lifespan. Conversely, individuals with higher step counts and brisk walking paces tend to experience diminished risks.

Yet, it remained uncertain whether markedly sedentary individuals could mitigate these concerning health risks through daily step increments.

The study revealed that irrespective of sedentary tendencies, higher step counts correlated with reduced CVD risk and mortality rates. Consequently, those confined to desk-bound roles need not despair entirely, although researchers emphasize the importance of overall sedentary time reduction.

“This is by no means a get out of jail card for people who are sedentary for excessive periods of time,” says population health scientist Matthew Ahmadi from the University of Sydney in Australia.

“However, it does hold an important public health message that all movement matters and that people can and should try to offset the health consequences of unavoidable sedentary time by upping their daily step count.”

Ahmadi and his team scrutinized data from 72,174 volunteers enrolled in the UK Biobank, an extensive longitudinal dataset established in 2006 to track participants’ health metrics over at least three decades.

Each participant contributed an average of 6.9 years’ worth of general health data. Utilizing wrist accelerometers worn for seven days, researchers estimated physical activity levels, including step counts and sitting durations.

The median daily sedentary duration stood at 10.6 hours. Individuals surpassing this threshold were categorized as having ‘high sedentary time,’ while those falling below were labeled as having ‘low sedentary time.’

The study excluded participants whose initial two years of data might have been influenced by poor health, limiting the findings to generally healthy individuals for the first two years of data collection. It remains uncertain whether the dataset included participants with disabilities impacting their step counts.

The research revealed that accumulating between 9,000 and 10,000 steps daily proved optimal for counteracting the effects of a highly sedentary lifestyle, reducing incident CVD risk by 21 percent and mortality risk by 39 percent.

Regardless of sedentary behavior, researchers found that half of the benefits manifested at approximately 4,000 to 4,500 daily steps.

“Any amount of daily steps above the referent 2,200 steps per day was associated with lower mortality and incident CVD risk, for low and high sedentary time,” Ahmadi and colleagues conclude.

“Accruing between 9,000 and 10,000 steps a day optimally lowered the risk of mortality and incident CVD among highly sedentary participants.”

FDA Investigates Lead Contamination in Cinnamon Products; Recalls Recommended

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently investigating cinnamon products that may contain lead. The concern extends beyond just cinnamon applesauce to encompass ground cinnamon as well. One particular brand under scrutiny is the desi brand, Swad, which is commonly found at Patel Brothers, a renowned grocery store catering to the Indian community in the US. The FDA’s scrutiny arises from the discovery of elevated lead levels in certain brands of ground cinnamon. Prolonged use of these products could pose health risks. This issue is not isolated, as evidenced by a significant incident where over 460 individuals, predominantly children, suffered lead poisoning due to consuming cinnamon-flavored applesauce containing cinnamon sourced from Ecuador.

In light of these findings, recalls have been recommended for ground cinnamon distributed by six different companies, including Swad from Patel Brothers. Consumers are strongly advised to cease using affected products immediately and to ensure their proper disposal. The implicated brands include La Fiesta, Marcum, MTCI, Supreme Tradition, and El Chillar.

8 March, 2024: The Plaque set in Arijejen, Nauru

When Father was called into the office of the Republic of Nauru Hospital, he had no idea he was being given an award that had been bestowed on him by the government of Australia. In major countries like Australia or the US, or even in relatively bigger countries like Fiji, in comparison to Nauru, it was common to give awards or titles to doctors to commemorate their hard work and improve their morale. Father knew of these things happening in practice, but he had never expected getting anything like that himself because it wasn’t customary in Nauru. People weren’t really recognised in general. They spent their time watching the sunset from the silty coastline outside of their houses, fishing, chatting for hours with their relatives or neighbours, and getting drunk when they were younger or getting high off of the Gospel when they were older.

They lived their life, let it be lived, and didn’t think much about what they were doing.

So, when Father came into the office and noticed one of the people who worked for administration unwrapping bubble wrap off of a plaque, he was curious. The plaque appeared to be made out of wood, but it was covered with a gold plating. Whether it was fake or real, Father did not know. But then he saw what was written in a black font at the top.

Community Care Excellence 2023, Dr Bruno Neneiya 

His name was Bruno Neneiya. And underneath that was a signature of a Mr Robin White and the name of a medical association based in Australia. Father felt a pang in the deepest parts of his chest, but then the emotion that followed after was resounding, filling, warm. He was being recognised, and from a foreign institution, and it had all been unprompted, unasked for. The happiness that was flooding Father was almost overwhelming. He thought he was going to cry, though he didn’t.

The hospital administrator handed him the plaque, saying with a dull smile, ‘Congrats.’ Father noticed how glassy his eyes were. It was the same lifeless look he had had last year when Father had given his presentation, arguing how the hospital could improve their services by buying more modern medical equipment and giving salary increases to workers. Father always remembered how the administrator had put on a smile, thanked Father for his hard work, then waddled away to close the door on him after saying that the administration would take the time to think about it. They never gave a response, and Father accepted that this was the most likely outcome. But it certainly felt good, seeing a plaque coming from one of the NGOs Father had been writing to to ask for advice on how to improve the medical infrastructure for his island country.

Father touched the plaque. The written imprint felt rough on his fingers, almost like he were touching pebbles. Yet the wooden frame was so smooth, as if it hadn’t been made out of real wood or the kinds of woods Father was used to touching. He turned the plaque to see his name written in gold. He couldn’t help but smile. Then he just as quickly turned off his smile when his administrator came over to his side, his three double chins melting into one mass of fat as he glared at it.

There was no fancy celebration or ceremony. This was the only hospital on the island, and they didn’t really celebrate things like this. The administrator asked his assistant to take a picture of the two of them holding the plaque and smiling so that he could send it back to the organisation who had awarded him. They would make a social media post on behalf of the hospital. Father and the administrator held hands for the photo, but the moment after the agreeable picture was taken, the administrator let go of his hand. The fake smiles went away, and the administrator’s face returned to being lifeless. He was probably wondering when he would have his next sandwich, Father thought. Father only wished he could become a little more inspired, have a little more jealousy so as to wonder how he could do better and improve his service to the hospital to win awards like this in the future.

It bothered Father, but it also did not. He let himself enjoy the smoothness of the plaque in his hands. He thought about how his wife would feel upon seeing the plaque. She would smile at him all night and give him a warm kiss on the neck and cuddle with him in bed as they beheld the plaque on the wall.

And then he thought about how his own mother, who was now staying at home with them, would react. His mother had always been proud of him for being the most educated person in their household, and for generously sending money back home to support her and his brothers. But he had never won an award, had never been recognised so publicly for his work. Now his mother had dementia and probably wouldn’t understand the importance of it.

But Father imagined a version of his mother from a few years ago, that beautifully active, bronzed woman who kept her grey hair in a tightly knit bun and her full body in a red flower dress. This was the version of his mother who’d pace up and down the kitchen waiting for a call from her grandson. This was the version of his mother who’d spend all morning flipping the fish on the grill to make sure it would not get burnt, only toasted. He imagined this version of his mother holding the plaque, crying because she was so proud of her son, holding him in a way she had never done when she was lucid enough to do such things. Father imagined himself telling this version of his mother that he would have never been able to do any of this without her support, and that he loved her.

How he wished he could have had this moment with his mother.

Father held this plaque for some time, then he put it back in its bubble wrap. The time to celebrate was over. It wouldn’t be until the evening when his shift ended and he would be able to show it to his loved ones.

Study Reveals Alarming Link Between Medical Debt and Declining Health in the United States

Medical debt in the United States correlates with deteriorating physical and mental well-being, as well as premature mortality, according to a recent study conducted by the American Cancer Society. The research revealed that with each $100 rise in medical debt, there was an increase of eight days in poor physical health and 6.8 days in poor mental health per month per 1,000 individuals.

The escalating costs of healthcare nationwide present an ongoing obstacle for millions of Americans. Data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services illustrates the enormity of the issue, indicating that healthcare expenditure reached $4.5 trillion in 2022, roughly translating to $13,500 per person, with out-of-pocket spending amounting to $471.4 billion.

Despite over 90% of the population possessing some form of health insurance, the burden of medical debt persists for both insured and uninsured individuals due to out-of-network expenses, high deductibles, and unforeseen bills, experts explained.

Examining data spanning nearly 3,000 counties, encompassing 93% of the nation, researchers sought to understand the repercussions of medical debt on health outcomes. While the study did not establish causation, it highlighted a robust correlation, aligning with prior research indicating that financial strain contributes to poorer health outcomes.

For every 1% increase in the prevalence of medical debt within a population, the study found a corresponding increase of 18 days in poor physical health, 18 days in poor mental health, and one additional year lost per 1,000 individuals.

Dr. Xuesong Han, the lead author of the study, emphasized the systemic nature of the issue, stating, “[Medical debt] is a problem that needs to be addressed systematically.”

The study identified certain demographic trends associated with higher rates of medical debt. Counties with larger proportions of non-Hispanic Black residents, lower educational attainment, higher rates of poverty, and greater numbers of uninsured and unemployed individuals tended to exhibit a higher prevalence of medical debt. On average, across all counties, approximately 19.8% of Americans had medical debt in collections. Geographically, Southern counties bore the brunt of the highest medical debt burdens.

Researchers noted that the data analyzed preceded the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, underscoring the necessity for further investigation into post-pandemic shifts in the healthcare system and public health.

Han underscored the importance of policy interventions aimed at tackling this issue, advocating for initiatives such as “expanding access to affordable and comprehensive health insurance coverage” and “providing financial guidance and linking patients with pertinent resources to mitigate any adverse impacts.”


Medical Professionals Challenge Rising Use of Noncompete Agreements Amid Patient Care Concerns

David Lankford, a pediatrician from Indiana with a focus on critically ill children, made the difficult decision to depart from his position at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne. This choice arose following a layoff of pediatricians at the hospital, resulting in a significant surge in the number of patients under his care.

Transitioning to Parkview Health, located nearby, Lankford found himself entangled in a legal dispute initiated by his former employer. Allegations of violating a noncompete clause in his contract were raised, leading to an ongoing legal battle over his ability to continue serving patients in Fort Wayne.

Expressing concern for the implications on patient care, Lankford stated, “There is a shortage of physicians who do the subspecialty work that I do in Fort Wayne.” He emphasized the potential hardship faced by critically ill children and their families due to restricted access to care.

This scenario exemplifies a growing trend where doctors are confronting the prevalence of noncompete agreements, which impose limitations on their ability to practice within a specified geographic area if they leave their job. While employers argue these agreements safeguard their investments in recruitment and support for physicians, medical professionals assert that such provisions can impede patient access to care and deter them from addressing concerns about safety or ethical issues.

According to Omar Atiq, president of the American College of Physicians, the proliferation of noncompete agreements contradicts the core values of medicine. He highlighted the significance of the doctor-patient relationship and warned against the adverse effects of severing such connections.

Once regarded as restrictions primarily for high-ranking executives or individuals with access to proprietary information, noncompete agreements have become ubiquitous across various industries, including healthcare. This trend has resulted in over 30 million workers facing limitations on their employment opportunities, as reported by the Federal Trade Commission.

President Joe Biden’s commitment to banning noncompetes across the economy reflects a growing recognition of the issue’s significance. The FTC is expected to finalize a decision regarding a proposed ban early this year, according to a Biden administration official.

Within the medical field, noncompete agreements have become standard practice, affecting a significant portion of physicians, particularly those employed by hospitals or large health systems. This shift has occurred as healthcare organizations increasingly acquire medical practices, leading to a rise in noncompete agreements’ prevalence.

Critics argue that these agreements exacerbate physician shortages, disrupt doctor-patient relationships, and deter doctors from advocating for patient safety. Concerns have been raised regarding patients’ experiences, with abrupt interruptions in care and limited information on their physicians’ whereabouts.

Despite opposition from organizations like the American Hospital Association, which emphasizes the need to protect investments made in recruiting and retaining physicians, there’s growing support for reevaluating the widespread use of noncompete agreements.

In various instances across different states, doctors have found themselves entangled in legal battles due to noncompete agreements. An OB-GYN in Savannah, Georgia, faced threats of litigation after seeking employment at a clinic focusing on low-income women. Similarly, two cardiologists in North Carolina were confronted with legal action when transitioning to a different hospital.

In Indiana, David Lankford’s case underscores the contentious nature of noncompete agreements. His departure from Lutheran Hospital led to allegations of contract breaches and a subsequent legal dispute. Despite winning a preliminary injunction, Lankford’s battle continues, reflecting the complexities and challenges involved in challenging noncompete agreements.

In Ohio, surgeon Anjay Khandelwal navigated a lengthy legal process before securing the right to practice at Akron Children’s Hospital’s burn center. His case illustrates the obstacles physicians face in challenging noncompete agreements and the potential implications for patient care.

While some physicians have achieved victories in court, many choose to avoid legal confrontation due to the associated financial and reputational risks. This often leads to physicians quietly relocating to new cities, disrupting their personal and professional lives while avoiding potential lawsuits.

Overall, the prevalence of noncompete agreements in the medical field poses significant challenges, impacting both physicians and patients. As debates over their legality and implications continue, the broader healthcare landscape remains marked by uncertainty and contentious legal battles.

FDA Approves Limited Claim: Yogurt May Reduce Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made a significant decision after nearly five years of deliberation, allowing yogurts to carry a limited claim suggesting their potential in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. This marks the first qualified health claim ever issued by the FDA for yogurt. A qualified health claim, as defined by the FDA, is one that “are supported by scientific evidence, but do not meet the more rigorous ‘significant scientific agreement’ standard required for an authorized health claim.” This means that while there is evidence supporting the claim, it does not meet the highest standard of scientific agreement.

The specific claim approved by the FDA states that consuming yogurt regularly, at a minimum of 2 cups (3 servings) per week, may potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is based on limited scientific evidence and is aimed at addressing a disease affecting millions of people in the US and globally. The serving size recommendation is rooted in the FDA’s assessment that this amount is necessary to achieve the claimed effect, as supported by research from two prospective cohorts.

Yogurt, made from milk fermented with bacteria known as probiotics, contains essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, B vitamins, and various minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

This decision came about following a petition submitted in 2018 by Danone North America, a food and beverage company. The FDA initiated a review of existing research on the link between yogurt consumption and type 2 diabetes in response to this petition. Dr. Caroline Passerrello, a registered dietitian nutritionist and instructor at the University of Pittsburgh, acknowledged the submission’s adherence to proper procedures and inclusion of peer-reviewed research.

However, despite the supporting research, it is acknowledged that the evidence is limited and not particularly robust. Dr. Passerrello noted that the studies conducted suggest a correlation rather than a causal relationship between yogurt consumption and type 2 diabetes.

Qualified health claims have been permissible for dietary supplements since 2000 and for food since 2002, though they are infrequently granted. Only a handful of foods have received such claims over the past decade, including cocoa powder high in flavonol for reduced cardiovascular disease risk and certain cranberry products for decreased chances of recurrent urinary tract infections among women.

Dr. Marion Nestle, a nutritionist and molecular biologist, expressed skepticism regarding qualified health claims, labeling them as inherently dubious. She questioned the logic of assuming that simply consuming 2 cups of yogurt weekly could prevent type 2 diabetes, especially considering the prevalence of sweetened yogurts. Dr. Nestle emphasized that the FDA’s review found no significant difference in outcomes based on sugar content, suggesting that sugar is not a relevant factor in this claim.

She also pointed out the multifactorial nature of type 2 diabetes, indicating that while yogurt can be part of a healthy diet, attributing diabetes prevention solely to yogurt consumption lacks context. Dr. Nestle advised consumers to exercise common sense when evaluating such health claims and to consider the overall quality of their diet.

Research suggests limiting daily added sugar intake to less than 25 grams, equivalent to approximately 6 teaspoons. This quantity can be found in various foods, such as chocolate chip cookies, fruit punch, or honey.

New CDC Guidelines Ease Covid-19 Isolation Rules, Sparking Debate Among Experts

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidelines altering the approach to handling Covid-19 positive cases. Previously, individuals were required to isolate for at least five days, but this strategy has now been revised. The CDC emphasizes aligning Covid-19 recommendations with those for other respiratory infections like influenza and RSV, aiming to streamline guidance for the public. Dr. Mandy Cohen, CDC Director, highlights the shift, attributing it to the broader immunity across the US population, resulting in fewer severe outcomes from the virus.

Under the updated guidance, individuals with Covid-19 should remain home until they’ve been fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours, with improving symptoms for the same duration. Following this period, resumption of normal activities is permissible, with additional precautions recommended for the subsequent five days to minimize virus transmission. These precautions are especially crucial for individuals in contact with vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or immunocompromised individuals.

The CDC’s adjustments reflect the evolving impact of Covid-19 in the US, where significant reductions in hospitalizations and deaths have been observed since 2020. Hospitalizations declined by 60% from 2.5 million in 2021 to 900,000 in 2023, while deaths plummeted by 83% from 450,000 to approximately 75,000 during the same period. Consequently, Covid-19 has dropped from the third leading cause of death to the tenth, though its toll remains higher than typical flu seasons.

Dr. Cohen stresses the importance of vaccination in mitigating severe illness, anticipating an updated vaccine in the fall and urging individuals to prepare for it. Alongside vaccination, staying home when sick, seeking testing, and prompt treatment are crucial preventive measures emphasized by the CDC. Importantly, states and countries that have shortened isolation periods have not reported increased hospitalizations or deaths from Covid-19.

However, not all experts agree with the revised guidelines. Dr. Ellie Murray from Boston University’s School of Public Health criticizes the shift, arguing it undermines public health efforts by downplaying the severity of respiratory diseases like Covid-19. Some public health professionals advocate for ending “Covid exceptionalism,” treating the virus similarly to other respiratory infections, while others oppose this approach, citing the unique and dangerous nature of Covid-19 compared to the flu.

The previous five-day isolation period garnered criticism from various perspectives. Employers and parents found it burdensome, while individuals at higher risk of severe infection deemed it insufficient given prolonged positive test results and continued contagiousness. Despite concerns, Lori Tremmel Freeman from the National Association of County and City Health Officials acknowledges the need for easily understandable guidance amid the ongoing pandemic challenges.

The CDC’s updated guidelines signal a shift in approach to managing Covid-19, reflecting broader immunity and reduced severity of outcomes. While someexperts express reservations, the focusremains on promoting vaccination, early detection, and preventive measures to mitigate virus transmission and protect vulnerable populations.

GAPI Volunteer Clinic in Atlanta Expands Healthcare Services In Collaboration With SEWA

“There are several chronic diseases that if identified at initial stages can prevent catastrophic life-threatening events among people,” says Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, current national Treasurer of the American Associations of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), past President of Georgia Associations of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPI) and the Director, GAPI Volunteer Clinic. Dr. Gangasani, who is a cardiologist by profession, understands the risks to individuals, their families, the nation, and the larger community by unidentifying and preventable illnesses such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, various Cancers, Heart Disease, Stroke, and Liver Disease.

With the objective of helping and supporting the local community in Atlanta, especially those who are uninsured, living in poverty, and immigrants with no way of finding quality and affordable healthcare, GAPI has decided to collaborate with SEWA to expand the GAPI Volunteer Clinic in Atlanta and make its services available to maximum number of people who need healthcare.

GAPI“GAPI Volunteer Clinic in Atlanta recently started working with SEWA volunteers to serve Hispanic and other underserved communities along with Indian and South Asian patients,” says Dr. Gangasani. “At present, the clinic is open first and third Saturdays, and we have plans to open the clinic every Saturday if volunteer physicians are available,” says Dr. Gangasani.

Dr. Gangasani while describing the origins of the Clinic said, “Following the astounding success of the SAI Health Fairs initiated by Dr. Sujatha Reddy, where thousands of poor, uninsured, and underinsured in the community received free and effective health care, GAPI’s past Presidents thought of extending the services through the GAPI Volunteer Clinic.”

GAPI Volunteer Clinic was started in 2010 at the Global Mall to help uninsured patients in the Metro Atlanta region after the GAPI Executive Committee decided in 2009 and was opened by then-congressman Tom Price. GAPI was established in 1987 and it has more than 800 members and over 300 Life members. It is well known for rendering sterling services in health care to the community.

GAPI CLINIC 2As the director of the GAPI volunteer clinic since 2010, Dr. Gangasani says, “I just wanted to take a moment to express how grateful I am to work at the GAPI clinic. It is truly a blessing to be able to provide medical care to those who may not otherwise have access to it. The gratitude that our patients express when they are seen is truly heartwarming and makes all the hard work worth it. I feel good knowing that I am making a positive impact in the lives of others. Thank you to all the dedicated staff and volunteers who make this possible.”

Dr. Gangasani says, on average over a dozen patients turn up at the clinic. All of them are uninsured or underinsured or visitors to Atlanta or seniors from India visiting their family members. Some seek urgent help during emergencies and are recommended to seek the clinic’s help. He is hopeful that he would like more people to come to the clinic. Spring is already here, so there will be many visitors and visiting relatives from India. It is vital that the community knows about GAPI Volunteers Clinic and makes good use of it.

Recalling the many lives he was able to touch during his 15-year-long association with the Clinic, Dr. Gangagasni said, “One of my best moments was identifying a tongue cancer in a clinic patient without insurance, who subsequently traveled to India and got the surgery done with a cure.”

GAPI CLINIC 1During Covid, the clinic was closed and referred for free telehealth consultations by telehealth companies like Eglobaldoctors who helped many patients during difficult times. Now that the pandemic is behind us, the organizers of the Clini want to expand the services and help more patients who are in need of healthcare.

In addition to 2-3 physicians being available at the clinic on Saturdays, the collaboration with SEWA, which has a wider network of volunteers will help in having adequate staffing to the clinic with Nursing, Managing Front Desk, and Follow-up services/referrals.

Talks are on with the Georgia Indian Nurses Association (GINA) who provide volunteer nurses to the clinic. If each of the GAPI’s more than 800 members volunteer his or her services for four hours a month, the Clinic will run smoothly.

The clinic has been approved for free EMR by clinical works. EMR (Electronic Medical Record) was installed and updated so that physicians can use it to provide better patient care. Run by GAPI volunteer physicians with the state of Georgia community health program support, Malpractice Insurance coverage to the physicians is covered by the Georgia state.

GAPI CLINIC 3Dr. Gangasani urged GAPI physicians and nurses to step up to the plate and volunteer for a few hours at the clinic. GAPI volunteer free clinic is available at the Global Mall for people with no Insurance and low income. Free Primary care consultation is available for the family. The leaders of the Clinic are working on getting discounted rates at pharmacies.

Services Available:

Minimal cost for lab work
Discounted rate for medications and Flu shots (in season).
Referral to Specialists at a discounted fee.


5675 Jimmy Carter Blvd
Suite 736
Norcross, GA. 30071
(Inside the Global Mall)

Time of Operations:

Open on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

Dr Gangasani requests the members of the community to come forward to help with successfully running the clinic. If anyone with a Georgia license wants to help and be part of this noble initiative, please contact Dr. Gangasani via email at: [email protected]

Survey Reveals Impact of Parent-Child Relationships on Adolescent Health and Well-being

Gallup’s 2023 examination of Family and Adolescent Health requested that guardians depict the nature of their relationship with their children in the household. Former studies within this demographic and other research illustrate the varying tendencies of young individuals given the contemporary life risks they face. Gallup’s survey honed in on the wholesome and relatively non-conflictual rapport between parents and children, which fluctuates according to individual traits. It appears commonplace for adolescents to experience relationships of lesser quality with their parents than younger children, though parents perceive the lack of control less frequently than adolescents do. It’s noteworthy that married parents report higher-quality relationships compared to those who have never married, as well as biological parents compared to other relatives. Parents with conservative attitudes report more harmonious relationships of greater quality with their children compared to liberal or tolerant parents.

“The data suggests that social media usage correlates with poor mental health,” states the Family Studies Institute, “and a lack of parental regulation regarding adolescents’ screen time.” Another study from the same institute found that warm and disciplined treatment enhances adolescents’ mental well-being. The parent-child relationship appears to be age-dependent, being stronger with younger children aged three to four, with 80% of parents describing their relationship as excellent, compared to 48% with adolescent children aged 13 to 19. It’s notable that parents’ and children’s genders don’t affect the assessment of relationship quality; fathers and mothers evaluate their relationships with children similarly, as do girls and boys. Socioeconomic status, education, family income, or ethnic background do not dictate the quality of relationships. The survey indicates that parents with a high-quality relationship with their spouse report excellent treatment of children (67%) compared to those with a deficient conjugal relationship (50%).

While daily treatment differences between liberals and conservatives are similar, there’s a more pronounced distinction in setting boundaries and enforcing rules, as the former are more hesitant to administer negatives or demand order. Adolescents who perceive their relationships with parents as very good tend to have parents who describe them similarly, with 86% of parents describing their relationship with them as excellent. An unexpected finding is that parents view boys as more likely than girls to have a strong and affectionate relationship: 77% compared to 61%. There are no discernible differences among black, Hispanic, or Anglo parents regarding loss of control over children, while Asian parents report lower rates. White parents are more inclined to report frequent arguments.

It goes without saying that a high-quality relationship is vital for the well-being of both parents and children. Children with such relationships are far less likely to exhibit signs of depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation; their behavior reflects positive social development and stronger mental health for the future, according to Gallup’s study. The robust relationships conservative parents cultivate with their children outshine those of liberal parents and protect them from the risks of mental health issues. Could this be attributed to instilling more discipline and order? Could it be because they establish boundaries and rules while offering warmth and affection, fostering balanced adolescent development? It’s imperative for parents and societal leaders to advocate for these practices within families and communities.

Yale New Haven Health Appoints Katherine Heilpern as President Amidst Leadership Transition and Ongoing Developments

Amid its efforts to acquire three hospitals from Prospect medical and recent criticism over closing a daycare facility, Yale New Haven Health system declared Katherine Heilpern as the new president of Yale New Haven Hospital last week. Heilpern, formerly the chief operating officer of the Weill Cornell Division at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and chair of the emergency medicine department at Emory University School of Medicine, is set to assume her new role on March 11. Concurrently, Pamela Sutton-Wallace SPH ’97, previously the interim president of YNHH, will ascend to lead the entire system.

Heilpern, expressing her perspective, stated, “I’ve had leadership positions that have served on both sides of the academic healthcare coin… [which] gives me the opportunity to really understand life at the frontline, and the care that’s being delivered by the providers and how it feels on the side of patients and families.”

Arjun Venkatesh, the chair of emergency medicine, sees Heilpern’s appointment as a significant shift in YNHH’s leadership, especially since she will be one of the few women heading a hospital of its size, which is among the largest in the United States.

Regarding the ongoing developments, Heilpern mentioned that she is unaware of the controversy surrounding daycare closures and views the acquisitions as beyond her current role.

Despite concerns about the expansion, several YNHH officers express confidence in Heilpern and her ability to lead. Venkatesh believes her background as an emergency physician will provide a valuable perspective, emphasizing the importance of clinical experience in hospital leadership.

Alan Friedman, the chief medical officer, believes Heilpern’s clinical acumen will enhance patient care, emphasizing the need for high-quality, safe care. Venkatesh further highlights that Heilpern’s experience may help address overcrowding issues and other systemic challenges.

In an interview, Heilpern outlined her goal of delivering more accessible care and developing an efficient care continuum. She also aims to foster collaboration between various schools within the system to ensure quality care delivery.

With over 5000 medical personnel and nearly 15,000 staff members, Yale New Haven Hospital remains a significant healthcare institution amidst these changes.

Teachers Warn Excessive Phone Use Leaving Children Too Tired to Learn, Call for Action

Teachers in Yorkshire are raising concerns about children’s excessive phone use, which they believe is leaving students too tired to focus in class. The government recently issued advice to schools to curb mobile phone use during lessons, but educators argue that the real issue lies in the amount of screen time children have at home. Hannah Feerick, an assistant head at Wales High School in Rotherham, noted that many students appear fatigued and disengaged during school hours, attributing this to their extensive online activities. She highlighted the impact of online conflicts on the development of friendship groups, emphasizing that these issues often unfold in digital spaces.

Data from No Phones At Home, an initiative promoting offline interactions, reveals the widespread ownership of phones among children, with 55% having phones by age 11, increasing to 77% by age 12. Moreover, 86% of these children have social media accounts, spending an average of 2.5 hours daily on their phones. Primary school teachers, gathered at a recent meeting in Leeds, shared observations of how excessive screen time affects children’s social skills and patience. They noted a tendency towards solitary behavior, impatience, and a lack of delayed gratification, with some expressing concern that parents underestimate the impact of digital consumption on their children.

Psychologist Charlotte Armitage from Leeds emphasized the importance of setting firm boundaries on device usage, advocating for a balanced approach. She highlighted the link between excessive screen time and mental health issues, stressing the need for parental intervention to mitigate these risks. Meanwhile, the government’s guidance on mobile phone use in schools aims to reduce disruptions and enhance classroom behavior. However, Pepe Di’lasio, head teacher of Wales High School and incoming general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, believes the focus should be on regulating online platforms rather than solely restricting phone use in schools. Di’lasio urged for greater efforts to address harmful content accessible to children online, suggesting a shift in focus from devices to the content children encounter.

Pioneering Oncologist’s Quest: Personalized Cancer Vaccines Herald New Era in Treatment

Seeking a remedy for cancer serves as a significant driving force for numerous aspiring medical practitioners, though only a few manage to earnestly pursue this ambition. Among these determined individuals is Dr. Catherine Wu, an oncologist affiliated with Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Since the tender age of second grade, Dr. Wu has fixated her sights on combating cancer, prompted by a teacher’s inquiry about her future aspirations.

Recalling her childhood aspirations, Dr. Wu reminisces, “That’s when there was a lot of coverage on the war on cancer. I think I drew a picture of a cloud, probably a rainbow and drew a picture of (me) like, making a cure for cancer or something like that.”

Dr. Wu’s trajectory has evolved remarkably since then, with her research laying the groundwork for personalized cancer vaccines, honed to match the genetic composition of an individual’s tumor. This innovative approach holds particular promise for challenging-to-treat cancers such as melanoma and pancreatic cancer, showcasing encouraging results in preliminary trials and potentially applicable across the spectrum of cancer types.

Recognizing Dr. Wu’s seminal contributions, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences recently conferred upon her the prestigious Sjöberg Prize, citing her “decisive contributions” to cancer research. Professor Urban Lendahl, the committee’s secretary, underscores the perpetual need for advancements in cancer treatment, despite the strides made over the years.

Conventional cancer treatments, notably radiation therapy and chemotherapy, akin to sledgehammers, indiscriminately impact all cells, often causing collateral damage to healthy tissue. However, since the 1950s, researchers have sought methods to harness the body’s immune system, which inherently combats cancer but is frequently outmaneuvered by it. Progress on this front gained momentum around 2011 with the emergence of checkpoint inhibitors, a class of drugs amplifying the anti-tumor activity of T cells, a vital component of the immune system.

Dr. Wu’s fascination with the immune system’s prowess burgeoned during her tenure as a medical intern, where she witnessed firsthand the transformative potential of bone marrow transplants in bolstering the body’s defenses against cancer. This exposure ignited her interest in immunology, driven by the tangible outcomes observed in patients undergoing treatment.

Central to Dr. Wu’s research is the identification of minor mutations within cancerous tumor cells. These mutations, accruing as the tumor proliferates, give rise to proteins that deviate slightly from their counterparts in healthy cells. These altered proteins spawn what is known as a tumor neoantigen, recognizable by the immune system’s T cells as foreign entities susceptible to attack.

Elaborating on this aspect, Professor Lendahl describes the crucial importance of these neoantigens manifesting on the surface of tumor cells for the immune system to effectively target them.

The concept of cancer vaccines has been a longstanding pursuit within the scientific community, albeit with limited success due to the challenge of pinpointing the appropriate targets. Dr. Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren lauds the ability to identify neo-specific tumor antigens as a groundbreaking advancement in cancer research.

By meticulously sequencing DNA from both healthy and cancerous cells, Dr. Wu and her team ascertain the unique tumor neoantigens of each cancer patient. Synthetic replicas of these neoantigens hold promise as personalized vaccines, priming the immune system to recognize and combat cancer cells.

Navigating regulatory hurdles, Dr. Wu and her team championed the case for individualized vaccines tailored to each participant in their trial, overcoming skepticism regarding the unconventional approach. Subsequently, they administered a series of patient-specific neoantigen vaccines to six individuals with advanced melanoma, yielding breakthrough results published in a 2017 Nature article.

Dr. Wu expresses gratitude to the trial participants for their invaluable contribution, emphasizing the arduous journey they undertake in the pursuit of medical advancement.

In the years following the initial trial, Dr. Wu’s endeavors, alongside those of fellow researchers and pharmaceutical entities, have propelled the field of personalized cancer vaccines forward. Ongoing trials target a spectrum of cancers, including pancreatic and lung cancer, in addition to melanoma.

Despite promising outcomes, challenges persist, necessitating larger-scale randomized control trials to validate the efficacy of cancer vaccines comprehensively. Additionally, optimizing vaccine formulations and manufacturing processes remains imperative to ensure widespread accessibility and affordability.

Questions loom regarding the compatibility of cancer vaccines with existing treatments and their optimal timing within the treatment continuum. Notwithstanding these uncertainties, participants in early cancer vaccine trials attest to the transformative impact of these interventions on their lives, embodying newfound hope amidst the battle against cancer.


New Study Reveals Women Need Half as Much Exercise as Men for Longevity Benefits, Says Cardiology Expert

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that women may need to exercise less than men to achieve similar longevity benefits. Dr. Martha Gulati, co-author of the study and director of preventive cardiology at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, emphasizes the positive implications of this finding for women who may struggle to maintain regular exercise routines. She notes, “For me, the news to women is: a little goes a long way.”

The study revealed that while men who engaged in approximately 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week experienced an 18% lower risk of mortality compared to inactive men, women needed only about 140 minutes of weekly exercise to achieve a comparable benefit. Interestingly, women who engaged in around 300 minutes of exercise per week had a 24% lower risk of death. However, the longevity benefits seemed to plateau beyond this threshold for both sexes.

Similarly, the analysis of muscle-strengthening exercise demonstrated a gender difference. A single weekly strength-training session was associated with equivalent longevity benefits for women as three weekly sessions for men. Gulati explains that women typically have less muscle mass than men, suggesting that they may derive greater benefits from smaller doses of strength training due to their initial lower muscle mass. Other physiological differences between the sexes, such as those related to the lungs and cardiopulmonary system, may also contribute to this divergence.

The study relied on data from over 400,000 U.S. adults who participated in the National Health Interview Survey from 1997 to 2017, correlating self-reported exercise habits with death records. While over 40,000 participants died during the study period, the observational nature of the study cannot establish causation. Nevertheless, the researchers attempted to mitigate confounding variables by excluding individuals with serious preexisting conditions or mobility limitations and those who died within the first two years of follow-up.

Limitations of the study include the reliance on self-reported exercise data, which may not always be accurate, and the exclusion of physical activity performed during work or household chores. Despite these constraints, Gulati emphasizes the need for further research to validate the findings. She stresses the importance of recognizing sex-based differences in both research and public health policy, challenging the longstanding practice of using men as the standard.

Current federal guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio per week, along with two muscle-strengthening sessions for all U.S. adults. However, data from 2020 indicate that a larger percentage of men meet these benchmarks compared to women. Gulati’s research suggests that women may still derive significant longevity benefits from exercise, even if they fall short of meeting these targets.

Nevertheless, Gulati maintains that the study’s findings should not discourage men, as emerging research indicates that both sexes benefit from even brief periods of physical activity. Encouraging individuals to reduce sedentary behavior and incorporate more movement into their daily routines remains paramount. She concludes, “Our pitch should be the same to men and women: something is better than nothing. Sit less and move more.”


Dr. Vemuri S. Murthy Conducts Workshop On Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Advanced Emergency Medical Care For Faculty of Gandhi and Osmania Medical College Hospitals in Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been recently playing a significant role globally in the Medical field to promote “Best Practices in Medicine.” The future of Medicine will be largely AI-based, supplementing physicians’ clinical skills for early diagnosis and timely management of medical conditions and preventive care. Not many countries are currently utilizing AI-based technology in Medicine to the maximum extent. As one of the world leaders in the information technology (IT) sector, India has several opportunities to reap maximum benefits to improve healthcare delivery throughout the country (urban and rural) by utilizing AI-based medical technology more.

Dr. Vemuri S Murthy, an Indo-US Resuscitation Training Expert from Chicago, Illinois, USA, conducted the First Telangana Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based simulation workshop in Emergency Medicine (“Diagnosis and Management of Medical Emergencies”) with the state-of-the-art simulation technology at the Gandhi Alumni Training Center in Hyderabad on February 12, 2024. The 2.5-hour interactive workshop was attended by the Medical Faculty from Gandhi and Osmania Medical Colleges. The training model utilized user-friendly intuitive simulation technology in various clinical settings of virtual realistic cases with game-like interfaces. 

Dr. Murthy is known for his several years of contributions to enhance outcomes during Cardiac Emergencies in India and the USA through community CPR Training, Medical University Resuscitation-focused Courses, Research involving Cardiac Arrests, and “Heart Saver” projects with multi-organizational collaborations. An Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois and current Advisor (CPR) to the Government of Odisha (Health and Family Welfare), he has conducted several community Mass CPR programs, directed high-fidelity simulation-based Advanced Cardiac Life support courses, and guided Emergency Medical Care Scientific Conventions in India including the most recent Telangana State Emergency Medical Care Convention organized by the Indian Medical Association (Telangana) on February 11,2024 at the Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad.

Dr. Murthy anticipates significant improvements in the quality of Emergency Medical Care with the Indian Government’s (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) recently introduced mandated National Emergency Life Support (NELS) Courses with simulation labs. in Medical Colleges for Doctors, Nurses, and Paramedics. He appeals to the Government to help fund lifesaving projects in every state. Dr. Murthy also hopes to see more and more cardiac disease-related research from Indian Physician peers, Medical Institutes, and Hospitals due to the fact that Indians and the Indian diaspora are more prone to heart disease and cardiac emergencies compared to other ethnic populations in the world.          

Ambitious survey of human diversity yields millions of undiscovered genetic variants

A massive US programme that aims to improve health care by focusing on the genomes and health profiles of historically underrepresented groups has begun to yield results.

Analyses of up to 245,000 genomes gathered by the All of Us programme, run by the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, have uncovered more than 275 million new genetic markers, nearly 150 of which might contribute to type 2 diabetes. The work has also identified gaps in genetics research on non-white populations. The findings were published on 19 February in a package of papers in Nature1,2Communications Biology3 and Nature Medicine4.

They are a “nice distillation of the All of Us resource — what it is and what it can do”, says Michael Inouye, a computational genomicist at the University of Cambridge, UK. “This is going to be the go-to data set” for genetics researchers who want to know whether their findings are generalizable to a broad population or apply to only a limited one, he adds.

Bridging the gap

Researchers have long acknowledged the lack of diversity in the genomes available for them to study, says Jibril Hirbo, a geneticist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, who studies the genetics of health disparities. One study5 that looked at data gathered up until January 2019 found that 78% of people in most large-scale genomic studies of disease were of European descent. This has exacerbated existing health disparities, particularly for non-white individuals, Hirbo says. When researchers choose genetic or molecular targets for new medicines or create models to predict who is at risk of developing a disease, they tend to make decisions on the basis of non-diverse data because that’s all that has been available.

The All of Us programme, which has received over US$3.1 billion to date and plans to assemble detailed health profiles for one million people in the United States by the end of 2026, aims to bridge that gap, says Andrea Ramirez, the programme’s chief data officer. It began enrolling people in 2018, and released its first tranche of data — about 100,000 whole genomes — in 2022. By April 2023, it had enrolled 413,000 anonymized participants, 46% of whom belong to a minority racial or ethnic group, and had shared nearly 250,000 genomes. By comparison, the world’s largest whole-genome data set, the UK Biobank, has so far released about half a million genomes, around 88% of which are from white people.

The All of Us data set is “a huge resource, particularly of African American, Hispanic and Latin American genomes, that’s massively missing from the vast majority of large-scale biobank resources and genomics consortia”, says Alicia Martin, a population geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

In addition to the genomes, the database includes some participants’ survey responses, electronic health records and data from wearable devices, such as Fitbits, that report people’s activity, “making this one of the most powerful resources of genomic data”, Martin says.

An urgent need

A study in Nature on type 2 diabetes2 is an example of the power of using a database that includes diverse genomes, Ramirez says. The condition, which affects about one in ten people in the United States, can be caused by many distinct biological mechanisms involving various genes. The researchers analysed genetic information from several databases, including All of Us, for a total of more than 2.5 million people; nearly 40% of the data came from individuals not of European ancestry. The team found 611 genetic markers that might drive the development and progression of the disease, 145 of which have never been reported before. These findings could be used to develop “genetically informed diabetes care”, the authors write.

In another of the studies3, researchers used All of Us data to examine pathogenic variants — that is, genetic differences that increase a person’s risk of developing a particular disease. They found that, among the genomes of people with European ancestry, 2.3% had a pathogenic variant. Among genomes from people with African ancestry, however, this fell to 1.6%.

Study co-author Eric Venner, a computational geneticist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, cautions that there should be no biological reason for the differences. He says that the disparity is probably the result of more research having been conducted on people of European ancestry; we simply know more about which mutations in this population lead to disease. In fact, the researchers found more variants of unknown risk in the genomes of people with non-European ancestry than in those with European ancestry, he adds. This underscores the urgent need to study non-European genomes in more detail, Venner says.

Updating models

Gathering and using more genomic and health data from diverse populations will be especially important for generating more accurate ‘polygenic risk scores’. These provide a picture of a person’s risk of developing a disease as a result of their genetics.

To calculate a score for a particular disease, researchers develop an algorithm that is trained on thousands of genomes from people who either do or don’t have the disease. A person’s own score can then be calculated by feeding their genetic data into the algorithm.

Previous research6 has shown that the scores, which might soon be used in the clinic for personalized health care, tend to be less accurate for minority populations than for majority ones. In one of the current papers4, researchers used the more-inclusive All of Us data to improve the landscape: they calibrated and validated scores for 23 conditions and recommended 10 to be prioritized for use in the clinic, for conditions including coronary heart disease and diabetes. Martin applauds these efforts, but she hopes that future studies address how physicians and others in the clinic interpret these scores, and whether the scores can improve a person’s health in the long term because of the treatment decisions they elicit.

The All of Us programme plans to release a tranche of data every year, representing new enrolees and genomes, including one later in 2024, Ramirez says. It’s excellent that diverse data are coming in, Hirbo says, adding that he would like to see existing algorithms that were trained mainly on the genomes of people of European ancestry updated soon. “The models are still way behind,” he says.


Unlocking the Secrets of Hunza Valley: The Remarkable Habits Behind Centenarian Longevity

In the remote and lesser-known region of Hunza Valley, situated in the far north of Pakistan, the inhabitants seem to defy conventional medical expectations.

The area is predominantly inhabited by the Burusho and Wakhi people, who have not only survived but also flourished for centuries in isolated villages with limited facilities for healthcare. Research indicates that the average lifespan in this region hovers around 100 years.

“My spouse originates from the Burusho indigenous group and was born and raised in this valley. Upon our marriage, I relocated from the United States, and we settled in the central area of the valley.”

Here are some fascinating practices contributing to the longevity of the Hunza people:

1.Consumption of Apricot Seeds and Oil

Apricot trees constitute a vital local crop in the valley. Studies suggest that apricot seeds, rich in a compound called amygdalin, possess cancer-fighting properties and can combat inflammation within the body.

“Traditional Hunzai cuisine prominently features apricot oil. Previously, it was manually extracted, but nowadays, locals employ machines for this purpose.”

“My mother-in-law recounted that half a century ago, apricot oil was the primary cooking medium, even for meat dishes. Additionally, dried apricot fruits aid in alleviating altitude sickness and are utilized in winter soups.”

2.Continuous Physical Activity

Individuals in Hunza maintain an active and healthy lifestyle throughout their lives, extending into old age. Even during harsh winters, it is common to observe elderly individuals engaged in activities such as tending to livestock, gathering firewood, and performing household chores.

“Community engagements like ‘rajaki,’ involving the cleaning of elevated water canals during spring, further contribute to their active lifestyle. Cycling, skating, and playing sports like soccer and cricket are daily pursuits for locals of all age groups.”

3.Consumption of Glacier Water

Hunza Valley is endowed with numerous glaciers that melt during the summer months. The resulting glacial water, known as “Hunza water,” has attracted scientific interest due to its unique properties. Filtered naturally by layers of ice and rock, it is believed to contain beneficial minerals, including quartz in colloid form, which are potent antioxidants.

“Glacial water, available from May to October during the runoff period, is highly valued by the locals, who prefer it over filtered water for its purported health benefits.”

4.Minimal Consumption of Processed Foods

The Hunza diet primarily consists of fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Processed foods are rare, and fast food establishments are non-existent in the region. Meals are prepared fresh daily within households, often incorporating homegrown vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, and potatoes.

“Locally sourced meat, obtained from recently slaughtered animals, is a staple in Hunza cuisine. The emphasis on fresh, organic produce underscores the community’s commitment to wholesome eating.”

5.Strong Community Bonds

Community cohesion is a cornerstone of life in Hunza Valley, with close-knit neighborhoods and villages where residents support and care for one another, particularly the elderly. Unlike in many other places, retirement homes are absent, and elders are revered and looked after within their families.

“With negligible crime rates, children enjoy a safe environment where outdoor activities take precedence over screen time. The collective spirit of Hunza society fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support.”

“After residing in this valley for the past two years, I can attest to the exceptional sense of community that permeates every aspect of life here.”

Unlocking Lasting Happiness: How Strategic Spending Can Transform Your Well-being

For years, the prevailing belief has been that money cannot buy happiness. Although money may solve certain issues, studies have revealed that material possessions only provide temporary satisfaction before losing their appeal. Nonetheless, recent research suggests that spending money in particular ways can have a positive impact on one’s well-being.

“Scientifically-backed purchases aligned with personal values can lead to more sustained joy,” the article explains. It emphasizes the importance of not just purchasing items but being deliberate about expenditures that enhance life, foster connections, and promote personal growth. By exerting some effort and engaging in self-reflection, individuals can cultivate a fulfilling and purposeful existence.

The article delves into seven categories of purchases scientifically linked to heightened happiness. It aims to provide insight into how to invest meaningfully in emotional health by supporting the suggestions with research, real-life examples, and practical tips.

1.Prioritize Experiences Over Material Possessions

Research consistently shows that investing in experiences such as travel, courses, or cultural events leads to longer-lasting happiness compared to material purchases. While people quickly adapt to new possessions like gadgets or clothing, experiences contribute to shaping one’s identity and often involve social connections.

“Choose experiential purchases that resonate with your core interests and values for maximum fulfillment,” advises the article. For instance, instead of splurging on the latest iPhone, consider taking a Mediterranean cooking class. Not only does this activity build self-confidence, but it also offers an enjoyable social experience with lasting joy.

2.Allocate Resources for Quality Time with Loved Ones

Human beings inherently crave social connections, which significantly contribute to happiness and well-being. Therefore, spending money to strengthen bonds with friends and family is considered a wise investment. Purchases that facilitate meaningful interactions and togetherness often result in shared laughter, joy, and comfort.

The article suggests considering activities that loved ones enjoy when making purchases to promote quality time. For example, rather than dining out at an expensive restaurant, opt for a potluck meal where everyone shops for ingredients together and prepares dishes collectively. This shared experience fosters deeper connections and lasting memories.

3.Support an Active Lifestyle

Regular exercise not only provides physical benefits but also boosts mental well-being by releasing endorphins that elevate mood. Investing in equipment and gear that supports an active lifestyle can reduce anxiety, alleviate depression, and increase energy levels. Outdoor activities further enhance mood by exposing individuals to sunlight and boosting vitamin D levels.

“Consider purchasing a bike, running shoes, or home workout equipment tailored to your interests,” suggests the article. Instead of buying more electronics or clothing, engaging in activities like biking along local trails or walking while listening to audiobooks can contribute to mood-enhancing movement.

4.Enhance Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is essential for allowing the brain and body to recharge, process information, and regulate emotions. Poor sleep can significantly impact focus, decision-making, immunity, and mental health. Investing in bedroom upgrades such as new mattresses, weighted blankets, and blackout curtains can improve sleep quality.

For instance, upgrading bedding with high thread count sheets, breathable comforters, and ergonomic pillows can create a luxurious sleep environment. Blocking external light with thick curtains can mimic natural melatonin rhythms and promote better sleep.

5.Invest in Personal Growth and Self-Care

Spending on personal development focuses on internal growth, healing, and learning, ultimately leading to a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Whether it’s furthering education, indulging in spa treatments, or seeking therapy, investing in self-improvement can boost confidence and overall well-being.

“Sign up for activities like a wine-tasting class, a shiatsu massage, or watercolor painting lessons to indulge your inner self,” suggests the article. Balancing physical pampering with intellectual or skill growth can lead to a more well-rounded identity and a greater sense of fulfillment.

Unlocking Happiness: Expert Insights and Business Strategies for Social Connection

In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a statement emphasizing the concerning levels of loneliness and isolation in the United States. Post-pandemic, a pressing question on many minds is “How can I feel happier?”

According to Laurie Santos, instructor of “The Science of Well-Being,” the most sought-after course at Yale, and host of “The Happiness Lab” podcast, the key to happiness is straightforward and could benefit businesses as well. Santos asserts that the top method to enhance happiness is through social connection. She notes, “Every available study of happy people suggests that happy people are more social… they invest time in their friends and family members.”

To nurture these social bonds, Santos proposes three strategies:

  1. Dedicate intentional time to nurture existing relationships.
  2. Embrace connecting with strangers, as research indicates it can be more rewarding than anticipated.
  3. Engage in conversations that delve deeper into understanding others’ values, fostering genuine connections.

Businesses are also recognizing the significance of social connection in their operations. Maryellis Bunn, co-founder and CEO of the Museum of Ice Cream, shares that the idea for the immersive experience emerged from her desire to find NYC activities beyond alcohol or dining out. Reflecting on her passion for ice cream, Bunn envisioned leveraging it to unite people and spark creativity.

Bunn’s vision led to the creation of the Museum of Ice Cream, which now spans four locations after nearly a decade. Recognizing the potential to enhance visitors’ sense of connection, Bunn sought guidance from Santos on fostering social interactions within the museum, especially for solo visitors seeking to meet others.

To infuse more opportunities for connection into businesses like the Museum of Ice Cream, Bunn suggests leveraging communal experiences, particularly around food. She highlights food’s role as a catalyst for bonding, akin to the shared meals in schools, and proposes creating immersive dining experiences to facilitate meaningful connections among patrons.

Debate Ignites Over Biden’s Fitness for Office Amid Handling of Classified Documents and Age Concerns

Last Thursday, President Joe Biden faced a challenging day, starting with the release of a report by special counsel Robert Hur regarding Biden’s handling of classified documents after leaving the vice presidency. While the report did not recommend criminal charges, it highlighted Biden’s retention of classified materials in his garage and unlocked drawers. Additionally, the report emphasized concerns about Biden’s advanced age, noting instances where he appeared forgetful in interviews.

Biden responded to the report at a press conference, vehemently denying any memory issues and defending his fitness for office. However, he also made errors during the press conference, including misidentifying Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi as the president of Mexico. These events sparked debate about Biden’s suitability for a second term as president and raised questions about his handling of classified documents.

Political analysts weighed in on the potential impact of the report on Biden’s political future. Some suggested that while Biden’s mishandling of documents could be damaging, it might not outweigh other concerns voters have. Others argued that Biden’s age and memory lapses could be significant factors in the 2024 campaign, especially considering existing public perceptions of his capabilities.

Discussions also revolved around comparisons between Biden’s case and former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents. While Trump faced similar accusations, his approach to the issue differed, leading to speculation about how each case might influence public opinion.

The report’s characterization of Biden as an elderly man with memory issues resonated with existing concerns about his age and fitness for office. Surveys indicated that a majority of Americans had significant doubts about Biden’s ability to serve a second term as president, with many citing concerns about his age and competence.

Analysts debated the potential consequences of Biden dropping out of the presidential race, with some suggesting Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential replacement. However, others expressed skepticism about the party’s ability to navigate such a significant change, given existing divisions and concerns within the Democratic Party.

Biden’s handling of classified documents and concerns about his age and memory have ignited debates about his fitness for office and his prospects in the 2024 presidential race. While the report’s findings have raised questions about Biden’s leadership, the ultimate impact on his political future remains uncertain, with analysts offering differing perspectives on the potential outcomes.

Virginia: A Safe Haven for Seniors – The Ideal Retirement Destination with Legal Protections, Tax Benefits, and Abundant Amenities

Ensuring the well-being and security of seniors during their golden years is imperative. Nevertheless, each year, approximately five million elderly individuals in the United States suffer from various forms of abuse, including physical, mental, and financial exploitation, as per data from the National Council on Aging. The severity of the issue is further underscored by the Centers for Disease Control, which suggests that numerous non-fatal injuries often go unreported, exacerbating the problem. This pervasive issue significantly impacts the health and overall welfare of older adults, potentially leading to conditions such as depression, malnutrition, and anxiety.

Should prioritizing senior safety resonate with you, Virginia emerges as a promising retirement destination. Recent findings from a WalletHub survey assessing the best retirement locales placed Virginia in the third position overall, owing largely to its robust legal framework targeting elder abuse.

According to WalletHub, “This makes seniors physically safer and less vulnerable to being taken advantage of financially. The state has high-quality geriatrics hospitals and a lot of doctors and dentists to choose from, too.”

The study evaluated states based on their provisions against financial, emotional, and physical abuse. Virginia, known as the Old Dominion, boasts legislative measures safeguarding retirees from economic exploitation, allocating funds to various elder abuse prevention initiatives, and furnishing legal assistance.

Virginia counts 1.9 million adults aged 60 and above, constituting 22 percent of the Commonwealth’s populace, as reported by the Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services.

Quoting from the report, “In a survey of older Virginians conducted in 2022, 79 percent of older Virginians rated their overall quality of life as excellent or good. Most respondents scored their communities positively, and about 50 percent indicated that their communities valued older residents.”

Additionally, Virginia hosts numerous hospitals that receive commendable rankings in US News’s Best Hospitals list.

WalletHub further highlights that the Commonwealth does not impose estate or inheritance taxes, rendering it an appealing retirement destination. Furthermore, Virginia stands among the 39 states nationwide that do not levy taxes on Social Security income, permitting seniors to deduct $12,000 annually against withdrawals from other retirement accounts.

Beyond safety and tax advantages, Virginia offers an array of amenities, including 375 golf courses, abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, a picturesque wine region, numerous lakes, thousands of miles of shoreline, and a well-developed infrastructure.

However, these benefits come with a price tag. According to a recent report by, the annual cost of living in Virginia amounts to $58,454. Additionally, retirees contemplating Virginia should be prepared with approximately $907,922 in savings. It’s worth noting that this figure may be higher in Northern Virginia, where housing costs persistently escalate due to inventory shortages.

Senate Grills Pharma CEOs Over Sky-High Drug Prices Amidst Revelations of Financial Priorities

Sparks ignited on Capitol Hill Thursday as the leaders of three pharmaceutical giants faced interrogation from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions regarding the substantial disparity in drug prices between the United States and other nations.

During the nearly three-hour session, executives from Bristol Myers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck engaged in a heated exchange with the committee members over pricing strategies and the allocation of company resources.

Senator Bernie Sanders, the committee chairman, acknowledged the significance of the life-saving drugs developed by these companies but underscored the critical issue of accessibility, stating, “those drugs do nothing for anybody who cannot afford it.”

The committee’s analysis revealed staggering discrepancies in drug prices across countries. Merck’s cancer drug Keytruda, for example, costs $100,000 more in the U.S. than in France, while Bristol Myers Squibb’s Eliquis is nearly ten times pricier in the U.S. than in Germany, and Johnson & Johnson’s Stelara is five times more expensive in the U.S. compared to Japan.

Executives defended the higher prices in the U.S., citing faster access to new drugs and the substantial share of list prices claimed by pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs).

Merck’s CEO, Robert Davis, highlighted the increasing pressure from PBMs for larger discounts, resulting in a widening gap between list and net prices, ultimately to the detriment of patients.

However, legislators countered with examples such as Japan and Canada, where despite longer drug approval processes, life expectancies surpass that of the United States, challenging the notion that delayed access necessarily compromises health outcomes.

Senator Sanders confronted Merck’s CEO about the human toll of exorbitant drug costs, revealing instances of individuals resorting to crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe to finance their treatments. He recounted the story of Rebecca, a Nebraska school lunch lady who tragically succumbed to cancer after struggling to afford Keytruda.

Behind the scenes, there was drama as Merck and Johnson & Johnson initially refused to testify, citing a lack of expertise on drug pricing. Senator Sanders deemed their excuses “laughable to absurd” and threatened subpoena before they agreed to testify voluntarily.

PhRMA, the pharmaceutical trade group, preemptively defended drug pricing disparities, arguing that earlier drug launches in the U.S. provide Americans with swifter access to medications. They also pointed fingers at high healthcare spending and PBMs.

A Senate report released earlier exposed the disproportionate allocation of resources by Bristol Myers Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck, revealing that they prioritize executive compensation, stock buybacks, and dividends over research and development.

Senator Sanders raised questions about the discrepancy between corporate spending and the pursuit of new cures, emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency.

The report further demonstrated that these companies generate more revenue from selling drugs in the U.S. than in the rest of the world combined, while drug prices either decrease or remain steady elsewhere.

Rethinking the 10,000-Step Rule: Experts Shed Light on Optimal Daily Activity Levels for Health

The widely propagated notion of walking 10,000 steps daily as the pinnacle of good health prompts the question: Is this figure truly substantiated? Lindsay Bottoms, an expert in exercise and health physiology at the University of Hertfordshire, underscores the multifaceted benefits of walking, including enhanced cardiovascular fitness, weight management, mood improvement, better sleep, cognitive function enhancement, and decreased risk of chronic illnesses like dementia and certain cancers, and even the amelioration of conditions like type 2 diabetes.

While any form of exercise bolsters immune function and mental well-being, walking stands out for its simplicity, accessibility, and versatility, rendering it suitable for individuals of all ages. Notably, recent research findings highlight the significance of relatively lower step counts. A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology unveiled that walking approximately 3,967 steps daily is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality, while a mere 2,337 steps correlate with diminished cardiovascular disease mortality. Another study, featured in JAMA Neurology, suggests that around 8,900 steps per day may decelerate cognitive decline and brain volume loss among high-risk individuals.

However, the genesis of the ubiquitous 10,000-step goal traces back to a marketing initiative by Yamasa Clock in Japan during 1965. This “Manpo-kei” pedometer, translating to ‘10,000 steps meter,’ served as a promotional tool for the device, cementing the 10,000-step benchmark globally. Nevertheless, some individuals advocate for the benefits of surpassing this target by walking 20,000 steps daily. But is this level of activity truly necessary? Bottoms advocates for a pragmatic approach, suggesting that while there’s merit in breaking up sedentary time and staying active, aiming for 20,000 steps might prove demoralizing and unattainable for many.

Empirical evidence suggests that the threshold for optimal health outcomes lies significantly below the 10,000-step mark. Research indicates that mortality rates and cardiovascular disease incidents plateau at approximately 7,500-8,500 steps, with some studies even demonstrating mortality reduction in women with as few as 4,400 steps daily.

So, what’s a reasonable step goal to support overall health? Bottoms advises aiming for as many steps as feasible while prioritizing the interruption of prolonged sitting. A target of 7,000 steps daily serves as a practical benchmark, with incremental increases recommended for those falling short. She emphasizes the importance of integrating physical activity into daily routines, such as walking during work calls or opting for brisk walks with pets in lieu of sedentary breaks.

Bottoms further stresses that it’s not solely about step counts but overall physical activity. The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise), coupled with at least two muscle-strengthening sessions.

In essence, while the 10,000-step goal persists in public consciousness, emerging research suggests that reevaluating this standard may be prudent. Embracing physical activity in various forms, including walking, remains pivotal for fostering holistic well-being.

Unlocking Happiness: Three Science-Backed Strategies for Personal Fulfillment and Success

Prioritizing your happiness holds immense significance for several reasons, each carrying its own set of advantages that warrant careful consideration. The article highlights the pivotal role happiness plays in enhancing both physical and mental well-being, fostering engagement, focus, and resilience, particularly in challenging circumstances, and ultimately contributing to professional success.

The piece delves into three scientifically proven strategies aimed at bolstering happiness:

1.Strategic Downtime: In today’s tech-driven world, while technology has undoubtedly revolutionized convenience, it has also introduced new challenges. The incessant need to stay connected and productive, even during unconventional hours, adversely affects brain function. Research indicates that this addiction to constant stimulation leads to a loss of focus and mental clarity. Understanding the necessity of rest and rejuvenation is crucial for maintainingoptimal brain function throughout the day. Just as our sleeping brains undergo 90-minute cycles, transitioning from light to deep sleep and back again, a similar pattern repeats during waking hours. It is recommended to incorporate 10-minute breaks after every 80 to 120 minutes to calm brain activity. Creating intentional gaps in your schedule, free from meetings or work-related discussions, allows for uninterrupted time to think, meditate, take a nature walk, or engage in casual conversations. Guarding this precious downtime is vital and requires deliberate allocation.

2.Gratitude through Giving: The adage “It’s better to give than to receive” finds scientific validation in the realm of happiness. Generosity, particularly when tied to social connections, significantly enhances one’s sense of well-being. Research emphasizes the importance of “social giving,” where the act of giving benefits another individual, thereby fostering positive emotions in the donor. Whetherit’s supporting a friend’s GoFundMe campaign or contributing to a grassroots charity, the social connection amplifies the psychological rewards of altruism.

3.Optimism as a Mindset Shift: Embracing change with optimism is pivotal for navigating life’s uncertainties. Optimistic individuals approach challenges with hope, blending realism with a positive outlook. Despite the prevailing stressors, cultivating optimism allows individuals to sidestep unnecessary drama, set ambitious goals, and celebrate achievements with enthusiasm. Harvard-trained happiness researcher Shawn Achor advocates for a daily practice to cultivate optimism: sending a positive email or text to a different person each day, expressing gratitude or praise. This simple activity, when repeated for 21 days,facilitatesa lasting shift towards a more positive and optimistic mindset.

In essence, fostering happiness transcends mere transient gratification; it emerges as a strategic imperative for personal fulfillment and success.

US Economy Surges Ahead While China Falters: Expert Insights and Corporate Shakeups Dominate Headlines

The United States economy is surpassing expectations, with markets soaring and inflation inching closer to the Federal Reserve’s target of 2%. There’s optimism for a soft landing, a scenario where inflation is controlled, and recession is avoided. On the flip side, China is facing economic challenges: markets are sluggish, consumer confidence is waning, growth is slowing, and there’s a demographic decline. Evergrande’s winding-up, mandated by a court, adds uncertainty to China’s real estate crisis.

In light of these economic dynamics, questions arise about the relationship between the world’s two largest economies. Eswar Prasad, a trade policy professor at Cornell University and former head of the IMF’s China division, sheds light on the matter.

Prasad observes the US solidifying its global growth leadership while other nations struggle. He attributes this to the US economy’s resilience compared to China’s, which grapples with labor force decline, a faltering property market, and dwindling confidence in governmental policies.

Regarding US-China tensions, Prasad suggests China’s weak economy fuels its desire to ease trade tensions with the US, especially with the approaching US election season and escalating anti-China rhetoric.

Investors monitoring China should note the government’s efforts to stimulate the economy through increased spending, interest rate cuts, and market interventions. However, these measures have limited efficacy in addressing fundamental issues like low consumer and business confidence.

Transition planning at JPMorgan Chase, led by CEO Jamie Dimon, is in the spotlight. With Dimon nearing 68, speculation mounts about his successor. Marianne Lake’s appointment as the sole CEO of the consumer division, alongside Jennifer Piepszak’s new role leading the commercial and investment bank, signals a potential leadership shift.

Dimon, an influential figure in global banking, has expressed contentment in his current role but hasn’t ruled out a future in politics, citing his love for the country.

In a concerning revelation, it’sdisclosed that the NSA has been purchasing Americans’ web browsing data from commercial brokers without warrants. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden revealed unclassified documents confirming these transactions, highlighting the routine acquisition of sensitive citizen information by government agencies.

These disclosures coincide with fears of foreign governments engaging in similar data purchases, prompting the Biden administration to consider measures to safeguard US citizens’ personal data from foreign exploitation.

Healthcare Revolution: Startups Reshape America’s Medical Landscape with Innovative Approaches and Virtual Solutions

In the various permanent establishments of Cityblock Health scattered throughout the mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions of the United States, one can find sleek waiting areas adorned with a royal-blue theme, mirroring the company’s branding. Additionally, in certain cities, the company employs mobile units, large motor caravans retrofitted for medical purposes and painted in the same distinctive hue. Originally conceived as part of Sidewalk Labs, Google’s Urban Innovation division, Cityblock Health aims to enhance accessibility in healthcare by providing medical, mental health, and social services. Its aesthetic resonates with the polished ambiance often associated with Silicon Valley startups, resembling a trendy urban coffee shop.

Cityblock Health is just one of the many startups, both physical and digital, that have emerged within the American healthcare landscape, striving to revolutionize the sector. These ventures aspire to replace the conventional, sterile, and often labyrinthine healthcare systems with something more welcoming and efficient, occasionally even resembling a spa-like experience. While similar initiatives are emerging globally, the United States presents a unique opportunity due to the complexity and opacity of its private insurance system.

These companies endeavor to tackle some of the fundamental challenges in the American healthcare domain, primarily revolving around cost and accessibility. They streamline appointment scheduling, reduce waiting times to see healthcare professionals, and facilitate access to previously restricted medical technologies. Moreover, many of these entities engage directly with private and government insurers, simplifying administrative processes for patients as an integral component of their business strategies.Healthcare Revolution Startups Reshape America's Medical Landscape with Innovative Approaches and Virtual Solutions

In adopting this approach, these startups not only aim to dismantle barriers within the healthcare sector but also seek to attract a new, younger demographic of consumers through familiar and frictionless experiences. The success of such endeavors remains to be seen.

The Healthcare Market Landscape

Many of these emerging healthcare players boast physical establishments characterized by curated, minimalist designs across various areas of healthcare provision. Dental franchise Tend operatesnumerous storefronts across the United States, all featuring warm wood accents and cool green tiling. Utilizing an app for appointment scheduling, Tend emphasizes transparent pricing and offers amenities such as noise-canceling headphones for patients to enjoy television during treatments. Furthermore, they feature “The Brushery,” a designated area designed for capturing “selfie moments,” according to Tend. One Medical, a membership-based chain of urgent-care centers, prioritizes same-day appointments and hosts an on-site laboratory. In February 2023, Amazon finalized an all-cash acquisition of the chain for $3.9 billion, subsequently introducing discounted memberships for Prime subscribers at an annual rate of $99 in November.

Virtual startups, guided by similar principles, play a significant role in the healthcare landscape. These digital platforms echo the minimalist aesthetics of brick-and-mortar clinics while offering services through modern, highly functional web interfaces. Maven Clinic, a virtual women’s healthcare platform, earned recognition as one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential Companies of 2023. Meanwhile, BetterHelp, connecting patients directly with mental health professionals online, surpassed $1 billion in profits in 2022.

Additionally, certain companies aim to deliver healthcare hardware directly to consumers’ homes. TytoCare markets a thermometer-otoscope-stethoscope device branded as a “smart clinic,” available for purchase at national retailer Best Buy. Mosie Baby offers an at-home insemination kit priced at $129 and recently obtained approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Healthcare Revolution Startups Reshape America's Medical Landscape with Innovative Approaches and Virtual Solutions

According to Dan D’Orazio, CEO of healthcare research and consulting firm Sage Growth Partners, the surge in privately-funded healthcare startups can be attributed to the substantial scale of healthcare spending in the United States. D’Orazio highlights that if US healthcare were treated as an independent entity, its GDP would amount to $4.3 trillion, ranking it as the fourth-largest in the world. This vast financial landscape presents fertile ground for innovation and potential profit.

Addressing Pain Points in Healthcare

Helen Zhang, head of communications at Tend, acknowledges the widespread aversion to dental visits. She notes that not only do customers often rate the experience poorly on metrics such as the net promoter score, but dental visits are also associated with surprise bills, lengthy wait times, judgmental attitudes from clinicians, and unwelcoming environments. Zhang emphasizes Tend’s mission to eliminate these deterrents, aiming to create a dental visit experience so comfortable and inviting that patients perceive it as a joyful occasion, thereby encouraging regular attendance and prioritization of oral health.


Optimal Timing

The proliferation of healthcare startups, particularly in the realm of virtual health services, owes much to timing. While many of these companies had been in existence since the 2010s or earlier, the exponential growth in telehealth utilization during the pandemic accelerated consumer acceptance and demand for digital services.Healthcare Revolution Startups Reshape America's Medical Landscape with Innovative Approaches and Virtual Solutions

Dan D’Orazio underscores the significance of this shift, noting that prior to COVID-19, telemedicine adoption rates stood at around 2 to 3%. The pandemic catalyzed a transformation in attitudes toward virtual care, condensing what would have taken years into a matter of weeks. This newfound openness to telehealth facilitated the expansion of medical technology startups, including physical franchises offering specialized services in aesthetically appealing environments. While catering to patients of all ages, younger generations have been particularly receptive to these innovations.

A Path Forward?

While the proliferation of startups has undoubtedly improved accessibility to primary and specialist care, Dan D’Orazio cautions against equating these achievements with overall success and sustainability. Numerous health tech startups, especially those reliant on private investment, have faltered, with notable examples including Theranos, founded by Elizabeth Holmes, which was exposed as fraudulent. Other ventures, like Smile Direct Club, have faced abrupt closures, leaving customers in uncertain situations.

D’Orazio attributes the challenges faced by many startups to a fundamental misalignment between their identity as tech companies and the complexities of the healthcare industry. He stresses the importance of collaboration between traditional medical establishments and startup ventures, emphasizing the need for integration to navigate regulatory hurdles and workforce shortages effectively.

While the emergence of startups heralds a potential shift in the landscape of American healthcare, it is unlikely to supplant traditional models entirely. However, these innovative ventures may serve as catalysts for incremental changes within the broader healthcare system.

Study Reveals Exceeding Exercise Guidelines Linked to Lower Mortality Risk

Consistent physical activity is widely acknowledged as beneficial for health and well-being. However, determining the optimal duration and intensity of exercise necessary to decrease mortality risk has remained a topic of interest. A study recently published in the Circulation journal sheds light on this matter.

The study’s findings challenge the current 2018 physical activity guidelines, which suggest that adults should aim for 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous activity, or a combination of both. Surprisingly, exceeding these recommendations appears to confer even greater benefits in terms of reducing mortality risk.

Moderate physical activity encompasses activities like walking and weightlifting, while vigorous exercise includes running, biking, and swimming. The study drew data from two large prospective U.S. cohorts, involving 116,221 adults who self-reported their leisure-time physical activity over three decades.

Participants who engaged in two to four times more than the recommended amount of vigorous physical activity saw a significant decrease in cardiovascular disease mortality risk. Similarly, those exceeding the moderate physical activity guidelines by the same margin, roughly 300 to 599 minutes weekly, experienced the most substantial benefits.

The study revealed that individuals who surpassed the recommended levels of moderate physical activity by two to four times had a notable reduction in all-cause mortality (26% to 31%), cardiovascular disease mortality (28% to 38%), and non-cardiovascular disease mortality (25% to 27%).

Likewise, adults who exceeded the recommended vigorous physical activity levels by two to four times (approximately 150 to 299 minutes per week) showed a decreased risk of all-cause mortality (21% to 23%), cardiovascular disease mortality (27% to 33%), and non-cardiovascular disease mortality (19%).

The study emphasizes the importance of combining moderate and vigorous physical activity for optimal results. Individuals who maintained adequate levels of both types of activity experienced significantly lower mortality risks. Furthermore, higher levels of vigorous activity were particularly beneficial for individuals with insufficient moderate activity levels.

However, for individuals already engaging in high levels of moderate physical activity (over 300 minutes weekly), additional vigorous activity didn’t yield further mortality reduction benefits.

Moreover, those who were inadequately active—engaging in less than 75 minutes of vigorous or 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly—could significantly reduce mortality risks by incorporating modest levels of either type of exercise.

A separate study published in JAMA Oncology suggests that even small amounts of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity, such as short bursts of fast walking or stair climbing, are associated with decreased cancer risk.

Contrary to common assumptions, age did not appear to influence the impact of exercise intensity on mortality reduction. Both younger individuals, who typically opt for vigorous activities, and older adults, who often prefer moderate exercise, experienced similar benefits from long-term physical activity.

Furthermore, the study found no evidence to suggest that high levels of long-term vigorous physical activity had adverse effects on cardiovascular health, contrary to previous concerns. However, further research is warranted to confirm these findings conclusively.

Medical Experts Urge Supreme Court Action to Combat Vaccine Misinformation

Vaccines play a vital role in saving lives, preventing diseases, and easing the strain on healthcare systems. Recognizing this, various medical organizations, including the AMA, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians, and American Geriatrics Society, have jointly submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Murthy v. Missouri. This document emphasizes the crucial need to counter vaccine misinformation to safeguard public health.

The brief highlights the collective experience of hundreds of thousands of medical professionals who have witnessed both the life-saving potential of vaccines and the damaging impact of misinformation. Drawing on decades of research and practice, these organizations stress the unparalleled benefits of vaccines as a cornerstone of public health.

On the legal front, Missouri and Louisiana’s attorneys general have filed suits against social media platforms, alleging coercion in censoring individuals critical of COVID-19 policies, masks, and vaccine mandates. Conversely, the Biden administration argues that its engagement with these platforms aimed to curb online misinformation, particularly by flagging content violating platform policies.

A central point of the brief is the detrimental effect of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine uptake, which undermines the vaccines’ effectiveness in saving lives and controlling the spread of the virus. The government’s intervention, therefore, becomes imperative in combating falsehoods that endanger public health.

The brief underscores the safety of FDA-approved vaccines, emphasizing the rigorous process of clinical trials and ongoing monitoring by regulatory agencies. In contrast, it highlights baseless claims circulating widely, such as individuals becoming “magnetized” post-vaccination or being implanted with tracking microchips, which lack credible evidence.

Moreover, the decline in vaccination rates due to misinformation has led to the resurgence of diseases like measles, once on the brink of eradication. Legal proceedings surrounding the case have seen a district court ruling in July 2023 limiting governmental communication with social media companies, partially upheld by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court’s intervention in October temporarily halted the district court order until its own ruling, expected in June.

In a related case, the Litigation Center of the American Medical Association and State Medical Societies has filed an amicus brief with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, urging the upholding of a permanent injunction against a 2021 Montana law barring physicians from accessing vaccination status information of employees or patients who decline to disclose it.

ACA Urges Caution in Integrating AI into Mental Health Counseling, Emphasizing Human Expertise

Artificial intelligence (AI) exhibits potential as a valuable aid in mental health services, educational counseling, and career guidance. However, the American Counseling Association (ACA), the primary body representing counseling professionals, emphasizes the importance of not substituting AI for human counselors.

The ACA’s AI Working Group has released guidelines to assist counselors and their clients in comprehending the benefits and limitations of integrating chatbots, robotics, and other emerging AI tools into mental health services. Russell Fulmer, PhD, LPC, chair of the working group and professor at Husson University, Bangor, Maine, stresses the necessity for clients to grasp the technical limitations, unresolved biases, and security risks associated with AI before incorporating it into counseling.

“While AI may present promising advantages, its assertions can occasionally be overly ambitious, unsupported by evidence, or even incorrect and potentially harmful,” the panel emphasizes in its recommendations.

AI technologies are engineered to replicate human-like reasoning, decision-making, and language comprehension. Counselors currently utilize them to streamline administrative tasks, such as progress reports for clients, according to Olivia Uwamahoro Williams, PhD, NCC, LPC, a clinical assistant professor at the College of William & Mary and an ACA working group member. Some counselors are encouraging clients to utilize AI chatbots to aid in understanding and managing their thoughts and emotions between therapy sessions, Fulmer notes.

However, as highlighted by the ACA panel, these algorithms inherit the fallibilities and biases of their human creators. There’s a risk that AI tools may rely on data that overlooks specific communities, particularly marginalized groups, potentially resulting in culturally insensitive care. Additionally, there’s a possibility of disseminating false claims or inaccurate information. Despite their potential as diagnostic aids, AI tools cannot replicate the professional judgment and expertise necessary to accurately assess an individual’s mental health requirements.

“Unlike human counselors, AI lacks the ability to comprehensively consider a client’s intricate personal history, cultural background, and diverse symptoms and factors,” the guidelines underscore. “Hence, while AI can be a supportive tool, it should not supplant the professional judgment of professional counselors. It is advisable to utilize AI as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, the expertise provided by professional counselors.”

The ACA panel recommends that clients take the following into consideration:

  1. Ensure your provider educates you on what AI can and cannot provide so you can make informed decisions regarding its use in your counseling.
  2. To safeguard confidentiality, confirm that the AI tools you utilize comply with federal and state privacy laws and regulations.
  3. Discuss with your counselor strategies to mitigate the risks of AI tools providing misinformation or factual errors that could jeopardize your well-being.
  4. Refrain from utilizing AI for crisis response; instead, seek assistance from crisis hotlines, emergency services, and other qualified professionals.

Providers are urged by the working group to develop a comprehensive understanding of AI technologies, their applications in counseling services, and their implications for confidentiality and privacy. Fulmer stresses the necessity for counselors to undergo thorough and ongoing training in the evolving applications of AI.

“We have an ethical obligation to ensure our competence in anything we utilize,” he asserts. “Thus, one of our recommendations is to enhance our understanding of AI.”

The panel also calls upon technology developers to involve clients and counselors in the design of pertinent AI tools. This inclusion of users will ensure that AI tools are client-centered and address practical needs.

ACA assumes a leadership role in ensuring the responsible use of AI in mental health services, according to Shawn Boynes, FASAE, CAE, the organization’s chief executive officer.

“The integration of AI and its impact on mental health is expanding rapidly in various ways that we are still exploring,” Boynes remarks. “As one of numerous mental health organizations dedicated to well-being, we aim to lead by offering solutions to help address future concerns.”

Women with Fatty Liver Disease from Alcohol Consumption Face Higher Mortality Risk Than Men, Study Find

A recent study conducted by researchers from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai and their colleagues has revealed that women diagnosed with fatty liver disease due to alcohol consumption are at nearly double the risk of mortality within a specific timeframe compared to men with the same condition.

The study, published in the esteemed Journal of Hepatology, underscores the imperative for women at risk of liver disease to abstain from excessive alcohol consumption.

Also termed steatotic liver disease, fatty liver disease develops when an excess of fat accumulates in the liver, potentially leading to enduring liver damage. This condition is also associated with an elevated risk of heart disease.

Dr. Susan Cheng, MD, MPH, the director of the Institute for Research on Healthy Aging in the Department of Cardiology at the Smidt Heart Institute and the lead author of the study, emphasized, “Steatotic liver disease is a significant and increasingly prevalent ailment, likely serving as an underlying precursor to numerous conditions, including those affecting the heart. We are increasingly concerned about steatotic liver disease as we observe its close correlation with established cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.”

Recent medical discourse has introduced new terminology to classify distinct types of steatotic liver disease, including metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), alcohol-related liver disease (ALD), and metabolic dysfunction-associated and alcohol-related liver disease (MetALD).

The investigators from Cedars-Sinai endeavored to investigate how these variants of steatotic liver disease might manifest differently in men and women.

Data spanning from 1988 to 1994, sourced from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III, were scrutinized by the investigators. The study participants underwent comprehensive medical assessments, including questionnaires, physical examinations, and liver imaging scans, providing insights into alcohol consumption patterns, cardiometabolic risk factors, and liver health.

The analysis encompassed over 10,000 individuals aged 21 and above residing in the United States, with accessible data from liver scans and other medical evaluations. Approximately one-fifth of the cohort, totaling 1,971 individuals, exhibited steatotic liver disease, with MetALD accounting for over 75% of cases. While all forms of steatotic liver disease were approximately twice as prevalent in men compared to women, the data unveiled a significantly elevated risk of mortality among women over a median duration of 26.7 years. For instance, women diagnosed with MetALD faced an 83% higher risk of mortality compared to men without liver disease. Moreover, women afflicted with ALD confronted a mortality risk 160% greater than their male counterparts with ALD.

Dr. Alan Kwan, MD, a research instructor in the Department of Cardiology at Cedars-Sinai and a collaborator on the study, remarked, “These findings are particularly alarming against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which alcohol consumption and associated mortality, particularly among women, have surged.”

Indicators of underlying metabolic liver disease include being overweight or obese, prediabetes or diabetes, high blood pressure, or abnormal blood cholesterol levels. The investigators caution that women exhibiting these risk factors should be particularly vigilant regarding excessive alcohol consumption.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines moderate alcohol consumption for women as one drink per day or less.

The researchers intend to further explore why alcohol exerts a more pronounced impact on the female liver than the male liver and identify lifestyle modifications, beyond curtailing alcohol intake, that may mitigate a woman’s susceptibility to fatty liver disease.

They underscore that since the study relied on data collected between 1988 and 1994, additional research is imperative to ascertain how the prevalence of liver disease and alcohol consumption patterns may have evolved over time.

Dr. Yee Hui Yeo, MD, and Dr. Hirsh Trivedi, MD, both affiliated with Cedars-Sinai, also contributed to the study.

Addressing Loneliness and Social Isolation Could Mitigate Health Risks for Individuals with Obesity

Loneliness and social isolation, prevalent global issues, may play a significant role in mitigating health risks associated with obesity, according to a recent study. The findings are particularly noteworthy as individuals classified as obese tend to experience higher levels of loneliness, according to the report.

Dr. Lu Qi, the lead author of the study published in JAMA Network Open, emphasized the current focus on dietary and lifestyle factors in preventing obesity-related illnesses. However, he highlighted the importance of considering social and mental health to improve the well-being of individuals with obesity. Dr. Qi, a professor and interim chair of the department of epidemiology at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, conveyed this message via email.

The research, drawing data from nearly 400,000 individuals in the UK BioBank, a comprehensive biomedical database, explored the long-term impact of loneliness on health. Participants initially did not have cardiovascular disease when data collection commenced, and the study followed up between March 2006 and November 2021.

The results revealed a notable 36% lower rate of all-cause mortality for individuals classified as obese who reported lower levels of loneliness and social isolation over the study period. Dr. Qi suggested integrating social and psychological factors into intervention strategies to prevent obesity-related complications.

Surprisingly, social isolation emerged as a greater risk factor for all-cause mortality, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, compared to depression, anxiety, and lifestyle risk factors such as alcohol consumption, exercise, and diet.

Dr. Philipp Scherer, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, expressed that while the findings weren’t surprising, they underscored the potential of improving social isolation as a remedy to reduce mortality.

Loneliness, often overshadowed by discussions on diet and exercise, has gained recognition as a major risk factor for poor health outcomes. A study from June 2023 found that socially isolated individuals were 32% more likely to experience premature death than their socially connected counterparts. Chronic loneliness can act as a form of stress, adversely affecting the body through stress hormones, as explained by Turhan Canli, a professor of integrative neuroscience at Stony Brook University.

Canli suggested that the link between loneliness and poor health outcomes might also be tied to socially isolated individuals having reduced access to medical care or engaging in other unhealthy habits, such as smoking and excessive alcohol use. He emphasized the importance of maintaining a social network as a health-promoting activity, akin to regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Rachael Benjamin, a licensed clinical social worker based in New York City, highlighted that despite the plethora of online connections available, individuals might still feel lonely. Feeling known by others and integrated into the community is crucial for combating loneliness. Benjamin pointed out that fatphobia could make it challenging for people with obesity to feel understood and accepted within their communities.

Addressing bias on an individual level may be challenging, but Benjamin outlined steps to foster quality relationships. She defined a quality relationship as one where individuals can be themselves without the pressure to pretend. Benjamin encouraged self-reflection to identify self-imposed isolation habits and recommended making an effort to connect with people regularly, even if it feels uncomfortable initially. Building quality connections, she noted, takes time, effort, and patience.

The study sheds light on the interconnectedness of social well-being and physical health, particularly for individuals classified as obese. Integrating strategies to alleviate loneliness and social isolation alongside traditional approaches may contribute to more comprehensive efforts in preventing obesity-related complications.
