South Asian Women Rally Behind Kamala Harris at Virtual Launch, Raising Over $250,000 in Two Hours

Television stars Mindy Kaling and Poorna Jagannathan, along with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, were prominent figures at the virtual launch of South Asian Women for Harris on July 24.

The event drew around 9,000 women, despite being organized through word of mouth within three days following Vice President Kamala Harris’s announcement to run for the Democratic presidential nomination. Harris’s campaign has swiftly garnered $126 million in donations in under 72 hours and secured the necessary pledged delegates and 38,000 volunteers for the nomination.

During the two-hour launch, participants raised over $250,000, setting a record for a Zoom event. Venu Gupta, one of the organizers, emphasized the critical role of women voters, stating, “It’s going to take every woman voter in this country to win this election. We’re not running for office: we’re running for our rights.”

The event featured a panel of seasoned political activists, including Vanita Gupta, former US Associate Attorney General; Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code; and Rohini Kosoglu, Deputy Assistant to the President and Domestic Policy Advisor to the Vice President in the Biden-Harris administration. The panel was moderated by Mini Timmaraju, president of NARAL, a pro-choice organization. Saujani praised Harris, calling her the “mom’s candidate.”

Actress and producer Mindy Kaling, who is also a single mother of three, kicked off the event. She expressed her admiration for Harris’s boldness, saying, “Culturally, I was raised to keep my head down and not make a stir. I’m so glad to see that Kamala Harris has done the exact opposite throughout her career.” Kaling also commended Harris’s staunch pro-choice position, stating, “We need abortion care, not tax cuts for millionaires.”

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, representing Washington state and a Congress member since 2017, highlighted her and Harris’s election to the Senate and House on the same night in 2016, when Donald Trump won the presidency. Jayapal recalled Trump’s subsequent Muslim ban and her efforts to prevent deportations at the airport.

Jayapal introduced a bill to repeal the Muslim ban in the House and encouraged Harris to introduce it in the Senate. They have collaborated on multiple bills, including those supporting domestic workers’ rights, universal childcare, and abortion access. Jayapal, an early advocate for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, admitted uncertainty about Harris’s stance on the issue but noted Harris’s compassion.

Poorna Jagannathan expressed hope that Harris would push for a cease-fire and a permanent resolution to the Israel-Hamas conflict, stressing its importance to young voters. “We cannot afford not to talk about Gaza,” she emphasized.

Neeru Khosla, founder of the CK12 Foundation, was a surprise guest at the event. Her organization has educated over 265 million low-income children worldwide using a unique AI-based model. Khosla, whose husband Vinod Khosla is a notable venture capitalist, had hosted a fundraiser for Biden in May.

At her daughter Anu’s request, Neeru spoke at the event, expressing optimism and admiration for Harris. “Kamala is intelligent, she’s trained, and she wants to do the job. This is a very optimistic time,” she said, mirroring the positive sentiments shared in the Zoom chat.

Kiran Jain, who interviewed Khosla, remarked, “This election feels like it will be won via WhatsApp,” highlighting the significant role of digital communication in the campaign.

Democrats Face Historic Decision: Kamala Harris as Presidential Candidate Amid Challenges of Race and Gender

The Democratic Party faces a historic decision if it turns to Vice President Kamala Harris as its presidential candidate, navigating a complex landscape of racism, sexism, and her past political challenges in an attempt to defeat Republican Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden, 81, declared on Sunday that he would end his campaign for reelection but remain in office for the remainder of his term. Concurrently, he endorsed Harris in a post on X, formerly Twitter. Biden stated, “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made,” and continued, “Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.”

This decision follows mounting pressure from Democratic lawmakers and donors who questioned Biden’s ability to endure another four-year term due to concerns about his mental and physical stamina.

In over two centuries of American democracy, the electorate has chosen only one Black president and never a woman, raising questions even among some Black voters about whether Harris can shatter these enduring barriers. LaTosha Brown, a political strategist and co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund, acknowledged this challenge, saying, “Will her race and gender be an issue? Absolutely.”

Harris would face significant obstacles if promoted to the top of the ticket. With less than three months to campaign, she must unite the party and secure financial support. Despite these hurdles, many Democrats view her potential candidacy with optimism. At 59, Harris is notably younger than Trump and stands out as a leader in the party on abortion rights, an issue that resonates with younger voters and the progressive base. Advocates believe her candidacy would energize these voters, consolidate Black support, and leverage her strong debating skills to challenge Trump effectively. Brown pointed out, “That to me is reflective of America’s past. She is reflective of America’s now and future,” contrasting Harris’s candidacy with Trump and his vice presidential running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, both of whom are white.

Nonetheless, Harris’s initial years in office and brief 2020 campaign for the Democratic nomination have left some Democrats apprehensive. There are concerns about her ability to overcome the historical baggage of racial and gender discrimination in the U.S.

In a July 15-16 Reuters/Ipsos poll, Harris and Trump were tied at 44% support each, following an assassination attempt against Trump. In the same poll, Trump led Biden 43% to 41%, within the margin of error. Harris’s approval ratings are slightly higher than Biden’s, with 38.6% of Americans approving of her compared to 50.4% disapproving, whereas Biden has 38.5% approval and 56.2% disapproval.

Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, a Biden supporter, expressed skepticism about Harris’s potential support, stating on Instagram, “If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Kamala – Vice President Harris – you would be mistaken. There’s no safe option.”

Barack Obama remains the only Black president elected in the U.S., and Hillary Clinton was the sole woman to lead a major party’s presidential ticket, losing to Trump in 2016. Harris, the first woman and the first Black and South Asian person to serve as vice president, has faced and weathered unfair attacks related to her race and gender, according to her supporters. Jamal Simmons, a former aide to Harris, noted, “America has a history of racism, sexism, so I’m sure that will factor into this conversation, factor into her campaign,” adding that there is potential for Black voters and women to rally behind her candidacy, benefiting from her race and gender.

Harris has greater name recognition compared to other potential Democratic candidates, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Simmons argued, “While she has flaws and faults like everyone, we know those flaws and faults, so you can build a campaign with clarity. Any other candidates are complete unknowns.”

A former Democratic lawmaker, who spoke anonymously, viewed Harris as a bigger risk due to her record rather than her race, citing early staff turnover and limited progress on key issues. The former lawmaker remarked, “I think the race thing is just a compounding factor or an exacerbating factor,” expressing a preference for another candidate despite recognizing the risks.

Critics have accused Trump of employing racist and sexist rhetoric. In 2020, he claimed Harris, a U.S. citizen born in California, did not qualify to be a vice presidential candidate. At a recent rally in Michigan, Trump derided Harris’s mannerisms, calling her “Laughing Kamala” and criticizing her laugh as “crazy.” Trump’s campaign dismissed these criticisms as “classic disinformation” and highlighted Trump’s strong polling among African Americans, according to senior adviser Jason Miller.

Trump’s previous “birtherism” claims against Obama, which falsely questioned his birthplace, garnered significant traction among far-right activists and his nationalist base. Cliff Albright, co-founder and CEO of Black Voters Matter Fund, referred to this pattern as “birtherism 2.0” regarding Harris. Nadia Brown, director of the women’s and gender studies program at Georgetown University, emphasized the persistence of reluctance to accept women, particularly Black women, in prominent leadership roles, stating, “Patriarchy is a hell of a drug.”

Despite these challenges, Harris’s standing within the party has improved due to her vocal defense of reproductive rights following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Biden credited her efforts with helping to avert a significant Republican wave in the midterm elections, and Harris has actively campaigned on abortion rights.

Harris could potentially inherit Biden’s strong support among Black voters, who were crucial to his 2020 nomination. However, if the Democratic Party coalesces around her, she may face criticism from voters who believe the party concealed Biden’s weaknesses. Gina Gannon, a 65-year-old retiree from Georgia who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020, expressed dissatisfaction, saying, “I’m kind of done with the Democrats. So many knew about Biden’s condition and hid it. Kamala was part of that.”

JD Vance’s Family Faces Anti-Asian Backlash Amidst Rising Racial Tensions in Political Climate

Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance, and their children have faced backlash due to their Indian heritage. Chilukuri Vance, whose parents are Indian immigrants, and RNC speaker Harmeet Dhillon, a Sikh of Indian descent, are being targeted with anti-Asian hate from far-right individuals online. This surge in hateful posts, following Vance’s nomination, criticizes his interracial marriage and expresses fears about increased Indian immigration, citing the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory. These posts have garnered hundreds of thousands of views according to engagement figures.

Stop AAPI Hate, an advocacy group tracking anti-Asian hate incidents, condemned the attacks. The group stated that the wave of hate has exacerbated the “heightened levels of fear and anxiety Asian Americans and immigrants are currently experiencing across the country leading up to this year’s presidential election.” They further noted, “In the midst of an inflamed political climate, we continue to see the targeting of South Asians across parties, including ongoing questioning of VP Kamala Harris’ electability.”

Since 2020, Stop AAPI Hate has recorded thousands of potential hate-motivated incidents, coinciding with the rise in anti-Asian sentiment at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

The backlash against the Vance family occurs as former President Donald Trump called for national unity following an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last weekend. Trump remarked, “The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart,” during his speech on the final day of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

This call for unity contrasts sharply with Trump’s usual rhetoric, often criticized as “inflammatory” and “divisive,” particularly regarding race and immigration. However, Trump quickly reverted to his typical stance, declaring, “The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country,” referring to undocumented migrants at the U.S. border.

Despite this assertion, newly released figures from the CBP show a continuous decline in encounters at the southern border for the fourth consecutive month. Trump continued, “They are coming in from every corner of the Earth, not just from South America, but from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East — they’re coming from everywhere, and this administration does nothing to stop them.”

In contrast, the CBP reports that recent measures, including President Biden’s June 4 executive order limiting asylum access between ports of entry, have led to a more than 50% reduction in border encounters over the past six weeks.

JD Vance has previously criticized Trump and his supporters for their racial rhetoric, which forms the backdrop of the current backlash against his wife and children. In a 2016 interview with POLITICO, Vance remarked, “the Trump people are certainly more racist than the average white professional,” warning that Trump’s rhetoric would cause white people to “become more racist over time.”

Vance also stated in a 2016 PBS Newshour interview, “there is definitely an element of Donald Trump’s support that has its basis in racism or xenophobia.”

Originally a “Never Trump guy,” Vance has since changed his stance, citing Trump’s “many successes in office.” He has now joined Trump on the Republican ticket for the upcoming presidential election in November. Vance’s alignment with Trump began around 2021, when he started praising Trump’s presidency and apologizing for his past criticisms. Last month, Vance told Fox News anchor Bret Baier, “Look, I was wrong about Donald Trump. I didn’t think he was going to be a good president, Bret. He was a great president, and it’s one of the reasons why I’m working so hard to make sure he gets a second term.”

AAPI’s Women’s Leadership Forum Focuses on “Celebrating Women of Excellence”

Women are leading the world by being the proponents of economic empowerment, strengthening educational organizations, and being a powerful voice in politics. They have overcome obstacles and have shown the world what a woman can achieve and contribute to the betterment of the world as never before in human history. AAPI’s Women’s Leadership Forum focused on “Celebrating Women of Excellence”

Moderated by Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan and co-moderated by Dr. Mamta Singhvi co moderator, past president of MSRF and led by Dr. Anjana Samadder, president of AAPI, the Forum had Smiriti Irani, former federal Minister from India and Bollywood star, Dr. Leena Gupta, Regional Director from the West Coast, Yoshita Singh, Press Trust of India, Chief Correspondent for USA and the United Nations, Dr. Soumya Vishvanathan, a physician and corporate leader, leading a group of 17 Hospitals in Florida. Each of them shared with the audience their personal journey to become successful in their professional careers.

Smirti Irani shared with the audience where she broke many glass ceilings and rose to the top of the political and Bollywood world. “I am honored to be part of the panel of trail blazing women.” She said, she was one of the youngest ever to be elected to the Rajya Sabha and Cabinet positions at the Federal Government. She was proud to have been honored by the World Economic Forum when it named me as a Young Woman Leader of the world.”

AAPI WomenSmiriti Irani highlighted India’s role in bringing women’s leadership to the world forum though its leadership of G 20. She said, “Women don’t have the problem of speaking up, but they have the problem of being heard.” She said, “Women’s values cannot be measured by their success, she needs to be evaluated by what she is.” She paid homage to physicians of Indian origin “for your great contributions” and urged that “AAPI celebrates where every voice of women is celebrated.”

Young Yoshita Singh shared about the journey she made from India to the UN. “You learn everyday as there is new everyday. I have seen the sea change in multilateral and bilateral relationships with USA.”

Dr. Soumya Vishvanathan said, “I am honored to be part of the powerful panel. It’s not about women, but people’s development. An internal medicine physician in New England, she decided to take on leadership roles and rose to the top of the ladder today. She said, “With a well-rounded education and belief that I am ready to take on this leadership role leading 17 hospitals across Florida, where our system wise focus on training young physicians.”

While congratulating the members of AAPI’s Women’s Forum, Dr. Anajana Samadder, President of AAPI said, “From birth to death, all of us need women in our lives. They sacrifice their lives for the rest of the family, society, and the world at large. AAPI’s Women Forum salutes the great contributions of the women panelists here today and all the women who are present here today and everywhere.” For more information about AAPI, please visit:

From Sangli to Silicon Valley: Aqsa Fulara’s Journey in Revolutionizing AI at Google

From a modest upbringing in Sangli, Maharashtra, to a pivotal role at Google in Silicon Valley, Aqsa Fulara’s career is a testament to her tenacity and passion for technology. Joining Google in 2017, Fulara has become instrumental in advancing AI and machine learning technologies, transforming the digital landscape with her innovative approach.

Growing up in a community where women were often discouraged from pursuing higher education far from home, Fulara broke societal norms by enrolling at Walchand College of Engineering in Sangli. Her academic journey didn’t stop there; she went on to earn a master’s degree in engineering management from the University of Southern California (USC) and further polished her skills at Stanford University, immersing herself in the latest technological advancements.

Reflecting on her path into AI and ML, Fulara said, “I was driven by a curiosity to solve complex problems.” This intrinsic motivation led her to develop impactful projects like traffic congestion prediction and management strategies.

At Google, Fulara has made significant contributions, particularly in scaling products like Recommendations AI, now a part of Google’s Vertex AI Search. Her expertise has also been integral in creating innovative tools like Team Workspaces and Looker Studio Pro, which boost business intelligence through custom recommendations and data insights.

“Google’s culture of innovation has been pivotal,” Fulara noted, emphasizing the importance of the company’s initiatives like 20% projects and hackathons in fostering creativity. This environment allowed her to transition into product management, where she uses her AI knowledge to craft customer-focused solutions.

Fulara acknowledges that managing AI product development is fraught with challenges, including navigating uncertainty and technical complexities. She addresses these issues by promoting a culture of experimentation and agility, stressing the importance of rigorous testing and adaptive strategies to inform decision-making.

Looking ahead, Fulara envisions a future where generative AI and personalized recommendations play a transformative role. She believes these technologies will revolutionize data accessibility and collaborative workflows across various industries, driving unprecedented innovation and efficiency.

Trailblazing Women Leaders: From Ancient Pharaohs to Modern Monarchs

Due to the incomplete nature of our historical records, it’s impossible to pinpoint when the first female ruler came to power. Some might point to Kubaba, a tavern keeper who supposedly ascended to the throne of Sumer around 2400 BCE. If true, she would be the first documented female ruler in human history, but this claim is likely mythical. More concrete evidence supports the claim of Sobekneferu, who reigned as a pharaoh in ancient Egypt from around 1760 to 1756 BCE. However, whether she was truly the first female ruler of a significant civilization remains uncertain.

Throughout recorded history, numerous women have ruled despite living in male-dominated societies. These women achieved unparalleled power, overcoming significant societal disadvantages. Here are some of the most powerful women rulers in history, including Pharaoh Hatshepsut and Queen Elizabeth I.


Hatshepsut assumed power in 1479 BCE as the regent for her stepson (and nephew) Thutmose III, who was only two years old at the time. For almost seven years, Hatshepsut was a conventional regent. However, she then took the unprecedented step of assuming both the title and powers of a true pharaoh, ruling Egypt alongside Thutmose III. To assert her authority, she had herself depicted as a man in formal portraits, with a muscular male body, traditional kingly regalia, and a false beard. Hatshepsut became one of the first truly powerful female rulers known to history. Her reign brought about economic prosperity and peace, and she was one of the most prolific builders in ancient Egypt’s history.


Zenobia ruled the Roman colony of Palmyra (in present-day Syria) from around 267 to 272 CE. During her short reign, she posed a significant threat to the Roman Empire. After her husband Odaenathus and his eldest son Herodes were assassinated, Zenobia took the throne. Unlike her husband, she defied the Roman Emperor Aurelian and seized control of almost the entire eastern part of the empire, including Egypt. Aurelian could not ignore Zenobia’s growing power and marched on Palmyra with his entire army. Zenobia was captured and taken to Rome in chains. Historians differ on her fate; some say she starved herself to death or was beheaded, while others believe she was acquitted at trial, married, and lived the rest of her life in Rome.


Born in the fifth century CE in Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey), Theodora came from a lower social class. As a young woman, she worked as an actress, a job equated with prostitution at the time. She later moved to Egypt, where she converted to Miaphysite Christianity. Upon returning to Constantinople, she met Justinian, the heir-apparent to the Byzantine Empire. Captivated by her beauty, vibrancy, and intelligence, Justinian made her his mistress, and they married in 525 CE. Two years later, Justinian became emperor, and Theodora ruled as his intellectual and political equal. Many believed she was the true ruler of Byzantium, overseeing significant reforms, including construction projects and new laws. She fought for the persecuted and recognized women’s rights, establishing laws to protect prostitutes, giving women more power in divorce cases, and abolishing a law allowing women to be killed for adultery.

Wu Zetian

Empress Wu Zetian, also known as Wu Zhao, was the first and only female emperor of China. At 14, she joined the royal court as an imperial concubine of Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty. After Taizong’s death, she began a relationship with the new emperor, Gaozong, with whom she had four sons and one daughter. She served as empress consort and, after Gaozong’s death, as empress dowager. Wu then founded her own dynasty, ruling as emperor from 690 to 705 CE. Despite opposition, she eliminated rivals, including relatives. As empress, she was both feared and respected, governing well and employing able advisers. By the end of her reign, China had become a formidable force. Wu Zetian’s legacy remains controversial due to her often extreme methods, including alleged brutal killings of her own family members, though the veracity of these accounts is debated.

Elizabeth I

In 16th-century Europe, the belief that women were unfit to rule was widespread, and Elizabeth I’s 44-year reign significantly challenged this notion. Imprisoned in the Tower of London by her half-sister, Queen Mary I, Elizabeth ascended to the throne of England in 1558. The kingdom she inherited was small and threatened by internal divisions. However, Elizabeth transformed and unified the nation, ushering in the golden Elizabethan age, during which arts and sciences flourished, and England became a global force. Elizabeth chose not to marry, earning the moniker the “Virgin Queen,” partly to maintain her power. She famously defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, declaring, “I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too.”

Catherine the Great

Russia’s Catherine II, known as Catherine the Great, came to power by overthrowing her husband, Peter III. After his death, Catherine became an effective ruler, surrounding herself with capable advisers, some of whom, like Grigory Potemkin, were her lovers. She expanded Russia’s borders, incorporating Crimea, Belarus, Lithuania, and much of Poland. A patron of the arts, literature, and education, Catherine led Russia into a new era of political and cultural engagement with Europe, embracing Enlightenment principles and attracting Europe’s greatest minds to her court.


Empress Dowager Cixi is often viewed as a cruel tyrant, though her exact actions remain debated. Nevertheless, she was one of the most powerful women in Chinese history. Entering the late Qing dynasty’s court as a concubine of the Xianfeng Emperor, she bore him a child. Upon the emperor’s death in 1861, Cixi became co-empress dowager and later took control by installing her nephew as the Guangxu emperor, ruling as regent. She held supreme power over the empire for 40 years until her death in 1908. Her rule was marked by political killings and a turbulent period, including the Boxer Rebellion and foreign invasion. Cixi’s legacy is a complex reminder of how power can corrupt.

Dr. Kavita Gupta Elected Chair Of AAPI Board of Trustees

Dr. Kavita Gupta made history as the first-ever physician who was born and raised in the United States, a second-generation Indian American physician to hold a national leadership position in the 44-year-old history of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI). Dr. Gupta was elected Secretary of National AAPI in 2013. Now, a decade later, she has been elected as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of AAPI.

Kavita GuptaCurrently, Dr. Gupta is serving a 3-year term on the powerful Board of Trustees of AAPI. She will assume charge as the Chair of AAPI’s BOT during the first-ever World Congress of AAPI in New York on July 20th, 2024.

“I want to congratulate Dr. Kavita Gupta for representing second-generation Indian American physicians in this very important role as the BOT Chair of AAPI,” said Dr. Anjana Samadder, current President of AAPI. “With her election to the leadership role in AAPI, the second and successive generations of physicians of Indian Origin at AAPI are poised to continue the tremendous success of our prior leadership and contribute our dynamic talents towards AAPI’s mission.”

Recognizing the need to bring in more second-generation Indian American physicians to AAPI, Dr. Gupta says, “We have to grow with the next generation by its side. I see myself as a true liaison with our younger 2nd generation leaders.” Stating that she brings “a new perspective and also a second-generation rationale to the issues we face as Indian American physicians,” Dr. Gupta would like to see “my efforts go to slowly building a strong association focusing on younger leader development and strengthening our professional relations.”

With nearly three decades of excellence and dedicated service to the causes of physicians of Indian origin in the United States, Dr. Kavita Gupta is embarking on her new role, bringing in a wealth of experiences and vision fortified with infectious zeal, and unwavering courage. A woman leader in a predominantly men’s club, Dr. Gupta’s motivation for joining AAPI was that “AAPI needed young charismatic leaders that had the service and leadership qualities needed to unite and bring Indian physicians to new levels in American society.”

Kavita 2Dr. Kavita Gupta is board-certified in pain management, physical medicine, and rehabilitation. A prominent practicing pain management physician from the southern New Jersey Tri-state region, Dr. Gupta had started as an engineer but pursued a medical degree “with a mindset to help others.”

Describing her long years of medical practice, Dr. Gupta says, “I’ve been in practice as an interventional pain management for over 20 years, ranging from academic practice and private practice.” Before becoming a physician, Dr. Gupta had a Master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York and had participated in consulting and advisory roles with pharma, device companies and was mentoring biomedical engineering graduate students.”

After graduating from medical school, Dr. Gupta completed her post-graduate training as a chief resident in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Temple University and completed an anesthesia pain fellowship at Penn State.
Previously, Dr. Gupta was an assistant professor and section head of the Interventional Pain Program at UMDNJ Stratford. She has contributed to the publication of several articles and participates in clinical research within the field of pain management. Dr. Gupta lectures nationwide and has a special interest in community education programs on the latest treatments to alleviate pain.

She is an active member of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and teaching faculty at Rowan University.

As a student member of AAPI in 1994 Dr. Gupta founded MSRF Chapter at UMDNI, now Rowan/ Virtua, which has had tremendous growth and a robust presence on campus. Ever since she has been an active AAPI member for nearly three decades.

Kavita 4Dr. Gupta grew within AAPI nationally and locally while attending national and local Chapter meetings.  She was elected national Vice President of MSRF, Treasurer of YPS, and later on as YPS president. She has been active in the Philadelphia Indian Physician organization, serving as its Secretary and Vice President. She was elected and served as the national Secretary of AAPI in 2013. In addition, Dr. Gupta has served on various national AAPI Committees- from women’s forum/academic affairs /CME speaker/ convention committees and under several past presidents/convention teams.

While working towards expanding AAPI’s mission statement to include diversity with the senior visionary members and prospective physicians from abroad and the US, Dr. Gupta wants to “enhance our networking within political arenas, amongst specialty organizations, while embracing technology and media to echo our voices to local and international medical communities.”

The BOT and in her capacity as the Chair, Dr. Gupta says, “We have the responsibility to oversee the financial sustainability of the organization and its future financial growth. As a group, we can monitor the financial health of the organization and accordingly provide our recommendations. BOT has a variety of esteemed leaders that will assist to provide their perspectives to the Board relevant to financial health of our organization.”

Dr. Gupta says, “It’s important to recognize and adapt to the differences of each administration style while preserving the mission of AAPI. We have to continue to inspire younger leaders within AAPI to continue to remain committed and have a purposeful meaning as to why to stay connected and be supportive.”

While describing the challenges, Dr. Gupta says, “The change of administration, which is yearly, and their vision for the organization, budget planning can also vary. BOT will need to be adaptable to each new administration, yet diligent with oversight of financial operations within AAPI.”

Dr. Gupta has been an active community leader within the local Indian community, local physician community as well as serving on a variety of board positions in her township, county, and other national non-profit organizations, helping with creating and advising on programs for the community, fundraising, speaking engagements on preventative healthcare and wellness.

Kavita 5“My passion has been in educating the youth and participating as a judge and advisor for several youth organizations focused on science, research, public speaking, and medical student education,” she says. Dr. Gupta believes “in empowering the youth, staying involved as an educator ever since my residency career and I am currently educating medical students, graduate students and resident physicians.
I enjoy in participating healthcare education platforms for the community and have done many such programs locally, via telehealth, and abroad. I have been a youth advisor for non-profit organizations, high school clubs, and professional development programs.”

“I am always open to connecting with like-minded professionals, collaborators, and individuals who share a passion for advancing healthcare. Whether you have a collaborative opportunity, insights to share, or simply want to connect, I look forward to engaging with you and contributing to the collective success of our healthcare community.” Dr. Lokesh Edara the outgoing Chair of AAPI has worked with Gupta in the past prior to joining BOT on collaborating on project ideas to support the medical students and pre-med students.

Many senior leaders within the organization have congratulated and encouraged her growth within AAPI. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, through triumphs and turmoil we will continue to learn how to better AAPI with collaboration with everyone, especially our young leaders.

AAPI members give selflessly of their time to work in underserved areas. AAPI provides extraordinary support to India through the activities of its Charitable Foundation and the Global Healthcare Summit, Dr. Gupta says. According to her, “As Indian physicians in the United States. it is our duty to nurture our present home as well as our ancestral home. AAPI needs young charismatic leaders who have the service and leadership qualities AAPI leadership has always recognized that the future of AAPI is with the second generation.”

Every year, a lot of youngsters are joining this profession. “They need community support for setting up their practices, guidance from senior specialists, networking and much more. They should be given more privileges when they join. We want to instill dynamism, and leadership qualities in the next generation of physicians so that they are better equipped to face future challenges head-on. They are our future,” Dr. Gupta says.

Kavia 6When she is not seeing patients, Dr. Gupta enjoys time with her triplets and husband, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. She gives full credit to her family for supporting her at every step of the way. I have very good friends in AAPI, who have full confidence in me and I can trust them to guide me through all stages in leading AAPI.”

“Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working in various healthcare settings, honing my expertise in teaching, medical management and clinical leadership. My journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, with a focus on improving patient outcomes and fostering collaborative healthcare practices,” Dr. Gupta says.

AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Many of the physicians who represent AAPI have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. AAPI physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services.

Dr. Gupta calls upon “Every AAPI member to join in this historic journey. AAPI’s mission is clear, our programs will continue to strive, and our impact is infectious on benefiting society. We as physicians make significant contributions for the betterment of people’s lives. Today I ask you to set aside your differences, and join me in this noble journey to make our mission possible! “

AAPI is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States and represents the interests of more than 120,000 physicians and nearly 60,000 medical students/residents of Indian heritage. AAPI, a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs, is an umbrella organization with nearly 160 specialty societies and alumni organizations.  For more details, please visit:

India Celebrates Historic Victory as Puja Tomar Triumphs at UFC Louisville

In a groundbreaking victory for India, 28-year-old MMA fighter Puja Tomar triumphed at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on June 8. Hailing from Uttar Pradesh, Tomar achieved a significant win against Brazil’s Rayanne Amanda dos Santos by split decision at UFC Louisville. Tomar has not only made history as the first Indian female fighter to sign with the UFC, but she is also the first Indian to secure a win in the championship.

The match was a high-energy, grueling three-round bout, with both fighters showing intense competition. Tomar displayed her dominance throughout, ultimately defeating Santos with a score of 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

Securing her UFC contract last year, Tomar has demonstrated her capabilities as one of India’s premier women fighters on the global stage. Training at the Soma Fight Club in Bali, Indonesia, the Muzaffarnagar native, affectionately known as “The Cyclone”, achieved her remarkable victory more than a decade after the UFC officially allowed women to fight in 2013.

Tomar began her martial arts journey at the age of 12 following the death of her father, according to her UFC profile. She represented India in the World Wushu Championship and turned professional in 2013 after winning the MFN strawweight Championship. Her favorite grappling technique is the Heel Hook, and her preferred striking technique is the Side Kick.

In a significant victory for India, 28-year-old MMA fighter Puja Tomar secured a win at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on June 8. Originating from Uttar Pradesh, Tomar achieved a monumental win against Brazil’s Rayanne Amanda dos Santos by split decision at UFC Louisville. Tomar has made history as the first Indian female fighter to sign with UFC and the first Indian to win a bout in the championship.

The match unfolded in a fast-paced and grueling three-round bout, with both fighters going head-to-head. Tomar exhibited dominance throughout the fight, ultimately defeating Santos with a score of 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

After securing her UFC contract last year, Tomar showcased her skills as one of India’s top women fighters on the world stage. Training at the Soma Fight Club in Bali, Indonesia, the Muzaffarnagar native, fondly known as “The Cyclone”, achieved her impressive victory over a decade after the UFC opened its doors to women fighters in 2013.

According to her UFC profile, Tomar started her martial arts journey at the age of 12 after losing her father. She represented India in the World Wushu Championship and became a professional fighter in 2013 after winning the MFN strawweight Championship. Her favorite grappling technique is the Heel Hook, while her preferred striking technique is the Side Kick.

In a historic win for India, 28-year-old MMA fighter Puja Tomar triumphed at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on June 8. From Uttar Pradesh, Tomar secured a monumental victory against Brazil’s Rayanne Amanda dos Santos by split decision at UFC Louisville. Tomar has made history, not only as the first Indian female fighter to join UFC but also as the first Indian to win a bout in the championship.

The match was a high-energy, grueling three-round bout with both fighters displaying intense competition. Tomar demonstrated dominance throughout, defeating Santos with a score of 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

After securing her UFC contract last year, Tomar proved her skills as one of India’s premier women fighters on the global stage. Training at the Soma Fight Club in Bali, Indonesia, the Muzaffarnagar native, affectionately known as “The Cyclone”, achieved her remarkable victory more than a decade after the UFC officially opened its doors to women fighters in 2013.

Tomar started her martial arts journey at the age of 12 after the death of her father, according to her UFC profile. She represented India in the World Wushu Championship and became a professional fighter in 2013 after winning the MFN strawweight Championship. Her favorite grappling technique is the Heel Hook, and her preferred striking technique is the Side Kick.

In a landmark victory for India, 28-year-old MMA fighter Puja Tomar emerged triumphant at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on June 8. Hailing from Uttar Pradesh, Tomar secured a significant win against Brazil’s Rayanne Amanda dos Santos by split decision at UFC Louisville. Tomar made history as the first Indian female fighter to sign with the UFC and the first Indian to win a bout in the championship.

The match was a high-energy, grueling three-round bout with both fighters showing intense competition. Tomar demonstrated dominance throughout, ultimately defeating Santos with a score of 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

After securing her UFC contract last year, Tomar showcased her skills as one of India’s premier women fighters on the global stage. Training at the Soma Fight Club in Bali, Indonesia, the Muzaffarnagar native, affectionately known as “The Cyclone”, achieved her remarkable victory more than a decade after the UFC officially allowed women to fight in 2013.

According to her UFC profile, Tomar began her martial arts journey at the age of 12 following the death of her father. She represented India in the World Wushu Championship and turned professional in 2013 after winning the MFN strawweight Championship. Her favorite grappling technique is the Heel Hook, and her preferred striking technique is the Side Kick.

In a notable victory for India, 28-year-old MMA fighter Puja Tomar emerged victorious at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on June 8. From Uttar Pradesh, Tomar secured a significant win against Brazil’s Rayanne Amanda dos Santos by split decision at UFC Louisville. Tomar has made history as the first Indian female fighter to sign with UFC and the first Indian to win a bout in the championship.

The match was a high-energy, grueling three-round bout with both fighters displaying intense competition. Tomar exhibited dominance throughout, ultimately defeating Santos with a score of 30-27, 27-30, 29-28.

After securing her UFC contract last year, Tomar has demonstrated her capabilities as one of India’s premier women fighters on the global stage. Training at the Soma Fight Club in Bali, Indonesia, the Muzaffarnagar native, affectionately known as “The Cyclone”, achieved her remarkable victory more than a decade after the UFC opened its doors to women fighters in 2013.

Tomar began her martial arts journey at the age of 12 following the death of her father, according to her UFC profile. She represented India in the World Wushu Championship and turned professional in 2013 after winning the MFN strawweight Championship. Her favorite grappling technique is the Heel Hook, and her preferred striking technique is the Side Kick.

Early Puberty in Girls: The Role of Environmental Factors and Health Implications

For several decades, scientists worldwide have observed with growing concern that girls are entering puberty at increasingly younger ages compared to previous generations. Key indicators of adolescence, such as the onset of menstruation (age of menarche) and the commencement of breast development, are occurring progressively sooner.

Research indicates that American girls today begin menstruation up to four years earlier than girls a century ago. Recent data reveals that while girls born between 1950 and 1969 typically began menstruating at an average age of 12.5 years, this decreased to 11.9 years for girls born in the early 2000s. This trend is not limited to the United States but is evident globally. South Korean researchers, for instance, have noted a dramatic 16-fold increase in the number of girls showing signs of precocious puberty (either breast development or menstruation before age eight) between 2008 and 2020.

“We’re also seeing that these decreasing ages at puberty are even more pronounced in lower socioeconomic status groups and ethnic minority groups,” says Audrey Gaskins, an associate professor at Emory University in Atlanta. “This has important implications for long-term health.”

Researchers like Gaskins are particularly concerned that earlier puberty might trigger a cascade of events with significant consequences in adulthood. Data suggests it may shorten the fertility window, especially if these women enter menopause sooner, and could reduce overall lifespan. Precocious puberty has been repeatedly associated with a higher risk of diseases such as breast and ovarian cancers, metabolic syndromes like obesity and type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Scientists are still exploring the reasons behind these associations. Brenda Eskenazi, a professor of public health at the University of California, Berkeley, explains one theory: “There’s some theories that having a longer window of exposure to hormones increases risk for reproductive cancers,” suggesting that prolonged exposure to sex hormones like estrogen might elevate tumor development risks by stimulating cell growth.

There are also potential social consequences. Eskenazi points out that girls who enter puberty earlier are more likely to become sexually active sooner. “There’s a scary situation in the United States when we have the trend of abortion becoming illegal and contraception not being available,” she says. “It’s going to lead to more unwanted teen pregnancies, so that confluence of factors is very frightening.”

The question then arises: why is child development being accelerated in this manner?

From Obesity to Air Pollution

Puberty onset is regulated by two key communication networks in the body: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axes. These connect the brain’s hypothalamus, which regulates essential functions from hunger to temperature control, with hormone-secreting glands.

Gaskins notes that until recently, childhood obesity was considered the primary cause of premature puberty, with proteins produced by fat cells (adipokines) stimulating the HPA and HPG axes. “It’s only recently that people have been like, ‘Oh that doesn’t explain it all, and there have to be other factors involved,'” she says.

Recent studies, however, have identified another surprising cause: air pollution. Much of this research has emerged from South Korea, where cities like Seoul, Busan, and Incheon rank among the world’s most polluted. A review from Ewha Womans University in Seoul highlighted a consistent relationship between exposure to various pollutants and earlier puberty onset.

Toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone, released through vehicle emissions or industrial waste, are major culprits. A 2022 study in Poland, a country with significant air quality issues due to coal-burning factories, linked higher exposure to nitrogen gases with menstruation beginning before age 11.

An even greater concern is fine particulate matter (PM), tiny particles from sources like construction sites, wildfires, power plants, vehicle engines, and unpaved roads. In October 2023, Gaskins and colleagues found that U.S. girls exposed to high levels of PM2.5 (particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter) and PM10, both in utero and during childhood, were more likely to start menstruating earlier.

“PM2.5 particles can enter the bloodstream pretty readily,” Gaskins explains. “You inhale them into your lungs, and they’re not filtered out like some of the bigger particles would be, and they can then reach different organs. We’ve seen certain PM2.5 particles accumulating in the placenta, fetal tissues, the ovaries, they can get everywhere.”

Studies have shown that chemicals within these fine particles can interact with hormone receptors involved in development, particularly androgen and estrogen receptors, potentially triggering a chain reaction leading to puberty.

“That was our primary hypothesis, that the girls who had higher exposure to PM2.5 were also exposed to more chemicals that were either mimicking estrogen or just generally disrupting that HPA axis and its regular signals, prompting the body to go into puberty earlier,” says Gaskins.

Multiple factors likely contribute to premature puberty. Gaskins suggests that evidence related to PM2.5 and other pollutants is one example of how harmful environmental chemicals can infiltrate the body, causing significant hormonal changes.

“Pre-pubertal girls are an interesting group because another major route of exposure to chemicals which disrupt hormonal processes is through personal care products,” she says. “And there’s now a lot of companies actively going after that demographic and marketing products to them.”

Eskenazi adds that there is much we still don’t understand about the complex interplay between our changing environment and child development. Factors such as microplastics and climate change also remain largely unexplored. “I think we’re still just at the tip of the iceberg,” she says. “We don’t know how a hotter climate is affecting the menstrual cycle or even the role of social factors, pressurizing girls to grow up sooner. But this trend is very real, and it could be a multifactorial combination of environmental chemicals, obesity, and psychosocial issues which are combining to lower the age of menarche.”

Claudia Sheinbaum: Mexico’s First Female President

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Background and Achievements

Claudia Sheinbaum, known as “la Doctora” for her impressive academic background, is a physicist with a doctorate in energy engineering. She has served as the former mayor of Mexico City, one of the world’s most populous cities, and was part of the United Nations panel of climate scientists that received a Nobel Peace Prize. She made history by becoming the first woman and the first person of Jewish heritage to be elected president of Mexico, winning around 60% of the vote in the largest election in Mexico’s history.

Sheinbaum’s academic career includes receiving the prize of best UNAM young researcher in engineering and technological innovation in 1999. She also joined the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at the United Nations, contributing to reports on the topic “Mitigation of climate change” and co-authoring the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2013. She has been dedicated to university teaching, focusing on renewable energy and climate change.

Challenges Ahead for Sheinbaum

One of the challenges Sheinbaum faces is to establish her own platform gradually while initially acting as a faithful disciple of her longtime ally, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. She will need to navigate the transition carefully, offering glimpses of her own program without stoking instability in the movement’s base. Despite her close association with Obrador, there are clear differences between the two leaders, with Sheinbaum emphasizing her decision-making based on data and science.

Another significant challenge for Sheinbaum is addressing Mexico’s organized crime and security issues. The country has been plagued by high levels of violence, with a soaring homicide rate and a significant number of people missing. Additionally, Mexico remains a dangerous place for women, with high femicide rates. Sheinbaum will need to act quickly on these pressing security issues.

US-Mexico Relations

Sheinbaum’s presidency comes at a critical time for US-Mexico relations, as both countries are holding elections in 2024. Mexico is a key US ally on various issues, including trade, drug trafficking, and migration management. The relationship between President Joe Biden and Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has been described as friendly and professional, and the Biden administration anticipates a productive relationship with Mexico’s next president. However, the election in Mexico has raised uncertainty about potential changes in border cooperation and migration policies.

Claudia Sheinbaum’s presidency marks a historic moment for Mexico, and she faces significant challenges in establishing her own platform while addressing pressing security issues and navigating US-Mexico relations.

Indian Peacekeeper Major Radhika Sen to Receive UN Military Gender Advocate Award

Indian soldier Major Radhika Sen, who served as part of the UN mission in Congo, will receive the esteemed military gender advocate award from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on May 30, coinciding with the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.

Who is Major Radhika Sen?

Radhika Sen was stationed with the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) from March 2023 to April 2024, leading MONUSCO’s engagement platoon for the Indian rapid deployment battalion (INDRDB).

Major Radhika Sen enlisted in the Indian Army eight years ago. She holds a degree in biotechnology engineering and was pursuing a Master’s degree at IIT Bombay before joining the armed forces.

Sen assumed her role in MONUSCO in March 2023 as the engagement platoon commander with the Indian rapid deployment battalion, concluding her service in April 2024. She becomes the second Indian peacekeeper to be honored with this prestigious award, following in the footsteps of Major Suman Gawani, recognized with the United Nations military gender advocate of the year award in 2019 for her service with the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commended Major Sen for her exemplary service, labeling her as a genuine leader and role model. Guterres stated, “Her service was a true credit to the United Nations as a whole.”

In response to the news, Major Sen expressed her gratitude, stating, “This award is special to me as it gives recognition to the hard work put in by all the peacekeepers working in the challenging environment of DRC and giving their best to bring a positive change in the society.”

“Gender-sensitive peacekeeping is everybody’s business – not just us, women. Peace begins with all of us in our beautiful diversity!” she added.

Established in 2016 by the office of military affairs within the department for peace operations (DPO) of the UN, the United Nations military gender advocate of the year award acknowledges the dedication and efforts of an individual military peacekeeper in promoting the principles of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security.

The recipient of the award is chosen from among nominees put forward by force commanders and heads of mission from all peace operations. India currently stands as the 11th largest contributor of women military peacekeepers to the United Nations.

Anasuya Sengupta Makes History as First Indian Actress to Win Best Actress at Cannes Film Festival, Signaling India’s Rising Influence on Global Cinema Stage

In a groundbreaking and historic occurrence, Anasuya Sengupta has made history by becoming the inaugural Indian actress to clinch the esteemed Best Actress accolade at the Cannes Film Festival.

The extraordinary feat was attributed to her exceptional portrayal in ‘The Shameless,’ a compelling cinematic piece vying for recognition in the Un Certain Regard segment of the 77th iteration of the festival.

Upon accepting the award, Anasuya fervently dedicated her triumph to various marginalized communities worldwide, especially the queer community, expressing, “This is for the queer community everywhere, and all other marginalized communities all over the world, for bravely fighting a fight they shouldn’t have to fight.” She further emphasized the significance of embracing the female perspective in cinema, stating, “More female gaze is the way forward, and the browner the better.”

The 77th Cannes Film Festival stood as a momentous occasion for India, with Anasuya’s historic win setting the stage. Additionally, the festival commemorated nearly 48 years since the release of Shyam Benegal’s iconic ‘Manthan’ through a special screening.

Moreover, Indian luminaries and influencers captivated audiences on the prestigious red carpet, underscoring India’s escalating impact on the global cinematic landscape. This year, Indian cinema seized numerous nominations across diverse categories, highlighting its burgeoning prominence.

Hailing from Kolkata, Anasuya Sengupta delivered a stellar portrayal as Renuka in ‘The Shameless,’ helmed by Bulgarian director Konstantin Bojanov. The film delves into Renuka’s daunting yet empowering odyssey as she escapes a brothel in Delhi following the demise of a police officer. It also delves into her intricate romance with her love interest, depicted by Omara Shetty.

Further elevating India’s triumph at Cannes 2024, two Indian films clinched top accolades in the La Cinef Selection. ‘Sunflowers Were the First Ones to Know,’ a Kannada short film directed by Chidananda Naik, a student from the Film and Television Institute of India, secured the first position. Meanwhile, ‘Bunnyhood,’ directed by Mansi Maheshwari from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, and currently pursuing studies in the UK, secured the third position.

As the curtains closed on the 77th Cannes Film Festival on May 25, it etched a significant milestone for Indian cinema on the global arena, showcasing its prowess and potential to captivate audiences worldwide.

Top 10 Richest Women in the World 2024: Leading Billionaires Shatter the Glass Ceiling

In a world historically dominated by male wealth and power, an increasing number of women are breaking through and establishing themselves as billionaires. In 2024, the net worth of the world’s wealthiest individuals has surged significantly, with a noticeable rise in the number of female billionaires compared to the previous year.

According to Forbes, out of 2,781 billionaires globally, women now represent 13.3% of the total billionaire population in 2024, up from 12.8% in 2023. This marks a significant increase and highlights the growing influence of women in global wealth creation.

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, the L’Oréal heiress, remains the world’s richest woman for the fourth consecutive year. Forbes tracks the wealth of billionaires worldwide, and as of April 2024, here are the top 10 richest women in the world.

Top 10 Richest Women in the World in 2024

The Forbes list showcases the success stories of women entrepreneurs and heiresses. In 2024, the top 10 richest women have amassed a combined net worth of over $1.8 trillion, an increase of about $240 billion from the previous year, underscoring their substantial impact on the global economy.

1.Françoise Bettencourt Meyers

Leading the list for the fourth year in a row is Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, the granddaughter of the L’Oréal founder. With a net worth of $98.2 billion, her wealth is largely derived from her nearly 35% stake in the cosmetics giant L’Oréal Group, known for brands such as Maybelline and Lancôme. Under her leadership, L’Oréal has continued to thrive, boasting billions in revenue. Bettencourt Meyers first appeared on the Forbes billionaires list in 2018 with a net worth of $42.2 billion, and her fortune has more than doubled since then.

2.Alice Walton

Alice Walton, the richest woman in America, is second with a net worth of $77.2 billion. Her wealth surged due to a 34% increase in Walmart’s share price over the past year. Known for her philanthropy and art collection, she founded the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, which features works by artists such as Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell, and Mark Rothko.

3.Julia Koch

Julia Koch, widow of David Koch, holds the third spot with a net worth of $66.3 billion. She inherited a 42% stake in Koch Industries, a diverse conglomerate with interests in oil refining, medical technology, and paper products. Koch Industries is one of the largest private companies in the world, with revenues exceeding $100 billion. Julia Koch is also a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

4.Jacqueline Mars

Jacqueline Mars, heiress to Mars Inc., ranks fourth with a net worth of $39.4 billion. Alongside her family, she owns the iconic candy and pet food company, known for brands like M&Ms, Snickers, and Pedigree. Mars Inc. is one of the largest privately held companies in the world, with revenues exceeding $35 billion. The company was founded by her grandfather, Frank C. Mars, who began selling buttercream candy from his kitchen in 1911.

5.Savitri Jindal

Savitri Jindal, the richest woman in India, holds the fifth spot with a net worth of $38.0 billion. She leads the Jindal Group, overseeing businesses in steel, power, cement, and infrastructure. The Jindal Group is one of the largest business conglomerates in India, with revenues exceeding $15 billion. Following the death of her husband, Om Prakash Jindal, in a helicopter crash in 2005, the group’s companies were divided among their four sons, who now run them independently.

6.Rafaela Aponte-Diamant

With a net worth of $33.7 billion, Rafaela Aponte-Diamant co-founded MSC, the world’s largest shipping line, with her husband, Gianluigi Aponte. Their company, founded in 1970, has grown to dominate the global shipping industry, operating over 500 vessels in more than 155 countries. Rafaela Aponte-Diamant is responsible for decorating the ships for MSC Cruises, the company’s cruise line. The Aponte family entered the shipping industry with a $200,000 loan to buy their first ship.

7.MacKenzie Scott

MacKenzie Scott, with a net worth of $35.5 billion, is a prominent philanthropist and the ex-wife of Jeff Bezos. Following her divorce, she received a 4% stake in Amazon and has since donated billions to various causes, including education, science, and the arts. Her philanthropic efforts have made her one of the most generous donors in the world, with her lifetime giving totaling $17.3 billion as of March 2024.

8.Gina Rinehart

Gina Rinehart, with a net worth of $30.8 billion, chairs Hancock Prospecting Group, a major mining and agriculture company in Australia. Her fortune has increased by 14% since 2023, driven by the growth of the mining industry and her company’s expansion into new markets. Hancock Prospecting Group is involved in the exploration and production of iron ore, coal, and other minerals, as well as cattle farming and agricultural projects.

9.Abigail Johnson

Abigail Johnson, with a net worth of $29.7 billion, leads Fidelity Investments, a major mutual fund company. She owns a significant stake in the firm and has been instrumental in its success, overseeing $4.9 trillion in managed assets. Johnson took over as CEO of Fidelity Investments in 2014, succeeding her father, Edward “Ned” Johnson III, who passed away in 2022. The company was founded by her grandfather in 1946.

10.Miriam Adelson

Miriam Adelson, with a net worth of $29.7 billion, inherited a significant stake in Las Vegas Sands after her husband Sheldon Adelson’s passing. A prominent physician, she has donated over $1 billion to medical research and drug discovery, making her one of the most generous philanthropists in the world. Adelson and her family own more than half of Las Vegas Sands, one of the world’s largest casino operators, with properties in Las Vegas, Macau, and Singapore.

These women have not only amassed immense wealth but have also significantly contributed to various industries and philanthropic causes, demonstrating that the glass ceiling can indeed be shattered.

Chelsea Manalo Becomes First Black Woman Crowned Miss Universe Philippines, Breaking Traditional Beauty Standards

Filipino American Chelsea Manalo made history on Wednesday by becoming the first Black woman to be crowned Miss Universe Philippines.

The 24-year-old, born to a Filipino mother and African American father, received widespread praise on social media for challenging traditional beauty ideals in the Philippines.

“Chelsea’s win challenges our ingrained preference for Eurocentric beauty (features) and lighter complexions in our nation,” wrote one user in response to an Instagram post of the win on Miss Universe Philippines’ official account. “Filipino beauty standard shattered into pieces,” read another.

Representing Bulacan, a province north of Manila, Manalo emerged victorious over 52 other contestants from across the archipelago and abroad. The competition took place at the SM Mall of Asia Arena in Pasay.

During the final stage, when the competition was down to the top five contestants, Manalo was asked how she would leverage her beauty and confidence to empower others.

“As a woman of color, I have always faced challenges in my life. I was told that beauty has standards, actually,” she explained, adding that she was taught to “believe in my mother, to always believe in yourself, uphold the vows that you have.”

“Because of these, I am already influencing a lot of women who are facing me right now,” she said, gazing out to the packed arena.

Manalo’s victory sparks a broader discussion about diversifying beauty standards in the Philippines, a country where Western ideals have long been influential, partly due to its colonial history.

Lighter-skinned actors and models often dominate TV shows, movies, and fashion campaigns. Additionally, skin lightening treatments and products are widely used, as is common in other Asian countries.

Manalo, who started modeling at 14, spoke about her own insecurities growing up in a YouTube video on Empire Philippines, which livestreamed the event.

“I grew up having insecurities as I was always bullied because of my skin and my hair type,” she said, crediting her friends and family for helping her “realize that I am beautiful in my own extraordinary way.”

Manalo will represent the Philippines at the Miss Universe pageant in Mexico this September.

She aims to secure the fifth title for the Philippines, following the wins of Gloria Diaz in 1969, Margie Moran in 1973, and Pia Wurtzbach in 2015 (after host Steve Harvey initially announced the wrong winner). Catriona Gray was the last Filipino to win the title in 2018.

More than 100 countries will participate in Miss Universe 2024. This year, the competition will eliminate the upper age limit previously set for contestants, who had to be between 18 and 28 years old.

The Miss Universe organization has faced scrutiny recently, as the parent company of the Miss USA organization. Both Miss USA and Miss Teen USA resigned earlier this May amid allegations of mismanagement, a toxic work environment, and conditions that affected their mental health.

Asia Society Honors Five Extraordinary Women at Asia Arts Game Changers Gala

Asia Society New York hosted the annual Asia Arts Game Changer Awards on May 16th, 2024, recognizing five exceptional female artists and architects for their contributions to artistic environmental activism. “Through work spanning art, architecture, design, and more, they have expanded how we understand art, history, culture, and identity. Each artist has carved out a unique space for their art, but what is shared is their commitment to the environment,” remarked Asia Society President and CEO Dr. Kyung-wha Kang.

Asia Society Museum Director Yasufumi Nakamori kicked off the awards ceremony, noting the ingenuity of this year’s honorees: “Their meticulous research on a wide range of subjects from climate to building structures transform what we understand as art and architecture today. Through their work we are made aware of how the climate crisis affects the world.”

When presenting artist Rina Banerjee with one of the five 2024 Asia Arts Game Changer awards, art historian Joan Kee said that “beholding one of Banerjee’s works is like holding a galaxy of information.” Banerjee creates multi-faceted sculptures, paintings, and drawings. As a trained artist and an engineer, she often uses antiques alongside synthetic material like plastic to highlight the legacies of colonialism. In Banerjee’s own words, her work shows how “what can become beautiful and grotesque becomes blurred,” highlighting “how vulnerable our world really is.”

Artist Minouk Lim was honored for what curator Lauren Cornell calls “an ability to turn memory into material and find new ways to understand the present.” In her art, Lim uses non-traditional organic ingredients, like squid bones, that people would otherwise not come into contact with. “Words like climate emergency and climate degradation are too abstract, so I try to bring them into my work and make them concrete,” said Lim.

Architect and artist Maya Lin is known for her remarkable memorials that bridge art and history, the first of which was the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. “If I can present the facts, you will come away with another way of seeing the future,” shared Lin, explaining how her memorials focus on more than just loss.

Her fifth memorial, What is Missing?, is a cross-platform, global memorial to the planet that calls attention to the crisis surrounding biodiversity and habitat loss. An interactive presentation from What Is Missing is currently on view in Asia Society Museum’s COAL + ICE exhibition. “Someone once asked me ‘as far as the environment is, am I optimistic?’ and I just want to say, we have no choice but to be wildly optimistic,” said Lin as she accepted her award.

Architect Toshiko Mori has worked on a broad range of award-winning architectural programs across the world, including urban, civic, institutional, cultural, residential, and museum design. When presenting her with the Arts Game Changer Award, Asia Society Trustee Betsy Cohen remarked on Mori’s renowned work for the Brooklyn Central Library. “The element that stands out to me from Toshiko’s professional career is the way in which she translated an idea on paper into something that is beloved by the community that frequents the institution,” said Cohen.

The final award of the evening was presented to artist Anicka Yi, who has produced a unique body of work  that blurs the lines between what is human, animal, plant, and machine. Yi says she fuses “ancient wisdom with contemporary paradigms to better contribute to our planet.” Curator Lydia Yee, who presented the Asia Arts Game Changer Award, praised Anicka for her ability to explore complex questions like ‘what does climate change smell like?’ “She invites us to break free from behavioral patterns that are changing our ecosystem,” said Yee.

Throughout the evening, guests could bid on auction items that were on display from artists Francesco Clemente, Vibha Galhotra, Jitish Kallat, Yayoi Kusama, Christian Marclay, Hiroshi Sugimoto, and Sara VanDerBeek.  The auction, made possible through a partnership with Artsy, will be open through May 21, 2024. 

Women Who Win Summer Summit: Empowering Voices, Fostering Inclusion

The upcoming Women Who Win Summer Summit, set to take place at the Academy of Creative Arts in Burlington, Massachusetts on June 2nd from 1 PM – 5 PM, promises to be a remarkable event fostering inclusivity and empowerment within the community. Co-Founder Dr. Manju Sheth emphasizes the summit’s foundation on community feedback, stating, “Diversity & Inclusion are at the core of Women Who Win, and we believe empowerment and educational forums are the key facets of that.”

Highlighting the keynote session titled “CEO Connection: Navigating C-Suite & Executive Realms,” featuring prominent female leaders sharing their corporate insights, experiences, and success strategies, Dr. Deepa Jhaveri expresses excitement about the opportunity to hear firsthand stories from accomplished women. Panelists include Dr. Abha Agarwal, Denella J. Clark, Priya Iyer, and Dr. Maha Radhakrishnan, with moderation by Rita Advani.

Dr. Shalini Mansharamani will lead a session on “Mental Health & Wellbeing,” addressing pertinent topics such as anxiety & depression coping mechanisms, the influence of culture and family on mental health, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr. Manju Sheth emphasizes the urgency of discussing mental health issues, particularly post-pandemic, and anticipates the session’s impact on fostering ongoing conversations.

Picture3Further enhancing the summit experience, women who have contributed to Women Who Win will share their journeys through a panel discussion moderated by Jharna Madan, followed by an open mic session led by Ruchika Yadav. Co-founder Shaleen Sheth looks forward to bringing these inspiring narratives to life on stage, enriching the storytelling platform.

The summit will also feature a panel on “Male Allyship,” led by Preetesh Srivastava, exploring the role of men in advancing gender equity in both societal and corporate settings. As community engagement is integral to Women Who Win’s mission, the event will conclude with a session introducing local organizations driving change, led by Eshani Shah and Anmara Nawaz Khan.

Adding creative dimensions to the afternoon, Sunayna Kachroo will present powerful poetry reflecting women’s experiences, while a themed-based dance performance and a poetic exploration of storytelling by Manisha Jain will further enrich the event. The Women Who Win team expresses gratitude to supporters, including the Academy of Creative Arts Founders, Ruchika Arora, Ramila Thakkar, Lucy Karis, Aashita Shekhar, and Rama Penumarthy.

Refreshments will be provided, and while the event is free, registration is required through the provided link( The Women Who Win team eagerly anticipates welcoming attendees on June 2nd for an enriching and impactful summit.

Militant Hindutva and Gender: The Rise of Aggressive Female Mobilization in India’s Right-Wing Politics

Savarkar’s call for the “militarisation” of the “Hindu race” is deeply intertwined with the promotion of masculinity as a fundamental aspect of Hindutva. This vision encompasses the creation of a macho warrior figure whose existence relies on aggression against perceived enemies. Such a warrior is driven by the desire to avenge “historical wrongs” and views every non-Hindu as a potential adversary unless they atone for the alleged crimes of their ancestors by accepting punishment. This ideology fosters the belief that no Hindu, particularly if a Brahmin, can ever be a “terrorist,” and must always be seen as virtuous.

In his essay “Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History,” Savarkar criticizes Buddhism for its teachings of non-violence and universal brotherhood. He underscores the “necessity of creating a bitter sense of wrong” and promoting “political and masculine virility” to combat what he saw as India’s passive acceptance of aggression under the influence of Universalism and nonviolence. This idea of instilling a perpetual sense of grievance is evident in current efforts to rewrite Indian history as a continuous conflict between Hindus and Muslims.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, in an interview with the Organiser, remarked, “Hindu society has been at war for over 1,000 years… [I]t is but natural for those at war to be aggressive… [T]his war is not against an outside enemy, but against an enemy within. So there is a war to defend Hindu society, Hindu Dharma and Hindu culture…” This perspective implies that women from the “other” community become easy targets to demonstrate “masculine virility.” The masculinisation of Hindutva, inherently violent, impacts how the movement mobilizes women.

In the drive towards a majoritarian India, women’s mobilisation serves two key purposes. Firstly, it involves women’s direct participation in aggressive Hindutva activities. Secondly, it reinforces the traditional role of the family, with women as ideal wives and mothers within Hindutva’s cultural-nationalist narrative. The Rashtra Sevika Samiti, established in 1936, aims to fulfill both roles.

Across the globe, right-wing politics often associates with the stereotype of passive women. However, women’s movements for social change have influenced right-wing structures, leading to the emergence of women leaders in these movements. Such leaders, in various contexts, propagate hate, defend traditional roles, and participate in aggressive mobilizations. In the US, women in white supremacist movements, and in Europe, those involved in anti-immigrant campaigns, mirror this trend. In Islamist societies, women leaders committed to fundamentalist ideologies defend the subordinate role of women as per patriarchal religious interpretations. In India, anti-minority hate speeches and lynching mobs often see leadership from right-wing women, backed by powerful patrons.

During the 1990s, around the Babri Masjid demolition, women like Sadhvi Rithambara and Uma Bharti spearheaded anti-Muslim campaigns with vehement abuse. Since then, other women leaders have followed suit. Their rhetoric combines hate against targeted communities, a sectarian nationalism, and the glorification of traditional female roles through male-centric rituals. Recently, young women have been trained in using weapons, showcased during religious festivals like Ram Navami in Bengal, where young girls wielded swords and chanted provocative slogans.

In Dharma Sansads, women deliver inflammatory speeches. Pragya Thakur, accused in the 2008 Malegaon bomb blast, praised Gandhi’s assassin Godse and encouraged Hindus to keep weapons at home for self-defense. Despite her controversial statements, Thakur was elected on a BJP ticket and enjoys support from top party leaders. This emboldens other women in the Hindutva movement to seek prominence through similar hate crimes and speeches. A BJP Mahila Morcha office bearer in Uttar Pradesh, Sunita Singh Gaur, called for the gang-rape of Muslim women in a Facebook post. Though she was removed from her position after protests, she faced no prosecution for hate speech.

In a Dharma Sansad in Raipur in December 2021, Vibhanand Giri urged men to “rape and impregnate Muslim women” if Muslim men even glance at Hindu girls. Nupur Sharma, whose derogatory comments about Prophet Mohammed drew international attention, was eventually sacked by the BJP but received strong support from the Hindutva ecosystem and protection from legal action.

Women who align with militant Hindutva and advocate violence are far from empowered; they follow the directives of the Hindutva family. This holds true for prominent BJP women leaders in the Modi government who have never condemned such statements. They uphold the ideology, reinforcing the belief that aggression against minorities is justified and necessary.

In light of this aggressive mobilization of women, the RSS, under Mohan Bhagwat’s leadership, is considering direct membership for women in its centenary year. Bhagwat noted that although the Rashtra Sevika Samiti exists, many women are more inspired by the RSS and seek direct membership. This move does not aim to break the male bastion or address issues like patriarchy, dowry deaths, sexual assault, or domestic violence. Instead, it is intended to cultivate more women who will propagate hate within the Hindutva framework, aligning with the organization’s militant agenda.

AIF Raises Over $4.2 Million at Record-Breaking New York Gala to Empower Women and Girls in India

The American India Foundation (AIF) has successfully raised over $4.2 million at its recent annual New York Gala held at Cipriani Wall Street. These funds are earmarked for AIF’s initiatives aimed at empowering women through job acquisition, financial literacy, maternal health, and careers in STEM. AIF collaborates with various levels of government—central, state, and local—to effectively implement its health, education, and livelihood programs.

The gala was hosted by Indian American comedian Zarna Garg and honored two notable individuals: Michael Miebach, CEO of Mastercard, and Falguni Nayar, founder and CEO of Nykaa, a prominent Indian beauty and wellness brand.

Recognizing their outstanding contributions, AIF CEO Nishant Pandey stated, “Michael and Falguni are true exemplars of inspirational, passionate leaders who advance AIF’s mission to drive sustainable, social and economic change. We are ever grateful for their partnership and to the generosity of all our supporters, corporate and government partners, donors, and friends, thanks to whom, AIF has reached 18.88 million lives across 35 states and union territories of India.”

During the event, Michael Miebach emphasized the beneficial collaboration between AIF and Mastercard, which has positively influenced over 220,000 Indian students through STEM education initiatives. “Our goal is to extend Girls4Tech to 500,000 girls across India by 2027, translating ideas into concrete actions,” Miebach said.

Falguni Nayar unveiled a new three-year partnership between AIF and Nykaa focused on advancing STEM education for girls. “With India’s female literacy rate significantly trailing behind that of males, this collaboration seeks to provide girls with the resources to pursue their passions and dreams,” Nayar explained.

The gala also showcased compelling videos and speeches that highlighted AIF’s impactful work. The 2024 New York Gala, noted as AIF’s most successful to date, received major support from sponsors such as Goldman Sachs Gives, Mastercard, and Salesforce.

Women Who Win Announces Inaugural Summit: Empowering Leadership, Mental Health Advocacy, and Community Engagement

Women Who Win is gearing up for its inaugural summit on CEO Leadership, Mental Health, Male Allyship, Storytelling, and Community Connections, scheduled to take place on June 2, 2024, at the Academy of Creative Arts in Burlington, MA, running from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

According to Co-Founder Dr. Manju Sheth, MD, the summit has been meticulously crafted based on input from their readership, focusing on the most compelling topics. “This event has been conceptualized solely based on the feedback from our readers, and the topics they are most interested in,” she stated, emphasizing the organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. “Diversity & Inclusion are at the core of Women Who Win, and we believe empowerment and educational forums are the key facets of that.”

The centerpiece of the event will be the keynote session titled “CEO Connection: Navigating C-Suite & Executive Realms,” where a distinguished panel of female leaders will share their invaluable insights and experiences in corporate leadership. The aim is to inspire attendees to apply these lessons in their own professional environments, fostering a culture of mentorship and support.

The esteemed panelists include Dr. Abha Agarwal, CEO of Lawrence General Hospital; Denella J. Clark, President & CEO of Boston Arts Academy Foundation & Commissioner – Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women; Priya Iyer, Chairman and CEO of Concertiv, and Dr. Maha Radhakrishnan, former CMO of Biogen. Rita Advani, a member of Women Who Win’s Advisory Board, will moderate the discussion.

Expressing her enthusiasm, Co-Founder Dr. Deepa Jhaveri remarked, “We are honored and privileged to have these amazing women, community advocates and leaders in their fields talk about navigating to and within leadership at the C suite level, the impact they have had, their struggles and advice on the elusive work-life balance.”

Another focal point of the summit will be the “Mental Health & Wellbeing” session, led by Dr. Shalini Mansharamani, which aims to address the growing mental health crisis, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic. Dr. Mansharamani will facilitate a panel discussion featuring experts in psychiatry, therapy, and nursing, covering topics such as coping mechanisms for anxiety and depression, the influence of culture and family on mental health, and the role of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Dr. Sheth emphasized the urgency of addressing mental health concerns, stating, “As a healthcare provider, I have seen how mental health issues have reached a crisis state and an all-time high, particularly post-pandemic.” She expressed optimism about the impact of the session in fostering ongoing dialogue and support.

Throughout the afternoon, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with authors who have contributed to Women Who Win’s platform, as they share their personal journeys and insights. These sessions, led by Jharna Madan and Ruchika Yadav, will provide a deeper dimension to the stories featured online and in the organization’s recently released book.

Reflecting on the significance of these sessions, Co-founder Shaleen Sheth remarked, “We have shared 500+ stories on our website since we launched almost four years ago on our digital platforms and in our book. I am excited for these sessions to bring these beautiful and relatable journeys to the stage, and give them that extra dimension that the live in-person setting offers.”

Additionally, the summit will feature a panel discussion on “Male Allyship,” led by Preetesh Srivastava, highlighting the crucial role men play in advancing gender equity in both societal and corporate settings.

As part of its commitment to community engagement, the event will conclude with a “Meet the Community Organizations” session, providing local organizations with an opportunity to showcase their initiatives and recruit volunteers. Notable organizations include IMANE, Saheli, Vision Aid, and PAGB.

The summit will also incorporate creative elements, including poetry readings by Sunayna Kachroo and a themed dance performance. Manisha Jain will present a captivating poem on the art of storytelling, adding a touch of creativity to the proceedings.

The event has received support from various quarters, including the Academy of Creative Arts founders Java and Hetal Joshi, along with Ruchika Arora, Ramila Thakkar, Lucy Karis, and Rama Penumarthy.

While the event is free of charge, registration is required. Interested individuals can register at Light refreshments will be provided to attendees.

Controversy Unveiled: Miss USA Organization Under Fire After Back-to-Back Resignations of Titleholders Spark Allegations of Mismanagement and Silence

Amid the glitz and glamor of pageantry, reigning queens are typically seen as symbols of grace and advocacy, their crowns signifying a year-long commitment to representing their titles with poise and purpose. However, the recent back-to-back resignations of Miss USA 2023 Noelia Voigt and Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava have thrown the Miss USA organization into a maelstrom of controversy, shedding light on a purportedly dysfunctional environment and a culture of silence.

Voigt, 24, representing Utah, and Srivastava, 16, representing New Jersey, departed from their roles citing personal reasons, yet behind their statements lies a narrative of discontent and disarray within the organization. Voigt’s resignation, ostensibly due to mental health concerns, hinted at deeper issues with her post spelling out “I am silenced” in its initial letters, suggesting a hidden message.

The Miss USA organization responded to Voigt’s departure with a statement emphasizing her well-being and the importance of self-prioritization. However, the organization’s silence on further inquiries raises questions about the extent of their awareness and accountability.

Voigt’s resignation letter, obtained by CNN, detailed a litany of grievances, ranging from managerial incompetence to allegations of bullying and harassment by the organization’s CEO, Laylah Rose. Voigt described a toxic work environment and a lack of support, including instances of neglect regarding travel arrangements and prize package entitlements.

Denise White, a PR representative for both Voigt and Srivastava, revealed that the contestants were bound by stringent non-disclosure agreements, preventing them from publicly elaborating on their reasons for resignation. Efforts to seek redress from the Miss Universe organization, which oversees Miss USA, proved fruitless, leaving the former titleholders unsupported in their struggles.

Thom Brodeur, Voigt’s pageant coach, lamented the unprecedented loss of both Miss USA and Miss Teen USA within a short span, signaling a crisis within the organization. Claudia Engelhardt, the former social media director for Miss USA, echoed these sentiments, citing a pervasive atmosphere of disrespect and mismanagement.

Engelhardt’s account shed light on the turmoil within the organization, revealing a dwindling team size and a lack of infrastructure to support its operations effectively. She described an absence of contracts, onboarding processes, and guidance, painting a picture of chaos and neglect.

Voigt’s ordeal, as described by Engelhardt, paints a stark contrast to the glamorous image associated with pageantry. Despite her title, Voigt allegedly had minimal public engagements, her potential squandered due to organizational mismanagement.

In a bid to restore stability, the Miss USA pageant announced Savannah Gankiewicz, the first runner-up to Voigt, as the new Miss USA 2023. Gankiewicz expressed her commitment to mental health awareness and unity within the pageant community, aiming to steer the organization towards a brighter future.

While public figures, including former pageant directors, have rallied behind the resigned titleholders, Engelhardt and White advocate for greater transparency and accountability within the organization. They urge others to speak out against what they perceive as a stifling culture, hoping to initiate positive change and uphold the integrity of pageantry.

Sangita Jindal Appointed as Chair of Asia Society India Centre Board

The Asia Society India Centre Board has announced the appointment of Sangita Jindal, president, Art India and chairperson of the Jindal South-West Foundation (JSW) as its new Chair, effective from Apr. 1, 2024.

Expressing delight at Jindal’s appointment, Asia Society India Centre CEO Inakshi Sobti said, “She has been an immense support to our mission in South Asia, and her work to support contemporary art in India and South Asia has been a transformative force.” Sobti expressed anticipation in working with Jindal to further strengthen the Asia Society’s presence in South Asia.

Sangita Jindal has led the JSW Foundation for two decades, overseeing its expansion into various areas such as education, health, livelihood creation, and conservation of arts and cultural heritage.

Notable among her achievements is the establishment of the Jindal Arts In 1992 and later founded Art India, India’s premier art magazine, in 1994. Additionally, she played a key role in conceptualizing the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival and received the Eisenhower Fellowship in 2004.

Further, she founded the Hampi Foundation, dedicated to conservation efforts at three temples in Hampi. Her contributions extend globally as she serves as a Global Trustee of Asia Society and sits on the Board of the National Culture Fund and World Monument Fund.

She also advises TEDxGateway and is a member of the IMC Ladies’ Wing Art, Culture, and Film Committee. Asia Society, founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller 3rd, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution with centers and public buildings in New York, Houston, and Hong Kong, and offices worldwide.

Indian Nurses Association Celebrates 20 Years of Impact and Growth

The Indian Nurses Association of New York (INANY), the voice of nurses of Indian origin in New York state, is celebrating its 20th year of foundation and services. The association is planning a meaningful and colorful celebration to mark this significant milestone in its history.

The celebration will take place at Cotillion Caterers in Jericho, Long Island, as the base of the Association is in New York City and its suburbs.  Dr. Anna George, the president of INANY and an Associate Professor at Molloy University, as well as a nurse practitioner at Northwell Health stated that individuals with proven expertise and leadership have been delegated to lead the planning, organization, and celebration of this event.  Annie Sabu, a nurse practitioner at Northwell Health, is the Convenor, and Alphy Sundroop, a nurse educator at Nassau University Medical Center, is the Co-convenor.  INANY will also be releasing a souvenir to commemorate this milestone.  The chair of the souvenir committee is Dr. Shyla Roshin, who is the Chief Nursing Officer at South Beach Psychiatric Center.  Paul D. Panakal, an adjunct professor at Long Island University and a consultant at Northwell Health System, is the co-chair.

INANY was founded in 2004 under the leadership of Dr. Aney Paul, the first Indian nurse ever elected to a legislature in the US.  The association’s goal was to bring together the thousands of Indian nurses practicing in New York state and provide them with a unified voice in the mainstream and professional arenas.  INANY has been collaborating with Grand Canyon University to facilitate tuition discounts for academic advancement.  This has been instrumental in enabling scores of nurses to achieve Master’s and Doctoral degrees, further enhancing their skills and knowledge which in turn paved ladder to elevate their role responsibilities.  Every year, the organization awards scholarships to nursing students in New York and India, supporting the next generation of healthcare professionals.  Through its various initiatives, INANY has been instrumental in establishing the voice of thousands of Indian nurses practicing in New York state.  The association’s efforts have helped to amplify the concerns and needs of this vital healthcare workforce, ensuring that they are recognized and supported in the professional arena.  The association has been offering professional continuing education seminars for nurses.  The continuing education credits are a requirement for nurses to recertify their specialty credentials.  In addition, INANY has sent its teams to provide relief efforts in the Philippines, India, Haiti, and the southern United States after these regions were impacted by natural disasters.  The organization has played a role in supporting recovery efforts in these areas.  Other activities included organizing health fairs in Long Island, Queens and in upstate New York to help the under-insured or uninsured.

After emergence of COVID-19 pandemic, there had been an unprecedented surge in anti-Asian hate incidents across the United States.  INANY was awarded a grant of ten thousand dollars to engage in activities to mitigate the incidents.  Recognizing this surge as a social health issue, INANY developed and conducted an evidence-based intervention training series known as “5D Bystander Intervention” to confidence to and empower possible bystanders to extend helping hands to victims.  This was done in collaboration with the Coalition of Asian Children and Families.

The founding president Dr. Aney Paul and the visionary presidents that followed her – Sosamma Andrews, Usha George, Mary Philip, Tara Shajan, and the current president Dr. Anna George – and their low profiled but sincere and service-oriented leadership teams have been elevating INANY through progressive and transformational ladder.  As an organization embodied by direct-care providing nurses, educators, administrators and executives, scientists, academia, and advanced practice nurses, INANY offers a strong presence in the healthcare of New York state.  As a chapter of the National Association of Indian Nurses in America, INANY is also involved nationally.  Recently NAINA conducted a comprehensive education program to educate nurses to defend against infectious diseases.  This was done as part of a project under American Nurses Association in partnership with Center for Disease Control.

New York state governor Kathy Hochul and New York City mayor Eric Adams were among who appreciated the services of INANY.

Dr. Anna George said that the celebration will be taking place on May 4th together with the Nurses Week celebration.

Paul D. Panakal

Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill

Feature and Cover Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill

Seema Govil, a prominent figure in the realms of media and franchising, has been honored as one of the Top 20 Global Women of Excellence during the 12th Congressional International Women’s Day celebration at Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. Presented by United States Congressman Danny K. Davis, alongside Representatives Jonathan Jackson (IL-01), Delia Ramirez, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Representative Shri Thanedar, and American Multiethnic Coalition’s President Dr. Vijay G. Prabhakar, this esteemed award acknowledges Seema‘s remarkable contributions.

Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill 1Hailing from New Delhi, India, Seema proudly stands as the sole recipient of this prestigious award, representing not only women globally but also the Indian community and the state of Texas. The ceremony, held on March 6th, 2024, spotlighted Seema‘s inspiring leadership and notable achievements.

Seema expressed her joy and Gratitude for the acknowledgment and the honor of meeting some phenomenal women.

Adding to the moment’s significance, Seema was presented with a medal signed by Representative Danny K. Davis. Reflecting on this additional honor, she remarked, “I was deeply touched by the additional honor bestowed upon me by Representative Danny K. Davis. It further affirms the significance of this incredible achievement.”

Dedicating the award to her mother, Mrs Pushpa Madan, on Women’s Day, Seema emphasized her mother’s profound influence and unwavering inspiration throughout her journey. She attributed her success to her mother’s legacy of core values—Education, Giving, and Gratitude.

Seema Govil is renowned for her dynamic presence in business and media. Since 2013, she has been co-president of the India Franchise Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill 2Council and the founder and CEO of Cosmo City Media, a full-service PR and media agency in Austin. Seema is also a franchise coach for The Franchise Consulting Company. Her expertise in franchising extends to seminars, trade shows, and panel moderation. She guides individuals interested in franchising by discerning and choosing the perfect franchise.

As a TV Asia anchor with an eleven-year tenure, Seema has covered diverse topics ranging from South Asian success stories to spirituality, arts, lifestyle, healthcare, politics, and business. Additionally, she hosts the Fablife360 podcast, showcasing uplifting stories from celebrities and ordinary individuals striving to achieve their dreams.

Seema‘s philanthropic endeavors include active participation in nonprofit boards and film festivals. Her impactful documentary, “Let’s Rewrite Their Story,” produced for Akshaya Patra kitchens in India, is a powerful tool for raising awareness and supporting the cause. Seema‘s commitment is further evident through her advisory role at Akshaya Patra Austin.

As an alumna of the Leadership Austin program and a dedicated franchise coach, Seema remains steadfast in mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs, leveraging her experiences to contribute positively to the community.

For reaching out to Seema directly, please text or call her at 512 762 7387 or email


Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill 3Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill 4Seema Govil Among Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Honored on Capitol Hill 5

Embracing Shakti: Hindu Women’s Journey to Empowerment and Unity

Preity Upala has lived a diverse life, transitioning from an investment banker in Australia to pursuing her passion for film in the United States, where she starred in both Bollywood and Hollywood productions, before settling as a film producer and podcast host in Los Angeles. Alongside her entertainment career, she is sought after as a global strategist for her insights into international diplomacy and foreign policy. Upala, a Hindu, sees her various endeavors as harmonious, drawing inspiration from the multifaceted aspects of the divine feminine within her tradition.

In her words, “The goddess worship is so prevalent in our culture, but the goddess has many faces. There are many goddesses. It’s not just the devout wife or devotee, it is the fierce Kali or the Saraswati, who is all about knowledge.”

She emphasizes the concept of Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy embodying the divine feminine, which flows through all beings, manifesting in diverse forms. “That Shakti, the life force, moves through us and it shows itself in different forms,” Upala explains, reflecting on her own experiences.

Hindu women, like Upala, often seek guidance on modern feminism from ancient scriptures. “The beauty with Shakti is, she doesn’t need to give herself up in order to fight for space,” she says. “She holds her own, she knows her place, and no one’s gonna take that away from her. Her job is just to shine and be glorious.”

The concept of feminine power has deep roots in Hindu philosophy, with Shakti regarded as the force from which the universe emanates, akin to a nurturing mother birthing her children. Hindu theologian Rita Sherma elaborates on the dynamic nature of the feminine divine, which transcends gender binaries, encompassing attributes ranging from aggression to nurturing.

Sherma underscores the complementary relationship between masculine and feminine energies, emphasizing the importance of both. “The two are complementary binaries,” she explains. “The feminine divine is certainly dynamic and creative, even in gentle-appearing feminine divine like Radha.”

Like Upala, Sherma experienced a career shift, attributing her transformation to the guiding force of Shakti. She advocates for the reclamation of scriptures such as the Devi Mahatmya, highlighting their empowerment of women throughout history.

Shakti Redding, a yogi and mystic psychologist, recounts her journey of embracing the feminine divine after encountering the Devi Mahatmya and Tantra philosophy. Renaming herself Shakti, she found solace and empowerment in reconnecting with nature and the divine feminine.

Reflecting on her personal struggles, including a terminated pregnancy, Redding emphasizes the healing power of Shakti, which enabled her to overcome grief and shame. She stresses the importance of acknowledging women’s collective experiences and potential for forgiveness and reconciliation.

Redding elucidates the significance of the Tandava, the traditional dance of Shiva and Shakti, symbolizing the balance of feminine and masculine energies in life. She believes that understanding this balance is crucial for healing societal divides and fostering unity.

Upala echoes Redding’s sentiments, advocating for a return to authentic expressions of masculinity and femininity rooted in Hindu principles. She emphasizes the need for men to embrace the divine feminine and support women’s empowerment.

She envisions a future where Hindu women assert their voices and contribute positively to society. “We don’t have to learn or relearn anything,” Upala asserts. “The knowledge is actually in us. And it is for us to enjoy, celebrate and actually share that to the world.”

FIA Joins Indian Consulate in New York Celebrating International Women’s Day

The heavily attended event saw several accomplished women being honored. The Chairwoman of FIA IWD committee Smita Micky Patel addressed the gathering, thanking all those involved in making the event a success —  the Consulate and Consul General Binaya S. Pradhan, and Deputy CG Dr. Varun Jeph, leaders of FIA like Chairman Ankur Vaidya and President Dr. Avinash Gupta and the whole Women’s Empowerment Team.

The FIA President Dr. Avinash Gupta briefly addressed the gathering stressing values women bring to the family and society. he called the inspiration of the women as a “nutritional source” and called for standing together to build a society where every woman and girl gets the chance to achieve. He also thanked the women in FIA who :stand shoulder to shoulder” with the rest of FIA for every event. “Except, today, they did it all on their own,” Dr. Gupta said.  The sponsors of the event included Dr. Sudhir Parikh, chairman of Parikh Worldwide Media.

FIA Joins Indian Consulate in New York Celebrating International Women’s Day 2The celebration commenced with a welcoming Meet & Greet, followed by a digital showcase of the FIA’s history of furthering diversity and gender equality. Payal Shah, Co-chair of International Women’s Day, emceed the event.

The Consulate noted on X, formerly Twitter, that the occasion, “celebrated the achievements & indomitable spirit of women.”

Indian Consul General Binaya S. Pradhan presenting awards to women recipients at March 8, 2024, IWD celebrations hosted by FIA-NYNJCTNE. Clockwise, Megha Desai, Indu Lew, Neena Singh. PHOTO: X @IndiainNewYork.

The four women honored and recognized for their contributions included Radhikaraje Gaekwad, who was not present and had been presented the honor in her hometown in India; Mayor of Montgomery township Neena Singh, the first Indian American Sikh woman to win that position; Indu Lew, executive vice president and Chief of Staff of Robert Wood Johnson Barnabus Health; and Megha Desai, president of the Desai Foundation which has the goal of elevating health, livelihood and menstrual equity for women and children through community programs in rural India.

A portrait of awardee Radhikaraje Gaekwad broadcast on screen March 8, 2024, at the FIA event in the Indian Consulate. PHOTO: videograb Facebook @India in New YorkRadhikaraje Gaekwad was presented the honors from FIA in India. Seen with her are FIA representatives Ankur Vaidya,left and Srujal Parikh, right. PHOTO: FIA

India’s Consul General, Binaya Srikant Pradhan, in his speech, shared insights on the achievements of Indian woman and the government’s commitment to empowering them and India’s women-led development. He presented a sash with the honorees’ name, a trophy, as well as a bouquet to each woman, recognized.

The three awardees present in person, spoke to the audience about their ideas and vision, and all of them spoke about lifting the second generation of Indian American youth, and youth in India.

Mayor Singh, among other things, discussed one of the programs her administration is engaged in which encouragesFIA Joins Indian Consulate in New York Celebrating International Women’s Day 3 youth to be mentored in various departments in the Township “Representation matters,” Singh said, adding, “We are making a mark in this country.”

Indu Lew praised the other recipients of the FIA awards and thanked the organization for choosing her as one. In any industry, from entertainment to technology, she said, women bring a unique perspective, experience, and intelligence to bear on the issues. And in all cases, “Outcome far exceeds the expectation,” when a woman is leading. They are balancing so many balls, that even if by some chance, they drop one of them, it will be the one that bounces back, she said. Her motto “As we raise, we must rise,” emphasized that everyone has a responsibility to mentor and guide the next generation, and also their own colleagues. “I am proud to be an Indian American and to have this honor,” Lew said.

Megha Desai spelt out the goals of the Desai Foundation and its goal of achieving dignity for women. “What we mean by women’s empowerment is we shouldn’t have to be extraordinary in order to be empowered.” One can be ordinary and empowered, she emphasized, poor and empowered. She cited an example of a young woman who felt empowered in one of the Foundation’s projects. According to her, if the millions of women in India could be empowered, it would raise the GDP, improve healthcare, and other aspects of life.

Asia Society Features Farwa Aamer At Women Making History Event

Farwa Aamer’s work at the Asia Society Policy Institute vividly showcases the remarkable outcomes that arise when a fervent dedication to research and policy converges with a deep-seated appreciation for the imperative of forging a more secure, integrated, and sustainable global landscape.

She builds conversations that catalyze powerful solutions. Farwa serves as the Director of South Asia Initiatives at the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) in New York where she leads the institute’s policy work and projects in South Asia.

Prior to her work at ASPI, Farwa worked at the Stimson Center where she led research on the security, political, and socio-economic dimensions of transboundary river governance in the Himalayan region including the disproportionate impacts of climate change and water insecurity on women. Through her work, she helped to facilitate greater regional cooperation on issues and opportunities concerning water, energy, climate change, and sustainable development in South Asia, MENA, and Central Asia.

Asia Society Features Farwa Aamer At Women Making History Event Director Aamer’s work often focuses on the importance of transboundary water politics including a multitude of publications, interviews, and panels like her upcoming panel, Politics on Water in the Himalayan Region.

“As somebody who has been studying and analyzing transboundary water politics in the Himalayas for some years now, I cannot overstate the critical importance of the panel discussion on this pressing issue.

…The Himalayan region, often regarded as the ‘water tower of Asia,’ faces an escalating crisis of water stress exacerbated by rapid population growth, urbanization, and the looming specter of climate change. The consequences of this crisis are not abstract; they are painfully tangible, affecting the lives of millions across the region.

However, the challenges go beyond mere access to water; they extend to the complex dynamics of transboundary watercourses, where disputes can escalate into conflicts with far-reaching consequences. This upcoming panel’s focus on transboundary water politics is crucial because it underscores the interconnectedness of water issues across borders. The Himalayan rivers also pose significant challenges in terms of governance, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Ignoring these challenges could lead to economic losses, strained relations between nations, humanitarian crises, and even destabilization of already fragile regions.” A Note from Director Aamer:

When asked about her hopes for her work at Asia Society and her advice for young women from Asia and the Asian Diaspora, Director Aamer shared this:

“It’s heartening to witness the increasing presence of South Asian women in various sectors of the workforce today. The region’s history is rich with women leaders, especially in politics, like Indira Gandhi, Fatima Ali Jinnah, Sheikh Hasina, Benazir Bhutto, among others, who have left an indelible mark regardless of the challenges they faced.

To the young girls and women of Asian heritage, I urge you to never cease dreaming and aiming higher. Take initiative and become the architects of your own destinies. While the journey may present obstacles, I firmly believe that today’s women are more cognizant, evolved, and empowered. Despite systemic barriers, we possess the capability to not only navigate but also transform the system itself.

Embrace your heritage, leverage your unique perspectives, and let your voices resound in every space you inhabit.”
Happy Women’s History Month from Asia Society and the many women like Farwa who make an impact every day! Stay tuned each week as we share just a few of their stories.

5 Indian-Americans On CNBC Changemakers List

Revathi Advaithi, Sandhya Ganapathy, Dr Geetha Murali, Ritu Narayan, and Aradhana Sarin are among the 50 women on the list.

The CNBC Changemakers: Women Transforming Business list includes five Indian-American women. Revathi Advaithi, Sandhya Ganapathy, Dr Geetha Murali, Ritu Narayan, and Aradhana Sarin.

“The women named to the inaugural CNBC Changemakers list are creating a pattern of what it takes to defy the odds, innovate, and thrive in a volatile business landscape,” a CNBC statement said.

“From startup founders to S&P 500 C-suite growth drivers, from personalities shaking up the media industry to figures taking women’s sports further into the mainstream, the 2024 Changemakers have broken new ground and set the stage for others to follow,” it added.

Advaithi is the chief executive officer of Flex,  a multinational, diversified manufacturing company. Named CEO in 2019, she has helped build the company into one of the most trusted manufacturing partners across a variety of industries. She was also named by US President Joe Biden to the advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations.

Ganapathy took over the helm at EDP Renewables North America as CEO in 2022. The Houston-based company is one of the top five renewable energy operators in the US, operating 60 wind farms and 12 utility-scale solar parks. She has previously worked as an investment banker at HSBC and Morgan Stanley.

As CEO of Room to Read, Murali is dedicated to the eradication of illiteracy and gender inequality through the development of a love of reading in marginalized children. In 2023, the organization launched “She Creates Change,” a multimedia storytelling project intended to broaden its reach by encouraging young women and girls to create change in their communities and achieve educational goals.

Narayan’s Zūm is a transportation company that focuses on students while using technology to create more efficient and environmentally friendly routes. The company raised US$ 140 million in Series E financing in early 2024, putting its valuation at $1.3 billion. The company, which serves thousands of schools, provides guardians with an app, that gives live route notifications to and from school.

Sarin is the executive director and global chief financial officer of pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. In November 2023, the company launched its health-tech division Evinova which uses digital technology to develop clinical trials and medicine delivery. Sarin took on the CFO role in 2022, joining from biopharma Alexion, and worked on Wall Street in investment banking for two decades before moving into the pharmaceutical industry.

SAKHI Rings Closing Bell At The New York Stock Exchange

The New York Stock Exchange welcomed Sakhi for South Asian Women, honoring the leading nonprofit working with survivors of gender-based violence within the South Asian diaspora in New York City on Friday, March 1st to the Podium to ring the Closing Bell,

Led by Kavita Mehra, Executive Director, and Beesham A. Seecharan, Board Chair, AKHI has become one of the first South Asian American organizations to ring the closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), celebrating its 35th anniversary and Women’s History Month.

This milestone at NYSE uplifts the experiences of survivors in the South Asian diaspora and the over 15,000 lives Sakhi has reached in its 35-year history. As Women’s History Month celebrates trailblazers who have broken barriers, Sakhi is honored to publicly recognize the vital role the South Asian American feminist movement has played in building New York City’s communities.

SAKHI Rings Closing Bell At The New York Stock Exchange 2Founded in 1989, Sakhi has been at the forefront of advocating for gender justice, providing culturally competent programs, and fostering community engagement to address unique challenges faced by survivors in the South Asian diaspora. Over the past 35 years, Sakhi has worked tirelessly to build safer, more equitable communities for all.

“Ringing the closing bell at NYSE is historic for the South Asian diaspora and Sakhi, as we celebrate our 35th anniversary and inaugurate Women’s History Month. This momentous occasion highlights the power and resilience of South Asian survivors while simultaneously celebrating three and a half decades of Sakhi’s achievements in its commitment to ending gender-based violence,” said Kavita Mehra, executive director of Sakhi.

In addition to ringing the bell, Sakhi will host a gala, “Threads of Transformation,” April 26, 2024, celebrating 35 years of working with survivors at the Glasshouse in New York City.

March has been observed as Women’s History Month since 1987 in the US, with March 8 being commemorated as International Women’s Day. “As one of the first South Asian American organizations to achieve this honor, Sakhi will commemorate its 35th Anniversary and mark the commencement of Women’s History Month with this significant event,” the organization shared in a post on LinkedIn.

“Such an incredible honor to be one of the first South Asian American organizations to ring closing bell at NYSE. Can’t wait until next week!” Sakhi’s executive director Kavita Mehra shared on LinkedIn.

About Sakhi for South Asian Women

Sakhi was established in the US in 1989. It was only the second South Asian women’s organization in the country founded to promote women’s rights by offering services and facilitating community education.

Anannya Bhattacharjee, Mallika Dutt, Tula Goenka, Geetanjali Misra, and Romita Shetty were among the founding members of Sakhi.

The nonprofit works with survivors of gender-based violence in the city, particularly who are of South Asian descent from Bangladesh, the Caribbean, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It strives to illuminate the complex realities and needs of our community within both the South Asian community in New York and beyond. For more information about Sakhi, visit

Indian American Women’s Inspiring Leadership

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley’s tenacious battle for the presidency of the US is a symbol of Indian American women’s emergence as a powerhouse in politics and society even though she dropped her Sisyphean quest two days before International Women’s Day.

On the other side of the political divide, US Vice President Kamala Harris is set for another run for the vice presidency alongside President Joe Biden, having notched the record of the first woman elected to the position that is just a heartbeat away from the world’s most powerful job.

While the two women have the highest profiles in politics, many Indian American women shine across the spectrum of politics, government, business and beyond.

They have soared into space, headed multinational corporations, led universities, and showing their versatility, served undercover for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and even took the Miss America crown.

Although overrun by former President Donald Trump, Nikki Haley made her mark by standing up to him while other competitors folded and she struck out a line of Republican politics that could have a wider appeal.

She put her stamp on politics by getting a significant chunk of votes – estimated at about 25 per cent of those cast in the Republican primaries till she quit – winning in one state, Vermont, and in Washington, the federal District of Columbia.

She also has the distinction of being elected twice as the governor of South Carolina, the first woman and the first non-White person to head the state, and the first Indian American to be a member of the US cabinet when she was the permanent representative to the United Nations, a post with cabinet rank.

Kamala Harris made her mark as California’s attorney general lofting her to the Senate where her work got her national recognition, paving the way to the second most powerful job in the US, the vice president.

She is the first woman to become vice president and she was also the first person of Indian descent elected to the US Senate.

Pramila Jayapal, who heads the Progressive Caucus in the House of Representatives, is the other politically powerful Indian American woman.

What helps them shatter glass ceilings despite their being women and, on top of that, women of color with immigrant backgrounds is a society that values merit as it steadily tries to bring down barriers to women’s advancement.

And they are not dynasts or nepobabies, either, and they got to where they are through their own merit.

As Nikki Haley said on Wednesday while announcing she was ending her race, “Just last week, my mother, a first-generation immigrant, got to vote for her daughter for president – only in America”.

In business, Indra Nooyi created a legend of her own as the CEO of Pepsico, a multinational corporation with over 300,000 employees operating in over 200 countries having a revenue of $62 billion in her final year heading it.

By the time she left in 2018 after 12 years as CEO, she boosted its annual profits from $2.5 billion to $6.7 billion as she chartered a new, more diversified course for the company.

Revathi Advaithi is the CEO of Flex, a global diversified company that is the third-largest globally in electronics manufacturing services.

She also serves on the US government’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations.

Padmasree Warrior, who blazed a trail as chief technology officer for marquee technology companies Motorola and Cisco and as the US CEO of the Chinese electric vehicle company Nio, is now the CEO of a startup Fable.

In academia, there are scores of Indian American Women heading departments and schools.

Among them are heads of large universities, Neeli Bendapudi, the president of Pennsylvania State University and Renu Khator, the chancellor of the University of Houston System.

Asha Rangappa, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent-turned-academic, has served as an associate dean of Yale University Law School.

Indian American women have soared into space as astronauts.

Kalpana Chawla, a mission specialist and robotic arms operator, was killed on her second mission when the space shuttle Columbia broke up as it reentered the earth’s atmosphere in 2003.

Sunita Williams has done a stint as the commander of the International Space Station (ISS), on one of her four missions at the multinational orbiting research facility.

The Bhagwad Gita and the Upanishad went to space with Williams, who said that for inspiration she took them along to the ISS, from where she conducted spacewalks.

On Earth as a Navy officer, Sunita Williams was deployed during the first Gulf War and later she became a test pilot.

While the other two were on NASA space missions, aeronautical engineer Sirisha Bandla went up on a spacecraft of the private venture by Virgin Galactic, where she is a vice president.

Geeta Gopinath is the first managing director of the International Monetary Fund, having made her mark as an economist in the Ivy League and as the organization’s chief economist.

In the US judiciary, there are several Indian American women, among them Neomi Rao, a judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which is considered the most influential court below the Supreme Court.

The Biden administration has deployed Indian American Women in senior positions across government.

The most visible of them on media after Kamala Harris is Defense Department’s Deputy Spokesperson Sabrina Singh who often conducts the Pentagon’s media briefings laying out the administration’s strategic positions.

Also at that department, Radha Iyengar Plumb is the deputy under-secretary of defense.

At the White House, Neera Tanden, a veteran of Democratic Party campaigns, is an assistant to the president and domestic policy advisor.

Arati Prabhakar is the assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Science Advisor while heading the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and to the President.

Shanthi Kalathil is a deputy assistant to the President and the National Security Council’s coordinator for democracy and human rights.

At the State Department, Uzra Zeya is the under-secretary of state for civilian security, democracy, and human rights, and Rao Gupta is the ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues.

And, in the other party, Harmeet Dhillon is a member Republican National Committee who ran an unsuccessful insurgent campaign to replace the chair, Ronna McDaniel. She is a co-chair of Women for Trump and Lawyers for Trump, groups that advocate for Trump.

In an unusual occupation was Sabrina De Souza who had served in a senior role as an undercover Central Intelligence Agency agent.

Unfortunately, her cover was blown while she was on an anti-terrorism mission in Italy and that country has tried to prosecute her for capturing a terrorist who was taken to the US.

On the other side, showing the diversity of political views, Gitanjali S. Gutierrez worked as a lawyer defending an alleged terrorist held by the US detention center on Guantanamo Bay.

On the trade unions front, Bhairavi Desai is the executive director of the Taxi Drivers’ Alliance, and Saru Jayaraman has organized restaurant workers in New York City.

In entertainment, Vera Mindy Chokalingam, better known as Mindy Kaling, made her mark with the sitcom, The Mindy Kaling Project, which she created, produced and starred in.

Biden awarded her the National Medal of the Arts in 2022. And, further into the unexpected venues, Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America in 2014. (IANS)

Hindu women look to ancient goddesses for guidance on modern feminism

Many point to Shakti, the divine feminine energy, as an antidote to toxic masculinity.

(RNS) — Preity Upala has lived more than a few lives. After a career as an investment banker in Australia, Upala moved to the U.S. to pursue her dream of attending film school, eventually landing roles in major Bollywood films like “Bahubali” and in the Hollywood production “Sex and the City 2.” Now, in Los Angeles, Upala is a film producer and podcast host. And if her resume is not varied enough, Upala is also considered a global strategist, called upon by news organizations worldwide for her expertise in international diplomacy and foreign policy.

But Upala, who is Hindu, sees these multiple pursuits as compatible, inspired by the many facets of the divine feminine in her tradition.

“The goddess worship is so prevalent in our culture,” said the Dubai-born Upala, “but the goddess has many faces. There are many goddesses. It’s not just the devout wife or devotee, it is the fierce Kali or the Saraswati, who is all about knowledge.”

In common, she says, all goddesses and women hold a part of Shakti, the “primordial cosmic energy” who is the personification of the divine feminine. Shakti is also the female counterpart to Lord Shiva, both of whom together represent the balanced feminine and masculine energy in each being.

Preity Upala. (Courtesy photo)
Preity Upala. (Courtesy photo)

“That Shakti, the life force, moves through us and it shows itself in different forms,” said Upala. “In my own life, I’ve seen different facets of the Shakti energy work through me.”

Many Hindu women, like Upala, look to the ancient scriptures for guidance on modern feminism.

“The beauty with Shakti is, she doesn’t need to give herself up in order to fight for space,” said Upala. “She holds her own, she knows her place, and no one’s gonna take that away from her. Her job is just to shine and be glorious.”

The power of femininity has been prevalent in Hindu philosophy since the emergence of what is said to be the very first scripture, the Rig Veda. Many Hindus see Shakti as the force from which the universe came, like a mother who births her children.

Lithograph of Hindu goddess Kali, draped with a necklace of skulls, standing on Shiva, circa 1895. (Image courtesy of Wikipedia/Creative Commons)
Lithograph of Hindu goddess Kali, draped with a necklace of skulls, standing on Shiva, circa 1895. (Image courtesy of Wikipedia/Creative Commons)

Divine feminine energy as Shakti flows through all of the female goddesses, explains Hindu theologian Rita Sherma. From Kali, the force destroying evil, or Durga, the warrior who maintains balance, to Annapurna, the divinity of food and nourishment, the goddesses in Hinduism are just as dynamic and multifaceted as women themselves, says Sherma.

“The fact is, the feminine divine in Hinduism explodes every single gender binary trope people can think of,” said Sherma, who teaches women’s studies and religion at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. “It is the aggressive, assertive, explosive principle of becoming. All manifestation, all actualization of divine potential explodes through the feminine divine.

“So she’s, you know, not your Stepford wife,” adds Sherma.

And what’s more, Sherma says, most commonly known gods, such as Lord Ram and Lord Krishna, are worshipped alongside their respective female consorts, Sita and Radha. Without the feminine, she says, masculine energies would be in “chaos.”

“The masculine and the feminine are both within us,” she said. “The two are complementary binaries.

“The feminine divine is certainly dynamic and creative, even in gentle-appearing feminine divine like Radha,” added Sherma. “It’s her that the world emanates from, it’s through her the world is redeemed. Through her, Krishna experiences joy and bliss.”

Like Upala, Sherma felt unsatisfied in her previous career in business and made a shift later in her life, with two children, crediting Shakti as the guiding force who led her through her new path.

“It was feminine power all the way,” she said.

Rita Sherma. (Courtesy photo)
Rita Sherma. (Courtesy photo)

Sherma became fascinated with Mahadevi: the all-encompassing female deity who is the counterpart to the god Deva and is the subject of the “submerged” and “forgotten” scripture, the Devi Mahatmya. The scripture, which tells various myths centered on the goddess and other goddesses, is often buried under the rest of the vast library of Hindu texts, she says, and should be reclaimed as a resource for women today, especially after the “400,000 years” that women have spent “apologizing for their empowerment.”

“Many women in villages, especially elderly women, who may not even be literate, became respected reciters of the text,” said Sherma. “They had a great deal of power, and both women and men would come to them for their blessing. And sometimes they would experience the presence of the divine feminine within them. And they would then be worshipped as Shakti.”

Shakti Redding, a yogi and mystic psychologist at the Soul Artist Academy in Vail, Colorado, said she found her true calling after being introduced to the Devi Mahatmya and Tantra, the esoteric Hindu and Buddhist philosophy. Born as Rachel to a Christian family, Redding felt a shift when she moved to the nature-abundant Colorado. “I felt just a charge of energy, almost like, ‘Where have you been all my life?,’” she said, attributing that charge to Shakti.

“I really had been drawn this detailed picture of a masculine father God, and so archetypically when I felt God or thought about God, it was as this father spirit,” she said. “But when I was in nature, there was something more, something more feminine, something more kindred in that sense of femininity, and the wildness of it.”

After a childhood of practicing yoga in church basements with her mother, Redding never expected she would found her own yoga academy, or change her name to Shakti, the one first given to her by yogis at the Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.

But her understanding of the dharmic feminine divine, the mother-goddess of nature, has helped her through the most difficult moments in her life, including a terminated pregnancy at a young age. Worshipping Shakti helped her come out of her grief, and her shame, she said.

“As women, we carry a lot of wounding and a lot of scars and a lot of tender suffering,” she said. “And we also hold the potential for immense forgiveness and reconciliation.”

“How important it is to remember we are all part of the whole,” she added. “We are the daughters, the sisters, the mothers, the lovers. May our stories equip us with the courage, compassion to lead the world awake to a love beyond all opposites.”

The traditional dance of Shiva and Shakti together, called Tandava, said Redding, represents the delicate balance of feminine and masculine in life itself. The root of many of the world’s issues, she said, is a lack of understanding between different or opposing energies. “In the end,” she said, “Shiva and Shakti, the infinite potential and the creative power, are aspects of the same reality.

Women dance in front of an idol of Hindu goddess Durga before it is immersed in the Hooghly River in Kolkata, India, Oct. 24, 2023. The immersion of idols marks the end of the festival that commemorates the slaying of a demon king by lion-riding, 10-armed goddess Durga, marking the triumph of good over evil. (AP Photo/Bikas Das)
Women dance in front of an idol of Hindu goddess Durga before it is immersed in the Hooghly River in Kolkata, India, Oct. 24, 2023. (AP Photo/Bikas Das)

“Once you understand this in depth, this balance becomes applicable to the healing of cultures,” she said. “Healing the wounds, the political divide, the gender divide.”

Upala agrees and insists it is time for everyone, including men, to fall back to their roots, rather than “toxic” versions of masculinity and femininity she says are common in Western frameworks. And respect for Hindu goddesses, she said, doesn’t always translate to respect for all women.

“Although we have this beautiful, completely comprehensive tradition and principle of Shiva/Shakti, this amazing dance of real femininity and real masculine power, for some reason, I don’t always see Indian men or Hindu men really kind of holding space for that.”

Upala believes the world’s Hindu women are on the precipice of an awakening. “I think we’re only just beginning to find our dharmic voice,” she said. “It is coming at a time when the world needs it the most.”

“We have to really hold our own in a time and a space where the world is throwing back at you what they think feminism, beauty and power should be,” she said. “We don’t have to learn or relearn anything. The knowledge is actually in us. And it is for us to enjoy, celebrate and actually share that to the world.”

Chanel CEO Leena Nair Is Testing a World Run by Women

or all the talk of promoting and valuing women in businesses, there’s been depressingly little progress in boardrooms and C-suites in the past few years. One notable exception is Leena Nair, who became global CEO of Chanel in January 2022. An outsider to the fashion world, Nair is hoping to pioneer a different kind of leadership—one that celebrates compassion, empathy, and kindness.

“It’s a great time to show that the days of the superhero leader are behind us,” says Nair, who grew up in rural India and now lives in London. “I have always believed in the collective voice, in diverse perspectives; if I sit in a meeting, I want to listen to every voice around the table, not just the dominant ones.”

It may be a surprising approach from the CEO of a luxury brand known for purses that sell for thousands of dollars, but Nair, 54, has proved throughout her career that she can succeed while still doing good for employees—and the world. She spent 30 years at consumer packaged-goods giant Unilever, nearly six of them as the head of human resources, where she increased the share of female managers from 38% to 50% and helped the company become known for its socially conscious initiatives. (“You have to make it a business priority like any other, which means you have to set targets and hold people accountable,” she says, about how she achieved gender parity at Unilever.)

More than 60% of management positions at Chanel are held by women, which she argues positions the company to show the rest of the world what business can look like when women are in charge. “We’re putting people relations in the heart of everything we do, which can sometimes get crowded out in the AI world,” she says.

Tami Aftab for TIME

Putting people first doesn’t mean just Chanel employees; Nair increased the amount of funding for Fondation Chanel, the company’s charitable arm, to $100 million from $20 million when she took the CEO role. It’s now one of the largest philanthropic organizations in the world working for the empowerment of women and girls. The nonprofit partners with local organizations in 57 countries, working on projects like supporting unmarried women in Korea, helping women plant mangrove trees in India, and bolstering affordable care in the U.S. “We really believe that when women thrive, the world thrives,” she says.

Though few of Nair’s female relatives had pursued careers or higher education, she was determined to go to university to study technology and engineering. And she’s grown used to breaking barriers: in the 1990s, as a young executive, she was the only woman working at a Unilever factory in Chennai, India—such a rarity that buses would stop at the gate of the estate so that workers could see her. “I was once upon a time somebody dreaming to have resources and opportunities and the ability to have a voice in the world,” she says. “It’s so gratifying to be able to work with a team to do that for millions of women.”

New Study Reveals Women Need Half as Much Exercise as Men for Longevity Benefits, Says Cardiology Expert

A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that women may need to exercise less than men to achieve similar longevity benefits. Dr. Martha Gulati, co-author of the study and director of preventive cardiology at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, emphasizes the positive implications of this finding for women who may struggle to maintain regular exercise routines. She notes, “For me, the news to women is: a little goes a long way.”

The study revealed that while men who engaged in approximately 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week experienced an 18% lower risk of mortality compared to inactive men, women needed only about 140 minutes of weekly exercise to achieve a comparable benefit. Interestingly, women who engaged in around 300 minutes of exercise per week had a 24% lower risk of death. However, the longevity benefits seemed to plateau beyond this threshold for both sexes.

Similarly, the analysis of muscle-strengthening exercise demonstrated a gender difference. A single weekly strength-training session was associated with equivalent longevity benefits for women as three weekly sessions for men. Gulati explains that women typically have less muscle mass than men, suggesting that they may derive greater benefits from smaller doses of strength training due to their initial lower muscle mass. Other physiological differences between the sexes, such as those related to the lungs and cardiopulmonary system, may also contribute to this divergence.

The study relied on data from over 400,000 U.S. adults who participated in the National Health Interview Survey from 1997 to 2017, correlating self-reported exercise habits with death records. While over 40,000 participants died during the study period, the observational nature of the study cannot establish causation. Nevertheless, the researchers attempted to mitigate confounding variables by excluding individuals with serious preexisting conditions or mobility limitations and those who died within the first two years of follow-up.

Limitations of the study include the reliance on self-reported exercise data, which may not always be accurate, and the exclusion of physical activity performed during work or household chores. Despite these constraints, Gulati emphasizes the need for further research to validate the findings. She stresses the importance of recognizing sex-based differences in both research and public health policy, challenging the longstanding practice of using men as the standard.

Current federal guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous cardio per week, along with two muscle-strengthening sessions for all U.S. adults. However, data from 2020 indicate that a larger percentage of men meet these benchmarks compared to women. Gulati’s research suggests that women may still derive significant longevity benefits from exercise, even if they fall short of meeting these targets.

Nevertheless, Gulati maintains that the study’s findings should not discourage men, as emerging research indicates that both sexes benefit from even brief periods of physical activity. Encouraging individuals to reduce sedentary behavior and incorporate more movement into their daily routines remains paramount. She concludes, “Our pitch should be the same to men and women: something is better than nothing. Sit less and move more.”


Suja Thomas, president of National Association of Indian Nurses in America Appointed to CGFNS Leadership

Suja Thomas, the current president of National Association of Indian Nurses in America (NAINA), has been appointed to Board of Governors of Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices of CGFNS International.  CGFNS International is the world’s largest credentials evaluation organization for nursing and allied health professions.  It evaluates the education, provides license verification, testing and credentials evaluation of nurses graduated in foreign nursing schools for eligibility for licensure and practice.

It is considered as a significant organization in the field of nursing and global healthcare as well as for betterment of global healthcare delivery.  In her role, Suja will be joining a team of twelve highly prominent and scholarly nurses and allied professionals in the United States in adopting responsible and transparent practices of recruitment of foreign-educated health professionals to the US.

NAINA acts as the voice of all Indian nurses in the United States and has chapters in several states in the country.  She works as the Clinical Lead/hospital nursing administrator at the Samuel Stratton VA Medical Center in Albany.  After graduating from Fr. Mullers College of Nursing in Mangalore, Suja took Master of Science in Nursing Education from Russell Sage College in Troy, New York and Post Master’s degree in Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner program from the same college and is currently pursuing PhD.

As the Adjunct Faculty at Manipal College of Nursing, Maria College in Albany, former teacher at Manipal Academy of Higher Education, primary care nurse and nurse practitioner, educator, nurse executive at Saint Peter’s Health Partners in Albany, and organizational leader, Suja possesses extensive experience and knowledge of the complex healthcare arena and insight into the pursuit of higher standard required in the care delivery.  As the president of NAINA, she spearheaded a national conference of Leadership and Clinical Excellence Conference in Chicago for nurses all across the United States which received appreciation of US Vice President Kamala Harrs and US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.

In her role as a member of the Board of Governors, Suja will contribute tremendously to create resources on career decisions for nurses who want to come to the United States.  The Advisory Committee will be utilizing research-based knowledge in making changes in the recruitment landscapes.

Empowering Voices: ‘Women Who Win’ Unveils Inspirational Book Chronicling Diverse Journeys

In the midst of the 2020 pandemic, three women encountered a creative spark when they felt uninspired. Their response was to establish a platform aimed at uniting diverse women to foster inspiration and connection. This initiative, dubbed “Women Who Win,” commenced by inviting women worldwide to share their narratives, spanning business triumphs, personal development, conquered challenges, and surpassed obstacles.

In commemoration of their three-year milestone, the collective has unveiled its inaugural book. This publication chronicles a distinctive array of stories, with a central objective of empowering and resonating with readers on every page.

The book encompasses around 100 women, each voice compelling and every journey prompting profound contemplation in its own right. It endeavors to strike a chord with individuals from all backgrounds, featuring anecdotes from a broad spectrum of professionals including entrepreneurs, technologists, artists, community advocates, senior executives, young professionals, nonprofit leaders, healthcare providers, and change-makers of various stripes.

Highlighted personalities within the book encompass a diverse range, including Reshma Kewalramani, CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals; Swaroop Sampat, esteemed actress and educator; Jaishree Deshpande, philanthropist and co-founder of the Deshpande Foundation; Ami Ambani, businesswoman and avid marathoner; Chitra Banerjee, renowned Author; Annette Phillips, musician and singer from the Berklee India Ensemble; Gouri Banerjee, co-founder of Saheli Boston; Dr. Kavita Navani of Eclinical Works; Rosemarie Day, president of Day Health Strategies; Kay Khan, State Representative of Massachusetts; and Kathleen Walsh, president of YMCA Metro North, among others.

Shaleen Sheth, one of the co-founders of Women Who Win, expressed enthusiasm about the book’s inclusive representation, stating, “What excites me most is that the book includes the paths of women, coming from all different cultures and backgrounds, who are at the top of their field, and it highlights not only their successes but also the obstacles they faced along the way such as a health or family issue, or a career setback.” Sheth emphasized the importance of diverse narratives in guiding individuals through challenges and inspiring them to pursue ambitious dreams.

Dr. Deepa Jhaveri, another co-founder, echoed Sheth’s sentiments, remarking, “I love that this book encapsulates life – how some aspect of every life’s story is relatable to everyone.” She expressed hope that the stories would ignite readers’ aspirations and empower them to enact positive changes in their lives, whether in health, education, career, or personal growth.

Dr. Manju Sheth, MD, the third founder, highlighted the impact of the book’s focus on women’s health stories. Reflecting on the Wednesday Wellness series, Dr. Sheth emphasized the importance of preventative medicine and noted the positive response from readers, particularly in scheduling health screenings after reading firsthand accounts. She expressed satisfaction in potentially influencing individuals to prioritize their health.

The book, over a year in the making, has already sparked conversations and generated excitement both locally in New England and globally. Notable figures such as activist and actress Shabani Azmi have contributed to the book, with testimonials from esteemed individuals including philanthropist Desh Deshpande, Leader Bank founder and CEO Sushil Tuli, and Amruta Fadnavis, a banker, actress, singer, and social activist. The founders expressed gratitude to the women who entrusted them with their stories and anticipated celebrating with the community at launch events in Boston, New York, and India.

In a statement, the Women Who Win founders expressed their aspiration to make history by amplifying the voices of women and minorities, with the book serving as the first installment of a trilogy. They conveyed appreciation for the opportunity to spotlight the journeys of remarkable women and affirmed their commitment to this ongoing mission of empowerment and inclusion.

Empowering Dreams: Inside India’s Rural Wrestling School Shaping Future Olympians

Just a few hours away from the bustling streets of New Delhi, Anushree Fadnavis, a photojournalist with Reuters, delved into the world of young female wrestlers undergoing training in the rustic countryside of Sisai, a village nestled in the Indian state of Haryana.

Her lens captured the aspirations of these girls as they aimed to emulate the success of trailblazers like Sakshi Malik, who etched her name in history books as the first Indian woman wrestler to clinch an Olympic medal in 2016.

Traditionally a male-dominated sport in India, wrestling has witnessed a surge in interest among female athletes in recent times, with institutions like the Altius school playing a pivotal role in nurturing this emerging talent.

“I wanted to capture their hopes, dreams, ambitions, and their drive to succeed,” expressed Fadnavis, reflecting on her motivation behind the project.

Established in 2009 by Usha Sharma, India’s pioneering female wrestling coach, along with her husband, Sanjay Sihag, the Altius school stands as a beacon of empowerment, driven by Sharma’s firsthand experiences of navigating the constraints of a patriarchal society.

“In a village, an animal has more value to it than a woman, as an animal gives milk and there is a cost attached to it,” Sharma lamented, shedding light on the prevailing gender dynamics in rural settings.

Fadnavis spent two immersive days at the school, witnessing firsthand the camaraderie among the students as they supported each other in their modest training facilities.

“What surprised me was the grit and determination of the girls to train themselves for a sport that requires a lot of physical strength,” she remarked, noting the shifting societal attitudes reflected in parents’ willingness to send their daughters to a residential school far from home.

Except for Sundays, the students adhere to a rigorous schedule, commencing their day at 4 a.m. with fitness routines and training sessions, punctuated by academic lessons and self-prepared meals—a routine embraced by all, fostering independence and self-reliance.

“Women in the villages in Haryana have very little to no agency in their lives and hence are very dependent on their families and especially men in their lives,” Fadnavis observed, underscoring the transformative impact of the school on its students.

The stories of alumni like Sonu Kaliraman, who transitioned from a farm laborer to an international wrestler under the tutelage of Altius, serve as testament to the profound influence of female mentors in providing a nurturing environment for aspiring athletes.

“Most of them told me that having a woman coach really helps them, as they can be themselves and don’t have to overexplain things to anyone,” Fadnavis relayed, highlighting the significance of representation and mentorship.

A poignant moment during Kaliraman’s home visit, where her mother expressed pride in her achievements, resonated deeply with Fadnavis, evoking memories of her own journey from a career in software engineering to photography, inspired by a close friend.

“It felt great to see the girls have so many different opportunities and someone who could guide them on the right path,” she remarked, emphasizing the role of belief and encouragement in fostering success.

While not all students may ascend to podiums or lucrative contracts, their tenure at Altius equips them with a support network, lifelong friendships, and invaluable lessons for their journey ahead.

“When I opened the academy and we started getting medals, it felt nice to know that the same girls who used to graze cows and buffaloes are now being favored by the men in the family,” Sharma reflected, encapsulating the transformative impact of the school in reshaping societal perceptions and fostering empowerment among its students.

Annie George Mathew Appointed As A Member Of The 16th Finance Commission Of India

Annie George Mathew, a senior of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA & AS) of the 1988 Batch has been appointed as a member of the Sixteenth Finance Commission on Tuesday, January 30th, 2024.

Annie George Mathew recently retired as the Special Secretary Expenditure from the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.  She has over 34 years of experience in areas of Public Finance, Financial Management, Government Audit and Accounts, and Public Procurement including Defense Capital Acquisitions, Human Resource Management

The 16th Finance Commission was constituted on 31.12.2023 with Shri Arvind Panagariya, former Vice-Chairman, NITI Aayog as its Chairman. According to a government order issued on January 30, 2024, three full-time members of the 16th Finance Commission include former Expenditure Secretary Ajay Narayan Jha; former Department of Expenditure official Annie George Mathew; and Niranjan Rajadhyaksha, executive director of policy consultancy firm, Artha Global. Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group Chief Economic Advisor, State Bank of India will serve as a Part-time member of the powerful financial body.

“The chairman and other members of the commission shall hold office from the date on which they respectively assume office up to the date of the submission of report or October 31, 2025, whichever is earlier,” the order from President of India, Droupadi Murmu appointing members to the constitutional body stated.

AnnieThe Sixteenth Finance Commission has been requested to make its recommendations available by October 31, 2025, covering an award period of 5 years commencing 1st April, 2026. The Finance Commission usually takes about two years to consult stakeholders in the States and Centre and arrive at their conclusions.

The Finance Commission mainly decides the tax-sharing formula between the Centre and the states.  The Sixteenth Finance Commission’s terms of reference include a review of the present arrangements for financing disaster management initiatives and mooting measures to augment States’ consolidated funds to supplement resources available with panchayats and municipalities.

Per reports, in November last year, the Indian Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had approved the Terms of Reference for the 16th Finance Commission. As per the terms of reference (ToR), “The Finance Commission shall make recommendations as to the following matters, namely: The distribution between the Union and the States of the net proceeds of taxes which are to be, or may be, divided between them under Chapter I, Part XII of the Constitution and the allocation between the States of the respective shares of such proceeds.”

The commission is expected to make recommendations on the “principles which should govern the grants-in-aid of the revenues of the States out of the Consolidated Fund of India and the sums to be paid to the States by way of grants-in-aid of their revenues under article 275 of the Constitution for the purposes other than those specified in the provisos to clause (1) of that article,” according to a statement issued after the Union Cabinet meeting on November 29.

Ms. Mathew was the Government’s nominee on the Boards of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) and Indian Overseas Bank (IOB).  She had served earlier on the Board of State Bank of Hyderabad.

She has varied experience in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department through her postings within the country and abroad.  She has also led audit teams working with different international and multi-lateral organizations like the United Nations, and UNHCR in Europe, Africa, and Asia. She has been a member of the International Standards Laying Committees on Auditing.

With her vast experience of working in public finance at various levels in the Ministry of Finance and her exposure to state finances during her tenure in various Accountant General Offices in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Delhi, Ms. Mathew has a deep understanding of  India’s Federal and State finances.

Ms. Mathew graduated from Miranda House and completed post-graduation from the University of Delhi and after that, joined India’s civil services as an IA & AS Officer.

Boxing Legend Mary Kom Announces Retirement, Leaves Legacy of Six World Titles

Six-time World Champion and 2012 Olympic medalist Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom announced her retirement from boxing on Wednesday. Mary Kom, 41, decided to hang up her boxing gloves due to the age restrictions set by the International Boxing Association (IBA), which allows male and female boxers to compete in elite-level competitions only until the age of 40.

Expressing her desire to continue competing at the elite level, Mary stated, “I have the hunger still but unfortunately because of the age limit it is over I cannot compete in any competition. I want to play more but I am being forced to quit (due to the age limit). I have to retire. I have achieved everything in my life.”

Mary Kom holds a remarkable legacy in the sport, being the first female boxer in history to secure six world titles. Her illustrious career includes notable milestones such as being the first female boxer from India to claim a gold medal at the 2014 Asian Games and winning a bronze medal in the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Her journey in boxing began at the age of 18 when she made her mark on the world stage at the inaugural world meet in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Despite falling short in the final of the 48kg category, her exceptional talent and near-flawless boxing style left a lasting impression on spectators.

Over the years, Mary Kom’s dominance in the sport became evident as she continuously raised the bar of excellence. She became the first Indian to clinch a gold medal at the AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championships, triumphing in 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010 editions. Following her victory in 2008, she took a break from boxing after giving birth to twins.

After her remarkable performance in the 2012 Olympics, where she won a bronze medal, Mary Kom once again took a hiatus following the birth of her third child. However, she made a triumphant return to the ring, securing her sixth world title at the 2018 World Championships held in Delhi. Her victory over Ukraine’s Hanna Okhota showcased her unwavering determination and skill, solidifying her status as one of the greatest boxers of all time.

Mary Kom’s achievements extend beyond her world titles, as she holds the record for the most world medals by any male or female boxer, with a total of eight. Her retirement marks the end of an era in boxing, leaving behind a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

Empowering Ladakhi Women: A Journey from Tragedy to Cervical Cancer Awareness

In the early stages of his medical career in southern India, Nordan Otzer, an ENT surgeon now in his mid-40s, received a life-altering call from his home in the Ladakh Himalayas. This call sparked his commitment to cervical cancer awareness, a cause that became deeply personal.

Otzer recounts the distressing moment when his mother’s health deteriorated, revealing a silent battle with cervical cancer. Despite experiencing persistent spotting and abdominal pain, she only sought medical help when the pain became intolerable. This delay, unfortunately, proved fatal. Otzer reflects, “My mother’s death due to cancer altered the course of my career, leading me to make the choice to remain and contribute to my own community.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights that over 95% of cervical cancers are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), emphasizing the importance of early detection and prevention. The WHO recommends screening for HPV infection starting at 30 years of age, with regular screenings every 5 to 10 years.

Cervical cancer stands as the fourth most common cancer among women globally, with a substantial burden in low- and middle-income countries. In 2020, an estimated 90% of the 604,000 new cases and deaths occurred in these regions, emphasizing the urgency of addressing this issue on a global scale.

Otzer’s personal tragedy fueled his determination to make a difference in Ladakh, a remote mountainous region at an altitude exceeding 14,000 feet. Since 2009, he, along with local supporter Stanzin Dawa and visiting doctors from Singapore, has organized over 140 awareness and screening events, reaching out to women in villages scattered across challenging terrains.

“We have conducted screenings for 12,400 women thus far, among whom one out of every 10 women has precancerous lesions,” Otzer reports, underscoring the critical need for timely treatment to prevent the progression to full-blown cancer.

Beyond the logistical challenges of reaching remote areas, Otzer encountered cultural barriers. Ladakhi women, initially reticent about discussing women’s health openly, hesitated to undergo checkups. Otzer recalls, “Women in Ladakh tend to be reticent about discussing women’s health matters openly, not even with their own family members.”

However, with persistence, the community became more receptive over time. Initially avoiding eye contact and refraining from asking questions, Ladakhi women gradually started attending screening camps, breaking down the stigma surrounding cervical cancer.

In the context of India, cervical cancer ranks as the second most common cancer in women, contributing significantly to the global burden. The Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare aims to vaccinate 68 million girls against HPV by the end of 2025, followed by an annual vaccination of 11.2 million girls aged 9 and older.

A December 2021 study published in Springer reveals that cervical cancer accounted for 9.4% of all cancers and 18.3% (123,907) of new cases in India in 2020. It remains a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

The study emphasizes the alarming situation in rural areas where women, often illiterate and unaware of cervical cancer hazards, face scarce healthcare resources. The availability of medical infrastructure and awareness play pivotal roles in preventing cervical cancer, as confirmed by a study in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.A Lancet study from October 2023 exposes disparities in cervical cancer survival across India, with higher rates in urban areas boasting better healthcare facilities. The study calls attention to the importance of addressing inequities in the healthcare system, highlighting the need for awareness, early detection, and improvements in healthcare infrastructure.

Otzer’s journey from personal tragedy to community empowerment illustrates the transformative impact of raising awareness about cervical cancer. By breaking down cultural barriers and overcoming logistical challenges, Otzer and his team have made significant strides in Ladakh, offering hope for a future where cervical cancer is detected early, treated effectively, and lives are saved.

Harmanpreet Kaur’s Pioneering Achievements Mark a New Era in Women’s Cricket

If you’re familiar with Harmanpreet Kaur, you likely remember her historic 171 not-out during India’s remarkable victory in the 2017 ODI World Cup semi-final against Australia. Kaur, now 34 and the captain of the Indian women’s cricket team, has since added several groundbreaking accomplishments to her illustrious career in 2023, the 15th year of her international journey.

In February, Kaur achieved the milestone of being the first cricketer to play 150 T20s. The following month, she made history again by becoming the first captain to lead her team to victory in the Women’s Premier League. Later in the year, she co-captained India to their first-ever Asian Games gold medal in cricket, standing alongside Smriti Mandhana.

Wisden recognized her as one of its five cricketers of the year, a notable achievement for any Indian woman. BBC’s 100 influential women of the year and TIME magazine’s 100 Next list also featured Kaur, highlighting her increasing influence in the field.

Australia captain Alyssa Healy praised Kaur’s leadership, stating, “She’s an unbelievably talented cricketer and has showcased that for an extended period of time. But what she has done in leading this Indian side, and almost this new generation of Indian women cricket into the modern game, has been really amazing to watch.”

Kaur’s journey from a small town to cricket stardom is a compelling narrative. Hailing from Moga, known as the “drug capital” of Punjab, Kaur, the oldest of three siblings, began playing cricket with a hockey stick alongside boys in her neighborhood. Her life took a definitive turn when she met her mentor, Kamaldheesh Singh Sodhi, between 2006 and 2007, setting her on the path to a serious cricketing career.

Sodhi’s son, Yadwinder, who also served as Kaur’s first coach, emphasized her natural athleticism and fearless temperament, which fueled her passion for the game and contributed to her success. Kaur’s impact on women’s cricket in India, especially alongside vice-captain Mandhana, has been pivotal in elevating the sport’s popularity.

Former India captain Anjum Chopra acknowledged Kaur’s role as a trailblazer, stating, “Every era has two or three such figures, and Harman has been in the driver’s seat for a few years now, especially since getting the captaincy in T20s [in 2016].” Taking on full-time leadership across formats after the retirement of Mithali Raj last year further elevated her standing.

With over 6,500 runs in 290 international appearances, Kaur has led India to unprecedented success both at home and abroad. In 2020, she guided the team to their first T20 World Cup final, secured the inaugural ODI series win in England in almost 23 years, and won silver at the Commonwealth Games’ first women’s cricket competition.

Former India head coach WV Raman highlighted Kaur’s team-centric approach, saying, “The most important thing that I remember about working with Harman was the way she was always looking to do things for the team.” He commended her calm and receptive demeanor, emphasizing her dedication to the team’s success.

While Kaur’s prowess in limited-overs formats remains her stronghold, she made a significant impact in Test cricket in December. On her Test captaincy debut, she displayed an attacking mindset, contributing to India’s record 347-run victory against England in Navi Mumbai. Kaur further solidified her Test leadership credentials by leading India Women to a historic Test victory against Australia in Mumbai.

Speaking before the England Test, Kaur expressed her focus on team growth, stating, “I want this team to grow in a way that everyone says that this is the best team.” Despite her personal achievements, she emphasized the importance of team success, considering cricket a team sport.

Kaur’s playing style, described as one of the most aggressive in modern cricket, reflects her paradoxical personality. Her batting is defined by poise and power, while her private demeanor is characterized by affable reticence. However, her occasional struggles with on-field conduct have drawn attention. In June, she received a two-match ban from the International Cricket Council (ICC) for an outburst during an ODI against Bangladesh.

Anjum Chopra offered a perspective on Kaur’s occasional outbursts, stating, “You can be angry if you don’t feel a decision was right, but you can’t have an outburst in front of the world.” She emphasized the importance of authenticity, suggesting that sacrificing natural instincts for a picture-perfect persona would make an athlete less relatable.

Former India head coach WV Raman and Anjum Chopra believe that the next three years could be Kaur’s most consistent and best, considering her growing self-awareness and understanding of her cricket. With a team that shares her commitment to development, Kaur is poised to leave an unrivaled legacy in women’s cricket.

As the stars align, Kaur’s legacy could be marked by India’s first senior women’s World Cup win, whether in the T20 edition in Bangladesh next year or at home in the ODI edition in 2025, or perhaps both. Harmanpreet Kaur’s journey continues to shape the landscape of women’s cricket, inspiring the next generation of players and leaving an indelible mark on the sport.

“My Job Is Not Just An Occupation; It Has Became A Vocation:” Alfons Madoc

A dynamic woman with a diverse range of experiences and skills, Alfons Madoc, the current Head of Human Resources and Organizational Culture at the American Embassy School in New Delhi, India, where there are educators and students from 70+ nationalities, and immense cross-cultural exposure achieved through the process, has come a long way, since she began her career at the age of 20 as a management trainee at Cipla Pharmaceuticals. With six promotions in a span of five years in Marketing and Sales, Ms. Madoc began her journey of success.

WhatsApp Image 2023 12 10 at 22 49 39After five years in the workforce, Ms. Madoc was soon promoted to Regional Manager at Cipla, a large Pharmaceutical company in India. She describes, “The key to my success in my first organization was purely results.” Even when asked about a few lifetime achievements, Ms. Madoc takes pride in being the first ever Woman Regional Manager in Cipla.

Educated at the Convent of Jesus and Mary, New Delhi, Ms. Alfons earned her undergraduate degree from Delhi University before attaining a Master’s Degree in Human Resources. A certified Independent Director and holding expertise in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) through certifications from India’s Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Ms. Madoc is also a certified NLP Master Practitioner and a Life and Leadership Coach.

Having a robust background in corporate strategic planning, recruitment, policy advisory and formulation, employeeDSCF9343 (1) engagement, executive development, and performance management, Ms. Madoc’s expertise spans various HR roles, underpinned by a deep understanding of labor laws and service conditions. Ms. Madoc confidently claims, “I have contributed to the success of diverse organizations, including a Foreign Mission, an International School, Corporate Healthcare, a Charitable Private Mission Hospital, and a Corporate Pharmaceutical Company.”

With the desire to contribute to the wellbeing of the larger society, Ms. Madoc found and devoted her life, skills, and expertise to St. Stephen’s Hospital in Delhi, a charitable mission hospital that caters to the marginalized society in Old Delhi. “From pharmaceuticals, I moved to healthcare, and from marketing, I moved to Human Resources, and in many ways, from my job being just an occupation, it became a vocation for me,” explains Ms. Madoc about her transition.

AMIT7280Ms. Alfons greatly admires her time at St. Stephen’s Mission Hospital, where she spent nine years in health care. “While my role was primarily in HR, whenever I got an opportunity, I worked as a Social Worker there at the Hospital,” catering to the diverse needs of the patients and families.

From a not-for-profit healthcare setting, Ms. Madoc shifted to a world of corporate healthcare. A seven years experience as the Assistant General Manager for HR, looking after four Hospitals under Fortis situated in Delhi and across North India; this was a major shift towards the branch of corporate HR.

The determination and qualities portrayed by Ms. Madoc in the field of HR led her to the Australian HighWhatsApp Image 2023 12 10 at 22 54 55 Commission, where she was recruited as the Head of HR for the Southwest Asian Region. She explains her work at the Foreign Mission as “a wonderful journey through the global outreach of HR, how HR functions beyond the Indian borders, and how cross-cultural experiences and cross-cultural competencies come into play.”

One of the roles Ms. Alfons enjoyed was the implementation program on work-level standards and the introduction of various mentoring policies, which led to the discovery of a better understanding of the global perspectives on HR. Ms Alfons brought about several changes and helped implement various projects on work-level standards across the globe,

WhatsApp Image 2023 12 10 at 22 46 19Ms. Alfons emphasizes the need to be aware of how we do what we do and also the importance of knowing why we do what we do. Recognizing her dynamism, creativity, and leadership, Ms. Madoc was awarded the High Commissioner’s Excellence Award for her contributions to the Australian High Commission.

Ms. Madoc was appointed as the  Head of HR and Organizational Culture at the American Embassy School in New Delhi towards the end of the pandemic. At the American Embassy School, she is focused on bringing in the best educators from across the globe, benefitting the diverse population it serves. In her current role, the major areas where Ms. Madoc offers guidance and leadership are general governance and policy, human resources, employee relations, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Ms. Madoc believes that “the prospect of community magnets is extremely powerful, particularly when they get together for the greater good of the community. It has the potential for positive changes.”

Over the years, Ms. Madoc believes that “My job is not just an occupation. It has become a vocation.”

Ms. Madoc describes “the unwavering commitment to hard work, determination, grit, and discipline, all firmlyWhatsApp Image 2023 12 10 at 22 59 59 rooted in the foundational values instilled by my parents and family” as the keys to her success. “Beyond the tangible elements, the true secret is steadfast belief in one’s capabilities. I firmly believe that faith can move mountains,” Ms. Madoc adds.

Ms. Madoc gives credit to her family for her achievements. “The individuals who have profoundly impacted my life and played a pivotal role in my success include my parents and family. Additionally, I owe a debt of gratitude to both compassionate and challenging bosses, whose guidance has been instrumental. The support and affection from my friends and colleagues have made my journey joyful.”

Ms. Madoc hails from Delhi and “was nurtured in a warm and affectionate environment by my exceptional parents within our expansive and loving family.” She describes her family to be “international” where her siblings and their families are “scattered across the globe, with locations spanning across the United States, Australia, Japan, Bangalore, Kerala, Pune, and New Delhi.”

“My life’s mission has been a constant pursuit of self-improvement, aspiring to be a better version of myself each day,” says Ms. Madoc. “I am dedicated to evolving into a better human being, a more accomplished professional, a nurturing mother, a devoted daughter, a supportive wife, a caring sibling, and an improved citizen. Each day, I strive to surpass the person I was yesterday and today, fostering continuous growth in every aspect of my life.”

Married to a freelance marketing professional, Ms. Madoc is “a proud mother of two wonderful boys. My elder son is on the brink of embarking on his MBA journey, while my younger son has recently begun his first year as a law student.”

A happy, lively, and cheerful person, Ms. Madoc envisions “a world characterized by tranquility, boundless love, and an atmosphere of wonder and excitement. It’s where carefree joy and laughter echo, creating an environment that radiates positivity and warmth.”

Rijul Maini, A Med Student From Michigan Crowned Miss India USA 2023

Rijul Maini, a medical student from Michigan, has been crowned Miss India USA 2023 at the annual pageant held in New Jersey on Friday, December 8th, 2023. Sneha Nambiar from Massachusetts was declared as Mrs India USA and Saloni Rammohan from Pennsylvania won the title of Miss Teen India USA. Currently in its 41st edition, the pageant is the longest-running Indian pageant outside of India

Rijul Maini A Med Student From Michigan Wins Miss India USA 2023 (M9 News)An aspiring doctor and model, Rijul, 24-year-old Maini aims to be a surgeon and hopes to serve as a role model to women everywhere. “I am so humbled and grateful to say that I am the new MISS INDIA USA 2023! I am especially grateful for the family of amazing, strong, confident women I gained throughout this process. Your light shines so bright, never dim it for anyone,” she said in an Instagram post.

Greeshma Bhat of Virginia was declared first runner-up and Ishita Pai Raikar of North Carolina was the second runner-up. 57 contestants from over 25 states were judged in three different pageants – Miss India USA, Mrs. India USA , and Miss Teen India USA.

According to the organisers, 57 contestants from over 25 states participated in three different pageants— Miss IndiaRijul Maini A Med Student From Michigan Wins Miss India USA 2023 2 USA, Mrs. India USA and Miss Teen India USA. Winners of all three categories will be getting complimentary air tickets to take part in Miss- Mrs.-Teen India Worldwide organized by the same group.

The pageant was started by New York-based Indian-Americans Dharmatma and Neelam Saran under the banner of Worldwide Pageants. Currently in its 41st edition, the pageant is the longest-running Indian pageant outside of India. It was started by New York-based prominent Indian Americans Dharmatma and Neelam Saran under the banner of Worldwide Pageants. “I am very thankful to the Indian community around the world for their support over the years,” Dharmatma Saran , founder and chairman Worldwide Pageants said.

Kamala Harris, Bela Bajaria On Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Women In The World List

Two Indian Americans have been named to Forbes’ 100 most powerful women in the world 2023 list namely US Vice President Kamala Harris and Netflix’s chief content officer Bela Bajaria. This year’s honorees represented a wide range of industries, including technology, banking, media, entertainment, politics, and philanthropy.

The Vice President of the United States has maintained her position at number three for the second year in a row. She had received recognition in the category of politics and policy. The 59-year-old created history as the first woman, the first Black person, and the first South Asian-American to become US Vice President in January 20, 2021.

Harris was also the first Indian American woman to be elected to the US Senate in 2016 and the first woman to serve as California’s Attorney General in 2010. Born to a biologist and civil rights activist from Chennai, India, Harris grew up in Oakland, California and graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.

Bajaria was ranked at the 67th position under the media and entertainment category on the Forbes list. Born in London, she had spent her earliest years in Britain and Zambia, and then moved to Los Angeles when she was 8.

Having held the role of head of Global TV since 2020, Bajaria was appointed as Netflix’s chief content officer in January 2023. She oversees all of the streaming service’s globally distributed scripted and unscripted series, including Lupin, Bridgerton, The Queen’s Gambit, and Cobra Kai.

Before joining Netflix in 2016, Bajaria was president of Universal Television, where she was the first woman of color to oversee a studio. The 52-year-old has also featured in TIME’s 100 Most Influential People list in 2022.

Kamala Harris Bela Bajaria On Forbes' 100 Most Powerful Women In The World List 2Forbes also included four Indian women in their list of the 100 most powerful women in the world. The country’s finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, came in at number 32 in the politics and policy category. HCL Technologies chairperson and industrialist Roshni Nadar Malhotra ranked number 60 in the technology category. Soma Mondal, CEO of the Steel Authority of India, was number 70 in the business category. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, an entrepreneur, was number 76 in the business category.

The Indian American activist Reshma Saujani was included in Forbes’ list of women who are rising to prominence but are not quite among the 100 most powerful people in the world. The Forbes Women To Watch In 2024 list also includes Mira Murati, Fei-Fei Li, Michele Bullock and Hafize Gaye Erkan.

Founder and CEO of the non- profit Girls Who Code, Saujani’s work focuses on female empowerment.

The organization works to empower women in the field of computer science, and end gender discrimination in the field. Forbes observed that over the last 11 years, the organization has educated more than 500,000 girls, women and non-binary participants.

Post Covid, Saujani has shifted her energy towards advocating for better family leave and childcare policies in the US. She founded the Marshall Plan for Moms, which has become Moms First. In an interview with Forbes Women editor Maggie McGrath, Saujani emphasized that “childcare is an economic issue, not a social issue.” Her movement has ignited a national conversation about how to support moms and is backed by A-list celebrities, activists, and business leaders. In September 2015, Saujani was named in the Fortune Magazine’s 40 under 40 list. She has authored books including: Women Who Don’t Wait in Line: Break the Mold, Lead the Way, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2013, and Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World, published by Viking in August 2017, and Brave, Not Perfect: Fear Less, Fail More, and Live Bolder in 2018.

Illinois-born Saujani hails from a Gujarati Indian family settled in Chicago. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and speech communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997, a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1999, and a juris doctorate from Yale Law School in 2002.

Indian Trailblazers Shine on Forbes’ 2023 List of World’s Most Powerful Women

Forbes, the renowned business magazine, has unveiled its annual compilation of the World’s Most Powerful Women for the year 2023, spotlighting four exceptional Indian women. These dynamic individuals have not only shattered glass ceilings but have also left an indelible mark on the global stage, underscoring the diverse and influential voices emerging from India. Forbes employed four key metrics — money, media, impact, and spheres of influence — to ascertain the rankings.

As the world applauds their remarkable achievements, these four Indian women emerge as potent symbols of resilience, leadership, and excellence on the global platform:

Nirmala Sitharaman (Ranked 32)

Nirmala Sitharaman, a stalwart at 64, holds a prominent position in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has been serving as India’s Minister of Finance and Minister of Corporate Affairs since 2019. Notably, she previously served as the 28th Defence Minister from 2017 to 2019, marking her as India’s second female to hold both the defense and finance portfolios after Indira Gandhi. In the 2022 Forbes list of the world’s most powerful women, she secured the 36th position, and this year, she climbs to the 32nd spot.

Ms Sitharaman’s journey is indeed a testament to her multifaceted leadership, having navigated both financial and defense realms.

Roshni Nadar Malhotra (Ranked 60)

Roshni Nadar Malhotra, aged 42, stands as an Indian billionaire and philanthropist of significant acclaim. As the chairperson of HCL Technologies, she etched her name in history as the first woman to lead a listed IT company in India. Being the only child of HCL founder Shiv Nadar, she holds the distinction of being recognized as the richest woman in India, according to the IIFL Wealth Hurun India Rich List (2019). Forbes consistently acknowledges her influence, with rankings at 54th in 2019, 55th in 2020, and 60th in 2023.

Ms Malhotra’s journey reflects not only her business acumen but also her commitment to philanthropy.

Soma Mondal (Ranked 70)

Soma Mondal, at the age of 60, currently serves as the Chairperson of the Steel Authority of India, achieving a historic milestone as the first woman in this role since January 2021. Born in Bhubaneswar, she graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1984 and has amassed over 35 years of experience in the metal industry. Rising from her beginnings at NALCO, she became Director (Commercial) before joining SAIL in 2017. Noteworthy career milestones include being the first woman Functional Director and Chairman at SAIL. Beyond corporate achievements, she holds the prestigious position of Chairperson of SCOPE and received the ‘CEO of the Year’ honor at the ETPrime Women Leadership Awards in 2023. Her ranking on the Forbes list is 70th.

Ms Mondal’s journey underscores her trailblazing path in the male-dominated steel industry, coupled with her commitment to leadership beyond corporate borders.

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (Ranked 76)

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, aged 70, stands as a prominent Indian billionaire entrepreneur renowned for founding and leading Biocon Limited and Biocon Biologics Limited in Bangalore, India. Apart from her pivotal role in the biotechnology sector, she previously chaired the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Her numerous accolades include the Othmer Gold Medal in 2014 for significant contributions to science and chemistry. Recognized on the Financial Times’ Top 50 Women in Business list in 2011, Forbes positioned her as the 68th most powerful woman globally in 2019. In 2020, she received the esteemed title of EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year. Her current rank in the Forbes List of powerful women for 2023 is 76th.

Ms Mazumdar-Shaw’s journey is a narrative of entrepreneurial prowess and steadfast dedication to advancements in science and business.

These four exceptional Indian women, Nirmala Sitharaman, Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Soma Mondal, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, have not only earned their places on the prestigious Forbes list but have also become emblematic figures, embodying the strength, leadership, and excellence emanating from India on the global stage.

A R Rahman’s Daughter To Make International Debut As Composer In ‘Lioness’

Singer and musician Khatija Rahman is set to make her international debut as a composer with the UK-India co-production film Lioness, the makers announced last week. The film is backed and supported by India’s National Film. ‘Lioness’, which is an India-UK co-production is directed by filmmaker Kajri Babbar.

Starring Paige Sandhu and Aditi Rao Hydari, the film narrates the story of two women who lived a century apart. The first story in Lioness will revolve around Sophia Duleep Singh, the daughter of Maharaja Duleep Singh — the last ruler of the Sikh empire — and the goddaughter of Queen Victoria. Sophia was among the leading suffragettes who fought for women’s right to vote in 1900s Britain.

A R Rahman’s Daughter To Make International Debut As Composer In ‘Lioness’ (Metro Vartha) avifMaking her debut as a film composer in the upcoming Tamil film ‘Minmini’ which is currently in-the-works, Music maestro A.R Rahman’s daughter has released her first single ‘Farishton’ in 2020, which was composed and produced by her Oscar-winning father.

She later featured on Grammy Award-winning composer and environmentalist Ricky Kej’s song ‘Iltaja’ and collaborated with Tamil rapper-playback singer Arivu on his track ‘Sagavaasi’.

‘Lioness’ is a drama film centered around the lives of two completely different women who lived a 100 years away from each other, according to Variety.

The first story revolves around the suffragette (women’s protest for the right to vote) by Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, the granddaughter of the legendary king Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the god-daughter of Queen Victoria, which will be played by Paige Sandhu.

The second story introduces a fictional character, Simranjeet Kaur, living in London’s Southall Asian suburb in the early 1990s, to be played by Aditi Rao Hydari.

Speaking to the outlet, Khatija said: “Thrilled and honored to be a part of ‘Lioness.’ I connected deeply with the film’s values from the moment I heard its compelling story and the reason behind bringing her story to life. Our aspiration is to ensure that Princess Sophia’s struggle receives the long-overdue recognition it truly deserves.”

A.R Rahman told Variety: “I’m always proud of her. She is herself. She’s not under the shadow of me or anything. She never played any song to me. And I didn’t even ask her. So she released it (‘Sagavaasi’) and then people sent me the song. And it’s doing well now, it’s number six on the charts. I think we’re in for surprises, what she’s gonna do”.

The upcoming singer-composer was noted for opting to wear the niqab on her own. Talking about this, A.R Rahman said: “She has a very strong mind. And she’s a rebel. What she has done by wearing the niqab, standing for it and standing for all the people who wear the niqab as a statement – she got more attention than not wearing it.”

The film is written and directed by Kajri Babbar, who unveiled the first poster of the movie, at the ongoing International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Film Bazaar, in Panaji. The event was attended by Prithul Kumar, Joint Secretary Films and NFDC; Agnieszka Moody, head of International Relations at BFI; and Hydari during the ‘Knowledge Series’ panel discussion on the co-production journey of both countries. ‘Lioness’ will commence production in the first quarter of 2024, with a global release planned for early 2025.

Indian Nun Among 3 Receive English Recognition For Their Fight Against Human Trafficking

Sister Seli Thomas, SMI, from India; Sister Patricia Ebegbulem, SSL, from Nigeria; and Sister Francoise Jiranonda, SPC, from Thailand, experts and strong advocates in the fight against slavery have been recognized for their fight against human trafficking during a solemn ceremony held on October 31st, 2023 in London at the inaugural Sisters Anti-Trafficking Awards.

Rt. Hon. Theresa May MP and Sir Mo Farah drew global attention for their exceptional contribution and services to the anti-trafficking movement. Emceed by broadcaster, journalist and writer, Adrian Chiles, the event honored three sisters, who have demonstrated courage, creativity, collaboration and achievement in the protection of their communities from human trafficking:

  • Sr Seli Thomas SMI from India,
  • Sr Patricia Ebegbulem SSL from Nigeria and
  • Sr Francoise Jiranonda SPC from Thailand

All three sisters are highly-experienced, accomplished anti-slavery advocates.

Sr Patricia Ebegbulem SSL from Nigeria won the Human Dignity Award, for lifetime achievement in addressing exploitation. 

Sr Patricia’s contribution includes establishing and running a shelter for victims of human trafficking, organising support services for returning survivors of sex trafficking. She runs mass awareness programmes across high-risk rural areas and schools, and is a national leader on the issue of trafficking.

Sr Seli Thomas SMI from India won the Common Good Award, for courage and creativity in addressing exploitation. 

Sr Seli aims to prevent young people being exploited by reaching out to the children of the brothel district, as well as running awareness camps and training women. She provides free legal aid, and conducts seminars and workshops for the villages, school teachers, and students on safe migration and human trafficking. She has helped rescue exploited girls and prosecute traffickers.

Sr Francoise Jiranonda SPC from Thailand won the Servant Leadership Award, for excellence in network building.  

Sr Francoise has opened two schools, which protect vulnerable young Thai women from sex trade. Sr Francoise’s operations teach young women vocational skills for free after high school, and raise awareness. She was the Director of Talitha Kum Thailand, who were recognised by the Thai Government for their prevention and advocacy work.

5 Indian-Americans In Top 25 Women Leaders In Biotechnology List

The Healthcare Technology Report has published its list of the Top 25 Women Leaders in Biotechnology for 2023. They were recognized for their leadership which influenced corporate strategies and helped make real-world impact.

Brinda Balakrishna, Rachna Khosla, Avni Santani, Sulagna Bhattacharya, and Shreya Jani were among the five Indian-Americans on the list. They were recognised for their efforts in steering their biotech companies to success and making important contributions to international health programs.

Balakrishnan, currently serving as chief business development officer at BioMarin Pharmaceutical, has played a crucial role in its global biotech initiatives, dedicated to transforming lives through genetic discovery.

She has experience in licensing, fundraising, and program advancement through her work with Vision Medicines, a company she co-founded that specializes in treating rare ophthalmic diseases. With a background at McKinsey & Company and Genzyme, Dr. Balakrishnan holds degrees from MIT and Harvard Medical School.

Since September 2021, Khosla has served as Amgen’s senior vice president of business development, where she has been instrumental in leading the company to success through strategic partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions.

She has previously held roles at Lazard, Credit Suisse Healthcare M&A, Sanofi Aventis, JP Morgan Chase, and Salomon Brothers. She has a BA from Barnard College and an MBA from Columbia Business School.

Santani is the chief genomics officer at LetsGetChecked, a global digital healthcare solutions company. Formerly the CMO at Veritas Genetics, she played a crucial role in clinical development plans.

She specializes in crafting innovative product portfolios through sequencing, informatics, and AI, ensuring swift and effective disease diagnosis. With a PhD in genetics from Texas A&M University, she holds board certification in clinical laboratory genetics and genomics from the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG).

Bhattacharya is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Nanoscope Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biotechnology company specializing in gene therapies for retinal degenerative diseases. With a background in management consulting at Deloitte and Hitachi Consulting, Bhattacharya has experience in business intelligence, risk management, market research, and product development.

In addition to holding international patents and publishing extensively, Bhattacharya is also a co-founder of a number of successful biotech and biomedical device/diagnostic companies.

Jani became the senior vice president of corporate affairs at BeiGene in 2021, overseeing a corporate affairs function aligned with BeiGene’s vision for accessible cancer medicines. In 2023, she spearheaded the Global Health Equity initiative, partnering with the Max Foundation to provide BRUKINSA, BeiGene’s BTKi inhibitor, to patients in 29 under-served countries.

Currently serving on the Board of the National Partnership for Women and Families, Jani earned her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Health from New York University and has a history of advocacy with non-profits on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health issues.

Shahina K.K Receives CPJ International Press Freedom Award

Shahina K.K, an Indian journalist was among the four recipients of the Committee to Protect Journalists’ (CPJ) International Press Freedom Awards. The awards ceremony held in New York City was chaired by Meredith Kopit Levien, president and CEO of The New York Times Company, who recognized Shahina for her undying commitment to journalism despite facing legal challenges and harassment. She has dedicated her career to shedding light on critical issues such as gender, human rights, and marginalized communities.

Shahina, also known as Shahini Nafeesa is a veteran Indian journalist who has worked across print and broadcast media to shed light on issues such as gender, human rights, and marginalized communities, along with the injustices they face. CPJ has been documenting the myriad ways in which she has been attacked and intimidated since at least 2010.

Shahina, currently a senior editor for Outlook magazine, was one of the first journalists in India to be charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, or UAPA, a draconian anti-terror law extensively weaponized against journalists in the country for over a decade.

She has continued her reporting in various posts despite awaiting trial for a case opened in 2010, when localShahina K K Receives CPJ International Press Freedom Award 2 government officials in Karnataka state sought to criminalize her reporting published in Tehelka, a prominent investigative magazine where she worked at the time. Her report cast doubt on a police investigation into 2008 bomb blasts in Bengaluru, alleging that the police had fabricated witness statements to arrest a local Muslim cleric.

She faces three charges under the penal code, including criminal intimidation, intent to commit a criminal act, and criminal conspiracy, and one count under UAPA pertaining to threatening witnesses. As of June 2023, Shahina is out on bail pending trial. If convicted, she faces a maximum of three years in prison and a fine.

A Muslim by birth, Shahina has also been subjected to extensive harassment by Indian right-wing groups seeking to silence her reporting on religious minorities and vulnerable caste groups. She has faced persistent online harassment and lewd threats, and in 2020, several right-wing publications falsely implicated her in that Bengaluru bombing.

Based in Kochi, in the southern state of Kerala, Shahina has worked as a reporter, production associate, and news anchor with well-known news outlets including Asianet News, Janayugom, Open, and The Federal. She also has contributed to The Washington Post.

By honoring Shahina with this year’s IPFA, CPJ shines a spotlight on India’s increasingly repressive environment for press freedom, with the targeting of journalists under draconian security laws, and toxic online campaigns particularly aimed at vilifying women journalists and ethnic or religious minorities.

Shahina stands out as one of the first journalists in India to face charges under a draconian anti-terror law. Despite the ongoing trial since 2010, she has continued reporting on exposing injustices and holding authorities accountable. nThe case against Shahina stems from her reporting on a questionable police investigation, where local government officials sought to criminalize her work. As of June 2023, Shahina is out on bail, awaiting trial. If convicted, she could face up to three years in prison with an additional fine.

Besides being held in court, Shahina has been subjected to harassment by political groups in India. These groups have reportedly tried to suppress her reporting on religious minorities and vulnerable caste groups. The International Press Freedom Award acknowledged Shahina’s resilience in the face of adversity, honoring her dedication to the principles of free and unbiased journalism.

Shahina is the fourth Indian to achieve this recognition, with notable contributions to OPEN magazine, Tehelka, and Asianet News. She was awarded the Chameli Devi Jain Award for Outstanding Women Mediapersons in 2011. Moreover, she was an activist in the 2014 fight against moral policing, the ‘Kiss of Love’ movement.

In her acceptance speech, Shahina said, “As time went on I made a conscious effort to derive more from my courtroom experiences. I met many people who had unusual encounters with the legal system, with a significant number of them being victims of fabricated cases. This resulted in a series of articles that illuminated the challenges endured by the marginalized population in the state of Karnataka in India. As I sought to understand legal abuse, I pursued a law degree ultimately I earned.”

Women Who Win Co-Founder Shaleen Sheth Among BostInno 25 Under 25 2023 List

The honorees for BostInno’s 25 Under 25 for 2023 include several South Asians, including Women Who Win Co-founder Shaleen Sheth.

The class of 2023 includes a nonprofit leader supporting refugees and immigrants in their entrepreneurial ventures; a high schooler bringing virtual reality to the elderly; a university founder building a platform to connect students across college campuses; and recent graduates who are already leaders in local institutions like Greentown Labs and Techstars Boston, Bostinno said in releasing the winners of this year.

This year’s honorees also include Women Who Win co-founder Shaleen Sheth. Ms. Sheth founded Women Who Win with Dr. Manju Sheth, MD and Dr. Deepa Jhaveri, president of Indian Medical Association of New England.

“A graduate of Babson College, Sheth wanted to use her background in entrepreneurship to amplify the voices of women and minority communities. Women Who Win has conducted hundreds of interviews with female leaders across the world. This includes notable Boston figures such as Dr. Reshma Kewalramani, CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals,” said Bostinno, a digital publication of the Boston Business Journal.

Bostinno said that Ms. Sheth, 25, is also an advocate for the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, and has received the Massachusetts Commission for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders’ Unsung Hero award earlier this year and was appointed as the youngest advisory council member for Saheli Boston, a nonprofit which supports South Asian and Arab survivors of domestic violence.

Shaan Arora, 22; Cory Gill, 22; co-founders of Alia Software Inc.: Shaan Arora and Cory Gill have been hustlers since they started as freshmen at Northeastern University. They are the co-founders of Alia Software, an embedded Shopify app for ecommerce retailers. The app allows shoppers to learn more about the business’ story and products and get rewarded for doing so, helping to increase conversions and sales, according to Bostinno.

Arora dreamed up the idea for Alia in December 2021 to help his mom tell her own brand’s story on her Shopify store and assembled a team to help him live out the idea. On top of his busy schedule with Alia, he graduated from Northeastern in May 2023 with a degree in computer science and business. Gill is graduating this December from Northeastern with a degree in finance and economics. Both will be working on Alia full-time, said Bostinno.

Johar Singh, 22; Taha Moukara, 21; Josh Bruehwiler, 22; co-founders of Astra Wellbeing: The three co-founders of Astra Wellbeing all had their own brushes with the hospital system, from surviving severe medical conditions and injuries to seeing their family members serve on the frontlines during the Covid-19 pandemic, said Bostinno. These experiences gave the three a personal appreciation for healthcare workers and a glimpse into some of the challenges they face — namely, burnout and turnover.

As students at Boston University, Johar Singh, Josh Bruehwiler, and Taha Moukara founded Astra Wellbeing, an SMS-based wellness platform that they say can improve the wellbeing of frontline healthcare employees through positive reinforcement. One year in, Astra Wellbeing has rolled out pilots of its platform to thousands of employees at Boston hospitals, won Boston University’s two biggest student innovation competitions and been accepted into MassChallenge, according to Bostinno.

Venkat Sundaram, 18, founder of Andover Alumni Angels: Venkat Sundaram founded Andover Alumni Angels (AAA) as a rising-senior at Phillips Academy in June 2022, said Bostinno. Sundaram says AAA is the first high school alumni angel investment group. It’s made of Phillips Academy alumni who invest in Phillips Academy alumni-affiliated startups. This summer Andover Alumni Angels celebrated its first anniversary. In its first fifteen months, the group has raised $1.4 million, made 24 individual investments and brought together a group of more than 120 angel investors, according to Bostinno. “While Sundaram is now a student at The University of Texas at Austin, he continues to lead AAA. He hopes AAA inspires people of all ages to explore angel investing and invest in entrepreneurs and businesses around the world,” said Bostinno.

Neena Tarafdar, 17, founder of the Lotus Project: Neena Tarafdar is the founder of the Lotus Project, a volunteer organization that pairs Massachusetts high schoolers with Tibetan students for individualized English tutoring and cultural exchange. Tarafdar is half Tibetan and her mom’s side of the family lives in Tibet, according to Bostinno. The Tibetan students range from kindergarten to college age.

Tarafdar said she wanted to help connect the students, who are often isolated and underserved, with the broader global community. Today, the organization has taught more than 500 classes and has its own English curriculum tailored for students of all levels, according to Bostinno. Tarafdar is a senior at Newton South High School where she is varsity captain of the debate team and president of three other clubs. She was also the only high schooler working in the Sherwood laboratory shared by Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital this past summer.

Vivek Udaykumar, 21, project manager at Banyan Tree Global and lead organizer at Techstars Startup Weekend Boston 2023: Vivek Udaykumar is an international student from India who is working towards his master’s in project management at Northeastern University, while also pursuing his interest in community building.

After arriving in the U.S. in January, he quickly immersed himself in the startup space. He hosts startup and tech events in Boston with partners such as Techstars, Boston New Technology and Startup Boston, Bostoninno said. Udaykumar is also the lead organizer for Techstars Startup Weekend Boston, which took place in September. It was a hackathon-like global entrepreneurship event and Boston founders and investors networked with entrepreneurs from different countries. He is also developing a platform to unite the Indian community in the U.S. with the entrepreneurship community through events, podcasts, and informative panel discussions, according to Bostinno.

Women Gain Ground In Highest-Paying Jobs, But Still Lag Behind Men

Women now make up 35% of workers in the United States’ 10 highest-paying occupations – up from 13% in 1980. They have increased their presence in almost all of these occupations, which include physicians, lawyers and pharmacists.

How we did this

image11Still, women remain the minority in nine of the 10 highest-paying occupations. The exception is pharmacists, 61% of whom are women. More broadly, the share of women across all 10 of these occupations (35%) remains well below their share of the overall U.S. workforce (47%).

Workers in the 10 highest-paying occupations typically earn more than $100,000 a year, over twice the national average of $41,000.

Where women have made the most – and least – progress

Women’s presence has changed more noticeably in some of these occupations than in others. Since 1980, the share of women dentists has more than quadrupled (from 7% to 33%), while the share of women physicians has roughly tripled (from 13% to 38%). The share of lawyers who are women has risen from 14% to 40%.

The shares of women working in high-paying engineering fields have increased by smaller margins since 1980: Women make up less than 10% of sales engineers and petroleum, mining and geological engineers.

Additionally, only 7% of airplane pilots and navigators are women, against 2% in 1980.

Women have gained ground in completion of advanced degrees

Simage12ome of these high-paying occupations – including physicians, lawyers, dentists and pharmacists – require specialized graduate degrees. One way that women have increased their presence in high-paying occupations is by increasingly earning degrees that are required for these jobs.

Women now make up about half of those receiving the following advanced degrees:

Juris Doctor (J.D.): 52% of recipients today are women, versus 30% in 1980

Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.D.S. or D.M.D.): 51% of recipients are women, versus 13% in 1980

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.): 50% of recipients are women, versus 23% in 1980

image13Women now also earn 63% of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degrees – similar to their share of workers in the pharmacist occupation (61%). Pharmacists are also the only occupation in the top 10 where women make up the majority. This could be because the field offers flexible work hours, a collaborative environment and family-friendly policies, according to economic research.

However, women remain in the minority among those receiving certain bachelor’s degrees required for some high-paying occupations:

image14Mathematics or statistics: 42% of recipients today are women, unchanged from 1980

Physics: 25% of recipients are women, versus 13% in 1980

Engineering: 23% of recipients are women, versus 9% in 1980

Outside of undergraduate major selection, there are other reasons women may experience barriers to entering high-paying occupations, even as they achieve parity in many advanced degree programs. Gender differences in household and parenting responsibilities may play a role, as could gender discrimination.

ITServe’s Women’s Panel Discusses ‘Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce’

A panel of distinguished women leaders from across the United States were part of a high-powered discussion on ‘Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce’ on the final day of ITServe Alliance’s flagship Synergy 2023 at the world-famous Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City in New Jersey on Friday, October 27, 2023.

ITServe womenKeisha Stephens, CCWP, Director of People Operations, Empowering Employees for Success & Driving Operational Excellence, SIA DE&I Influencer and Contingent Workforce Program Game Changer; Pamela Randall, CCWP, a Talent Solution Strategist, Change Agent with Sustainable Results and Making Possible a Better Future; Jamhali Portus, a Global Contingent Workforce Management Professional, who is passionate about creating the best-in-class contingent workforce management program with a focus on Quality, Efficiency, Cost and Risk; and, Semonie Kong, a CWP Program Manager, Atlassian, were the panelists at the lively and enlightening discussion that focussed on empowering women.

Moderated by Shabana Siraj and Lavanya Poosarla, the distinguished speakers on the panel shared with the audience a wealth of knowledge about this crucial topic, and it was heartening to see a packed audience who found it to be one of the standout sessions.

“Personally, one of the event’s highlights for me was moderating the panel discussion titled ‘Direct Client Engagement in the World of Contingent Workforce,” said Siraj. “What made this event more special was that it was an all women’s panel, highlighting the diverse perspectives and talents that are driving innovation in our industry.”

ITServe women leadersITServe Alliance Synergy 2023 has marked a significant milestone in its 13-year history, and one couldn’t be more thrilled with the outcome. This event brought together an impressive lineup of keynote speakers who covered a diverse array of topics, ranging from leadership and technology to startups, immigration, PAC, M&A, and the CIO & CTO Forum.

ITServe had esteemed speakers such as @Steve Forbes from Forbes, @Jack Kass from OpenAI, Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank, @Sheila Blair from FDIC, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and @Praneesh Murthy, former CEO of IGATE, sharing their valuable insights and expertise.

“Thank you to everyone who made ITServe Alliance Synergy 2023 a resounding success. Looking forward to continued collaboration and growth in the years to come, particularly for all the efforts by Vinay Mahajan, President of ITServe; Venu Sangani, Synergy Director; Jagadeesh Mosali, President-Elect ITSErve; and Vinay Parachuri,” said  Poosarla.

ITServe Women's panelKey ITServe members who were instrumental in organizing the discussions included;  Hima Kolanagireddy, Deepali Sontakke, Jyoti Vazirani, Pushyami Duvvuri, Divya Bala, Ruchi(Joshi) Anand, Anna Kolluri, Ranjani Mohana, Nazeera Dawood, and Sangita Datta.

Founded in 2010, ITServe Alliance is the largest association of Information Technology Services organizations functioning across the United States. Established to be the voice of all prestigious Information Technology companies functioning with similar interests across the United States, ITServe Alliance has evolved as a resourceful and respected platform to collaborate and initiate measures in the direction of protecting common interests and ensuring collective success. ITServe Alliance now has 21 Chapters in several states across the United States, bringing the Synergy Conference to every part of this innovation country. For more information, please visit:

Nikki Haley Dismisses Donald Trump’s Lead In Presidential Polls: Says, GOP Has To “Pay The Price” For The Former President’s Presence In The Party

Indian American presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley attached little importance to her opponent Donald Trump’s lead among voters in the upcoming elections. In an interview with Fox News on November 12, Haley admitted that Trump has “strong support” but he is followed by “drama and negativity” and that Republicans will fail to win if he wins the GOP nomination.

Former President Trump has emerged as the GOP frontrunner, and polls have found him to be ahead of reigning President Joe Biden, but Haley believes the party will not benefit from his victory in the primary. “I think certainly Trump has some strong support. I’ve always said he was the right president at the right time and I agree with a lot of his policies,” she told Fox News. “The problem is, drama and chaos follow him, whether fairly or not, it is constantly following him and Americans feel it,” she added.

Haley further blamed Trump for the losses faced by GOP candidates recently and the party’s negatively impacted performance. Haley said the GOP has to “pay the price” for the former president’s presence in the party, as per a report. Haley said the Republican party should brace itself for more losses on the ballot races if Trump becomes the nominee for the Presidential elections, and endorsed herself as the better candidate.

“We need to make sure we have a new conservative leader. Republicans have lost the last seven out of eight popular votes for president. The way you do that is you send someone in there that doesn’t just beat Biden by two or three points like Trump does, you get somebody that beats Biden between nine and 13 points,” she said. Haley’s campaign had received a significant boost after the initial debates and polls suggested she could defeat President Biden by a wider margin than her primary rivals.

Haley also said she could be the candidate to lead the GOP to “win up and down the ticket, governor’s races, congressional seats, all of those seats.” She added, “It’s not just the presidential. We’re trying to win across the board. I can do that.”

Lack of Support Among South Asian Americans

Despite being prominently known as Indian American candidates in the race to the Oval Office in 2024, Republicans Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley are not as popular among or known to Asian Americans, a new poll conducted by AAPI Data and the Associated Press-National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago revealed.

According to the results, while more AAPI adults have unfavorable views than favorable views of Haley and Ramaswamy, a large proportion of them said they did not know enough about the two candidates to form an opinion.

The study found that only 18 percent and 23 percent of Asian American and Pacific Islander adults had favorable views of Ramaswamy and Haley, respectively, and 36 percent viewed both candidates as unfavorable. 40 percent of the respondents said they were not familiar with Haley, while Ramaswamy is unfamiliar to 46 percent of them.

“This is the first nationally representative survey that includes the views of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders about the major presidential candidates,” said Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and director of AAPI Data. “Rather than speculate about where AAPIs stand on candidates like Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy, we have timely and reliable data that we will continue to follow through the rest of the presidential primary season.

The survey also dug into the political inclination of AAPI communities, with about half identifying as Democrats, over a quarter identifying as Republican, and about one in five identifying as independent or having no attachment to any party.

The current President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are viewed more favorably among the AAPI communities, while former President and current contender for the Republican nomination for the upcoming presidential elections, Donald Trump, is viewed unfavorably, as is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Susheela Jayapal Launches Congressional Campaign

Susheela Jayapal, the sister of Indian American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, has launched her bid for the US Congress in Washington’s 3rd congressional district.

In a post on X last week, she said: “We need a progressive champion in Washington to carry on Congressman Blumenauer’s legacy, stand up to MAGA ideologues, and get things done for our community, without compromising our values. “Today, I’m proud to announce my candidacy for Congress.”

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has endorsed her sister Susheela Jayapal’s candidature

Susheela Jayapal Launches Congressional Campaign (X)
Picture: X

A former county commissioner in Oregon, Susheela Jayapal announced that she was looking to succeed Democratic Representative Earl Blumenauer, who said earlier this week that he will not seek a re-election to the state’s 3rd Congressional District.

Blumenauer, who was first elected in 1996, won a 14th full term last year with nearly 70 per cent of the vote. The 3rd Congressional District, which includes parts of Portland, is a Democratic stronghold.

Susheela Jayapal has served as District 2 Multnomah County Commissioner since January, 2019. She was born in India, and came to the United States when she was 16 to go to college.

Susheela is a lawyer, whose last legal job was as General Counsel for Adidas America; and has also spent two decades as a volunteer community leader/advocate for a number of community-based organizations. Her priorities include housing and homelessness; economic justice; clean air and climate resilience; and public safety.

Susheela Jayapal’s campaign said she is “committed to ensuring America lives up to its promise of opportunity for all, with no community left behind; and to the vision of a country that we can be proud to leave to our children and our grandchildren.”

Gitanjali Rao Named Among ‘Girls Leading Change’

Indian American teenager Gitanjali Rao was one of fifteen young women leaders recognized by First Lady Jill Biden for their outstanding efforts in driving positive change and shaping a brighter future in their respective communities throughout the United States.

The White House Gender Policy Council has carefully selected the participants for the “Girls Leading Change” event at the White House, a testament to the profound impact these young women are making within their communities and their unwavering commitment to fortifying the future of our nation.

First Lady Jill Biden expressed her deep honor in celebrating this remarkable group, remarking, “These young women are safeguarding and preserving our environment, crafting narratives that alter perspectives, and transforming their challenges into meaningful missions.”

At just 17 years old, Rao is currently a freshman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A budding scientist and inventor, she earned the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist” from Discovery Education/3M and was the recipient of the EPA Presidential Award for her groundbreaking lead contamination detection tool.

Rao delved into a project in the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Colorado Denver, where she harnessed cutting-edge genetic engineering techniques to create a colorimetry-based application and device for the treatment of prescription opioid addiction. Her initiative garnered global recognition as a world finalist in the Technovation Girl Challenge and received a Health Pillar award from the TCS Ignite Innovation challenge on a national level.

Additionally, Rao had the opportunity to share her innovative invention on TEDtalksNayibaat, the Indian version of the TED platform. Notably, she also serves as a board member for the Children’s Kindness Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading an anti-bullying message and emphasizing the significance of kindness.

Among her many notable achievements, one stands out: her book, “Young Innovator’s Guide to STEM,” has been widely adopted as a STEM curriculum in schools around the globe.

Rao, who was named Time Magazine’s inaugural “Kid of the Year,” is deeply committed to not only continuing her journey as a scientist and inventor but also to expanding her STEM education initiative, which has already impacted over 80,000 students in elementary, middle, and high schools. In 2021, her dedication to making a difference was acknowledged when she received the title of “Young Activists Summit Laureate” from the United Nations in Geneva

Arundhati Roy Charged Over Kashmir Comments Made 13 Years Ago

Indian authorities have filed charges against the acclaimed author Arundhati Roy for public statements she made over a decade ago regarding the tumultuous Kashmir region, marking the latest development in the Indian government’s increasingly restrictive stance on free speech under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.
Suman Nalwa, a spokeswoman for the New Delhi police, stated that the government had given approval for charges to be brought against Ms. Roy and Kashmiri law professor Sheikh Showkat Hussain. The charges encompass various sections of Indian law, including those related to provocative speech and the incitement of enmity between different groups.

The Lieutenant Governor of the Delhi region indicated that the government had contemplated pursuing a more severe sedition charge against Ms. Roy and Mr. Hussain in connection with a case originating from a complaint lodged in October 2010 by a right-wing Kashmiri Hindu activist against speakers at a conference on Kashmir.
However, no such sedition charge was filed, as India’s highest court is currently deliberating the validity of the colonial-era sedition law, which critics assert has been misused for decades to stifle dissent. The reason for the police’s decision to act on the activist’s complaint over a decade after its filing remains unclear.

Picture: NYT

The action taken against Ms. Roy, a prominent critic of Prime Minister Modi, and Mr. Hussain occurred shortly after New Delhi police conducted raids on the residences and offices of numerous journalists associated with an online news portal recognized for its critical stance on the Indian government.

Previously, the authorities had also targeted the organization NewsClick. However, their crackdown escalated following the publication of an article in The New York Times that revealed connections between an American tech mogul financing the website and the Chinese government.

On Tuesday, a New Delhi court denied bail to the founder of NewsClick and another individual linked to the website, ordering their detention for ten days. Both individuals, who deny any wrongdoing, face charges under the stringent Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, an anti-terrorism law. Many individuals charged under this law have spent years in detention awaiting trial.

Regarding the Kashmir conference-related case, Mr. Hussain, speaking from Kashmir, informed The New York Times that he had not received any formal communication regarding the charges. When asked for comment, Ms. Roy stated that she needed to consult with her lawyer before discussing the case.

Two other individuals accused in the activist’s complaint, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, a prominent figure in Kashmir’s separatist movement, and Syed Abdul Rahman Geelani, a former university professor, have since passed away. The two men were not related.

The conference, titled “Freedom — the Only Way,” took place in New Delhi on October 21, 2010. During that period, tensions in Muslim-majority Kashmir were running high after the death of a 17-year-old boy who was struck by a tear gas canister fired at close range by Indian security forces as he returned from a tutoring session.

The year saw a cycle of unrest in Kashmir that resulted in the deaths of approximately 120 demonstrators.

In a guest essay published in The New York Times that autumn, Ms. Roy described the turmoil, noting, “Since April, when the army killed three civilians and then passed them off as ‘terrorists,’ masked stone throwers, most of them students, have brought life in Kashmir to a grinding halt. The Indian government has retaliated with bullets, curfew, and censorship.”

In the complaint filed by the Kashmiri Hindu activist, it was alleged that several speeches at the conference, including Ms. Roy’s, had “endangered public peace and security” and that the speakers had advocated for the “separation of Kashmir from India.”

In her speech, Arundhati Roy, the Booker Prize-winning author of “The God of Small Things,” recounted an incident in which she was accosted by a television reporter who repeatedly asked her, “Is Kashmir an integral part of India?”

She responded, “Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. However assertively and frequently you ask me, even the Indian government has acknowledged that it is not an integral part of India.”

The Modi government, which assumed power four years after these events, has taken measures to bring the Kashmir region under direct control, revoking its limited autonomy and suppressing democratic principles and opposing voice

Uma Sofia Srivastava Crowned Miss Teen USA

Mexican-Indian high school student, Uma Sofia Srivastava from New Jersey has been crowned Miss Teen USA 2023, which saw participation from over 50 young women from across the country, in a live-streamed contest in Nevada state. The 16-year-old high school Junior at the Academy of St Elizabeth had become the first Mexican-Indian Miss New Jersey Teen USA earlier this year.

“IS THIS REAL??? I am so grateful and honored that I’m the first Mexican-Indian, first New Jersey, your MISS TEEN USA 2023!!!” Srivastava wrote on social media after winning the coveted title last week.

“This night is truly the best night of my life because I was crowned with the people that have loved and supported me throughout everything cheering for me in the audience.”

Srivastava, who speaks English, Spanish, Hindi and French, hopes to become a UN Ambassador.

She works with the Lotus Petal Foundation to help underprivileged children in India receive a well rounded education, proper nutrition and healthcare.

A co-founder of the Diversity & Inclusion campaign at her school, Srivastava also participates in Mock Trial and Model United Nations, according to her pageant biography.

She has authored and illustrated a book, “The White Jaguar”, which she says, is to inspire people of all ages to embrace what makes them unique.

Also a pianist, Srivastava runs her own blog, That’s Fan Behavior, where she writes about her experience as a woman of colour and current events.

Miss New York Teen USA Stephanie Skinner was named first runner-up and Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA Maggie Ross was second runner-up in the pageant.

NARI SHAKTI VANDAN ABHINIYAM:Women’s Reservation Bill Passes In Lok Sabha.

Justice for Indian women is elevated and recognized. The Women’s Reservation Bill, a significant Constitutional Amendment Bill that provides 33% reservation to women in Parliament and State Assemblies, passes in Lok Sabha. The Lok Sabha manually voted, 454 MPs voted in favor of the bill, and two MPs voted against it. ( except for raising the salaries and privileges of MPs, there always will be opposition to everything. Fortunately, only two were against this bill!).

It was introduced in the Lok Sabha yesterday during the ongoing special session of Parliament.

Taking forward the resolution of women-led development, our government today passed a prominent Constitutional Amendment Bill. The purpose of this Bill is to expand the participation of women in Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabhas.”

The salient features of this Bill are as follows:

The Women’s Reservation Bill is named Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, the first bill tabled in the new Parliament building.

The bill has proposed that the reservation would continue for 15 years and that there would be a quota for SCs and STs within the reserved seats for women.

The reservation will come into effect after a delimitation exercise and will continue for 15 years.

As per existing law, the next delimitation exercise can only be conducted after the first census to be taken post-2026, which means that the bill cannot become law until at least 2027. Some reports have suggested that the women’s quota may be implemented by the 2029 Lok Sabha elections.

Once the bill becomes an Act, of the total seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the House of Assembly, 33% will be set aside for women belonging to these communities.

The number of women members in the Lok Sabha will rise to 181 from 82 currently once the women’s reservation bill comes into force, law minister Arjun Ram Meghwal said.

Rotation of seats reserved for women in Lok Sabha, legislative assemblies, and the assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi would take effect after each subsequent exercise of delimitation, to be determined by the parliament, according to the bill.

The statement of objects and reasons of the bill noted that the true empowerment of women will require greater in the decision-making process.

“The women of India will now have a role to play in policymaking,” says Home Minister Amit Shah on the Women’s Reservation Bill. Of course, it is bringing a drastic progress in the women empowerment in India.

IAGB Celebrates ‘India The Trailblazer’

At its annual India Day celebrations at Boston’s iconic Hatch Memorial Shell on August 19th at Hatch Shell, India Association of Greater Boston, known as IAGB, honored Women Who Win, India Society of Worcester and Indian American Cultural Awareness Builders for their contributions and services to the community.

“We believe that India Day is not just a celebration of a nation, but an occasion to bring our community together, inspire and learn from one another, and celebrate the beauty of diversity and unity,” said IAGB President Vaishali Gade. “Through these events, we hope to continue to create a platform for cultural exchange, dialogue, and mutual appreciation.”

Programs at Indian Day included a Bollywood Classical Fusion Concert, ‘Raaga Unleashed ‘ by Berkley College of Music students, and Patriotic plus Bollywood foot-tapping song bonanza, ‘Junun India Ka’ , a concert by NU Sanskriti, a band by Northeastern University students- under the open sky along Charles River.

Moreover, IAGB kicked off India Day Celebration during the first week of August starting with Flag Raising in many towns and its first ever India Celebration in MLB’s History at Fenway at RED SOx vs KC Royals Game.

Picture : TheUNN

The organizations that were honored at India Day, dubbed this year as “India the Trailblazer”, are:  Women Who Win, founded by Dr. Manju Sheth, Dr. Deepa Jhaveri, and Shaleen Sheth, with Trailblazer of the Year Award; India Society of Worcester for its 60 Years of Community Service; and, Indian American Cultural Awareness Builder: Sunanda Sahay, Shuchi Gupta, Deepali Khanzode, Yogesh Karale, Phil Kaplan and Roopesh Mathur.

“Women Who Win hit its three year milestone this summer, and I am proud of the inspiring and empowering stories we have shared and the unique community we have built. I am excited for our platform to continue being a positive and uplifting media organization where women can share their stories and make connections around the globe,” said Shaleen Sheth, one of the founders of Women Who Win. “We are truly grateful for this recognition and honor and would like to thank IAGB for the Trailblazer award.”

Added Dr. Jhaveri: Women Who Win has surpassed our expectations in terms of impact, engagement and membership.  We are truly thankful to the community for sharing this journey with us as we celebrate our third year anniversary!  Thank you IAGB for this incredible recognition, honor and award.”

Women Who Win is nonprofit global women’s media platform, with a mission to amplify voices of diverse women of all races, cultures, and backgrounds.

“Women Who Win was founded during Covid times to share uplifting stories and bring hope so that women would not give up on their dreams in tough situations,” said Dr. Sheth. “This is our third-year anniversary, and we feel privileged to have shared hundreds of inspiring stories . We are so grateful to IAGB for appreciating our work and honoring us with the Trailblazer’s Award.”

“In short, we are very honored and grateful to get the prestigious Trailblazer Award of the year from IAGB especially on Indian Independence Day celebrations at Hatch Shell. It will motivate us to keep doing better,” said Dr. Maju Sheth, founder of Women Who Win.

Ektaa R Kapoor To Be Honored With 2023 International Emmy Directorate Award

Indian film producer and director, Ektaa R Kapoor, is set to receive the prestigious 2023 International Emmy Directorate award in recognition of her remarkable career and profound impact on the Indian television landscape. This esteemed accolade will be presented by the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (IATAS) at the upcoming 51st International Emmy® Awards Gala, scheduled to take place on November 20th in the vibrant city of New York. Bruce L Paisner, the President and Chief Executive Officer of IATAS, made this announcement, underlining the significance of this honor.

In response to this remarkable recognition, the 48-year-old television producer expressed her heartfelt emotions, stating, “It fills me with a profound sense of humility and excitement. This award holds a special place in my heart, as it signifies a journey that goes beyond mere work—it’s a pivotal aspect of my personal and professional life.” Kapoor went on to emphasize the unique importance of this achievement, adding, “Representing my country on the global stage through this esteemed platform is an incredible honor. Television has been instrumental in helping me discover my identity, particularly as a woman working to make stories for women. This award allows me to represent them and our shared accomplishments on an international level.”

Picture: Koimoi

Ektaa R Kapoor, renowned as the co-founder of the television production powerhouse Balaji Telefilms, has been a prominent figure in the Indian television industry for nearly three decades. Her journey commenced in 1994 when she established Balaji Telefilms alongside her illustrious parents—Indian movie star and producer Jeetendra Kapoor and accomplished media executive Shobha Kapoor. Under the Balaji banner, Kapoor has achieved remarkable milestones, having created and produced an astonishing portfolio of over 17,000 hours of television content and 45 films. Additionally, she played a pivotal role in launching one of India’s earliest Indian Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms, Alt Balaji.

Recognizing her remarkable contributions to the world of entertainment, IATAS President Paisner remarked, “Ektaa R. Kapoor has built Balaji into one of India’s foremost entertainment players with market leadership in the television content industry reaching mass audiences across India and South Asia with their long-running series and OTT platform.”

Ektaa Kapoor’s influence extends beyond her professional accomplishments. She has earned a well-deserved spot among Fortune India’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Asia.” Furthermore, she stands as the sole female representative from the Indian television domain in Variety500—an exclusive index that recognizes the 500 most influential business leaders shaping the global media industry. These accolades underscore her exceptional prowess and enduring impact on the entertainment world.

In essence, Ektaa R Kapoor’s journey through the Indian television and film industry is nothing short of remarkable. Her visionary approach, coupled with her commitment to crafting narratives that resonate with women, has left an indelible mark on the entertainment landscape. As she prepares to accept the 2023 International Emmy Directorate award, the world will celebrate not just her professional triumphs but also the profound cultural and societal influence she has wielded through her work.

This recognition serves as a testament to the power of storytelling in television and its ability to shape identities, transcend boundaries, and inspire generations. Ektaa Kapoor’s journey, from the inception of Balaji Telefilms to the pinnacle of global recognition, embodies the spirit of creativity and innovation in the world of entertainment.

As the 51st International Emmy® Awards Gala approaches, the anticipation builds for the moment when Ektaa R Kapoor will stand on the stage in New York City, holding the International Emmy Directorate award, representing not only her own achievements but also the countless stories and dreams she has brought to life through the medium of television. It is a celebration of a visionary who has not only impacted the Indian television landscape but has also created a lasting legacy that resonates with audiences far beyond its borders.

Ektaa R Kapoor’s journey is an extraordinary one that showcases the transformative power of television in shaping cultures, narratives, and identities. This prestigious recognition by the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences underscores her enduring influence and the indomitable spirit with which she has forged a path in the entertainment industry. Kapoor’s dedication to creating meaningful content for women and her ability to connect with audiences on a profound level make her a true luminary in the world of television and film. Her acceptance of the 2023 International Emmy Directorate award is not just a personal achievement but a testament to the global reach and impact of Indian television and storytelling. This recognition is a celebration of a visionary who has left an indelible mark on the industry and continues to inspire future generations of storytellers.

Historic Triumphs for Indian Women Wrestlers at U20 World Championships

On August 18, Antim Panghal etched her name in history by becoming the first Indian female wrestler to secure consecutive U20 world titles. She masterfully defended her 53kg crown, showcasing an impressive blend of agility and strength, resulting in an extraordinary achievement.

Joining Panghal in this historic victory, Savita (62kg) also claimed the world champion title, contributing to the Indian women’s team triumph in the team category at a world championship—an unprecedented milestone in the annals of sports.

This remarkable achievement underscored a watershed moment for Indian wrestling as a whole, with an impressive total of seven wrestlers clinching medals. Among these were three gold medals, one silver, earned by Antim Kundu (65kg), and three bronze medals secured by Reena (57kg), Arju (68kg), and Harshita (72kg).

Picture: The UNN

Panghal, hailing from Hisar in Haryana, exhibited her dominance against her Ukrainian adversary Mariia Yefremova, securing a convincing 4-0 victory. Throughout the tournament, her ferocity and control were evident, conceding merely two points in her journey.

Her prowess as a future leader in this category was unmistakably apparent. This was further demonstrated when she challenged Vinesh Phogat for the Asian Games trials, confidently asserting her ability to defeat the decorated senior wrestler. Panghal’s conviction in not receiving a direct entry highlighted her dedication and self-assuredness.

Having made history as the first Indian female grappler to claim a junior world championship title the previous year, Panghal showcased a seamless transition to the senior circuit. In her bout against Yefremova, she exhibited astute defense, countering leg attacks with remarkable presence of mind.

Panghal’s rapid movements and well-executed double-leg attacks, underpinned by her impressive strength, left her Ukrainian opponent struggling. The contest culminated with Panghal’s decisive right-leg attack, seamlessly transformed into a takedown maneuver, sealing her victory.

In the 62kg final, Savita set the mat ablaze with a commanding technical superiority win against Venezuela’s A Paola Montero Chirinos. Displaying finesse and control, the wrestler from Rohtak accumulated points with ease. A take-down two-pointer marked the beginning, and Savita steadily extended her lead against a perplexed Chirinos.

By the conclusion of the first period, Savita held a commanding 9-0 advantage, subsequently clinching victory early in the second period without relinquishing a single point.

However, Antim Kundu fell short of victory in her final, succumbing to a 2-9 defeat against the local favorite, Eniko Elekes.

Reena secured the 57kg bronze with a resilient 9-4 triumph over Kazakhstan’s ShugylaOmirbek. Leading 5-0, Reena navigated through last-minute drama to secure her spot on the podium. At 5-2, the umpire awarded four points to Reena’s Kazakh counterpart, which was later overturned, resulting in Reena’s final score of 9-4.

Prior to securing her medal, Reena demonstrated her mettle by prevailing in two repechage rounds earlier in the day.

Bringing the Indian campaign to a fitting close, Harshita pinned her Moldovan rival Emilia Creciun. With a 6-0 lead at that point, Harshita executed a decisive move, putting Creciun’s back to the mat to secure a victory by fall.

August 18 witnessed historic accomplishments by Indian women wrestlers at the U20 World Championships. Antim Panghal’s consecutive title victory and Savita’s triumph contributed to an unparalleled achievement for the Indian women’s team in the world championship history. The success was further amplified with a total of seven medals, including gold, silver, and bronze, showcasing India’s prowess in the wrestling arena.

Indian Americans on Forbes’ 50 Over 50 List

Several persons of Indian heritage have been featured on Forbes’ 50 Ver 50 List for 2023, released last week. S. Mona Sinha: From Corporate Success to Advocating Women’s Rights, Makes Forbes 50 Over 50 List

Friend of Indiaspora, S. Mona Sinha has secured a spot on the Forbes 50 Over 50 List for her impactful work. At 57, Sinha leads Equality Now as the global executive director, leveraging her experience from companies like Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Unilever to drive the NGO’s mission for women’s and girls’ rights worldwide. Her achievements include reforming rape laws in Latin America and the Caribbean and child marriage laws in Africa and the Middle East, along with her contributions to various organizations and boards dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment. Her journey from volunteering at Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Kolkata, India, to her current influential role reflects her dedication to humanitarian efforts.

Nikki Haley

  • In February of 2023, Nikki Haley announced her intent to become the Republican party’s candidate for U.S. president.
  • Two days after her announcement, former CNN host Don Lemon ignited an online firestorm after implying Haley, a woman in her 50s, wasn’t “in her prime.” Haley reclaimed “in my prime” as a campaign trail rallying cry.
  • The daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley became the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet when she was sworn in as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 2017.
  • She served as governor of South Carolina from 2010 to 2014. Of the 117 governors in South Carolina’s history, she is the only woman and only person of color to have led the state.
  • Haley grew up in South Carolina and graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

About Her:

  • In February of 2023, Nikki Haley announced her intent to become the Republican party’s candidate for U.S. president.
  • Two days after her announcement, former CNN host Don Lemon ignited an online firestorm after implying Haley, a woman in her 50s, wasn’t “in her prime.” Haley reclaimed “in my prime” as a campaign trail rallying cry.
  • The daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley became the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet when she was sworn in as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in 2017.
  • She served as governor of South Carolina from 2010 to 2014. Of the 117 governors in South Carolina’s history, she is the only woman and only person of color to have led the state.
  • Haley grew up in South Carolina and graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

Sarita Mohanty

  • In 2021, at 50, Sarita Mohanty became the second CEO and president of The SCAN Foundation, a California-based healthcare nonprofit focused on improving care for older adults through policy, impact investing and grantmaking.
  • Mohanty came to the foundation from Kaiser Permanente, where she served as vice president of care coordination for Medicaid and vulnerable populations.
  • At Kaiser, she led the development of Thrive Local, a referral network of health systems, government agencies and community groups that provide social services, including housing, food and utilities.
  • She completed medical school at Boston University and residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She holds an M.P.H. from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from UCLA.

About Her:

  • In 2021, at 50, Sarita Mohanty became the second CEO and president of The SCAN Foundation, a California-based healthcare nonprofit focused on improving care for older adults through policy, impact investing and grantmaking.
  • Mohanty came to the foundation from Kaiser Permanente, where she served as vice president of care coordination for Medicaid and vulnerable populations.
  • At Kaiser, she led the development of Thrive Local, a referral network of health systems, government agencies and community groups that provide social services, including housing, food and utilities.
  • She completed medical school at Boston University and residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She holds an M.P.H. from Harvard University and an M.B.A. from UCLA.

Alka Joshi

  • In 2020, at 62, Alka Joshi published her debut novel, The Henna Artist. She began writing the book in 2010, but the ten years of work paid off: It became a global phenomenon, hitting the New York Times bestseller list and translated into 29 languages.
  • Within a year and a half of publication, Netflix announced it would develop The Henna Artist into a television series starring Frida Pinto.
  • Joshi published two more books in 2021 and 2023, and has a contract with Harper Collins to produce two more by 2025.
  • Four decades after immigrating to the US, Joshi says her passion to inform the world about India through historical fiction took root in her 50s, when she traveled back to her birth country with her mother.

About Her:

  • The Henna Artist was inspired by Joshi’s mother, who had an arranged marriage at 18. Joshi wrote a protagonist who lived in an alternate reality—one where a woman like her mom could live independently.
  • In 2020, at 62, Alka Joshi published her debut novel, The Henna Artist. She began writing the book in 2010, but the ten years of work paid off: It became a global phenomenon, hitting the New York Times bestseller list and translated into 29 languages.
  • Within a year and a half of publication, Netflix announced it would develop The Henna Artist into a television series starring Frida Pinto.
  • Joshi published two more books in 2021 and 2023, and has a contract with Harper Collins to produce two more by 2025.
  • Four decades after immigrating to the US, Joshi says her passion to inform the world about India through historical fiction took root in her 50s, when she traveled back to her birth country with her mother.
  • The Henna Artist was inspired by Joshi’s mother, who had an arranged marriage at 18. Joshi wrote a protagonist who lived in an alternate reality—one where a woman like her mom could live independently.

India Day Parade Celebrates Indian Spirituality, Art, Cinema, and Women

The 41st India Day Parade in New York City, organized by The Federation of Indian Associations (FIA), witnessed a remarkable convergence of Indian creativity, empowerment, spirituality, and art, with the notable participation of two exceptional women: Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji, a revered Indian spiritual leader, and Neha Lohia, an award-winning and acclaimed filmmaker. Notable figures like Grammy Award-winning singer Falu Shah and Bollywood actresses Jacquline Fernandes and Samantha Ruth Prabhu also graced the event. This year’s parade celebrated the rich tapestry of Indian culture, tradition, and heritage while highlighting the influential role of women on the global India stage.

Promoting Indian culture globally and established in 1970, The Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) has played a pivotal role in uniting the Indian diaspora in the Northeastern United States. The India Day Parade, widely regarded as the largest parade outside India, brings thousands of Indian Americans together for an extraordinary cultural extravaganza in the heart of New York City.

Picture : TheUNN

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji, known for her transformative journey from Hollywood to the Himalayas, expressed her joy at being part of this celebration: “It’s been such a great blessing to live in India for the last 27 years, on the banks of Mother Ganga, and for my life journey to move both physically and spiritually from Hollywood to the Himalayas. Indian culture, teachings, traditions, sanskriti, and sanskaras are not only relevant to the people born on the land of India but also to individuals from every culture and country. This parade beautifully showcases the universality and gifts of our Indian culture and traditions, available for the whole world to embrace.”

Spirituality and Artistry were in Harmony on this day. The parade was meticulously planned, seamlessly blending Indian spirituality, arts, cinema, culture, music, dance, cuisine, and the message of inner peace. Filmmaker Neha Lohia, known for her heart-centered narratives, shared her deep feelings: “It was a profound experience to stand alongside Sadhviji, nestled in the serene Himalayas, while I represent the vibrant creativity of Hollywood. Witnessing and showcasing India’s enduring legacy of transformation, devotion, integrity, and strength through storytelling, cinema, culture, music, and spirituality at the 41st India Day parade was a true honor.”

Neha Lohia, a versatile filmmaker, brings an Eastern perspective to her work in the USA, with a focus on women-oriented subjects and consciousness-raising projects. With over two decades of storytelling experience in advertising, Hollywood, and Bollywood, she continues to create inspiring content.

Additionally, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji and Neha Lohia were warmly greeted by Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner of the NYC Mayor’s Office for International Affairs and former Deputy Comptroller of Minority Affairs in Nassau County, New York.

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji, a Spiritual Beacon based in Rishikesh, India, is a world-renowned spiritual leader, motivational speaker, and social activist. Her profound spiritual journey spans over 25 years, from Los Angeles to the banks of the sacred Ganga River. She is the Secretary-General of the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, President of the Divine Shakti Foundation, and Co-President of Religions for Peace. Her teachings bridge the gap between Western knowledge and Eastern spirituality, making her a global spiritual ambassador.

Sadhvi Ji’s work extends to international platforms, where she shares her wisdom with luminaries such as HH the Dalai Lama, Prince Charles, and world leaders. She has received numerous awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from U.S. President Joe Biden for her lifelong commitment to volunteer service. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati Ji continues to oversee humanitarian projects, teach meditation, lecture, write, counsel individuals and families, and serve as a unique female voice of spiritual leadership, inspiring people in India and around the world.

The 41st India Day Parade in New York showcased the indomitable spirit of Indian creativity, empowerment, spirituality, and artistry, reminding the world that the essence of India serves as a beacon of inspiration for all.

AAPI’s Women’s Leadership Forum Focuses on “Celebrating Women of Excellence.”

Women are leading the world by being the proponents of economic empowerment, strengthening educational organizations, and being a powerful voice in politics. They have overcome obstacles and have shown the world what a woman can achieve and contribute to the betterment of the world as never before in human history.

The presence of a dozen extraordinarily successful Women Leaders representing a diversity of professions, involving public, private, and government organizations at the much-anticipated Women’s Leadership Forum during the recently concluded 41st Annual Convention organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in Philadelphia, PA from July 6th to 9th, 2023 was a way of celebrating the success stories of women who are trailblazers and have inspired and led others with their exceptional achievements, personifying grace, and setting the standard for success.

Setting the tone for this celebration, Dr. Udaya Shivangi, Chair of AAPI’s Women’s Committee, in her opening remarks, provided an overview of the Forum and the many initiatives by the Forum both in India and the United States.  “Women’s Forum has been an integral part of AAPI, always at the forefront, coming up with innovative ideas to make each event a unique and transformative experience. Each year the Forum aims to spotlight women leaders who are changing the world and working towards the betterment of the community.”

The theme chosen for the Forum today, “Celebrating Women of Excellence ” holds immense importance as it recognizes and pays tribute to the remarkable achievements and contributions of women in various spheres of life, Dr. Shivangi, who was honored with AAPI’s Distinguished Service Award during the Convention here, said.

“Throughout history, women have overcome numerous obstacles and have shattered glass ceilings, leaving an indelible mark on society. They have become pioneers, breaking stereotypes and proving that gender should never limit one’s aspirations or potential. By recognizing and honoring their excellence, we uplift the achievements of women everywhere and pave the way for future generations to strive for greatness,” Dr. Shivangi added.

In her keynote address, Her Holiness Jagadguru Sai Maa, a world-renowned spiritual master, healer, and humanitarian, with a unique fusion of Eastern spiritual wisdom, Western therapeutic knowledge, and energetic mastery, fondly called Sai Maa shared with the audience on ways to uplift and empower others to master their lives. Sai Maa, who is the first-ever female to be awarded the prestigious title Jagadguru in India’s 2,700 years of the Vishnuswami lineage, one of the highest designations in the Hindu tradition, is being recognized as embodying the power and influence to transform the entire planet.

“Each of us comes from Mother. We are now in transition, shifting from an old era to a new era. An era of consciousness, higher consciousness, an era where our heart and light merge together. We have entered a phase on this planet called longevity. You look at the cosmos and you look at a fetus. There’s a similarity. Every human is born as an enlightened child. So every single human is born with like the Satya Yuga, the next step for humanity. Every child is connected and every adult no matter how a is connected to the Atma.

Sai Maa, who has developed a signature program, HealthSpan by Design, that introduces a new health paradigm where you align with your innate life force to retain vibrant health as you age,  spoke about how to program your cells for maximum health, youthfulness, and longevity. With great passion, Sai Maa shared her inner knowledge and offered effective strategies that work for everyone.

Dr. Asha Pillai, Chair of Hematology, Hematologic Malignancies, and Transplantation in the Scientific Council at Regeneron received her medical degree and fellowship training in Pediatric and Adult Hematology from Stanford University. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Pillai and her research group have established important new immune theories in mismatched donor bone marrow and organ transplantation as well as cellular immunotherapy for cancer treatment. This has formed the basis for her ongoing global impact work.

Dr. Pillai spoke about the newer advances in immunotherapy, most specifically as it relates to cancer research and about the advances in stem cell research gone. In addition, her address focused on the challenges she had faced in her leadership journey, and how she overcomes them.

“The biggest obstacles we face are threefold. First, regardless of what our dream is and what we think we can achieve, the realities of politics, power plays, economy, and the gross aspects of the world. For me, meditation and having some foundation in my life is extremely important and actually helped me to do most of what I’ve done. I would say, the biggest lessons I’ve learned are to have a balance of life, which is an ongoing learning process, a balance of drive, humility, and vision. And keeping those three going is literally a full-time effort.” She lauded “the great work by AAPI members for promoting health globally, particularly in India and the United States. Let me know if there are opportunities to serve in and support AAPI in the future, as I’m certainly interested to help mentor the next generation!

Dr. Rachana Kulkarni, the president of Medicor Cardiology and serves as the regional director of cardiovascular services for RWJ Health System. The American Heart Association recently awarded her Physician of the Year and Woman of Distinction for making exceptional contributions to women, health, and society. Dr. Kulkarni, while referring to more and more physicians obtaining master’s degrees in public health, business, and healthcare administration, shared with the audience her own experiences as an entrepreneurial physician, the advantages of acquiring a secondary degree, while dedicating many years of one’s life learning the art and craft of medicine.

A versatile actress, producer, trained classical dancer, author a loving mother, and a big hearted socialite, With an illustrious career spanning many decades, and a winner of many awards including the national award, multiple film fare, Rituparna Sen Gupta was another speaker who shared her insights about a key principle or attitude she follows that has helped her balance and keep her grounded and about the roles that she had played in Movies has inspired her personal life. .

Dr. Himabindu Gadipatti, a renowned oncologist, geneticist, and entrepreneur from San Diego CA, has dedicated the past decade of her career to creating a unique holistic approach to implementing novel cancer solutions in developing countries via her three companies that facilitate extensive research worldwide. In her address, she spoke about cancer has typically been thought of as a disease of the Western world, and how cancer research in developing countries is progressing and helping actross the globe.

Dr. S. Pulluru, a family medicine physician and a Clinical Executive in Walmart Health, who plays an important role as a leader of Walmart Health that has multiple centers in various states.  Dr. Pulluru spoke insightfully about how in the present era of computerized medicine, the role of Artificial Intelligence in public health. She also shared with the audience about the challenges she faced while working with a large number of over 750 physicians.

Dr. Smita Joshi, Director of Smit Medical and Heart Hospital, North Gujrat, with a special interest in Diabetes and Juvenile Diabetes, was another panelist who spoke about how she got interested in Diabetes and shared her contributions to address the pandemic of Diabetes in India, where there are said to be over 77 million people with diabetes, 25 million prediabetic and almost one million with juvenile diabetes.

Earlier, in his introductory Remarks, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, AAPI’s Legislative Committee Chair, lauded the efforts of the Women’s Forum and highlighted the achievements of women in a highly competitive world. He pointed to the “role models” who are the speakers at the Forum today for their accomplishments and contributions to the larger humanity.

Dr. Manju Sachdev, a Board Certified Pediatrician, currently serves as a faculty member and clinical assistant professor at Texas A&M School of Medicine. Dr. Sachdev has been actively involved in her local television media along with being a long-established part of TV ASIA as their medical host for a number of national programs – most notably, AAPI AND YOUR HEALTH. She has served in the AAPI organization in numerous capacities – as a former Women’s Chair, member of AAPI Board of Trustees, and Treasurer.

Dr. Gita Mehta, a practicing OB/GYN physician at the Cleveland Clinic, who has been an essential part of AAPI for the past 30 years and has been a vital part of the Women’s Forum and was Chair of the committee in 2004 eloquently moderated the interactive session with the highly accomplished women leaders along with Dr. Manju Sachdev, co-chair of the Women’s Forum.

While congratulating the members of AAPI’s Women’s Forum and lauding them for some of the major initiatives of the Women’s Forum, Dr. Anajana Samadder, President of AAPI in a message said, “From birth to death, all of us need women in our lives. They sacrifice their lives for the rest of the family, society, and the world at large. AAPI’s Women Forum salutes the great contributions of the women panelists here today and all the women who are present here today and everywhere.” For more information about AAPI, please visit:

Chandrika Tandon To Release New Album

Indian American businesswoman and philanthropist Chandrika Tandon is all set to release her fifth album, titled Ammu’s Treasures, in September. According to a press statement, Chandrika’s new recording described as “a hug for the world,” was inspired by her grandchildren.

The 3-volume collection of 35 familiar songs and 20 soothing chants features a distinguished lineup of musicians including Béla Fleck, Kenny Werner, Eugene Friesen, Romero Lubambo, Rakesh Chaurasia, Purbayan Chatterjee, and the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. “This album, which began as a simple gift from a loving grandmother to her grandchildren, has become an expression of intergenerational love and wisdom for everyone,” a release said.

Tandon has released four albums, including the Grammy-nominated Soul Call (2009) and Shivoham – The Quest (2018), an oratorio that premiered in a sold-out concert at the Kennedy Center. Her performances have reached iconic venues including Lincoln Center, the Smithsonian, Olympiastadion (Berlin), NYC’s Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, and the World Culture Festival (New Delhi).

The Grammy-nominated musician is recognized for her donation of US$100 million to New York University (NYU), where the School of Engineering now bears her name. She chairs the board of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and is a trustee of the University, NYU Langone Health; and also a board member of the NYU Stern School of Business.

Tandon is a Harold Acton Fellow at NYU and a Sterling Fellow at Yale University, where she serves on the President’s Council on International Activities. She was one of the eminent personalities whom Indian Prime Minister Modi met at the United Nations during his visit to the US last month.

The New York-based businesswoman came to the United States at the age of 24, earning her bachelor’s degree from Madras Christian College, Chennai, and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad.

Kamala Harris Swears in Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues

Vice President Kamala Harris officiated at a July 10, 2023, swearing-in ceremony for Geeta Rao Gupta, PhD, the Biden Administration’s choice for Global Women’s Issues Ambassador.

The ceremony was held at the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C., where Gupta was accompanied by her husband, Arvind and daughter Nayna, sister-in-law Manjuli Maheshwari, and friend Carolina Rojas.

Following the brief oath-taking, Vice President Harris tweeted, “Congratulations to Geeta Rao Gupta, our next Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues at the State Department. A lifelong advocate, Ambassador Gupta will continue the fight to lift up women and girls everywhere and to secure their basic freedoms and rights.”

The Bombay-born Gupta was cleared by the US Senate on May 12, and soon after her swearing-in, she was off on a diplomatic mission to several countries.

A graduate of Delhi University with a PhD from Bangalore University, Gupta has been a well-known women’s issues leader, and is the fourth Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues at the State Department, and the first woman of color to hold that position.

Among those credited for pushing her candidature are Senators Charles Schumer, D-NY, Democratic Majority Leader; Jeanne Shaheen, Tim Kaine, and Robert Menendez.

Gupta was most recently at the United Nations Foundation as Executive Director of the 3D Program for Girls and Women .

Prior to that she was Deputy Executive Director at UN International Chiildren’s Education Fund for five years; was a Senior Fellow at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

She served her longest at the International Center for Research on Women, ICRW, where she rose to become President of the organization, starting as a Project Manager in 1989.

Padma Lakshmi Wins Three Emmy Nominations

The Television Academy announced the nominations for the 2023 awards, and Padma Lakshmi, popular TV host, model and activist secured three nominations. The Indian American was nominated in the Outstanding Host for a Reality or Competition Program category for ‘Top Chef’ making it her third consecutive Emmy nomination as a host.

Lakshmi recently announced her decision to step down from her role as the host of ‘Top Chef’ to focus on her new show  ‘Taste The Nation With Padma Lakshmi’, where she serves as both the host and executive producer. She also earned a nomination for the new show in the Outstanding Hosted Nonfiction Series.

“I am so excited and grateful for THREE @televisionacad nominations this morning, thank you from the bottom of my heart! It feels incredibly sweet to end my tenure at @bravotopchef with nominations for Outstanding Reality Competition and one for me as Host,” Lakshmi, who hosted the show for two decades, wrote in the caption of her Instagram post.

She added, “But it feels supremely special to get one for Taste the Nation in the category of Outstanding Hosted Nonfiction Series. It’s a show built from an idea in my head that has come to fruition exactly as intended with so much help and love from a whole team of amazing people. I am so grateful to both of our crews behind the scenes, our producers, our network executives, and for everyone who has watched and supported us along the way.”

In June 2023, ‘Top Chef’ and ‘Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi’ tied for first place at the fifth annual Critics’ Choice Real TV prizes.

Marketa Vondrousova Wins Wimbledon and Her First Grand Slam Title

The Czech Republic’s Marketa Vondrousova is no longer one of the most unlikely Wimbledon champions. Vondrousova stunned herself, her family, and the tennis world when she defeated Ons Jabeur, a pioneering Tunisian who was a heavy favorite, in straight sets, 6-4, 6-4.

Vondrousova, 24, turned into the principal unseeded player to win Wimbledon and the most recent in a long queue of Czech-conceived ladies to lift the main prize in the game, returning to Martina Navratilova’s mastery of Wimbledon during the 1980s, after Navratilova had deserted to the US.

Vondrousova is a left-handed player with a nasty slice serve, like Navratilova, who watched the match from a box. She used it in the tenseest moments throughout the afternoon when Jabeur attempted to take control of the match or mount yet another comeback.

The similitudes with Navratilova, a forceful serve-and-volleyer who burst into the game as a youngster, for the most part end there.

Vondrousova, who won a mistake filled match that compensated for what it needed quality with shock, is currently a definitive unnoticed player subsequent to going three-for-three at pulverizing tennis fantasies. In 2021, she defeated Naomi Osaka at the Olympics in Tokyo, just a few days after Osaka set the Olympic standard as a favorite to win a gold medal at home.

On Thursday, Vondrousova defeated Elina Svitolina, a Ukrainian new mother who fought hard to reach the semifinals and inspired her people as they fight against Russia’s invasion.

On Saturday evening it was Jabeur’s chance to have her fantasy squashed by Vondrousova’s precarious and unconventional game in a competition that Vondrousova said was difficult to win, given her sparse history of progress on grass.

“At the point when we came I was very much like, ‘Attempt to win two or three matches,'” Vondrousova said. ” Presently this occurred, it’s insane,” Vondrousova said.

She had a lot of organization asking exactly the same thing, taking into account she had a cast on her wrist following a medical procedure during Wimbledon last year. This time, Vondrousova’s husband decided to stay at home and care for their bald Sphynx cat instead of coming to watch her play on Saturday.

Stepan Simek, on the other hand, rushed to find a cat sitter after Vondrousova defeated Svitolina in the semifinals and boarded a flight to watch his wife play in the Wimbledon final. They intended to commemorate their first wedding anniversary on Sunday.

“There will be one day we will have grandchildren and I’m simply anticipating the day when I can recount the narrative of their grandma winning Wimbledon,” Simek said.

Vondrousova’s dearest companion and copies accomplice, Miriam Kolodziejova, said she didn’t really accept that Vondrousova could bring home the singles championship.

She stated, “It’s like a dream for us.”

For Jabeur, the misfortune in a moment straight Wimbledon last against a cultivated undeniably less rival than different ladies she thump en route to the slope of tennis history, was nothing not exactly disastrous. Jabeur has now lost three of the last five Huge homerun finals, missing the mark regarding turning into the main lady of Middle Easterner drop and from Africa to come out on top for the main titles in tennis.

She, like the majority of tennis players, has long desired to win Wimbledon, and the previous year, she set her phone’s lock screen to a picture of the women’s trophy.

In the first set, Jabeur broke a nervous Vondrousova’s serve multiple times. She played tight from the outset yet held a 4-2 lead in the main set when she started to unwind, sending forehands into the net and drifting strikes past the gauge.

Jabeur lost her serve to begin the second set and was down a set before she knew it. As far as concerns her, Vondrousova was doing all she expected to, keeping the ball in play, whipping her twisting, turning shots that were so not quite the same as the power which Jabeur had looked in her new matches.

Jabeur regained her composure and even took a 3-1 lead in the second set, but she was unable to recover, was unable to locate the court, and threw too many shots into the middle of the net. Five of her last six games were defeats.

Vondrousova at long last finished Jabeur’s horrendous evening with a running strike volley out of the shadows court, and one more lady from Czech Republic was the Wimbledon champion, staggering anybody who could have imagined that situation however only not with Vondrousova in the featuring job.

“My mentor let me know after the last, he was like, ‘I was unable to accept how quiet you are,'” Vondrousova said. ” That was the title’s primary key.

Jabeur, who is known as the “Minister of Happiness” due to her almost always upbeat demeanor, removed her bandana from her head as the ball twice bounced far out of her reach. She then began her slow, sad, and becoming more and more familiar plod toward the net.

Vondrousova arrived a little behind schedule. At the end of the final point, she had collapsed on the grass. She got up to give Jabeur a hug, but she was soon back in the middle of the court, kneeling, trying to figure out how she had done this unlikely run. Jabeur sat in her seat and cleaned away tears.

There were seriously during the prize service, as Jabeur held the second place platter in one hand and covered her eyes and her nose with the other.

She said, “This is the most painful loss of my career,” before attempting to channel some positive energy.

“I won’t surrender, and I will return more grounded,” she let a group know that was at long last ready to thunder for her the manner in which it had been needing to throughout the evening.

For Vondrousova and Czech tennis, the festivals were simply starting. The Czech Republic, with a populace of generally 10.5 million individuals, has turned into a ladies’ tennis production line dissimilar to anything that exists in the game. There are eight Czech ladies in the best 50, the majority of them, as Vondrousova, in their mid-twenties and more youthful.

At the point when the competition started, Petra Kvitova, positioned tenth on the planet, seemed like the most probable Czech finalist. A double cross Wimbledon champion in 2011 and 2014, Kvitova had won a grass court competition in Berlin only weeks prior.

There were really during the prize service, as Jabeur held the second place platter in one hand and covered her eyes and her nose with the other.

She said, “This is the most painful loss of my career,” before attempting to channel some positive energy.

“I won’t surrender, and I will return more grounded,” she let a group know that was at long last ready to thunder for her the manner in which it had been needing to throughout the evening.

For Vondrousova and Czech tennis, the festivals were simply starting. With roughly 10.5 million people, the Czech Republic has transformed into a women’s tennis manufacturing facility unlike any other in the sport. There are eight Czech women in the top 50, most of whom are in their mid-20s or younger, like Vondrousova.

Petra Kvitova, ranked 10th worldwide, appeared to be the most likely Czech finalist when the tournament began. A double cross Wimbledon champion in 2011 and 2014, Kvitova had won a grass court competition in Berlin only weeks prior.

Watching Muchova had enlivened Vondrousova, who had made the French Open last in 2019 when she was only 19-years of age. Muchova’s profession had likewise gotten derailed wounds yet there she was playing on one of the game’s greatest stages.

Like Muchova, Vondrousova didn’t be aware at first whether specialists would have the option to take care of her wrist issue. The injury sidelined her for a drawn out period, and Simek said it caused her to see the value in tennis more.

“You can’t play, play tennis as work, you need to appreciate it, you need to adore it,” Simek said. ” She truly appreciates it and she adores the game. She even enjoys watching the game, something that I don’t think many players do.

Vondrousova began a steady march through seven opponents at Wimbledon, including five seeded players and several known for their grass-court prowess, such as Jabeur. Muchova lost in the first round, but Vondrousova won the rest of the tournament. Jessica Pegula had a game point and a 4-1 lead in the final set in the quarterfinals, but Vondrousova came back and won the final five games.

Then, at that point, came her last two matches against rivals playing for purposes a lot bigger than themselves, a weight that can both stimulate and engage yet in addition debilitate and trouble a player.

Svitolina and Jabeur came to Centre Court tight and flat against Vondrousova, shadows of the players who had thrilled crowds and promised a comeback that would be talked about for years, if not decades. On the opposite side of the net was Vondrousova, a player most popular for the body workmanship on her arms, who had made a wagered with her mentor, Jan Mertl, a previous Czech player, that assuming she won a Huge homerun he would get a tattoo to honor the victory. Holding her victor’s platter, Vondrousova said they would head the tattoo parlor on Sunday.

SAHELI to Broaden its Mission

Twenty-six years ago, Saheli emerged as a new hope for domestic violence survivors. What once began as a small group of men and women, is now a state-recognized and funded non-profit organization that has given a new life to over 1,000 survivors.

“The need for Saheli’s services kept increasing with the growing South Asian population in Massachusetts. In 2017, the (Massachusetts) Department of Public Health recognized the uniqueness and importance of Saheli’s services by giving Saheli a contract,” Priya Murali, Director of Development at Saheli, told INDIA New England News in an email-interview. “Through this contract, Saheli was able to establish a stable presence by renting an office and adding paid staff. It was the initial impetus for many more foundation and government grants, further strengthening Saheli’s services.”

She added that the community’s outpouring of love and support further assisted Saheli in its expansion and growth.

“We are so grateful to all our supporters who continue to give generously for Saheli to provide vital services to the community,” said Murali.

Saheli received its name from the Hindi word “friend,” and since its founding in 1996 by its two board members—Usha Vakil and Gouri Banerjee, the organization has been nothing but a dedicated and passionate ally to South Asian and Arab women. Throughout the 26 years Saheli has been advocating for, serving, and protecting women, the organization has grown into a pillar of the community.

Through extensive support services, Saheli provides solace to those who are in a dark place. With their unwavering commitment to help and empower women, Saheli fosters a community of resilience and compassion.

Saheli has helped over 1,000 women by providing them with transitional housing, scholarships, legal advocacy, in-house mental health counseling, and much more, according to its website.

Today, 16 staff members passionately dedicate their time to the cause under the guidance and supervision of 17 board of directors and 22 advisory board members. However, the non-profits’ growth is not just intrinsic. Now, Saheli’s outreach has expanded to include Arab women, broadening their multilingual advocacy to include Arabic and opening their arms to more women.

Saheli believes there is still more room to grow and is doing so by extending their services for South Asian and Arabs in the LGBTQ+ community. Taking progressive steps to move towards equality and inclusion, Saheli’s forward-thinking commitment does not end there.

“Saheli would also like to bring back the Men’s Initiative, where men are allies in the empowerment of women and children,” Murali continues to say. Putting a stop to domestic violence in the South Asian community is not just a women’s issue and change will only begin when men actively engage.

Saheli has worked with countless organizations including the India Association of Greater Boston (IAGB) which gave rise to Saheli in 1996. As a non-profit organization, Saheli is active in the community and is heavily connected with local government and law enforcement. Legal advocacy is an integral service Saheli provides for survivors. Fiercely defending them is a lawyer who works closely with the organization. Saheli holds training sessions for law enforcement, legal aid, and law students, making it certain that future survivors have the finest resources available to them.

“The community can help by educating their network about domestic violence,” says Murali, calling for support and effort from the community. “We are looking for partners and collaborators in this work, and the community can aid us in making connections and expanding our network.”

How is Saheli adapting with emerging social change and progressive conversations?

“Saheli has always been at the forefront of advocating for positive social change,” says Murali. “Saheli supports legislative actions that will benefit immigrants and more specifically, immigrant survivors of domestic & sexual violence. Saheli is advocating for two such bills: the tuition equity bill and the act related to coercive control.”

How can you help Saheli?

You can volunteer, attend Saheli events, do outreach for the organization, host events to help increase awareness about domestic and sexual violence. You can reach out to Saheli at [email protected] for more information.

4 Indian American Women In 2023 Forbes List

Four Indian Americans featured in Forbes’ annual list of America’s 100 most successful businesswomen. Jayshree Ullal, Neerja Sethi, Neha Narkhede, and Indra Nooyi were named to the list of entrepreneurs, executives, and entertainers with a cumulative wealth of $124 billion.

Jayshree Ullal (62)

CEO and President of computer networking firm Arista Networks, Ullal has been ranked 15th on the list. The ranking is highest among Indian-origin business leaders. Arista Networks, a publicly-traded company, recorded revenue of nearly $4.4 billion in 2022. According to Forbes, Ullal owns about 2.4% of Arista’s stock. She is also on the board of directors of Snowflake, a cloud computing company that went public in September 2020. An electrical engineering graduate from San Francisco State University, she also holds an engineering management degree.

Neerja Sethi (68)

Neerja Sethi has been ranked 25th on the list with a net worth of USD 990 million. Sethi and her husband Bharat Desai, co-founded the the IT consulting and outsourcing firm Syntel in 1980. The duo started the business with an initial investment of just $2,000. French IT firm Atos SE bought Syntel in 2018 for $3.4 billion, and Sethi got an estimated $510 million for her stake. An MBA graduate from Delhi University completed her Master of Science from Oakland University.

Neha Narkhede (38)

Narkhede, co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer of cloud company Confluent is ranked 50th on the list. Her net worth is USD 520 million. Narkhede is a software engineer-turned-entrepreneur. She helped develop the open-source messaging system Apache Kafka to help LinkedIn’s massive influx of data. In 2014, she along with two LinkedIn colleagues found Confluent, which helps organisations process large amounts of data on Apache Kafka. In March 2023, Narkhede announced her new company, a fraud detection firm Oscilar. As per Forbes, the USD 586 million (2022 revenues) company went public in June 2021 at a USD 9.1 billion valuation; she owns around 6 percent.

Indira Nooyi (67)

Indira Nooyi is PepsiCo’s former chairperson and CEO. She has been ranked 77th on the Forbes 2023 list. She retired in 2019 after being associated with the beverage company for almost 24 years. Nooyi has a net worth of USD 350 million. Her wealth stalks from stock she was granted while working at PepsiCo. Nooyi was one of corporate America’s few female CEOs in 2006.

Nidhi Shukla Named President Of Girl Rising

Shukla will lead Girl Rising’s programmatic expansion to advance girls’ rights to a quality education and dismantle gender barrier

New York based, international non-profit organization Girl Rising, appointed Nidhi Shukla as president of the organization on June 13, 2023 with immediate effect.

Formerly the head of global programming based in India, Shukla will join CEO Christina Lowery in New York to drive the organization’s mission of using the power of storytelling to change the way the world values girls and their education, according to a press note.

As president, Shukla will lead Girl Rising’s programmatic expansion to advance girls’ rights for a quality education and dismantle gender barriers. She will work closely with a network of partners, supporters, and grassroots activists to integrate new areas of focus into the organization’s educational programming.

Primarily, Shukla will provide strategic guidance on integrating climate justice and climate change action into all aspects of Girl Rising’s programs. She has been a part of Girl Rising since 2015. Most recently, she served as the vice president of Global Health Strategies.

On her elevation to the top post, Shukla said, “I have seen firsthand how Girl Rising’s focus on storytelling to build understanding, forge connections, and create empathy is uniquely effective in breaking down gender barriers. I am thrilled to be taking this position, as Girl Rising moves into its second decade of impact.”

A former human rights lawyer, Shukla carries two decades of experience in the social justice sector and commitment to channel storytelling-based advocacy to impact marginalized populations. Previously, she worked with Lawyers Collective, Heroes Project – Richard Gere Foundation, and Johns Hopkins University – Centre for Communications Program.

India To Host Miss World 2023

India is all set to host the Miss World 2023 pageant. Contestants from over 130 countries will gather in India and participate in a series of competitions to win the title.

India is set to host the Miss World 2023 competition, as the coveted international beauty pageant makes its return to the country after a gap of nearly three decades.

The much anticipated 71st edition of Miss World is expected to take place in November this year, the final dates of which are yet to be ascertained.

India had last hosted the international pageant in 1996.

The announcement has come as a surprise as it comes months after confirmation of United Arab Emirates (UAE) as this year’s venue for the much-awaited event.

”I am delighted to announce India as the new home of the 71st Miss World Final… We cannot wait to share your unique and diverse culture, world class attractions and breathtaking locations with the rest of the world.

”The 71st Miss World 2023 will showcase the Achievements of 130 National champions in their one-month journey across ‘Incredible India’ as we present the 71st and most spectacular Miss World final ever,” said Julia Morley, chairperson and CEO of Miss World organization at a press conference on Thursday.

The month-long event, which would witness contestants from over 130 countries, will feature a series of rigorous competitions, including talent showcases, sports challenges, and charitable initiatives — all aimed at highlighting the qualities that make them ambassadors of change.

The reigning Miss World, Karolina Bielawska of Poland, who is currently in India spreading the word about the beauty competition, said she is excited to hand over her crown in this ”beautiful country” which stands for the same values as Miss World.

”India has the greatest hospitality in the entire world. It is my second time here .. and you make me feel like home. You stand for the same values.. diversity, unity… Your core values are family, respect, love, kindness and this is something that we would love to show to the world. There is so much more to see here, and bringing the whole world here for a month and showing everything that India has to offer is the best idea,” said the Miss World 2022.

Equally excited and looking forward to India hosting the event was the current Miss India World Sini Shetty, who’ll represent the country in the high-octane competition.

”I am so excited to meet all my sisters across the globe to welcome them to India to show them what India truly stands for, what India is, what is the diversity in India… I am really excited and looking forward to this journey. I hope you guys have the best time here in India,” she said. India has won the prestigious title six times — Reita Faria (1966), Aishwarya Rai (1994), Diana Hayden (1997), Yukta Mookhey (1999), Priyanka Chopra (2000), and Manushi Chillar (2017).

Sania Mirza Is Sony Sports’ New Ambassador

Mirza will feature in the live coverage of Roland Garros 2023 on Sony Sports Ten channels starting from May 28, 2023.
Sports broadcaster Sony Sports Network has appointed Indian Tennis legend Sania Mirza as the Tennis Ambassador of its network. In the new role, Mirza will be seen as an expert panellist on the the network’s Home of Tennis, during which she will present Roland Garros, Clay that Slays, and the three Grand Slams (the Australian Open, Roland-Garros, US Open), to Indian audiences.
“Following an illustrious career, where the fans saw her serving up aces on tennis courts, Sania Mirza will now also serve up expert insights off the court on Sony Sports Network’s Extraaa Serve,” the news release said. The Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Awardee will feature in the live coverage of Roland Garros 2023 on Sony Sports Ten channels starting from May 28, 2023.
Commenting on the association, the 36-year-old said, “I am very excited to be a part of the Tennis Broadcast with Sony Sports Network post my recent retirement. With a strong portfolio of three of the four Grand Slams, Sony Sports Network is the home of tennis in India. It feels great to be part of the network’s commitment to bringing the best tennis content to viewers in India.”
Rajesh Kaul, chief revenue officer of Sony Pictures Networks India, believes that the association will enhance the viewing experience of tennis fans in India. “We truly believe that Sania Mirza’s expertise and passion for tennis will be a great addition to our team, and we are thrilled to have her as the Tennis Ambassador for Sony Sports Network,” Kaul added.
Sania Mirza, an iconic figure in Indian tennis, boasts an illustrious career with six Grand Slam titles, including three women’s doubles and three mixed doubles titles. With victories at the Australian Open, US Open, Roland Garros, and Wimbledon, she stands as one of the most successful tennis players in Indian history. As the recipient of prestigious accolades such as the Arjuna Award, Padma Shri, Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, and Padma Bhushan, Mirza brings a wealth of experience and recognition to her role as the Tennis Ambassador for Sony Sports Network.
Sony Sports Network solidifies its position as the Home of Tennis in India, offering coverage of three out of the four Grand Slam tournaments – the Australian Open, Roland-Garros, and the US Open. In addition to the Grand Slams, the network also broadcasts the Davis Cup, ensuring comprehensive coverage of major tennis events. By partnering with Sania Mirza, Sony Sports Network aims to deliver unparalleled tennis content and engage a wider audience of tennis enthusiasts.
Sania Mirza’s appointment as the Tennis Ambassador for Sony Sports Network highlights the network’s commitment to providing exceptional tennis coverage in India. Through its Home of Tennis campaign and exclusive partnerships with Grand Slam tournaments, Sony Sports Network offers an immersive viewing experience.

Geeta Rao Gupta Confirmed As Ambassador At Large For Global Women’s Issues

Geeta Rao Gupta, PhD was confirmed by the US Senate on May 10, 2023, in a largely partisan vote of 51-47m, nearly one and a half years since she was nominated by President Joe Biden. She will now assume her role as Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues at the U.S. State Department.

Rao Gupta was nominated on Nov. 12, 2021, to head the State Department’s Office of Global Women’s Issues which was set up in 2009, to ensure US foreign policy integrated women’s development issues.

The Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues works closely with the White House, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Defense and other agencies, civil society organizations, and the private sector to advance gender equity in the U.S. and globally.

United States Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-New Hampshire, who has been a strong supporter of Rao Gupta’s nomination, noted how the confirmation of the Indian American nominee had stalled.

“The Ambassador at Large for Global Women’s Issues will lead our efforts to support women and girls in some of the most precarious situations in the world. Once confirmed, Dr. Gupta will work to support Afghan women who courageously risk their lives to fight for their hard-won rights, ensure justice for Ukrainian women assaulted by invading Russian forces and defend Sudanese women who face gender-based violence as the situation in their country deteriorates.

And those are only a handful of examples of the immense responsibilities that this position is tasked with,” Shaheen said on the Senate floor, May 4, a week before the actual confirmation on. “Despite a great deal of partisan obstruction, this nomination is finally moving forward. I appreciate the support from the few Republican lawmakers who put our national security over party politics to help advance this urgently needed nomination. Dr. Gupta is immensely qualified, and I am sure she will serve admirably.”

Women for Women International, in a statement May 15, said it welcomed Rao Gupta’s confirmation by the US Senate.  “The Ambassador-at-Large is the highest-ranking official dedicated to advancing gender equity in the U.S. and globally,” it noted. “At a time when global conflicts and crises are on the rise and human rights -and especially women’s and girls’ rights – are being rolled back within the U.S. and across the globe, this role is more necessary than ever and we welcome Dr. Gupta’s leadership and expertise as she takes it on.”

A Senior Fellow at the United Nations Foundation and President of the International Center for Research on Women, ICRW, for 20 years, Rao Gupta has spent her career on development of women’s agendas for various multilateral agencies, philanthropies, and other organizations and communities.

Rao Gupta ran the Women Studies Program at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, and also served as Senior Fellow for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, later becoming the Deputy Executive Director at UNICEF, and Executive Director of the UN Foundation’s 3D Program for Girls and Women.

Born in Bombay, Rao Gupta is a graduate of Bangalore University’s doctoral psychology program, and has a master’s degree in philosophy and a master of arts from Delhi University.

Deepika Padukone is Bridging the Gap Between Bollywood and Global Audiences

Deepika Padukone, Indian actress and the highest-paid actress in India, has spoken about her desire to make a global impact while still being rooted in her country. She is well-known as the Queen of Bollywood, having appeared in over 30 films and generated almost $350 million in global box-office revenues. Despite the cut-throat nature of Bollywood, known for valuing youth and looking for the next new thing, Padukone’s 16-year career has been an exception, which she believes is due to India’s growing influence in the world.

The rise of smartphones, streaming services and social media has helped to find new audiences for India’s century-old film industry, which tells around 1500 stories a year on the screen. Meanwhile, Netflix and Amazon are keen to create content for a vast South Asian viewership of nearly 2 billion people around the world. However, they are also interested in content beyond Bollywood especially when Telugu-language films like Bahubali and RRR have become commercially successful.

As India’s influence extends globally, Padukone hopes to continue making an impact while staying true to her roots. “My mission has always been to make a global impact while still being rooted in my country,” she said during a break from shooting India’s first aerial-action film, Fighter. However, tensions simmer under the surface as the right-leaning Indian government monitors the stories India tells about itself on celluloid.

Deepika Padukone, is a quiet trailblazer who makes her own rules, all the while representing the feminine ideal that Bollywood adores. She has emerged from the hopes and dreams of modern Indian women, someone with the utmost freedom to choose how she lives, works, and rests.

Growing up in Bangalore during India’s economic liberalization, Padukone is a “typical Bangalore girl,” someone with the world at their fingertips, says her agent, Vijay Subramaniam. Now a globally recognized name, Padukone regularly wows audiences on the red carpet and is the first Indian brand ambassador for luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Cartier.

At a recent photoshoot, Padukone arrived early with her entourage, including four bodyguards, two agents, two personal photographers, a stylist, makeup and hair artists, and a few more assistants. She poses effortlessly for the camera while her personally curated playlist blasts in the background.

After the shoot, we joined Padukone at the Taj Lands End hotel, where she wanted to gaze at the Arabian Sea while we chatted. While her life is currently a lot, she feels fulfilled and is trying to figure out what’s next. “I didn’t have a game plan for how to get here, but I didn’t see failure on my vision board,” she says.

However, despite being a global icon, Padukone remains grounded and committed to her Indian heritage. “This is India’s moment,” she says. “So how can I marry the best of the East and the West?” In her quest to stay true to her roots, Padukone became the voice of “Naatu Naatu,” the Oscar-winning Best Original Song from the movie RRR.

Through her success, Padukone represents the ideals of modern Indian women, someone confident and free, who can choose their own path in life. As she contemplates her next move, one thing is sure: Padukone will continue to inspire and uplift those around her. “I am going to focus on projects that resonate with me. It’s more about putting out good creative content than about anything else.”

Deepika Padukone: From Outsider to Bollywood Superstar

Deepika Padukone’s rise to fame in Bollywood has been anything but smooth. An outsider to the industry, Padukone has managed to defy the odds and establish herself as one of the most sought-after actresses in Hindi cinema. Her journey began with her debut film, Om Shanti Om, a tribute to the golden age of Bollywood. Paired with superstar Shah Rukh Khan, Padukone managed to hold her own and make a mark in the industry.

However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Padukone after her debut. While critics and audiences alike showered her with praise for her performance in Om Shanti Om, her subsequent films failed to match the success of her debut. Critics began to view her acting as mediocre at best, and her choices were scrutinized.

Despite the criticism, Padukone remained undeterred. She acknowledged her mistakes and recognized that she was still figuring out her way in the industry. Speaking about her early years in Bollywood, Padukone said, “in those years is this girl who was touted as the next big thing, but actually, she was only just figuring her way out.”

Padukone’s resilience paid off, as she continued to work hard and take on challenging roles. Her performances in films like Cocktail, Chennai Express, and Bajirao Mastani garnered critical acclaim, cementing her status as a leading lady in Bollywood. She even ventured into Hollywood with her role in xXx: Return of Xander Cage.

Her journey to stardom has not been without its challenges, however. As an outsider to the industry, Padukone faced constant scrutiny over her acting, appearance, and personal life. In particular, the pervasive issue of nepotism in Bollywood has sparked heated debate in recent years, with many insiders acknowledging the inherent advantage that celebrity children have in the industry.

Despite the challenges, Padukone remains firm in her commitment to her craft. She has proved time and again that talent and hard work can overcome even the toughest obstacles. As her co-star and collaborator Shah Rukh Khan put it, working with Padukone is like “working with family.”

Deepika Padukone,has been making strides both in India and internationally through her acting career and social activism. While she has faced backlash for her political views and controversial film roles, she remains steadfast in her mission to push boundaries and elevate Indian cinema on a global stage.

Padukone’s evolution as an actress has been praised by Hindi film critic Anupama Chopra, who notes that her breakthrough roles in films like “Cocktail,” “Chennai Express,” and “Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram Leela” led to her unforgettable performance in “Piku,” where she showcased her comedic skills and broke away from typical Bollywood stereotypes.

In 2017, Padukone made her Hollywood debut in “xXx: Return of Xander Cage” alongside Vin Diesel, a step that allowed her to push different boundaries and explore new opportunities. Reflecting on her experience, she admits that acting in English for the first time was strange but ultimately rewarding.

Despite her success, Padukone has also faced fierce opposition from conservative Hindu nationalists who have taken issue with her film roles and political views. For instance, her starring role in the 2018 film “Padmaavat,” which depicted the relationship between a Hindu queen and Muslim Sultan, led to rumors of a love scene between the two characters and sparked violent protests from Hindu vigilantes. The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party even offered a bounty of $1.5 million for her beheading, and local police detained the official responsible.

In 2020, Padukone made headlines when she stood silently at a student protest against an anti-Muslim citizenship law at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University. While Bollywood stars traditionally do not speak up or protest, her actions were a rare example of a public figure calling out the Indian government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Padukone has chosen to remain silent about these controversies and continues to take on controversial film roles, including the part of a Pakistani spy in her upcoming film “Pathaan.” Despite facing constant political backlash, she takes a minimalist approach to the controversy, saying, “I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel something about it. But the truth is, I don’t feel anything about it.”

While Bollywood has faced criticism for its storytelling and content, Padukone believes that India needs to focus on making better Hindi cinema that connects with the rest of the country. She has served on the eight-member jury of the 75th Cannes Film Festival and has been vocal about the need to showcase more Indian films on a global stage. She notes that Hindi cinema has evolved, but there is still much work to be done, and more diverse content needs to be recognized.

Padukone believes that India’s movie industry is not limited to Hindi films and wants to see more recognition for Indian films on a global level. She hopes that the recognition of more diverse content will inspire India’s film industry to elevate its storytelling and push the boundaries of what is expected from Hindi cinema.

“I don’t think we should be happy with one Oscar for a song and one Oscar for a documentary,” Padukone says. “I hope we can look at this as the beginning of an opportunity.”

Padukone has been open about her struggles with depression and founded the Live Love Laugh foundation to raise awareness and support for mental health resources. Her actions have sparked conversation about mental health across India, where an estimated 56 million people suffer from depression. Padukone is grateful for the support she has received from fans and is committed to staying grounded and true to herself. Her husband, Ranveer Singh, is a fellow actor who supports her dreams and ambitions.

In 2015, Padukone shocked the public when she publicly shared her experience with depression, although she was at the height of her career. By speaking out, she knew she was taking a risk with her job security and reputation. “But when I spoke about it, it just felt extremely liberating,” she says. It led her to create the Live Love Laugh Foundation which is operated by her sister, and it is aimed to create awareness about mental health in India.

Her actions have had an enormous impact on her fans in India, where mental health services are in short supply. “A lot of other celebrities have spoken about [mental health] since then, but more importantly, a lot of non-celebrities have also spoken about it,” says Anisha, Padukone’s sister. “This is an illness that doesn’t discriminate.” Her honesty and authenticity have made Padukone one of the most popular stars in India.

Besides acting, Padukone has launched her own cosmetic brand, 82°E, out of the desire to talk about self-care more broadly. She is thrilled to be able to give back to her fans and support them as they go through their mental health struggles. “The beautiful part is that millions of them will probably never meet me, but they’re still on the journey of life with me,” she says. “They understand my body language, my expressions, my silences.”

Despite her success, Padukone is committed to staying true to herself. She believes that honesty and authenticity are vital to maintaining a healthy mind and staying grounded. “I will also give myself a little bit of credit that, for whatever reason, I’ve been able to keep myself grounded,” she says. She credits her husband, fellow actor Ranveer Singh, for helping her stay true to herself.

Singh is known for his quirky personality and sense of humour. He often plays pranks on his co-stars and has been known to pose nude for photoshoots. He also supports his wife in everything she does. The couple just returned from a holiday in Bhutan, where they spent their time sightseeing, walking and enjoying local cuisine. Padukone is grateful for their time together, saying, “With him, I am my most vulnerable self.”

Indian actress and style icon Deepika Padukone has become a major force in the fashion industry, endorsing brands from Levi’s to Louis Vuitton and generating millions of dollars in media impact value through her social media presence. Her 2018 wedding, where she married fellow actor Ranveer Singh in a lavish ceremony, has also had a major impact on the Indian wedding market, inspiring other couples and cementing her status as a fashion icon. The couple’s nuptials remain one of the most popular posts on Instagram, with wedding aesthetics in India estimated to be worth around $50 billion.

Padukone’s star power has made her a valuable asset for fashion brands looking to break into the growing Indian market, and she has helped brands like Louis Vuitton and Dior to connect with Indian consumers. Dior recently held its first official show in the country, near the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai, signalling the brand’s recognition of the potential of the Indian market. In addition to luxury brands, India is also becoming a major market for apparel and footwear, with the industry predicted to be worth over $83 billion by 2025.

Padukone acknowledges the rich heritage of India, but also recognises the emergence of a new and young India. Her stardom places her at the fulcrum of these two Indias, and she is excited by the intersection of tradition and modernity that characterises India today. Her appeal to Indian consumers is indicative of an emerging trend in the fashion industry, with brands increasingly turning to local influencers to connect with local audiences.

As Padukone explains, “There’s the India with our roots, our heritage, our history, but there’s also a new and young India that’s emerging. It’s these two Indias coming together that I find really fascinating at this moment.” Her influence and popularity point to a bright future for the Indian fashion industry, as brands seek to tap into this growing market and connect with Indian consumers. (TIME)

29-Year-Old Woman From Bengal Designs Dress For Queen Camilla, Brooch For King Charles III

Priyanka Mallick, the 29-year-old fashion designer, hopes that the king and the queen will wear the brooch and the dress respectively during the coronation to be held at Westminster Abbey in London.

A woman fashion designer from a village in West Bengal’s Hooghly district has designed a dress for British Queen Camilla and a brooch for King Charles III and received a letter from the Royal family thanking her and inviting her to attend the coronation ceremony on Saturday.

When 29-year-old fashion designer Priyanka Mallick from West Bengal got to know about the coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla, she thought of designing a brooch and dress for them respectively. She wrote to the representative of the Royal family about her idea and sent her designs to them hoping for the best.

Mallick was delighted to get a letter of appreciation in response as the royals liked her designs. Buckingham Palace also extended her an invitation to attend the coronation in person on May 6 at London’s Westminster Abbey. The Indian designer is hoping that the King and Queen will be wearing her design on coronation day.

“It was an incredible feeling when I came to know that the queen and the king appreciated my designs of the dress and brooch. When I received the letter of appreciation, I was thrilled. One email or letter from Buckingham Palace means a lot more to me,” Mallick told PTI.

Malik said, “It was a very proud moment when I found out that the Queen and the King had appreciated my dress and brooch designs. When I received the letter and email from Buckingham Palace, I am very happy because it really means a lot to me.”

Malick is a resident of Badinan village, some 12 km away from Singur railway station in Hooghly district. Though she has received the invitation to attend the coronation ceremony, she was not there as her health would not permit her to do so. “My doctors have advised me not to step out of home as I am not well,” she said.

She, however, would attend the function that is organised on the occasion by the British Deputy High Commission in Kolkata on Saturday evening.

On the flip side, Mallick said, nobody from the village congratulated her on her achievement as, probably, they are not aware of what it is.

Mallick, after completing her class XII from Singur Golapmohini Girls HS School, graduated in fashion design from Milan University in Italy through the online mode.She also completed her master’s from there. She was an excellent student and has been the winner of the International Fashion Designer Marathon and Fashion Stylist of the Year titles in Milan. She also won the Real Super Women Award in 2022 while in India.

“I won the International Fashion Designer Marathon in Milan, Italy in 2019, Fashion Stylist of the Year in Milan, Italy in 2020, and the Real Super Women Award in India in 2022,” she claimed. Mallik said her designs on the coronation special will be launched on the British government website also.

Neera Tanden Appointed As US Domestic Policy Adviser

US President Joe Biden has picked Indian-American Neera Tanden to serve as Assistant to the President and Domestic Policy Advisor, following former Ambassador Susan Rice’s exit from that role.

Tanden, who currently serves as Senior Advisor to President Biden and Staff Secretary, will be the first Asian-American to lead any of the three major White House policy councils in history.

“I am pleased to announce that Neera Tanden will continue to drive the formulation and implementation of my domestic policy, from economic mobility and racial equity to health care, immigration and education,” Biden said.

Tanden was initially nominated by Biden to head the Office of Management and Budget but her nomination was withdrawn earlier this year. She served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations, as well as presidential campaigns and think tanks.

Most recently, Tanden was the President and CEO of the Center for American Progress and the Center for American Progress Action Fund. “As Senior Advisor and Staff Secretary, Neera oversaw decision-making processes across my domestic, economic and national security teams. She has 25 years of experience in public policy, has served three Presidents, and led one of the largest think tanks in the country for nearly a decade,” Biden said in a statement released by the White House.

Tanden previously served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House. Prior to that, she was the director of domestic policy for the Obama-Biden presidential campaign, and served as policy director for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

She was a key architect of the Affordable Care Act and helped drive key domestic policies that became part of Biden’s agenda, including clean energy subsidies and sensible gun reform. “While growing up, Neera relied on some of the critical programs that she will oversee as Domestic Policy Advisor, and I know those insights will serve my Administration and the American people well. I look forward to continuing to work closely with Neera in her new role,” Biden said.

She served as senior advisor to the Chancellor of the New York City Schools and also served as Associate Director for Domestic Policy in the Clinton White House and Senior Policy Advisor to the First Lady. Tanden was named one of the “Most Influential Women in Washington” by National Journal and received the India Abroad Publisher’s Award for Excellence in 2011. She was recognized as one of Fortune magazine’s “Most Powerful Women in Politics”, and received her bachelor of science from UCLA and her law degree from Yale Law School.

US Supreme Court Allows Abortion Drug For Now

The US Supreme Court has decided to maintain women’s access to a drug commonly used in abortions, rejecting lower-court restrictions while a lawsuit continues. The drug in question is mifepristone, which is used in combination with misoprostol in more than half of all abortions in the US. The drug has been approved for use in the country since 2000, with more than five million people having used it. The justices granted emergency requests from the Biden administration and Danco Laboratories, which makes mifepristone. They are appealing a lower court ruling that would roll back Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the drug. Two of the nine justices voted to allow restrictions to take effect, with Justice Samuel Alito issuing a four-page dissent. The next stop for the case is at the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, which has set arguments for May 17.

The challenge to mifepristone is the first abortion controversy to reach the Supreme Court since its conservative majority overturned Roe v. Wade 10 months ago and allowed more than a dozen states to effectively ban abortion outright. Even with their court victory, abortion opponents returned to federal court with a new target: medication abortions, which make up more than half of all abortions in the US. Women seeking to end their pregnancies in the first 10 weeks without more invasive surgical abortion can take mifepristone along with misoprostol.

The FDA has eased the terms of mifepristone’s use over the years, including allowing it to be sent through the mail in states that allow access. The abortion opponents filed suit in Texas in November, asserting that the FDA’s original approval of mifepristone 23 years ago and subsequent changes were flawed. They won a ruling on April 7 by US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, revoking FDA approval of mifepristone. The judge gave the Biden administration and Danco Laboratories a week to appeal and seek to keep his ruling on hold. Responding to a quick appeal, two more Trump appointees on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the FDA’s original approval would stand for now.

Their ruling would have effectively nullified changes made by the FDA starting in 2016, including extending from seven to 10 weeks of pregnancy when mifepristone can be safely used. The court also would have halted sending the drug in the mail or dispensing it as a generic, and patients who seek it would have had to make three in-person visits with a doctor. Women also might have been required to take a higher dosage of the drug than the FDA says is necessary. The administration and Danco have said that chaos would ensue if those restrictions were to take effect while the case proceeds. Potentially adding to the confusion, a federal judge in Washington has ordered the FDA to preserve access to mifepristone under the current rules in 17 Democratic-led states and the District of Columbia that filed a separate lawsuit.

President Joe Biden praised the high court for keeping mifepristone available while the court fight continues. “The stakes could not be higher for women across America. I will continue to fight politically-driven attacks on women’s health. But let’s be clear — the American people must continue to use their vote as their voice, and elect a Congress who will pass a law restoring the protections of Roe v. Wade,” he said in a statement.

The justices weighed arguments that allowing restrictions contained in lower-court rulings to take effect would severely disrupt the availability of mifepristone. Alito questioned the argument that chaos would result, saying the administration “has not dispelled doubts that it would even obey an unfavorable order in

Vidya Balan Named Brand Ambassador For Seattle-Based Shobitam

Shobitam, a Seattle-based ethic clothing brand, co-founded by Indian-American sisters Aparna and Ambika, has appointed renowned actress Vidya Balan as their brand ambassador. Vidya Balan is globally recognised to be a passionate supporter of Handloom.

Credited for reviving the saree on the red carpet and making it fashionable for a new generation, Balan has significantly aided social programmes that support the economic independence and quality of life of traditional handloom weavers, the brand said in a statement.

Sharing thoughts on this partnership, the actress said “Shobitam is a leading ethnic fashion brand and I love the beautiful sarees and ethnic wear that they offer to customers. As a brand ambassador, I am pleased to support the vision of Shobitam to work closely with our talented weavers to deliver unique creations with Silk Mark Certified quality to customers globally. Together, we look forward to creating products which truly stand out in quality, variety, value, and service.”

Aparna Thyagarajan, Co-founder at Shobitam said, “We are excited to have Vidya come on board as our brand ambassador, as we look forward to growing our brand connect with our customers globally. Vidya is an influential global icon who perfectly embodies the saree drapes and resonates well with the brand ethos of Shobitam, with her real and approachable persona.”

The strategic relationship will help Shobitam pave the road for client acquisition from the Indian diaspora both in India and around the world, promote quick expansion, and support its status as a world-class ethnic wear brand, the news release noted.

Nandini Gupta Crowned Femina Miss India 2023

Nandini Gupta, 19 from the state of Rajasthan has been crowned Femina Miss India World 2023. Nineteen-year-old Nandini hails from Kota, one of biggest coaching hubs in the country for engineering and medical aspirants. The beauty with brains holds a degree in Business Management, Nandini is dedicated to taking up challenges and succeeding. Nandini dreamt of competing in the Miss India pageant since she was 10 years old.

The 59th edition of India’s most prestigious pageant pulled off another season’s grand finale in a historic ceremony at the Indoor Stadium, Khuman Lampak, Imphal, Manipur — the beautiful city which played the perfect host to the mesmerizing event.  Along with her, Delhi’s Shreya Poonja became the first runner-up, while Manipur’s Thounaojam Strela Luwang was crowned the 2nd runner-up.

The star-studded extravaganza celebrated the ethos of beauty in diversity and featured memorable performances by India’s heartthrobs, the ever-so-dashing Kartik Aaryan, and the very pretty Ananya Panday. Another performance that became the highlight of the evening was one put together by the former winners, Sini Shetty, Rubal Shekhawat, Shinata Chauhan, Manasa Varanasi, Manika Sheokand, Manya Singh, Suman Rao and Shivani Jadhav, who took the stage in exquisite and finely crafted lehengas from Mohey. The emcees for the evening were none other than the very witty Maniesh Paul and the very vivacious Bhumi Pednaker, who kept the engaged with impromptu antics.

The grand event featured the best in fashion in the form of multiple rounds dedicated to fashion, featuring the beautiful and intelligent winners from 30 states, showcasing stunning collections by fashion greats, Namrata Joshipura for Trends, Rocky Star and Robert Naorem, with whose help the beauties showcased impressive traditional costumes.

The state winners were judged by a panel of judges consisting of Femina Miss India Universe 2002 and Mentor Neha Dhupia, Indian boxing icon Laishram Sarita Devi, ace choreographer Terence Lewis, filmmaker and writer Harshavardhan Kulkarni and ace designers Rocky Star and Namrata Joshipura. The state winners had insightful interactions with the jury panel and answered all their questions with great determination.

Pageant aspirants from various parts of the country battled for the national title to win a platform to put their aspirations across. A nationwide hunt was organized to select representatives from 29 states (including Delhi) and a collective representative for all Union Territories (including J&K), adding up to 30 participants.

5 Indian Americans Among 100 Most Influential Women In US Finance

Five Indian Americans are in Barron’s fourth annual list of the 100 Most Influential Women in US Finance for achieving positions of prominence in the financial-services industry and are helping to shape its future.

The list includes Anu Aiyengar of JP Morgan, Rupal J. Bhansali of Ariel Investments, Meena Lakdawala-Flynn of Goldman Sachs Group, Sonal Desai from Franklin Templeton and Savita Subramanian of BofA Securities.

Aiyengar is the global head of Mergers and Acquisitions at JP Morgan — a role she assumed in January after serving as co-head of the division since 2020. She offers clients equal measures of expertise and steadiness when navigating challenging markets.

According to Barron’s, she “has long credited her love of number crunching, legal contracts, and building client relationships for bringing her to the mergers-and-acquisitions sphere”.

Bhansali, 55, chief investment officer and portfolio manager of Ariel Investments’ global equity strategies, sees the current state of the market as a time when investors should reposition their portfolios, because what worked in the past is “unlikely to work in the next decade”.

She believes that managing money is what she was born to do, and is passionate about encouraging women to work in finance.

Desai, 58, became the first woman chief investment officer in Franklin Templeton’s history in 2018. She oversees $137 billion in assets. She joined the firm in 2009 after working for the International Monetary Fund, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, and Thames River Capital.

Lakdawala-Flynn, Co-Head, Global Private Wealth Management, Goldman Sachs Group, wears several hats, including co-chairing the global inclusion and diversity committee. She did an internship at Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group, working on the institutional equity sales desk.

According to Barron’s, her career in finance began soon after a sports injury. A zealous gymnast who at one point wanted to compete in the Olympics, Lakdawala-Flynn had to stay at George Washington University one summer to rehabilitate her knee.

Subramanian is head of US equity and quantitative strategy at Bank of America Securities. She is responsible for recommending US sector allocations for equities and determining forecasts for the S&P 500 and other major US indices, as well as developing and marketing the firm’s quantitative equity strategy to institutional and individual clients.

Barron’s is a leading source of financial news, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on stocks, investments and how markets are moving across the world.

MAFS Celebrates  International Women’s Day

MAFS International Women’s Day was held on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, in Chicago. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. When people across the world unite to celebrate the spirit, strength, and success of women, makes the day exceptional. This year’s women’s day theme was DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” and it highlights the role of innovative technology in promoting gender equality and meeting the health and developmental needs of women and girls.

The event was emceed by Roshita Pandey, MAFS Grant Director. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Founder, and Executive Director of MAFS welcomed all for coming to celebrate the MAFS International Women’s Day event. Dr. Santosh Kumar mentioned the women from all over the world and from different fields/backgrounds who have achieved so much in their life. Dr. Santosh Kumar, through her speech, passed on a solid message to younger generations that feminism is being strong and confident in our own skin. Both men and women should celebrate their unique strengths and traits and work together in tandem to achieve great heights.

Picture : TheUNN

The event started with the lighting of the auspicious lamp by all the dignitaries. The esteemed panel of guests included Dr. Anindita Ghosh, wife of India Consul General of Chicago; Yolanda Curry, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Family and Support Services, City of Chicago; Nikki Garbis Proutsos, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Family and Support Services, City of Chicago. All of them were powerful women achievers in their own filed and they effectively addressed the topic of women empowerment and gender equality in their special ways.

While Dr. Anindita Ghosh, put light on the facts and figures and changing scenarios of women empowerment in India, Yolanda Curry gave facts that over 60% of college degrees rewarded in the United States are earned by women in education, health services, and social security. She emphasized the difference between equality and equity. She believed women should support women – ‘each one, reach one’. Nikki Proutsos recognized MAFS for proving meals to seniors during the pandemic. She profusely thanked Mrs. Santosh Kumar and Roshita for doing all the public benefit programs, hot dinner programs, and social security for more than 30 years. She shared her favorite quote that says ‘A man is a head, and a woman is a neck, and she can turn the head anywhere she wants’.

The event showcased powerful dance performances on the theme of “Nari shakti” or “women empowerment” by MAFS/UMAS seniors ad staff. A humorous Hindi play with a moral/life lesson was also staged by the seniors. It had the audience in splits. The last and the most awaited segment was the giving away of the “Woman of Substance Awards”. The awardees were MAFS/UMAS staff and partners from across departments and roles. They were women who inspire others with their hard work, commitment, and passion for work, both on the professional and personal front. The audience cheered for all the awardees and overall, the event was a big success in celebrating the spirit of womanhood.

Madhur Jaffrey Receives  ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’

The James Beard Foundation announced March 29, 2023, that Madhur Jaffrey, “legendary cookbook author, writer, teacher, and actress” is its choice as the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award honoree. Jaffrey will be recognized at the Restaurant and Chef Awards ceremony on Monday, June 5 at the Lyric Opera of Chicago.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is given to an individual whose lifetime body of work has had a positive and long-lasting impact on the way we eat, cook, and/or think about food in America, the JBF press release noted.

Her first cookbook, An Invitation to Indian Cooking, was published in 1973, and was inducted into the James Beard Foundation’s Cookbook Hall of Fame in 2006.

Since then, Jaffrey has released more than 30 award-winning cookbooks, “cementing her status as the “Godmother of Indian Cooking,” JBG noted.

A Padma Bhushan recipient from the Indian government in 2022, Jaffrey is credited with bringing mainstream attention to Indian cuisine, both in the U.S. and the U.K.

In 2019, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the U.K. Guild of Food Writers. She becomes a nine-time James Beard Award winner with this latest Lifetime Achievement Award. “It’s a wonderful pinnacle to my career and I’m overjoyed,” Jaffrey is quoted saying in the press release about the JBF award.

The JBF announced a slew of award nominees in categories like Chef Award, Leadership Award winners, and Humanitarian of the Year and Lifetime Achievement honorees, in advance of the James Beard Awards® ceremonies in June. The nominees were announced March 29, during a live ceremony at the Musicians Hall of Fame & Museum in Nashville, TN.

“The James Beard Awards celebrate outstanding achievement and exceptional culinary talent, as well as all those doing incredible work on behalf of our communities and wider food system. This year’s nominees, winners, and honorees are inspiring exemplars of that,” said Clare Reichenbach, CEO of James Beard Foundation. “We congratulate all those recognized today and look forward to celebrating them at another exciting Awards Weekend in Chicago this June.”

The James Beard Awards, considered among the most prestigious in the country, “recognize exceptional talent in the culinary and food media industries, as well as a demonstrated commitment to racial and gender equity, community, sustainability, and a culture where all can thrive,” the Foundation said.

NADE USA Honors Accomplished Women From Diverse Fields

National Association for Diversity Empowerment (NADE) USA ( ), based in Houston, TX, has the mission to empower diverse talents in public affairs in the US, including politics, policy-making, business, industry, media, entertainment, cinema,  literature, education, and academia.  NADE USA and Houston Community College Southwest campus ( Fort Bend County Roundtable Leadership conference on March 24, 2023, in the HCC Southwest campus. The conference celebrated International Women’s Day 2023 and honored several accomplished women from various fields.

Those honored were: Judge Sonia Rash, Judge Juli Mathew, Prof. Dr Alice Mathew, Las Vegas, Ms Tanaz Choudhury, IT Entrepreneur, HH Queen Maria Amor, Neeta Sane, Fort Bend & Allef Trustee Laura Richard Fort Bend County Clerk, Terri Wang, community leader

Dr. Madeline Burrillo, Vice-Chancellor, HCC, Dr. Roksana Akter Khan, global peace ambassador, Roopa Gir, I-educate founder, Prema Isha, international human rights commission from Mauritius.

Sangeeta Dua founding member and Secretary welcomed the gathering and facilitated the meeting.

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NADE President Kim Meijia in her presidential address indicated that women are increasingly making significant contributions in all walks of life. Women need to exhibit their femininity indicated by compassion, caring, multitasking, and integrity while working alongside menfolk.

Dr Mathew Joys, Board Member of Global Indian Council presented international award-winning documentary film titled ‘The Footprints of the Mahatma’. It depicted the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violence in the modern world.

Congresswoman Shiela Jackson Lee honored Sangeeta Dua for her contributions to public life.

Neeta Sane led a panel discussion on women’s contributions and leadership in health, education, safety, and freedom. Council member Alice Chen of Stafford TX congratulated the honorees.

Global Indian Council Central Cochair for Cyber Security Dr. Joseph Ponnoly and Indo American Press Club General Secretary C G Daniel also felicitated the Honorees.

Sangeeta Dua, while expressing a vote of thanks, mentioned, “we have to come together as leaders in our respective fields, to assess, suggest and debate, on how to take the next step in the women’s movement, for more qualified and meaningful inclusion and empowerment, by incorporating feminine characteristics  to our respective professions and public life, as much as possible, to build a better society and nation.”

Mindy Kaling Receives National Humanities Medal

President Joe Biden, on March 21, 2023, presented the 2021 National Humanities Medal to Indian American actress and producer Vera Mindy Chokalingam, popularly known as Mindy Kaling, during a White House ceremony.

The National Medal of Arts and Humanities is the highest award the government confers upon individuals who have made significant contributions to arts and humanities.

“Mindy Kaling’s work across television, film, and books inspires and delights—capturing and uplifting the experiences of women and girls across the nation,” Kaling’s award citation issued by the White House read.

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Presenting the award to Kaling, Biden said that she is the first woman of color to create, write and star in a primetime sitcom. “She is hardworking and an adoring mom, just like her own mom was. And, Mindy, we know your mom is always with you in your spirit. We know that” the President added.

Kaling, 43, is a daughter of Indian immigrants and was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1979. She was earlier nominated for the prestigious Emmy Award recognizing her work in the NBC sitcom The Office.

The 12 recipients of the 2021 National Humanities Award include; Richard Blanco, Johnnetta Betsch Cole, Walter Isaacson, Walter Isaacson, Henrietta Mann, Ann Patchett, and Amy Tan.

MAFS Celebrates International Women’s Day

MAFS International Women’s Day was held on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, in Chicago. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. When people across the world unite to celebrate the spirit, strength, and success of women, makes the day exceptional. This year’s women’s day theme was DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality,” and it highlights the role of innovative technology in promoting gender equality and meeting the health and developmental needs of women and girls. The event was emceed by Roshita Pandey, MAFS Grant Director. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Founder, and Executive Director of MAFS welcomed all for coming to celebrate the MAFS International Women’s Day event. Dr. Santosh Kumar mentioned the women from all over the world and from different fields/backgrounds who have achieved so much in their life.

Picture : Asian Media

Dr. Santosh Kumar, through her speech, passed on a solid message to younger generations that feminism is being strong and confident in our own skin. Both men and women should celebrate their unique strengths and traits and work together in tandem to achieve great heights.  The event started with the lighting of the auspicious lamp by all the dignitaries. The esteemed panel of guests included Dr. Anindita Ghosh, wife of India Consul General of Chicago; Yolanda Curry, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Family and Support Services, City of Chicago; Nikki Garbis Proutsos, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Family and Support Services, City of Chicago. All of them were powerful women achievers in their own filed and they effectively addressed the topic of women empowerment and gender equality in their special ways.

Picture : Asian Media

While Dr. Anindita Ghosh, put light on the facts and figures and changing scenarios of women empowerment in India, Yolanda Curry gave facts that over 60% of college degrees rewarded in the United States are earned by women in education, health services, and social security. She emphasized the difference between equality and equity. She believed women should support women – ‘each one, reach one’. Nikki Proutsos recognized MAFS for proving meals to seniors during the pandemic. She profusely thanked Mrs. Santosh Kumar and Roshita for doing all the public benefit programs, hot dinner programs, and social security for more than 30 years. She shared her favorite quote that says ‘A man is a head, and a woman is a neck, and she can turn the head anywhere she wants’.

The event showcased powerful dance performances on the theme of “Nari shakti” or “women empowerment” by MAFS/UMAS seniors ad staff. A humorous Hindi play with a moral/life lesson was also staged by the seniors. It had the audience in splits. The last and the most awaited segment was the giving away of the “Woman of Substance Awards”. The awardees were MAFS/UMAS staff and partners from across departments and roles. They were women who inspire others with their hard work, commitment, and passion for work, both on the professional and personal front. The audience cheered for all the awardees and overall, the event was a big success in celebrating the spirit of womanhood.

Nikhat Zareen Wins 2nd World Title In Boxing

It was the culmination of an arduous tournament in which she had to overcome as many as six challengers owing to her unseeded status.

Teary eyes and a roar towards the camera — Nikhat Zareen went through the full wringer of emotions after a closely-fought gold-medal match that saw her emerging as World Champion for the second straight year. It was the culmination of an arduous tournament in which she had to overcome as many as six challengers owing to her unseeded status.

Winning back-to-back golds at the IBA Women’s World Boxing Championships was a feat achieved only by the legendary Mary Kom. At just 26 years, Nikhat is slowly filling those giant shoes. The crowd-favourite beat Vietnam’s Nguyen Thi Tam 5-0 at a packed KD Jadhav Indoor Hall in New Delhi on Sunday. But the unanimous decision was no reflection of how close the bout was.

“It’s a special day, a second World Championship gold, that too in a new weight category. Today’s bout was my toughest so far, facing an Asian champion. The next target is the Asian Games, so to win against her, in the first big championships since changing categories… The strategy was to use all the energy I had left, despite a tough tournament, and I threw everything at it,” said Nikhat after the match.

Shortly after Nikhat’s bout, Lovlina Borgohain won a contentious 5-2 decision against Australia’s Caitlin Parker to claim her first ever Women’s World Boxing Championship gold medal. The middleweight Assam boxer was awarded the fight 3-2 in a split decision. She then got two points from the evaluator and the observer under IBA’s new bout review system.

These two wins capped a dream weekend for Indian boxing after the two gold medals on Saturday.

It was a change in weight category, from 52 kg to 50 kg, that had left Nikhat unseeded at these World Championships. In her six gruelling, physically taxing bouts, she spent a cumulative 45 minutes ducking, weaving and charting a path over the roughest of seas to get her second World Championship gold.

In all these bouts, Nikhat was rarely allowed to play her natural game. She needed to think on her feet, change strategy and innovate. A mid-range boxer, she has the ability to stay just beyond the reach of her opponent, while being close enough to avoid an attack and then land a punch of her own. It’s that unique ability, mastered over years of practice with multiple international coaches, that has resulted in her becoming one of India’s top boxers.

“I think it’s because she’s got so much confidence in her own abilities. She actually enjoys boxing. She actually enjoys the challenge of having that combat,” said John Warburton, the boxing head of Inspire Institute of Sport and one of the international coaches who worked with Nikhat recently. “The way she’s fighting, she’s making a statement. ‘I can beat you in any way I want to beat you. I can beat you at long range, I can brawl with you and beat you’, and that’s her mindset,” he told The Indian Express.

Nikhat’s boxing journey came into prominence when she won the gold medal at the 2011 Youth World Boxing Championships. The Nizamabad native has now added the World Championship medals as well as the 2022 Commonwealth gold to that initial spark. Her next stop: the Asian Games in Hangzhou. And if the same performances continue: the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

It is a target that has been part of her life since the day she won her Youth World Championship medal. Early in her career, Nikhat had been under the towering shadow of Mary Kom. She has had her own fair share of battles against the celebrated Manipuri boxer, most notably before the last Olympics where she demanded a trial and lost. With Mary Kom’s age ruling her out of the next Olympics, Nikhat has positioned herself to finally take over that weight category.

While still bitter about missing out previously, her father Mohammad Jameel Ahmed feels that it was just a matter of time: “She has missed out on two Olympics at the peak of her career. Not just as a father, as a mentor and as someone who plans her career, it was disappointing for me to see things go this way. But there was nothing we could do except focus on the next target. Upar wala likhega, toh bilkul aayega. Hum toh chhodne wale nahi hai (If god wills, our time will come. But we won’t stop trying),” he said.

Sunday’s bout was among the toughest Nikhat faced at this competition. Her Vietnamese opponent, taller and longer in range, won the second round and almost seemed to have taken the third. But the judges scored all rounds in favour of the Indian.

Warburton thinks her abilities are special, and now with an Olympic weight category solely hers, she just has to continue boxing in the same vein as she has been doing over the last couple of years.

“She’s going to be World Champion two years running. She will likely be the Asian Champion. She will qualify for the Olympics, and in my opinion, she will win gold. I’ve worked with lots of people who have won Olympic medals, gold medallists, silvers, bronzes and World medallists. She has all the same characteristics that they have. The attitude, the willpower, and the technical and tactical abilities — she’s got the lot,” said Warburton.

As for Lovlina, luck may have played its part in her bout. The judges scored the contest in her favor and so did the evaluator and observer, despite a shaky performance and an especially poor third round.

She recently made the move to the 75-kg weight category as her previous weight was not a part of the 2024 Paris Olympics boxing programme. Before this win, her trophy cabinet was adorned with two World Championship bronze medals and an Olympic bronze, all in the 69-kg category.

Speaking about her gold later, she said: “I was a little stressed before the final. I tried to play how the coaches asked me to play. It wasn’t a complete success but I thought it was 90 per cent successful. It feels very good to win a gold medal and become a champion.”

15 % Of Indian Pilots Are Women, 3 Times More Than Global Average

As per an assessment, India may need an additional 1,000 pilots every year over the next five years. India’s civil aviation regulatory body, Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)’s which released statistics on the country’s pilot strength informed that fifteen per cent of the pilots in the country are women, which is three times the global average of five per cent.

As per the data released from various Indian scheduled airlines, a total of 244 pilots have been recruited in 2021. And, data estimates that India may need an additional 1,000 pilots every year over the next five years.

However, currently, there is no special programme in the government to encourage pilot training for women and backward classes including SCs/STs, the regulatory body said. As of now, India has 67 foreign pilots working with different air operators, it said.

According to the release, there are 35 DGCA-approved Flight Training Organisations (FTOs) in the country, operating at 53 bases.

The International Society of Women Airline Pilots’  report on gender equality in the aviation sector in 2021 underlined that at 12.4 per cent India ranked top in gender equality at the flight deck in 2021, followed by Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Germany, USA, UK, and New Zealand.

Ann Mukherjee Proves You Can Change Liquor Industry From Within

Liquor industry leader Ann Mukherjee makes bold moves to fulfill her passionate belief in return on responsibility. “It’s not enough to be responsible. You have to get a return on it,” says Mukherjee, the 57-year-old chairwoman and CEO of Pernod Ricard North America, the largest operation at the world’s second biggest producer of wine and spirits. It makes Absolut vodka, Malibu rum, Jameson Irish whiskey, and Beefeater gin, among others. “I experienced personal traumas caused by others’ irresponsible drinking. That’s why my responsibility is to lend my voice and humanize issues,” she says.

Mukherjee was born in India, and raised in the U.S. An intoxicated adolescent boy sexually assaulted her at age four. A drunk driver killed her mother when she was a teenager. She held marketing management roles at several consumer product makers before surprising friends and family by joining the booze business.

Now she’s the first woman, person of color, and industry outsider to lead Pernod Ricard’s North American unit, which excludes Mexico. Shortly after her December 2019 arrival at the company, Mukherjee launched an Absolut Vodka campaign targeting sexual consent, and painted “sex responsibly” on her fingernails.

Next up, she will expand a Dallas pilot project that combats binge drinking and impaired driving. The “Safe Night” program, which Pernod cosponsors, hopes to soon add another major U.S. city. “We want to take this nationwide,” she says. A self-proclaimed “acceleration queen,” Mukherjee says she also aims to speed Pernod Ricard’s U.S. growth “to try to make us number one in the world.”

TIME recently spoke with Mukherjee about her employer’s other efforts to prevent drunk driving, the appetizing outlook for ready-to-drink cocktails, “war gaming” product launches, and why she yearns to own a restaurant.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

How does return on responsibility improve returns for your investors? Do you avoid taking a public stance on certain controversial issues because your position might hurt Pernod Ricard?

Consumers have a higher standard around brands they trust. They expect those brands to be walking the talk. Return on responsibility is what consumers expect of us. It actually drives return on investment. Making it part of your DNA not only future-proofs your business, it also creates the loyalty you need.

We only go after those issues that drive value, our company values, and our purpose of conviviality. Conviviality is about unlocking this magic of human connections. When somebody gets promoted, you’re celebrating over two flutes of champagne. We stay away if [an issue] isn’t about unlocking that magic.

Employees have asked me to speak against gun violence, a very important issue, but not our mission. So I am not going to [do so].

Why should executives speak out about issues related to their business? After all, most Americans want companies to stay out of social and political issues, some surveys find.

Every company needs to define their value creation model. You’re giving people something to buy into [because] you are a brand standing for timeless values. If sustainability issues are not about how you create value, don’t talk about them. Taking on topics du jour is another form of greenwashing. [Saying] you care about sustainability “because we’re supposed to’’ is not good enough. At Pernod Ricard, we talk about sustainability because nothing we make happens without agriculture. We won’t have a business if we don’t care about our farmers [or] don’t understand water conservation.

The Dallas pilot project epitomizes your return on responsibility commitment by training restaurants and bars to assist customers who drink too much. Given your horrific experiences involving alcohol abusers, why didn’t you initially launch a nationwide campaign against drunk driving?

The project’s approach had never been done before so we wanted to pilot it to make sure we got the right model [before] we start rounding it out to every city. Nationally, we do other things around responsible drinking. You attack it through helping the hospitality industry, education, and legislation. We worked very hard with on a [relevant] piece of legislation in President Biden’s infrastructure package.

The package the president signed into law contains a provision that any car manufactured in the United States must soon be capable of preventing a drunk driver from operating the vehicle. I got pretty emotional the day that law got signed. I posted a picture of my mom to my family and told them how the provision will reduce drunk driving. It was a way to give her death some meaning.

The ready-to-drink cocktail market is flourishing. How much U.S. revenue might Pernod Ricard get from such cocktails five years from now?

I can’t give any forward-looking numbers, but it is a part of our growth equation. The U.S. market for ready-to-drink cocktails is expected to grow at a rapid pace. People looking for convenience [also] want brands and cocktails they know and trust. So Malibu making a ready-to-drink piña colada makes sense. Absolut making an espresso martini ready to drink makes sense.

It’s important enough for us that we are now investing capital behind it. We’ve installed [our first] ready-to-drink canning line in our Fort Smith, Ark., facility. That $22 million investment is expandable so as that business gets bigger, we have the ability to grow with it.

While chief marketing officer of Frito-Lay North America, you helped introduce biodegradable bags for its Sun Chips. But due to their loud crackling sounds, the bags got withdrawn. What key leadership lesson did that noisy flop teach you?

At that time, the company wanted to make bold statements. While [the bag] did not work, employees said, “Wow, we were willing to take a risk for what we believed in.” But [being] enamored by the technology clouded our better business judgment. Passion, if not done objectively, sometimes is not the smartest thing to do. I learned to have a war game plan ready to go if something goes wrong.

How do you use war gaming to lead Pernod Ricard North America effectively?

We war game to be ready. There could be possible problems involving innovation launches, new marketing campaigns or new technology. And even if it’s a success, what were the lessons learned?

A great example is Jameson Orange, the first real flavored whiskey launched under the Jameson franchise. It was probably the biggest [U.S.] innovation launch the industry saw last year. We war gamed everything. What did this teach us? You got to make sure your innovation is on the shelf before you do all that [promotional] display stuff. It was 100% against industry norms. We’re very excited about the results. We now launch innovation based on learnings around how consumers shop.

You often use nail polish to broadcast your views about hot topics. You painted Black Lives Matter or BLM on your fingernails after George Floyd’s murder in 2020. And you put a Ukrainian flag on your nails following Russia’s invasion last year. What message are you sending to your coworkers?

That it’s OK to be vulnerable. And it’s a way for me to use something illustratively to say, “I care. You matter.’’

You try to unleash gifts that colleagues don’t know they have, so they feel they can do the impossible. What impossible goal have you achieved?

Sitting in the chair I’m in today. I’ve been told, “You should be a homeless drug addict,’’ [because of] my story. I feel very privileged that people believe I can create positive change. Most people can achieve anything they want if they can get out of their own way. I try to get people out of their own way and give them inspiration and hope.

Not long ago, you said you were still trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up. Are you interested in becoming CEO of a publicly held company someday?

Why wouldn’t I be? That’s absolutely in the mix. I get [recruiter] calls. And what a training ground I’m in now! But I’m very happy where I am. I came [to Pernod Ricard] because I wanted to accomplish something from a business and responsibility perspective. Working for a company you believe in doesn’t come around every day.

I would [also] love to open my own restaurant and be the Stanley Tucci of India. Cooking is how I get rid of stress. I read cookbooks like novels. I love fusion cooking, bringing different cuisines together, and understanding culture through food. We [recently took] a three-week food extravaganza tour in Vietnam. I’ve got lots of dreams. Who knows what I’ll end up doing? (TIME.COM)

Dr. Anupama Gotimukula Conferred with The Top 20 Global Woman Of Excellence Award

Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, the immediate past President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic physician organization in United States was honored with the Top 20 Global Women of Excellence Award during a solemn ceremony On International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2023 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.

The event was organized by the Multi Ethnic Advisory Task Force and American Multi Ethnic Coalition Inc., chaired by Congressman Danny K Davis. Among others, who attended the event and presented the awards to the 20 outstanding global women of excellence were: Rep.  Danny Davis, Rep. Raja Krishnamurthy, Rep. Jonathan Jackson, Rep. Delia Ramirez, and Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, Founder of AMEC.

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In her acceptance speech, Dr. Gotimukula, the only 4th woman president of AAPI in 40 years said, “It is a great honor receiving this prestigious award in recognition of my services as a physician and woman leader.” Dr. Gotimukula, while accepting the honor behalf of the fraternity of the physicians, said, “Post Covid pandemic, our physician community is dealing with stress and burnout. At AAPI, we are working on providing education and support on ways to deal with burnout through lifestyle modifications and other means.”

While highlighting some of the major initiatives under her leadership AAPI had focused on, Dr. Gotimukula said, “During my tenure as the President of AAPI, we did Blood Donation Drives across the United States to help replenish Blood Banks deprived of blood products due to Covid crisis, in addition to Fund Raising efforts to help the neediest in India.”

In her efforts in leading AAPI, to honor and serve our motherland India, Dr. Gotimukula said, “On the occasion of India’s 75 years of Independence, we initiated the “Adopt a Village” 75 villages Rural Preventive Health Screening Project in India and completed more than 60 villages for preventive medical services.

Several health screening camps were organized and screened for Non communicable silent killer diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney disease, Hyperlipidemia and Anemia/ Obesity issues . The abnormally screened villagers  were provided with  direct physician care and education on lifestyle modifications. All along, our goal has been to emphasize on ‘Prevention care is better than Disease care’ and to help build ‘Indian Preventive Task Force’ guidelines for India.”

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Dr. Gotimukula, a Pediatric Anesthesiologist  from San Antonio, TX said “I dedicate this award to my Family, Friends and my Organization AAPI, which I have served for more than a decade. AAPI has nurtured a woman leader and gave me an opportunity to do several good things in the healthcare sector and help the community.” In 2022, Dr. Gotimukula received the Excellence in Leadership Award from the Indo-American Press Club (IAPC) and  the 2022 Women  Leaders in Medicine  Award from the Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas.

Drawing the audience’s attention to the fact that Women in Leadership are still way behind, especially for women of color, Dr. Gotimukula said, “It’s even more challenging to climb up the leadership ladder and be successful. My goal as a woman leader has been to mentor more women leaders, who can do greater things in this world! Congratulations to all the Top 20 women being recognized here today on this platform for your outstanding achievements. My message to all women in the world – Enjoy, Embrace, be Empathetic and be Humble!”

AMEC & MEATF Hosts 11th Annual Congressional International Women’s Day Celebration on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

To celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and take action to drive gender parity, each year AMEC (American Multiethnic Coalition Inc) & MEATF (Multiethnic Advisory Task Force) honors Women globally by recognizing them for their contributions. This year AMEC & MEATF hosted its 11th Annual Congressional International Women’s Day Celebration at Rayburn House Building, Capitol Hill at Washington D.C. on March 8, 2023 and celebrated the achievements of 20 women of diverse ethnicities.

The event was presided by AMEC/MEATF Founder and President Dr Vijay Prabhakar, Congressman Danny K Davis, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Congressman Jonathan Jackson, and Congresswoman Delia Ramirez, Tumia Romero – Chief Of Staff at Office of Congressman Danny K. Davis, Brian Pasternak – Administrator, Office of the Foreign Labor Certifications, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington D.C.

Picture : Asia Media

The proceedings began with announcements by hosts, Shree Gurusamy (Secretary General AMEC) and Seeta Bala (Awards Jury Chair). Tumia Romero, the Chief Of Staff at Office of Congressman Danny K. Davis, who is a fierce women’s rights advocate, has also served as a deputy Director of Labor under the previous Gov. Pat Quinn, and she is currently pursuing a doctorate in public policy, in her Welcome Address said, “there were seven continents initially created where all of us come from but the main one is Africa, and then we all spread out everywhere and I am delighted to say that I’m one of those persons whose ancestry is from Africa, like a lot of us! And it’s so great to see so many women here you know of different backgrounds, and we all have different stories to share, and it means something to the fabric of our society and to the people of the United States of America.” She emphasized how we all women are connected with each other and how she along with Congressman Davis has been supporting their causes.

At the event, the call to action was delivered by 8-year-old Samara Karakara from New York, calling for girls’ and women’s leadership in education and technology, making her the youngest Indian American girl to make a call to action at Capitol Hill. A plaque and medallion were presented to Samara.

Founder of AMEC/MEATF, the brain behind the whole thing, an internationally renowned public health expert, the first Asian and person of color acknowledged by President Clinton administration, a creative master strategist Dr Vijay G Prabhakar was invited for his Opening Remarks. Dr Vijay Prabhakar, also fondly known as Dr VGP, in his most unique and inimitable style, delivered a powerful and inspiring message to the audience.

Picture : Asia Media

He acknowledged the contributions of living legend Congressman Danny K Davis for initiating the Global Community Congressional Community Oscars and Congressional Women of Excellence Awards in recognition of ethnic communities, minorities and especially women and appreciated his efforts.  Dr. Prabhakar thanked Tumia Romero, for playing a vital role in bringing this ceremony to Capitol Hill and expressed his content in the continuing of the awards ceremony for the second consecutive year at Capitol Hill. Referring to Samara Karkara, Dr. Prabhakar said he was happy to “[pass] the baton to the next generation,” and her Call to Action “set the tone for today.”  He also welcomed and thanked Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Congressman Jonathan Jackson, Congresswoman Delia Ramirez, Brian Pasternak – Administrator, Office of the Foreign Labor Certifications, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington D.C. and all the guests.

AMEC Commissioner, Richa Chand was invited to introduce the EDWARD & LILY PRABHAKAR CENTENARY AWARDS 2023, instituted by the Global Eye Magazine, a premier worldwide digital publication that reaches 42 million households including 2 million in Chicagoland, to commemorate the Birth Centenary of the parents of Chairman Dr VGP. The Recipients were: Congressman Danny K. Davis, Raja Krishnamoorthi, Jonathan Jackson and Delia Ramirez, Congresswoman all representing Illinois along with President of Chicago Medical Society Dr. Tariq Butt, Vaithilingam Shanmuganathan, South Asia Advertising Executive, The Global Eye, Los Angeles who hails from Sri Lanka and Founder of Dads with Daughters, New York, Ravi Karkara. So far 16 outstanding persons have received the Edward & Lily Prabhakar Centenary Award. The Global Eye Magazine is honoring 100 individuals/ institutions with the Prestigious EDWARD & LILY PRABHAKAR CENTENARY AWARD throughout the Birth centenary year of DR. VGP’s blessed parents from March 1, 2023 to August 22, 2024

As an Event Co-host and Award recipient, Congressman Danny K Davis was invited for his address. He said, “I thank all of you for coming to visit your house, the House of Representatives, and the belongs to you!” Appreciating Samara’s leadership qualities, he referred to her talk as “one of the most fascinating speeches” he had ever heard.

During his award acceptance speech, praising the organizers, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi said he was happy to be part of the occasion to celebrate women. Referring to the organizers, he said “They do the Lord’s work in terms of helping others in a time when a lot of people need help…so the helpers are the ones that we look to in Congress for leadership.” About Davis, Krishnamoorthi said “he is about the people,” and “community empowerment,” and “if there is a way, he will mean to get it done.”

The Special Guest was a high-ranking federal official Brian Pasternak, Administrator, Office of the Foreign Labor Certifications, U. S. Department of Labor, Washington D. C. who Presented a copy of GSA’s first publication SABD – a collection of poems authored by Dr Saradapurna Sonty to each awardee at the ceremony.

The final segment of the program, honoring TOP 20 GLOBAL WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE 2023, was conducted by Seeta Bala & Shree Gurusamy. Indrani Davaluri also assisted with Award Presentations. The Recipients were:


  1. Jennifer Rajkumar, New York State Assembly Woman, Civil Rights Lawyer, NY.
  2. Joanne Hill – Kittle, Deputy Director at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland.
  3. Dr. Twin Green, President & CEO, The Link & Option Center, South Holland, IL.
  4. Dr. Sarada Purna Sonty, Founder & CEO SAPNA
  5. Deila Davis, Deputy Director, National Association of Community Health Centers Inc.
  6.  Sherry Husa, President & CEO, MERIDIAN Health Plan of IL.
  7. Reena Bhardwaj, White House Correspondent for ANI, Washington DC.
  8. Mary Barthelson, Space Systems Engineer
  9. Cynthia Dorsey Edwards, President/CEO, Storehouse of Solutions, LLC, Atlanta
  10. Usha Boddapu, CEO /Founder Esolvit, Austin, TX.
  11. Melanie Fernando, Executive Director, Aetna Better Health of IL, Chicago, IL.
  12. Nicole L Nicky Harvey, Founder & Chair Black Public Safety Alliance, Chicago, IL.
  13. Urmil Tracy Marshall, Mental Health Advocate, Atlanta.
  14. Dr Mercedes Martinez, Psychiatrist, Chicago, IL.
  15. Dr.Rani Yousefzai, CEO – Belleza Med Spa, IL.
  16. Dr.Anupama Reddy, Past president, American Association Physicians of Indian Origin
  17. Zoe Ma, Community Activist, Skokie, IL.
  18. Katherine Thorat, Realtor, Coldwell Banker Realty, Woodridge, IL.
  19. Dr. Cathy Subber, CEO of Advanced Health of Naperville.
  20. Prathiba Jairath, Founder, Vidya Jyoti, USA.

All the outstanding women who received the award were invited to speak at the podium. Past President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), and Pediatric Anesthesiologist from San Antonio, Texas, Anupama Gotimukula who was one of the 20 Global Women of Excellence 2023 awardees, highlighted AAPI’s contributions during the COVID pandemic. Dr. Gotimukula said  AAPI raised over $5 million in fundraising, supplied oxygen concentrators and ventilators, and provided telemedicine assistance during the acute Delta wave crisis in India. She also talked about AAPI’s national blood donation drive last year, and her ongoing Rural India public health initiative, “Indian Preventive Task Force Guidelines” for preventive health, which has directly benefited 60 villages to-date.

“I work for NASA and diversity inclusion and equity is one of our core values, and I look forward to increasing that through the digital future,” said Deputy Director of NASA Goddard Flight Center, Maryland, Joanne Hill.

Mary Barthelson 2023 Candidate for Virginia House of Delegates and Space Systems Engineer, an advocate for low-income families in Fairfax County, promoter of STEM education, and supporter for the resettlement of refugees, said, “I believe that it is important for women to support and uplift each other and to encourage one another to pursue their passions and goals. By doing so we can create a world where every woman has the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background or their circumstances.”

Community Activist, Zoe Ma who helps underserved inner-city youth with violence prevention, through the Gandhi King Center for Non-Violence in Englewood, IL, said she is a Chinese immigrant who arrived in America alone 28 years ago with just $40 in her pocket. “My personal achievement can inspire young women and single mothers, and the path to empowerment is through entrepreneurship,” she said while advocating fair representation of women and minorities in the government and corporate world for equitable society.

Team AMEC/MEATF would like to acknowledge and thank Dr VGP for his tireless efforts and hard working Team: Our Emcees: Awards Chair Seeta Bala , Event Chair : Shree Gurusamy and Event Co Chair: Richa Chand excelled as usual. AMEC leaders: Indrani Davaluri, AMEC Secretary Virginia , Glory Jeypaul, AMEC Virginia Chair, Ravi Theja, AMEC Pennsylvania Chair, The Global Eye South Asia Advertising Sales Executive, ELP Centenary Awardee from Los Angeles Shan Vaithilingam and Asian Media USA Chair Suresh Bodiwala were equally responsible for the flawless seamless execution of an action packed an hour and half celebration of Women on International Women’s Day March 8, 2023 at the historic Rayburn House Building at Washington D.C.

We salute AMEC Atlanta Chairman Mustafa Ajmeri, Edward Lily Prabhakar Centenary Awardee Ravi KARKARA, President, The Global Eye International Institute of Leadership, New York , Naveen Karna, Chief Information Officer, The Global Eye Magazine, Chicago, Anil Pulla, Chief Operating Officer, The Global Eye, Hyderabad, Top 20 Awardee Kathy Thorat, Director General, GSA India @75 Expo USA, Top 20 Awardee Zoe Ma, AMEC Commissioner, Mundelein, MEATF Councilman Dr Sriram Sonty & Top 20 Awardee “the GSA Phenomenal Woman “Dr Sarada Sonty for their tireless work which resulted in the awesome success of this event.

TAGC Celebrates International Women’s Day As  “Be The Heroine Of Your Life”

The Telugu Association of Greater Chicago (TAGC), The first Telugu association in North America (TANA) in collaboration with American Telangana Sangham (ATS) hosted a successful event to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 5th, 2023. The event was held at Olive Palace Banquets at Mt Prospect. This event has brought together more than 500 women from different parts of Chicago land to celebrate the theme “Be the heroine of your life”. All women beautifully dressed up with sequin and ruffle saree wear.

Picture : Asia Media

Program started with a devotional song by Singer Shruti Thakur and lighting the lamp by President of TAGC 2023, Sri Parameswara Reddy Yarasani, Smt Aruna Sri Yarasani, co-host ATS President Sri Narendra Chamarla, Smt Rajalakshmi Chemarla, Smt Jyothi Madhavaram, Women’s Day Chair Smt Madhavi Rani Konakalla and Co chairs Smt Neelima Boddu, Smt Rachana Koluguri, Smt Vani Rachakonda. All the other TAGC Women Board of Director’s Smt Vinitha Podduturi, Smt Uma Avadhuta, Smt Neelima Cheikicharla, Smt Prasanna Kandukuri, Smt Archana Podduturi, Smt Sirisha Madduri were joined.

Participants at the event also had the opportunity to network and connect with other women in attendance, forming new relationships and creating opportunities for collaboration. The event featured a keynote speech from guest speaker Smt Vidya Nahar, who spoke about the importance of yoga for women. The other speakers were Smt Satya Rangaraju, Smt Subhapriya Lakshmanan also spoke about women empowerment.

One of the highlights of the event was the recognition of several senior women from the Chicago Area Telugu Seniors (CATS) association who have made significant contributions to the Indian communities for many years.

Picture : Asian Media

All the women attended were overwhelmed by events like Fashion walk by over 30 participants, Reels competition, guess and grab a Saree, Kahoot games and many more activities. Evening snacks and Dinner arranged by TAGC Food team Sri Sinivas Reddy Kolli, Sri Rohit Akula along with other TAGC Board of Directors Sri Srujan Nainappagari, Sri Shashi Chava, Sri Ramana Kalva and Mr Srinivas Reddy Nagireddy and Lakshmi Narayana Thota who helped the food team. TAGC Team 2023 thanked Cool Mirchi restaurant for the tasty food.

Anchor Sameera Illendula has brought great energy to the event with her fun lines and witty questions.  Keeping up the TAGC tradition of giving away donations, this year also the participants raised money for a non-profit organization named Suguna Foundation with operations in west Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India which supports care and living for needy seniors and Akshaya Foundation – NGO catering educational needs for children. There was an overwhelming response and contribution this year which is among one of the top fundraising amounts. Regal Jewelers sponsored gold and silver coins for raffle tickets.

Every participant received a return gift sponsored by Kalyani Jonnavithula, owner of PM consulting.  The TAGC Team appreciated all the efforts by the Youth volunteers and made sure that all the members received the return gift.

Speaking to the media, TAGC President Parameswara Reddy Yarasani and women’s day chair Madhavi expressed their hope that the event would inspire attendees to continue to work towards culture and empower more women in their communities. They also expressed their gratitude to the sponsors and partners who supported the event and made it possible.

Celebrating International Women’s Day! Break the Bias! Vidhu Philip

Canadian Malayali writer Vidhu Philip shares her reading experiences of “Sita: Now You Know Me” by Sini Panicker

Sita: Now You Know Me (SNYKM), the debut novel of Sini Panicker, revisits the epic, Ramayana. As the name implies, the central character of the novel is Sita. The well laid out narration takes the readers on a journey through the life of Sita, who turns into a mellowed and matured woman from an innocent seventeen years old girl.

It is quite apparent from the narration and design of the novel, that the author’s aim was to bring out different shades of the personality of Sita which have been overlooked by the traditional text. The ubiquitous all-bearing Sita that we are familiar with is far from the Sita we see in SNYKM. The author has been successful in bringing out a stark contrast between the carefree fun loving daughter of Janaka, and the abandoned powerful wife of Rama in the characterization of Sita.

SNYKM is presented in two layers: the outer layer is the familiar story of Ramayana, and the inner layer digs deep down into Sita’s emotional and psychological self. The narration in the first person enabled the readers to closely follow the inner thoughts and commotions of Sita. Sita was shown as going through a whirlwind of emotions at several occasions. For example, “ I wanted to kill her, right then and there; all I needed was a bow and arrow”, were Sita’s thoughts about Kaikeyi when they had to face her to say goodbye before their exile. It came as a surprise to me that Sita had such thoughts and feelings; all this time I looked at Sita as a dutiful woman who did what was asked of her! SNYKM strikes at all the feminist notes in the characterization of Sita.

The injustice and unfairness faced by Sita has been rightfully presented in the novel. Readers could not help empathize with Sita. The author never attempted to put Sita on a pedestal. Sita reflects the everyday life of common women, which makes this novel appealing to its readers, especially women. Oftentimes, a reader like me would stop to imbibe that Sita’s thoughts and feelings were not different from what I have experienced in life!

In our society, the thoughts and emotions of a woman are not expressed well in general; neither in a novel nor in real life! Until recently, expressing a woman’s feelings and emotions and discussing it in public was a taboo topic. Remarks such as “oh.. Isn’t that what all women do generally?” Or “It is what women are supposed to do” are cliched every day phrases heard around us. Likewise, I realized with a shock that I had been taking Sita for granted all these years before reading SNYKM. I never had a second thought about the inner struggles and turmoil that went through her mind, when  Sita decided to follow her husband in exile or when she was abandoned, until SNYKM pointed them out to me.

Sita’s indignation while being abandoned is rightly justified in SNYKM that the readers would be thoroughly convinced of her reasons for being angry and bitter. Sita knew that there would be a court trial for her, if Ram had to accept her back. However, she did not receive a trial when he quietly and secretly banished her using Lakshman. Although Valmiki’s ashram was only a chariot ride away from Ayodhya, Ram never attempted once in seventeen years to visit Sita or their children. Such simple things that have been overlooked or taken for granted in the reading of traditional Ramayana is brought to light in SNYKM. The pain, the injustice, unfairness Sita had to face are brought out very powerfully.

It is no mistake to call SNYKM a feminist reading of Ramayana. Although, the novel leaves room to explore many more female characters such as Mandodari, Shoorpanaka, Lopamudra, Shruthi etc. in detail, there are glimpses of them as women of power and stature in the novel. A female character that really got my attention was Ram’s elder sister Shanta. She became nothing to her family or to her father, a very powerful king. A contrast is brought out between the upbringing of Sita and Shantha in SNYKM. It was interesting to read how Sita was trained to succeed her father in his old age, how she was taught horse riding and sword fighting, and even to rule  a province. The irony is even though it was not intended, finally Sita was forced to become ‘just a woman’. The author has rightly said in the beginning of the novel “ But fairness evades human life like a master illusionist in the most singularly fragmented moments of one’s existence. Afterwards, a broken life is reflected back from the hundreds of shattered shards, in anguish that is so pure and holy, any judgment or chastisement will be just another ritual to sanctify it”.

Dr. Solymole Kuruvilla Receives Legacy of Caring Award

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi and North Central Bronx CEO Christopher Mastromano announced  that Solymole Kuruvilla, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC, the Associate Director of Occupational Health Services for Jacobi and North Central Bronx, has been awarded the “Legacy of Caring Award” from the National Association of Indian Nurses of America (NAINA).

The award honors outstanding nurses who embody and exemplify excellence in patient advocacy, creativity, compassion, and leadership in the nursing practice.

Picture : TheUNN

Solymole has served at NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi and North Central Bronx for nearly 30 years, almost immediately upon immigrating to this country from India in 1992. For her first six years, she worked in Jacobi’s Surgical and Medical Intensive Care Units and Coronary Care Unit. During that time, she returned to school, receiving her Master of Science in Nursing from the College of New Rochelle, becoming an Adult-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

In 1999, Solymole joined the Occupational Health Services Team, becoming the Associate Director in 2015. In this capacity, she supervises both facilities’ nurse practitioners, nurses, and other support staff. As she puts it, it comes with a significant personal plus- “I get to know everyone in the hospital!”

“Solymole is an important part of the fabric of our facility,” said Mr. Mastromano. “She represents the dedication many of our staff bring to their everyday care of our patients.”

“I find my job very rewarding. I get to make a difference in the lives of our staff. If our employees are not healthy, there is no safe delivery of quality patient care in the hospital,” explained Solymole.

She lives in Westchester with her husband and son. She also holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Counseling and considers her faith a driving force. She also regularly volunteers with NAINA and its local chapter, Indian Nurses Association of New York (INA-NY), hosting numerous virtual forums and talk shows to discuss the importance of vaccinations, particularly the COVID-19 vaccination, within the Nursing and Indian-American Communities.

“I think it’s so important that people, particularly healthcare professionals, get vaccinated,” said Solymole. “We have seen that as vaccination rates go up, mortality rates go down.”

NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi is a 457-bed teaching hospital affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The facility has earned numerous Center of Excellence designations, accreditation, and recognition for its renowned Level 1 Trauma Center, Burn Center, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, regional Stroke Center, Snakebite Treatment Center, Breast Health Center, Bariatric Surgery Center, and Cancer Service. T

NYC Health + Hospitals/North Central Bronx (NCB) is a member facility of the New York City Health + Hospitals system, one of eleven acute care facilities within the City of New York. A 215-bed community hospital, NCBH specializes in women’s and children’s services. It also provides Behavioral Health acute and ambulatory care.  NYC Health + Hospitals is the largest public health care system in the nation. We are a network of 11 hospitals, trauma centers, neighborhood health centers, nursing homes, and post-acute care centers.

Meet The Women Who Win Board Of Advisors

Women Who Win is excited to announce its newly formed advisory board. We are thrilled to bring this board together to continue our mission in empowering the personal and professional lives of women and girls around the world, We are bringing diverse women leaders across different industries and backgrounds to help drive the Women Who Win mission forward. Each board member represents the deep spirit and multifaceted nature of Women Who Win. Board members come from various backgrounds, from city councilors and state representatives to business innovators, educators, artists, healthcare providers, and community leaders, our Board of Advisors has a strong global footprint.  As we believe in the importance of inclusivity and the power of men and women coming together to empower women, we also included male allies on this board. Meet the board!

Women Who Win is a media platform focused on empowering women . It was Co- Founded by Dr Manju Sheth, Dr Deepa Jhaveri and Shaleen Sheth

Ami Ambani

Ami Ambani has completed her Masters in Business Administration from Bentley College and worked in the capital markets as a Research Analyst, managing clients at Tower Capital And Securities Pvt.Ltd. in Mumbai, India. She is also co-founder of She now manages her own financial portfolio and is an enthusiast in economics, geopolitics and fitness.  Her passions include reading, cooking, travelling and running. She lives with her husband, Niraj, and two teen sons in Mumbai, India.

Rita Advani
Rita Advani is a board leader and a senior business executive and entrepreneur. In her professional career, she developed strategies to bring new products and services to market and to expand markets for diverse industries worldwide. In the recent past, her focus has been on health care delivery. She has served as a board member  for one of the  largest independent physician organizations in the state, and is currently the Chair of the Board for an organization that brings nursing and hospice care to patients in their homes. One of the themes that has resonated through her life is learning about aspects of the economy that are different from the sectors in which she worked. As an elected official and as an appointed board member she utilized her experience in the business world to make improvements in the state’s funding formulae for education and the education provided to the children of her municipality. As an early adopter of the cause for renewable energy, she chaired the effort to bring a solar power project to the municipality. She is currently working towards making her condo building resilient to the threat of rising seas. Born and educated in India, Rita has lived in Massachusetts since the 1980’s. She loves photographing and showcasing the beauty of nature, the monuments and peoples she comes across on her travels.
Sonica Arya
Sonica Arya graduated from the Academy of Architecture in Mumbai.  She has worked on a variety of projects ranging from residential homes to outhouses, and commercial projects such as banks and hotels.  She conceptualized, designed and executed the showroom design for the designer jewellery brand “Tanishq” of the Tata Group and has a keen interest in remodelling heritage properties such as those in Matheran, outside of Mumbai. She is an avid reader, an art connoisseur and loves travelling, especially places that have a strong historical, cultural and architectural heritage. She lives with her husband and two teen daughters in Mumbai, India.

Brenda Thompson

Brenda has been employed by Atrius Health for over twenty years and in September 2020 was appointed to the position of Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She is responsible for the Affirmative Action Plan for the entire organization and is now more involved in her passion of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as it relates to the patient population, the workforce, the workplace, and the community.   Brenda is former Vice President of the National Council of Negro Women – Greater Boston Chapter (NCNW-GBS) . Ms. Thompson Stuckey takes great pride in her work both professionally and personally and tries to mesh the two whenever possible. Ms. Thompson has received three Diamond Awards from Harvard Vanguard/Atrius Health for her individual and team contributions and she also received the YMCA Black Achievers Award.  Ms. Thompson Stuckey was also the first person to receive the Greater Boston Business Council’s Member of the Year Award, and as such the first non-LGBTQ recipient. She received this award for efforts, ideas and results produced to promote an LGBTQ inclusive workforce.

Kay Khan

State Representative Kay Khan represents Newton in the Massachusetts House of Representatives since 1995, currently serving the 11th Middlesex district. In 2009, she was appointed House Chair of the Joint Committee on Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities, by then Speaker Robert DeLeo and served in this capacity for 12 years. Representative Khan’s legislative portfolio celebrates and promotes diversity; she is an unshakable advocate for equal rights for all individuals, young and old. Recent legislative successes include; a ban conversion therapy to support of the LGBTQ community, legislation to end child marriage under the age of 18, and expanded access to maternal health care with a commission to study inequities in maternal health. She has spent her entire career in the legislature promoting better outcomes for justice-involved youth and women, additionally, she is an adamant supporter of environmental issues, filing legislation this session relative to the electrification of all new and substantially remodeled buildings statewide.  Representative Khan has lived in Newton for more than 50 years where she and her husband raised their three children and now enjoy their seven grandchildren.

Dr. Rollie Lal

An Associate Professor at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University where she teaches Transnational Security, Foreign Policy, and International Political Economy. Her research focuses on organized crime, terrorism, and religious extremism. Previously she was an Associate Professor at the U.S. Department of Defense and a political scientist at RAND. Dr. Lal received her Ph.D. in International Relations and her M.A. in Strategic Studies from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

Dr. Kavita Navani

Dr. Navani practiced medicine in Central Massachusetts as a primary care physician for over 20 years. She also holds an MD in OB GYN from India. She is actively engaged in community service such as the Free health stop organized by India Society of Worcester. As an entrepreneur, she helped with the formation and growth of eClinicalworks, an electronic health record company with headquarters in Westborough, MA. Dr. Navani has provided clinical input to the EHR and is available to help with small and big tasks that require her expertise. Dr. Navani also takes active interest in cancer research and has made charitable contributions to research on improving outcomes from infant traumatic brain injuries. She is a big supporter of Ekal Vidyalaya.

Sangeeta Moorjani

Sangeeta Moorjani considers herself a global citizen. She was born in India, lived in Dubai, UAE until high school, pursued her undergraduate degree and MBA in India, started her career in financial services in Toronto, Canada, and has spent the last two and half decades in Massachusetts. She is an executive leader at Fidelity Investments and has held several senior leadership positions within Fidelity’s Workplace and Personal Investing business since joining Fidelity over 25 years ago Currently, she is the Head of Fidelity’s Tax Exempt business and Retirement Solutions, serving over 500 mission-driven institutions and delivering workplace benefits to their 7.5 million employees.Sangeeta believes the impact of strong leadership in financial services is through helping people make decisions about their financial futures. Her leadership style sparks novel thinking and leads people to take action. Sangeeta has a passion for helping people uncover their full potential and takes pride in coaching and developing high performing teams; and focuses on empowering them through servant leadership. The practice of candid conversations, deep curiosity, and building strong relationshipsis her hallmark approach in achieving associate and senior management buy-in and leading complex and critical businesses. She is an advocate for advancing women’s leadership and promotes Asian cultural awareness and inclusion at Fidelity and beyond. She serves on the board of two non-profit organizations; TiE Boston focused on entrepreneurship and Pratham USA focused on literacy and learning for children in India. Sangeeta enjoys traveling and exploring different parts of the world, with her husband. When not traveling, you’ll find her walking, listening to books or trying a new recipe. She is a proud mom to two young adults and her dog – Yogi.

Anusha Nanavati

Anusha is the Founder, lead architect and interior designer at Anusha Nanavati Design Studio. She did her under graduation from Balwant Sheth School of Architecture, Nmims, Mumbai and her Masters in Sustainable and Environmental Design from Architectural Association school of Architecture, London. Her studio specializes in various residential and commercial projects including schools, restaurants, gyms, offices, baby nurseries and furniture. She has completed multiple projects in India and UK. She has also completed 3 years as an assistant professor at Balwant Sheth School of Architecture, NMIMS, Mumbai. Anusha is also a part of the management commîttee  of their family run Institutes and Hospital : Shri Chandulal Nanavati School and Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai. To know more about her work follow her on her Instagram handle: @andstudioofficial

Krupa Sheth

Krupa is one of London’s leading councilors. Borough of Brent. She serves on the Cabinet in Brent as the Lead Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Action. She was elected as a Councilor for the first time at the age of 20, making her the youngest ever Asian to be elected to Post in the Country. She is currently serving her fourth term as a Councilor, and was one of Women Who Win’s first contributing writers.

Dr. Archana Srivastava

Dr. Archana Srivastava is an artist deeply rooted in the Indian history and culture and has, in the last two decades, experimented with different genres like figures, abstracts, landscapes and portraits. Her work has been shown all the world, such as at Shanghai International Art Fair, FIRA INTERNACIONAL D’ART DE BARCELONA (Fira International Art Fair), and Cannes International Art Biennale. Her designing of publicity material of the anti-AIDS campaign of Government of Maharashtra was considered hard-hitting and impactful. She has received numerous awards over the years, including  ‘Make in India Award’ in ‘Creative Art’ category in New Delhi., “Woman of Excellence Award 2020” by Indian Achievers’ Forum, “Collector’s Vision International Art Award” by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, and “Power of Creativity Art Prize” by Contemporary Art Curator Magazine. She holds doctorate in “Socio-economic History Of Early-medieval India”. She is based in Mumbai, India. Further, she is the Founder and CEO of ArtSage, her startup with a vision is to help artists by providing resources, giving access to the technology to work at a faster pace, helping them upgrade their skills, giving them platform to sell their artworks, creating awareness about the value of their art in public through workshops and symposiums and enrich their lives as a whole.

Yoshika Sherring

Yoshika Sherring was born in New Delhi, India but considers herself a true Bostonian as she has lived in Boston since she was one.  She attended the Rochester Institute of Technology where she earned her B.S. in Biotechnology and then went on to complete an M.B.A. from Bentley University.  She has worked in the biotech / pharma industry for 20+ years having worked in multiple therapeutic areas on several blockbuster brands.  Her experience spans a cross-section of roles that include Marketing, Business Development and Patient Advocacy after starting her career as a Scientist.  Her passion is engaging with patients to help them live healthier lives.  Yoshika is also Chair for the Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island Marketing & Communications Council.  As a Bostonian, she enjoys all the great things New England has to offer including fresh seafood and won’t eat lobster in any other part of the country!

Kathleen Walsh

Kathleen Walsh is the President and CEO of the YMCA Metro North, an association of YMCAs operating eight health and wellness centers and child care facilities in Lynn, Melrose, Peabody, Saugus, and Stoneham. Walsh provides executive leadership to the $28 million association which serves 69,000 people annually and employs 700 staff members. Through Walsh’s leadership, the YMCA of Metro North advances its charitable mission by expanding access to its healthy living and youth-serving programs by providing more than $1.6 million in financial assistance to its community members each year. Walsh serves as Vice Chairperson with the American Red Cross Northeast Board of Directors, Treasurer of the Mass Alliance of YMCA’s, Thrive Committee Member at the North Shore Chamber of Commerce, Former Chairperson of the Lynn Education District Partnership, Board Member of Dept of Children and Family Services in Malden, Member of National Y Shared Services Board, and is a 2023 Fellow with LEADS, a Harvard Business School leadership program. Walsh earned a Master’s of Science from Northeastern University and a B.A. from Providence College. An avid runner, Walsh has completed 61 marathons and was recently awarded a distinguished Hall of Fame alumni award for Cross Country from her alma mater, Bishop Fenwick High School.  She is the proud mother to three young adults –Johanna, Cynthia, and Francis.

We are also honored to welcome two dedicated Male Allies to our Advisory Board, Dr. Dinesh Patel and Dr. Dhrumil Shah

Dr. Dinesh Patel

Dr. Patel was born, raised and educated in India before starting his orthopedic residency training at Mass General Hospital and the HCORP in 1971. In 1976, Dr. Patel co-founded Mass General’s Sports Medicine and Runner’s Clinic. While here, Dr. Patel also created one of the first arthroscopy bio skills laboratories in the country, and integrated the lab with HCORP in order to train new residents in his innovative techniques and retired after 55 years of teaching and practice. He has a series of accomplishments and is a renowned leader in the medical industry, and his contributions in Arthroscopy education have been recognized around the world. He Established Asia’s first center of excellence in healing art Psychomotor skill lab in for Arthroscopy teaching in  Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India He is the co-founder and past President of Indian medical association of New England, and one of the founders of Tie Boston where he was instrumental in establishing the life sciences section. He is a member of Harvard Medical School admission Committee and Senior advisor & teacher to Harvard Med school students He is a member Member and was Chairman of the Board of Registration in Medicine and continued as advisor on many committee’s for many years.  Dr. Patel has been in U.S. news and World reports as one the best doctors. We are honored to bring him onto our advisory board as a male ally.

Dr. Dhrumil Shah

Dhrumil Shah is a family physician and a CMIO at Compass Medical, an independent provider led organization in Southeast Massachusetts. His primary interests and focus areas are Digital health innovation, Data science and Care analytics, Health innovation and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Shah did his Family Medicine training at New Jersey Medical School and subsequently graduated from University of Illinois Chicago completing his Post Masters in Health Informatics. He is actively involved in Health IT space via many of national and regional speaking engagements and collaborative fueling the much needed disruption to redesign Healthcare delivery space. He also leads Greater Boston Chapter of SOPE(Society of Physicians Entrepreneurs) & Past President of IMANE Indian Medical Association of New England.

Pregnancy Kills 1 Woman Every 2 Minutes

Every two minutes, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth, said a joint report prepared by multiple UN agencies.

The report, Trends in maternal mortality, reveals alarming setbacks for women’s health in recent years, as maternal deaths either increased or stagnated in nearly all regions of the world.

The sorry state

The report, which tracks maternal deaths nationally, regionally and globally from 2000 to 2020, shows there were an estimated 2,87,000 maternal deaths worldwide in 2020.

This marks only a slight decrease from 3,09,000 in 2016 when the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came into effect.


Roughly a third of women do not have even four of a recommended eight antenatal checks or receive essential postnatal care.

Some 270 million women lack access to modern family planning methods.

Poorest parts of the world

The poorest regions and conflict zones reported maximum maternal deaths — about 70% in sub-Saharan Africa.

Nigeria had the highest estimated number (82,000) of maternal deaths — 28.5% of all estimated global maternal deaths in 2020.

Nine countries facing severe humanitarian crises reported more than double the global maternal mortality rate — 551 maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live births, compared to 223 globally.

What about India?

India was among three countries with more than 10,000 such deaths. India reported 24,000 pregnancy or childbirth deaths, followed by The Democratic Republic of the Congo (22,000) and Ethiopia (10,000).

Where it worsened

In two of the eight UN regions — Europe and Northern America, and Latin America and the Caribbean — the maternal mortality rate increased from 2016 to 2020, by 17% and 15% respectively.

A hope

Two regions — Australia and New Zealand, and Central and Southern Asia — experienced significant declines (by 35% and 16%) in their maternal mortality rates.

10 Outstanding Women Of 2023 To Be Honoured At 20th Annual Woman Of The Year Awards Gala

INDIA New England News, one of the largest online and video magazines serving the Indian American community in the United States, today released the list of 10 Outstanding Women of 2023, who will be honored at the 20th Annual Woman of the Year Awards gala on April 14, 2023 at Burlington Marriott Hotel in Burlington, MA.

“Woman of the Year awards gala is always a grand affair, but this year is a very special one as we celebrate the landmark 20th anniversary of the Woman of the Year,” said Upendra Mishra, founder and producer of the Woman of the Year Awards and publisher of INDIA News England News, and its sister publications IndUS Business Journal, Life Sciences Times, and the Boston Real Estate Times. “We’re excited to welcome this year’s winners and all the guests in-person, and honor New England’s brightest stars on April 14.”

Picture : TheUNN

In addition to honoring 10 Outstanding Women of this year in various categories, Indian classical dance icon Neena Gulati, founder of the Brookline, MA-based Triveni School of Dance who has taught and performed dances during the last 51 years in the United States, will be bestowed with 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award.

“It is truly an honor for me to direct and host the 20th anniversary of the Woman of the Year awards gala,” said WOY Director and Hostess Dr. Manju Sheth, MD. “Winning the Woman of the Year Award myself in 2011 and then directing this for the 10 years have been a huge privilege for me. It has given me an opportunity to work with a great team and superb artists and also meet very talented awardees . Looking forward to welcome everyone and celebrating 20 years of this fantastic Awards that empower women.”

The event is attended by about 400 business and community leaders, philanthropists, and professionals.

Here is a list of this year’s 10 Outstanding Women:

Sumeit Aggarwal, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Finhive LLC

Sumeit is on a mission to empower women to take control of their financial futures. After a successful career working with global companies, Sumeit bid adieu to her corporate career and founded Finhive in 2017. Her company is a social enterprise dedicated to working with women-owned startups in financial planning, strategy, and management of financial risks. She also teaches personal finance to young adults and women. She is deeply passionate about embedding personal values into finance, and frequently presents on related topics including sustainable investing, financial health, and narrowing the gender wealth gap. To give back to her alma maters, Sumeit mentors students at Babson College and Northeastern University. She is now an active angel investor in women owned companies providing them capital at early stages of their startups.

Prior to starting Finhive, Sumeit was a senior executive at leading software and healthcare companies working on consulting, corporate and sales strategy, and business analysis, including Oracle Corporation and Hologic Inc. She is a board member of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, and advisory board member of American India Foundation New England Chapter where she co-chaired the 2022 gala that raised over $1 million in funds for underprivileged communities in India. Sumeit earned her MBA from Babson College. She holds a Master’s degree in Information Systems from Northeastern University and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Delhi University.

Meena Bharath

Meena Bharath, Chair, Massachusetts Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission

Meena was named among Boston’s most influential Asian American Pacific Islanders of 2023. She was appointed to the Massachusetts Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission by Massachusetts Senate President Karen Spilka. Education and impact of sound education in the lives of young people and society is of deep interest to her. She has served on local, regional and state level educational bodies. She is a strong advocate for personalized education plans for all learners, celebrating strengths, building supports, and varied paths to learning.

Meena has served in many volunteer capacities including as Chair, DESE’s Gifted & Talented Education Advisory Council; Chair, Hopkinton Public School Committee; Member, Education Committee, Christa McAuliffe Charter School; Member, The Education Cooperative (TEC). Through all these roles, she has had an opportunity to learn, collaborate with many wonderful people, and influenced hearts, minds and policies for better outcomes. She takes great pride in her contribution in the formation of AAPI Commission’s first Youth Council, which elevates youth voices and promotes civic engagement. Meena currently works in the financial industry as a Program Manager.

Dr. Ami Bhatt, MD, FACC, Chief Innovation Offic, American College of Cardiology

Ami is the chief innovation officer (CIO) at the American College of Cardiology and an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, and she has championed heart health awareness within the South Asian community. A graduate from Harvard College and the Yale School of Medicine, Ami completed her medicine and pediatrics residency and cardiovascular fellowships at Harvard, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the Children’s Hospital of Boston. She was the inaugural Richard Liberthson Endowed Scholar in Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Director of their ACHD program. She also served as the director of Outpatient and Telecardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital Corrigan-Minehan Heart Center. She now leads the MGH Elevate Leadership Program aimed at transforming leaders for tomorrow’s healthcare challenges.

She is also the President of the Greater Boston American Heart Association through which she founded and led the “From the Heart: Conversations in South Asian Heart Health,” a global webinar series for culturally relevant patient education. She was the chair for Go Red for Women in 2020 to bring a spotlight to women’s heart health.  Dr. Bhatt has 20 years of experience as a clinician, investigator, and educator with a strong focus on telemedicine and digital health. She founded her first program in cardiovascular virtual care in 2013 and continues to work on creating culturally relevant, personalized virtual cardiovascular care delivery models. She was recently named to Boston Magazine’s Top Doctors list for 2023, HealthTech Magazine’s 30 Healthcare Influencers to follow in 2022 and she also serves on the Forbes Technology Council.

Manorama Choudhury, Poetess, Artist

Manorama Choudhury is a poetess and avid artist. Originally from Berhampur, she has delved into her creative intellectual pursuits through the art of poetry (in Odia/Hindi/English), songwriting, painting, fashion designing, and other visual art mediums.

Manorama had recited poetry on many platforms including Sapne (South Asian Poets of New England), Nabagunjara, Odia literature in North America, Ame Odia Ame Odisha. She often writes non-fiction articles for various E-magazines. She spends a lot of her time on philanthropy work with charities that focus on education and health and wellness programs in rural India.

Parul Doshi, Chief Data Officer, Cellarity

Parul is a well-respected corporate leader. She was named Chief Data Officer for Cellarity after joining just twelve months ago and applies her vast pharma expertise in data, software engineering, and IT.  Cellarity is a therapeutics company that develops medicines by studying and altering the cellular signatures of disease.  Previously, Parul was Head of Digital and Technology at Takeda, a Top 10 Pharma.  She led programs supporting various, highly visible, product launches such as Dengue vaccine, Moderna vaccine distribution in Japan, production of Novavax Covid 19 vaccine in Japan, NINLARO a multiple myeloma drug, and ALUNBRIG for ALK+ Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).  Parul also led IT Integration during the $5B ARIAD’s acquisition.  She led DEI employee resource groups for parents and caregivers at Takeda. Takeda awarded Parul the Takeda Global Award in 2009 and the CIO Award in 2016 and 2017 for her collaborative leadership.

In addition to her corporate leadership, Parul is involved in various community initiatives.  She taught computer literacy at the Waltham Library.  She volunteers for the Indian Family Network (IFNet) summer camps for Indian-American kids.  She continuously coaches and mentors other colleagues to advance their careers. Parul has a BS in Chemistry, Economics, and Applied Statistics, and an MBA in Finance and IT.

Veena Handa, Vice Chair, Vision-Aid

Since retiring, Veena has been volunteering her time and efforts to many causes she is passionate about and that are close to her heart. Her exemplary volunteer work spans across a broad set of social causes including as Vice Chair of Vision-Aid, Member of AIF’s Circle of Hope, Shine Counselor and a Money Manager volunteer for Minuteman Senior Services to advice seniors with their Medicare and Money Management needs.

As a volunteer at Lexington Community Center, she works on multiple projects and has delivered Budget Planning and Retirement Planning talks for Youth and Seniors. Her response to the Covid pandemic was to engage with “Sew We Care” Team which provided over 20,000 masks and scrub caps to Hospitals, Health Centers and Senior Centers and Veena personally made over 1,000 masks and scrub caps as part of this team. However, her efforts at Vision-Aid to educate and empower over 20,000 Visually Impaired with terminal conditions each year, acquire skills needed to lead an independent life are why she is  most worthy of this nomination.

Sunita Kanchinadam, Global Head of Securities Lending, Financing & Collateral Transformation Technology, State Street Bank& Chair: TiECON East 2023

In addition to serving as Global Head of Securities Lending, Financing & Collateral Transformation Technology at Boston-based State Street Bank, Sunita is chair of TiECON 2023, the largest entrepreneurial conference in New England. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Rise of the Intentional Entrepreneur”, focused on the persona of the modern entrepreneur. The objective of the conference is to not only bring rich content and networking opportunities, but also to expand attendees’ networks, tapping into the rich talent emerging from New England academia.

At State Street Bank, Sunita manages the technology organization supporting Global Markets business. She worked in Goldman Sachs prior to it and has had overall 25+ years experience inclusive of financial domain experience in Barclays, Lehman Brothers and in the telecom sectors at Alcatel-Lucent. Sunita holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from Northeastern University as well as a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science.

Jharna Madan, Director, Hindi Manch, Senior Project Manager/ Designer, Officeworks Inc.

Jharna is a well-known community leader who champions and fervently supports a number of social concerns in New England. She works tirelessly to assist the community, going above and beyond with her commitment and hard work. She is praised for coming up with original, inventive ideas that give all of her undertakings style and grace. Jharna is Director and a member of the Steering Committee of the Hindi Manch, one of the largest Hindi organizations in the US. In addition, she is a local freelance reporter of TV Asia and has been co-emcee for the Woman of the Year gala for many years. Professionally, she is Senior Project Manager/ Designer at Officeworks Inc.

During the past ten years, under Jharna’s devoted leadership, Hindi Manch has impacted over 10,000 established non-resident Indian families, hosted over 80 cultural events with over 2,500 performers, worked to educate the next generation, and given over 500 kids a platform. Jharna played a significant role in making the inaugural USA National Hindi Conference, which brought together over 1,500 families from around the US, possible in Boston in 2018. During the pandemic, under her leadership, the first nearly global Hindi festivals were conducted, uniting over 217,000 people from 18 different nations and offering much-needed emotional support. Jharna has worked with and promoted groups such as Ekal Vidyalaya, Care For Janitors, Sew We Care, TV Asia, and India New England in addition to Hindi Manch.

Sahana Purohit, Board of Directors, Discovery Museum, Commissioner, Acton Housing Authority

Sahana is a member of the Board of Directors of Discovery Museum and Commissioner of Action Housing Authority. She believes that local politics is much more important than national politics. And she lives and breathes that in her daily life.  Sahana is an active member of the Acton community, having served in leadership and volunteer positions for many town committees and projects. She most recently served as a member of the Acton Finance Committee. Sahana also served on the Acton 2020 Comprehensive Community Planning Committee and on the Town Manager Search Committee in 2018. She has been a key player in several successful, major outreach projects, securing $17M dollars from the state for the Kelley’s Corner Infrastructure Project and $11M from the town for the North Acton Fire Station project.

Sahana was on the Steering Committee for The League of Women Voters in Acton for 12 years and served as both the League Co-Chair and Education Committee Chair. She has also successfully organized the League’s famous Civics Bee for nine years, a community building activity involving both students and community leaders. In 2020, Sahana was awarded the Commonwealth Heroine Award by the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women.

Gitanjali Swamy, Public Policy, Serial Entrepreneur-Investor, Innovator, Thinker, Managing Partner, IoTask

Gitanjali Swamy (Gita) is Senior Legislative & Policy Advisor to the office of Senator Mark at the Massachusetts State Senate. She was previously Senior Legislative and Policy Advisor with the office of Senator Hinds, where she also served as Chief Legal Advisor. Dr. Swamy supports Legislative Policy or Regulation and her special areas of interest are economic development and investment policy

Dr. Swamy (Ph. D) is also a Managing Partner at IoTask, an innovation consulting firm and she has founded, built, served as board director in innovation enterprises, led the investment sourcing, structuring, and transaction of seed to over a billion USD deals, in her investment or professional roles at IoTask, The Carlyle Group and Booz Allen & Hamilton. She is a representative to the EQUALS Global Partnership (a Joint Venture of the ITU, GSMA, UNU, UN Women), Board and Steering Committee member of the MIT Consortium Initiative for DI in Land, Water, Air, in collaboration with The World Bank, Research Fellow & Director at the Private Capital Research Institute, Harvard Business School. She has co-founded 5 successfully acquired startups and the helped found of MIT’s OpenCourseware, the Auto-ID Consortium and the MIT Engine investment vehicle. Dr. Swamy has collaborated on ESG projects with MIT Corporation, United Nations agencies, Fabindia Overseas Pvt Ltd, and several Government P3 ESG efforts. She has also served as faculty at Harvard and Columbia University, where she taught classes in finance and policy. She currently serves on the Board of DFCU, a top 20 credit union bank in Massachusetts that has consistently been voted Best Credit Union” by Banker & Tradesman, and the PAN-IIT Global USA Board.

Dr. Swamy received her B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from the IIT Kanpur, where she was awarded several Academic Proficiency Prizes, her Ph.D. in EECS from the University of
California at Berkeley, where she was an NSF Fellow & President of WICSE, and her MBA from Harvard Business School, where she served as CFO of HBS-SA, and her Juris Doctor (JD) from St. Francis Law, and she a member of the California Bar. Dr. Swamy has over 25 publications and patents in the fields of data, algorithms, technology, and policy. She was recently voted in Ten Most Influential Women in Technology.

Neal Mohan Is New YouTube CEO

Indian-American Neal Mohan will be the new YouTube CEO, as current head Susan Wojcicki has announced to step down after 25 years at the Google-owned company.

Currently chief product officer, Mohan became part of Google, the parent company of YouTube, in 2008. He is a Stanford graduate and earlier worked with Microsoft.

Mohan and Wojcicki have worked together for nearly 15 years. He became YouTube’s chief product officer in 2015.

“Today, after nearly 25 years here, I’ve decided to step back from my role as the head of YouTube and start a new chapter focused on my family, health, and personal projects I’m passionate about,” Wojcicki said in a blog post late on Thursday.

She has agreed with Sundar Pichai to take on an advisory role across Google and Alphabet.

“This will allow me to call on my different experiences over the years to offer counsel and guidance across Google and the portfolio of Alphabet companies,” she added.

Wojcicki managed marketing, co-created Google Image Search, led Google’s first Video and Book search, as well as early parts of AdSense’s creation, worked on the YouTube and DoubleClick acquisitions, served as SVP of Ads, and for the last nine years, was the CEO of YouTube.

“I took on each challenge that came my way because it had a mission that benefited so many people’s lives around the world: finding information, telling stories and supporting creators, artists, and small businesses,” she noted.

“Mohan will be the SVP and new head of YouTube. I’ve spent nearly 15 years of my career working with Mohan, first when he came over to Google with the DoubleClick acquisition in 2007 and as his role grew to become SVP of Display and Video Ads,” said Wojcicki.

He has set up a top-notch product and UX team, played pivotal roles in the launch of some of the biggest products, including YouTube TV, YouTube Music and Premium and Shorts, and has led the Trust and Safety team. Mohan ensured that “YouTube lives up to its responsibility as a global platform”.

“With all we’re doing across Shorts, streaming, and subscriptions, together with the promises of AI, YouTube’s most exciting opportunities are ahead, and Mohan is the right person to lead us,” said Wojcicki. (IANS)

As Nikki Haley Announces Run For President In 2024, Indian American Community Pledges Support

Indian American Nikki Haley, Former South Carolina Republican Governor and former US ambassador to the United Nations under the Donald Trump administration has announced that she will run for president in 2024, becoming the first major rival to challenge former President Donald Trump for the GOP nomination.

“It’s time for a new generation of leadership — to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border, and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose.” Haley said in her video announcement. Haley accused the “socialist left” of seeing “an opportunity to rewrite history.”

“The Washington establishment has failed us over and over and over again. It’s time for a new generation of leadership to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border and strengthen our country, our pride and our purpose,” Haley said in the video.

“China and Russia are on the march. They all think we can be bullied, kicked around,” Haley said. “You should know this about me: I don’t put up with bullies. And when you kick back, it hurts them more if you’re wearing heels. I’m Nikki Haley, and I’m running for president.”

Per reports, the former president, who announced his bid last year, recently appeared to bless her entrance into the race, telling reporters that she had called to tell him she was considering a campaign launch and that he had said, “You should do it.”

The Indian American community has expressed support to Haley, a second-generation Indian American, who has risen through the rank and file of the Republican Party by her leadership qualities. “I have known Governor Haley personally for decades and we are delighted that she has announced her candidacy on February 15th, 2023 at her home state, and capital Charleston,” Dr. Sampat Shivangi, a Member of the National Advisory Council, SAMHSA, Center for National Mental Health Services, Washington DC told this writer. “On behalf of the large and influential Indian American community, I wish her well and all the success in the coming days, and pray, she will succeed to be a nominee of GOP in 2024. We will assure our community support in every way,” he added.

Pointing to the many leadership roles she has held, Dr. Shivangi said, “Governor Nicky Haley, who has served in multiple roles in the US and on word stage as the US Ambassador to United Nations, makes all of us proud, specifically Indian Americans, who have given a unique identity as part of the diaspora. A rare quality of Governor Nicky is that she has not forgotten her roots and her ancestral homeland India as she visited India and interacted with leadership in India including meeting our beloved leader Prime Minister Modi.  She is a popular and respected leader, not only in her home state, South Carolina, and across US. She has very close ties with President Trump who she may be running against in GOP primaries. I have learned that President Trump has welcomed her candidacy for the highest office of the land, possibly a place on the world stage.”

Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants, opened the video talking about how she felt “different” growing up in Bamberg, South Carolina. “The railroad tracks divided the town by race. I was the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. Not Black, not White. I was different. But my mom would always say your job is not to focus on the differences but on the similarities. And my parents reminded me and my siblings every day how blessed we were to live in America,” Haley said.  If successful in the primary, Haley would be the first woman and the first Asian American nominated by the Republican Party for president.

Haley will likely face stiff competition from other potential GOP candidates such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who are all said to be weighing 2024 runs. Some strategists say a big Republican primary field would be advantageous to Trump, who still enjoys significant support among the party base, and could splinter the vote — allowing him to walk away with the nomination.

AAPI’s Women’s Forum Discusses Ways To “Advancing Women’s Health Through Awareness and Action.”

“Advancing Women’s Health Through Awareness and Action” was the theme at the much-anticipated Women’s Leadership Forum that featured extraordinarily successful Women Leaders representing a diversity of professions, involving public, private and government organizations, during the recently concluded Global Healthcare Summit organized by the American Association of Physici9ans of Indian origin (AAPI) in Visakhapatnam, India from January 6th to 8th, 2023.

Picture : TheUNN

Dr. Smt. Tamilisai Soundararajan, Honorable Governor of Telangana & Honorable Lt. Governor of Puducherry delivered the keynote address at the Women’s Forum virtually. She urged everyone to “Pay attention to little things and how changes can be brought in. Ensure that the much-needed healthcare services reach everyone. There are many plans and programs initiated by the state government, but people need to be made aware of them and be helped to utilize the programs,” she said. She lauded “the great work by AAPI members for promoting health globally, particularly in India and the United States.”

Shri. MVV Satyavathi, Member of Parliament, representing Anakapalli in Andhra Pradesh was the Guest of Honor at the Women’s Forum. In her address, she congratulated AAPI, whose members having been born and educated in India, settled down in the US with success, have come back to India to serve the people of India, and  work together for the betterment of humanity.

While congratulating the members of AAPI’s Women’s Forum and lauding them for some of the major initiatives of the Women’s Forum, Dr. Ravi Kolli, President of AAPI said, “In collaboration with national AAPI, the Forum has successfully organized events like HPV vaccination drive, fundraiser for suicide prevention awareness, scholarship for medical students, and many others.” In the next 2 years, the Forum aims to conduct CPR and AED trainings and install more AEDs in areas such as the railway stations, bus stations, malls, schools,  and colleges. We plan to organize certified training workshops on Neonatal resuscitation, basic life support and emergency medicine for emergency responders and healthcare professionals.

Dr. Udaya Shivangi, Chair of AAPI’s Women’s Committee, in her opening remarks provided an overview of the Forum and the many initiatives by the Forum both in India and the United States.  “It is my privilege and great honor to serve as the Chair of AAPI‘s Women Leadership Forum. We are fortunate to have with us.  leaders and decision makers who have made a significant impact on the society and share a common vision of a healthier and stronger India,” she said.

“Each year, the Women’s Forum has played a significant role in organizing events, fundraisers and service projects that represent the core values of AAPI and our collective mission of giving back to our motherland. These events serve as a platform to expand our resources,  share technological advancements and establish new partnerships, dr. Shivangi added.

Picture : TheUNN

Panelists at the Women’s Forum included: Dr. Suneela Garg, Dir. Professor & Head of Community Medicine at Maulana Azad Medical College; Dr. Anuradha Medoju, Senior Regional Director at Telangana & Andhra Pradesh Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India; Dr. S. Radha Rani, Former Professor and Superintendent, Hospital of Mental Health; and Ms. Meghna Chalasani, Team Lead, Advisory Committees, Program Lead, Science Office Strategies for New Drugs at Center for Drug Education and Research, US Food & Drug Administration.

Dr. Anuradha Medoju, Senior Regional Director at Telangana & Andhra Pradesh Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India spoke about how she is able to work as a mother and government servant. “Working with balance is challenging. We should have boundaries for everything while needing to balance our personal life, our family life and our passion,” she said.

Dr. Suneela Garg, Dir. Professor & Head of Community Medicine at Maulana Azad Medical College pointed out that women are 55% of the total population of India. “We have made progress in so many areas of health indicators and infant mortality. I urge AAPI to come forward to work with local organizations and help spread wellness initiatives among the people.”

Dr. S. Radha Rani, Former Professor and Superintendent, Hospital of Mental Health spoke about why is mental health important and how to improve one’s overall health. “Woman is an important member of the family and the society. Her mental health is vital, as it affects everyone in the family and therefore caring for her mental health is important. Major life events impact women, who in turn affect all other members of the family.”

Women’s Forum is chaired by Dr. Udaya Shivangi and Dr. T. Radha, while Dr. Uma Jonnalagadda is the Advisor and Dr. B. Devi Madhavi is serving as the Co-Chair. Dr. Jonnalagadda, while proposing the vote of thanks, said, “I thank you for being with us today and advocating for women’s rights.” For more details, please visit:

Anoushka Shankar Will Perform At 65th Grammy Awards

Kicking off the proceedings for the 65th annual Grammy Awards, Awards Premiere Ceremony, Anoushka Shankar will be seen making her third performance at the event.

The ceremony will return to the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles on 5 February.

The masterful sitar player, producer, film composer, activist and nine-time Grammy Award nominee will perform alongside vocalist Arooj Aftab on their nominated track ‘Udhero Na’ from Arooj’s new album, ‘Vulture Prince’.

Anoushka shared: “I’m genuinely over the moon to be performing at the Grammy Awards Premiere Ceremony for the third time. This time I’m excited to share the stage with the wonderful Arooj Aftab, playing her beautiful song Udhero Na.”

“I’m grateful my music on this song and on my album Between Usa has been recognised with a nomination again and am proud to represent India and my instrument, the sitar, on this world stage.”

Anoushka enjoys an extensive Grammy history; she was the first Indian woman ever nominated and youngest-ever nominee in the World Music Category for her album Live At Carnegie Hall in 2002, and then went on to become the first Indian musician to perform at the ceremony in 2005, serve as presenter in 2016 and perform for the second time in 2021.

In addition to her fresh eighth and ninth nominations, Anoushka’s previous works Live At Carnegie Hall, Rise, Traveller, Traces Of You, Home, Land Of Goldand Love Letters have all been Grammy nominated.

This announcement coincides with Anoushka’s fresh inaugural empanellment as a Visiting Professor in Music at Oxford University.

Anoushka further added: “What a true honour to be invited as the Inaugural Visiting Professor in Music Business at Oxford University! I’m deeply grateful to embark upon this new journey.”

Sania Mirza Ends Her Grand Slam Career With 6 Titles

“I never thought I’d be able to play in front of my child in a Grand Slam final, so it’s truly special for me.”

Sania Mirza’s final Grand Slam match ended with the runner-up plate but this line from her emotional post-match speech signifies the magnitude of her journey, and her achievement today, despite the loss.

Sania and Rohan Bopanna – still a doubles pair 22 years after they first partnered at the National Championship in India – went down in the mixed doubles final at the Australian Open 6-7(2), 2-6 to the Brazilians Luisa Stefani and Rafael Mataos.

It was a one-sided final for the most part, as the Indians struggled to convert their chances and counter their opponents’ defence. But the story is not just of the loss, it’s also about celebrating how Sania Mirza reiterated how she is a fighter till the end.

At 36 years of age, playing well beyond her original retirement plan in 2022 after yet another injury setback, she somehow gave herself a chance for more silverware on tennis’ biggest stage. This time with her four-year-old son watching, even joining her on court after her last win.

Picture : TOI

Her previous Grand Slam final was back in 2017, also the mixed doubles at the Australian Open, which she lost. Her son was born in 2018 and, despite a fairly successful comeback after giving birth, the pandemic disruption and a number of injuries, she never reached another final.

And yet, when the unseeded, all-Indian pair reached the final beating the third seeds it felt like no surprise, and the loss to a younger pair feels like a disappointment.

It truly puts Sania’s tennis career in perspective. Even when she lost the final, she showed once again why she is India’s greatest woman tennis player. That we had the expectation of a fairytale farewell is also down to all the times she has bounced back, on and off court to prove detractors wrong.

It was an emotional final, perhaps the significance of the moment weighing a bit too heavily on the Indians at times as a string of nervy errors showed.

Sania, who said she is not one to cry in public, was visibly emotional after. “If I cry, these are happy tears. That’s just a disclaimer,” she said on court.

“I’m still going to play a couple of more tournaments but my journey of my professional career started in Melbourne. It started in 2005 when I played Serena Williams in the third round as an 18-year-old and that was, scarily enough, 18 years ago. I have had the privilege to come back here again and again, win some tournaments here and play some great finals amongst you all. Rod Laver Arena has really been special in my life and I couldn’t think of a better arena to finish my career at in a Grand Slam,” she added.

The Australian Open has indeed been a happy hunting ground for her. She made her Grand Slam debut here and was seeded in the singles main draw for the first time – a massive achievement for an Indian player in singles.

She also played her first Major final (mixed doubles 2008), and won her first Grand Slam (mixed doubles 2009, both with Mahesh Bhupathi) here.

It feels like a full circle, yet it isn’t; Sania has been so much more than her sporting success. One cannot talk about her plethora of tennis achievements – she owns almost every milestone in Indian women’s tennis – without mentioning the off-field barriers she had to overcome.

Sania’s fearlessness kept her unfazed on court when chaos surrounded her. And she had her share of scrutiny, perhaps more than a regular Indian sportswoman, due to her religion, life partner and residence. Yet she kept at it, and brought India its most glorious tennis memories in recent times when the sport has found few silver linings.

The numbers we know – six Grand Slams, singles rank as high as No 27, the doubles No 1 for a total of 91 weeks. But to truly celebrate Sania Mirza is to acknowledge her achievements both on and off court. The teen who fought off fatwas, the 35-year-old who couldn’t lift a water bottle without pain last October due to an elbow injury that ended her planned farewell season, the mother who travelled with her toddler to tournaments. For her last dance, she pushed herself back in shape to retire on court, on her terms. The fighter who pushed boundaries and changed the way Indian tennis and sportswomen are seen.

There are a couple of tournaments still left before her swansong next month in Dubai. Till then, let’s continue to enjoy the Sania Mirza forehands and forthrightness that made her stand out like no other. (The ESPN)
