ZEE5 Global, the world’s largest streaming platform for South Asian content, announces the digital premiere of the hard-hitting crime drama produced by Sunshine Pictures Pvt Ltd – ‘Bastar: The Naxal Story’. Post the success of The Kerala Story, the core team of director Sudipto Sen, producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah, Sunshine Productions and lead actor Adah Sharma have created yet another intense and thought-provoking narrative. The film, inspired by true events, centers on the Naxal insurgency in the Indian state Chhattisgarh and the extraordinary efforts of a single police officer to quell the threat. Along with Adah Sharma, the movie also features Indira Tiwari, Vijay Krishna, Shilpa Shukla, Yashpal Sharma, Subrat Dutta, and Raima Sen in prominent roles. Viewers can stream ‘Bastar’ from May 17 onwards, exclusively on ZEE5 Global!
‘Bastar’ is a gripping tale that sheds light on the Naxal menace that has claimed thousands of lives and caused immense destruction in the region. Drawing inspiration from actual events, the film follows the journey of a dedicated police officer who goes above and beyond to combat the Naxal insurgency in Chhattisgarh. With intense moments that will shake you to the core, ‘Bastar’ offers an unflinching look at the complexities of this issue.
Watch Bastar on ZEE5 Global to witness the unsung heroes fight terrorism and delve deeper into the personal challenges of officers and their courageous battle against the Naxal community. The film will be available in Hindi and Telugu languages starting May 17, 2024.
Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer at ZEE5 Global said, “At ZEE5 Global, we believe in curating a diverse library of content that sparks conversation and widens perspectives. Bastar is a powerful film that tackles the complexities of the Naxal insurgency, offering a raw and thought-provoking exploration of a sensitive topic. Its addition to our platform adds a powerful global narrative to our ever-expanding entertainment landscape.”
Producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah said, “This is our second collaboration after “The Kerala Story” and I am proud to be the Producer of Bastar: The Naxal Story. With ‘Bastar,’ we wanted to shed light on the Naxal insurgency in Chhattisgarh, an issue that has impacted countless lives. This film talks about the bravery of those who have fought against this threat, and we hope it serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing such critical societal issues. Exploring this subject was a risky terrain, but I hope viewers appreciate our efforts in bringing this powerful story to the forefront. Sudipto, Adah, and the entire team have worked tirelessly to create a thought-provoking and we are delighted that ZEE5 Global is platforming this authentic portrayal of the Naxal conflict.”
Director Sudipto Sen recollects, “Directing ‘Bastar’ was a challenging yet rewarding experience. We aimed to present a very realistic side of the Naxal conflict, drawing inspiration from real-life events and characters. Adah Sharma has done a fabulous job once again, and the great performances from the entire cast make the film even more interesting and convincing. Making ‘Bastar’ was very important for me; it is something I have felt, lived, and understood since my childhood. While the subject matter is intense, we hope this film encourages dialogue and understanding about this terrifying issue. I am looking forward to the film’s digital premiere on ZEE5 Global and taking this lesser-known story to the masses.”
Actor Adah Sharma mentioned, “Bastar is a powerful film that tackles a sensitive and important issue. I’m overwhelmed by the love and appreciation that fans have showered upon my character during its theatrical release. With the digital premiere on ZEE5 Global, I feel the film will reach an even wider audience and hope that they continue to shower their love and support. I’m grateful for the opportunity and it was an intense and challenging experience.
ZEE5 Global is the digital entertainment destination launched by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL), a global Media and Entertainment powerhouse. The platform launched across 190+ countries in October 2018 and has content across 18 languages: Hindi, English, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Bhojpuri, Gujarati, Punjabi, including six international languages Malay, Thai, Bahasa, Urdu, Bangla and Arabic. ZEE5 Global is home to 200,000+ hours of on-demand content. The platform brings together the best of Originals, Movies and TV Shows, Music, Health and Lifestyle content in one destination. In addition, ZEE5 Global offers features like 15 navigational languages, content download options, seamless video playback and Voice Search. The platform also recently launched ZEE5 Global Add-ons in the US where one can access and subscribe to multiple South Asian streaming platforms like Chaupal, Oho Gujarati, NammaFlix, Simply South and iStream all in one single destination, ZEE5.