Indian Peacekeeper Major Radhika Sen to Receive UN Military Gender Advocate Award

Featured & Cover Indian Peacekeeper Major Radhika Sen to Receive UN Military Gender Advocate Award

Indian soldier Major Radhika Sen, who served as part of the UN mission in Congo, will receive the esteemed military gender advocate award from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on May 30, coinciding with the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.

Who is Major Radhika Sen?

Radhika Sen was stationed with the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) from March 2023 to April 2024, leading MONUSCO’s engagement platoon for the Indian rapid deployment battalion (INDRDB).

Major Radhika Sen enlisted in the Indian Army eight years ago. She holds a degree in biotechnology engineering and was pursuing a Master’s degree at IIT Bombay before joining the armed forces.

Sen assumed her role in MONUSCO in March 2023 as the engagement platoon commander with the Indian rapid deployment battalion, concluding her service in April 2024. She becomes the second Indian peacekeeper to be honored with this prestigious award, following in the footsteps of Major Suman Gawani, recognized with the United Nations military gender advocate of the year award in 2019 for her service with the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commended Major Sen for her exemplary service, labeling her as a genuine leader and role model. Guterres stated, “Her service was a true credit to the United Nations as a whole.”

In response to the news, Major Sen expressed her gratitude, stating, “This award is special to me as it gives recognition to the hard work put in by all the peacekeepers working in the challenging environment of DRC and giving their best to bring a positive change in the society.”

“Gender-sensitive peacekeeping is everybody’s business – not just us, women. Peace begins with all of us in our beautiful diversity!” she added.

Established in 2016 by the office of military affairs within the department for peace operations (DPO) of the UN, the United Nations military gender advocate of the year award acknowledges the dedication and efforts of an individual military peacekeeper in promoting the principles of UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security.

The recipient of the award is chosen from among nominees put forward by force commanders and heads of mission from all peace operations. India currently stands as the 11th largest contributor of women military peacekeepers to the United Nations.

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