AAPI-New Jersey Chapter Raises $50,000 for Families of Martyrs Killed in Pulwama Terrorist Attack

(Roselle Park, NJ: March 8th, 2019) During a fun raising event organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin New Jersey Chapter (AAPI-NJ) on Sunday, March 3rd at the Castle in Roselle Park, NJ, over $50,000 was raised for the families of the martyrs killed in Pulwama Terrorist Attack last month.

Attended by the members, families and supporters of AAPI, the event was organized in collaboration with the India World Foundation, World NRI Associaiotn, Federation of India Associations, and BAJANA.

A Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the bus they were travelling in. Over 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Jawans were killed and dozens of others injured in a blast in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, February 14th. The blast was triggered by militants to target two vehicles carrying the CRPF jawans.

Ambassador Sandeep Chakravorty, a member of the Indian Foreign Service (IFS) since 1996, currently serving as the Consul General of India, in his keynote address, while praising the Indian Army Men and Women who risk their lives for protecting the nation from enemies, lauded the Government of India’s bold and calculated response to the Pulwama Terrorist Attack. The Consul General lauded the fundraising effort, and said it showed “amazing support for India, amazing support for our soldiers. Amazing support for the government.” He added that “the message that is going out from here is that India has changed forever; will not take attacks against our sovereignty.” He urged the international media to be more understanding and objective while reporting terrorism and its impact especially in the South Asian region, and the fitting response by the Government of India.

Dr. Binod K. Sinha, President, New Jersey Chapter of AAPI, said, “The attack brought about huge anguish all across the world. It is good to see all of you gathered here. We received donations of more than $50,000 in spite of a bad snow storm. I want to assure that the money raised will be directly transferred directly to the families of the victims through Bharat Ke Veer App by Bollywood star Akshay Kumar.”

Dr. Pradip Shah, Secretary, AAPI NJ chapter, said that the organization was “proud to do this program.” He added, “We are here for community, and the nation. No amount is too small (to donate). Our goal is to help the community, and our nation. We will continue to do this.”

 Dr. Hemant Patel, Chair of Board of Trustees, AAPI-NJ Chapter, in his address, thanked the NRIs for rising to the occasion and supporting noble causes such as this. “We always raise to the occasion and give our best to our motherland India,” Dr. Patel said. He pointed to many noble causes AAPI has initiated with local Chapters from across the United States, showing our ongoing support and commitment to India.

In his welcome address, Dr. Raj Bhayani, Convenor of the event, said, “It’s with great humility, I welcome you all as we have come together to honor our Jawans, who have laid down their lives in protecting our motherland, India. We are grateful to God that such brave men ever lived. They have sacrificed their lives for a greater cause, protecting our freedom. India’s army men sacrifice their lives in order that India will continue to stay free. We salute them.”

Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, in a message, thanked AAPI-NJ Chapter And its members for initiating the noble cause on behalf of national AAPI and expressing our solidarity and support for the martyrs of the terror attack and the families of those who sacrificed their lives in protecting our motherland India. American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI), wants to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the United States Administration, the Lawmakers and the public, who have overwhelmingly expressed their deep concerns of the ongoing terrorist activities, particularly the most recent heinous terrorist attack on CRPF personnel in Kashmir last month,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI in a statement here.

Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect of AAPI, said, in a statement, “Attack on the CRPF personnel in Kashmir is despicable. We at AAPI strongly condemn this dastardly attack. Sacrifices of our brave security personnel shall not go in vain. We strongly urge all members of the international community to support India’s efforts to root out terrorism.”

One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin in the United States. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI mourns the death of Dilip G. Shah, Founder Of Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance

“We are shocked and deeply saddened by a strong supporter and long-time personal friend of AAPI, Mr. Dilip G. Shah’s sudden passing away,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI. “Mr. Shah has been very closely associated with AAPI and has been regular at AAPI’s Global Health Summit, leading the CEO Forums, for the past several years. His loss has left us with a huge void,” Dr. Parikh said.

“Very big loss for Indian Pharma and his friendship and warm hospitality will always be cherished. A personal and long time confidant and beacon for US India AAPI engagement strategy,” said Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, Chief Strategy Adviser AAPI. “Our heartfelt sympathies and prayers are with Mrs. Smita Shah and family.”

Dilip G. Shah, 77, founder of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) an organization that represented the interests of Indian pharma industry passed away in Mumbai on Friday, February 22nd, 2019. Known in the industry as “DG”, Mr Shah started the IPA when the Indian pharma companies were trying to find their feet in the global pharma landscape that was dominated by the multinational pharma companies predominantly based out of Europe and USA.

Shah who himself spent most of his career with the MNC drug companies  Shah and the IPA became the body that resisted the Intellectual Property Rights that lower income countries like India were forced to sign under the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS agreement.

Under his able leadership, The IPA positioned itself as the voice of generic drug companies that claimed to represent the interests of Indian drug companies who were bullied under these TRIPS agreement. Shah few pharma industry veterans recall was at times even more powerful than the Indian CEO’s whose interests he represented …

As per media reports, Shah and the IPA became the body that resisted the Intellectual Property Rights that lower income countries like India were forced to sign under the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS agreement. The IPA positioned itself as the voice of generic drug companies that claimed to represent the interests of Indian drug companies who were bullied under these TRIPS agreement. Shah few pharma industry veterans recall was at times even more powerful than the Indian CEO’s whose interests he represented to the end of his long cherished career.

In the last two decades since Shah took charge of the IPA, the Indian generic drug industry has grown to become a $5 billion industry, as some of the local companies have gone on to establish their names in the global pharma scene, predominantly the United States. In the last two years, Shah and IPA were involved with the Indian pricing drug regulator, NPPA over regulating prices of medicines in India. The IPA has also been working with the US drug regulators on addressing the quality.

The IPA has also been working with the US drug regulators on addressing the quality issues of Indian drug makers that has halted the industry’s growth in the last three years.

Dilip G. Shah graduated from the premier business school in India, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. He has 50 years of varied experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has addressed several WTO workshops on TRIPS, WIPO seminars on IPRs and Public Health, WHO meetings on Access to Medicines and several other international meetings and conferences. He was a Member of the official Indian Delegation to WTO Ministerial Conference at Cancun. He also appeared before the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) and testified in Investigation No.332-543 Hearing in Washington DC in 2014. One of the senior-most top pharmaceutical professionals in the country, ‘DG’ as fondly called among the pharma fraternity, had over 52 years (1966 onwards) of varied experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Describing Mr. Shah, known as an one man army of the Indian pharma industry, Dr. Naresh Parikh said, “This fast growing Indian industry has lost its voice. He was one among the mantle bearers who spearheaded India’s transformation to become one of the top generic drug producers in the world. It is a great loss to the entire pharmaceutical industry and his contributions in the areas of advocacy, strategic planning, advisory and knowledge sharing have been invaluable.”

Dilip G. Shah, Founder Of Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, Dies

“We are shocked and deeply saddened by a strong supporter and long-time personal friend of AAPI, Mr. Dilip G. Shah’s sudden passing away,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI. “Mr. Shah has been very closely associated with AAPI and has been regular at AAPI’s Global Health Summit, leading the CEO Forums, for the past several years. His loss has left us with a huge void,” Dr. Parikh said.

“Very big loss for Indian Pharma and his friendship and warm hospitality will always be cherished. A personal and long time confidant and beacon for US India AAPI engagement strategy,” said Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, Chief Strategy Adviser AAPI. “Our heartfelt sympathies and prayers are with Mrs. Smita Shah and family.”

Dilip G. Shah, 77, founder of the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA) an organization that represented the interests of Indian pharma industry passed away in Mumbai on Friday, February 22nd, 2019. Known in the industry as “DG”, Mr Shah started the IPA when the Indian pharma companies were trying to find their feet in the global pharma landscape that was dominated by the multinational pharma companies predominantly based out of Europe and USA.

Shah who himself spent most of his career with the MNC drug companies  Shah and the IPA became the body that resisted the Intellectual Property Rights that lower income countries like India were forced to sign under the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS agreement.

Under his able leadership, The IPA positioned itself as the voice of generic drug companies that claimed to represent the interests of Indian drug companies who were bullied under these TRIPS agreement. Shah few pharma industry veterans recall was at times even more powerful than the Indian CEO’s whose interests he represented …

As per media reports, Shah and the IPA became the body that resisted the Intellectual Property Rights that lower income countries like India were forced to sign under the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS agreement. The IPA positioned itself as the voice of generic drug companies that claimed to represent the interests of Indian drug companies who were bullied under these TRIPS agreement. Shah few pharma industry veterans recall was at times even more powerful than the Indian CEO’s whose interests he represented to the end of his long cherished career.

In the last two decades since Shah took charge of the IPA, the Indian generic drug industry has grown to become a $5 billion industry, as some of the local companies have gone on to establish their names in the global pharma scene, predominantly the United States. In the last two years, Shah and IPA were involved with the Indian pricing drug regulator, NPPA over regulating prices of medicines in India. The IPA has also been working with the US drug regulators on addressing the quality.

The IPA has also been working with the US drug regulators on addressing the quality issues of Indian drug makers that has halted the industry’s growth in the last three years.  Dilip G. Shah graduated from the premier business school in India, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad. He has 50 years of varied experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has addressed several WTO workshops on TRIPS, WIPO seminars on IPRs and Public Health, WHO meetings on Access to Medicines and several other international meetings and conferences.

He was a Member of the official Indian Delegation to WTO Ministerial Conference at Cancun. He also appeared before the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) and testified in Investigation No.332-543 Hearing in Washington DC in 2014. One of the senior-most top pharmaceutical professionals in the country, ‘DG’ as fondly called among the pharma fraternity, had over 52 years (1966 onwards) of varied experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Describing Mr. Shah, known as an one man army of the Indian pharma industry, Dr. Naresh Parikh said, “This fast growing Indian industry has lost its voice. He was one among the mantle bearers who spearheaded India’s transformation to become one of the top generic drug producers in the world. It is a great loss to the entire pharmaceutical industry and his contributions in the areas of advocacy, strategic planning, advisory and knowledge sharing have been invaluable.”

Women’s Health, Childhood Obesity, Rural Health Education are main focus at AAPI’s 13th Global Healthcare Summit in Hyderabad

(Chicago, February 25th, 2019) While much progress has been made to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women, the fact remains that millions of women in India and around the world are deprived of their basic rights like education, forced into marriage early on, not allowed to work, and are denied their voices and rightful places in the society. India tops the list of countries that are said to have highest mortality rates during delivery and even the highest number of non-school going girls. Nearly a quarter of total number of girls born in India don’t even live to see their 15th birthday.
There is a need to empower women, working towards women’s education, gender equality, giving them respect and honor them for their contributions and achievements. There is an urgent need to work on bringing awareness in the society about the need for gender equality and equal opportunity in terms of education, healthcare and equal wages for women. It requires immense amount of dedication and reforms in the education and healthcare systems that need to be implemented as well as monitored consistently.
It’s in this context, AAPI continues its focus on women’s education, especially in rural India. A major theme and focus of the 13th annual Global Healthcare Summit to be held from July 21st -24th 2019, Hyderabad, India, organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), will be on Women’s Health,” declared Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect and Chairman of the GHS 2019.
A team of physicians, consisting of women leaders of AAPI, including Drs. Sangeeta Agrawal; Uma Jonnalagadda; Saumya Neravelta; Stella Gandhi; Kusum Punjabi; Radhika Chimats; Swati Yalamnchi; Pooja Kinkhabawala; Dr. Meher Medavaram; and, Dr. Anupama Gotimukula will lead the sessions on Women’s Healthcare Needs.  In addition, a day-long session on Rural Health Education will be held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Hyderabad on July 22nd.
The much awaited Women’s Forum at the GHS will be led by a panel consisting of inspiring women leaders who have been in the forefront, and have shown resiliency, confidence, leadership, determination, and dedication, and have withered all obstacles in life, and have become women leaders, and are recognized to be an inspiration to all.
Dr. Jagan Ailineni, past President of AAPI says, “With the objective of better understand the health care challenges in rural India and have a direct experience of rural healthcare needs, AAPI delegates will travel to Burgula village in Ranga Reddy district in the state of Telengana on July 24th.” They will have a fist hand experience of ADOPT A VILLAGE project in this village, initiated by Dr. Jagan Ailineni and Dr. Alok Agrawal.
The AAPI delegates will visit and interact with the participants and the beneficiaries of the Project in this village and get to know the impact of the many projects undertaken in this villages, especially, Kashi Reddy Guda Primary School, Swacch Pathashala Award in Telangana, Water Plant, Toilets, Mahila Mandal building, Pragathi Bhavan, Zilla Parishad High School and Primary school in Burgula. They will also visit the Primary Health Center, Burgula; Pragathi Rural Development Center, Burgula.
Delegates also will visit the Sneha Program where Menstrual Hygiene Program with distribution of Sanitary Napkins are given away to needy women.  Challenges in Rural Health Care in India with Hand-outs & Brochures prepared by Dr. Alok & Sangeeta Agrawal will be handed out on July 22.
There will be a Hands on CPR in two locations simultaneously on the same day at the High School by GMCGA Alumni; and, at the Pragathi Rural Development Center by GMCGA. The CPR trainings will be provided to Anganwadi and Asha workers, who are women leaders in the local community.
According to Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary of AAPI, “The trainings are aimed at decreasing the number of deaths, especially from road accidents by enabling the first responders to provide life support to victims of accidents. The training, which includes CPI and other medical services are being provided by professional trainers from the US and is offered to personnel. In collaboration with the American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine, and the American Heart Association, AAPI is organizing the workshop/training (EMTC) trainings for first responders, as part of the GHS 2019.”
Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice-President of AAPI, says, “The growing clout of the physicians of Indian origin in the United States is seen everywhere as several physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. Indian doctors have carved a comfortable niche in the American medical community and have earned a name for themselves with their hard work, dedication, compassion, and amazing skills and talents.”
Representing the voice of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, have been strategically engaged in working with the Union and State Governments of India for the past dozen years.
“We  collaborate with more than 35 professional medical associations, pharmaceutical and medical device companies to address the health care challenges of a rapidly developing India. It is the passion, willingness and staunch loyalty towards the former motherland that draws several AAPI members to join this effort & by working with experts in India, AAPI is able to bring solutions that are India centric & takes us closer to our lofty vision of making quality healthcare affordable & accessible to all people of India,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of India.
“With the changing trends in healthcare both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision. AAPI would like to make a positive impact on the healthcare delivery system both in the US and in India,” Dr. Suresh Reddy said. For more information on Global Health Summit 2019, please visit www.aapiusa.org

AAPI thanks US Administration & Lawmakers for support of India, condemning terrorist attack on Indian Jawans in Kashmir

(Chicago, IL. — Feb 25th, 2019) “American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI), wants to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the United States Administration, the Lawmakers and the public, who have overwhelmingly expressed their deep concerns of the ongoing terrorist activities, particularly the most recent heinous terrorist attack on CRPF personnel in Kashmir today,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI in a statement here.
A Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the bus they were travelling in. At least 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Jawans were killed and dozens of others injured in a blast in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, February 14th. The blast was triggered by militants who had targetted vehicles carrying the CRPF Jawans in the north Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir.
Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect of AAPI, said, “Attack on the CRPF personnel in Kashmir is despicable. We at AAPI strongly condemn this dastardly attack. Sacrifices of our brave security personnel shall not go in vain. We strongly urge all members of the international community to support India’s efforts to root out terrorism.”
Almost all major countries from all the continents, including the European, African, Asian and Australian countries have strongly condemned the attack.  “The United States condemns in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack by a Pakistan-based terrorist group that killed over 40 Indian paramilitary forces and wounded at least 44 others,” the White House said. Expressing “deep condolences” to the victims’ families, the Indian government, and the Indian people for the loss of life, the White House hauled up Pakistan.
“The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region. This attack only strengthens our resolve to bolster counterterrorism cooperation and coordination between the United States and India,” the Trump administration asserted.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee (@HouseForeign) tweeted the response of its Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel, D-NY, saying, “I strongly condemn the terrorist attack in India’s Jammu and Kashmir state today and send my condolences to the families of the victims. Countries must not allow terrorist groups like Jaish-e-Mohammed to operate with impunity. #kashmirterrorattack.” Numerous other members of Congress from both parties, took to social media expressing unequivocal condemnation. Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. John Cornyn, Republican co-chair of the Senate India Caucus, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Virginia, co-chair of the Senate India Caucus, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu woman to be in the U.S. Congress, were among the dozens of others who have condemned the deadliest terror attack by a radical Islamist terrorist group.
“This latest attack by Jaish-e-Mohammed is sadly another example of how Pakistan’s intelligence services continue to sponsor terrorist incursions into India,” said Dr. Ajeet Kothari, Chair, Board of Trustees. “While it’s heartening to see that a wide swath of the international community is unequivocally condemning the attack, such statements of solidarity must be backed up by actions which help bring to an end the ability of such terrorist groups to kill with impunity and destabilize the region.”
“My thoughts are with the families of the victims of heinous terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir last week. I send my deepest condolences to the soldiers injured and killed in this senseless attack, to their families, and to India,” said Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice-President of AAPI, said.
“Want to express our sincere gratitude for the outpouring of the support from across the world at this hour of deep sadness,” Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary of AAPI said. “This incident has undoubtedly strengthened our resolve.  The Indian nation owes the deep condolence and sympathies to the families of the fallen soldiers as we sincerely appreciate and recognize how greatly indebted, we are for the unstinting and ultimate sacrifice that they made for India and its people.”
Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer of AAPI, said, “AAPI members from across the nation salute martyred soldiers and we all stand united with families of martyrs. We pray for speedy recovery of the injured. Terrorists will be given unforgettable lesson for their heinous act.”
While thanking the members of India’s armed forces who brave hostile conditions on the Indo-Pak borrder, protecting the nation from acts of terrorism and enemy attacks, Dr. Parikh said, “The sacrifices of our brave security personnel shall not go in vain. The entire AAPI family is united with them and their families in this hour of need. I want to convey our deepest condolences to the families of our martyrs.” While describing terrorism to be a cancer in the society, Dr. Parikh called on the international community to come together, to make collective efforts to root it out.
Dr. Parikh praised the US government for calling on “Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence and terror in the region. This attack only strengthens our resolve to bolster counter-terrorism cooperation and coordination between the US and India.” For More Details, Please Visit: http://www.aapiusa.org

Dr. Raj Bhayani Receives Outstanding Service Appreciation Award for his Contributions to AAPI An Accomplished Neurosurgeon, Social Activist, Entrepreneur, and Leader: Committed to Serving Humanity

Dr. Raj Bhayani, an accomplished neurosurgeon, social activist, entrepreneur, leader, and the first ENT surgeon in India, was honored with the Outstanding Service Appreciation Award for his contributions to AAPI during the historical 12th Global Health Summit (GHS) held in Mumbai on December 29th, 2018.
Dr. Bhayani, the Co-Chair of AAPI GHS 2018, had completed training in Neurosurgery and had a Fellowship in Facial Plastic & Micro vascular Surgery in India. He is currently practicing in New York, has come a long way since he began his professional practice in New York decades ago.
Dr. Bhayani is grateful to American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), which he has come to love and adore in recent years. He says, “AAPI has given me the opportunity to work with people of high intellect. It has helped me develop relationships with many, without which I would not have I have met many people whom I look upon as role models. And, AAPI helps me grow as a person and continues to mentor me in several ways.”
Dr. Bhayani says, having worked in the inner circles of AAPI, he has come to recognize “AAPI as the most united, strong, vibrant and transparent organization. We do have differences of opinion, which is the beauty of democracy in AAPI. When needed, AAPI members have always come together to support AAPI and its many initiatives. We have always connected and have given our best for common causes.”
Having contributed tremendously with every noble cause AAPI has initiated, Dr. Bhayani says, “I have worked closely with the organizing committee of the Global Healthcare Summit by raising $9 Million, being instrumental in bringing the President of India to the Summit in Mumbai. I have worked closely and for the success of the many charitable programs AAPI has initiated, including the TB Free India, Sevak Project and many others.”
Dr. Bhayani has held several positions in AAPI and has grown with the organization. He has served as a past president of AAPI Metro New York City. He has served successfully as the Convention Chair of National AAPI Convention in 2017 Atlantic City with a record profit of more than $300,000. He had served as the AAPI Leadership Conference Co-Chair 2018 and 2017, AAPIQLI Convention Chair 2015, AAPI QLI Diwali Gala Chair 2018 and a member of the Board of Trustee AAPI NYC METRO. Dr. Bhayani has been an active member of AAPI CPR Council; AAPI Publication Committee; AAPI ADOPT A VILLAGE PROGRAM ; and the Co Chair of AAPI India n Day parade in New York.
He currently serves as the AAPI IT Committee Chair 2018-19, and has been instrumental in bringing out the AAPI Weekly newsletter from the President’s Desk. He is the President Elect AAPIQLI, one of the largest Chapters of AAPI.
His accomplishments in the professional world are well known. During the duration of his medical profession, more than 50 research papers have been published and presented by him, which has resulted in inclusion of his name in the Marquis ‘Who’s Who in America in Medicine and Healthcare’ acknowledging his achievements in the medical field.
Not satisfied with his professional accomplishments, Dr. Bhayani has devoted his life to being actively involved in the philanthropic sector. He currently serves on the boards, and is an active member, of over 20 communities and associations that are involved in philanthropic activities. In addition, he has also served on the Board of Trustees of Save Life Foundation, which has helped in the implementation of Good Samaritan Law and Road Safety Bill to help road side accident victims and to improve road safety in India.
Passionate about giving back to the larger society, Dr. Bhayani says, “Inspired by many individuals, who lead by example. Cause is the driving than actual person.” His life has been an example of how to give back to the community, which has given him much.  “Even since childhood, I had the desire to be someone, who wanted to contribute to the common good.”
Recently, he was the chief organizer for ‘Football for Nation’ initiative, in Delhi, by bringing Parliamentarians and Film stars together to play a game of football to raise funds for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Besides, his significant contributions in organizing several health and blood donation camps as well as fund raisers for Aksharpatra, helping millions of kids with Mid-day meal program in India, have earned him great respect and appreciation in the society. He is grand Patron for India Day Parade for celebrating India’s Independence Day in New York.
Imbibed with this passion, Dr. Bhayani did not have to look for opportunities. They actually came his way. “In the society we live in, there are ample of opportunities to do good,” he says. “I always look upon in my friends who do larger good, and have tried to join them or find noble causes that I can support or initiate, with the objective of doing little acts of kindness. I believe small acts of kindness by many of us can achieve tremendous impact on humanity than individual acts.”
The unassuming Dr. Bhayani was instrumental in organizing Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s historic address to the Indian – American community at Madison Square Garden, during his maiden visit to New York in September 2014.
A distinguished Guest Speaker, as a proponent of the Honorable Prime Minister’s vision for India, on popular regional TV shows in USA, Dr. Bhayani is one of the foremost members of the Indian community who has worked tirelessly in increasing awareness of the Prime Minister’s initiatives in the USA, which in return has resulted in the remittance of funds to India for the implementation of these initiatives. His work is an exemplary example of his commitment towards India’s progress.
His outstanding support to the society in his roles as a physician, a leader, and as a philanthropist have not gone unnoticed. Dr. Bhayani has received dozens of awards, recognition and scholarships. He has been felicitated on several platforms and his list of accolades includes Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman Award at House of Lords in London, Bharat Gaurav Puraskar and Delhi Ratan Award, Hind Ratan Award, Asian American Heritage Honoree of the year 2016, New York City as well as State Proclamation Award. He has also been awarded ‘United States Congressional Achievement Award’ and is also the recipient of the ‘Most Influential Leader in Indian Community in United States’ recognition award. He has received USA Triologic Society award for his research papers. He has held various leadership positions in the healthcare field and leading hospitals in New York heading the ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery divisions.
Working with AAPI in the past decades towards the realization of its mission in various capacities, Dr. Bhayani has held several responsible positions and has worked tirelessly and with devotion in various capacities. Having shown his exceptional leadership and organizational qualities, now, aspiring to play even a greater role in AAPI by joining the national Executive Committee.
The dynamic person that he is, Dr. Bhayani wants to play a more active role in national AAPI.
Having achieved success and recognition professionally, Dr. Bhayani has come to a stage in his life that his skills, talents, resources and his life cane be devoted to do larger good for people here his adopted country, and back home in India. Dr. Bhayani believes that towards this mission in life, AAPI provides him with “a platform to achieve my goal in life.’
When elected as a member of the national leadership, Dr. Bhayani wants to work towards, “Making active in 10 years of medical school. Recruit and engage young generation. Increase AAPI membership. Enhance our relationship with Pharma companies and help make them AAPI as a valuable partner. Work closely with US Legislators for meaningful outcome, including stronger voice for achieving AAPI’s legislative agenda. Make AAPI financially strong. Create alliances with strong organizations similar to AAPI.
Dr. Bhayani says, “I bring to AAPI my decades of experiences, networking, relationships. I am able to meet and connect with and help connect people from different walks of life, including high profile people from different categories. My ability to raise money and the financial support I have brought to AAPI are known to all.”
Dr. Bhayani, with a proven record of commitment and dedication, says, “I believe I am hard working and result oriented. I speak less and let my work speak for itself. My work should resonate my character. I have tremendous affinity for youth. I am a team player. Determined. Trustworthy. And, always, dependable.”
 “You have seen how I connect with the new generations. I am able to motivate, inspire, and encourage young generation, and instill in them confidence to be leaders. I believe, the future of AAPI is in strengthening the role of next generation and integration and deeper involvement of YPS and MSRF.”
Dr. Bhayani, who has been through many challenges, when he had initially as a young physician immigrated to this land of opportunities decades ago, is now committed to mentoring young physicians who have recently come into the United States. “I would like to encourage nurture and mentor younger physicians, professionally in career as well as in leadership,” he says.
AAPI’s voice must be heard in corridors of powers, Dr. Bhayani says. “I will like to work with Dr. Vinod Shah, Dr. Ajrawat and Dr. Suresh Gupta for the success of AAPI’s Legislative agenda.”
Some of the initiates Dr. Bhayani wants to strengthen are: to make India TB Free; Addressing the Opioid crisis; Creating a CPR Ad-hoc Committee; Anganwadi Projects in the state of Madhya Pradesh; Charitable Clinic in Varanasi; and Give me water project in West Bengal. “In order to meet our objectives we need a strong team with long term vision and commitment. I believe under leadership of current leaders of AAPI and active participation of AAPI members, AAPI will reach new heights,” he says.
Dr. Bhayani has come to recognize that many leaders of AAPI with their vision, commitment and dedication have brought AAAPI to its current glory. Tremendous work has been done by current and past AAPI leaders over the 38 years since foundation of AAPI to reach today’s height and glory. However, AAPI continues to face many challenges and concerns. It is therefore, now more than ever, we need to work together with steadfast resolve and determination.
“Since my association with AAPI, I have seen with awe and inspiration, how this noble organization has grown over the past 37 years.  AAPI has a very strong future with its  highly educated, skilled and dedicated membership and leadership. AAPI has a greater role to play in the national arena. And, AAPI is ready to march on and I am there to be part of this great organization and all its diverse and talented membership to make this noble organization a great force with a stronger voice to accomplish its many lofty goals.”

Registration opens for AAPI’s 37th annual Convention in Atlanta Over 2,500 delegates expected to attend Convention in Atlanta, GA from July 3 to 7, 2019

(Atlanta, GA: February 9, 2019): Registration for the historic 37th annual convention by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the Omni Atlanta at CNN Center and Georgia World Congress Centre (GWCC) in Atlanta from July 3 to 7, 2019 has begun since February 1st.
“We are excited about the enthusiasm shown by the AAPI members from across the nation,” says Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI. “Over 2,500 attendees, delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students, along with guests are expected to gather at the 37th Annual AAPI Convention in Atlanta, GA.”
“With the Early Bird Special Registration for the convention to end on April 1st, we are seeing an increased interest among AAPI members to secure their seat at the convention,” says, Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, Vice Chair of AAPI BOT and Convention Chair. Early Bird Registration fee for the delegates will be $100 less than the regular rates, says Dr. Gangasani. Also, one gets to pick your own choice of seats at the Galas as soon as you register for the convention. The sooner you register the better the chances for getting the seats of your own choice with the ability to sit closer to the podium and with your friends/families.
Being organized by Georgia Chapter of AAPI, the convention offers unique opportunities for
extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events.
A dedicated pool of Physicians, led by Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President, AAPI; Dr. Syamala Erramilli, President of GAPI; Dr. Asha Parikh, Chair of GAPI BOT; Convention Co-chairs: Dr. Raghu Lolabattu, Dr. Piyush Patel, Dr. Subodh Agrawal and several Convention Team members, are working hard to make the convention a memorable experience for all.
In addition to offering over 12 hours of cutting edge CMEs to the physicians, the event will have several hours of product theaters/promotional opportunities, plenary sessions,  CEOs Forum, and a women’s leadership forum. The convention will be addressed by senior world leaders, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world.
The AAPI Atlanta Convention is where sponsors and advertisers can reach their target audience of over two thousand under one roof. The convention offers a variety of ways to reach physicians and their families. It provides access to nearly 2,500 health professionals who are leaders and decision-makers regarding new products and services, as wells as to national and international health policy advisors.
The venue is the fabulous Omni Atlanta at CNN Center and Georgia World Congress Center. This world-class facility will afford an intimate setting that will facilitate our ability to convoy cutting-edge research and CME, promote business relationships, and display ethnic items.
“Exhibitors and Corporate Partners remain our priority as we work together to provide a world-class forum for increased interactions between physicians, sponsors, exhibitors, and all other attendees,” says Dr. Syamala Erramilli.
Dr. Asha Parikh adds, “The unique layout of the Exhibit Hall will promote positive discourse between all and various planned activities will ensure their visitation to the Exhibit Hall and maximize attendance. The ease with which members and attendees can move between the Exhibit Hall, conference and ballrooms, and their hotel rooms will ensure maximum attendance and visibility for Sponsors and Exhibitors.”
Dr. Raghu Lolabattu says, “Given that a physician of Indian origin sees every 7th patient in this country and every 5th patient in rural and inner city Georgia, the reach and influence of AAPI members goes well beyond the convention. Urging all corporate and local sponsors not to miss the opportunity, Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect of AAPI, says, “Take advantage of our sponsorship packages at the 37th Annual AAPI convention to create high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI’s membership.”
“AAPI offers customized and exclusive sponsorship packages to meet your needs. These can include keynote speaker opportunities (non-CME), awards and recognition at breakfast, lunch and dinner, roundtable meetings with AAPI leadership, premium exhibit booth selection, etc,” Dr. Piyush Patel. “We also offer corporate identity packages that utilize our registration area, Internet kiosks, plasma display panels, the souvenir book, and audiovisual screens during CME hours and events to display your company name,” Dr. Subodh Agrawal.
“We have convened a fantastic group of people to meet the needs of the 2019 convention and are very excited about next year. Please reach out to any one of the representatives from the Atlanta team with questions or comments,” Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda. “They are flexible and can accommodate specific products, services, target market goals, brand requirements, and budgetary limits. If the packages below do not meet your needs, please contact us, and we will create a package that will!”
Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 37 years, AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine, says Dr. Subodh Agrawal.
“The 2019 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta, GA!” says Dr. Naresh Parekh.
For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

AAPI’s Historic Global Healthcare Summit 2018 in Mumbai Concludes with Commitment to Give Back to Mother India

The 12th edition of the annual Global Healthcare Summit at the glamour capital of India, Mumbai concluded here on December 30th with Physicians of Indian Origin rededicating  themselves to work and collaborate towards bringing in high quality, innovative, preventable, cost-effective ways to the delivery of healthcare to millions of people in India.
The three-day historic event, inaugurated by the Honorable President of India on December 28th at the Taj Palace Hotel in Mumbai, was for the first time, jointly organized by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) and Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), from December  28th – 30th December 2018 at Hotel Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai.
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai

In his inaugural address, the President of India said, AAPI is “more than just a platform of doctors and medical practitioners, the Indian President told the nearly 500 delegates who had come from around the world to attend the landmark Summit in Mumbai. “It is a link between two vibrant and democratic societies, both of which have addressed major public health challenges in their own way.”

The Indian President praised AAPI and the over 100,000 Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States for their great contributions. “The professional-ism and goodwill of Indian doctors in America has won them – won you, I should say – a well-deserved reputation,” he told the AAPI leaders. “In fact, it has occasionally led to diplomatic gains for India for which your Association must be appreciated.”
The President of India urged AAPI to continue its efforts in the prevention and management of life-style diseases, diabetes and obesity, where physicians of Indian origin can bring in “traditional Indian wellness practices to modern medical systems. Please see what your Association can do in this area,” he told AAPI delegates
Dr. Naresh Parikh, President AAPI in his opening remarks, provided an overview of some of the major contributions of the past 11 Summits organized by AAPI. “Over the past 12 years AAPI physicians have collaborated with several professional medical associations, academic institutions, Government of India, and have made significant contributions towards addressing diabetes with the launch of Sevak program, CPR-AED training for first responders with expert faculty from the American University of Antigua, Traumatic Brain Injury – the scourge of young India, and development of management guidelines thereby helping prevent deaths due to road traffic accidents, raising the importance and awareness on smoking cessation, Adopt a Village program and taking the initiatives to make quality healthcare accessible universally to village and taluka and district levels, and most recently a strong collaborative on making India TB Free with the signing of a MOU with USAID. Ten city pilots are well under way and significant progress is being made,” he told a captive audience.
Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, delivering welcome address at the 12th annual GHS 2018
Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, delivering welcome address at the 12th annual GHS 2018

Packed with strategic planning sessions such as the much anticipated CEO Forum, Women’s Forum, Launching Free Health Clinic, First Responders Training, CMEs, Research Contest, Fashion Show, Cultural extravaganza, pre and post visits to Kerala and Goa, the GHS 2018 has promised to be one with the greatest impact and significant contributions towards harnessing the power of international Indian diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India.

Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, Chairman for GHS 2018 said that with a view to help the delivery of healthcare to millions across the nation, said, “AAPI has capped the voluminous achievements of the past 37 years with a clear vision to move forward taking this noble organization and its vision for better healthcare to newer heights.”
AAPI’s Historic Global Healthcare Summit 2018 in Mumbai Concludes with Commitment to Give Back to Mother India
AAPI leadership with President of India and other political leaders form India

Leading Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally converged onto Mumbai to further the exchange of knowledge and best practices on recent global medical advances, to develop vibrant and viable health policy agendas, and address growing healthcare challenges.

“The focus of the 12th Global Health Summit was an India-centric approach, with special events such as, Global Impact and India’s contribution in providing cost effective medicines, addressing global shortages of healthcare professionals, Young Investigators Research contest, Women’s Leadership Forum, with focus on stopping violence against women and round tables to develop practical solutions for strengthening TB Free India initiative and addressing non-communicable diseases,” Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor said.
The many themes chosen for CMEs included, Healthcare, Career and Commerce, with the focus on Women’s Healthcare, including high priority areas such as Cardiology, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, HIT, Allergy, Immunology & Lung Health, Gastroenterology, Transplant and impact of comorbidities.
AAPI leaders and collaborators recommitting to render India TB Free by 2025
AAPI leaders and collaborators recommitting to render India TB Free by 2025

Neal Simon, President of AUA commended the efforts of AAPI and its collaboration with The American University of Antigua (AUA) and P D Hinduja Hospital for successfully conducting First Responders Training, including CPR-AED and BLS for more than 150 Mumbai Police Officers on December 22nd, 23rd& 24th after successfully completing training in Jharkhand, Rajasthan and West Bengal to provide assistance to accident victims and save lives.

Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Founder GAPIO has envisioned the evolution of developing a united front for all NRI physicians to develop strong and effective programs that can be implemented with precision to face the challenges posed by Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs).
Dr. Ramesh Mehta, President GAPIO in his opening address said that AAPI GHS 2018 is the beginning of a strong collaborative approach along with the Global Association of Physicians of Indian origin (GAPIO) that together will make constructive and tangible ways of ensuring that healthcare is affordable and accessible to millions of people in India.
Women’s Forum panelists with AAPI leaders
Women’s Forum panelists with AAPI leaders

The CEO Forum, addressed by leaders from Indian Pharmaceutical Companies, including Dr. Preetha Rajaraman, Health Attaché, US Government; Dr. Shailesh Ayyangar, MD Sanofi; Sudarshan Jain. Former MD Abbott; Madan Rohini Krishnan, MD Medtronic India; Dr. William Pinsky. President ECFMG; Neal Simon, President AUA; DG Shah, Secretary Indian Pharmaceutical Allianc;, Dr. Gurpreet Sandhu, President CHPF; Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI; Dr. Vinod Shah, AAPI Past President; Dr. Raj Bhayani, Co Chair, GHS; and, Dr Ravi Jahagirdar, Chairman GHS.

The Forum discussed ways to ensure that lower cost and effective medicines with the highest quality continue to make India the world leader in this field. The CEO Forum focused on identifying ways to successfully implement “AYUSHMAN BHARAT” – a brainchild of the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, whose vision is to provide quality healthcare to India’s billion people – a project that is being watched intently across the Globe for emulation, these sessions are designed to complement the enormous effort by several agencies and Government of India, said Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, Chief Strategy Adviser , AAPI, Honorary Adviser GAPIO and BAPIO.
The Women’s Forum had Amruta Fadnavis, First Lady of Maharashtra and Vice President of Axis Bank; Deana Uppal, Entrepreneur & Winner Miss India U; Dr. Nandita Palshetkar, President FOGSI; Dr. Ratna Jain, Former Mayor Kota, Rajasthan; and, Sangita Reddy, Executive Director, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospital Group as panelists. Dr. Asha Parikh, Chair, AAPI Women’s Forum and Dr. Udaya Shivangi, Vice Chair, AAPI Women’s Forum led the panelists to a lively discussion on ways to prevent and address violence against women.
CEO Forum addressed by world renowned health leaders
CEO Forum addressed by world renowned health leaders

Building on its collaborative efforts with several non-governmental organizations and the US-AID, AAPI committed itself to strengthen its initiatives to “make every city, ever district, every village in India TB free.” The planning/review session at the GHS was an Introduction and Review of Building on A Roadmap for a TB-Free India – A Combined effort of AAPI and CETI under guidance of Government of India, US-AID, where the progress in the 10 cities, where the program has been on for several months, was reviewed through a live webcast from each of these 10 cities.

Participants at the strategic planning session included, Dr. Naresh Parikh MD, President of AAPI; Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor; Dr. Salil Bhargava, CETI; Reuben Seamineken from US-AID; Vikas Sheel, IAS, Joint Secretary of Health, Indian Government; Kush Sachdeva, Deputy Director General of TB, Government of India;  Dr. Manoj Jain; Dr. Rajesh Deshmukh; and, Dr. Thakor G. Patel.
Fashion Show at the GHS 2018
Fashion Show at the GHS 2018

AAPI had already launched the TB Free India project in April 2018 in strong association with Ministry for Health, WHO, CETI, USAID and industry partners such as Johnson & Johnson and Mylan. AAPI and the TB Free India collaborative is implementing pilot projects in 10 cities across India. The initial findings were presented during the GHS 2018 in Mumbai under the leadership of Dr. Manoj Jain and Dr. Thakor Patel. The special pilots in Varanasi and Nagpur are supported by Dr. Raj Bhayani, Co-Chair AAPI GHS and Dr. Surendra Purohit, Senior Adviser AAPI. Dr. SampatShivangi and Dr. Vinod Shah, past AAPI Presidents have served as the senior advisors and have contributed immensely to the success of the GHS.

Dr. Naresh Parikh praised the dedication, contributions and efforts of Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, Chair of GHS 2018, Dr. Vinod Shah, Chair of AAPI Legislative Committee, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Co-Chair of GHS 2018, Dr. Raj Bhayani, Co-Chair of GHS 2018, Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor,  Dr. Asha Parikh, Women’s Forum Chair, and his entire Executive Committee consisting of  Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President;  Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth Kothari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
GHS 2018 provided the participants and world leaders in the Healthcare industry a rare platform to interact with and listen to leading physicians, healthcare professionals, academicians, scientists, and leaders of the hospitals, technology, medical device and pharmaceutical companies to develop solutions that will make cost effective and quality healthcare accessible to all Indians.
A section of the audience at the inaugural event of AAPI’s GHS 2018 in Mumbai
A section of the audience at the inaugural event of AAPI’s GHS 2018 in Mumbai

One in seven Americans is touched by a physician of Indian origin. There is an equally large percentage of medical residents, fellows and students in the USA serving millions of Americans. AAPI’s GHS has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world-renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

Dr. Suresh Reddy invited all delegates to the 13th edition of Global Healthcare Summit planned to be held from July 19th to 21st in Hyderabad, India. Organized by AAPI in collaboration with BAPIO & GAPIO, as well as Host Alumni Chapters, including OGKTMA, ATMGUSA, and GMCGA, the GHS 2019 will focus on preventive health, targeting women’s health, and providing special CPR Trainings, Dr. Reddy, who will assume charge as the President of AAPI in July next year at the convention in Atlanta, said.
Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 37 years. For more details, please visit:  https://aapisummit.org/www.aapiusa.org

AAPI Commits to Help Building A Roadmap for TB-Free India

(Mumbai, India: December 31st, 2018) Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause from a single infectious agent across the globe. Millions of people continue to fall sick with TB each year. Of the 10 million new cases of persons diagnosed with Tuberculosis in 2017, India ranked the highest accounting for over one fourth (2.74 million) cases were from India, according to a rep by WHO. Though the report underlined fears of under-reporting of cases in India, it also mentioned that India was an example of a country that took major steps in 2017-18 to expand TB-specific cash transfers and linkages to broader nutrition schemes to improve treatment outcome.
It’s in this context, the initiatives by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the just concluded 12th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS 2018)  in Mumbai on Sunday, December 30, 2018, becomes very significant.
Building on its collaborative efforts with several non-governmental organizations and the USAID, AAPI committed to strengthen its initiatives to “make every city, ever district, every village in India TB free.” The planning/review session was an Introduction and Review of Building on  Local Roadmaps for a TB-Free India – A Combined effort of AAPI and CETI under guidance of Government of India, USAID, where the progress in the 10 cities, where the program has been on for several months, was reviewed through a live webcast from each of these 10 cities.
Participants at the strategic planning session included, Dr. Naresh Parikh MD, President of AAPI; Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor; Dr. Salil Bhargava, CETI; Reuben Swamickan from USAID; Vikas Sheel, IAS, Joint Secretary of Health, Indian Government; Kuldeep Sachdeva, Deputy Director General of TB, Government of India;  Dr. Manoj Jain,  the Chair and spear heading the TB Free India initiative; Dr. Christine Ho and Rajesh Deshmukh from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and, Dr. Thakor G. Patel, AAPI-Savek project, Dr. Surendra Purohit anAAPI Advocate, and 60 participants from each of the local cities.
AAPI Commits to Help Building A Roadmap for TB-Free IndiaDuring the strategic planning session attended by top leaders of AAPI and other organizations, Dr. Naresh Parikh said, “Elimination of Tuberculosis has been a matter of national concern for many years now. Through our partnership with USAID and other organizations such as SEVAK and CETI, we aim to bring American technical expertise to help strengthen India’s fight against TB. At this GHS, we bring in leading subject matter experts, introduce global best practices and cutting-edge business solutions that will complement and grow existing USAID programs in India.”
He reminded of AAPI’s efforts earlier in April this year, with the launch of a new partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Sevak Project, and CETI to make India Free of Tuberculosis and to end tuberculosis (TB) from across the Indian sub-continent. Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor, who was instrumental and the architect of fostering the MOU between AAPI and USAID, provided a brief introduction to the efforts by AAPI and its collaborative efforts. .
“Continuing with AAPI’s mission, which is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs, and giving back to their motherland, India, this historic signing of the agreement, is yet another way of showing our continued commitment to helping make India’s over a billion people, healthier,” Anwar Feroz said. The MoU outlines the multifaceted nature of the TB epidemic, its impact on communities, learnings from global successes and the way forward towards tackling the disease successfully.
Under the Memorandum of Understanding, signed in New Delhi and announced in Mumbai, AAPI and USAID along with other NGOs will work together to utilize the 100,000-strong network of physicians of Indian-origin living in the United States to support health programs in India, engage AAPI’s network of private charitable clinics for TB awareness, detection and treatment, and explore opportunities for collaborations between U.S. and Indian medical schools to exchange cutting-edge health care solutions. The end TB date for the program is 2025 as per government of India.
Reuben Swamickan from US-AID/India, said: “We have been supporting the TB program of the Government of India for two decades now. Along with extending technical expertise, USAID has invested $140 million to strengthen the capacity of national, state, and district-level TB programs across India. With our collaboration with AAPI, we aim to strengthen the early detection and treatment of TB, with a focus on drug-resistant strains; continue our assistance to the government to plan and implement evidence-based interventions to reach a TB-Free India, and improve patient-centered TB services.”
Dr. Manoj Jain, an infectious disease physician, a lead for AAPI for TB Elimination, is in the forefront to eliminate TB from India. Dr. Jain, who has been involved in working with local leaders develop a Local Roadmap on how to make 10 localities TB Free:  Indore, Bhopal, Rajkot, Sevek villages in Gujarat, Mumbai-Malad, Ahmedabad, Mysore, Nagpur, Varanasi, and Lucknow, by conducting field work with local NGOs in these localities to do TB screening in the slum areas.
Dr. Jain said, “AAPI and CETI are working together can collaborating with other national and international organizations. Sharing best practices and pushing the TB Free effort. We have done a successful training sessions for 10 NGOs from these communites in Indore from June 8-12.  We are staring to build local teams to develop the Roadmap for TB Elimination. And, we hope to start field work in these localities within 4-6 weeks.” Details of the work on the website www.tbfree.org/aapi/
Dr. Thakor G. Patel, who along with his successful Sevak Project in Indian villages, has been another inspiring force with the aim to free India of TB.  “​This is a huge issue in India because of clustering of people, poor nutrition and exposure to the infected people,” Dr. Patel said. “The objective of the TB Free India initiative is to make people aware of the disease and its mode of transmission​, identify new case and notify the TB program managers and make sure patients take their medicines on regular basis. Another aspect is those patients with lingering cough give their sputum for TB check and get a chest X-ray. In the long run the plan is to eliminate TB from India,’ he said. The people who are affected with the disease are poor and do not understand the spread and the need for complete treatment.  By helping them we will keep them working and provide for their family on a long term basis​.
And, he has charted out a plan. “​Collaboration with AAPI will help reach the government agencies in India and other NGO’s to help increase the outreach. At first, we will take all the Sevak villages and have the Sevaks implement the program.  Once it is in place and we have a road map on how to expand the program it will be implemented in other states​ through NGO’s and government.  We will be looking at ASHA workers for expanding the reach.​”
The deliberations from this session will be forwarded to the Government of India, and AAPI will continue to collaborate and strengthen its efforts to make India TB-free by 2025, Dr. Naresh Parikh declared. For more information, please visit: www.aapiusa.org and www.tbfree.org

Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India Inaugurates AAPI’s 12th Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai

Urging AAPI to bring in traditional Indian wellness practices to modern medical systems, President describes  “AAPI as a link between two vibrant and democratic societies”

(Mumbai, India. December 29th, 2018) The Honorable President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, inaugurated the 12th edition of the Global Healthcare Summit organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at The Taj Palace Hotel in Mumbai on Friday, December 28th, 2018.
In his inaugural address, the President of India said, AAPI is “more than just a platform of doctors and medical practitioners, the Indian President told the nearly 500 delegates who had come from around the world to attend the landmark Summit in Mumbai. “It is a link between two vibrant and democratic societies, both of which have addressed major public health challenges in their own way.”
He praised AAPI and the over 100,000 Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States for their great contributions. “The professional-ism and goodwill of Indian doctors in America has won them – won you, I should say – a well-deserved reputation,” he told the AAPI leaders. “In fact, it has occasionally led to diplomatic gains for India for which your Association must be appreciated.” He said India and the US shared complementarities in the pharmaceutical field – in clinical research, drug discovery and manufacture. He said that both countries can work together to address common challenges posed by lifestyle diseases.
In his welcome address, Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI said, “The past Global Healthcare Summit (GHS)  have helped develop strategic alliances with various organizations and the government of India. It is these learning and relationships that have brought us all here in Mumbai, who are very passionate about serving their homeland, Mother India.”
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai

Past summits have identified areas of mutual interest and also integrated advancements of healthcare facilities in India besides ways and means of tackling long term concerns leading to long-term collaborations.  Dr. Parikh reminded the audience of many outcomes of the Summit, saying, over the past 12 years AAPI physicians have collaborated with several professional medical associations, academic institutions, Government of India, and have made significant contributions towards addressing diabetes with the launch of Sevak program, CPR-AED training for first responders with expert faculty from the American University of Antigua, Traumatic Brain Injury – the scourge of young India, and development of management guidelines thereby helping prevent deaths due to road traffic accidents, raising the importance and awareness on smoking cessation, Adopt a Village program and taking the initiatives to make quality healthcare accessible universally to village and taluka and district levels, and most recently a strong collaborative on making India TB Free with the signing of a MOU with USAID. Ten city pilots are well under way and significant progress is being made, said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President AAPI in his opening remarks. A significant collaboration has been reached between AAPI and Project Life to address the challenge of and to prevent Thalassemia.

Dr. Parikh praised the contributions and efforts of Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, Chair of GHS 2018, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Co-Chair of GHS 2018, Dr. Vinod Shah, Chair of AAPI Legislative Committee, Dr. Raj Bhayani, Co-Chair of GHS 2018, Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Advisor,  Dr. Asha Parikh, Women’s Forum Chair, and his entire Executive Committee consisting of  Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President;  Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth Kothari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Ramesh Mehta, President of GAPIO, which has jointly organized GHS for the first time in association with AAPI, also addressed he delegates during the inaugural ceremony.

Dr. Ramesh Mehta, President GAPIO in his opening address said that AAPI GHS 2018 is the beginning of a strong collaborative approach along with the Global Association of Physicians of Indian origin (GAPIO) that together will make constructive and tangible ways of ensuring that healthcare is affordable and accessible to millions of people in India.
Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Founder GAPIO has envisioned the evolution of developing a united front for all NRI physicians to develop strong and effective programs that can be implemented with precision to face the challenges posed by Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). GAPIO has launched several programs including Leadership Development Programs. GAPIO has representation from 34 countries according to Dr. Anupam Sibal, Vice President, GAPIO.
Devendra Fadnavis, the Chief Minister of the state of Maharashtra, in his address to the international delegates, welcomed the AAPI delegates to his home state, Maharashtra. While praising the many contributions of AAPI, he urged the delegates to work collaboratively in making health care more affordable. He promised whole-hearted support to the initiatives of AAPI in the state of Maharashtra. Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra, and Raj Purohit, Cabinet Minister of Maharashtra were honored guests who attended the event.
Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, delivering welcome address at the 12th annual GHS 2018
Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, delivering welcome address at the 12th annual GHS 2018

The President of India acknowledged the professionalism and excellent reputation of doctors of Indian origin in the US. “It is a tribute to India’s culture of knowledge and of service that one of every seven patient consultations in the US is with an Indian or Indian origin physician,” he said.

AAPI, a three-and-a-half decades old organization with an impressive CV, is the largest non-profit ethnic medical institution in the United States. “Your Association is a mini-India, comprising doctors with origins in all parts of our country,” the Indian President said.
The President said that the goal of ‘Health for All’ must be integral to our programs and policies. He noted the several initiatives of the Government of India, which he said were intended to make healthcare in the country more holistic and affordable for all citizens of the country.
The President of India lauded the great contributions of the members of AAPI to public health and to the discipline of medicine across the spectrum. “You are consulted on legislative and policy issues and are involved in cutting-edge research. Most important, you are responsible for providing medical care and treatment to a wide variety of people, including, I am happy to note, communities living in underserved areas.
The Indian diaspora, spread across the world, “serves as a living bridge between the country of its adoption and the country of its origin – such as between the US and India,” the Indian President said.
He praised AAPI for its collaborations with the Ministry of Health, Government of India, with state governments and with several medical and academic institutions to take forward the agenda of public health. “AAPI and its members have helped in addressing diabetes, taking on the challenge of TB, development of management guide-lines for brain injuries, and rural health-care, among other themes,” he said.
 Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, delivering inaugural address at AAPI’s 12 Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai

The President of India praised AAPI’s contributions, especially, Imparting of “first responder training in several states of the country, including here in Maharashtra. Such training can be of immense use after road accidents or when dealing with an emergency.” He urged AAPI to take this process further and deeper, especially in rural areas, where there may be a considerable distance between the patient and a well-equipped multi-specialty hospital.

He appealed to AAPI leaders to work together with the government of India in finding innovative ways to offer quality and affordable care to millions of poor people in India, by building alliances – between doctors and patient groups, between civil society and industry, between researchers and practitioners and ultimately between countries “Disease does not discriminate, and the practice of medicine and health-care must not discriminate either,” he said.
“India’s experience with producing affordable but high quality drugs and medicines offers a huge advantage as the world – and America itself – seeks to drive down the cost of health-care and health insurance,” the Indian President pointed out. “Our countries can also work hand-in-hand in seeking answers to global pandemics and emerging zoonotic diseases.”
The President of India urged AAPI to continue its efforts in the prevention and management of life-style diseases, diabetes and obesity, where physicians of Indian origin can bring in “traditional Indian wellness practices to modern medical systems. Please see what your Association can do in this area,” he told AAPI delegates
“The goal of ‘Health for All’ must be integral to our programs and policies,” he said. “I am very happy to note that the Government of India has been doing exactly that – it had made delivery of holistic healthcare to all citizens of India, one of its primary goals.”
Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India Inaugurates AAPI’s 12th Annual Global Healthcare Summit in Mumbai
Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, Chair of GHS 2018, Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra, First Lady of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, President of India, Chief Minister of the state of Maharashtra., Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, Dr. Ramesh Mehta, President GAPIO

Appealing more collaborative efforts by AAPI, especially in the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, seeking to provide comprehensive medical care to all our people, from little children to the elderly, covering 40 per cent of Indian citizens, the Indian President said, Ayushman Bharat is of importance to more than just India. Its success will offer a blue-print to cost-effective universal health coverage in emerging economies and among vulnerable communities.

“That is why I would urge all of you to become part of this potentially game-changing initiative – by participating and supporting it as you can, or even by making suggestions in terms of its design and roll-out. I look forward to actionable ideas on Ayushman Bharat emerging from this Summit,” the President of India told AAPI delegates.
Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 37 years. One in seven American is touched by a doctor of Indian origin. There is an equally large percentage of medical residents, fellows and students in the USA. AAPI’s GHS has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine. For more details, please visit:  https://aapisummit.org/www.aapiusa.org

AAPI’s 37th annual Convention will be held in Atlanta

(Atlanta, GA. December 16th, 2018) “The 37th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI)  will be held at the fabulous Omni Atlanta at CNN Center and Georgia World Congress Centre (GWCC) in Atlanta from July 3 to 7, 2019,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, announced here at a kick off meeting.  
Attended by the members of convention leadership and various Committee Teams for the convention, the event on Sunday, December 2nd, 2018 at the Georgia World Congress Centre, showed the enthusiasm and commitment of the AAPI leadership and the local organizing committee headed by Dr. Sreeni Gangasani, Vice Chair of AAPI BOT and Convention Chair.
Other prominent leaders who had attended the kick off meeting included, Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President, AAPI; Dr. Syamala Erramilli, President of GAPI; Dr. Asha Parikh, Chair of GAPI BOT; Convention Co-chairs: Dr. Raghu Lolabattu, Dr. Piyush Patel, Dr. Subodh Agrawal and several Convention Team members.
Exhibitors and Corporate Partners will remain their priority as they work together to provide a world class forum for increased interactions between physicians, sponsors, exhibitors,” said Dr. Sreeni Gangasani. “The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s Georgia Chapter. A pool of dedicated AAPI leaders are working hard to make the Convention a unique event for all the participants.”
Dr. Asha Parikh said, “The 2019 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to encourage legislative priorities and to develop health policy agendas in the coming year.”
Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff.
“The AAPI Convention provides an opportunity for delegates to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” said Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda. In addition to consumers of medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment, practice-related services, financial services, office supplies, etc., can also meet senior members of management who influence such health care facilities. The 37th AAPI Atlanta Convention is where you can reach your target audience of several thousand under one roof. Register now and aggrandize your marketing plans.
According to Dr. Syamala Erramilli, the AAPI convention will offer over 12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theatre presentations will highlight the newest advances inpatient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties. In a paradigm shift, the convention will explore a Symposium and/or Workshop format that will focus on current issues in the clinical management of chronic disease conditions to include evidence-based guidelines, latest therapies, and hot topics. They will also include 1-2 sessions that will count for Ethics CME that can fulfil mandatory medical license renewal requirements in most states.
This convention has been always one of the much awaited events of the year, there will be an Educational session with CME by world renowned faculty, full entertainment by Bollywood celebrates, many religious/cultural Activates and many more.
AAPI convention offers customized and exclusive sponsorship packages to meet the needs of sponsors and supporters. There are many Exciting A-Z Registration Packages like Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Ranging from $50,000 – $250,000.
Exhibiting with AAPI gives an opportunity to access nearly 2,000 health professionals who are leaders and decision-makers regarding new products and services, Access to national and international health policy advisors. The physicians attending this convention have excelled in different specialties and sub-specialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff.
AAPI represents the interests of 80,000 physicians including 20,000 medical students, residents, and fellows. Over 2,500 attendees along with guests are expected to gather at the 37th Annual AAPI Convention in Atlanta, GA. The Team has discussed all the exciting news, updates, action plans for the upcoming event, assigned and confirmed the roles and responsibilities of members in the team. Early Bird Specials for AAPI members to save on the cost for registering early on to attend the convention will be announced shortly.
AAPI was founded in 1982 by a group of concerned Indian American medical professionals with a simple goal, to deal with the challenges around immigration and licensing issues facing by foreign medical graduates and to design a level field for them.  It is the largest non-profit ethnic medical organization in the United States, one out of seven patient encounters in America is with an Indian American physician, AAPI serves as an umbrella organization with a network of over 160 component chapters including alumni, regional ,state, and specialty organizations.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you all in Atlanta, Georgia!” said Dr. Naresh Parikh.  For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

NRIs to be impacted by Trump’s proposed ‘public charge’ rule

President Donald Trump’s proposed “public charge” rule will disproportionately impact the Indian and Bangladeshi communities, especially children, elderly, poor, those with limited English proficiency and those suffering from medical conditions/disabilities, from establishing legal permanent residency in the United States.

The Trump administration has published its proposed changes to the public charge rule, which would penalize immigrants seeking permanent status for using certain public benefits. The draft rule is undoubtedly serious: It discriminates against families, has accelerated a “chilling effect” already hindering program enrollment, and marks the next step in the president’s ongoing immigrant crackdown.

Officials of the Asian American Federation, at a press conference with the New York City’s Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and Human Resources Administration, on November 30th, in New York City, shared their concerns about the impact of the new policy by Trump.

The proposed rule will also restrict legal immigration from Asia, along with hurting those who are already living in the US and wish to adjust their status to permanent residency. The public charge rule will have a major impact on South Asian immigrant communities, as more than 10 percent of all green card applicants are from South Asia, as of the years 2016, officials said.

Officials pointed out that nearly 472,000 or 10% of the approximately five million South Asians in the US live in poverty. Among South Asian Americans, Pakistanis (15.8%), Nepali (23.9%), Bangladeshis (24.2%), and Bhutanese (33.3%) had the highest poverty rates. Bangladeshi and Nepali communities have the lowest median household incomes out of all Asian American groups, earning $49,800 and $43,500, respectively.

Nearly 61% of non-citizen Bangladeshi families receive public benefits for at least one of the four federal programs including TANF, SSI, SNAP, and Medicaid/CHIP; and 48% of non-citizen Pakistani families and 11% of non-citizen Indian families also receive public benefits.

On a citywide basis, the de Blasio Administration preliminary analysis has found that, if enacted, the proposal could result in an annual loss of $235 million in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or “food stamps”), Cash Assistance, and Supplemental Security Income and the state supplement (SSI/SSP), if just 20% of the approximately 274,000 non-citizen New Yorkers currently receiving these benefits were to withdraw from participation.

It would also lead to an additional loss of $185 million in related economic activity, if the same group of New Yorkers were to withdraw from receiving these three named benefits.

The officials urged communities to note the fact that the proposed rule is not in effect and still has to go through a public process and public comments are being accepted for the Federal Register Notice up until Monday, December 10.

“Unique comments are highly recommended and must be submitted in English. We encourage those who need help translating their stories into English to reach out to their local community organizations. It’s important to tell individualized stories and arguments for how this affects you, your loved ones, and your community,” they said.

“This proposed rule from the Trump Administration is a direct attack on our City’s core values and the lifelines that millions of hard-working New Yorkers rely upon every day. We will not stand for it. We at DSS remain committed to connecting all New Yorkers in need to the benefits for which they are eligible, ensuring they can put food on the table and make ends meet, no matter where they’ve come from,” Department of Social Services Commissioner Steven Banks, said, in the press release.

A press release listed these websites, to help in writing comments before submission:




Dr. Naresh Parikh is the President of AAPI “As your president, I plan to invoke this year as the year of progress and balance”

Dr. Naresh Parikh, a cardiologist, entreprenor, leader, and community activist, assumed charge as President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the historic 36th annual convention at the Greater Columbus Convention Hall her on Saturday, July 7th night as the convention came to a conclusion with the gala attended by over 1,700 delegates from across the nation.
Along with Dr. Parikh, his executive committee consisting of Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President;  Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth Kothari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, were administered the oath of office as the AAPI delegates cheered loudly wishing them the best in the upcoming year.
As the President of AAPI, “I will dedicate my time, energy and skills to maintain the integrity of AAPI and promote membership database and scrub data. We will work together encouraging and motivating more and more Physicians and Dentists to join AAPI and work towards increase in AAPI membership representing all sections, including, women, young and old, while providing enhanced membership benefits including liability insurance carrier, billing, collection company, cardiac remote monitoring, and credit card transactions through reputed banking services. Our Mission and Motto for the upcoming year is “As your president I plan to invoke this year as the year of progress and balance,” the soft spoken Dr. Parikh declared in bis inaugural address.
Dr. Parikh was gracious in acknowledging the contributions of Dr. Gautam Samadder, his predecessor. “I have enjoyed serving AAPI for all these years and it was a true pleasure this past year working in close association with Dr. Samadder. I have learned much from him and offer that as a Compliment for his achievements for AAPI,’ he said.
Dr. Gautam Samadder, through a visual presentation summarized the many achievements of his year long presidency, including GHS in Kolkatta, Health Clinic inauguration in West Bengal, African safari, contributions to Veterans Obesity and Lukemia Society, India day parade and Leadership seminar, among the many others. He thanked his executive committee members, convention committee and all who have generously devoted their time, talent and resources for the success of the many programs he had initiated under his leadership.
“It’s been a humbling experience to work with an esteemed galaxy of AAPI leaders, leading this great organization, for the past year. With the active support of my executive committee and BOT members, I truly believe, I have been able to fulfill many of the priorities I had forth at the beginning of my presidency during the convention in New Jersey last year,” Dr. Samadder said.
Placing his confidence in the AAPI members who have elected him to lead this 37 years old organization, Dr. Parikh said, “AAPI has made great progress from a fledging association of the 1980s to what you see today, a robust, powerful medical organization in our country.
An organization is only as strong as its members make it and our AAPI membership is an incredible group of dedicated passionate individuals. I would like to congratulate the members of AAPI for their strength and the support they have given in its wings of flight.”
Graduated from Nagpur Medical College in 1972 and a cardiologist by profession, Dr. Naresh Parikh is serving as the CEO of Georgia Clinic, a multi-specialty organization, founded in 1998, serving patients from dozen locations. A practicing Cardiologist in Atlanta, Georgia for 30 years, Dr. Parikh was instrumental in starting IPA in 2016 with 53 participating providers and has been active in DRS ACO. Dr. Parikh is also involved with Cigna Health Spring as a counsel to improve Hedis score and improve MRA scoring for Georgia Physicians.
 “It’s been an honor and privilege for me to be associated with AAPI because I recognize the tremendous potential and the lead role that is being played by AAPI in promoting friendship between India and the United States. As members of AAPI, we have not forgotten our roots and are engaged in several activities such as conducting Indo-US Healthcare Summit that has shown us a new trail in healthcare sector in India and will continue to pave way for new frontiers in public private partnership.” As the president of AAPI, which has been playing a major role in supporting noble causes around the world, Dr. Parikh’s goal “is to be actively engaged in the SEWAK project in India.”
Dr. Parikh called upon the entire AAPI family to work towards staying united and for the betterment of the organization they all love dearly. “Let this year be a year of unity, progress and balance. Let us set aside all our differences and we all pledge to unite and work together as one team for betterment of AAPI and keep AAPI in balance,” he said.
As the President of AAPI, Dr. Parikh will “carry forward my duties of AAPI Office and keeping transparency, accountability and branding of AAPI. Under the current dynamic and dedicated team of executives, we strive to achieve higher standards for AAPI and to achieve our chosen agenda. I am committed to working with the AAPI Team to establish AAPI’s image in the US and globally.”
Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India, and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is a forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate for the health and wellbeing of all the peoples of the world.
Dr. Naresh Parikh invited all delegates to come and participate at the 37th annual convention to be held in Atlanta, GA from July 3rd to to 7th 2019. And the Global Healthcare Summit is planned for December 28th to 30th, 2018 in Mumbai. We look forward to seeing you all in Atlanta, GA for the convention and for the GHS in Mumbai, India!” For more information on AAPI and the 36th convention, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org

Income Inequality is most rising among Indian Americans: Pew Center

Indian Americans enjoy the highest levels of income among various Asian ethnic groups in the U.S., but wide economic disparities exist within the community, noted the Pew Research Center in a report released last month.
The report, titled “Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Rising Most Rapidly Among Asians,” surveyed income levels of several Asian American ethnicities and found that Asians at the top 10 percent of incomes earned 10.7 times more than those at the bottom 10 percent.
The Pew report is one of a few such papers that disaggregate data for various Asian American communities. “Today, income inequality in the U.S. is greatest among Asians. From 1970 to 2016, the gap in the standard of living between Asians near the top and the bottom of the income ladder nearly doubled, and the distribution of income among Asians transformed from being one of the most equal to being the most unequal among America’s major racial and ethnic groups,” noted the authors of the study, Rakesh Kocchar, associate director of research at Pew Research Center; and Anthony Cilluffo, research assistant at the Pew Center.
Within the Indian American community, median household incomes vary widely, noted the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development, in its response to the report’s findings. For example, the organization noted, the median household income in San Jose, Calif., is $157,036 – where incomes are driven by the tech community – compared to $51,060 in Yuba City, Calif., where agriculture is the driver of the local economy. Education levels are also lower in Yuba City, said the organization, noting that Indian American residents of Yuba City come largely from a previous wave of migration, whereas Indian Americans in San Jose represent a new wave of migrants chosen largely for their technical skills.
Almost four million people of Indian origin live in the U.S., with a median household income of $100,000, noted the survey. About 7.5 percent of the community lives at or below the federal poverty level, defined as $30,750 for a family of four in 2017.
Sri Lankan Americans, with population numbers of about 60,000, have median household incomes at $74,000 with about nine percent of the community living in poverty.
More than half a million Pakistani Americans currently reside in the U.S., with a median household income of $66,000; 15.5 percent live in poverty, according to the report. Around 188,000 Bangladeshi Americans have a median household income of $49,800; almost one-quarter live at or below the federal poverty level. Similarly, Nepali Americans, who have a median household income of $43,900, also have almost a quarter of their community living in poverty.
Burmese Americans have the highest level of poverty among Asian Americans, with one out of three living at or below the federal poverty line. The median household income is $36,000, according to the Pew report. About 72 percent of Indian Americans hold bachelor’s degrees or higher, compared with just nine percent of people from Bhutan.
Seema Agnani, executive director of the nonprofit National CAPACD, said in a press statement: “The Pew Research Center’s report draws attention to the stark economic inequality in the AAPI population. The success of some of us has contributed to the marginalization of many of us.”
“We must challenge the dominant assumptions of our success, and we need to build solidarity within the AAPI community. We need to encourage the idea that successful AAPIs have a social responsibility to learn about, support, and lift up lower-income AAPIs who are unduly set back by the success of their community members,” said Agnani.
“Wealth that is dangerously inequitable is not sustainable and, thus, we all have a shared interest and benefit in lifting AAPIs living in poverty out of the margins,” she said.
The full report can be found on the Pew Research Center’s website.

Income Inequality is most rising among Indian: Pew Center

Indian Americans enjoy the highest levels of income among various Asian ethnic groups in the U.S., but wide economic disparities exist within the community, noted the Pew Research Center in a report released July 12.

The report, titled “Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Rising Most Rapidly Among Asians,” surveyed income levels of several Asian American ethnicities and found that Asians at the top 10 percent of incomes earned 10.7 times more than those at the bottom 10 percent.

The Pew report is one of a few such papers that disaggregate data for various Asian American communities. “Today, income inequality in the U.S. is greatest among Asians. From 1970 to 2016, the gap in the standard of living between Asians near the top and the bottom of the income ladder nearly doubled, and the distribution of income among Asians transformed from being one of the most equal to being the most unequal among America’s major racial and ethnic groups,” noted the authors of the study, Rakesh Kocchar, associate director of research at Pew Research Center; and Anthony Cilluffo, research assistant at the Pew Center.

Within the Indian American community, median household incomes vary widely, noted the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development, in its response to the report’s findings. For example, the organization noted, the median household income in San Jose, Calif., is $157,036 – where incomes are driven by the tech community – compared to $51,060 in Yuba City, Calif., where agriculture is the driver of the local economy. Education levels are also lower in Yuba City, said the organization, noting that Indian American residents of Yuba City come largely from a previous wave of migration, whereas Indian Americans in San Jose represent a new wave of migrants chosen largely for their technical skills.

Almost four million people of Indian origin live in the U.S., with a median household income of $100,000, noted the survey. About 7.5 percent of the community lives at or below the federal poverty level, defined as $30,750 for a family of four in 2017.

Sri Lankan Americans, with population numbers of about 60,000, have median household incomes at $74,000 with about nine percent of the community living in poverty.

More than half a million Pakistani Americans currently reside in the U.S., with a median household income of $66,000; 15.5 percent live in poverty, according to the report. Around 188,000 Bangladeshi Americans have a median household income of $49,800; almost one-quarter live at or below the federal poverty level. Similarly, Nepali Americans, who have a median household income of $43,900, also have almost a quarter of their community living in poverty.

Burmese Americans have the highest level of poverty among Asian Americans, with one out of three living at or below the federal poverty line. The median household income is $36,000, according to the Pew report. About 72 percent of Indian Americans hold bachelor’s degrees or higher, compared with just nine percent of people from Bhutan.

Seema Agnani, executive director of the nonprofit National CAPACD, said in a press statement: “The Pew Research Center’s report draws attention to the stark economic inequality in the AAPI population. The success of some of us has contributed to the marginalization of many of us.”

“We must challenge the dominant assumptions of our success, and we need to build solidarity within the AAPI community. We need to encourage the idea that successful AAPIs have a social responsibility to learn about, support, and lift up lower-income AAPIs who are unduly set back by the success of their community members,” said Agnani.

“Wealth that is dangerously inequitable is not sustainable and, thus, we all have a shared interest and benefit in lifting AAPIs living in poverty out of the margins,” she said.

The full report can be found on the Pew Research Center’s website.

Indian-Americans lack in strategic philanthropy

The Indian-American community is punching way below its weight in philanthropy, despite having the highest per capita income of any ethnic group in the U.S., a comprehensive survey has found. The Indiaspora Community Engagement Survey, conducted by Dalberg Advisors, was released in conjunction with Indiaspora’s all-day philanthropic summit held at Georgetown University on July 17.

One of its major findings was that while its volunteerism is double that of the national average, when it comes to giving, the community’s “giving gap” was in the range of $2 billion to $3 billion, hardly 1.5 percent compared to the national average of 4 percent. The survey noted that while Indian-Americans are keen philanthropic volunteers, they lag in financial donations.

A survey of Indian-Americans who contribute both time and money to charitable activities has set leaders in the community thinking about how to target the potential of this high-achieving group, which also nevertheless has its own needy population.

Though 90 percent of the respondents in the “Indian American Community Engagement Survey” commissioned by the advocacy non-profit, Indiaspora, surveyed those who were already donors, skewing the results somewhat, the survey’s main finding could help target strategies for making a bigger impact nationally and locally.

The survey revealed that Indian-Americans volunteer significant time toward philanthropic causes but that a large money “giving gap” exists between the potential and the actual – that they were meeting $1 billion of their $3 billion potential for annual giving.

Indiaspora’s summit, “For Givers, Doers, and Thinkers,” explored whether Indian-Americans are good or poor givers, particularly even in alignment with the causes the community is most passionate about. Discussions were also permeated by the motivations and self-reported giving behavior.

In his welcoming remarks, Indiaspora founder and chairman M.R. Rangaswami, called the group a “philanthropic catalyst. The Silicon Valley entrepreneur and angel investor said: “We are in the early stages of strategically planning what we should do to move the needle — which is to say, increase the amount of Indian-American philanthropic giving in America and to India, and make it more effective.”

“At over $3 billion dollars annually, the giving potential of Indian-Americans is enormous,” said Dalberg Advisors’ regional director for the Americas, Joe Dougherty. He noted that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation distributes $4 billion to $5 billion across the entire globe every year. “Imagine the kind of impact the diaspora could create if they met their giving potential. We hope that the results of this study help galvanize philanthropic efforts among this important — and influential — community.”

The India-born, U.S.-raised Totapally — the point person behind the survey — noted that after a stint on Wall Street she “decided I was done with corporate greed and moved to Mumbai to work with Dalberg and dedicate my life” to philanthropy. Her PowerPoint presentation demonstrated that the Indian-American community contributes about $1 billion annually, much below its conservative giving potential of $3 billion to $4 billion annually.

Drs. Pallavi and Kiran Patel of Florida, began giving to higher education institution, capping it with setting up the Dr. Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions at the University of South Florida as far back as 2005. The couple’s foundation has committed hundreds of millions since then, among them to set up a School of Medicine and School of Health Sciences at USD.

Deepak Raj, founder and managing director of Raj Associates in New Jersey, is chairman of the non-profit Pratham USA. He established a chair in Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, recently funded the creation of Impact Project and Impact Fund to support Indian-American political aspirants. He believes Indian-American philanthropy has grown exponentially in the last 5 to 10 years, even in his own engagements. “So as time goes on, it will reflect the giving of the rest of America. I see very positive trends and am very optimistic about the direction of giving,” he told News India Times, adding that he has seen the next generation which has had the benefit of a good education and “terrific” opportunities, rising to give more.

Karthick Ramakrishnan, associate professor at University of California, Riverside, and founder of AAPIdata, says random sample surveys done by his organization showed the rates of giving were lower for Asian Americans compared to the national average, which can be explained by their more recent immigration. Donations to religious organizations were higher than to other causes, he found.

The Indiaspora survey, despite its limitations, said Ramakrishnan who was an advisor for it, is a very important step in trying to get Indians to pay attention to philanthropy, which is not just about money but also about expertise. Shikha Bhatnagar, executive director of the California-based non-profit South Asian Network, told News India Times she has seen the “incredible” amount of money that organizations are able to raise too send back to India, and was “astonished” with the gap between money for India and that for U.S. organizations. She launched the U.S. office of Akshay Patra Foundation, and was executive director of Teach for India in Pune, and has two decades of programming, advocacy, and policy experience on global and domestic issues. Bhatnagar contends many Indian- Americans believe they came with little and built their lives so why can’t others do the same, unaware of problems within the community.

As M.R. Rangaswami, founder of Indiaspora, said at the July 17 conference on philanthropy among Indian- Americans, “… We are in the early stages of strategically planning what we should do to move the needle – which is to say, increase the amount of Indian American philanthropic giving in America and to India, and make it more effective.”

Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Acharya Lokesh Muni ji inaugurate AAPI’s 36th annual convention in Columbus, OH

Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Acharya Lokesh Muni ji inaugurate AAPI’s 36th annual convention in Columbus, OHColumbus, OH: July 5th, 2018: With ribbon cutting and lighting of the traditional lamp below a beautifully decorated arch, Andrew J. Ginther, Mayor of Columbus and Acharya Lokesh Muni ji officially inaugurated the 36th annual convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the Convention Center in Columbus, OH on July 5th, 2018.
In his warm welcome address, Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, reminded the more than 1,500 AAPI delegates from across the nation of the historic nature of the convention. “The Future is now– Its time to step up to a new era of innovation through a new age of digital healthcare that transcends biological and chemical medicine into the future. As physicians we must be equipped to tackle the next generation’s unique set of challenges and opportunities in healthcare,” Dr. Samadder said.
Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Acharya Lokesh Muni ji inaugurate AAPI’s 36th annual convention in Columbus, OHIn his opening remarks, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther praised the many contributions of AAPI members in the United States and particularly in the state of OHIO. “You have excelled in your fields of medicine, and thus make significant contributions through hard work, commitment and dedication to your profession and the people you are committed to serve,” he said. While conveying his greetings and best wishes to AAPI leaders for the success of the convention, the mayor described the fast growing health sector, particularly the pharmaceutic industry in India. Mayor Andrew highlighted the fast growing and diverse city that Columbus has become and urged Indian American physicians to invest in and make Colubus city their home.
Acharya Lokesh Muni ji, in his inspiring address to the audience, highlighted importance of having a platform such as this to share knowledge. He underscored the importance of ancient Indian wisdom that is the basis for modern Medicine. While praising the contribution of the physicians to the world, he reminded them that they are participating in the work of God and what they do today will shape the future of the world.
Member of Indian Parliament, Vallabhbhai Katharia said, Physicians of Indian origin are well known around the world for their compassion, passion for patient care, medical skills, research, and leadership. “Indian-Americans constitute about one percent of the country’s population, but you account for nine percent of the American doctors and physicians, serving one out of seven patients being treated across the nation.” He praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his inspiring leadership, steering the largest democracy in the world to new heights. He urged AAPI to endow an AAPI Chair in India to share the knowledge and experience of AAPI members with their counterparts in India. Dr. Veena Gandhi of the Health Foundation of Rural India shared with the audience the immense job the Foundation does in 70,000 villages across India, benefitting millions of people.
At the Business Meeting and the Fund Raising led by AAPI Charitable Foundation, Dr. Chander Kapasi helped raise money for the Foundation, while highlighting the many charitable initiatives of AAPI both in India and in the United States. Also, AAPI recognized Raja Rajadhyaksha and Dr. Sanju Bhghya for their contributions to the society and for AAPI. Earlier, Neeraj Anthani, the youngest elected official in the Ohio state Assembly felicitated AAPI and he presented a Citation to AAPI.
Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Acharya Lokesh Muni ji inaugurate AAPI’s 36th annual convention in Columbus, OHA spectacular fashion show by Rohit Verma kept the audience spell-bound for an hour, while the Mystic India show took the audience to a heavenly journey, showcasing the brilliant Indian dance forms performed elegantly by talented artists.
 The day was packed with back to back seminars and CMEs and conferences, including Beauty Pageant, Children and Youth activities, Medical School Alumni meetings, and inspiring speeches and a busy market place where vendors lured AAPI members with their specialty products.
This CME program is being jointly sponsored the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and has been designed to meet the educational needs of Primary Care physicians – Internists, Family Practitioners, Pediatricians, and Specialists – Cardiology, Oncology, Endocrinology, Surgery and other specialties involved in the care of patients with Atrial Fibrillation, HIV disease, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Depression, Prostate and Hematologic malignancies and Back pain.
Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Acharya Lokesh Muni ji inaugurate AAPI’s 36th annual convention in Columbus, OHCMEs provided comprehensive and current reviews and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of various disease states to reduce morbidity and mortality and achieve cost effective quality care outcomes, enabling the attendees to gain an understanding of the causation, diagnosis and the best clinical practices for the management of the diverse group of diseases discussed during this program. AAPI members get 10 hours of CME credit hours for attending in these sessions led by world’s leading thought leaders, physicians and healthcare industry leaders.
Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Committee, praised the Local Chapter members for their hard work and dedication in meticulously planning and organizing this mega event.
Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Committee, praised the Local Chapter members for their hard work and dedication in meticulously planning and organizing this mega event.  For more information on AAPI and the 36th convention, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OH

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a globally revered spiritual and humanitarian leader, led the over 1,700 AAPI delegates and their families to an authentic experience of yoga and meditation at the 36th annual convention of AAPI, though a meditation session here today at the Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH on July 6th, 2018.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OHSri Sri Ravi Shankar, who has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society, in his keynote address at the AAPI Executive Committee Luncheon, addressed the AAPI delegates to work towards preventing health problems by learning and living a stress-free life, before they could lead others to a stress-free healthy life.

Delegates of AAPI that represents nearly 100,000 Physicians, Fellows, and Residents in the United States, were led to meditate after an inspiring address on Yoga and Health by global thought and spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The unique event served as a platform for the AAPI members to discuss the importance of meditation in resolving the nation’s pressing health concerns and how Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditation, the ancient traditions of India offer solutions to the most pressing health problems of the world.

Sri Sri travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on a number of timely and important topics. He has written books that teach and inspire. His talks motivate and encourage, offer comfort and reassurance, and provide insights for daily living. He encouraged physicians to learn how to use pulses to assess people’s illness, which he said, could precede the many tests we do to determine one’s health.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OH“The secret of meditation is in letting go,” Sri Sri told the gathering, which included AAPI members and their families. “Stress arises when we have too much to do, and not enough energy or time to do it. We can neither change time nor the number of things we need to do. So, the only option is to increase energy levels. And this can be accomplished  through yoga, breathing techniques and meditation,” Sri Sri elaborated.

His message to educators was: A happy mind lets you stay calm; make better decisions and improve the overall quality of life, he told the Doctors, acknowledging that they lead a stressful life. He appealed that AAPI and its members work towards making Ayurveda more acceptable and universal; offering research to prove the benefits of yoga and meditation scientifically to make the world known and use these ancient techniques.

Research has demonstrated the benefits of yoga and meditation as an effective method in reducing stress, managing depression and improving sense of well-being. In just three decades, the programs and initiatives by Sri Sri have touched the lives of over 370 million people in 152 countries, including many areas of conflict and disaster where he has offered stress- and trauma-relief programs, which have been successful in reducing the negative effects of PTSD and curbing violence.

Leading up the 20 minutes long meditation, Sri Sri told the Doctors: “Meditation is that space where thoughts have subsided and the mind is in complete rest. Meditation is the journey from movement to stillness, from sound to silence. Yoga is like a vast ocean. Yoga offers many things to different people at many different levels–whatever they aspire for: union with the cosmic consciousness, or physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, spiritual ecstasy — all this is part of yoga.” With the chanting of “Om” that filled the Auditorium, the entire assembly in silence, he told them to go with the flow of the mind.

“Surrender is not an act, it is a state of your being. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it is there. The wise wake up and see, the unwise take a longer time. Know that you have no choice, you are in a state of surrender deep within you,” he said.

On the importance and the need to practice Yoga, which leads to one’s holistic health, he said. “Yoga is more than just stretches, poses and an elastic body. It provides inner comfort and enables you to access your intuitive ability, which is a necessary ingredient in any field – be it business, arts, science or sports,” said Sri Sri. “The ancient secrets of Yoga hold the key to open a new dimension in your life beyond body and mind that will unlock your potential and tap into a field of infinite possibilities to live a deeper, more joyous life. Yoga brings good health, sharpness of intellect, creativity, emotional stability and a broad vision.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OHDr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, in his welcome address, stressed the importance of ancient Indian traditions and how they sow the way to a healthier life in modern world. He thanked the many sponsors of AAPI who made the convention a success. “We are so fortunate to have Sri Sri, who travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on a number of timely and important topics, and is a world –renowned author of books that teach and inspire, has graciously come and be with us enlighten us all with his wisdom. His talks motivate and encourage, offer comfort and reassurance, and provide insights for daily living,” he said.

Dr. Samadder felicitated his executive Committee members with a plaque for their leadership and support for the past year under his leadership.

Dr. Vanila M. Singh, M.D., MACM, the Chief Medical Officer for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in her address, shared with the audience the initiatives of Trump administration on healthcare policy and effective delivery of services. she provided a detailed description of her department and the vital services she and the Department provides to the nation.

The Chief Medical Officer serves as the primary medical advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health on the development and implementation of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations, including 11 core public health offices, the Office of the Surgeon General, 12 advisory committees, and 10 regional offices. Dr. Singh’s portfolio includes issues related to pain medicine, including opioid use and misuse; medical ethics; and public health.

During the five day event held from July 4th to 8th, attendees have the opportunity to engage with an impressive lineup of notable speakers and cutting edge medical and scientific information blended within a rich cultural backdrop of authentic Indian cuisine, fashion, yoga and entertainment from top Indian performers.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OHDr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, had praises for the memorable session with the world renowmed spiritual leader, and how the delegates of AAPI were led to meditate after an inspiring address on Yoga and health by global thought and spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. “The unique event has served as a platform for the AAPI members to discuss the importance of meditation in resolving the nation’s pressing health concerns and how Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditations, the ancient traditions of India offer solutions to the most pressing health problems of the world,” Dr. Parikh said.

Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair of BOT of AAPI, highlighted the importance of ancient Indian traditions and how they sow the way to a healthier life in modern world. He thanked the many sponsors of AAPI who make conventions a success. “The presence of Sri Sri in our midst will not only enlighten us, but will enforce in each of us the important contributions of ancient India to the world, especially in the world of medicine,” Dr. Jain added.

A major highlight of the convention today was the historic 1st ever Summit on Opioid Crisis in the US, focusing on the prevalence, the causes and the ways to manage and address the concerns of the nation. The Women’s Forum led by Bollywood star, Hema Malini and featuring half a dozen Women Leaders inspired one and all for their leadership and how they overcame obstacles and transformed them into opportunities.

The convention offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar leads AAPI delegates meditation at AAPI’s 36th annual Convention In Columbus, OH

The convention includes CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There are forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall includes medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.

One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin from across the globe will gather at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention begins with AAPI’s Got Talent Show in Ohio

(Columbus, OH; July 4th, 2018): The 36th annual edition of the AAPI Annual Convention& Scientific Assembly began here at Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH on July  4th, 2018 with the much anticipated AAPI’s Got Talent contest. Music, dance, magic, drama, poetry and more. The hidden and often unappreciated side of the physicians were showcased during a competition that was a treat to all the nearly 1,500 participants who enjoyed every moment of the event.
“AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI. “Physicians are not just about books and work. Our stress, our emotions that we learn to conceal, our tendency to imbibe life’s lessons and take it all as it comes is often channeled into artistic outlets where we let it all flow. In this hour-long competition brought out our artistic and creative side of our members,” Dr. Samadder added.
“AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show,” declared Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, along with Dr. Samadder and the whole host of AAPIL leadership and organizing committee members, danced on stage to favorite Bollywood tunes before an enthusiastic audience. “It provided a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. Our talent event tagline is true to its word – passion truly meets professionalism in this event!” Dr. Parikh added.
AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention begins with AAPI’s Got Talent Show in OhioShree Saini, Miss India USA, made a special appearance at the event. Describing her experiences as the prestigious title winner as an opportunity for a year and beyond for “committed services to humanity.”  The contest was elegantly emceed by Dr. Amit Chakrabarthy and Dr. Seema Arora. The evening culminated with a breathtaking musical extravaganza by world renowned artists, Palak and Palash.
On the 2nd day of the convention, an AAPI Pageant, organized and supported by AAPI is “more than just a title. It’s a movement for empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams. This pageant promotes self-confidence, leadership, poise and public speaking skills as well as the strong presence of beautiful women in our community!” said Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Organizing Committee.
The 2018 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. The AAPI convention will also offer 12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theater presentations will highlight the newest advances in patient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties.
The convention will be addressed by senior world leaders, including US Senators, Nobel Lauretes, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world.
World Leader and Humanitarian Sri Sri Ravishankar will be one of the keynote speakers at AAPI Convention. He will participate in Q & A session for Physician wellness program as well.
“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair of AAPI’s BOT, said.
AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention begins with AAPI’s Got Talent Show in OhioIn addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.
AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 36th annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI‘s membership,” Dr. Suresh Reddy, Vice President of AAPI, said.
Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 36 years, AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally have  convened and are participating in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We are happy to have  you all in Columbus, Ohio!” said Dr. Gautam Samadder.
AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention begins with AAPI’s Got Talent Show in OhioOne in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin. Over 15,00 physicians and their families of Indian origin from across the United States have come together at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

AAPI initiates Summit on Opioid Crisis at 36th Annual Convention Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is Keynote speaker

Every day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. In 2015, more than 33,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose. More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.

According to The New York Times, of the estimated 2.1 million Americans currently in the grip of opioid addiction, many are women of childbearing age. The young-adult population has been hardest hit, proportionately, with nearly 400,000 adults ages 18 to 25 suffering from addiction to prescription painkillers (the vast majority) or heroin.

“It is in this context, for the very first time ever, a summit on the Opioid Crisis in the United States has been planned as part of the upcoming AAPI’s 36th Annual National Convention & Scientific Assembly, to be held from July 4-8, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. This initiative of AAPI is being put together by Convention team and headed by Dr. Nikesh Batra.

“The summit scheduled to be held on Friday July 6, 2018 9:00am – 12:00pm during the Convention is aimed at educating and creating awareness among the delegates at the convention on the growing opioid crisis, and how the physicians can play a vital role in preventing and containing the fast growing epidemic in the US,” Dr. Samadder added.

Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be the keynote speaker. Singh serves as the primary medical advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health on the development and implementation of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations.

 “The essence of AAPI is educational,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said. “That translates into numerous Continuing Medical Education and non-CME seminars by experts in their fields. The Summit on Opioid Crisis will provide a platform for AAPI members to discuss and deliberate on effective ways to combat this national crisis, that is claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, affecting millions of families across the nation.”

The convention includes CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There are forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall includes medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.”

The opioid crisis has become a public health crisis with devastating consequences including increases in opioid misuse and related overdoses, as well as the rising incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome due to opioid use and misuse during pregnancy. The increase in injection drug use has also contributed to the spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C. As seen throughout the history of medicine, science can be an important part of the solution in resolving such a public health crisis.

Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair, AAPI BOT said, “For the first time ever, AAPI is planning a special session on Health Care Law, which will be introduced by Dr. Hemant Patel, where round table discussion will be held between prominent lawyers, federal agencies, medical board and health care practitioner. The topics will include educating physicians about health care laws and how to take adequate precautions. This will be beneficial to AAPI members dealing with legal challenges they face in their practice.”

Also, for the first time, AAPI offers Living Well: The Happiness Program for Health Care Professionals. A unique advanced Physician wellness program that is designed from the ground up by medical professionals, for medical professionals. It’s meant to provide people working in the healthcare field with an opportunity to learn simple practices and utilize them to enhance their physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing.

Giving them a platform to celebrate their accomplishments, the annual convention to be attended by nearly 2,000 physicians of Indian origin, it will also provide a forum to renew their professional commitment through continuing medical educations activities. During the five-day event, attendees will engage with an impressive lineup of notable speakers and cutting edge medical and scientific information blended within a rich cultural backdrop of authentic Indian cuisine, fashion, yoga and entertainment from top Indian performers.

The convention also includes AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. It provides a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. “Physicians are not just about books and work. Our stress, our emotions that we learn to conceal, our tendency to imbibe life’s lessons and take it all as it comes is often channeled into artistic outlets where we let it all flow,” said Dr. Samadder. “Our talent event tagline is true to its word – passion truly meets professionalism in this event!” he added.

AAPI Pageant, organized and supported by AAPI is more than just a title. It’s a movement for empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams. This pageant promotes self-confidence, leadership, poise and public speaking skills as well as the strong presence of beautiful women in our community!” said Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Organizing Committee.

The 2018 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. The AAPI convention will also offer 12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theater presentations will highlight the newest advances in patient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties.

One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin from across the globe will gather at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI initiates Summit on Opioid Crisis at 36th Annual Convention – Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is Keynote speaker

Every day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. In 2015, more than 33,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose. More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total “economic burden” of prescription opioid misuse alone in the United States is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.

According to The New York Times, of the estimated 2.1 million Americans currently in the grip of opioid addiction, many are women of childbearing age. The young-adult population has been hardest hit, proportionately, with nearly 400,000 adults ages 18 to 25 suffering from addiction to prescription painkillers (the vast majority) or heroin.

“It is in this context, for the very first time ever, a summit on the Opioid Crisis in the United States has been planned as part of the upcoming AAPI’s 36th Annual National Convention & Scientific Assembly, to be held from July 4-8, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. This initiative of AAPI is being put together by Convention team and headed by Dr. Nikesh Batra.

“The summit scheduled to be held on Friday July 6, 2018 9:00am – 12:00pm during the Convention is aimed at educating and creating awareness among the delegates at the convention on the growing opioid crisis, and how the physicians can play a vital role in preventing and containing the fast growing epidemic in the US,” Dr. Samadder added.

Vanila M. Singh, Chief Medical Officer at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be the keynote speaker. Singh serves as the primary medical advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health on the development and implementation of HHS-wide public health policy recommendations.

 “The essence of AAPI is educational,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said. “That translates into numerous Continuing Medical Education and non-CME seminars by experts in their fields. The Summit on Opioid Crisis will provide a platform for AAPI members to discuss and deliberate on effective ways to combat this national crisis, that is claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, affecting millions of families across the nation.”

The convention includes CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There are forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall includes medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.”

The opioid crisis has become a public health crisis with devastating consequences including increases in opioid misuse and related overdoses, as well as the rising incidence of neonatal abstinence syndrome due to opioid use and misuse during pregnancy. The increase in injection drug use has also contributed to the spread of infectious diseases including HIV and hepatitis C. As seen throughout the history of medicine, science can be an important part of the solution in resolving such a public health crisis.

Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair, AAPI BOT said, “For the first time ever, AAPI is planning a special session on Health Care Law, which will be introduced by Dr. Hemant Patel, where round table discussion will be held between prominent lawyers, federal agencies, medical board and health care practitioner. The topics will include educating physicians about health care laws and how to take adequate precautions. This will be beneficial to AAPI members dealing with legal challenges they face in their practice.”

Also, for the first time, AAPI offers Living Well: The Happiness Program for Health Care Professionals. A unique advanced Physician wellness program that is designed from the ground up by medical professionals, for medical professionals. It’s meant to provide people working in the healthcare field with an opportunity to learn simple practices and utilize them to enhance their physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing.

Giving them a platform to celebrate their accomplishments, the annual convention to be attended by nearly 2,000 physicians of Indian origin, it will also provide a forum to renew their professional commitment through continuing medical educations activities. During the five-day event, attendees will engage with an impressive lineup of notable speakers and cutting edge medical and scientific information blended within a rich cultural backdrop of authentic Indian cuisine, fashion, yoga and entertainment from top Indian performers.

The convention also includes AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. It provides a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. “Physicians are not just about books and work. Our stress, our emotions that we learn to conceal, our tendency to imbibe life’s lessons and take it all as it comes is often channeled into artistic outlets where we let it all flow,” said Dr. Samadder. “Our talent event tagline is true to its word – passion truly meets professionalism in this event!” he added.

AAPI Pageant, organized and supported by AAPI is more than just a title. It’s a movement for empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams. This pageant promotes self-confidence, leadership, poise and public speaking skills as well as the strong presence of beautiful women in our community!” said Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Organizing Committee.

The 2018 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. The AAPI convention will also offer 12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theater presentations will highlight the newest advances in patient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties.

One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin from across the globe will gather at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI Announces Health Partnerships with USAID in India

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has announced the launch of a new partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to end tuberculosis (TB) in India.

Under the Memorandum of Understanding, signed last month in New Delhi and announced in Mumbai, AAPI and USAID will work together to utilize the 100,000-strong network of physicians of Indian-origin living in the United States to support health programs in India, engage AAPI’s network of private charitable clinics for TB awareness, detection and treatment, and explore opportunities for collaborations between U.S. and Indian medical schools to exchange cutting-edge health care solutions.

Home to more than one-fourth of the global TB burden, India has more TB and multidrug-resistant TB cases than any country in the world. A further one million Indian citizens, including 170,000 children, are estimated to be undiagnosed and untreated.At the Delhi End-TB Summit, inaugurated on March 13, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had emphasized the need for a multi-sectoral approach including the private sector and announced a national plan to eliminate TB by 2025,five years ahead of the World Health Organization’s stated global 2030 goal.

Speaking about the USAID-AAPI collaboration, Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said: “Elimination of Tuberculosis has been a matter of national concern for many years now. Through our partnership with USAID, we aim to bring American technical expertise to help strengthen India’s fight against TB. Also, we intend to bring in leading subject matter experts, introduce global best practices and cutting-edge business solutions that will complement and grow existing USAID programs in India.”

XersesSidhwa, Director of Health at USAID/India, added: “We have been supporting the TB program of the Government of India for two decades now. Along with extending technical expertise, USAID has invested $140 million to strengthen the capacity of national, state, and district-level TB programs across India. With our collaboration with AAPI, we aim to strengthen the early detection and treatment of TB, with a focus on drug-resistant strains; continue our assistance to the government to plan and implement evidence-based interventions to reach a TB-Free India, and improve patient-centered TB services.”

Drawing attention towards the importance of educating and empowering womento take ownership of the health and hygiene of themselves and their families, Mrs. Amruta Fadnavis, wife of Chief Minister of Maharashtra, and AAPI also launched “TheW omen Empowerment” campaign that will focus on raising healthcare awareness among women in the country.

Dr. Raj Bhayani, Co-Chair, AAPI GHS emphasized, “Improving the healthcare services in India through its various initiatives, AAPI envisions to share the best from leading experts from around the worldto collaborate on clinical challenges, research and development, philanthropy, policy and standards formulation, and clinical tracks that are of vital to healthcare in India.”

“Taking up the challenge and assisting with the launch and implementation of Ayushman Bharat Program, AAPI is making this the focus of its signature CEO forum”, said Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, Chief Strategy Adviser, AAPI.

Asian Americans Join Hands to ‘Build Political Power’

Representing over a dozen ethnic Asian American political groups, the coalition of Asian American organizations held a press conference on May 15 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., seeking to unite and coordinate the efforts of the Asian American candidates who are running for public offices across the nation in the November Mid-Term election.

Some of the groups that have united to maximize political representation and victory in the November 2018 elections are: AAPI Progressive Action, AAPI Victory Fund, America’s Opportunity Fund (AOF), APALA, Asian American Action Fund, ASPIRE PAC, CAPA21 Action Fund, Desis for Progress, Indian American Impact Fund, KAYA, Korean Americans for Organizing (KAFO), PIVOT and (RUN).


to speak about community outreach efforts ahead of the Nov. 6 election, and the launch of the AAPI Clearinghouse, which will support Indian American and other AAPI congressional candidates for the Nov. 6 general election.

In 2018, there are over 50 Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) candidates running for Congress. This effort was to showcase rising star AAPI congressional candidates from across the nation. “AAPI political organizations are launching an online and social media clearinghouse for AAPI political campaign and election activity. This AAPI Clearinghouse will give political activists a place online to learn about these groups and political candidates they are supporting and find opportunities to get involved in political campaigns and activities in the 2018 mid-term elections and beyond. Through the Clearinghouse, these progressive groups aim to collaborate with each other to engage AAPI activists in political and policy action, strengthen their political voice, empower the AAPI community nationwide, and demonstrate the power and influence of our community on the country’s future,” a statement issued here stated.

“The AAPI Clearinghouse will provide political activists a unified place to learn about the more than 50 AAPI candidates who are running for Congress and the opportunities to support them in the 2018 mid-term elections and beyond,” said the coalition of organizations, in a press statement.

“Through the Clearinghouse, the organizations aim to collaborate with each other to strengthen their political voice, empower the AAPI community nationwide, and demonstrate the power and influence of the AAPI community on the country’s future,” noted the coalition.

Rep. Judy Chu, D-California, chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, was joined by several Indian American congressional candidates, including Hiral Tipirneni, D-Arizona; Aruna Miller, D-Maryland; and Aftab Pureval, D-Ohio. Other AAPI candidates attending the press conference included David Min, D-California, and Andy Kim, D-New Jersey.

Indian American political activists Shekar Narasimhan, chairman of the AAPI Victory Fund; Gautam Raghavan, who leads the Indian American Impact Fund; and Koustubh “K.J.” Bagchi, chair of Desis for Progress. also spoke at the event, along with several other AAPI leaders.

“The electorate in America has changed, and the old campaign playbook of ignoring smaller communities resulted in disastrous results in the 2016 elections,” said Narasimhan. “Elections continue to be won by the slimmest of margins and ensuring success requires candidates to get the ‘margin of victory’ votes. With the right investment and cultivation, we can ensure a sustainable majority,” said Narasimhan.

“At a time when our community and our values are under attack by xenophobic rhetoric and regressive policies, it is more critical than ever that Indian Americans build and wield political power to fight back,” said Raghavan. “We are inspired and energized by the over 80 Indian American candidates on the ballot in 2018, and in particular, the four Congressional challengers and six state and local candidates we have endorsed thus far. Voters are hungry for the kind of fresh thinking and bold leadership that they represent, and we look forward to helping them run, win, and lead,” he said.

“There is so much at stake with this year’s mid-term elections. That’s why an unprecedented number of AAPI candidates are running for Congress so we can have a larger voice in our political system. We cannot take any opportunity for granted. It starts with launching the Clearinghouse so candidates and voters from across the country know where to turn for resources. By working towards a unified goal, AAPIs will secure our place at the table,” said Rep. Judy Chu, who is also the immediate past chair of ASPIRE PAC. For more information, please visit: https://aaafund.org.

3 Hours Long Workshop on Opioid Crisis During AAPI Convention In Ohio

“For the very first time ever, a three-hour long workshop on the Opioid Crisis in the United States will be part of the upcoming AAPI’s 36th Annual National Convention & Scientific Assembly, to be held from July 4-8, 2018 in Columbus, Ohio,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. This initiative of AAPI is being put together by Dr. Hemant Patel, past President of AAPI.

More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opiates such as morphine have been used for pain relief in the United States since the 800s, and were used during the American Civil War. Devastating consequences of the opioid epidemic include increases in opioid misuse and related overdoses, as well as the rising incidence of newborns experiencing withdrawal syndrome due to opioid use and misuse during pregnancy.

In the late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community that patients would not become addicted to opioid pain relievers and healthcare providers began to prescribe them at greater rates. Increased prescription of opioid medications led to widespread misuse of both prescription and non-prescription opioids before it became clear that these medications could indeed be highly addictive. An estimated 40% of opioid overdose deaths involved a prescription opioid.

“The workshop scheduled to be held on Friday July 6, 2018 9:00am – 12:00pm during the Convention is aimed at educating and creating awareness among the delegates at the convention on the growing opioid crisis, and how the physicians can play a vital role in preventing and containing the fast growing epidemic in the US,” Dr. Samadder added.

Also, for the first time, AAPI offers Living Well: The Happiness Program for Health Care Professionals. A unique advanced Physician wellness program that is designed from the ground up by medical professionals, for medical professionals. It’s meant to provide people working in the healthcare field with an opportunity to learn simple practices and utilize them to enhance their physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing.

What’s more, Living Well’s benefits stretch well beyond HCPs themselves; Living Well is designed to prevent the Burnout Syndrome (BOS) as it influences the HCPs’ performance in all fields, including patient safety. The signature technique of Sudarshan Kriya taught at the program is a time-tested evidence based practice which reduces stress, improves sleep, increases energy and well-being. The happiness program will help MDs start developing a daily self-care routine that includes yoga, breathing & meditative practices.

Attended by over 2,000 AAPI delegates and their families, the 2018 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. The AAPI convention will also offer 8-12 hours of CME credits. Scientific presentations, exhibits, and product theater presentations will highlight the newest advances in patient care, medical technology, and practice management issues across multiple medical specialties.

Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said, “The convention offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.”

Giving them a platform to celebrate their accomplishments, the annual convention to be attended by nearly 2,000 physicians of Indian origin, it will also provide a forum to renew their professional commitment through continuing medical educations activities. During the five-day event, attendees will engage with an impressive lineup of notable speakers and cutting edge medical and scientific information blended within a rich cultural backdrop of authentic Indian cuisine, fashion, yoga and entertainment from top Indian performers.

The convention includes CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There are forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall includes medical and pharmaceutical products, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.”

“The essence of AAPI is educational,” Dr. Ashok Jain, Chairman of the BOT, while describing the purpose of CMEs said. “That translates into numerous Continuing Medical Education and non-CME seminars by experts in their fields. CME will provide comprehensive and current reviews and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of various disease states to reduce morbidity and mortality and achieve cost effective quality care outcomes. At the end of the activity, it is expected that attendees will gain an understanding of the causation, diagnosis and the best clinical practices for the management of the diverse group of diseases discussed during this program.”

The event also includes AAPI’s Got Talent, organized by the AAPI physicians, is a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. It provides a chance for all registered guests of the convention to participate and compete in a talent show. “Physicians are not just about books and work. Our stress, our emotions that we learn to conceal, our tendency to imbibe life’s lessons and take it all as it comes is often channeled into artistic outlets where we let it all flow,” said Dr. Samadder. “Our talent event tagline is true to its word – passion truly meets professionalism in this event!” he added.

“AAPI Pageant, organized and supported by AAPI is more than just a title. It’s a movement for empowering women from all walks of life to achieve their dreams. This pageant promotes self-confidence, leadership, poise and public speaking skills as well as the strong presence of beautiful women in our community!” said Dr. John Johnson, Chair of the Convention Organizing Committee.

One in seven patient encounters in the United States is with a physician of Indian origin. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian Origin in the United States. Over 2,000 physicians, health professionals, academicians and scientists of Indian origin from across the globe will gather at the popular Convention Center, Columbus, OH from July 4-8, 2018. For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

Preeta Bansal honored with APAICS Stewardship Award

Indian American Preeta Bansal was honored with the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Stewardship Award at the organization’s 24th annual Awards Gala on Tuesday, May 15.

US Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) presented the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Stewardship Award to Bansal, whohad served as a General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor to the federal Office of Management and Budget from 2009 until 2011. Bansal is currently the CEO of Social Emergence Corporation and she also teaches at the MIT Media Lab, where she is a Senior Advisor for Social Machines.

“I’m honored to present the APAICS Stewardship Award to Solicitor General Preeta Bansal for her leadership in public service, and for her efforts to empower communities,” said the New York Democrat. “Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is a time to honor and celebrate the achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). Tonight, we recognize and celebrate Preeta for her immense contributions, and for her service and leadership to our community and the nation.”

APAICS Stewardship Award is presented annually to individuals who are leaders within AAPI communities in public service for their commitment to serve communities.

Prior to serving in the Obama administration, Bansal served as a law partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, and as the Solicitor General of the State of New York during Attorney General Eliot Spitzer’s first term. She also has been a member and past chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)

Bansal is originally from Nebraska, she received an A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1986 and a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1989.

She also served as a Supervising Editor of the Harvard Law Review and after graduating from Harvard Law School, she clerked for Chief Judge James L. Oakes of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1989 to 1990 and for U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens from 1990 to 1991.

After running her own private practice in Washington D.C., Bansal worked in the Clinton Administration from 1993 to 1996 as a Counselor in the U.S. Department of Justice and as a White House Special Counsel. Then in 1999, she was recruited to serve in the office of New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer as the Solicitor General of the State of New York after which Bansal was a Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Bansal is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute and a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She received the National Organization of Women’s “Woman of Power and Influence Award” in 2006 and was named one of the “50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America” by the National Law Journal in its inaugural list in 2008.

In 2006, she was a co-chair for then-Attorney General-Elect Andrew Cuomo’s transition team, and previously served as a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, the National Women’s Law Center and the New York City Bar Justice Center, and as a Commissioner on Mayor Bloomberg’s Election Modernization Task Force.

Indian American physicians launch inaugural VOAC in Virginia The First Veterans

Obesity Awareness Campaign (VOAC) 2K walk was organized by Dr. Bhushan Pandya in Danville, Virginia. The event was based on a First VOAC pilot event organized by Dr. Uma Koduri, leaders of the VFW and VA MOVE! Initiative, in Oklahoma, last year.

The Danville event was hosted by VFW post 647 led by Commander Jeff Crews and Quarter Master Dennis Forslund. The Mayor of Danville John Gilstrap, proclaimed April 21, 2018 as the “Veteran’s Health and Obesity Awareness Day” as more than three quarters of veterans receiving care in VA facilities are considered obese, overweight or struggling with weight-related issues.

Dr. Pandya talked about the medical ill effects of obesity and the importance of staying healthy while Janice Bailey, a dietician at VA clinic and MOVE! Coordinator, said, “it is a negotiation when you come to see me. What are you willing to do to remain physically independent, similar to what you did during active duty?”

Virginia Senator Frank Ruff donated to the event and joined the 2K walk along with Virginia General Assembly Delegate Les Adams. The event also featured a mini Yoga session and a CPR demonstration by first responders.

The event was attended by a number of Indian American physicians and showcased their service to the community, It was supported by Padma Shri Dr. Sudhir Parikh, founder and chairman of Parikh Worldwide Media and Dr. Sanku Rao of Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), WHEELS Global Foundation, Greater Piedmont Triad AAPI and DPAM.

VOAC is chaired by Dr. Vikas Khurana and co-chaired by Dr. Uma Koduri and Dr. Satheesh Kathula. It was launched at the Consulate General of India in New York, on November 4, 2017.

Earlier in November 2017, the national AAPI had launched a similar campaign across the US> “Coming from a nation that has given much to the world, today physicians of Indian origin have become a powerful influence in medicine across the world. Nowhere is their authority more keenly felt than in the United States, where Indians make up the largest non-Caucasian segment of the American medical community,” Dr. Gautam Samadder said adding that one out of seven doctors in the United States is of Indian heritage, providing care to around 40 million Americans.

The AAPI has been conducting awareness campaigns aimed at childhood obesity for several years, adopting more than 80 schools around the country, and that has led to taking up the veterans health challenge.

Indian American Physicians organize World Health Day on outskirts of Varanasi

Nearly 2,000 villagers and underprivileged citizens from the outskirts of Varanasi, India came together as AAPI and AAPI Charitable Foundation organized World Health Day on April 7th, under the leadership of Dr. Raj Bhayani, President-Elect of AAPI-QLI.

The day long event was organized in association with Mahila Swarojgar Samiti  with a view to educate women and children on the need for healthy living and how to prevent people from being impacted by health issues.

“This is a very much impoverished area of Varanasi where any help will be substantial,” said Dr. Bhayani. “We will be launching TB FREE VARANASI campaign soon in this region initially, and will take the campaign across the nation, later on.”

About 100 volunteers have been trained and are ready to go to popularize the campaign and educate the rural people in this region on healthy living and on ways to prevent and treat Tuberclosis. These volunteers will go and knock on every door and conduct a survey in order to identify the potential needy people. The organizers plan to target a minimum of 250,0000 to a maximum of 500,000 citizens out of 2 million total citizens who will be surveyed by August and they hope to have a substantial data ready by the time AAPI will organzie its next edition of the Global Healthcare Summit in December 2018.

Dr. Bhayani has urged AAPI leadership to “add this location for starting AAPI charitable clinic as we have a great reliable local partner and devoted and dedicated local team as well as tremendous need of clinic in this area.”

Mahila Swarojgar Samiti is working here since 2002 with focus on health education in women and women empowerment and has been recognized by United Nations in Geneva. I am on the board of this organization. And bhayani foundation has been supporting their work. The clinic at this location will be an excellent initiative by AAPI.

“AAPI has organized elevan Indo – US/Global Healthcare Submits in India and has heled develop strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learnings and relationships that have now enabled us to plan ahead and prepare for this annual outstanding event, the Global Healthcare Summit, that has made initiated numerous policies and programs benefitting the delivery of healthcare and policies that make healthcare affordable and efficient in India,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI. For more details, please visit: www.appiusa.org

Early Bird Registration For AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention Ends On March 31st Sri Sri Ravishankar will deliver keynote address at AAPI Convention in Ohio

(New York, NY: March 26th, 2018): “The Early Bird Special Registration for the 36th Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the at Columbus Convention Center, OH July  4-8, 2018 will end at midnight on March 31st,”  Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, announced here today.

“We are expecting to have a record attendance of more than 2,000 delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students at the convention. The annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” Dr. Samadder added.

Ambassador Nikki Haley, the top American diplomat and US Ambassador to the United Nations, and Ambassador Navtej Singh Sarna, an Indian author-columnist, diplomat and current Indian Ambassador to the US, have been invited to attend the AAPI convention and address the delegates, Dr. Samadder announced.

World Leader and Humanitarian Sri Sri Ravishankar will be one of the keynote speakers at AAPI Convention. He will participate in Q & A session for Physician wellness program as well.

Sri Sri, a spiritual leader founded the Art of Living Foundation in 1981, which aims to relieve individual stress, societal problems, and violence, and is considered as one of the world’s largest humanitarian, non-governmental organizations and is known for its great services to humanity.

The convention will be addressed by senior world leaders, including US Senators, Nobel Lauretes, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world.

The annual convention this year is being organized by the Ohio Chapter and is led by Convention Chair, Dr. John A. Johnson. A pool of dedicated AAPI leaders are working hard to make the Convention a unique event for all the participants, Dr. Johnson said.

In addition to offering over 12 hours of cutting edge CMEs to the physicians, the event will provide an optional additional 10 hours of CME Living Well Program: The Happiness Program, an Advanced Physician Wellness program at a discounted price. It will address Physician burnout and Stress for a happier and healthier professional work life.

“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair of AAPI’s BOT, said.

In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.

AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 36th annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI‘s membership,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said.

Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 34 years, AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. Do not miss on the Early Bird Special. We look forward to seeing you in Columbus, Ohio!” said Dr. Gautam Samadder.

For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

Early Bird Registration For AAPI’s 36th Annual AAPI Convention Ends On March 31st

(New York, NY: March 26th, 2018): “The Early Bird Special Registration for the 36th Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the at Columbus Convention Center, OH July  4-8, 2018 will end at midnight on March 31st,”  Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, announced here today.
“We are expecting to have a record attendance of more than 2,000 delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students at the convention. The annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” Dr. Samadder added.
Ambassador Nikki Haley, the top American diplomat and US Ambassador to the United Nations, and Ambassador Navtej Singh Sarna, an Indian author-columnist, diplomat and current Indian Ambassador to the US, have agreed to attend the AAPI convention and address the delegates, Dr. Samadder announced.
The convention will be addressed by senior world leaders, including US Senators, Nobel Lauretes, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world.
The annual convention this year is being organized by the Ohio Chapter and is led by Convention Chair, Dr. John A. Johnson. A pool of dedicated AAPI leaders are working hard to make the Convention a unique event for all the participants, Dr. Johnson said.
In addition to offering over 12 hours of cutting edge CMEs to the physicians, the event will have upto 10 hours of CMEs, product theaters/promotional opportunities, plenary sessions, multi-segment CEOs Forum, women’s leadership forum.
“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair of AAPI’s BOT, said.
In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.
AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 36th annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI‘s membership,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said.
Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 34 years, AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. Do not miss on the Early Bird Special. We look forward to seeing you in Columbus, Ohio!” said Dr. Gautam Samadder.
For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

AAPI donates $100,000 towards Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America

Chicago, IL: March 16th, 2018: American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has donated $100,000 to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America, during the Governing Body meeting held from March 9th-11th, which was attended by members of AAPI’s Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, Chairs of all the Standing Committees, Chair of the Convention Committees.

Dr. Samadder presented the check to Rosalind Achkar, Senior Corporate Manager,  Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America. In her address, Ms. Achkar thanked AAPI for the donation and appreciated the efforts of Samir A. Shah and Saar D Shah, the twin 15-year old grand children of Dr. Vinod Shah for leading the campaign through their initiative, Team Fly4aCure Maryland.

While AAPI had contributed $50,000, Dr. Vinod Shah, a past president of AAPI, and a well known philanthropist, matched the amount provided by AAPI, thus doubling the donation through AAPI at this special event. Prominent among those present at the event were Dr. Ashok Jain, Chair of BOT of AAPI, Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect, Dr. Amit Chakrabarty,  and Dr. Vinod Shah.

The donation was part of the launching of a campaign by AAPI against Leukemia and Lymphomas. The event was held at the annual AAPI Spring Governing Body meeting at the Freemont Marriott Silicon Valley, Fremont, CA on Sunday this week. “AAPI has taken on yet another cause to promote through its active support in educating people about the deadly disease around the world,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI said.

Manushi Chillar, Miss World 2017, later on, attended a press conference on Women’s Empowerment during the Governing Body Meeting of AAPI. Dr. Samadder invited Ms. Chillar to attend the annual Convention of AAPI, which is planned to be held in Columbus, Ohio during the July 4th weekend.

Ms. Chillar was reported, in a previous report from AAPI to be the Brand Ambassador of AAPI for creating awareness about the deadly diseases, Leukemia and Lymphoma. At this time, there is no confirmation, and Ms. Chillar has not confirmed to be the Brand Ambassador of AAPI. AAPI wants to express regrets for inaccurately reporting of Ms. Manushi’s role at AAPI’s campaign against Leukemia and Lymphoma.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a 501 charitable organization, founded in 1949, is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.

 “Coming from a nation that has given much to the world, today physicians of Indian origin have become a powerful influence in medicine across the world. Nowhere is their authority more keenly felt than in the United States, where Indians make up the largest non-Caucasian segment of the American medical community,” Dr. Samadder said.  “The overrepresentation of Indians in the field of medicine is striking – in practical terms, one out of seven doctors in the United States is of Indian Heritage. We provide medical care to over 40 million of US population, caring for one in every seven patients in the nation. There are 150 AAPI Chapters across the nation and it has an ever growing membership of Indian American Physicians,” he reported.

AAPI is an umbrella organization representing dozens of local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, AAPI represents the interests of physicians, medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. It is the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation. For more details, please visit:  www.aapiusa.org

AAPI Legislative Day on AAPI 12th

(Washington, DC: March 14, 2017) The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers.

In this context, as the nation continues to be divided on the health reforms, AAPI’s legislative day planned for next month on capitol and is expected to be addressed by dozens of US lawmakers from both the major parties, comes to be a vital part of AAPI’s growing influence and having its united voice heard in the corridors of power. “We are excited to announce that our next Legislative Day is on April 12th on capitol Hill in Washington, DC,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI.

“Our daytime program begins at 09:00 am and will include lunch on the Capitol in the Rayburn Building. We will conclude in the afternoon, giving participants the opportunity to meet their own Congressman on their own time. That evening, we are planning for a reception and dinner with several dignitaries at the Indian Embassy,” summarized, Dr. Samadder.

Describing that AAPI is a non-political umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000 medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States, Dr. Samadder, a prominent physician with decades of service to the country, said, “The mission AAPI, the largest ethnic organization of physicians, is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel at inpatient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs.  The Executive Committee is working hard to ensure active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, and enabling AAPI’s voice to be heard in the corridors of power, and thus taking AAPI to new heights.”

There are many issues affecting our community. An important debate is about the merits of doing away with the individual mandate. “As Congress has now passed a repeal of this part of the Affordable Care Act, which takes place in 2019, what does this mean for the average physician practice if patients drop their health care coverage and how will this impact premiums?” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, asks.

 “Now is the time to ensure our voices are heard on these vital issues. Additionally, those with good contacts with their own congressman, should reach out to his/her office and ask them to join us at our program in the Rayburn Building, banquet room B-338, between 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. If your congressman would like to speak, we can arrange their participation,” Dr. Ashok Jain, BOT chair, said.

According to AAPI Legislative Chairman, Dr. Vinod K. Shah, AAPI’s legislative initiatives for 2017-18 include, addressing Physician Shortage, and urged the Congress to increase Residency Positions across USA. “Our nation is currently experiencing a physician shortage, which will be exacerbated by retiring baby boomers. The result of such a shortage may affect thousands of patients’ access to a physician, and ultimately the health care they need. The only way to address this future crisis is to increase the number of residency positions available for future physicians to get trained, so that our nation can effectively manage the need for increased patient care. Increasing the size of medical school classes is not enough. There must be a simultaneous increase in the size of residency positions to train these future doctors. As Congress capped the number of residency positions in 1997, it is time for Congress to act NOW to remedy this critical situation. AAPI believes that all Americans have the right to see a physician.”

AAPI Legislative Co-Chair, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, pointed to some of the other initiatives that are being presented to the Congressmen. “They include: Lowering the Cost of Prescription Drugs; Immigration Reform: H-1 and J-1 visas are used by many Indian American physicians, playing an important role in providing critical health care across the country. Combined with the Green Card backlog consisting of more than 4 million people, AAPI members are very concerned about the impact immigration reform will have on the Indian American community.”

 Dr. Samadder pointed to Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursements. He said, “These programs have not kept up with the cost of care and the growing populations utilizing them. It is critical that Congress review reimbursement schedules; otherwise, patients may not be able to find a physician in their community who accepts Medicare and/or Medicaid patients.

AAPI has been urging the Congress to enact Tort Reform: In order to reduce the practice of defensive medicine, bring down the overall cost of health care, and limit the number of meritless lawsuits, tort reform will bring fairness into the court system and better serve both the doctor and patient communities.

AAPI supports federal and state legislation that places effective caps on non-economic damages, limits the use of joint-and-several liability, provides physicians with flexibility to negotiate settlements with medical insurers and further limits the statute of limitations for filing medical malpractice claims.

Pointing out that from 1980-2005, while medical school enrollment remained flat, the U.S. population increased by more than 70 million people. Because the percentage of baby-boomer generation doctors (55 and older) rose from 27 percent to 34 percent during this time, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) predicts that America will need 90,000 physicians by 2020, Dr. Ashok Jain, said, the number of physicians needed by 2025 according to the AAMC will reach a staggering 130,000. One way to address this shortage is to increase medical school class sizes to meet this future health care need. This issue is vital as it pertains to health care reform, as more physicians will be needed to provide quality health care to our nation’s uninsured patients.

“In order to raise our voices together and to have our voices heard on Capitol, Hill, we look forward to seeing you on Capitol Hill on Thursday, April 12th, for our Legislative Day,” Dr. Samadder added.  For more information on AAPI and its programs and initiatives, please visit:  www.aapiusa.org

AAPI donates funds towards Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America Manushi Chillar Miss World 2017 is AAPI’s Brand Ambassador for Campaign Against Leukemia & Lymphoma

Chicago, IL: March 6th, 2018: “American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the most dynamic and ethnic organization representing more than 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, while officially launching a campaign against Leukemia and Lymphomas, donated a large sum of money to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America on March 10th during the annual AAPI Spring Governing Body meeting at the Freemont Marriott Silicon Valley, Fremont, CA,” declared Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI.

“Continuing with supporting noble causes, AAPI, the largest ethnic association representing the physicians of Indian origin in the USA, has taken on yet another cause to promote through its active support in educating people about the deadly disease around the world,” Dr. Vinod Shah, a past president of AAPI, and a well known philanthropist, said. Dr. Shah has agreed to match the money being provided by AAPI, thus doubling the donation through AAPI at this special event.

“Manushi Chillar Miss World 2017, was present at the ceremony, during which AAPI handed over the check to representatives from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America,” Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, said. “Manushi, hailing from a family of doctors and scientists, an aspiring gynecologist and cardiac surgeon Manushi Chillar has agreed to be the Brand Ambassador of AAPI for creating awareness about the deadly diseases, Leukemia and Lymphoma.”

The beauty queen believes that being brought up in Delhi, has given her the confidence and power to fight all odds and win the competition. “I am blessed to have got this opportunity, and I want to give my best. I have decided to take a year’s break from my medical studies and my college is very supportive,” says Chillar.

These days, Chillar is even seen showing her full support and involvement in spreading awareness about menstrual and feminine hygiene through her pet project ‘Shakti’. She has been emphasizing on the need for educating the rural mass on the issue and has been a passionate advocate on why it is important for a woman to use a sanitary napkin.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, a 501 charitable organization, founded in 1949, is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services.

The Governing Body meeting in san Francisco from March 9th to 11th was composed of the Executive Committee, Members of the Board of Trustees, Chairs of all the Standing Committees, Chair of the Convention Committee as defined in Section 4.3 and the Presidents of all dues paid/paying member organizations.

“Coming from a nation that has given much to the world, today physicians of Indian origin have become a powerful influence in medicine across the world. Nowhere is their authority more keenly felt than in the United States, where Indians make up the largest non-Caucasian segment of the American medical community,” Dr. Samadder said.  “The overrepresentation of Indians in the field of medicine is striking – in practical terms, one out of seven doctors in the United States is of Indian Heritage. We provide medical care to over 40 million of US population, caring for one in every seven patients in the nation. There are 150 AAPI Chapters across the nation and it has an ever growing membership of Indian American Physicians,” he reported.

AAPI is an umbrella organization representing dozens of local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, AAPI represents the interests of over nearly 100,000 physicians, medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. It is the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation. For more details, please visit:  www.aapiusa.org

Dr. Hiral Tipirneni wins Arizona Democratic primary for Congress

Indian American physician Hiral Tipirneni defeated her Democratic rival Brianna Westbrook in Tuesday’s closely watched special 8th Congressional District primary on February 27th. Tipirneni, an emergency-room physician, and Westbrook, a progressive activist, were battling for the chance to take on the winner of the Republican primary in the April 24 special general election.

Republican Debbie Lesko won the GOP primary. The special election will settle who finishes the current two-year term for Trent Franks, who resigned in December after being accused of sexual misconduct. Elected leaders, activists, and fundraisers in the Indian-American community are celebrating the victory of an Arizona physician in that state’s 8th Congressional District Democratic primary.

“Thank you to everyone who knocked on a door, picked up a phone, & helped to spread our message through #AZ08! #grassroots,” said Dr. Hiral Tipirneni. She now has to defeat  the Republican primary winner Debbie Lesko to possibly become the second Indian-American woman lawmaker on Capitol Hill.

The AAPI Victory Fund, a political action committee founded by an Indian-American Shekar Narasimhan, tweeted out immediately upon Tipirneni’s victory  “Congratulations @Hiral4Congress #Mineta11 Candidate for winning Democratic Congressional District 8 primaryhttps://t.co/7aS1ZNsTzI via @azcentral #AAPIPower” The organization has endorsed her and is raising funds for her campaign.

Arizona’s 8th District is among the state’s most conservative, suggesting that whoever emerges from the Republican primary Tuesday is considered the favorite to head to Washington. But Democrats have fared better in federal elections across the country since 2016, suggesting the party will make a more competitive showing in the district than typically seen.

The New York Times does not give Tipirneni much of a chance at winning the seat describing District 8 as safely in Republican hands. Past elections results show Franks won 68.5 percent of the vote in the 2016 elections and almost 76 percent in 2014. However, it was a seat that was held by Democrat Gabby Giffords back in 2010. Giffords had to leave after being shot while addressing constituents. Giffords endorsed Tipirneni during the primaries.

The Arizona Democratic Party Chair Felecia Rotellini issued a statement congratulating Tipirneni, describing it as a hard-fought campaign. “She ran an incredible campaign focused on improving the lives of Arizonans in the Eighth Congressional District by offering real solutions for them. This is in direct contrast to the chaos Arizonans have seen on their television screens by the Arizona Republican Party,” Rotellini said, adding, ‘“The Eighth Congressional District deserves a representative that work to get things done for them – like safeguarding Social Security and Arizona’s AHCCCS while making sure their hard-earned tax dollars don’t go to waste in Washington. Dr. Hiral Tipirneni will do exactly that.”

“I think we won because our message was really connecting with voters, resonating,” a triumphant Tipirneni told The Arizona Republic. “I think they are looking for someone who brings something like my skill set to the table, somebody who is ready to work with people from all backgrounds and really focus on solving the problems at hand.”

Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi-American doctors groups form coalition for common agenda

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and the medical associations representing Pakistani- and Bangladeshi-American physicians signed a memorandum of understanding to advance their common professional, humanitarian and policy issues, including U.S. health care reform on January 27th.
AAPI’s meeting with the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America (APPNA) and the Bangladeshi Medical Association of North America (BMANA) at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Miami was intended to lay the groundwork for a grouping that could provide South Asian-American physicians a seat at the table in both organized medicine and mainstream policy discussions.
Longtime AAPI chief strategic affairs adviser Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, the catalyst behind the strategic gathering, said the MOU would seek “to establish a coalition of South Asian Physicians in North America (SAPNA) which will collaborate on strategic opportunities to address health and wellness of South Asians in North America and the South Asian Region.”
The meeting will be hosted by AAPNA president Dr. Zafar Hamid while AAPI and BMANA will be represented by their respective presidents Drs. Gautam Sammader and Riaz Choudhury and respective presidents-elect.
Siddiqi said the MOU is non-binding with no financial liabilities for any of the parties. He said initial deliberations and brain-storming would include the respective parties agreeing to support legislative priorities vis-à-vis medical and health care reform issues that are pending in state assemblies and on Capitol Hill. He said areas could include disparities in healthcare among minorities, visa waiver programs and residency slots for international medical graduates.
Dr. Gautam Samadder told the media that the collaboration “marks a historic step for all South Asians, as we AAPI, APPNA and BMANA join hands and sign this intent to act as a collective force on influencing, shaping and proactively dealing with healthcare challenges faced by South Asians in North America.”
Dr. Naresh Parikh, AAPI’s president-elect called it a “first step that has potential for opening many new opportunities for South Asian physicians and the population they serve.” Choudhury said that the three organizations together represent more than 100,000 practicing physicians in the U.S. — or about 10 percent of all practicing physicians nationwide.
Initiatives are expected to include promoting the research and education programs of the three organizations, instituting a research protocol to explore the cardiovascular health status among the South Asians in North America and cancer statistics at home and abroad.
He spoke of forming a national panel and advisory committee to help and guide the international medical graduates from South Asia. He said as an alliance of 10 percent of the nation’s doctors, the group can be more engaged in mainstream policy through the American Medical Association. Efforts will also include civic engagement in health fairs and providing telemedicine services to South Asian nations. Choudhury said saw the possibility of rotating the Global Healthcare Summit through the three nations.
Siddiqi said, the genesis of the alliance came in the summer when Hamid invited him to attend the APPNA convention as an observer in Orlando, Florida. He then traveled to India for the AAPI Global Healthcare Summit where, in discussions with senior Indian government officials and leaders in medicine and the healthcare industry, he learned that “India was very keen on establishing India as a healthcare center of excellence in the South Asian region.” Siddiqi said that if the groups can be aligned, the result would have the potential to achieve health and wellness goals in both the U.S. and South Asia and advance humanitarian causes too.
He said he was encouraged by the positive responses from Samadder, Dr. Naresh Parikh, AAPI president-elect, Hamid and Choudhury — and that became the key motivation behind the MOU.
He recalled that while attending the APPNA convention, he had met with Amin Hashwani, a young Pakistani philanthropist from London. Hashwani, he said, “was very passionate about helping young Pakistani children who need liver transplants and informed me that every year he sponsors several kids for liver transplants in India.”
Siddiqi said that when Hashwani found out he was with AAPI and had organized the global health forum, he asked how they might work together with groups like AAPI and APPNA on this humanitarian need.
Siddiqi said that it was a crystallization of all of these discussions and meetings that prompted him to set up an opportunity for dialogue between all the organizations. The result was an invitation to everyone to get together and sign an MOU for the groups to formally agree to work together. “And we could then explore other opportunities,” he said.

‘Modicare’ For Half Billion People

India has launched one of the world’s largest health insurance programs that expects to cover 100 million families or an estimated 500 million people, at an annual estimated cost of some $1.7 billion.
India’s Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced the ambitious plan on Feb. 1 as part of the 2018-2019 Budget, saying in parliament, that “This will be the world’s largest government-funded health-care program.”
It also includes the setting up of wellness centers around the country on an unprecedented scale. While the U.S. is moving away from Obamacare, the program dubbed ‘Modicare ‘by Indian media, will be covering more than one and a half times the size of the U.S. population, akin to the U.S. Medicaid program which provides coverage for the poor, but focused on catastrophic illnesses.
The government plan will cover close to 500,000 Rupees, or roughly little less than $8,000 in expenses for serious illnesses requiring hospitalization. The government is budgeting $188 million for wellness centers to expand accessibility at local levels, especially for the poor who otherwise have to travel long distances to avail of modern healthcare.
Revenues raised from a 1 percent health access — an add-on to income taxes — is expected to go partway in financing the new deal, with national insurance companies as well as states chipping in to share the cost. The government hopes that as enrollment grows, the program will begin to pay for itself.
The need for universal health care is necessary in India, says Indian-American physician and Padma Shri Dr. Sudhir Parikh, founder of the Parikh Foundation for India’s Global Development. “It is a great initiative which will, according to the government, cover 40 percent of the needy population (in India),” said Parikh, who is also the joint secretary of the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO), as well as past-president of the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI). He called it an “long overdue” measure, that would help people access state-of-the-art health services. While the life expectancy in India has risen to 68.3, and infant mortality has dropped from 83 per 1000 live births in 1990 to 34 per 1000 live births in 2016 according to government statistics, and maternal mortality rates have declined, India still has to go a long way improving the health of its citizens.
The program “will be a game changer”, Prathap Reddy, chairman of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., and founder president and emeritus advisor of GAPIO, is quoted saying in a Reuters report Rajiv Kumar, vice chairman of NITI Aayog, (National Institute for Transforming India) the premier government think tank, told Bloomberg News, “If we roll this out enough within this calendar year it will be an absolute game changer,” adding, “It’s a new India that we are giving birth to.” Kumar also said funding of nearly $2 billion a year to meet the expense of health insurance for the poor, would not be hard to meet as more people enrolled in the service.
But Kumar did sound a note of caution, speculating whether state governments would work in concert with the center to make the plan a reality.
Doctors look at the ultrasound scan of a patient at Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi, January 19, 2015. Reuters/Adnan Abidi. In 2014, according to the World Health Organization, India spent some 4.5 percent of its GDP on health for a population of 1.3 billion. Meanwhile, data compiled by NITIAayog, shows significant drops in infant mortality in almost every state between 2002 and 2016. However, while India has made significant advances in its health system in the last few decades, the WHO notes that India accounts for 21% of the world’s global burden of disease; the greatest burden of maternal, newborn and child deaths in the world, Key challenges the WHO identifies in India’s health situation include the need to expedite progress in child health, under nutrition and gender equity problems; High burden of disease (BoD), even though important progress has been achieved with some diseases; and dealing with the emergence of maladies like cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, cancer and mental illnesses, as well as tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, water-borne diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.
NITI Aayog data also reveals the need for more healthcare centers in line with the plan outlined by the government. In 2005, there were 146,026 health “Sub-centers” around the country, rising to 153,655 in 2016; The number of Primary Health Centers rose from a mere 23,236 in 2005 to just 25,308 in 2015; And Community Health Centers rose from just 3,346 around the country in 2005,to 5,396 in 2015, inadequate by a long margin for the population of the country, and it is hoped the $188 million allocated for building Wellness Centers will meet part of the dire health infrastructure needs.
India has a patchwork of health insurance programmes — a network of private health insurance companies that provide private sector employees and individuals, government programs for its employees, Employees State Insurance that covers some workers in the organised sector and programs of some state governments, but the new program put the country on a path to universal coverage by insuring the poor across the country who have no other access to health insurance.
Anup Karan, associate professor at the Public Health Foundation of India, speaking to News India Times via Skype, said India has tried government health insurance in various forms since the middle of the last decade, and noted that there are both concerns as well as positives about the latest initiative. While the history of state-level and national health service efforts is checkered, the new initiative will have to take into account that 60 percent of health issues in India are treated in outpatient care, according to Karan’s findings, and the new insurance program covers only hospitalization.
Karan noted the “huge success” of the 2007 “pioneering” effort by Andhra Pradesh’s state funded wellness plan, Rajiv Arogyasri; the 2008 Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana which saw very low enrollment ratios and huge operational issues; and the 2010 launch of state-level health insurance by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Maharashtra covering only tertiary and surgical conditions, with mixed results, where Tamil Nadu experienced “very great success.”
“The new scheme announced February 1, is an enhanced version of the National Health Protection Scheme launched in 2016, in terms of coverage and funding,” says Karan. He worries that because poor people use mainly outpatient care, the new program’s hospitalization coverage may not help them as much; in addition, he worries that when the poor did access the new plan, healthcare providers may tend to “overprescribe and overtreat” the poor who may not be adequately informed about the details of the coverage.
“But at least there is a scheme and maybe gradually these points will be considered as it matures and outpatient healthcare will get covered,” Karan said. He hopes to see results by the second or third year of implementation.
Vinay Aggarwal, former president of the Indian Medical Association, gave a positive reading to The Washington Post, saying, “Before this, hardly 5 percent of Indians were covered by health insurance. If you take into account private health care, it’s hardly 10 percent. Now we’re addressing 45 percent.”
Parikh said, “On behalf of AAPI and GAPIO, I want to congratulate the Prime Minister on this initiative and hope it will be successful and eventually lead to universal healthcare,” an objective Jaitley says is achievable if the new initiative goes according to plan.

A Bollywood music tour dedicated to raise awareness about Opioid Epidemic in USA

Opioid abuse has become a serious public health issue, especially in the United States that affects almost every community and family in some way. Drug overdose deaths are the leading cause of injury death in the nation. Each year, drug abuse causes millions of serious illnesses or injuries among Americans.

Bollywood’s legendary musician Pritam Chakraborty has launched a seven-city Bollywood music tour to raise awareness across the nation about the Opioid Epidemic. On Sunday Jan 14th, a press conference was hosted at the Indian Consulate in New York announcing the launch of the much awaited and the historic North American Tour of Bollywood Music Legend Pritam Chakraborty dedicated to the cause of Opioid Epidemic awareness in America.

In his address, Pritam stated,“I am extremely happy to be associated with this extremely important cause and will help in whatever way I can with this tour and even otherwise in fighting this epidemic. He felt that wrong messages are being given to young minds about drugs and using drugs is becoming a part of popular and hip culture. A large part of this epidemic is due to ignorance of harmful effects of drugs.”

With more than 600 songs in 120 movies to Pritam’s credit, this tour will be the grandest Bollywood musical journey America has ever seen with eight singers and extraordinary performers in seven cities across North America.

“We are extremely pleased that legendary Pritam Chakraborty is dedicating this historic tour to the awareness of opioid Epidemic Awareness, which as we all know is America #1 crisis and a national emergency as declared by our President. With more than 500,000 American deaths, the message needs to reach all youth to abstain from drugs. Indian kids are especially susceptible given the high pressure to succeed and we are glad that Pritam Da is so involved in this cause,” said Dr Sanjay Gupta, President, American Pain Association who along with Dr. Kavita Gupta , President of AAPI East Coast, Karl Karla with Live2u and Anand and Sona Dawda from Cinema On Stage  organized this press conference.

Ambassador Chakravorty, while addressing the audience, stated that drugs are killing more people than traffic accidents and guns in America and is a major concern. He felt that unfortunately this issue is not discussed and kept under a rug and has become a silent epidemic. “We need more and more awareness and this tour will be a great platform to reach Indian Diaspora. I thank Dr. Sanjay and Kavita Gupta in taking this initiative and feel that involvement of Bollywood is one of the best ways to penetrate young minds and hearts,” he said.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta thanked Ambassador Chakravorty to be part of this initiative from the very beginning last year when Dr Gupta presented the initiative to the now New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and Ambassador Chakravorty at Dr. Gupta’s home along with  Dr. Kavita Gupta.

Dr. Kavita Gupta stated that we have more than 100,000 Indian Physicians in America and together we can help eradicate this deadly epidemic which is affecting our kids and youth. “We all need to take it seriously and put whatever effort we can, as safety and future of our next generation is at stake. We have one 9/11 happening every 3 weeks and it is time to stop this before more youth is killed,” she said.

AAPI’s historic Global Healthcare Summit Concludes in Kolkata

CEOs Forum, Women’s Forum, Launching Free Health Clinic, First Responders Training, CMEs, Research Contest, Fashion Show, Cultural extravaganza, Touring Dubai, UAE Assam, Kolkata, & Bhutan Major Highlights
 (Kolkata, India: January 1st, 2018) The 11th edition of the annual Global Healthcare Summit organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), USA concluded here at the historic City of Joy, Kolkata in West Bengal, India on December 31st at the famous JW Marriott with CEOs Forum, Women’s Forum, Launching Free Health Clinic, First Responders Training, CMEs, Research Contest, Fashion Show, Cultural extravaganza, Touring Dubai, UAE Assam, Kolkata, & Bhutan to be major highlights of the Summit.
At the valedictory event presided over by India’s Vice President, Shri Venkaiah Naidu, he urged Physicians of Indian Origin to return to India and rededicate their lives for the wellbeing of their motherland, India, as all the opportunities are now available here.
  “I would be happier if you people can come back to India and do something to help the society. Earlier the opportunity was very less here so people went to different parts of the globe for work. But now everything is available in India,” Naidu said. “Apart from conducting CMEs, seminars and workshops, AAPI must consider collaborating with various governments and other private organizations in establishing a state-of-the-art healthcare facility in each district of the country where affordable treatment is dispensed,” the Vice President of India told the delegates.
The Governor of West Bengal, Shri Keshri Nath Tripathi, the Minister for Urban Development, West Bengal, Firhad Hakim and other dignitaries were present on the occasion. GHS 2017 was attended by the over 1000 leading experts from several countries, and focusses on sharing best practices, developing efficient and cost effective solutions for India.
In his welcome address, Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, said, “This GHS has promised to be one with the greatest impact and significant contributions towards harnessing the power of international Indian diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India,” described Dr. Samadder. “AAPI has capped the voluminous achievements of the past 34 years with a clear vision to move forward taking this noble organization to newer heights.”
According to Dr. Naresh Parikh, President-Elect of AAPI, who had proposed the vote of thanks, the scientific program of GHS 2017 was developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee, while the event featuring plenary sessions, interactive round-tables, clinical practice workshops, and meet the expert sessions.
Dr. Ashok Jain, Chairman of AAPI’s BOD, in his address, summarized some of the achievements of AAPI including the 16 free healthcare clinics, AAPI’s legislative initiatives in the US, and the ongoing collaboration with the government of India and the state governments and several NGOs in helping healthcare efficient and cost effective.
The Vice President of India praised AAPI and its noble “mission for India is to play an important role in making quality healthcare accessible and affordable to all people of India. It is indeed a laudable objective as both accessibility and affordability are the need of the hour, especially in a vast developing country like India with a huge population of middle class and lower middle class.”
The Conference was organized in partnership with the ministry of overseas Indian affairs and ministry of health and family welfare, along with collaboration with over 15 professional associations from all over the world.
The GHS 2017 featured some of the biggest names in the healthcare industry, especially at the 6th annual CEO leadership forum with leaders from across the globe. GHS 2017 was attended by over 100 opinion leaders and expert speakers from many countries across the globe to present cutting edge scientific findings as these relate to clinical practice, representing major Centers of Excellence, Institutions, and Professional Associations are represented by the invited chairs and speakers.
Offering trainings to First Responders, a CEO Forum by a galaxy of CEOs from around the world, inauguration of AAPI-sponsored clinic, CMEs, cultural events, Dinner Cruise on the Ganges, interactive roundtables, clinical practice workshops, scientific poster/research session and meet-the-expert sessions, Women’s Forum by internally acclaimed successful worm from India, a special session on Public-Private Partnership featuring AAPI Healthcare Charitable showcase & innovation, and Town Hall sessions resulting in a White Paper on helping create policies benefitting the people of India, are only some of the major highlights of the Healthcare Summit, Dr. Samadder said.
AAPI, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Madhyamgram Metropolitan lunched a healthcare clinic offering medical care to the much need people of the region at the Prajapati Bhavan, Basunagar, Madhyamgram in the outskirts of Kolkata on December 29th, 2017.
Over 30 physicians of Indian origin, led by Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI and Dr. Madhu Aggarwal, Chairwoman of the AAPI Charitable Foundation attended the free one day healthcare clinic at the suburban center, and treated over 200 patients during the day long clinic.
“This is the first ever clinic sponsored by AAPI in the state of West Bengal and this is the 15th across the nation,” Dr. Samadder told during a welcome reception organized by the local Rotary Club in honor of the physicians who had travelled early in the morning on a bus to serve the much needed patients at the clinic. “AAPI provides financial assistance and medical care by AAPI members to the people of this historic city,” he added.
During a press conference attended by the media at the Hotel, members of the leading print and electronic media interacted with AAPI leaders, including Dr. Samadder, President of AAPI, Dr. Sampat Shivangi, chair of AAPI’s Legislative Committee, Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Strategic Adviser, and Dr. Chandan K Sen, Chairman, AAPI Global Healthcare Summit – Kolkata.
Dr. Chandan K Sen, Chairman, AAPI Global Healthcare Summit – Kolkata, said, “It has been a privilege to serve you as the Chairman of this XI AAPI Global Healthcare Summit. Americans with Indian heritage are uniquely positioned to enrich the United States as well as India through collaborative efforts utilizing the strengths unique to each of the two countries. I welcome you to Kolkata, where intellectual curiosity is woven deep into the fabric of its society.”
According to Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Secretary of AAPI, the scientific program of GHS 2017 was developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee, while the event featuring plenary sessions, interactive round-tables, clinical practice workshops, and meet the expert sessions.
The GHS Young Innovators Research Competition at the famous Calcutta Medical College helped facilitate dissemination and exchange of best practices among the upcoming young physicians of Indian origin from around the world. The winners of the Research Paper Competition conducted under various categories, were awarded with a citation, cash award and trophy at the inaugural gala this evening.
A special unique to the GHS 2017wais a session on the Impact of Cinema on Public Health and awareness with a live conversation with Bollywood stars and producers, including Dr. Kapasi, Shekar das, Dipankar Banerjee, who shared their personal experiences of making movies on social themes that imparts education on various social topics.
The Women’s Leadership Forum was coordinated by Dr. Udaya Shivangi, and had featured Bollywood star Sharmila Tagore. The Forum addressed as to how empowering women and educating them will help reduce infant mortality.
The Healthcare Forum, addressed by leading industry leaders, including Sudhanshu Pandey. Joint Secretary, Department of commerce, Indian Government; Dr. Gautam Samadder; Jayshree Mehta, Mediacl Council of India; Dr. Sanku Rao, GAPIO;  Dr. Girdhar Gyani, Hospital Association of India; Dr. B R Shetty; Dr. Sangita Reddy; Dr. D C Shah of IPA: Dr. Naresh Parikh; Preetha Rajaraman; Dr. Pradeep Majhajan; Dr. Rajeev Mehta of BAPIO;  Dr. Kali Pradip Chaudhury; Dr. Shubnum Singh; Dr. Anupam Sibal; and Jonathan Ward of the US Consulate in Kolkata.
In collaboration with the American University of Antigua (AUA) College of Medicine, AAPI  organized a 3-day workshop/training (EMTC) training over 150 first responders, including police, para-medical professional at the KPC Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata as part of the GHS.
Choreographed and designed by famous fashion designer, Nachiket Barve, AAPI members and leaders catwalked on the ramp, showcasing their talents, exquisite taste for the finest clothing and attire, proving yet again the Indian American physicians are not only famous for their brilliant healthcare, but also could be leaders in the fashion world.
The theme chosen for the GHS this year was Healthcare, Career and Commerce, with the focus on Women’s Healthcare, including high priority areas such as Cardiology, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, HIT, Allergy, Immunology & Lung Health, Gastroenterology, Transplant and impact of comorbidities.
The Summit had offered delegates a taste of delicious food each day and live music concerts by popular Bollywood singers Usha Uthup, Alka Ygnik who kept the audience spell bound for over two hours each with their melodious singing and live interaction with the audience.
Indian Americans comprise of 4 million people, representing around 1.25% of the U.S. population as of 2015. Indians contributed 17% of total earnings in the US from foreign students totaling $6.5 billion last year. An estimated 10% of all physicians and surgeons in the US are of Indian origin. An estimated 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian origin currently serve in the US. In biological and biomedical sciences studies workforce, data from 2015 show that people of Indian origin in the US account for 14.6% of the total workforce holding 72000 jobs.
Earlier, as part of the GHS, AAPI delegates had a memorable visit from December 24-27, to the city of Dubai and the kingdom of Abu Dhabi, where they were greeted by the local high ranking officials, who have expressed interest in collaborating with the physicians of Indian origin in the Gulf Region. The delegates, apart from visiting the city and its major tourists attractions, had a fruitful visit to the famous NMC Hospital, Abu Dhabi and meeting with the founder and chairman, Dr. Shetty. The pre-summit tour to Dubai provided the AAPI delegates with a unique Christmas Dinner Cruise, City tour to Palm Island, Khalifa Tower, Burj Hotel, Dubai mall, Dubai Museum, etc.
Desert Safari including camel ride and belly dancing shows.
The Post GHS TOUR to the heavenly Bhutan from January 1-4, 2018, will take delegates to the world renowned and ancient Takshang Monestary, Hike in Tiger’s Nest, Buddha Dordenma, National Heritage museum & Dochula. For those who want to enjoy the beautiful Assam, can tour this beautiful state of Assam from January 4-8, 2018, touring Kaziranga National Park including Rhino Park, Nehru Stadium, Assam Rajyik State Museum, Guwahati Market, Kamakhya Temple and dinner at the Governor’s Mansion. The Summit will also offer everyday Guided Tours and Evening Entertainments to the delegates, and will conclude with a special New Year’s eve gala party, welcoming the New Year 2018 with family, fun and entertainment.
Founded in 1984, the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) represents one of the largest health  care forum in the United States with the goal to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. AAPI-Charitable Foundation is committed to serve the poorest of the poor in remote areas of India and USA. AAPI has always been present when calamities strike whether it is hurricane Harvey, Tsunami, Katrina, or earthquakes of Gujarat and Maharashtra. AAPI has hosted ten Indo-US/Global Healthcare Summits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations both in the US as well as in India. These summits are aimed at sharing of expertise towards improvement of healthcare in the US as well as in India.
AAPI has been strategically engaged in working with the Union and State Governments of India for the past ten years and has collaborated with more than 35 professional medical associations, pharmaceutical and medical device companies to address the health care challenges of a rapidly developing India. “It is the passion, willingness and staunch loyalty towards the former motherland that draws several AAPI members to join this effort & by working with experts in India, AAPI is able to bring solutions that are India centric & takes us closer to our lofty vision of making quality healthcare affordable & accessible to all people of India,” said Dr. Gautam Samadder.
“With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision, AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare delivery system both in the US and in India,” Dr. Samadder said. For more information on Global Healthcare Summit, please visit www.aapiusa.org

Shri Venkiah Naidu, Vice President of India, to Preside Over Closing Ceremony of AAPI’s

 11th Annual Global Healthcare Summit In Kolkata, West Bengal
New York, NY: December 3, 2017: “The Honorable Shri Venkiah Naidu, the Vice President of India, has gracious consented to be the Chief Guest at the 11th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Indian Ministry of Health and the government of West Bengal, on December 30th,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, announced here today.
In a personal letter dated November 29th, with a hand-written note to Dr. Samadder, Shri Naidu wrote, “Dear Sir Gautam Samadder ji, Namaste. Thank you for your letter dated November 16th, 2017. I shall be glad to be the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony of the 11th American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Global Healthcare Summit on December 30th, 2017 at Kolkata.”
The historic Summit is being held at the famous JW Marriott, Kolkata, West Bengal, India from December 28th to 31st, 2017 and will be attended and addressed by over 50 world renowned speakers from India, US and from around the world, and industry. With world renowned artists performing on stage, the delegates at the Summit will be treated to an exceptionally high quality cultural extravaganza. The Summit will also result in the inauguration of the first ever free AAPI sponsored health clinic in the state of West
Bengal, serving thousands of people from the north eastern region of India.
With over 200 physicians from the United States, the Summit is expected to be attended by nearly 1,000 delegates from around the world. Dr. Samadder said, “To be held for the first time in Kolkata, this year, AAPI Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) will have many new initiatives and also will be carrying the torch of ongoing projects undertaken by AAPI’s past leaders. In addition, several prominent leaders both from India and abroad will be addressing the Summit, including the President of India and the Chief Minister of West Bengal.”
Offering Trainings to First Responders, a CEO Forum by a galaxy of CEOs from around the world, inauguration of AAPI-sponsored clinic, CMEs, cultural events, Dinner Cruise on the Ganges, interactive roundtables, clinical practice workshops, scientific poster/research session and meet-the-expert sessions, Women’s Forum by internally acclaimed successful worm from India, a special session on Public-Private Partnership featuring AAPI Healthcare Charitable showcase & innovation, and Town Hall sessions resulting in a White Paper on helping create policies benefitting the people of India, are only some of the major highlights of the Healthcare Summit, Dr. Naresh Parekh, President-Elect of AAPI, said.
The GHS Pre-Summit (DUBAI) at the  Hyatt Regency from December 24-28, 2017, will provide a unique Christmas Dinner Cruise, City tour to Palm Island, Khalifa Tower, Burj Hotel, Dubai mall, Dubai Museum, etc. Desert Safari including camel ride and belly dancing shows. The Post GHS TOUR to the heavenly Bhutan from January 1-4, 2018, will take delegates to the world renowned and ancient  Takshang Monestary, Hike in Tiger’s Nest, Buddha Dordenma, National Heritage museum & Dochula. For those who want to enjoy the beautiful Assam, can tour this beautiful state of Assam from January 4-8, 2018, touringf Kaziranga National Park including Rhino Park, Nehru Stadium, Assam Rajyik State Museum, Guwahati Market, Kamakhya Temple and dinner at the Governor’s Mansion. The Summit will also offer everyday Guided Tours and Evening Entertainments to the delegates, and will conclude with a special New Year’s eve gala party, welcoming the New Year 2018 with family, fun and entertainment.
“With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision, AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare delivery system both in the US and in India,” Dr. Samadder said. For more information on Global Health Summit, please visit www.aapiusa.org

Association of Indians in America South Jersey Chapter celebrates Gandhi Jayanti

By Anwar Feroz

Princeton, NJ — October 8, 2017: The South Jersey chapter of Association of Indians in America (AIA-SJ), hosted its 14th annual Gandhi Arts & Writing Awards Function and the celebration of 148th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and for the 12th year Princeton University was our host. AIA is one of the oldest non-profit social organization of Indian Americans established in Princeton, New Jersey, in the year 1967, with 17 regional chapters all across the United States. The primary goal of AIA-SJ is to promote community integration, racial harmony, and bring Indian Art & Culture to mainstream America.

AIA-SJ conducts an Art & Writing competition amongst all Middle School and High School students in the State of New jersey. The project aims at spreading the message of Mahatma Gandhi about social harmony, peace and justice through non-violent activism. The project runs through almost whole year starting in January/February with a focus theme based on one of Gandhi’s quotes, inviting entries from students until mid-June, followed by rigorous evaluation of thousands of entries for 2-3 months, and closes at an award ceremony for the winners, usually the first Sunday after Gandhi’s birthday on 2nd October.

Most parents and many teachers accompany the winning students to support them and share their excitement. AIA-SJ is living Gandhi’s vision of making a difference in this world, one student at a time. As Gandhi had said “If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children”. “In the last fourteen years more than 40,000 students have participated and AIA-SJ has given awards and recognition to 248 Middle and High school students”, remarked Mr. A. Feroz Siddiqi, President AIA-SJ in his opening address. He also expressed sincere appreciation by the AIA Executive team, Shiekha, Rekha, Vinod, DC Agarwal, Sachin, Madhavi, Archana, Ankita and Atul Govil.

AIA-SJ has collaborated with several community based organizations, including the South Asian students and employees of Princeton University that is the host for the event as the goals of this program are so well aligned with University’s mission statement on Diversity & Inclusion, the South Asian Affinity Group (SAAG).  Some of the other prominent governmental and non-governmental organizations include  NJ Commission on Holocaust Education, Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Commission, NJ State Council on the Arts, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), Princeton Foundation for Peace & Learning, Aurora Hospitality Group and Paradigm LTC.

Several speakers addressed the audience; including chief guest Dr. Ashutosh Pathak, Founder of Princeton Foundation for Peace and Learning, former Deputy Speaker of NJ General Assembly and current Commissioner of Public Utilities Upendra Chivukula, AIA-SJ President Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, AIA National Executive DC Agrawal, SAAG Vice President Vineet Chandra and SAAG President Emeritus Vinod Gupta, all stressing the importance & relevance of Gandhi’s philosophy in today’s world. The students of Shishya School of Performing Arts gave scintillating dance performances on devotional songs dear to Mahatma Gandhi. One of the contestant, Ameyavikram Pathak rendered Gandhi favorite hymn, Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram.  The auditorium was jam packed and dozens of people had to stand in the aisles for hours.

AAPI’s Nine City Musical Tour by Talat Aziz to Help Create Everlasting Bonds Between AAPI Members: Dr. Gautam Sammader

Funds raised from Talat Aziz musical tour to help victims of Hurricanes across USA

(Chicago, IL: September 20, 2017):  Talat Aziz, a popular ghazal singer, playback singer in Bollywood movies, composer, and actor, from Hyderabad, India, is all set to take the United States by storm during his Nine City Musical Tour starting on October 6th in San Antonio, TX. Organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI), the musical tour is being organized across the nation, with CME Seminars for AAPI members and Régional Conférences in Nine Cities across the country. The grand finale of the musical tour will be held on October 28th in Atlanta, GA.

Following the highly successful tour by Shreya Ghoshal and Shankar Mahadevan, benefitting AAPI’s charitable works and local AAPI Chapters, the current tour is being led by the popular world renowned Gazhal singer and troupe. The proceeds from the musical tour is planned to be used for AAPI’s charitable works, benefitting those affected by the hurricane in the states of Texas and Florida, and other projects in India and the United States

The great Ghazal mastero will perform on Wednesday, Oct. 11 2017 in Fresno, CA; Friday,  October 13th in Huntsville, AL,Saturday, October 14th in Houston, TX; Sunday, October 15th in Augusta, GA; Friday, October 20th in  Columbus, OH; Saturday, October 21st in Chicago, IL; Sunday, October 22nd in St. Louis, MO; Friday, October 27th in South Jersey, NJ; and Saturday, October 28th in Atlanta, GA.

“Many of our industry partners liked this concept where they could get prime time with a few hundred doctors for product promotion/theater, non CME lectures, exhibits, booths,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI, says. “These multi-city mini-seminars and music concerts are a novel concept for education and recreation that will raise funds for the local chapters of AAPI, the national AAPI and the AAPI Charitable Foundation.”

Born in Hyderabad, India, the young Aziz grew in a family of talented artists, organizing Mehfils in their house, inviting artists and poets like Jagjit Singh, Jaan Nisaar Akhtar to name a few. Influenced by these great artists, Aziz started learning music from an early age and took his initial training in music from Kirana Gharana. He was trained primarily by Ustad Samad Khan and later by Ustad Faiyyaz Ahmed Khan from the Kirana Gharana and from Ghazal maestro Mehdi Hassan.

Talat Aziz released his first album in February 1980, under the baton of Jagjit Singh, which was a runaway hit and the ghazals are still favorites of all ghazal lovers. Starting with debut in the Bollywood world in 1981 in the classic film, Umrao Jaan, Talat Aziz won national recognition and won chance to sing in hundreds of other Bollywood movies, winning the hearts and souls of millions around the world.

Talat has also composed music for TV serials and has also acted in several of them. As an actor he has acted in several TV serials and in the film ‘Dhun’ directed by Mahesh Bhatt. Recently, Talat Aziz acted in the feature film ‘Fitoor’ produced and released by Disney in 2015 where he played a cameo. He has toured around the world winning laurels from all. In 2015, he toured the U.S. for a special show titled ‘The Iconic Tour’ in conjunction with Prria Haider Productions in USA, who executed it for six packed concerts all over the U.S. where for the first time he sang Bollywood retro songs with Asha Bhosle ji.

The Seminars and workshops are being led by accomplished faculty of leading Cardiologists, Cardiovascular Surgeons and Psychiatrists.  Each of the nine medical-educational-programs is expected to have an audience of 250-400 Physicians, which will be followed by annual gala event and entertainment with over 2,500 audience at each location.

The need to organize the national level campaign is a way towards realizing one of AAPI’s main goals, Dr. Samadder said.  “Our primary goal is to educate the public on diseases and their impact on health, AAPI has physicians in almost every city and town of USA. With this extensive network we should be able to spread message on healthcare by following the template plan. We are also exploring the use of social media and phone ‘apps’ as healthy lifestyle tools.”

Dr. Samadder, who assumed charge of this premier ethnic organization representing 100,000 physicians and residents, gave credit to the whole hearted support of AAPI executive committee, hard work of local Chapter members, and God’s blessings in the plan and execution of the Musical Tour around the nation.  “Success of credit goes to the entire national organizing committee, AAPI executive committee, Board Of Trustees and AAPI Charitable Foundation members,” he said.

AAPI is a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. For more details on the Nine City Tour and AAPI, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI floats Hurricane Relief Fund

(Houston, TX: August 30, 2017) AAPI members are well known around the world for their generosity, commitment and dedication to their motherland India and to their adopted land, the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the natrion, leads and facilitates collaboration with leading experts of India origin from all over the globe enabling exchange of best practices, knowledge, and experiences to develop sustainable, actionable programs, skills development and training that enhance capability and enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people of India.

“AAPI physicians represent only 10% of all physicians in the United States but service approximately 30% of the US patient population,” Dr. Samadder said. “Many have fostered personal relationships with members of Congress (as well as the highest levels of Government in India) that are invaluable assets to influencing legislation and insuring appropriate, patient-focused healthcare reform. Our business partners can be assured of a receptive audience and, once engaged, a loyal client and ambassador of the product and company,” he added.

In this context, AAPI members are concerned about the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey and are in the forefront to support and help people affected by the historic storm, said, Dr. Gautam Samadder, President of AAPI.

“Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas area with severe winds and flash flooding. This serious natural disaster inflexed a grave loss of lives and property. Our hearts are with the victims of the disaster. Our AAPI members and families were also suffering the damage. Still, they come forward to help the community at large,” said Dr. Sammader in a statement issued here.

While calling upon his fellow physicians to rise upto the occasion and give their best, Dr. Samadder said, “At this time of the need, it is our responsibility to provide all the possible assistance to the victims of this grave natural disaster in Texas. Our AAPI physicians in Texas will serve the victims at no charge for next 2-4 weeks. This gives a clear message that we care and we know how to give back to the community.”

AAPI appeals to all the members of AAPI to contribute to those affected by this once in your life time natural disaster in Texas. Please write a check to AAPI (In the memo, please write Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund). The collected donation will be given to the Governor of Texas.

The donations are Tax Deductible. “Please donate generously. Please make your check payable to: American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (Harvey Relief Fund); and have the checks mailed to: AAPI Headquarters, 600 Enterprise Dr., Ste 108, Oak Brook, IL 60523. For additional information on AAPI and its Global Healthcare Summit, please visit: www.aapiusa.org;www.aapighsindia.org

Long Island celebrates India Day

On a beautiful Tuesday Morning Theodore Roosevelt Building, Nassau County Executive office was preparing for India Independence Day Program on August 15, 2017 at 9.00AM. Program was organized by Indian American Forum, IDPUSA and IALI. The Ceremonial chambers was decorated with India Tricolors. Mr Steve Labriola welcomed everyone on behalf of Nassau County Executive Mr Edward P Mangano. Emcee Sunita Manjrekar welcomed and started the program with American National Anthem sung by Manjari Pareikh and Indian National Anthem sung by Anuradha Khanna.  Bobby Kumar Kalotee, Chairman of Human Right Commission, introduced the members of Retired Indian Veterans members, members of Huma Right s Commission and several other elected officials.

Patriotic Songs presented by Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, Anuradha Khanna from Kala Kendra and Budh Prakash Jasuja and Dhol music by Royal Sharma India Day Awards presented to Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, the Past President of Suffolk Pediatric Society, Past president of AAPI QLI, IALI and is the regional director mid-Atlantis region for National AAPPI Jyoti Bhatia Gupta known for volunteer services and musical performances Subhash Kapadia well known businessman from Jackson Heights and well known for his community services Dr Azad Anand.

Member of Board of Trustees IAF, well known Radiologist t for his outstanding contributions and services Peter and Dorothy Bheddah well known Philanthropist, and serving the community for past more than 30 years Subedaar Ajit Singh Subhanpur is a proud veteran of Indian Army and was involved in three wars Several Community leaders and distinguished members graced the occasion.

Indu Jaiswal Chairperson of IAF welcomed and thanked everyone for coming and supporting. It is very important that such programs must continue to celebrate Indian Heritage and culture in USA. Thanks to all our volunteers, Supporters and sponsors.

Indian American Night 2017 celebrated on Long Island

By Indu Jaiswal
LONG ISLAND, NY : Eisenhower Park was gleaming with decorations and colors from India. Indian music was heard all over the park,  commencing the Indian American Night presented by Indian American Forum on Sunday  June 25, 2017 ,  at Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, Parking Field 6 & 6A.
The program started with Yoga sessions conducted by Ranju Narang and Group, a, certified and experienced Yoga instructor in Long Island. Health awareness services were organized by Nassau County Department of Health and Dr. Bhavani Srinivasan of AAPIQLI.This program is part of the 2017 summer concert series sponsored by Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums.
Indian American Night is a showcase of Classical Indian Music and folk dances from all regions of India. Nassau County Executive Edward P Mangano was represented by Nassau County Clerk
Maureen O’ Connell. Nassau County Clerk welcomed every one and presented the honorees with Citations from Nassau County.  Each Year members from Indian America Community are recognized for their outstanding services and contributions. Also present were several other dignitaries and elected officials.
Honorees for the evening included, Gita Setia. a trained vocalist. Gita has performed at Indian Consulate, fundraising of Hope Global Project, AIA, LIA and several other programs. She has released two albums composed by her. Currently she is affiliated with ITV Gold a host of a show and music programs.
Dr. Rakesh Dua, President of AAPI QLI, largest chapter of National AAPI is actively involved in organizing Health
Fairs and Charitable work. Dr Dua is also a passionate Singer and well known for his community services.
Bina Sabapathy, President of India Association of Long Island, Currently employed with Nassau County Department of Social Services, helping people to find employment. Bina is actively involved with Indian America Forum, AWB
Food Bank, India Day Parade South Asian Political Action Committee and several other groups.
Bina Adjani, President of the Rotary Club of Jericho Sunrise, Bina is a true humanitarian, involved in charitable activities and providing help to the needy. Her mantra is has always been Helping People should be to find out what’s actually valuable to someone. Make an effort to ask them where they need help and keep in mind when you see an opportunity to help.
Dr. Inderpal Chhabra is the Medical Director of NSLU Care Health Insurance Plan and also Director of Physician CDI Education, NSLIJ Health System. Dr Chhabra is well known for his philanthropic and volunteer services New York and also in all the Gurudwaras…
Dr. Rajendra Modi is a well-known ophthalmologist in Queens for the past 35 years… He is active in many social and charitable organizations. He goes to India for free eye camps for poor people since past 30 years. Dr Modi is a Board Member of SANKARA NERTALAYA. And works with SANKAE EYE FOUNDATION Indu Jaiswal, Chairperson of Indian American Forum welcomed every one and thanked all the sponsors and supporters for their participation. A Cultural program, organized by Jaya Bahadkar, was emceed by Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, Several music and dance performances lent color and charm to the celebrations. Students of Sadhna Pranji, Jyotika Patel, and several other schools   took part. And presented vocal and dance performances.
Mast Group from YICG Group presented patriotic Medley enjoyed by all. Special thanks to Jyoti Gupta, Sheetal Talati, Mohinder Singh Taneja, Indu Gajwani, Nilima Madan Vijay Goswamy and several Volunteers and Sponsors who helped. Program was well attended by leaders of several organizations.

Pandit Jasraj inaugurates AAPI’s 35th annual convention in Atlantic City

Sadhvi Ji shows the way to true joy and peace
Atlantic City, NJ: June 22, 2017: With ribbon cutting and lighting of the traditional lamp Pandit Jasraj officially inaugurated the 35th annual convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City in New Jersey on June 22, 2017. Pt. Jasraj led the more than 1.000 delegates at the Convention Centre at the prestigious Harrah’s Resort to a prayer song, moving everyone’s heart seeking God’s bountiful blessings.
In his opening remarks, Pandit Jasraj shared with the audience his heartfelt gratitude for inviting him and making him the special guest of honor. “This is the warmest welcome I have ever received in my life,” the Padma Vibhushan awardee told the AAPI delegates.
In his warm inaugural address, Dr. Ajay, President of AAPI, reminded the delegates from across the nation of the historic nature of the convention. “It’s very great joy that I want to invite you all to come and be part of the 35th annual American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Convention 2017,” he said.
Dr. Lodha shared with the audience the many programs and initiatives he and his executive committee have taken in the past year since assuming charge as the President of the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, representing nearly 100, 000 physicians of Indian origin. Dr. Lodha, amlng others, highlighted the successful organization of Global health Summit in Rajasthan and the many initiatives at the Summit, Crash Courses in India for police officers as first responders in accidents, EPS lab studies, AYUSH, first ever international research contest and the many charitable works through AAPI the Charitable Foundation.
Physicians of Indian origin are well known around the world for their compassion, passion for patient care, medical skills, research, and leadership, he said. “Indian-Americans constitute about one percent of the country’s population, but we account for nine percent of the American doctors and physicians, serving one out of seven patients being treated across the nation.” Also, he said, nearly 20% of the new Medical students enrolling in the US schools are of Indian origin. Dr. Lodha was particularly appreciative of the contributions of young physicians and said, “You are the future of AAPI.”
William W. Pinsky, MD, President and CEO, ECFMG, provided the audience with the details on the demography of medical students and physicians in the US. Neal Simon, President, American University of Antigua, shared with the audience his close association with AAPI and the numerous initiatives AAPI and AUA have been doing together for the betterment of the society. During the luncheon, AAPI honored AAPI members, who had worked hard to make the convention a memorable one for all. Mammen Verghis of Prudential Life addressed the audience on the many valuable service his company offers, particularly, focusing on the diverse needs of physicians of Indian origin.
In her key note address during the gala, Sadhvi Ji, showed the audience who listened with total attention and silence, as the ways to true joy and peace. In her eloquent and passionate address, she said, “Having all the successes, comforts and luxuries in life does not lead one to happiness or real joy and peace. It’s found within and that’s what the Indian culture is teaching us, which emphasizes as you think so you become.” According to her, stress is leading us into disconnection from family and ourselves. “When there is something wrong in us, we blame everyone and everything else.. Mind is the source and solution to all the problems.” Quoting research done at elite US schools, she pointed out how people who are religious are less likely to have strokes.
Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS, MACP, FACOI, President, FSMB, presented the process of obtaining accreditation to medical school programs. Michael Nisanov, COO, Empire City Labs was honored for his support for AAPI. Dr. Lodha, in his welcome address, praised the contributions of Regional Directors to the growth and expansion of AAPI. “For the very first time, AAPI is glad to recognize and honor your hard work and dedication for the cause of AAPI by having a gala in honor of AAPI’s 12 Regional Directors.
The day was packed with back to back seminars and CMEs and conferences. Dr. Nani Bhalla of AstraZeneca led the CME on Understand the Ongoing Risk of Atherothrombosis Beyond the Culprit Lesion. The Medtronic team offered an insightful session on Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Ischemic Stroke: From Acute Management to Transition of Care.
The India Global Engagement Forum showed about concrete ways AAPI delegates can contribute to the growth of the nation. The day began with an hour-long yoga session led by professionals. Children were engaged in several activities challenging their minds. A beautifully choreographed fashion show was a treat to the hearts and souls of all as beautiful women and handsome men cat walked wearing elegantly designed Indian attire.
Several non medical topics were also offered to educated physicians and others. Dr. Benjamin Dyches offered insights into “Keys to Locking Out Lawsuits and Lowering Taxes.”  Sam Takkar of Perfect Tax explained to the audience why Warren Buffet, Mit Romney, and Donald Trump don’t pay more than 15% tax. For those who want to invest in India, Kotak Mahindra Bank offered insights into “How India has emerged as the favorite investment destination.”
The night ended with a fabulous performance by Standup Comedian Shailesh Lodha. The AAPI has got talent event was a super hit with the event bringing out the hidden talents from AAPI delegates from across the nation.  For more information on AAPI and the 34th convention, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org

Dr. Ashok Jain Elected Chair, BOT of AAPI

Dr. Ashok Jain, M.D., M.S., FACR, chief medical officer for Beaumont Hospital, Wayne, MI, has been elected Chairman of Board of Trustees, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin for the year 2017-18.

Soft spoken, caring, gentle, intelligent, and committed to give back to the society, and gentle in his approach, Dr. Jain has been associated with AAPI since its initial launch over 35 years ago. “I have been involved with AAPI since its inception in 1983 as a young physician who had just started practicing in Michigan.” Ever since, he has been actively associated with AAPI and worked hard to the growth of this organization since its inception.

As a young physician filled with love and commitment, he had worked with Wayne County Medical Society and Michigan State Society for the establishment of first IMG section at state level in Michigan. One of his contributions, Dr. Jain feels very proud of today is that, “I worked for keeping same criteria for IMG’s and AMG’s for state medical licensure.”

Dr. Jain was elected as MAPI President in 1994 , and had served at the AAPI Executive Committee as the Regional Director in 1995-1996. His connections with the political leaders from India and the US made Dr. Jain more popular and much sought after. Dr. Jain served as the Alumni Committee Chair, and AAPI’s prestigious Legislative Affairs Committee Chair in 2004-2005.

All along his life, Dr. Jain was filled with passion for giving back to the society. He was elected to serve as the MAPI Board of Trustees Chair and the Foundation of MAPI (FOMAPI) Chair in 2015.

His visionary and leadership skills were seen all over as Dr. Jain, helped FOMAPI raise $180,000 for MAPI free clinic, serving the less privileged. In the 1980’s Dr. Jain raised $500,000 in five  years benefiting Nargis Dutt Foundation for cancer patients for different charities in india.

His love for his country of birth was seen in Dr. Jain building and running Girls High School in his village in Rajasthan in 1997, where 650 girls study year until they complete High School.  Dr. Ashok Jain had also served as a member of the Board of Trustee of Jain Temple in Detroit.

Dr. Ashok Jain, who serves as the Senior Vice President at Beaumont Health and as the Chief Medical Officer at Beaumont Hospital in Wayne, MI, has a Masters of Science Degree in Medical Practice Management. Dr. Jain has served as a  member of Board of Trustee at Oakwood Health Care System and now at the  Beaumont Health. Dr. Jain serves as Chief of Medical Staff of Beaumont Hospital, Wayne from 2011 onwards.

Dr. Jain is married to his beautiful wife, who is also involved with MAPI auxiliary. His son finishing medical school and his daughter has a degree in MHA, Masters in Healthcare Administration, and is Trinity Health in Ann Arbor, MI.

Beaumont Hospital, where Dr. Jain serves as the Chief Medical Officer, is a 185‐bed teaching hospital that is part of Beaumont Health, Michigan’s largest health care system, based on inpatient admissions and net patient revenue.   Dr. Jain was appointed to this role at Beaumont, Wayne in 2015. He closely collaborates with medical and hospital leadership, including its Medical Executive Committee, hospital president and elected chief of staff.

Dr. Jain is responsible for overall hospital performance and developing the vision and strategic plan for clinical activities. He also serves as the hospital’s patient safety officer and oversees site‐related patient safety and quality activities. A practicing radiologist, Dr. Jain joined Beaumont Hospital, Wayne in 1982 and was elected chief of staff in 2011. Dr. Jain is a graduate of the M.S. University of Baroda Medical College and completed a residency in radiology and fellowship in ultrasound/CT through the Wayne State University School of Medicine.

Ashok Jain, M.D., M.S., FACR Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer Beaumont Hospital, Wayne Beaumont Health is a not‐for‐profit organization formed in 2014 by Beaumont Health System, Botsford Hospital and Oakwood Healthcare to provide patients and families with compassionate, extraordinary care, no matter where they live in Southeast Michigan. It consists of eight hospitals with 3,429 beds, 174 outpatient sites, nearly 5,000 physicians, 36,000 employees and 3,500 volunteers. In 2016, the organization had $4.4 billion in net revenue with nearly 178,000 inpatient discharges, 568,000 emergency visits and more than 17,500 births.

“I bring years of health care management experience, organized medicine leadership experience to AAPI,” Dr. Jain says the newly elected Chair of AAPI BOT. “My goal as the the BOT, AAPI in the coming year is to formalize and create AAPI leadership academy working with American college of physician executives for development of leadership roles for all AAPI membership. I want to work hard to engage young physician and attract them to AAPI. They are the future of AAPI.”

77% of Indian Americans voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election

A majority of Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voters nationwide backed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton for president. Seventy-seven percent of Indian Americans who responded to the 2016 National Asian American Survey voted for former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, noted researchers who released results May 15. Eighty percent of Indian Americans view President Donald Trump unfavorably, according to the survey, which was conducted shortly after the Nov. 8, 2016 general election.

For the first time, the survey disaggregated data about Bangladeshi and Pakistani Americans. Eighty-eight percent of Pakistani Americans and 90 percent of Bangladeshi Americans voted for Clinton. Almost all Pakistani and Bangladeshi Americans view Trump unfavorably, according to the NAAS survey results. More than 1,100 South Asian Americans participated in the NAAS survey.

While Clinton performed better nationally with AAPI voters than President Barack Obama did in 2012 — winning 79 percent of the vote compared to Obama’s 77 percent — President-elect Donald Trump secured double the AAPI support compared to GOP candidate Mitt Romney in Pennsylvania, a battleground state that helped Trump win the election.He noted the influence of Khizr Khan, father of U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 during the Iraq War, who berated Trump during the Democratic National Convention for his anti-immigrant rhetoric.

About 35 percent of Indian Americans identify as Independent or Other party voters, reported the survey. More than a third of Indian American participants in the survey reported that they had problems with bullying. Bangladeshi and Pakistani Americans reported similar results.

Almost one-fifth of Indian Americans believed they had been subjected to discrimination at the workplace, based on their ethnicity. “All of the anti-immigrant rhetoric we’re currently seeing might be having an effect on getting hired or getting promoted,” said Ramakrishnan.

Some praise, many criticize Trumpcare passed by Congress

Indian-American groups have divergent views about the new Republican healthcare bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on May 4th. Seema Mehra, Trump’s administrator of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, praised the GOP bill, even as Democratic Congressman Ami Bera, of California, one of the 10 physicians, 8 of them Republicans, in the U.S. House,, lashed out at it warning millions might lose healthcare. The GOP bill passed by a slim margin of 4 votes.

Bera said the American Health Care Act, that expects to keep President Trump’s top campaign promise to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, leaves “millions of hardworking Americans “worrying about whether they will be able to stay on their health care plans.  It also eliminates protections for pre-existing conditions, he said.

“We cannot play politics with people’s lives, and what happened today put political goals ahead of the lives of hardworking Americans.,” Bera said. All four Indian-American lawmakers on Capitol Hill voted against the Republican bill.

Meanwhile, Mehra, a 20-year veteran in the healthcare industry, called it a “historic” day as the country moves “toward patient-centered healthcare instead of government-centered healthcare.”

“I have worked in the field of Medicaid for 20 years and have heard from many mothers like myself who have shared their struggles and their hopes for a more affordable, more sustainable healthcare system,” Mehra said in a statement May 4 after the passing of the bill in the House.  “It is important that our most vulnerable citizens, the aged, the infirm, the blind and the disabled have more choices, greater access and peace of mind when it comes to their healthcare,” she added. “The bill that was passed today is a great first step achieving this goal,” Mehra claimed.

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin however, has taken a measured stand calling on Congress to “Amend not end” the existing system under Obamacare. The AAPI, during its Legislative Day May 3, on Capitol Hill, urged lawmakers to increase the number of residency slots, foreseeing a shortage of doctors in the future; reforming the Stark law relating to physician referrals for Medicare and Medicaid patients;  and allowing the selling of insurance across state lines.

The Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, the nation’s only pan-Asian children and families advocacy organization, expressed its deep disappointment by the House that voted 217-213 to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The repeal bill, known as the American Health Care Act, sets out to dismantle major provisions of the ACA including consumer protections for those with pre-existing conditions; it dramatically cuts Medicaid; and it reduces financial assistance available. This repeal bill now goes to the Senate. If passed and signed by President Trump, 2.7 million New Yorkers will stand to lose coverage including over 1.6 million individuals living in NYC’s 5 boroughs.

“We’re dismayed by the House’s repeal vote. Since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, we have witnessed a significant drop in the number of uninsured Asian Pacific Americans (APAs). The uninsurance rate among APAs has been slashed in half nationally,” said Vanessa Leung, Co-Executive Director.

“As a navigator agency, we have helped hundreds of individuals and families enroll in health insurance and linked them to an array of health resources because of the ACA. In New York, Asian Pacific Americans account for roughly 20% of Medicaid, over 25% of Essential Plan, and 10% of Child Health Plus enrollees. Many Asian Pacific Americans are also solo-preneurs and small business owners who, before the ACA, would not be able to access affordable coverage for themselves and their employees. The ACA continues to be an essential lifeline for our children and families,” said Noilyn Abesamis-Mendoza, Director of Policy.

“The work to protect our health care is not over. We will advocate with the Senate to ensure that the ACA is upheld.  We will stand together with our partners to continue fighting so that all communities have opportunities to live healthy and productive lives and have access to quality and affordable health care,” Anita Gundanna, Co-Executive Director.

Chip Rogers, president and CEO of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association, released the following statement regarding the House of Representatives vote on the American Health Care Act: “The House of Representatives voted today to take a critical step forward in reforming our health care system by approving the American Health Care Act. We’ve continually urged Congress to adopt changes to our health care system that would benefit AAHOA’s 16,500 members and their 600,000 employees nationwide. We support provisions that would simplify employer reporting requirements, restore the definition of full-time employee and alleviate complex tax policies. While not perfect, the American Health Care Act is a step in the right direction. We’ll continue to speak to Congress about more reforms that will lower costs for employers and workers alike while leading to greater and more affordable coverage.”

Meanwhile, the nation’s premier medical body, the American Medical Association, strongly opposed the bill saying if it were to become law, “millions of Americans would lose health insurance coverage, and the safety net provided by Medicaid would be severely eroded.” It also criticized “Last-minute changes” to the bill allowing states to apply for waivers from critical consumer protections under current law and providing additional funding for high-risk pools and reinsurance mechanisms, saying those changes “failed to remedy the fundamental flaws of the bill.”  Six other specialty medical associations also issued a statement against the bill.

AAPI Legislative Day on May 3rd

(Washington, DC: April 28, 2017) The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers.

In this context, and the nation is back on debating reforming of the Healthcare system in the nation, AAPI’s legislative day, comes to be a vital part of AAPI’s growing influence and having its united voice heard in the corridors of power. “We are excited to announce that our next Legislative Day is on Wednesday, May 3rd in Washington, DC,” said Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of AAPI.

“Our daytime program begins at 10:30 am and will include lunch in the U.S. House of Representatives (B-338 Rayburn Building). We will conclude in the afternoon, giving participants the opportunity to meet their own Congressman on their own time. That evening, we are planning for a reception and dinner with several dignitaries at the Indian Embassy,” summarized, Dr. Lodha.

Describing that AAPI is a non-political umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000 medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States, Dr. Lodha, a prominent physician with decades of service to the country, said, “The mission AAPI, the largest ethnic organization of physicians, is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel at inpatient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs.  The new Executive Committee is working hard to ensure active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, and enabling AAPI’s voice to be heard in the corridors of power, and thus taking AAPI to new heights.”

There are many issues affecting our community. An important debate is ongoing in Congress about repealing the Affordable Care Act. Now is the time to ensure our voices are heard on these vital issues. The formal program will be released in the future. For now, we are asking all AAPI members to make the appropriate travel plans to be in attendance on May 3. Additionally, those with good contacts with their own congressman, should reach out to his/her office and ask them to join us at our program in the Rayburn Building, banquet room B-338, between 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. If your congressman would like to speak, we can arrange their participation.

According to Dr. Lodha, AAPI’s legislative initiatives for 2016-17 include, addressing Physician Shortage, and urged the Congress to increase Residency Positions across USA. “Our nation is currently experiencing a physician shortage, which will be exacerbated by retiring baby boomers. The result of such a shortage may affect thousands of patients’ access to a physician, and ultimately the health care they need. The only way to address this future crisis is to increase the number of residency positions available for future physicians to get trained, so that our nation can effectively manage the need for increased patient care. Increasing the size of medical school classes is not enough. There must be a simultaneous increase in the size of residency positions to train these future doctors. As Congress capped the number of residency positions in 1997, it is time for Congress to act NOW to remedy this critical situation. AAPI believes that ALL Americans have the right to see a physician,” Dr. Lodha said.

AAPI has appealed to the US Congress to increase the size of entering Medical School classes, Dr. Lodha said. Pointing out that from 1980-2005, while medical school enrollment remained flat, the U.S. population increased by more than 70 million people. Because the percentage of baby-boomer generation doctors (55 and older) rose from 27 percent to 34 percent during this time, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) predicts that America will need 90,000 physicians by 2020, Dr. Lodha said, the number of physicians needed by 2025 according to the AAMC will reach a staggering 130,000. One way to address this shortage is to increase medical school class sizes to meet this future health care need. This issue is vital as it pertains to health care reform, as more physicians will be needed to provide quality health care to our nation’s uninsured patients.

Dr. Lodha has urged the newly elected President and his administration to enact Medical Liability Reform. “AAPI supports a healthy doctor-patient environment by curbing aggressive litigation targeting physicians,” Dr. Lodha said. Such lawsuits have had a chilling effect and driven up the cost of health care, through extra testing and the practice of defensive medicine. In the 112th Congress, The “Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011,” (H.R. 5) limited the conditions for lawsuits and punitive damages for health care liability claims. It established a statute of limitations and limited noneconomic damages to $250,000. AAPI signed a coalition letter led by the American Medical Association to the Deficit Reduction Committee, which noted that the Congressional Budget Office estimated the cost savings from implementing medical liability reform, including limits on noneconomic damages, to be $62.4 billion over 10 years. Fewer physicians today practice in areas such as obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and emergency medicine, due to increased lawsuits and increasing malpractice insurance premiums.

AAPI supports federal and state legislation that places effective caps on non-economic damages, limits the use of joint-and-several liability, provides physicians with flexibility to negotiate settlements with medical insurers and further limits the statute of limitations for filing medical malpractice claims, Dr. Lodha said.

Endorsing President Trump’s call, Dr. Lodha said, AAPI supports the modification of the Affordable Care Act.  “We believe that the current ACA could be improved upon greatly.  To merely repeal the ACA would result in 20 million losing their health insurance coverage and that would be problematic to say the least.  A more reformed system with emphasis on free-market while retaining the provisions protecting consumers with pre-existing conditions would be ideal.” According to Dr. Lodha, AAPI opposes MACRA and MIPS.  These systems detract from the care of patients by adding an excessive amount of paper work.  There is a tremendous burden to report all of these measures. “To raise our voices together and to have our voices heard on Capitol, Hill, we look forward to seeing you on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, May 3rd for our Legislative Day,” Dr. Lodha added.  For more information on AAPI and its programs and initiatives, please visit:  www.aapiusa.org

AAPI’s 35th annual convention kick off event held at Indian Consulate

(New York, NY – April 9, 2017) “It’s very great joy that I want to invite you all to come and be part of the 35th annual American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) Convention 2017 to be held at the brand new state of the art Convention Centre, at the prestigious Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey from June 21 – 25, 2017,” Dr. Ajay Lodha, President, AAPI, declared today at the kick off event held at the Indian Consulate in New York on Sunday, April 9, 2017.
Attended by AAPI leadership, various committee members, community leaders, and media personnel from across the United States, the kick off event was inaugurated by lighting of the traditional lamp by Ambassador Riva Ganaguly Das, Consul general of India in New York. In her facilitation remarks, Ganguly Das lauded the achievements of AAPI and the leadership of Dr. Lodha. Describing Dr. Lodha to be “a great leader, great physician, and great negotiator” the Indian envoy promised to be at the Convention at the request of Dr. Lodha.
“We have watched how AAPI has grown over the years and how we want other NRI groups to emulate the success model of AAPI,” Ganguly Das told the cheering audience. ‘What AAPI does is to contribute to leverage the relationships between India and the United States.” Stating that the government of India “values our relationship with AAPI and the many initiatives and contributions you have made for the people in India,” the Indian envoy said.
Dr. Ajay Lodha, Prtesident of AAPI, delivering presidential address
Dr. Ajay Lodha, Prtesident of AAPI, delivering presidential address

In his opening remarks, Dr. Lodha shared with the audience the manay programs and initiatives he and his executive committee has taken in the past few months since assuming charge as the President of the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation. Dr. Lodha highlighted the Leadership seminar at Columbia University, the Cruise to Brazil, participation and leading the Independence Day Parade in New York, the successful organization of Global health Summit in Rajasthan and the many initiatives at the Summit, Crash Courses in India for police officers as first responders in accidents, EPS lab studies, AYUSH, raising AAPI’s voice against hate crimes in the US and against violence against physicians in India and championing the voice of AAPI for a powerful voice through AAPI’s legislative conference in Washington DC next month.   

Expressing his gratitude to AAPI’s executive committee members, including Dr. Gautam Samadder President-Elect; Dr. Naresh Parikh,  Vice President; Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary; Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treasurer; Dr. Madhu Agarwal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Aditya Desai, YPS president; and Atul Nakhasi, MSRF President; Dr. Raj Bhayani,  AAPI’s 2017 Convention Chair; various committee chairs and members, volunteers and sponsors for their continued dedication and visionary leadership in their efforts to make this convention truly a historic one for all, Dr. Lodha, said. “The organizing committees have been working hard to make the AAPI Convention of 2017 rewarding and memorable for all with Continuing Education Meetings, National and India based Health Policy Forums, Youth Seminars, New Physician and Resident Student meetings. Physicians attending this convention will benefit not only from cutting edge CME, but also the camaraderie of their alumni groups and share in our common heritage. Social events are all being planned meticulously so that maximum benefit can be accomplished. 
AAPI’s 35th Convention kick off being inaugurated with the lighting of the traditional lamp
AAPI’s 35th Convention kick off being inaugurated with the lighting of the traditional lamp

Dr. Vas Narsimhan, Global Head, R&D Novartis, who was the chief guest, in his address stated that AAPI conventions have been very inspiring. Describing India as the “innovation power house” Dr. Narasimhan, who had flown in from Sweden, advised young physicians to “dream big and thus achieve big.”

The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New York Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Raj Bhayani said. “We have been working hard to put together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. We are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.”
Dr. Sudhir Parikh, CEO of Parikh Media, assured the audience of his collaboration in enlisting the presence of the US President, senior world leaders, US Senators, Nobel Laureates, Governors, Congressmen, and celebrities from the Hollywood and Bollywood world to be part of the convention in Atlantic City.
Releasing of the AAPI’s souvenir of AYUSH by Ambassador Riva Ganguly das
Releasing of the AAPI’s souvenir of AYUSH by Ambassador Riva Ganguly das

Dr. Shashi Shah, past Chair of AAPI’s BOT, who had served as the emcee of the event, informed the participants that many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services.

Alumni meetings for networking, match-making, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI award winners will make this Convention unique.
The Convention offers 12 credit hours of cutting edge CMEs as per AMA guidelines by well renowned thought leaders in their respective areas, being organized by Drs. Jagat Narula and Atul Prakash.  Spiritual session is to be led by renowned Brahmakumari Shivani Didi.
The Women’s Forum will feature well renowned women leaders, politicians, academicians, artists, sports women, and is being coordinated by Drs. Purnima Kothari and Udaya Shivangi. The Convention 2017 will also offer special emphasis on Integrative Medicine (AYUSH) and Medical innovations. The AAPI Research Symposium is an exciting venue to learn about and present new and exciting research as well as case reports and discussions.
 Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das addressing the audience at the AAPI convention kick off event
Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das addressing the audience at the AAPI convention kick off event

According to Anwar Feroz, the honorary advisor of AAPI, the CEO Forum, which is by invitation will have CEOs of leading healthcare firms, who will give their thought process on the development of medical science and current changes, especially with the ongoing national discussions on the repairing/repealing of the Healthcare delivery in the nation. Also, for the first time, AAPI is inviting CEOs preferably with their innovative technologies in the field of medicine. AAPI Talent Show at the newly built elegant Harrah’s Theatre will provide a perfect setting for the AAPI delegates to display their talents. Being put together by Drs. Seema Arora and Amit Chakrabarty, the competitive session for the AAPI members will be judged by well renowned artists and philanthropists, has attractive prizes.

The dazzling Fashion Show will be one of a kind by famous fashion designers from the nation. The extravaganza mouthwatering ethnic cuisine with every day “Theme Menus” with variety of display of best of the culinary art will be a treat for the young and the old. Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary of AAPI, proposed vote of thanks.

Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India, and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate for the health and wellbeing of all the peoples of the world.
“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you all in Atlantic City, New Jersey!” said Dr. Ajay Lodha.  For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

Shekar Narasimhan, Maulik Pancholy  AAPIs members resigns in protest of Trump’s policies

Shekar Narasimhan and Maulik Pancholy are among the members of the President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, who have announced to resign from the job in an open letter to the president that they have resigned from their posts.

Other  commissioners who have resigned included Nina Ahmad, Lian Cheun, Diane Narasaki, Bo Thao-Urabe and Paul Watanabe from January, as well as Tung T. Nguyen, Mary Okada, Michael Byun, Kathy Ko Chin, Jacob Fitisemanu Jr., Daphne Kwok, Dee Jay Mailer, Linda Phan and Sanjita Pradhan. The reason behind the resignation was the president’s policies that have “adversely affected Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,” the outgoing commission wrote.

“February 19, 2017, will be the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 which led to the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II,” Pancholy said in a statement. “Protecting civil rights and fighting against bullying were pillars of our commission’s work. We cannot serve under an administration that seeks to exclude members of our society or take away their rights, especially the Muslim community, which is very much part of our AAPI community.”

The letter, addressed to Trump, stated that, following not receiving a response to a letter sent Jan. 13, “Although the commissioners’ term ends (Sept. 30, 2017), we can no longer serve a president whose policies aim to create outcomes that are diametrically opposite to our principles, goals and charge.”

The commissioners said that under previous administrations — namely Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — the charge to commissioners has been to help the federal government better serve AAPIs by engaging our communities, identifying needs and priorities, and increasing access to the government.

“The commissioners have engaged with AAPIs throughout our country, from all walks of life, and across the political spectrum,” they continued. “Since your inauguration, the executive orders you have issued and policies you promulgated have greatly impeded the ability of the federal government to serve all who live here.”

The letter concluded, “AAPIs are an integral part of the mosaic of our great country and have been since the 1500s. We share the same dreams as other Americans for a stronger, brighter and more inclusive America.

Pancholy, of Brooklyn, N.Y., was appointed by President Barack Obama in 2014. The Indian American film, television and stage actor is widely known for playing the role of Jonathan for six seasons on NBC’s award-winning series “30 Rock.”

Narasimhan, also appointed in 2014, has been the managing partner at Beekman Advisors since 2003 and chairman of Papillon Capital since 2012. Previously, he was the managing director at Prudential Mortgage Capital Company from 2000 to 2003 and the chairman and CEO of The WMF Group Ltd. from 1988 to 2000.

Narasimhan is the co-founder of the Emergent Institute in Bangalore, a nonprofit institution training entrepreneurs to build social ventures. He received a B.S. from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi and an M.B.A. from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh.

“We urge you and every member of your administration to respect all Americans by protecting civil rights and civil liberties for everyone, promoting broader dialogue and understanding, and keeping the federal government accessible to all people living in the United States — regardless of their status as citizens, immigrants or refugees,” the letter stated.

Dr. Sumul N. Raval gets international award

By Ajay Ghosh
Sumul N. Raval, M.D., D.AB.P.N, a leading neuro-oncologist at Monmouth Medical Center and Community Medical Center, both RWJBarnabas Health facilities, recently earned a prestigious international award for providing state-of-the-art treatment to people with brain tumors.
Dr. Raval was presented with the GBM Heroes Award (Glioblastoma Multiforme) during the 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology held in Scottsdale, Arizona organized by CURE® magazine. The honor recognizes individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping patients with GBM and their families, according to CURE® magazine. This year’s conference drew 3,600 Neuro-Oncologists, Neuro-Surgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Neuro-Radiologists and Scientists from 55 countries, and is the most comprehensive neuro-oncology meeting in the world.
A board-certified neurologist who completed fellowship training in neuro-oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Raval is among only 200 physicians nationwide who are fellowship-trained in the highly specialized field of neuro-oncology.
“This is an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime honor,” says Dr. Raval, noting the global recognition is especially rare for a doctor at a community hospital. “I am humbled and grateful to receive this award.”
Robert Braun, vice president of cancer services for RWJBarnabas Health, says that Dr. Raval is very deserving of this honor. “Dr. Raval has earned national recognition for participating in clinical trials to advance knowledge about treatment options for brain tumors, and his research has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and also presented at national meetings of the American Society for Clinical Oncology,” he says. “We are so fortunate to be able to offer his expert care to our patients and their families.”
Dr. Raval “is one of the few neuro-oncologists who brings world-class care to families in their own backyard,” notes CURE, a renowned cancer magazine with nearly 1 million readers.
Dr. Raval is founder and director of the David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center at Monmouth Medical Center – New Jersey’s first and most comprehensive facility specializing in brain tumors – in an effort to bring leading-edge care to the local community. Today, the program draws patients from across the country and as far away as Sweden, Russia, Venezuela, Turkey and India.
In addition, Dr. Raval is a staff neuro-oncologist at Community Medical Center, where he also holds a leadership role as incoming treasurer of the medical staff. A diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, he is president of Garden State Neurology & Neuro-Oncology, with offices located in West Long Branch and Toms River.
Judy Zocchi, whose late husband was treated by Dr. Raval, nominated him for the honor. “He always is a support in spirit, financially and personally… No matter how busy his schedule is, if you are a brain tumor patient, he will make the time, no matter what.”
Dr. Raval also is a chairman of Board of trustees and past president of the Monmouth and Ocean County Chapter of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (MOCAAPI). Dr. Raval has received numerous awards for his efforts including “The Jersey Choice Top Doctors in New Jersey” by New Jersey Monthly for the past four years.
An authority on brain tumors, Dr. Raval is a speaker, fundraiser, physician and most importantly a compassionate humanitarian.

Raghubar Das urges NRIs to invest in Jharkand

Raghubar Das, the Jharkand chief minister has appealed to Indian Americans to invest in the state of Jharkand, calling especially upon NRIs from Jharkhand to be partners in the development of the state that has since its creation 15 years ago failed to realize its full potential thanks to political instability.

At an investment road show at the Taj Pierre Hotel in New York on September 28, Das noted that “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has always said ‘Make In India’ but ‘Make in India’, actually started with ‘Make in Jharkhand by Jamshedji Tata way back in 1907 with the founding of the Tata Steel plant which then was the largest private sector investment in Asia.

The New York luncheon meeting, “Investment Opportunities in Jharkhand”, hosted by the USIBC and CII, was attended ,among others, by industrialist Prakash Hinduja, and some NRI entrepreneurs from Jharkhand, a few of whom expressed interest in setting up solar projects in the state.

On 29th September 2016, the Chief Minister addressed a gathering of investors at a roadshow organized by Govt. of Jharkhand in support of National partner Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) in association with US India Business Council (USIBC). At this session, the Chief Minister raised awareness about the investment opportunities in Jharkhand as a powerhouse of India’s Manufacturing Sector (Make in India) and priority areas like, food processing, metal sector, Automotive sector, film industry, textile & apparels, tourism and others. Hon’ble Chief Minister also deliberated various investment opportunities and key business reforms carried out in the recent past by his government. The Summit is aimed at establishing Jharkhand as a premier investment destination for both foreign as well as domestic investors. Shri Sunil Kumar Burnwal, Secretary, Dept. of Industries, Mines and Geology made a detailed sectoral presentation on the investment opportunities in Jharkhand.

The Chief Minister had a series of one-one meetings with investors and interacted with entrepreneurs from Clutch Group, Medtronic, Gilead Sciences, Claudio Lilenfeld, etc. who are looking for high growth consumer markets. Healso met with members of American Association of Physician of Indian origin (AAPI). Shri P.P. Hindhuja Chairman Hinduja Group expressed interest to set up commercial vehicle assembly unit in Jharkhand and representatives of the group will visit Jharkhand in October 2016 to explore further in this proposal. Simile Train, a NGO, working in health sector also met the delegation and assured that they will further strengthen their presence in Jharkhand.Hon’able Chief Minister also met the president and other officer bearers of Bihar Jharkhand Association of North America.

Trump’s New Asian Pacific Committee has Indian Americans

Four Indian-Americans are among the 31 Asians from around the country, who have been appointed to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s newly formed Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee, according to a Sept, 25 announcement from the campaign.

The four Indian-Americans include Puneet Ahluwalia of Virginia, K.V. Kumar from California, Shalabh Kumar of Illinois and Harry Walia, Florida.  “Donald J. Trump is pleased to announce his Asian Pacific American Advisory Committee,” a statement issued by the campaign stated. “The women and men on the committee are elected, appointed and grassroots leaders who will engage Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) on relevant issues to these important and vibrant communities. Governors Eddie Calvo and Ralph Torres of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands (NMI) respectively, will serve as the Council’s Co-Chairs.”

The committee members will support and strengthen ties to each community and provide recommendations on how best to ensure AAPI voices are heard and included in the Campaign. Furthermore, the committee’s formation represents Mr. Trump’s and Governor Pence’s commitment to AAPI communities. Mr. Trump and Governor Pence will meet with members of the committee and AAPI leaders to discuss growing concerns over educational opportunities, employment and the economy, which are of paramount concern to AAPI families across this nation. Mr. Trump understands the critical role Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders play in the growing and providing for an energetic economic base which has been lacking over the past eight years of Obama/Clinton policies.

“Mr. Trump’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Advisory Committee is a great addition to the vibrancy of his campaign,” said Brunswick, Ohio Mayor Ron Falconi. “His ability to connect with everyday Americans is a testament of his character, and what he wants to do to bring America forward from the past 8 years.”

Dr. Lisa Shin said, “The Trump/Pence ticket will bring meaningful change to Washington. No longer will DC bureaucrats decide what’s best for Asian American and Pacific Islander families. Supporting Mr. Trump and Governor Pence will allow AAPIs to truly have a voice in how we want to educate our families and raise our children.”

“We are on the cusp of history. It is a movement that I am witnessing this presidential election. I am confident that Trump would be the next president of the United States,” Shalabh Kumar+ , founder of the Republican Hindu Coalition said.

“Under Trump administration, India-US relationship would reach a new height,” he said.   Puneet Ahluwalia is a member of Virginia’s Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Advisory Council, while K V Kumar has earlier worked with the World Bank.

“It is my great honor and a privilege to be part of Trump AAPI Advisory Committee. This is a pivotal election which impacts the future of our nation and its people,” Ahluwalia said. “Trump understands the critical role Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders play in the growing and providing for an energetic economic base which has been lacking over the past eight years of Obama/Clinton policies,” the campaign said.

Ahluwalia is a lobbyist and international business adviser at the Livingston Group, specializing in energy, defense, cyber security, and infrastructure issues. Kumar or ‘KV’ is the managing partner at Kumar & Talvadkar, LLC, and serves on the boards of several companies. Walia, a businessman and Republican activist for several decades, also tried and lost a race for Mayor of Venice, Florida, his hometown, a few years ago.

“The committee members will support and strengthen ties to each community and provide recommendations on how best to ensure AAPI voices are heard and included in the Campaign,” a press release from the Trump-Pence 2016 campaign. The two candidates will meet committee members “to discuss growing concerns over educational opportunities, employment and the economy, which are of paramount concern to AAPI families across this nation.”

AARP Provides Free Interactive Tool to Search and Visualize Data

A Customizable Tool to Find AAPI Data on Issues Relevant to Older Populations

WASHINGTON, D.C., The AARP Public Policy Institute launchedAARP DataExplorer, its free interactive search and visualization tool for data on the 50-plus population. AARP DataExplorer allows users to browse and search for data on issues like demographics, health, financial security, housing and transportation by indicators including age, race/ethnicity, state, income, health status, and languages spoken.

“Data is critical to understanding the issues and needs of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “AARP DataExplorer is an easy tool for those looking for data on AAPI older adults to find relevant facts and figures which can be customized to fit their needs—whether it’s researching trends or patterns at the state or federal level, or driving policy solutions.”

Users can create their own, customized visualizations of the data that can be turned into PDFs or PowerPoint slides and downloaded as images to use in reports or projects. The AARP DataExplorer site also offers a “Storybooks” feature that provides context for some of the data and helps users understand the story behind the data.

AARP DataExplorer presents the most current data and indicators and add new ones as soon as new data are available. No data programming skills are needed. To use AARP DataExplorer and watch a video tutorial to learn how to customize the data and visuals, visit dataexplorer.aarp.org.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million that helps people turn their goals and dreams into ‘Real Possibilities’ by changing the way America defines aging. With staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and promote the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare security, financial security and personal fulfillment. AARP also advocates for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name.  As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation magazine, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. To learn more, visit www.aarp.orgor follow @aarp and our CEO @JoAnn_Jenkins on Twitter.

Professor Dipak C. Jain: Director of Sasin

It was during the annual convention of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) that I got to listen to the inspiring lecture at the Leadership Seminar on “Aligning management thinking with patient care: Building an effective medical practice” by Dr. Dipak C. Jain, Director of the Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok,. Although, he had exceeded his given time at the Seminar, his witty, personal and wisdom narratives filled with anecdotes from his own life won the hearts and souls of over thousand AAPI delegates that had filled the auditorium. His inspiring words echoed in every delegate the convention that after giving him a standing ovation from the delegates, they asked the organizers to arrange to have another talk by Dr. Jain during the convention.

Dipak C. Jain is a globally recognized marketing and innovation expert whose insights have inspired a generation of business leaders to pursue success with significance. As Dr. Jain is advancing the strategic goals of Sasin Graduate Institute that has long benefited from his affiliation as a visiting professor and member of the Sasin Executive Council.

Professor Dipak C. Jain: Director of SasinDr. Jain’s influential career spans nearly three decades as an educator, a senior business school administrator, and a consultant to corporations, governments, and world-renowned figures. His inclusive leadership style, rooted in a framework that embraces diversity and respects the unique value of each person, encourages others to achieve their full potential while contributing to organizational excellence. Dr. Jain has worked tirelessly to champion management schools as cross-disciplinary intellectual hubs. Throughout his career, he has furthered a pedagogical model that combines academic excellence and business relevance to produce high-impact results with social significance.

Prior to being named Sasin’s Director in 2014, he served from 2011 to 2013 as Dean of INSEAD, an international business school with campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. Before joining INSEAD, Dr. Jain was Dean of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management from 2001 to 2009. Before that appointment, he served as the Kellogg School’s Associate Dean of Academic Affairs from 1996 to 2001, working closely with Dean Donald P. Jacobs to set the school’s agenda for curriculum design and faculty research initiatives. In recognition of his many scholarly achievements and outstanding teaching, he also was named in 1994 the Sandy and Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies and Professor of Marketing at Kellogg, whose Marketing Department he joined as a faculty member in 1986.

Dr. Jain’s academic career began as a student in Tezpur (Assam) India. He earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics and statistics (1976) and his master’s degree in mathematical statistics (1978) from Gauhati University, where he taught for four years before enrolling in the University of Texas (Dallas), where he completed his Ph.D. in Marketing in 1986.

An award-winning scholar in his own right, Dr. Jain’s areas of research expertise include the marketing of high-tech products; market segmentation and competitive market structure analysis; cross-cultural issues in global product diffusion; new product innovation; and forecasting models. He has published more than 60 articles in leading academic journals and has earned the prestigious John D.C. Little Best Paper Award. He has taught courses on marketing research, new products and services, and statistical models in marketing. Among the many distinctions for his teaching and service, Dr. Jain received the Outstanding Educator Award from the State of Assam in India. He also has received the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas from the Prime Minister of India, an award that recognizes exceptional leadership contributions.

Dr. Jain has served as the departmental editor for the journal Management Science, the area editor for Marketing Science and associate editor for the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. He was also a former member of the editorial board of the Journal of Marketing Research.

Dipak Jain’s board service also has earned him distinction. He currently serves as an Independent Director  on  Boards  of  John  Deere  &  Company (USA), Northern Trust Corporation (USA), Global Logistics Properties (Singapore) and Reliance Industries (India). He is a former director at United Airlines, Hartmarx Corporation and Peoples Energy. He has    served    as    a    consultant    to   many    firms,     including  Microsoft, Novartis, American Express, Sony, Nissan, Eli Lilly and Company, and Hyatt International. In addition, he has been appointed as Honorary Advisor of the Marketing Association of Thailand (MAT). He has designed and delivered training programs for several organizations in Thailand, such as SCG, Fiscal Policy Research Institute (FPRI) and The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

As an academic innovator with decades of leadership experience in Asia, the Americas, and Europe, Dr. Jain continuously explores new ways of anticipating and meeting global market demand. Through his teaching, research and administrative vision, he is leading Sasin’s efforts to produce the next generation of management talent to create value in the ASEAN region and beyond.

AAPI’s new Executive Team led by Dr. Ajay Lodha wants to “restore AAPI’s image and enhance cohesiveness”

(Chicago, IL: July 15th, 2016) A new Executive Committee led by Dr. Ajay Lodha as President, assumed charge of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the 34th annual convention in New York, NY on Sunday, July 3rd, 2016 In his inaugural address, Dr. Lodha, who rose through the ranks of AAPI after being a member of AAPI and in almost every body of AAPI in the past 10 years, stated that he wants AAPI to be “more vibrant, united, transparent, politically engaged, ensuring active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, enabling that AAPI’s voice is heard in the corridors of power, and thus taking AAPI to new heights.”

Along with Dr. Lodha, Dr. Gautam Samadder as President-Elect, Dr. Naresh Parikh as Vice President, Dr. Suresh Reddy as Secretary, and Dr. Manju Sachdev as Treasurer of AAPI, assumed charge in the presence of leading luminaries from across the nation at the annual convention of AAPI in New York. Dr. Madhu Agarwal assumed charge as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Aditya Desai as YPS president and Atul Nakshi as MSRF President along with a diversified group of regional directors. “Their leadership will help us move forward with our current and future initiatives,” Dr. Lodha said.

In his capacity as President of the largest ethnic organization of physicians in the United States, Dr. Lodha vowed to take the more than three decades old organization to the new heights and “bring all the AAPI Chapters, Regions, Members of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees to work cohesively and unitedly for the success of AAPI and the realization of its noble mission.”

Acknowledging that leading AAPI is a daunting challenge, Dr. Lodha said, “I’m very honored, privileged and consider myself fortunate to announce that I have an excellent group of dedicated, hardworking, and loyal officers and executive committee members who are with me to take AAPI to new heights.”

The New York-based physician and leader, who was honored with the prestigious Ellis Island Medals of Honor on May 7th, is a recipient of Lawrence J. Scherr Award of Excellence for being an Outstanding Physi­cian. He has also been honored for Out­standing Contributions to Research & Hypertension Department at the Flushing Hospital, NY. In 2008, he was bestowed with the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation Physician of the Year Award.

Dr. Ajay Lodha, a past President of AAPIQLI hides a power house of entrepreneurial skills. Dr. Lodha has extensive background of overseeing quality assurance and quality improvement. A graduate of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, completed his residency at Flushing Hospital, NY, and Founder and President of Queens Medical Services, a primary care practice with two locations serving Queens, NY, Dr. Lodha is the past President AAPIQLI, RAJMAAI, RANA. He is also credited with founding the COO of NYS Elite ACO, as well as being a partner in two skilled nursing facilities on Long Island.

Soon after assuming office as the President of AAPI, Dr. Lodha declared that he will make every possible effort to restore AAPI’s image and enhance cohesiveness among different Chapters and Regions of AAPI. “When our founders first conceived of AAPI, they could not have imagined how well it would grow and develop. Let us not forget the achievements of those who have come before me. Their hard work and dedication serves as both an inspiration and a challenge to me,” he stated with gratitude and appreciation for the founders of this noble organization.

Dr. Lodha is committed to upholding and further augment the ideals for which AAPI stands. “I am confident that my experience, work ethic and firsthand experience in organizing Conventions and fundraisers are best suited to carry on the responsibilities and lead this noble organization to new heights.”

Dr. Gautam Samadder, AAPI’s President-Elect, built his career on hard and dedicated work in the private and public sectors. His passion for knowledge, determination and perseverance brought him to the United States for higher education.  After graduating from Government Medical College in Jabalpur and completing subsequent fellowships, he founded and serves as the President/CEO of Columbus Sleep Consultants. He spearheaded the formation of Indian Sleep Society and am actively involved throughout the Indian community. He recently collaborated with Fisher & Paykel to establish diagnostic centers in major Indian cities.

“In my capacity as the President-Elect of National AAPI, I want to support the growth of global and Indo-US relationship and to support and promote charitable activities through AAPI both in the US and India,” Dr. Sammader says. “As I have shown over the past decades in my roles as a Regional Director, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and now President Elect of AAPI, I will continue to work to create advocacy and community services, escalating profitability, productivity and popularity of AAPI.  I will also promote globalization of education as well as work towards creating awareness and promote the level of involvement of the Indian American Medical Community and to foster the increasing strength and grown of our beloved Nation. While working in close cooperation with AAPI at all levels, we will together address the issues affecting the physicians at the state and national level. I envision promoting health care advocacy and community services, escalating profitability, productivity and popularity of AAPI,” he adds.

Dr. Samadder wants to “amplify participation among young physicians and medical students, strengthen AAPI’s financial security through profitable corporate sponsorships and facilitate collegial cooperation between local and state chapters, as this will increase AAPI’s global stature and eminence, which will ultimately make healthcare more efficient and effective in USA and India.”

His “work ethic, integrity and self-reliance will help me propagate AAPI’s mission and instill renewed energy and participation. My leadership experience demonstrates in the private and nonprofit sectors will be advantageous in increasing participation, chapter cooperation and awareness of exchange programs. I am dedicated to helping chart a course toward AAPI’s true mission.”

It’s been a gradual journey for Dr. Naresh Parikh from being an ordinary member to a local leader of AAPI to being elected to be an executive member of the national AAPI. Graduated from Nagpur Medical College in 1972 and a cardiologist by profession, Dr. Naresh Parikh is serving as the CEO of Georgia Clinic, a multi-specialty organization, founded in 1998, with 11 locations, Dr. Parikh was instrumental in starting IPA in 2016 with 53 participating providers and is active in DRS ACO. Dr. Parikh is also involved with Cigna Health Spring as a counsel to improve Hedis score and improve MRA scoring for Georgia Physicians. He started Atlanta’s first Charitable Medical Clinic in 1996 and was the Medical Director for 10 years. He was the Chair and Convenor for the AAPI annual convention in 2006. Has been leading many health fairs and contributed in fund raising events for AAPI in their mega shows by Shankar Mahadevan, Shreya Ghoshal and Hema Malini.

Dr. Parikh says, “It’s been an honor and privilege for me to be associated with AAPI because I recognize the tremendous role that is being played by AAPI in promoting friendship between India and the United States. As members of AAPI, we have not forgotten our roots and are engaged in several activities such as conducting Indo-US Healthcare Summit that has shown us a new trail in healthcare sector in India and will continue to pave way for new frontiers in public private partnership.”

As the Vice President of AAPI, “I would devote time to maintain integrity of membership database and scrub data. With an effort to increase membership, I will give my time and energy to encourage physicians and dentists to join AAPI, while providing enhanced membership benefits including liability insurance carrier, billing, collection company, cardiac remote monitoring, and credit card transactions through reputed banking services.   One of my goals is also to be actively engaged in the SEWAK project in India.” And, Dr. Parikh will “carry forward my duties of AAPI Office and keeping transparency, accountability and branding of AAPI. “Under the current dynamic and decisive leadership of Dr. Ajay Lodha and his team of executives, we strive to achieve standards for AAPI and chosen agenda. I am committed to working with the AAPI Team to establish AAPI’s image in the US and globally.”

Dr. Suresh Reddy, the Secretary of AAPI, earned his medical degree from Kakatiya Medical College, Andhra Pradesh, India in 1988 and underwent residency training in Diagnostic Radiology at Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He completed research and clinical fellowships in diagnostic Neuroradiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX and spent a further two years at State University of New York at Stony Brook, pursuing a fellowship in Diagnostic Neuroradiology with an emphasis in Neuro-interventional training. Dr. Reddy is extensively trained in Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology and Interventional Neuroradiology.

Dr. Reddy, honored with the Resident Research Award at the (RSNA) Radiological Society of North America’s 2000, has presented widely at national meetings. Dr. Reddy is also honored with several other awards especially for his excellent teaching interests including “Fellow of the Year” award for the year 2001, “Faculty of the Year” and, “Excellence in Teaching the Harvard Medical Students” awards for the years 2002, 2003 and 2004. Dr. Reddy holds the distinction of winning these prestigious awards in three consecutive years.  He also mentored several Harvard Medical School Students and Residents. Dr. Reddy was the Chief of Interventional Neuroradiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School for more than ten years. He is always committed to do the best he can to provide quality care to patients while looking for ways to forge bonds with other disciplines to help the overall health care delivery to those who need it the most.

Dr. Reddy says that one of his goals for future is to strengthen ties between IMANE and AAPI, His vision for AAPI includes, “bridging the next generation of physicians of Indian origin with the current members of AAPI and to serve as a link between AAPI and people of other ethnic origin.” He is committed to “showcasing unity in diversity” for AAPI, and wants to work towards making AAPI a “purely an academic and research society.”

Dr. Sachdev was born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada where she completed her education, and obtained her MD. After meeting her husband, Dr. Harish Chandna, she moved to the United States in order to pursue her residency in Pediatrics, and subsequently began a private practice in Victoria, Texas. Actively involved in the local media as a medical host, writer and producer of numerous health segments and television programs — most notably, “Health is Wealth” and “AAPI and Your Health” for TV Asia, Dr. Sachdev’s involvement in AAPI began when she became a Patron Member in 2002, and since that time “I have continued to serve in many different capacities, including: Chair for Women’s Physicians Committee, SW Central Regional Director, and Board of Trustees. I was extensively involved in the planning and organizing for the Annual Women’s Conference in Dallas, TX (2011) and the Annual AAPI Convention in NYC (2011), as well as serving as an Emcee for subsequent conventions.”

Manju Sachdev says, “I am deeply honored to have been elected as the AAPI Treasurer for 2016-2017, and to be given the opportunity to serve alongside my esteemed Officers, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Trustees. My primary goal in AAPI will be to work for the organization with utmost respect, dignity and humility.”

Dr. Sachdev says, she “derives genuine pride from my Indian heritage, which will remain a part of me forever. My inherent diverse background motivates me to work and strive for an AAPI which is all encompassing – regardless of one’s age, gender, race, or religious views. As the newly elected Treasurer, my focus will be to maintain accountability and transparency while overseeing all income and expenses. I sincerely encourage our organization to have greater involvement in charitable causes and to influence legislative decisions which impact our physicians, residents and medical students. Collectively we have the will and the power to make our voices heard and to unite as a people for the greater good of the organization!”

The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity. Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care   providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation. Leading an organization that represents more than 100,000 physicians and Residents of Indian Origin in the US, and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, is a major challenge. American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI has made its presence felt and is now set to take this largest ethnic group of physicians in the United States to the next level of continued growth and stability.

The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity.

Dr. Lodha urges all AAPI members to join in this historic journey: “AAPI’s mission is clear, our programs will continue to strive and our impact is infectious on benefiting society. Today I ask you to set aside your differences, and join me in this noble journey to make our mission possible. A new era has begun. AAPI will continue to discover her own potential to be an active and vital player in shaping the landscape of national healthcare delivery system with a focus on health maintenance than disease intervention,” Dr. Lodha said.

AAPI stands on its fairness and impartiality: Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of AAPI Apologizes to Media for disrespecting veteran journalists during Convention

(New York, NY: July 14, 2016)  Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of AAPI, expressed sincere gratitude and appreciation to “all the Press and Media for its support and cooperation for past several decades.”

In a statement issued here,on behalf of the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees and members, the AAPI, Dr. Lodha stated that, “AAPI realizes that the media has a vital role in molding a good society to develop our lifestyle and move it on the right path, because it always try to side with the truth and relevant factors. In the past AAPI has used the media as the best tool to spread awareness in the Community.”

While acknowledging the recent incidents where veteran Indian American journalists were disrespected and in some cases asked to leave the convention, Dr. Lodha, “as a President, along with my Executive Committee and all the members truly apologies for any inconvenience or embarrassment caused to any members of the media during 2016 Annual Convention at Marriott Marquis, NY.”

Dr. Ajay Lodha delivering his inaugural address as he President of AAP
Dr. Ajay Lodha delivering his inaugural address as he President of AAP

Dr. Lodha pointed out that AAPI’S goal, mission and values are simple and practical. AAPI is a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and charity to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. AAPI promotes professional solidarity in the pursuit of excellence in patient care, teaching and research and simultaneously bring American medicine the distinctive contributions from India. While maintaining commitment to collegiality and ethical conduct, AAPI thrives to provide the best patient care with compassion, maintain the highest standards of ethics and professionalism and simultaneously maintain professional pride in the practice of medicine.

While acknowledging the contributions of the media, Dr. Lodha said, “AAPI is also grateful to the 2016 Convention Committee for the endless time and effort put into organizing a convention of that magnitude. However, AAPI received numerous complaints consisting of unforeseeable incidents which were beyond the custody and control of the Executive Committee. These incidents were caused by unauthorized members of Association whose goal was apparently not in the best interest of AAPI.”

Dr. Lodha also informed the media that the Executive Committee has taken immediate action in establishing an Emergency AD HOC COMMITTEE to investigate each and every incident and or complaint and make appropriate recommendations to the Executive Committee for action within a reasonable period of time.

He urged the media to contact the AAPI Office at 630-990-2277, or Fax 630-990-2281. With any complaint and or any information regarding the incidents. He promised to keep all information provided during the course of the investigation shall be kept strictly confidential and the identities of the individuals assisting in the findings shall not be disclosed unless specifically agreed therein. “Once again on behalf of newly appointed Executive Committee and BOT including the members of AAPI, please accept our sincere apologies. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation in this matter and looking forward for your co-operation as in the past,” Dr. Lodha said.

Dr. Ajay Lodha, who was administered the oath of office as the President of AAPI during the 34th annual convention in New York on July 3rd, 2016 vowed to take the more than three decades old organization to the new heights and “bring all the AAPI Chapters, Regions, Members of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees to work cohesively and unitedly for the success of AAPI and the realization of its noble mission.”

Dr. Lodha received the gavel from Dr. Seema Jain, the out-going president of AAPI as the more than 2,000 delegates cheered loudly, greeting the new President of AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the United States. Along with him, Dr. Gautam Samadder as President-Elect, Dr. Naresh Parikh as Vice President, Dr. Suresh Reddy as Secretary, and Dr. Manju Sachdev as the Treasurer of AAPI, assumed charge in the presence of leading luminaries from across the nation. Dr. Madhu Agarwal assumed charge as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, AAPI by the out-going chairman, Dr. Aravind Pillai. He stressed the importance of having YPS president Aditya Desai and MSRF President Atul Nakshi along with a diversified group of regional directors. “Their leadership will help us move forward with our current and future initiatives.”

The new executive committee members: Dr. Ajay Lodha, President, Dr. Gautam Samadder President-Elect, Dr. Naresh Parikh,  Vice President, Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary, and Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treasurer of AAPI
The new executive committee members: Dr. Ajay Lodha, President, Dr. Gautam Samadder President-Elect, Dr. Naresh Parikh, Vice President, Dr. Suresh Reddy, Secretary, and Dr. Manju Sachdev, Treasurer of AAPI

Soon after assuming office as the President of AAPI, Dr. Lodha declared that he will make every possible effort to restore AAPI’s image and enhance cohesiveness among different Chapters and Regions of AAPI. “When our founders first conceived of AAPI, they could not have imagined how well it would grow and develop. Let us not forget the achievements of those who have come before me. Their hard work and dedication serves as both an inspiration and a challenge to me,” he stated with gratitude and appreciation for the founders of this noble organization.

Indian-Americans constitute less than 1% of the country’s population, but they account for nine percent of the American doctors and physicians. As Forbes magazine aptly summed up in an issue in 2009, “The over-representation of Indians in these fields (engineering, IT and medicine) is striking – in practical terms, your doctor is nine times more likely to be an Indian-American than is a random passerby on the street.”

The growing clout of the physicians of Indian origin in the United States is seen everywhere as several physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administration across the nation. In the United States, in India, and across the world, doctors of Indian origin have considerably risen in the ranks of the medical community and the significant portion of the fraternity consists of specialists hailing from India, especially when this figure is compared with the total population of Non-Resident Indians based in these countries.

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. AAPI, was formed 34 years ago, to promote professional solidarity in the pursuit of excellence in patient care, teaching and research. They give American medicine the distinctive contributions from India, and advance the American creed of one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Acknowledging that leading AAPI is a daunting challenge, Dr. Lodha said, “I’m very honored, privileged and consider myself fortunate to announce that I have an excellent group of dedicated, hardworking, and loyal officers and executive committee members who are with me to take AAPI to new heights.”

The Future is now– Its time to step up to a new era of innovation through a new age of digital healthcare that transcends biological and chemical medicine into the future. As physicians we must be equipped to tackle the next generation’s unique set of challenges and opportunities in healthcare, Dr. Lodha said. For more information on AAPI and its programs, please visit: www.aapiusa.org.

Dr. Lodha wants to lead AAPI to be more vibrant, united, stronger and to new heights

New York, NY: July 4, 2016: Dr. Ajay Lodha, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), wants to lead the largest ethnic medical society in the United States, representing the interests of over 100,000 Indian American physicians, to be “more vibrant, united, transparent, politically engaged, ensuring active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, enabling that AAPI’s voice is heard in the corridors of power, and thus taking AAPI to new heights/”

Dr. Lodha, who was administered the oath of office as the President of AAPI during the 34th annual convention in New York on July 3rd, 2016 vowed to take the more than three decades old organization to the new heights and “bring all the AAPI Chapters, Regions, Members of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees to work cohesively and unitedly for the success of AAPI and the realization of its noble mission.”

Acknowledging that leading AAPI is a daunting challenge, Dr. Lodha said, “I’m very honored, privileged and consider myself fortunate to announce that I have an excellent group of dedicated, hardworking, and loyal officers and executive committee members who are with me to take AAPI to new heights.”

Dr. Lodha received the gavel from Dr. Seema Jain, the out-going president of AAPI as the more than 2,000 delegates cheered loudly, greeting the new President of AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the United States. Along with him, Dr. Gautam Samadder as President-Elect, Dr. Naresh Parikh as Vice President, Dr. Suresh Reddy as Secretary, and Dr. Manju Sachdev as the Treasurer of AAPI, assumed charge in the presence of leading luminaries from across the nation. Dr. Madhu Agarwal assumed charge as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, AAPI by the out-going chairman, Dr. Aravind Pillai. He stressed the importance of having YPS president Aditya Desai and MSRF President Atul Nakshi along with a diversified group of regional directors. “Their leadership will help us move forward with our current and future initiatives.”

Soon after assuming office as the President of AAPI, Dr. Lodha declared that he will make every possible effort to restore AAPI’s image and enhance cohesiveness among different Chapters and Regions of AAPI. “When our founders first conceived of AAPI, they could not have imagined how well it would grow and develop. Let us not forget the achievements of those who have come before me. Their hard work and dedication serves as both an inspiration and a challenge to me,” he stated with gratitude and appreciation for the founders of this noble organization.

An Internist by profession, Dr. Lodha has had experiences in leading almost all areas of Medicine. He owns two Nursing Homes on Long Island, New York and has been credited to be the founder of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and the Independent Physicians Association (APA).

A graduate of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, Dr. Lodha completed his Residency at the Flushing Hospital, NY. He is the founder and president of Queens Medical Services, a primary care practice with two locations serving Queens, NY since 1995 and is a partner in Hillaire and Nesconset Nursing homes. Dr. Ajay Lodha was appointed a member of the Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos’s MWBE Advisory Council last year.

According to him, “The growing clout of the physicians of Indian origin in the United States is seen everywhere as several physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administration across the nation.” Dr. Lodha’s vision for AAPI is to increase the awareness of APPI globally and help its voice heard in the corridors of power.  “I would like to see us lobby Congress for an increase in the number of available Residency Positions so as to help alleviate the shortage of Doctors.”

AAPI has been able to serve as a platform in helping young physicians coming from India to seek residencies and help them in settlement and get jobs. Knowing that AAPI’s growth lies with the younger generation, Dr. Lodha has made it his priority to support and promote YPS and MSRF, the future of AAPI. “We need to host more educational and social activities to get young physicians more involved, and be able to stay connected with AAPI. That younger physicians and MSRF members feel fully integrated into AAPI and take more active roles. They should feel that they are benefitting by joining AAPI, which is, an extended family and they can turn to when in need of support and guidance,” he says. He wants to increase AAPI membership by offering more benefits and opportunities for mem­bers.

The New York-based physician and leader, who was honored with the prestigious Ellis Island Medals of Honor on May 7th, this year, rose through the ranks of AAPI and has been elected the President of AAPI. He is a recipient of Lawrence J. Scherr Award of Excellence for being an Outstanding Physi­cian. He has also been honored for Out­standing Contributions to Research & Hypertension Department at the Flushing Hospital, NY. In 2008, he was bestowed with the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation Physician of the Year Award.

Dr. Lodha was appreciative of increased involvement of women within AAPI.  “We have a woman as the chair of the Board of Trustees, a woman treasurer, and 33% of this year’s regional directors are women.  Women face the added challenge of maintaining the household in addition to their medical careers and their role in AAPI. I am looking forward to a great women’s forum from our women leaders and chair not only in USA but also in India. I salute all the women leaders,” he said.

Dr. Lodha, with the active support from the General Body, wants to “re-activate AAPI – HEALTH- PAC, commonly known as HEALTH- POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, which will help raise funds amongst its members to advocate its Health Care issues to give a higher profile.” He urged all interested members to support and join the H-PAC by making a contribution, which will handle the HPAC matters and comply with the reporting requirements. Dr. Lodha wants to offer honorary memberships to past US Presidents, Senators and Congressmen, which will “bring us higher level of recognition and profile in the USA.

Ajay Lodha hides a power house of entrepreneurial skills. Dr. Lodha has extensive background of overseeing quality assurance and quality improvement. He is a past president of RANA and RAJ­MAAI (Rajasthan Medical Alumni Associ­ation Inc.), Police Surgeon with Nassau County PBA and Director of Research De­partment at Flushing Hospital, NY.

A past President of AAPIQLI, Dr. Lodha was a former Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of Caritas Health Care System representing St. John’s Hospital and Mary Immaculate Hospital in New York. “In my role as the President of AAPI in the coming year, I will continue to dedicate my services for the growth of AAPI. I am sure AAPI will grow multiple folds under the current team and will put all my efforts to make sure all the programs supersede from the past.”

One of the major objectives of founding AAPI was to offer a platform and opportunities for members to give back to their mother land and the adopted nation. Realizing this, the new President believes that AAPI members will be provided with opportunities to support charitable activities in India and in the United States and increase donations to AAPI Charitable Foundation.

Endowed with the desire to give back to his motherland and lead AAPI to identify and invest in the delivery of cost effective, efficient and advanced medical care in India, Dr. Lodha says, “AAPI does a lot of work in India. The Global Healthcare Summit 2016, planned to be held in Udaipur, Rajasthan, from December 28-30th this year, will be a great way of achieving our objectives for mother India.”

In 2008, Dr. Lodha was part of a coalition that built a state-of-the-art 11 bed Surgical Intensive Care Unit for Government Hospital located in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India – free care is given to all the patients. Dr. Lodha in his commitment to the health of the community has organized numerous Health Fairs, Blood Pressure Screenings, and Medical Awareness programs as well as the delivery of educational materials at churches, temples and senior centers.

Financial stability is an important area, where Dr. Lodha wants to focus on as President, and promises “to make sincere efforts in making AAPI financially stronger by increasing fund raising activities.”

His leadership and commitment were much appreciated during the nine city Shreya Ghoshal Fund Raising tour by AAPI, which generated a record $1.25 million and transformed AAPI’s financial strength from being in dis­tress when he took over as a Treasurer in early 2012. He was responsible for bringing complete transparency in accounting and keeping the books up to date.

Dr. Lodha is committed to upholding and further augment the ideals for which AAPI stands. “I am confident that my experience, work ethic and firsthand experience in organizing Conventions and fundraisers are best suited to carry on the responsibilities and lead this noble organization to new heights.”

In all of his efforts, Dr. Lodha wants to work with his executive committee and all branches of AAPI membership in a congenial and non-competitive manner, focusing on the noble mission of this prestigious organization. His experiences in organizing conferences and meetings which help to bring members together and attract new members is vital to the success of the organization.

The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. AAPI’s role has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers. AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity.

Dr. Lodha calls upon AAPI members to join in this historic journey: “AAPI’s mission is clear, our programs will continue to strive and our impact is infectious on benefiting society. Today I ask you to set aside your differences, and join me in this noble journey to make our mission possible.’

Dr. Lodha lives on Long Island, New York with his wife Dr. Smita and their two children Amit and Shweta. AAPI will continue to be an active player in crafting the delivery of healthcare in the most efficient manner in the United States. “We will strive for equality in healthcare delivery globally.” Dr. Lodha is confident that with the blessings of elders, and the strong support from the total membership of AAPI and his family, he will be able to take AAPI to stability, growth and greater achievements. “A new era has begun. AAPI will continue to discover her own potential to be an active and vital player in shaping the landscape of national healthcare delivery system with a focus on health maintenance than disease intervention,” Dr. Lodha said.

“When you are not peaceful, you cannot do anything good to you and to others:” Sadhguru tells Delegates at AAPI’s 34th annual convention in New York City

New York City, NY: “What we call feeling healthy, is not just the absence of disease, but having a sense of wholeness within us.  If we feel like a complete being in our body, mind and spirit, that is when we are truly healthy,” Sadhguru, founder of Founder of Isha Foundation, told a packed audience, who came to receive his words of wisdom and blessings. Sadhguru, dressed in his long robe and sash, was addressing the delegates at the annual convention of Physicians of Indian Origin on July 2nd, at the Marriott Marquis in New York City on “Life Sense: Technologies for Wellbeing.” Founder of Isha Foundation. Yogi and mystic who works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of all, he is an author, poet and internationally renowned speaker, Sadhguru’s wit and piercing logic provoked and broadened the thoughts and perception of life of every participant.

“Understanding the inherent humanity that unites all nations, religions and cultures, Sadhguru is recognized for his pioneering efforts to nurture global harmony,” Dr. Seema Jain, President of American association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), said in her welcome address. “It has become a custom for AAPI to have a spiritual leader to address the delegates at the convention, and we are so fortunate to have Sadhguru at the Convention, who with his unique ability to make the ancient yogic sciences relevant to contemporary minds, and acts as a bridge to the deeper dimensions of life, will make the convention and the delegates from across the nation richer, in so many ways,” she said,

In her introductory remarks, Dr. Rita Ahuja, Chairwoman of the Convention., said, “Sadhguru has been an influential voice at major global forums including the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the UK House of Lords, TED among many others. “His approach does not ascribe to any belief system, but offers methods for self-transformation that are both proven and powerful,” Dr. Ahuja added. Named one of India’s 50 most influential people, Sadhguru’s work has deeply touched the lives of millions worldwide through his transformational programs.

Stars of the Indian Idol Junior entertaining the audience with their amazing performances
Stars of the Indian Idol Junior entertaining the audience with their amazing performances

“Your success in this world essentially depends on how well you can harness the prowess of this body and this mind,” Sadhguru, who has been recognized for his pioneering efforts to nurture global harmony, said. “We need to create a culture of Health in society, instead of investing in just healthcare,” Sadhguru told the audience. “What we call feeling healthy, is not just the absence of disease, but having a sense of wholeness within us.  If we feel like a complete being in our body, mind and spirit, that is when we are truly healthy,” he added.

Sadhguru’s mission is most succinctly summarized in his own paradoxical words: “I have no mission of my own. It is just that when you see a certain need around you, you do what you can do – that’s all. But I have a dream, that someday, walking on a street anywhere in the world, I would be able to meet lots of enlightened or realized beings. That would be the greatest blessing to happen to the world.”

Other events of the day included a session by AAPI Charitable Foundation on ways to give back to one’s motherland and the adopted land. Winners of the Research/Poster Presentation were recognized during the AAPI Executive Committee Recognition Lunch, during which, delegates had an aooprtunity to hear from Dr. Vas Narasimhan, Global Head Drug Development and Chief Medical Officer, Novartis, Switzerland; Arthur Klien, Medical President at Mt. Sinai Medical Center; Eric Paterson, US VP Diversity Dealer Relations; and Ramakrishna of the Ramakrishna Hospital in Tamil Nadu, India.

A section of the audience at the business meeting and dinner
A section of the audience at the business meeting and dinner

The Business Meeting Dinner was addressed, among others by Naresh Bharde, President, Excellence Shelters; Arundhati Bhattacharya, Chairwoman, State Bank of India; Dr. Kali Chaudhry; Bob Oliver, and CEO, Otsuka. The day was filled with back to back CMEs on cutting edge technologies, modern trends in diagnosing treating patients. The evening was filled with young artists, including Aditya Narayan and Indian Idol Junior Group from India showcasing their talents before a packed audience beyond mid-night.

The 34th annual Convention & Scientific Assembly by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is being held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016, offering an exciting venue for physicians of Indian origin to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. For more details, please visit: www.appiconvention2016

34th Annual AAPI Convention & Scientific Assembly At Marriott Marquis in New York, NY From June 30 to July 4, 2016

(New York, NY – June 20, 2016): The 34th annual Convention & Scientific Assembly by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016, offers an exciting venue to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin. Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year.

“For the very first time in the history of AAPI, both the President and the Convention Chair are women,” pointed out Dr. Seema Jain, Dr. President of AAPI. “We are so fortunate to have Dr. Rita Ahuja to chair the prestigious convention. She brings with her a wealth of knowledge as she has chaired two successful conventions in the past in New York. As an inspiring leader, Dr. Ahuja has led the Federation of Tristate AAPI, and has served as a member of the Board of Trustees, AAPI. And, she has a very dynamic team with her to make this event successful in every way.”


The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New Jersey Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Rita Ahuja, Chairwoman of the 2016 Annual Convention, said. “We have been working hard to put together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. I and the Co-Chairs are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment. A pool of dedicated AAPI leaders are working hard to make the Convention a unique event for all the participants,” she said.

AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 34th annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI‘s membership,” Dr. Seema Jain said.

Prominent among those who will attend and address the delegates from across the nation are: Dr. Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General; Fareed Zakaria, CNN TV Host; Hon. Bill de Blasio, Mayor of NY; Hon. Arun Kumar Singh, Ambassador of India to the United States; Dr. Chandy Abraham, CEO, Cayman Hospital; Dr. Charanji Rihal of the Mayo Clinic; Dr. Vas Narasimhan Global Head Drug Development and Chief Medical Officer,  Novartis, Switzerland; Arthur Klien, Medical President, Mt. Sinai Medical Center; Eric Paterson, US VP Diversity Dealer Relations; Ramakrishna of the Ramakrishna Hospital; Preet Bharara, US Attorney; Dr. Brian Storm, Chancellor, Rutgers; and Chandrika Tandon, a Business Woman and Philanthropist.

In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.

“The essence of AAPI is educational,” Dr. Seema Jain, said. “That translates into numerous Continuing Medical Education and non-CME seminars by experts in their fields. CME will provide comprehensive and current reviews and guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of various disease states to reduce morbidity and mortality and achieve cost effective quality care outcomes.”

“The major attractions include 10 hours of cutting-edge CME with renowned speakers, CEO Forum, Innovation Forum, Entrepreneur Forum, Women’s Forum, Men’s Forum, and Product Theaters to highlight the newest advances in patient care and medical technology. Alumni meetings for networking, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI Award winners will make this Convention unique,” Dr. Sanjay Jain, Chief Coordinating Officer of the Convention, said.

According to Dr. Jagat Narula, MD, CME Co-Chair, “The multidisciplinary CME conference during the convention allows specialists and primary care physicians to interact in an academic forum. World-renowned speakers will discuss gaps between current and best practice of wide-ranging topics of CME sessions.” Dr. Atul Prakash and Dr. Moiz, CME committee members have worked together with Dr. Narula to put together the CME sessions.

The organizing committees are led by Dr. Thomas Alapatt, Host City Chair for the Convention;  Dr. Sanjay Jain, Media Chair & Exhibit Hall Co-Chair; Anand Sahu, MD, Banquet Co-Chair: Dr. Virendra Sethi, Food & Catering Co-Chair:  Dr. Kishore Ahuja, Dr. Mathew, Dr. Ratan Mirchandani, Entertanment Co-Chair; Sudhir Parikh, MD, Political Alliance Co-Chair; Suneet Verma, MD, Website Chair; Chand Rohatgi, MD, Registration Co-Chair; Tarun Shah, MD, Souvenir Co-Chair; Dr. Jayesh Kanuga, Dr. Chitra Kumar, Dr. Shobna Patel; Dr. Parminder Grewal, Dr. Hetal Gor; and Dr. Gaurav Gupta.

Ambassador Arun Singh, India’s Envoy to the United States, who is a keynoter speaker at the Convention had inaugurated the curtain raiser for the 34th annual convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during a solemn ceremony at the Ballroom of the Indian Consulate in New York on Friday, February 12, 2016.

“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Aravind Pillai, Chair of the BOT, said.

“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in New York!” said Dr. Thomas Alapatt, Host City Chair for the Convention.

Chandrika Tandon will lead the Women’s Forum. The panelists on the Forum include, Kim Guadagno, Lt. Governor of New Jersey; Dr. Sherine Gabriel, Dean  of Rutgers RWJM School & CEO Rutgers RWJM Group; and  Dr. Maina Chawla Singh, Professor at American University in  Washington, DC and Scholar in Residence.

Shankar Mahadevan, Sunidhi Chauhan, Aditya Narayan and Indian Idol Juniors, are all set to take the AAPI delegates by storm during the 34th annual convention. “Each of the three mega stars will lead a group of talented artists and stars from Bollywood and from the United States,” said Dr. Ratan Mirchandani, Chair of the Entertainment Committee for AAPI Convention. “With 12 leading stars to entertain in one weekend during AAPI convention in the Big Apple, this mega event will truly be historic,” he added.

Understanding the inherent humanity that unites all nations, religions and cultures, Sadhguru is recognized for his pioneering efforts to nurture global harmony, Dr. Seema Jain, President of American association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), said today, while announcing the 1.5 hours of CME to be led by Sadhguru during Convention in New York.

After years of sitting on the political sidelines, Indian-Americans – affluent, educated and doubling in number every 10 years – are starting to flex their muscles in Washington, says Sudhir Parikh, MD, Political Alliance Co-Chair.  A matrimonial session for all ages is an added attraction for all.

This year’s Fashion Show, “The Colors Of India,” is being led by Rohini Bedi, an exclusive Indian fashion designer from California. Rohini Bedi has been custom designing and selling her label throughout various boutiques in India and worldwide. According to Dr. Hetal Gor, Co-Chair of the Committee on Entertainment, “The Fashion Show will have beautiful dancers, dancing to Caribean, Brazil, Hawaian dances, Fusion/Jazz/ Tap dancing, Kathak Dance with a grand finale will be breathtaking performances by Sonali Bhendre.”

Fareed Zakaria, a world renowned journalist and author will lead this in-depth Healthcare 2020 CEO Forum by AAPI, which will look at the major global developments in the rapidly changing healthcare sector, with an emphasis on new ideas and innovative solutions to America’s complex healthcare related issues.

“We are proud to have the Fareed Zakaria leading this prestigious forum,” says Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI. “Representatives from the healthcare industry, including leading CEOs from hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, academicians, intellectuals and physicians, who will focus on the changing trends in the healthcare sector and how they impact the providers, hospitals and corporations as well as the patients. The Forum will also offer insights into managing efficiently the growing costs in the delivery of healthcare services,” she added.  Anwar Feroz, AAPI’s Honorary Advisor, says, “The CEO Forum will focus on the changing trends in the healthcare sector and how they impact the providers, hospitals and corporations as well as the patients. The Forum will also offer insights into managing efficiently the growing costs in the delivery of healthcare services.”

AAPI‘s mission is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel inpatient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 34 years,AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 34 years,AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in New York!” said Dr. Seema Jain. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org

Dr. Sampat Shivangi elected delegate to GOP convention

Dr. Sampat Shivangi, an Indian-American has been elected as a Republican delegate for a record fourth consecutive term to the party’s July convention in Cleveland which is expected to  formally nominate Donald Trump as its presidential candidate. “I feel this will be a great political spectacle of our times and I am fortunate enough to witness and participate,” he said in a statement.

Shivangi, the national president of Indian-American Forum for Political Education and a long-time Republican leader, was recently elected as national delegate for the fourth consecutive term – a record for the community. The Republican convention in Cleveland is scheduled to be held from July 17 to July 22.

Dr. Shivangi was first elected as a delegate at the Republican convention in New York City in 2004, to nominate President George W Bush. Thereafter, he was elected as the national delegate in 2008 at Minneapolis to nominate John McCain and in 2012 at Tampa, to nominate Mitt Romney.

The Indian-American Forum, along with Ohio Community leaders and with FIA, AAPI will be hosting a reception on the sidelines of the Convention to honor the Indian ambassador to the US Arun Kumar Singh on July 19, a media release said.

Shivangi recently served as advisor to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. A former member of the Mississippi state Board of Health, he was appointed by former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour to the state mental health board.

The Colors Of India: Fashion Show By Rohini Bedi’s Exclusive 2016 Collection At AAPI’s 34th Convention

AAPI Convention has come to be recognized for its ways of catering to the varied needs of the delegates from across the nation. A ways of networking and strengthening bond, AAPI convention offers events, programs and services, always striving to provide the best in the world to the partiucipants.

While AAPI convention is packed with Seminars, CMEs, CEO Forum, gala, cultural events, scintilating Bollywood and Hollywood shows, one thing has come to be popular among the delegates is the live Fashion Shows. Participants at the 34th annual convention in New York City this year will not be disappointed.

This year’s Fashion Show is being led by Rohini Bedi. The much sought after South Asian designer Rohini Bedi brings to you her exclusive collection 2016 for APPI in her presentation for AAPI delgates, “The Colors Of India,” announced Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI. “Rohini’s collection infuses the vibrant colors of the East and the jaw dropping designs that rock the runways in the West,” she added.

According to Dr. Hetal Gor, an organbizer of the event at the Convention, “The Fashion Show will start with beautiful dancers, dancing to Caribean, Brazil, Hawaian dances provided by Bergen pac and music, while the screen will be projecting beautiful natural settings. These will be followed by models walking in Resort Wear.” In addition, there will be Fusion/Jazz/ Tap dancing to get everyone excited for the day wear/office wear which stunning models will show case. A sensational Kathak Dance with Pakiza set and Taj Mahal on the screen will be followed by Party and Wedding Wear. The grand finale will have breathtaking performances by Sonali Bhendre.

The exclusive Indian fashion designer Rohini Bedi has been custom designing and selling her label throughout various boutiques in India and worldwide. She has recently opened her flagship studio “Fashion by Rohini” next to Bhindi Jewelers in Cerritos bringing her exclusive showcase to the South Asian bride right here in So Cal. Rohini has the innate talent to bring any brides dream to life, so for those brides to be that want an exclusive one of a kind piece tailored to their vision…let Rohini bring that special touch to the most memorable day of your life.

AAPI’s 34th annual convention will be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016. Expected to have a record attendance of more than 2,000 delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students, “the annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events,” she added. For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

Research Symposium & Poster Contest To Be Held At AAPI’s Annual Convention

(New York, NY: May 4th, 2016) The high quality of medical care humanity enjoys today is the result of centuries of research by physicians, scientists, and the medical professionals investigating the causes and potential treatments for diseases. Insights provided by medical research today promise to lessen the impact of today’s greatest health problems, including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. When you support and encourage medical research, you are helping medical researchers build the future cures for various diseases, making significant headway in advancing medical knowledge and improving patient care, and thus contributing to humanity to live healthier and longer lives.

Indian American Physicians are way ahead in the medical field, and contribute immensely towards medical research. Encouraging young medical researchers of Indian Origin, “following in the traditions of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), a Research Symposium and Contest with Poster Presentation is being held during the 34th annual convention being organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin in New York City on Saturday July 2nd at the Hotel Marriott Marquis, Times Square.

Quoting Bill Gates, who had stated that “I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts,” Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI, said,  “The contest provides a forum for medical students and researchers in the area of health to showcase their research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for awards and recognition at the annual convention of 2016.” Students, residents, faculty and medical practitioners have been invited to submit their research abstracts and posters for presentation at the 2016 annual convention. The competition is open to both members and non-members of AAPI.

The Research Competition gives students the opportunity to share their research ideas and results during the GHS in a special forum that provides visibility for their work. It also gives students the opportunity to meet with and interact with the attendees at the Convention to share ideas, gain new insights, and understand possible practical applications, while giving students an opportunity to sharpen their communication skills. Above all, it serves to recognize and reward outstanding student research.

“The AAPI Research Symposium is an exciting venue to learn about and present new and exciting research as well as case reports and discussions,” says Dr. Kunj Patel, an organizer of the contest. “Presenting before the Indian physician community adds a personal feel to the event that provides an additional sense of pride. I have presented at many renown national meetings at this point in my career, but my parents were particularly proud of my accomplishments with AAPI.”

The contest is open to all Medical Residents of Indian Origin. The conference promises to feature an exciting educational program with national leaders in medicine. The highly competitive and prestigious completion will give each participant to showcase one’s research by submitting an abstract in one of the following categories: Basic Science; Clinical Medicine; and Clinical Vignette.

The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New Jersey Chapter. “Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Jain said.

The deadline for the online submission of one’s entry is 11:59 PM Eastern time on June 1, 2016. Abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis, with all notices occurring before June 10th, 2016. All presenters must be official registrants for the conference. Expected to be a great day of presentations and discussions, the winners will be awarded with awards. Poster Presentation & Judging will be held on Saturday, July 2, 2016 and the applicants whose works are picked for oral and poster presentations will have free entrance to the research competition.

AAPI, an umbrella organization, representing 130 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations, is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States. For over 30 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. For more information on the contest, please contact Dr. Kunj Patel ([email protected]) or Dr. Amar Shah ([email protected]).

For more details on AAPI and the convention, please visit: www.aapiconvention.org and www.aapiusa.org

Shubhada Saxena Among Those Nominated For Asian American & Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 2, 2016: Shubhada Saxena is among the ten nominated for Asian American & Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards by AARP. Shubhada Saxena is a leader at SAIVA (South Asians’ International Volunteer Association) in Austin, TX.

AARP’s inaugural Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards has been established to acknowledge the hard-working staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations serving AAPIs age 50-plus. One can visit facebook.com/AARPAAPICommunity to cast the vote during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month until May 31, 2016 at 11pm ET. Three heroes and their organizations will each receive a $1,000 cash prize when the winners are announced in June.

“We’re thrilled with the caliber of all the nominees who were submitted for consideration by their colleagues, friends and family,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “Each and every one of the nominees provides invaluable service to our community.  Many have been serving for decades. We’re proud to recognize this outstanding group of individuals for their commitment to making a difference in the lives of older adults and ask that you vote now! We hope that by highlighting these community members we will inspire people to either volunteer or to work for our older adults.”

The ten AARP Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Award finalists are: Katty Chow, Kin On Community Health Care in Seattle, WA; Enoch Fung, Chinatown Community Development Center in San Francisco, CA; Julie Kimiyo Hubbard, Yu-Ai Kai Japanese American Community Senior Service in San Jose, CA; Shiao-Lin D. Hui, Chinese Community Center Free Clinic at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of Chicago (CCBA) in Chicago, IL; Rose Kim Ly, Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay in Oakland, CA; Fay Chew Matsuda, Hamilton-Madison House in New York, NY; Soon Do Paik, Penn Asian Senior Services (PASSi) in Philadelphia, PA; Dongwoo “Joe” Pak, Korean-American Seniors Association of Orange County in Garden Grove, CA; and, Lourdes Santos Tancinco of the Veterans Equity Center in San Francisco, CA.

The finalists were selected from the 77 submissions AARP received from around the country including California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Washington, DC. The stellar nominees included executive directors, staff, and volunteers who work in healthcare, social services, education, technology, and the arts.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment and income security, retirement planning, affordable utilities and protection from financial abuse. .  The AARP Foundation is an affiliated charity that provides security, protection, and empowerment to older persons in need with support from thousands of volunteers, donors, and sponsors. AARP has staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more at www.aarp.org.

Fareed Zakaria To Lead Healthcare 2020 CEO Forum With Healthcare Leaders From Around The World At AAPI’s 34th Annual Convention

(New York, NY; April 26, 2016): For over three decades, the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) has been in the forefront, educating, informing, advocating and providing a forum for the over 100,000 members whom it represents to have a collective voice in the healthcare industry in the United States.

The fluid political climate in the nation makes the healthcare industry and those who provide and benefit from healthcare services ever more challenging. Now, as the healthcare industry is rapidly evolving with the changes constantly impacting the providers, the Government, and patients, AAPI is once again playing a lead role in bringing together leaders from across the spectrum to discuss and provide insights into what to look for in the year 2020 in the healthcare sector.

Fareed Zakaria, a world renowned journalist and author will lead this in-depth Healthcare 2020 CEO Forum by AAPI, which will look at the major global developments in the rapidly changing healthcare sector, with an emphasis on new ideas and innovative solutions to America’s complex healthcare related issues.

“We are proud to have the Fareed Zakaria leading this prestigious forum,” says Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI. “Representatives from the healthcare industry, including leading CEOs from hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, academicians, intellectuals and physicians, who will focus on the changing trends in the healthcare sector and how they impact the providers, hospitals and corporations as well as the patients. The Forum will also offer insights into managing efficiently the growing costs in the delivery of healthcare services,” she added.

Fareed Zakaria writes a foreign affairs column for The Post. He is also the host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and a contributing editor for The Atlantic. Before being named to his position at time in October 2010, Zakaria spent 10 years overseeing Newsweek’s editions abroad and eight years as the managing editor of Foreign Affairs. He is the author of “The Post-American World” (2009) and “The Future of Freedom” (2007). Born in India, Zakaria received a B.A. from Yale College and a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

“The AAPI CEO Forum, planned to be held on June 30th from 4 to 6 pm will help the delegates at the Convention in New York City at the prestigious the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30th to July 4th, 2016 better understand the recent trends in the delivery of healthcare to millions across the nation,” said Dr. Rita Ahuja, Chair Person of the Convention Committee.

The CEO Forum will focus on the changing trends in the healthcare sector and how they impact the providers, hospitals and corporations as well as the patients. The Forum will also offer insights into managing efficiently the growing costs in the delivery of healthcare services. “With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision, AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare delivery system both in the US and in India,” Dr. Jain says.

Representing the interests of the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic organization of physicians, for 34 years, AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

“Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the years to come. We look forward to seeing you in New York!” For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org   and www.aapiusa.org

Indian American Christians Welcome Vatican’s Invitation To Address Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

“Among the candidates running for president this year, there is only one true “Christian” and he happens to be a Jew,” described Dr. Paul Veliyathil, Hospice Chaplain with Vitas Hospice, on the invitation being extended to Se. Bernie Sanders to attend a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a scholarly association in Vatican City . “I am delighted that Bernie Sanders will be attending this conference at the Vatican. He is the most compassionate politician–which by the way is an oxymoron–I have seen in a long time. His compassion for the poor and the dispossesed is comparable to that of the Pope and indeed commendable coming from a politician. With much in common with Francis, with a white robe and a mitre, Bernie could be indistinguishable from the Pope,” said the Kerala-born, Florida-based Indian American.

Dr. Veliyathil was responding to the announcement by the campaign office of Senator Bernie Sanders that the Democratic Party nominee would travel to Rome this month to give a high-profile speech at the Vatican. The Sanders campaign made the announcement on Friday, April 8th that Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, said he would take a break from campaigning in New York, just days before the April 19 primary there, to attend a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a scholarly association in Vatican City that was established by Pope John Paul II in 1994.

Another prominent Indian American, Dr. Thomas Alapatt, President of the New Jersey Chapter of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) had a different take on the invitation by the Vatican to Sen. Sanders.  “Pope Francis is newly elected and his views are valuable in the religious matter,” says Dr. Alapatt. While acknowledging that Pope is the most respected person in the Catholic Church, Dr. Alapatt, says, “Pope is liberal in social aspects but very conservative in family matters. Perhaps he was brought up with liberal views in social aspects. Personally speaking, the Religious Congretation, to which the Pope belongs, is known to be very modern with liberal views. The general view among Catholics here is that the Pope should stay out of American politics.” On the invitation to Sen. Sanders, the Indian American physician says, Catholics in US will not go with the idea of Bernie Sanders such as liberalization of everything is not going to be good for the nation. “Traditionally Catholics are for educating all, helping the poor, needy, the sick and helpless. I am not seeing Sanders with all these ideas.”


Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, a senior papal official and the academy’s chancellor, told Reuters that it was his idea to invite the US Senator. Sanders in an interview had said, Pope Francis had played a “profound role in raising consciousness throughout the world, not just within the Catholic community but within all communities. To me, this a source of real pride and excitement that I have been invited to speak to a major conference at the Vatican on how we can create a world economy that is moral and how we address the massive levels of wealth and income inequality that exist around the world, how we deal with unemployment, how we deal with poverty and how we create an economy that works for all people rather than the few,” Sanders said.

Sanders said in an interview that he admired the pope for speaking about income inequality and the need for people to help one another. “He has played an unbelievable role, an unbelievable role of injecting a moral consequence into the economy,” said Sanders, who would become the first Jewish president in the United States if elected. “He is talking about the idolatry of money, the worship of money, the greed that’s out there, how our whole culture is based on: ‘I need more and more and more.’”

Indian American Christians Welcome Vatican’s Invitation To Address Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

“Among the candidates running for president this year, there is only one true “Christian” and he happens to be a Jew,” described Dr. Paul Veliyathil, Hospice Chaplain with Vitas Hospice, on the invitation being extended to Se. Bernie Sanders to attend a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a scholarly association in Vatican City . “I am delighted that Bernie Sanders will be attending this conference at the Vatican. He is the most compassionate politician–which by the way is an oxymoron–I have seen in a long time. His compassion for the poor and the dispossesed is comparable to that of the Pope and indeed commendable coming from a politician. With much in common with Francis, with a white robe and a mitre, Bernie could be indistinguishable from the Pope,” said the Kerala-born, Florida-based Indian American.

Dr. Veliyathil was responding to the announcement by the campaign office of Senator Bernie Sanders that the Democratic Party nominee would travel to Rome this month to give a high-profile speech at the Vatican. The Sanders campaign made the announcement on Friday, April 8th that Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, said he would take a break from campaigning in New York, just days before the April 19 primary there, to attend a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, a scholarly association in Vatican City that was established by Pope John Paul II in 1994.

Another prominent Indian American, Dr. Thomas Alapatt, President of the New Jersey Chapter of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) had a different take on the invitation by the Vatican to Sen. Sanders.  “Pope Francis is newly elected and his views are valuable in the religious matter,” says Dr. Alapatt. While acknowledging that Pope is the most respected person in the Catholic Church, Dr. Alapatt, says, “Pope is liberal in social aspects but very conservative in family matters. Perhaps he was brought up with liberal views in social aspects. Personally speaking, the Religious Congretation, to which the Pope belongs, is known to be very modern with liberal views. The general view among Catholics here is that the Pope should stay out of American politics.” On the invitation to Sen. Sanders, the Indian American physician says, Catholics in US will not go with the idea of Bernie Sanders such as liberalization of everything is not going to be good for the nation. “Traditionally Catholics are for educating all, helping the poor, needy, the sick and helpless. I am not seeing Sanders with all these ideas.”


Monsignor Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, a senior papal official and the academy’s chancellor, told Reuters that it was his idea to invite the US Senator. Sanders in an interview had said, Pope Francis had played a “profound role in raising consciousness throughout the world, not just within the Catholic community but within all communities. To me, this a source of real pride and excitement that I have been invited to speak to a major conference at the Vatican on how we can create a world economy that is moral and how we address the massive levels of wealth and income inequality that exist around the world, how we deal with unemployment, how we deal with poverty and how we create an economy that works for all people rather than the few,” Sanders said.

Sanders said in an interview that he admired the pope for speaking about income inequality and the need for people to help one another. “He has played an unbelievable role, an unbelievable role of injecting a moral consequence into the economy,” said Sanders, who would become the first Jewish president in the United States if elected. “He is talking about the idolatry of money, the worship of money, the greed that’s out there, how our whole culture is based on: ‘I need more and more and more.’”

5th Outstanding Women’s Achievements Gala Held On Long Island

Long Island, New York: As Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Town of Hempstead Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, Town of Hempstead Clerk Nasreen Ahmed (Among many other VIPs) walked into Antun’s of Hicksville on Thursday March 24, they all very well felt the pride and achievement in the air. The Grand ball room was full of so many accomplished and elite, who’s who of the society gathered for one singular purpose, to be the part of and celebrate 5th Outstanding Women’s Achievements Gala, part of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day Celebrations

IAF (Indian American Forum) led by Indu Jaiswal, known for her strong commitment and dedication to the community cause was the organizing force behind the gala.  This year well known business woman Vandana Govil was the Chairperson of the Gala. And of course the hall was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and theme.  Evening started with prayers led by Amita Karwal and Sunny Marerkar. Indu Jaiswal Chairperson of IAF in her remarks welcomed all the guests congratulated all the honorees and praised their efforts in achieving such success. Vandana Govil congratulated all the honorees and also thanked all the guests

American National Anthem was sung by Gurbani Kaur Sethi and Indian National Anthem sung by Amita Karwal… Master of Ceremonies Mr Anuj Rihal and Chanbir Kaur Sethi made the evening enjoyable. Chanbir Kaur coordinated a brief Q&A session with the honorees discussing and emphasizing their accomplishments. In addition to Judi Bosworth who was also presented with an award, 5 other distinguished women who had excelled in their profession and community services were presented with Outstanding Women’s achievements Awards

Dr. Manjeet Chadha   for dedication in medicine and community Services. Dr Chadha is Professor of Radiation Oncology at the Icahn School of medicine at Mount Sinai , and the Director of the Department at mount Sinai Beth Isreal. She also served as the Director for Breast and Gynecologic cancer programs for Radiation Oncology at Continuum Cancer enter. Dr Chadha is a fellow of the American Society of Radiation Oncology, an honor bestowed on highly select oncologist

Jyoti Gupta for dedication in Music and cultural promotions. Jyoti is extremely involved in social and cultural activities, which include singing shabads, acting, dancing, comedy and helping others. Jyoti is in active member of India Association of Long Island and IDPUSA

As chair of Sangeet Forum of IALI Jyoti organizes monthly musical programs for seniors and adults.

Sunita Sadhnani for dedication in Business Development and Community Services. Sunita is the Founder of Bollywood Preforming Arts, long island’s first ever entertainment and dance studio to promote Indian traditional and Bollywood dance… Sunita also started and she founded Glamorous Event Planners for entertainment and special big events. Sunita is a member of most event and Planners associations, and stays on top of trends by regularly attending national Conferences, She is also a member of the Rotary of the Jericho Sunrise Rotary Club, and she is also an accomplished singer

Dr Runi Mukherji Ratnam for dedication in education and Social Services

Dr Ratnam is professor of Psychology in the department of Psychology, State University of New York Old Westbury. She has served as its chair for almost a decade. She has been actively involved for many years with the Center for the study of Asian American Health, Langone Medical Center, New York School of Medicine, Center for immigrant Health, the Montefiore Medical Center as well as the university Hospital at Einstein College of Medicine. Runi is the President of SACSS and Founder of Young Indian Culture Group.

Meera T Gandhi for dedication as Humanitarian and Social Promotions. Meera T Gandhi id the CEO of and founder of Giving Back Foundation. She is an international community leader committed humanitarian and philanthropist dedicated to solutions to human suffering and deprivation around the globe. The foundation is based in New York and has offices in India HK, and London. Transformational Education of the girl child is the primary mission of the giving back foundation.

Judi Bosworth was all in praises for the efforts of Indian American Forum and Indian American Community. She congratulated all honorees and stressed the importance of role women are playing in this world. Citations of behalf of Nassau County Executive Edward P Mangano were presented by Zahid Syed, Chairman of Human right Commission Nassau County to all honorees. Syed praised their efforts and congratulated them for their achievements. Citations were presented from the town of Hempstead Supervisor Anthony Santino by Councilwoman Goosby and town Clerk Nasrin Ahmed. New York State Senator Jack Martins also sent citations for the honorees

Among those present during the event were Bobby Kalotee Founder of IAF, Nassau County Human right Commissioner Sharanjit Singh Thind, Dr Ajay Lodha, Incoming President National AAPI,Beena Kothari, President of India Association of Long Island, Sher Madra , Shammi Singh and Peter Bheddah, Board of Directors of Nargis Dutt Foundation,  Shashi Anand well known business woman, Hassena Moopan from Domestic Harmony Foundation, Rizwan Qureshi from HAB Bank, Roopam Maini from Indus American Bank, Sudesh Mukhi from Arya Semaj of Long Island, Sangeeta Bahl, President of Rotary Club, and several other dignitaries were present

Vocal performances presented by Sunny Marerkar and Amita Karwal, Dance performances presented by Bollywood Performing Arts and  Shilpa Jhurani and her students from Arya Dance academy. Mr Mohinder Taneja and Animesh Goenka gave special thanks for all of our sponsors and media partners…

Board of Trustees Dr Bhupi Patel, Surinder Rametra, Bobby Kalotee, Dr Ved Kawatra, Animesh Goenka, Volunteers Nirmala Rametra, Jaya Bahadkar, Anu Gulati, Dr Meena Jaiswal, Vijay Goswamy, Tejal Kamath and Many other helped in making the event a grand success. It was indeed a very successful evening, showcasing and honoring outstanding women achievers, who are successful in business, cultural, professional, education, and medical. Community and social services.

Dr. Joseph M. Chalil Appointed to Global Advisory Board of Milestone Scientific

LIVINGSTON, NJ–(Marketwired – March 01, 2016) – Milestone Scientific Inc. (NYSE MKT: MLSS), a medical R&D company that designs, patents, incubates and commercializes a growing portfolio of innovative injection technologies, announced the appointment of Joseph M. Chalil, MD, MBA, FACHE to the company’s Global Advisory Board, where he will aid in the commercial development and worldwide rollout of the company’s medical instruments.

Dr. Chalil is a physician and executive at Boehringer Ingelheim, the world’s largest privately held pharmaceutical company. Dr. Chalil is also the Chairman of Global Clinical Research and Trial Network of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the second largest physician organization in the US, second only to the AMA, and has served as scientific advisor to AAPI for the past five years.

Dr. Chalil holds three US patents and his research includes clinical trial management in cystic fibrosis, multiple myeloma, and publications in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. He is a visiting professor at various universities and board member of various companies. Dr. Chalil is an expert in US healthcare policy and a strong advocate for patient centered care. Recent honors include; Recipient of the prestigious 2015 AAPI National Presidential Award; Recipient of the 2013 Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award; 2013 AAPI New York President’s Award winner; Honoree by the American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO) for his achievements in the field of cardiology in 2013; and Boehringer Ingelheim President’s Club winner for 2011 & 2014.

Leonard Osser, CEO of Milestone Scientific, commented, “We welcome the involvement of Dr. Chalil as we enter the final stages of our U.S. clinical trials for the epidural instrument. Dr. Chalil brings an impressive background and a wealth of commercial and regulatory experience as a senior executive at the world’s largest privately held pharmaceutical company. As a successful inventor and physician, he also brings a unique perspective from both an entrepreneurial and clinical perspective. We look forward to working closely with Dr. Chalil as we advance toward finalization of our 400 patient epidural study and then begin the full commercial rollout of our epidural instrument following regulatory marketing clearance.”

Milestone Scientific Inc. (MLSS) is a medical R&D company that designs, patents, incubates and commercializes a growing portfolio of innovative injection technologies. Milestone’s computer-controlled systems make injections precise, efficient, and virtually painless. For more information please visit our website: www.milestonescientific.com.

AARP’s Asian American & Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards

WASHINGTON, D.C., March , 2016 – AARP is pleased to announce its new Asian American and Pacific Islander Community Hero Awards to acknowledge hard-working staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations. The call for nominations is open now until March 31, 2016 at AARP’s AAPI Community Facebook page.

“We encourage everyone to nominate the passionate and committed individuals in our community for their work helping older adults,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP Vice President of Multicultural Leadership, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience Strategy. “This award is our way to say thank you to individuals who are making the lives of our older adults better.  This award is also an opportunity to inspire others to work for or to volunteer time assisting our elders.”

To submit a nomination, visit facebook.com/AARPAAPICommunity to fill out the online form. Eligible nominees include any employee or volunteer of a non-profit organization that serves Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders age 50-plus. Nominees can be any age and ethnicity.

Finalists will be chosen from the submitted nominees and featured on a Facebook photo album for open voting. Users can “Like” the finalist to cast their vote during Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May. Three heroes will be announced in June, and they and their organizations will each receive a cash prize of $1,000.

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment and income security, retirement planning, affordable utilities and protection from financial abuse. We advocate for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name as well as help our members obtain discounts on a wide range of products, travel, and services. AARP has staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more at www.aarp.org.

Congresswoman Kathleen Rice Joins India Caucus

The Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans was once the largest of all the groups in the US Congress. However, recently, the numbers have been dwindling. Efforts by several Indian American community leaders have been on for months now. During a meeting organized by the representatives of several Indian-American organizations on February 5, 2016,

Kathleen Rice, D-N.Y., a first-term Congresswoman from New York joined the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans.

Rice, who represents Long Island in New York pledged to help raise the dwindling number of lawmakers on the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans. The meeting hosted by the Indian American Voters Forum, was held at the Long Island, N.Y. at the home of Virander Bhalla, chairman of IAVF. It was meant to kick-start a renewed effort to increase the membership of the India Caucus. “While the Indo-U.S. relations have blossomed under President Obama, the India Caucus has a vital role to play in taking this relationship to the next level,” Rice is quoted saying in a press release.

Rep. Grace Meng, D- N.Y., who was present at the event also pledged to work towards enhancing the membership on the Caucus. “The U.S and India share and unbreakable bond and the work of the Caucus on India and Indian Americans continues to strengthen this special relationship, and highlight the important role that the Indian-American community plays in every sector of our society,” Meng was quoted to have said. “It is critical for the Caucus to continue this important work and as a member, I look forward to doing so,” she added. Both lawmakers were presented with plaques by India’s Consul General in New York Dnyaneshwar Mulay.

Bhalla said this was not the first time IAVF had furthered the goals of the caucus. “In 2009, Riti Bhalla, a television host and member of the Indian American Voters Forum successfully connected with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to get her to join the Senate India Caucus,” Bhalla recalled. Dr. Ajay Lodha, president-elect of AAPI, and Dr. Vaijinath Chakote, president of the Queens & Long Island chapter of AAPI, appealed to other community leaders to join IAVF’s initiative. Dozens of community leaders representing the Association of Indian Americans, the Nargis Dutt Foundation, the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, the Long Island Indian Association and the Rajasthan Association, attended the event.

Indo American Press Club Inducts New Leadership

(Long Island, NY: February 13, 2016) The Indo American Press Club (IAPC) swore in its new team on Long Island during a solemn ceremony on February 6th, 2016. Leading media personalities who graced the event at Tyson Center in Floral Park included HR Shah of TV Asia, Dev Viswanath of ITV, Kamlesh Mehta, Chairman of Forsythe Media Group, and Prof Indrajit Saluja, chief editor of The Indian Panorama.

IAPC’s new President Parveen Chopra, Managing Editor of The South Asian Times and The Asian Era, was inducted along with his team: Dr. Thomas Mathew Joys, columnist and novelist (Exec. Vice President); Korason Varghese, Editor, Jaihind Vartha (General Secretary); Vice Presidents Cyriac Scaria and Jilly Samuel, and Anil Mathew (Treasurer). The oath of office was administered by Ginsmon Zacharia, IAPC Chairman, after the inductees were introduced by Vineetha Nair, Vice Chairperson. Korason Varghese welcomed the gathering.

In his keynote address, HR Shah, Chairman and CEO of TV Asia, promised his full support for IAPC as well as for all Indian media professionals in the USA. There is no competition between one media or media house and another, he said and urged visual and print media to work together. In his view, digital media may have affected print, but advertisers still seem to prefer the bang of print. He credited his incredible success to hard work and perseverance, and promised to stand by anyone who displays such qualities and a drive to excel.

Kamlesh Mehta, Chairman of The South Asian Times, said IAPC has the capacity to grow very resourceful for the good of Indian American media fraternity. He complimented the new office bearers and wished them success.

Dev Viswanath, Attorney and Vice President-Principal Legal Counsel of ITV Gold TV channel, lauded the growth and presence of Indian-American ethnic media and Indian-American professionals in mainstream US media. He challenged the media today to be vigilant in covering the different perspectives, even if they are less popular, so that viewers, readers, audiences can formulate their own opinions. And to create content that was non-political yet interesting and substantive.

Prof Indrajit S Saluja, chief editor of The Indian Panorama, underlined the need for media to be fair and fearless even as it is like a second God, having the power to direct political winds, prompt thought provoking action and socio-economic awakening.

Dr Ajay Lodha, President-Elect of AAPI, in his speech admired media influence in the modern world. Stating that the Indian community in the US is the highest educated and very well placed, he advocated all community organizations to work together to advance the community.

In his presidential address, Parveen Chopra said that IAPC is a platform for all Indian ethnic media professionals — not just its members — and will raise their concerns and work to further their interests. While acknowledging that IAPC was founded by natives of Kerala, he pointed out that GOPIO, FIA, INOC and even AAPI were started by Malayalees, and became diverse in time as IAPC is becoming now. Shomik Chaudhuri, Vice President, Adforce North America, and former COO of Parikh Worldwide Media, gave a lucid presentation on harnessing digital marketing.

Dr. Thomas Joys elaborated on IAPC’s tie-ups with the Trivandrum Press Club and Kottayam Press Clubs in Kerala and that IAPC is launching an Online Journalism Course. He also laid out the benefits of new IPCC membership card. The ID cards were distributed to members at the event.

The Satkarma Award 2016 was announced to be conferred on Murugan S at IAPC’s next annual conference to be held in October. He grew up in the streets but now rehabilitates the mentally challenged, physically impaired, impoverished and disowned individuals in Cochin, Kerala. Last October, social worker Daya Bai was presented the Satkarma Award at IAPC’s media conference at Clarion Hotel in Long Island, which attracted participants and presenters from India, Canada, Australia and UAE.

Others who spoke at the induction ceremony included Jose Thayyil, editor of Kairali newspaper, Vinod Kearke, FOKANA Secretary, Rev Wilson Jose, Patron of Indian Christian Forum, Koshy Oommen, Treasurer, Kerala Chamber of Commerce, and Babu Jesudas, of IAPC Board.

Anil Mathew offered vote of thanks. Jilly Samuel and Arun Gopalakrishnan were the MCs. Manjari Parikh gave an energetic dance performance. IAPC thanked HR Shah of TV Asia, Kamlesh Mehta of The South Asian Times and Darshan Singh Bagga, a builder-developer, for their spontaneous generous contributions.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Sells Obamacare To Asian Americans

Washington, DC; January 24, 2016: The White House launched a special effort to reach out to Asian Americans through U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, urging them to sign up for health insurance under Obamacare before the Jan. 31 deadline.

On Jan. 19, the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, in collaboration with the Action for Health Justice, launched its third annual AAPI Affordable Care Act Week of Action, a public awareness drive to encourage AAPIs to enroll in the “Health Insurance Marketplace” by month end. One in three AAPIs is limited English proficient, and one in four AAPIs has not seen a doctor in the past year, according to a press release from the White House. The initiative says it is providing a 24-hour helpline in 250 languages at an 800 number that can help members of the community sign up.

“Since the first open enrollment period in 2013, nearly 18 million Americans, including many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, have gotten life-saving, quality and affordable health coverage,” Murthy is quoted saying in a press release.

“But our work is not done. There are still more than 200,000 AAPI community members who don’t have the safety, security and peace of mind that comes with having health coverage. We must close that gap because health equity is a civil rights issue, and it’s an AAPI community value,” he added. Dr. Murthy was appointed by President Obama to serve as co-Chair of the White House Initiative on AAPIs in May 2013.

The “Week of Action” activities included a stakeholder call with Murthy Jan. 19, and a Twitterstorm with special guests George Takei and Angry Asian Man’s Phil Yu on Jan. 20. among other planned activities. Stories about enrollment experiences will be featured throughout the week. For more information visit HealthCare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596.

AAPI Signs MoU To Eradicate Tuberclosis In India

New Delhi, India: January 23rd, 2016: On the concluding day of the 10th Global Healthcare Summit in New Delhi, India, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work towards eradicating Tuberclosis (TB) by the year 2030 in India. “Continuing with AAPI’s mission, which is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs, and giving back to their motherland, India, this historic signing of the agreement, is yet another way of showing our continued commitment to helping make India’s over a billion people, healthier,” declared Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI.

While India has been proactive against TB in recent years, there is still a long way to go. This signing of the agreement by AAPI, leading policymakers, administrators, technical experts, media persons, and members of civil society working in India’s TB landscape is truly a landmark in in AAPI’s history, Dr. Jain added. The MoU outlines the multifaceted nature of the TB epidemic, its impact on communities, learnings from global successes and the way forward towards tackling the disease successfully.

While Dr. Seema Jain, signed the landmark document on behalf of AAPI, Jamhoih (Jamie) Tonsing, Regional Director of The Union South-East Asia Office; Dr. Manoj Jain, Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University; Dr. Narendra Saini of the Delhi Medical Council; Kavita Ayyagari, Project Director (Challenge TB)’ and Dr Neerja Arora, Advocacy & Partnerships Officer at The Union, South East Asia were among others who had signed the document to work towards eradicating the deadly disease from the face of the earth.

India bears the world’s largest burden of tuberculosis (TB), accounting for one-fourth of all new infections. Given that it kills nearly 300,000 people in India every year, the prevention and control of TB is a challenge at multiple levels, requiring the united efforts of a diverse range of stakeholders.

Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor of AAPI, who had emceed the event, referred to the the 10th international healthcare summit as a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007. “Since then AAPI has organized nine Indo-US/Global Healthcare Summits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learning’s and relationships that have now enabled us to be part of this outstanding event that has been attended by very prominent and talented world leaders in medicine to help shape the content and make significant contributions towards “make in India” theme.

While India has been proactive against TB in recent years, there is still a long way to go. This publication features articles from leading policymakers, administrators, technical experts, journalists and members of civil society working in India’s TB landscape. It outlines the multifaceted nature of the TB epidemic, its impact on communities, learnings from global successes and the way forward towards tackling the disease successfully.

The vision underlying the MoU envisages is for a TB free India, through achieving Universal Access by provision of quality diagnosis and treatment for all TB patients in the community. It involves extending the reach of RNTCP services to all people diagnosed with TB, including those with drug resistant TB, and those seeking treatment in the private sector.

Based on other international guidelines and standards, the government of India has developed by a large number of organizations and individuals, both within and outside of the Government of India. The Standards describe what should be done, and the TB treatment and care that should be provided throughout India.

The 10th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2016 organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) concluded here on Sunday, January 3rd, 2015 with a call to continue to focus on initiatives to prevent diseases and make healthcare affordable, accessible and efficient for India’s over a billion citizens. Building on past achievements and identifying new areas to collaborate with the Government of India, GHS 2016 has been historic.

The Summit also helped establish India-centric guidelines for management of head injury and trauma. “The Trauma and Brain Injury Guidelines, which has been a unique contribution of AAPI has been accepted by the Government of India and been for the firt time made part of the curriculam by the Medical Council of India,” declared Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI. The historic 10th annual conference, attended by over 500 delegates from around the world, including 384 physicians from the United States alone, held from January 1st to 3rd, 2015 at the Maurya ITC Hotel in New Delhi, was packed with seminars, workshops and symposiums on modern research and healthcare topics.

Dr. Seema Jain urged members and supporters to come and participate in the the 34th annual convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) to be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016.  For more details on AAPI and its various initiatives to make India’s healthcare system affordable, accessible and efficient, please visit: www.aapiusa.org

AAPI’s 34th Annual AAPI Convention & Scientific Assembly To Be Held in New York, NY

The 34th annual convention of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) will be held at the Marriott Marquis, Time Square in New York from June 30-July 4, 2016. AAPI’s mission is to provide a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs. For 34 years, the AAPI Convention has provided a venue for medical education programs and symposia with world renowned physicians on the cutting edge of medicine.

“The 2016 AAPI Annual Convention & Scientific Assembly offers an rare platform to interact with leading physicians, health professionals, academicians, and scientists of Indian origin,” says Dr. Seema Jain, President of AAPI . “Physicians and healthcare professionals from across the country and internationally will convene and participate in the scholarly exchange of medical advances, to develop health policy agendas, and to encourage legislative priorities in the coming year. We look forward to seeing you in New York!”

The annual convention this year is being organized by AAPI’s New Jersey Chapter. Elaborating on the efforts and preparations that have been devoted to put together this unique event, Dr. Rita Ahuja, Convention Chairwoman of   2016 Annual Convention, says. “We have been working hard to put together an attractive program for our annual get together, educational activity and family enjoyment. I and the Co-Chairs are fortunate to have a dedicated team of convention committee members from the Tri-State region helping us. We are expecting a record turnout and hence I would encourage early registration to avoid later disappointment.”

In addition to the exhibition hall featuring large exhibit booth spaces in which the healthcare industry will have the opportunity to engage, inform and educate the physicians directly through one on one, hands on product demonstrations and discussions, there will be focused group and specialty Product Theater, Interactive Medical Device Trade Show, and special exhibition area for new innovations by young physicians.

“The preliminary program is in place, the major attractions include 8 – 10 hours of cutting-edge CME with renowned speakers, CEO Forum, Innovation Forum, Entrepreneur Forum, Women’s Forum, Men’s Forum, and Product Theaters to highlight the newest advances in patient care and medical technology. Alumni meetings for networking, also an AAPI-India Strategic Engagement Forum to showcase the AAPI initiatives in India like Trauma Brain Injury Guidelines, MoU on TB Eradication in India and recognition of AAPI Award winners will make this Convention unique,” Dr. Sanjay Jain, Chief Coordinating Officer of the Convention, elaborates.

A pool of dedicated AAPI leaders are working hard to make the Convention a unique event for all the participants. Dr. Thomas Alapatt is the Host City Chair for the Convention. Drs. Parminder Grewal, Hetal Gor, and Gaurav Gupta serve as co-chairs for the convention. The prime advisors of the Convention include, Drs. Virendra Sethi, Anand Sahu, Kishore Ahuja, Hemant Patel, Ratan Mirchandani, Jayesh Kanuga, and Chitra Kumar.

Expecting to have an attendance of more than 2,500 delegates including Physicians, Academicians, Researchers and Medical students to attend the convention, the annual convention offers extensive academic presentations, recognition of achievements and achievers, and professional networking at the alumni and evening social events.

“AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Sponsors will be able to take advantage of the many sponsorship packages at the 34th annual convention, creating high-powered exposure to the highly coveted demographic of AAPI’s membership,” Dr. Seema Jain, president of AAPI says.

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States. AAPI is an umbrella organization which has nearly 90 local chapters, specialty societies and alumni organizations. For over 34 years, Indian physicians have made significant contributions to health care in this country, not only practicing in inner cities, rural areas and peripheral communities but also at the top medical schools and other academic centers. Almost 10%-12% of medical students entering US schools are of Indian origin. AAPI represents the interests of over 60,000 physicians and 25,000medical students and residents of Indian heritage in the United States. AAPI, the largest ethnic medical organization in the nation, and serves as an umbrella organization.

“Many of the physicians who will attend this convention have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. The AAPI Convention offers an opportunity to meet directly with these physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and services,” Dr. Jain adds.

For more details, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit:  www.aapiconvention.org  and www.aapiusa.org

Georgia Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage (GAPI): A Very Vibrant Group of Physicians of Indian Origin

Having over 800 active members, Georgia Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage (GAPI) is a very vibrant group, representing Physicians of Indian Origin in the state of Georgia with four very active regions: Augusta, Columbus,  Dublin  Macon/Warner Robbins and ​ Valdosta. Not satisfied with organizing local events across the state, GAPI members have been active in  organizing national events across the United States on behalf of AAPI. GAPI was proud to host the 2006 national AAPI’s annual convention with profitable margin with Dr. Vijay  Koli as the President and Dr. Naresh Parikh as the Convener of the Convention.

Being a member of GAPI has been a stepping stone for many GAPI leaders to be active nationally. Dr. Naresh Parikh, who was a past president of GAPI, serves as Secretary  of AAPI in the current year, and Dr. Sreeni Gangasani serves as  the Regional Director. In the past, Dr. P.K. Natrjan has done many national AAPI CMEs. Drs. Yogesh Joshi, Naresh Parikh and Sudhakar Jonnalgada have served  as  Board of Trustees at the national AAPI.

Drs. P.B Rao and Naresh Parikh are patron member of AAPI  charitable foundation, while Dr. Manoj Shah is a permanent custodian of GAPI accounts. Dr. Manoj  Shah  is also immediate past president of Prestigious  Medical Association of Georgia .

GAPI past president, Dr. Vinayak Kammath was the Chair of Georgia Composite State Medical Board, and GAPI members, Dr. Viren Kumar and Dr. Mohan Rao are members of Composite Medical Board of Georgia.

Georgia Association of Physicians of Indian Heritage (GAPI):  A Very Vibrant Group of Physicians of Indian OriginGAPI has hosted five nationally sponsored AAPI musical charitable events. The Hema Malini concert was held twice under the leadership of Drs. P.B. Rao and Asha Parikh and Arvind Gupta. The Shreya Ghoshal show in 2012 was a huge success under the convenership of  Dr. Sreeni Gangasani and Gudhakar Jonalagada. The Shankar Mahadevan Ehsan  and Loy concert in 2013 was another major hit under the leadership of Drs. Naresh Parikh  and PK Natrajan.

The Sunidhi Chauhan concert in 2015 under the convenrship of Drs. Naresh Parikh  and  P.K. Natrajan and co-convenership of Drs. Indran Indrakrishnan  and Sudhakar Jonnalagadda. Dr. Asha Parikh, who headed the Fund Raising Committee for the event was proud to announce that she and the committee was so proud to raise $260,000 through the event.

Drs. Arvind Gupta and Shailesh Gandhi, both past presidents of GAPI, had recently commented during successful Sunidhi Chauhan concert about the cohesiveness of GAPI and the success it brings at all levels.

Providing free health to the needy members of the state of Georgia has been a major contribution of GAPI through the years. GAPI runs various health fairs through out the year. Most prominent and consistent are those with BAPS, being served by Coordinators, Dr. Mahendra Shah  and Dr. Harshad Patel, as well as the  Sai Health Fair, with the active collaboration by Dr. Sujatha Reddy. And, Dr. Bipin  Chudgar, a past president  of GAPI runs the famous Lydia House for the benefit of Cancer  victims and  their families in Augusta. GAPI runs a free medical clinic every other Saturday, serving hundreds of patients with medical care. GAPI is a patron member of AAPI’s Charitable Foundation in 2015.

The growing influence of doctors of Indian heritage is evident, as increasingly physicians of Indian origin hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community. GAPI, which is a regional body representing AAPI, has come to be recognized as vital among members and among lawmakers.

Dr. Naresh Parikh says, “AAPI members represent a variety of important medical specialties. Many of the physicians who represent AAPI have excelled in different specialties and subspecialties and occupy high positions as faculty members of medical schools, heads of departments, and executives of hospital staff. AAPI physicians who are leaders in their fields and play an integral part in the decision-making process regarding new products and service.”

AAPI is also transitioning into a multiyear thinking and behavior by maintaining core continuity. Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation.

GAPI is currently being served by Dr. Sudha Tata as the dynamic President, Dr. Vijaya Maurya, as the vice president, Dr. Raghu Loabattu as the Secretary, and Dr. Syamala Erramali as the Treasurer. Dr. Sreeni Ganagasani serves as the Chair, BOT and the Vice Chair is Dr. Dilip Patel.

With top notch politicians and state officials, GAPI’s annual convention in Atlanta, GA, where 150 member physicians are expected to attend, when they elect a new executive body. Dr. Sudha Tata says, “I am indeed honored and pleased to be the President of Georgia Association of Physicians of Indian origin (GAPI). I am very excited, as you all are, to take up new projects, initiatives, organize events and help our community. I am very hopeful that you will come forward and share your enthusiasm, time and suggestions to make our organization reach out to more healthcare professions who are not currently a part of GAPI.”

AAPI-QLI donates $10 K to Chennai floods

NEW YORK: American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) QLI donated $10,000 towards flood relief in Chennai at a fund raiser “Chennai – we are with you” organized by America Tamil Sangam in Antun in Long Island New York past Sunday.

According to Dr Madhu Korrapati, President of AAPI-QLI, Chennai and its neighborhood witnessed worse floods in recent times throwing the city life out of gear for over 10 days. Several thousands were killed in flash floods and millions rendered homeless. “It’s our duty to take part in the massive relief work to mitigate the problems of those affected,” he said.

Representatives of AAPI-QLI, IALI, Five Town Indian Association, AKMG of Greater New York and Dr Dattatreyudu Nori pledge their support to America Tamil Sangam.
Representatives of AAPI-QLI, IALI, Five Town Indian Association, AKMG of Greater New York and Dr Dattatreyudu Nori pledge their support to America Tamil Sangam.

On behalf of AAPI-QLI, Dr Korrapati, Dr. Vaijinath Chakote, President-elect, Dr Rakesh K Dua, Vice President, Treasurer Dr. Himanshu Pandaya, Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, committee member presented the check to John Joseph, executive vice president and Jaya Sundaram, secretary of America Tamil Sangam.

The fund raiser was co-sponsored by Indian Association of Long Island (IALI), Five Town Indian Association and Association of Kerala Medical Graduates Association (AKMG) of Greater New York. “The monies will be used 100 percent towards the cause. Our target is to collect at least $25, 000,” John Joseph said.

Jaya Sundaram said the practice of honoring all the guests with traditional shawl in Tamil style and presenting of bouquets were dispensed with as the association felt every penny collected should go to the deserving individuals,

Dr Madhu Korrapati presenting the check to Secretary of America Tamil Sangam Jaya Sundaram while John Joseph, Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, Dr. Vaijinath Chakote, Dr. Himanshu Pandaya, Dr Madan Raj and Dr. Rakesh K Dua look on.
Dr Madhu Korrapati presenting the check to Secretary of America Tamil Sangam Jaya Sundaram while John Joseph, Dr Bhavani Srinivasan, Dr. Vaijinath Chakote, Dr. Himanshu Pandaya, Dr Madan Raj and Dr. Rakesh K Dua look on.

Satnam Singh Parhar, president of IALI, Dr Anila Midha, President of Five Town Indian Association and Dr Thomas Mathew, president of AKMG of Greater New York, Padma Shree Awardee Dr Dattatreyudu Nori, leading oncologist,  spoke and offered their financial support to the flood affected people of Chennai.

AKMG Greater New York was represented by Dr. Dheeraj Kamalam, Immediate Past President, and Dr. Radhakrishnan Palangat, Secretary besides Dr, Mathew. Dr Madan Raj coordinated the event that and made a power point presentation of the gravity of flood situation in Chennai and the relief work undertaken by the President of America Tamil Sangam Prakash M Swamy in Chennai. The event was followed by cultural programs by Janani Sundaram, Lavanya Pradeep, Swati, Divya, and Kalpita.

AAPI’s Global Health Summit 2016 To Feature Specialized Medical Workshops

(Chicago, IL; December 14th, 2016): Physicians of Indian origin are well known around the world for their compassion, passion for patient care, medical skills, research, and leadership. They have excelled in their fields of medicine, and thus have earned a name for themselves through hard work, commitment and dedication to their profession and the people they are committed to serve. Not satisfied with their own professional growth and the service they provide to their patients around the world, they are in the forefront, sharing their knowledge and expertise with others, especially those physicians and leaders in the medical field from India.

The 10th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2016, organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the prestigious Maurya ITC, New Delhi, India from January 1st to 3rd, 2016 offers a unique forum for them to come together, sharing their knowledge and expertise in their respective medical fields with their fellow physicians from around the world, and to learn from one another.

Dr. Seema Jain, president of AAPI, says, AAPI has been engaged in harnessing the power of Indian Diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India. For the first time, clinical practice workshops will be held at this summit. Expected to draw over 1000 leading experts from several countries, GHS-16 will focus on sharing best practices, developing efficient and cost effective solutions for India. The scientific program of GHS is developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar scientific advisory board and international scientific committee.

The scientific program and workshops of GHS is developed by leading experts with contributions by the Scientific Advisory Board and the International Scientific Committee. The workshops will be led by world famous physicians on topics relevant to the needs of the time. Some of the topics covered will include: World renowned physician leaders will lead workshops on Advances in Oncology, Diabetes, Cardiology, Wound Care, Head Injury, Patient Safety, Lung, Gastro Intestinal, Hepatitis, Infectious Disease, Antibiotic Resistance, Emergency Medicine, and Women’s Health & Leadership

More than 100 opinion leaders and expert speakers across the globe will present cutting edge scientific findings related to clinical practice by speakers drawn from major centers of excellence, institutions and professional associations. Accredited by the Accreditation Council for continuing Medical Education for 14 hours of credit, the Summit will also feature a CEO Forum, where CEOs from around the world from hospitals, teaching institutions and major healthcare sectors, including pharmaceutical, medical devices and technology, will join to explore potential opportunities for collaboration.

Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect, says. “AAPI has organized seven Indo – US/Global Healthcare Submits and developed strategic alliances with various organizations. It is these learning and relationships that have now enabled us to plan ahead and prepare for an outstanding events that has already received confirmation and endorsement from over 300 very prominent and talented physicians and surgeons that are very passionate, about serving their homeland, Mother India.”

“This international health care summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007,” Dr. Gautam Samadder, Vice President of AAPI, says. “With the objective of enabling people in India to access high quality, affordable, and cost-effective world class health services, the Summit to be held in collaboration with the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Ministry of Health, will have participation from some of the world’s most well known physicians and industry leaders.”

“With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision of GHS2016, AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India,” Dr. Jain says. “In our quest to fulfill the mission of AAPI, we are proud to share best practice and experiences from leading experts in the world and develop actionable plans for launching demonstration projects that enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people. To accomplish this mission, For more information on Global Health Summit 2016, please visit www.aapighsindia.org

Dr. Seema Jain Leads AAPI Delegation At 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in LA

Dr. Seema Jain, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) led a delegation of AAPI leaders at the 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) Convention in Los Angeles, California, a celebration marking Indian diaspora contributions that help to spur India’s development,

Organized in collaboration with the the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, the US government and other members of the diaspora, Dr. Jain addressed on healthcare initiatives by AAPI in India, “I was excited to lead an AAPI delegation and part of a panel that discussed healthcare in India and how we as physicians are able to make a positive impact,” Dr. Jain said.

During a panel discussion on Healthcare, Dr. Jain referred to the numerous initiatives AAPI has taken in India to make healthcare affordable, accessible and best quality. “AAPI has successfully collaborated with past Governments and with the new Government at the Center, we are looking forward to have renewed participation and engagement in areas related to health seeking to make a positive impact on Healthcare in India,” Dr. Jian told the delegates. “AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India.”

Dr. Jain drew the attention of the delegates to the  Global health Summit by AAPI that continues to offer educational and training programs on areas that need special attention, including high priority areas such as Cardiology, Maternal & Child Health, Diabetes, Oncology, Surgery, Mental Health, HIT, Allergy, Immunology & Lung Health and Gastroenterology, Transplant and impact of comorbidities by world leaders in the field of medicine.

“The scientific program developed by leading experts with the contributions of a  Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee, with live streaming of sessions, which are viewed live by physicians from around the world,” she said. Dr. Jain emphasized the need for digitalizing Indian medical system, including the prescriptions of medications, which will eliminate people abusing of and getting addicted to prescription drugs.  In collaboration with others, AAPI has established fully operational Trauma/EMS system   in Pune,  Kolkata, Mumbai, Ahemedabad, Hyderabad and  Delhi, since the year 2000.

Superstar Amitabh Bachchan, who has part of AAPI’s campaign to create awareness on Trauma and Brain Injury, has been requested to be part of the next Global Healthcare Summit to be held in New Delhi from January 1st to 3rd, 2016. AAPI’s focus of GHS 2016 will be on women-related issues, creating awareness among women on their role as nation builders, campaigning to prevent infant and maternal mortality, and mental health issues, Dr. Jain said.

AAPI Charitable Foundation (AAPI-CF) is the non-profit arm of AAPI, responsible for fulfilling the charitable mission of the organization. It runs 17 free clinics in India, which serve millions of patients annually. Overseeing participating in the healthcare initiatives at a number of free clinics run by its local and State chapters across USA, Dr. Jain said. AAPI is supporting three cancer centers and have developed three major trauma centers and a hospital in India. AAPI-CF has also raised funds and mobilized medical equipment and personnel for international disasters including the Tsunami, and Earthquakes in Gujarat and Maharashtra. In addition, AAPI’s local Chapters operate several free health clinics serving the uninsured and the underprivileged people across the United States

Dr. Seema Jain Leads AAPI Delegation At 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in LA
Dr. Seema Jain At 2015 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in LA

“AAPI has successfully collaborated with past Governments and with the new Government at the Center, we are looking forward to have renewed participation and engagement in areas related to health seeking to make a positive impact on Healthcare in India, Dr. Jain said. “AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India.”

Dr. urged every aspiring young physicians to take advantage of a unique initiative announced at the PBD in LA, the India Corporate Internship Program. “I wanted our young and aspiring physicians to take advantage of be part of the India Corporate Internship Program, a prestigious, first-of-its-kind program of the Government of India, Ministry of the Overseas Indian Affairs, through the Overseas Indian Facilitation Center (OIFC) in partnership with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) for the students of Indian origin pursuing Post Graduate Programs in Management, Engineering, and Science & Technology at premier universities of the world,” Dr. Jain said.

The program invites them for paid internships in world class Indian companies for 2-6 months.

Some of the world’s best healthcare providers, including Apollo Hospitals, Narayana Health, and Max Group are only a few who are looking forward to our budding physicians to be part of thie great initiative.

This program offers students of Indian Origin an opportunity to re-connect with their roots and work in their areas of interest in a dynamic multicultural environment, through paid internships.

It is a unique and exciting opportunities for Indian Diaspora students to contribute and benefit from one of the world’s foremost, vibrant and increasingly global Indian business eco-system.

-US $2200 per month. Students could explore options such as a matching grant or support in some other way from their University.

The host company will either provide accommodation in a hotel/guest house or recommend suitable stay options. Interested candidates can apply to the program on the OIFC website (www.oifc.in/india-corporate-internship/about) or the University recruitment portal.

Wanted to draw your attention to the 10th anniversary of our annual Global Health Summit from January 1 – 3, 2016 at the prestigious ITC Maurya Hotel, New Delhi. With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, AAPI is refocusing our mission and vision of GHS 2016, AAPI would like to collaborate with local partners in India towards making a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India. The mission of AAPI is to share best practice and experiences from leading experts in the world and develop actionable plans for launching demonstration projects that enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people. “Come and join us at this historic Summit and be part of our Pre-Summit events to Vrindavan in Mathura, and the Taj Mahal in Agra,” Dr. Seema said. For more details, please visit:www.aapighsindia.org

Dr. Ajay Lodha Appointed Member of Nassau Advisory Council on MWBE

Dr. Ajay Lodha, President-Elect of American Association of Indian Physicians and an active member of the Rajasthan Association of North America was appointed a member of the Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos’s MWBE Advisory Council recently. Nassau County on Long Island has a growing number of Indian American population.

The appointment of Dr. Lodha is yet another way of the County recognizing the importance and influence of the Indian Americans, who are known to be highly successful, and are known for their achievements in education, high per capita income and business.

The mission of the council is to assist the County in doubling the participation of the Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise businesses in the contracting process. The advisory council will assist the Comptroller’s office in monitoring the County’s compliance with MWBE Goals and encourage MWBE firms to participate in County contract opportunities.

Dr. Ajay Lodha Appointed Member of Nassau Advisory Council on MWBE
Dr. Ajay Lodha

Dr. Ajay Lodha hides a power house of entrepreneurial skills. Dr. Lodha has extensive background of overseeing quality assurance and quality improvement. A graduate of RNT Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, completed his residency at Flushing Hospital, NY, and Founder and President of Queens Medical Services, a primary care practice with two locations serving Queens, NY, Dr. Lodha is the past President AAPIQLI, RAJMAAI, RANA. He is also credited with founding the COO of NYS Elite ACO, as well as being a partner in two skilled nursing facilities on Long Island.

His vision for AAPI ‘is to increase the global awareness of APPI.  I would like to see us lobby Congress for an increase in the number of available Residency Positions so as to help alleviate the shortage of Doctors.  That younger physicians and MSRF members feel fully integrated into AAPI and take a more active role.” His experiences in organizing conferences and meetings which help to bring members together and attract new members which is vital to the success of the organization.

In his capacity as the Member of Nassau Advisory Council on MWBE I will make sure through my connection to Indian-American community to increase awareness of the Nassau County Government MWBE out-reach program. I hope to assist the office in organizing educational seminars for South Asian business owners, where they can learn how to apply for contracts.”

Dr. Joseph Chalil – Profile

Prof. Joseph M. Chalil,MD

Dr. Joseph Chalil - Physician and Executive at Boehringer Ingelheim
Dr. Joseph Chalil

Dr. Joseph M. Chalil MD, MBA, FACHE is an Adjunct Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Florida and the Chairman of Global Clinical Research and Trial Network of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI). AAPI is the second largest physician organization in the US second only to AMA, and the largest ethnic medical organization in the country.

Formerly, a Physician Executive at Boehringer Ingelheim and a veteran of the U.S. Navy Medical Corps, Dr. Chalil is also board certified in healthcare management, and has been awarded Fellowship by the American College of Healthcare Executives, an international professional society of more than 40,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations.

Dr. Chalil holds three US Patents, and his research includes Clinical Trial Management in Cystic Fibrosis, Multiple Myeloma, and publications in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Chalil is a Visiting Professor at various universities and board member of various companies.


Dr. Seema Jain Meets With Bill Clinton

(New York, NY: October 27th, 2015) Dr. Seema Jain, President of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) met with Bill Clinton, President and Chairman of The Clinton Foundation here last week, and has enlisted the support of The Clinton Foundation for AAPI initiatives, especially in the areas of Tuberclosis, Hepatitis C and Trauma & Brain Injury.

“The Clinton Foundation that builds partnerships of great purpose between businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to work faster, better, and leaner, will work with AAPI in realizing some of the noble goals we have set before us,” Dr. Jain told here. “Together we will work towards finding solutions that last, and will transform lives and communities from what they are today to what they can be, tomorrow,” she added, while affirming the common goals of AAPI and the Foundation. “President Clinton complimented AAPI and its members for their ongoing support and collaboration towards India’s healthcare,” Dr. Jain added.

According to Dr. Jain, Amitabh Bachchan will continue to lead the AAPI initiative in creating awareness on the need to prevent trauma and brain injury. “Amitabh Bachchan is a real life superhero to millions, including myself, so it’s no surprise that he is the perfect person to be the face of AAPI initiative in this very important area,” Dr. Jain said.

With a view to prevent and educate the public and the government on the need to take measures individually and collectively, to prevent road accidents, during the historical Global Health Summit earlier this year,  Superstar Amitabh Bachchan had pledged to lead a campaign for safety initiated by American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI).

“I pledge my support for these campaigns and commit myself towards the achievement of AAPI’s worthy goals.  I am here  with you for these campaigns and in any other campaign you might undertake and if my face and voice can be instrumental in propagating these efforts, I would gladly lend the same” the Bollywood Superstar, Amitabh Bachchan,  declared reiterating his whole hearted support to AAPI’s campaign to eradicate Hepatitis and create awareness about Head Injury and Trauma.

Dr. Seema Jain expressed her sincere gratitude to Shri Amitabh Bachchan. “Your presence at the Global Healthcare Summit has only added to the prestige of this monumental event and built the foundation for us to address the serious concerns of head injury, trauma as well as the scourge of hepatitis. Your contribution towards creating awareness, preventing accidents and saving lives is appreciated.”

India is the country with the highest burden of TB, with World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics giving an estimated incidence figure of 2.1 million cases of TB for India out of a global incidence of 9 million. It is estimated that about 40% of the Indian population is infected with TB bacteria, the vast majority of whom have latent rather than active TB.

Many people with chronic hepatitis C do not show symptoms and do not know they are infected. People with chronic Hepatitis C can live for decades without symptoms or feeling sick. When symptoms do appear, they often are a sign of advanced liver disease, say experts.

Hepatitis C is a serious liver disease that results from infection with the Hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C has been called a silent epidemic because most people with Hepatitis C do not know they are infected. Symptoms of Hepatitis C can include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, grey-coloured stools, joint pain and/or jaundice.

Road traffic accidents kill more than 12 million people and injure more than 500 million people worldwide every year. Everyday about 6,600 deaths and 3,300 serious injuries occur due to RTAs, according to reports. The global annual cost due to RTA s is a whopping 230,000 million US dollars. Unfortunately India has the dubious distinction of having the worst record of road safety in the world. India accounts for about 10% of road accident fatalities worldwide.

According to a report by the Indian Orthopaedic Association, in India, 1,20,000 people die and 12,70,000 sustain serious injuries every year in Road Traffic Accidents. As per the statistics, there is one death on the Indian road every six minutes and this is expected to escalate to one death every three minutes by 2020. Even this may be an underestimation, as according to the Institute of Road Traffic Education Institute of road education, New Delhi, out of the estimated 1.4 million serious road accidents/ collisions occurring annually in India, hardly 0.4 million are recorded.

Bachchan expressed hope that the new initiatives by AAPI will succeed. “I am quite certain, with the kind of help and expertise that we have on hand, and with the kind of backing, and hopefully with my involvement as far as my face and my voice is concerned, we shall be able to handle the other program that you have brought here namely Hepatitis.”

Dr. Jain pointed out the important progress that has been made connecting patients to essential treatment, millions of people continue to die unnecessarily from AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other treatable diseases, access to critical medicines and diagnostics is often limited in resource-poor settings, resulting in dire consequences for some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Dr. Seema Jain with Bill Clinton. Seema Jain with Bill Clinton
Dr. Seema Jain with Bill Clinton. Seema Jain with Bill Clinton

The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), a separate, affiliated entity, works to strengthen in-country health systems and improve global markets for medicines and diagnostics – ensuring lifesaving treatments and care can reach the people who need them the most. CHAI’s goal is to transform these systems and ensure they develop into self-sustaining methods of providing low-cost, high-quality care.

Plans are underway and the AAPI delegation was in India to plan the events and to work towards collaborating with the Government of India and its various Ministries, Educational Institutions and Corporate Leaders to work collaboratively for a productive and successful GHS 2016 in Mumbai, India.

AAPI is the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States and represents the interests of more than 65,000 physicians and nearly 35,000 medical students/residents of Indian heritage. AAPI, a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American Physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research and to pursue their aspirations in professional and community affairs, is an umbrella organization with nearly 130 specialty societies and alumni organizations.

Dr. Jain has called upon AAPI members to join in this historic journey. Dr. Seema Jain appeals to “all of you, AAPI members, well-wishers, friends and colleagues to join this effort and help ensure that we are putting in solid effort towards making quality healthcare affordable and accessible to all people of India.” For additional information on AAPI and its Global Healthcare Summit, please visit: www.aapiusa.orgwww.aapighsindia.org

Ajay Ghosh – Chief Editor, Universal News Network

Born and educated in India, Ajay Ghosh, The Chief Editor of Universal News Network, came to the United States to pursue his higher studies in Journalism in 1997. Having a Master’s Degree in Social Work, he worked as a freelance writer on social issues for numerous publications on in Delhi and served as the Editor of The Voice Delhi.

After graduating with a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the School of Journalism at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, his life as a professional journalist began in the summer of 1999 in New York City. Starting as a reporter for India Post, he worked as the New York Bureau Chief of Indian Reporter and World News from 2000 to 2005.

From 2002 to 2008, Ajay worked as the Executive Editor of NRI Today, a monthly magazine, published from New York. He was instrumental in launching The Asian Era, a colorful magazine published from New York and worked as the Chief Editor from 1999 to 2015. He had worked for about two years as the New York Bureau Chief of India Tribune, a weekly newspaper, published from Chicago.

Since early 2014, he has been working as the Bureau Chief of The Indian Express, North American Editions. In 2014, he along with Dr. Joseph Chalil launched The Universal News Network, an online publication (www.theunn.com) and continues to serve as the Chief Editor of the web-portal.

In 2010, Ajay was appointed as the Media Consultant of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI, the largest ethnic association representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin in the United States. He has been recently appointed as the Media Coordinator of GOPIO-CT, considered the most vibrant GOPIO Chapter in the world.

With the objective of bringing together the journalists of Indian origin scattered across the United States, Ajay along with his friends/colleagues in the media, was instrumental in forming Indo-American Press Club last year, and had served as the founder President of Indo-American Press Club.

In addition, Ajay taught Social Work Seminar and guided students at the Graduate School of Social Work, Fordham University in New York City since 2006. He has been working as the Administrator of the Mental Health Clinic at Saint Dominic’s Home, Bronx, New York from 1999 to 2014. Worked as the Treatment Coordinator at Saint Vincent’s Hospital’s Westport Campus, which serves patients with mental health issues, and had a bief stint as a Senior Social Worker at Children’s Village that serves children and families for over 150 years. At present, he works as a Social Worker at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Ajay Ghosh is married to Mini, his closest friend and wife for nearly two decades and the couple are blessed with three beautiful daughters, Archana, Navya, and Ahana. The Ajay Family lives in Trumbull, CT.

Ajay Ghosh - Chief Editor, Universal News Network
Ajay Ghosh

White House, Indian American groups launch campaign to address bullying

Indian American and Asian American organizations, joined the White House in launching a public awareness campaign to address bullying in the middle of National Bullying Prevention Month. The “Act To Change” public awareness campaign was launched by the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Sikh Coalition and Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment to empower Asian American and Pacific Islander youth, educators and communities with information and tools to address and prevent the problem.

The Initiative, co-chaired by Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Surgeon General of the United States Dr. Vivek Murthy and led by Ahuja, is housed within the U.S. Department of Education. “The ‘Act To Change’ campaign, and the strong coalition behind it, is a critical and necessary step forward for empowering our communities to stand up against bullying,” Sapreet Kaur, Sikh Coalition executive director, said in a statement.

“Bullying is a major civil rights issue for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community in particular,” Initiative executive director Kiran Ahuja said in a statement. “We’ve seen too often AAPI groups, including Sikh, Muslim, Micronesian, LGBT, and limited English-proficient youth, targeted for bullying and harassment.”

Sikhs have become the poster child for this pervasive problem in post 9/11 classrooms, largely because of their articles of faith. The Sikh Coalition’s 2014 national bullying report found that 67% of turbaned Sikh children in varying U.S. communities have been bullied.

“The bullying of Sikh children is an epidemic,” said the Sikh Coalition’s Law and Policy director Arjun Singh. “Misinformation and misunderstanding regarding the Sikh faith, coupled with a dramatic increase in bigoted dialogue towards religious minorities, has resulted in intolerance and bullying in our schools.”

The campaign website, ActToChange.org, and its social media tag #ActToChange, provide AAPI youth and community members with platforms to share their stories, engage in dialogue around bullying awareness and prevention, and “Take the Pledge” to join the #ActToChange movement.

White House, Indian American groups launch campaign to address bullyingVideo testimonials, music playlists, and blog stories provide messages of empowerment and support from AAPI athletes, artists, entertainers, and community members. As one in three AAPIs does not speak English fluently, the campaign offers resources in multiple languages: Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.

Campaign partners will host a live event in Los Angeles, Calif., at the Japanese American National Museum Nov. 21. The public event will feature armchair dialogues and performances with distinguished personalities and community members. Prior to the event, OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates, a national civil rights organization — will host high school advocacy training, expanding upon its existing “APA Y-Advocate” program to include a bullying prevention curriculum.

Maulik Pancholy, a member of the President’s Advisory Commission on AAPI, said, “Growing up, sometimes people made me feel like an outsider; I was the perfect storm of nerdy, gay and Indian American,” in discussing the campaign. “But now, I’ve come to find that those very things that were sometimes used as fodder against me are the things I love the most about myself,” he wrote in a White House blog post.

“I have the privilege to be connected to amazing communities of incredible people: people who know that it’s actually cool to nerd out about stuff, who celebrate the strength and joy of what it means to identify as LGBT, and who appreciate the rich cultural heritage of being Indian American.”

“It’s okay to be weird, but it’s NOT okay to be bullied,” said Pancholy, noting: “Every day, kids of all ages suffer from being bullied in schools across the country.” In the AAPI community, this problem is often complicated by cultural, religious and linguistic barriers that can keep AAPI youth from getting the help they need, he said.

“And we’ve seen that certain AAPI groups — including South Asian, Muslim, Sikh, Micronesian and limited English proficient youth — are more likely to be the targets of bullying,” Pancholy wrote.

AAPICO Celebrates 10th Annual Charity Event In Columbus Ohio

American Association of Physician of Indian Origin-Central Ohio ( AAPICO) celebrated its 10th annual charity event at Hyatt Regency  in Columbus Ohio on September 19th, 2015. The event was attended by more than 300 participants from across the state. This year charity event was dedicated to raise funds to promote Breast and Ovarian Cancer Research and awareness.

Dr Seema Jain, President of AAPI, a chief guest, noted that there are more than 110,000 doctors and medical students of Indian origin in the US. The number of medical students is estimated at 38,000. In some universities, more than 30 percent of the students are of Indian origin.

“In several states, one in four patients, consult a doctor of Indian origin. Nationally it is one in seven. It means that the Indian physicians play a major role in the healthcare in the US and their absence would disrupt the health sector,” Dr. Jain said. “AAPI continues to play a major role in in the health care in this country. We played a crucial role in securing the approval of Dr. Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General.”

Dr. Gautam Samadder, AAPI’s Vice President, said, through his active participation and leadership at the national level, he wants to “amplify participation among young physicians and medical students, strengthen AAPI’s financial security through profitable corporate sponsorships and facilitate collegial cooperation between local and state chapters, as this will increase AAPI’s global stature and eminence, which will ultimately make healthcare more efficient and effective in USA and India.”

On a national level AAPI has risen to become the premier ethnic medical association in the United States, representing well over 70,000 practicing physicians, residents, fellows and medical students.  The mission of our organization is to serve as a forum to facilitate and enable Indian American physicians to excel in patient care, teaching and research, and to pursue their aspiration in professional and community affairs.  In addition to the support of our 17 healthcare clinics in India and 25 clinics here in the United States, AAPI is also recognized as a strong voice in the healthcare legislation and policy arena.

After the gala, participants proceeded to the major fund raising concert of Sunidhi Chauhan, one of the most decorated artist in Bollywood performed for the first time in Ohio on September 19th at Ohio theater in Columbus. Capacity crowd  from all over Ohio came to listen to their favorite artist. Sunidhi performance was mind blowing. The crowd within half hour left their seats and took the floor to dance with the tunes of her songs.

She even gave one of her young admirer a chance to sing few lines dedicated to her. Both young and old spectators were mesmerized with her songs and stage performance. The show had to be extended an extra hour to meet up with crowd expectations.

At the end of the show a private meet and greet session was arranged for the sponsors and Sunidhi was gracious enough to have a photographs with all of them. The concert left a long lasting impression on everyone at the Auditorium, while contributing to the noble cause of AAPI and its initiative to create awareness on breast cancer.

36th annual convention of the Association of Kerala Medical Graduates held in Philadelphia

The 36th annual convention of the Association of Kerala Medical Graduates (AKMG) at the Downtown Marriott in Philadelphia, September 5-7, was attended by hundreds of doctors and their family from the US, Canada, England and India. The AKMG is a pioneering organization of Indian physicians in the US, which was formed three years earlier than the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin.

Dr. Seema Jain, president of AAPI, noted that AKMG inspired the formation of AAPI. At the concluding public meeting, Dr. Jain said there are more than 110,000 doctors and medical students of Indian origin in the US. The number of medical students is estimated at 38,000. In some universities, more than 30 percent of the students are of Indian origin.

“In several states, one in four patients, consult a doctor of Indian origin. Nationally it is one in seven. It means that the Indian physicians play a major role in the healthcare in the US and their absence would disrupt the health sector,” Dr. Jain said. “AAPI continues to play a major role in in the health care in this country. We played a crucial role in securing the approval of Dr. Vivek Murthy as Surgeon General.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom she met recently, is keenly watching the activities of AAPI and in his future plans AAPI has a special place. She asked all the Indian physicians to join AAPI.

Anto Antony MP, the only political leader from India to attend the event, praised the achievements of the Indian doctors using the knowledge gained from India. Once their departure from India was considered as brain drain, but now they are the brain bank of the country.

He pointed out the fast changing technology and the difficulties to cope up with it. More than 85 percent of technology and innovation happens in the US. America conquers the world with it. People may say that America gains importance through its armed strength. “The truth is that their gains are mostly through technology. Many nations tried to compete or challenge America and are unsuccessful till now.” Companies from India have employed 10,000 Indian is the US while they have given jobs to more than 22,000 Americans. He also congratulated the organization for keeping its unity even after 36 years, which should be a model for other organizations that split frequently.

Dr. Azad Mooppan, who runs upscale hospitals in several countries and five states in India, employing more than 13,500 people, quoted Silicon Valley experts who said that machines will replace 80 percent of the work currently done by the doctors. In future, the patient could sit at home and consult the doctor. “Yet the importance of the physicians or the profession will not be diminished. The roles may change,” he said.

Dr. Alex Thomas, president of AKMG, noted the revival of AKMG in recent years. Yet many of the doctors and medical students would not take membership in AKMG or AAPI, which needs to be changed. He noted that there about 4000 doctors of Kerala heritage, but only a few are associated with AKMG. “I am humbled and honored by the opportunity to serve as your president for its 36th year. As I undertake to represent the AKMG as its President for 2014-2015,” he said. He thanked the convention team with Dr. Joseph Mathew as the Convention Chairman, who had put together the event that included CMEs and a great cultural and entertainment program.

At the event, he handed over the charge to incoming president Dr. Sunil Kumar from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Kumar announced that the next convention will be held in Miami Beach in July 14-16 in 2016. He said he will work to strengthen the organization and improve relations with other organizations like Fokana and Fomaa and also with organizations of other medical professionals. The attitude of the physicians keeping aloof from other medical professionals has no place in the US

An aggressive move to enroll more members, especially youngsters will be launched soon. To attract youngsters, AKMG members will work as mentors for the medical students and those who wish to study medicine. As always, AKMG will continue the focus on charity activities and helping the medical colleges back in Kerala. He said AKMG will strengthen the relations with AAPI, which can work nationally. Dr Kumar also promised to help Indian American candidates running for elections pointing that they deserve our support as part of our community irrespective of party affiliations.

Dr. Kurian Abraham, patron of the convention noted the reasons for the lack of participation of the young doctors. He said the medical education is very expensive in America and many young doctors are more concerned about repaying the huge student loan they have taken, which has high interest rate too. They are more focused on career and money than social activities, he pointed out.

Dr. Joseph Mathew, convention chair, Dr. Narendra Kumar, former president of AKMG and AAPI, Dr. Aravind Pillai, former president of AKMG and current chair of the AAPI Board of Trustees, addressed the delegates at the convention. The cultural events include Amrutha sandhya, a dance program by New Jersey based Kalashri school led by Bina Menon.  The entertainment for the concluding night on Sept 6th was the Bobby Chemmanur Jayaram show 2015 directed by Nadirshah with star performers Padmasree Jayaram the film actor, Priyamani, the award winning film actress,   Pisharodi & Dharmajan of Badai Bangalaw fame and an ace singer Unnimenon.

The three day convention began with a cruise around Philadelphia. On the second day, Onam was celebrated with traditional festivities including a reception to King Mahabaili with thalapoli and chenda melam followed by an Onam feast. Various seminars, CME classes and campus comedy night which showcased the artistic talents of the doctors were the highlights of the convention. At the literary seminar several doctors read their literary works including poems. Dr. MV Pillai, who moderated the event noted the contributions of doctors like Dr. Siddharth Mukherji and Dr. Abraham Vergese for literature.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy Marries Alice Chen

Dr. Vivek Murthy, Indian American U.S. Surgeon General, flew from Boston to California to marry fellow doctor Alice Chen in her home state, on August 22nd, 2015. “As I prepare for my wedding & write my vows, I remember Maya Angelou’s timeless advice: #Love recognizes no barriers,” Murthy tweeted Aug. 20 with a photo of his new wife. Chen responded to the tweet with, “Love is all you need. #grateful #happy.”

In addition to holding the position of surgeon general, Murthy, 37, is also a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a teacher at Harvard Medical School. Chen is a practicing internal medicine hospitalist and assistant clinical professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, along with serving as executive director for Doctors for America, an organization working towards equal access to high-quality health care, according to the Doctors for America Web site.

President Barak Obama has nominated 37-year-old Indian-American physician Dr. Vivek Murthy to be the US Surgeon General, making Dr. Murthy the country’s 19th surgeon general for an office that was established in 1871. As the US Surgeon General, the young and talented Indian American is entrusted with leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the US and the operational head of the 6500-strong US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of the seven uniformed services of the United States that includes army, navy, air force and marines.

A graduate of Yale University, where he earned a medical degree and an MBA, he will easily be, by far, the youngest surgeon general in US history. He will also be the first surgeon general of Indian origin, recognizing the immense contribution of the Indian-American community to health care in the United States.

Stating that it is a fitting public recognition of his tireless work and leadership in championing a system where everyone has equal access to quality healthcare, AAPI, the entire Indian American community has been looking forward to bringing the experience and perspective of everyday doctors to the table to help shape the national prevention strategy.

The surgeon general, known as “America’s doctor,” represents the Health and Human Services Secretary and assistant secretary in addressing public health practice. According to an account on Epernicus.com, Murthy says “I study people’s journeys to find inspiration in their work.”

Among other accomplishments, Dr. Murthy founded other health groups addressing issues such as the availability of medicine in rural areas and HIV/AIDS.  In 1997, he graduated with a degree in biochemical sciences from Harvard, and later attended Yale University to receive degrees in medicine and business. He had previously served as President Obama’s appointee to the Presidential Advisory Council on Prevention, Health Promotion, Integrative and Public Health.  He is an attending physician in general internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Mass.

Dr. Seema Jain Assumes Charge As President Of AAPI During 33rd Annual Convention

Orlando, FL: June 21st, 2015 During a terrific convention attended by over 2,500 participants, Dr. Seema Jain, took the oath of office as the President of AAPI on Saturday night, June 20th, 2015. The delegates from across the nation came together to celebrate their achievements and to plan for ways to move forward, enriching and supporting one another for the greater good of humanity through education and dedication to their motherland India and to their adopted land, the United States at the 33rd annual historic convention organized by the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the Reniassance Hotel Convention Center, Orlando, FL from Wednesday, June 17th to Sunday, June 21st, 2015. In her first ever Presidential address, Dr. Jain said, “Today, I am pleased to announce our strategic plan for the next 12 months.  With your support, dedication and hard work we will make sure that this is a turning point in the history of AAPI. Our key strategic initiatives will be as follows: Excellence of Education, Empowerment,
Enlightenment, and Evolution.”

Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, the out-going President of  AAPI, in his address, said, “When I became the President of AAPI, the vision for AAPI was spelled out on a traditional Vedic concept of “Panchasheel” , the five action pillars: Education, Community/Charitable service, Member Support Programs, Mentorship / Mantle, and Legislative Action, to further the voluminous achievements of the past 33 years. As he handed over the reign of AAPI to Dr. Seema Jain on Saturday night at a terrific gala, Dr. Jahagirdar had this to say with much satisfaction and pride, “And as this tumultuous year of achievements for AAPI draws to the close, it is with a premonition that the future will be even more productive and that AAPI is now on an unmistakable march into a bright future.”

 Dr. Seema Jain being administered the oath of office as the President of AAPI
Dr. Seema Jain being administered the oath of office as the President of AAPI

Dr. Jayesh Shah, past President, AAPI administered the oath of office as the more than 2,500 delegates cheered loudly, greeting the new President of AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the United States. Along with Dr. Jain, Dr. Ajay Lodha as President-Elect, Dr. Gautam Samadder as Vice President, Dr. Naresh Parikh as Secretary, and Dr. Suresh Reddy as the Treasurer of AAPI assumed charge I n the presence of leading luminaries and over 2,000 AAPI delegates from across the nation. Dr. Aravind Pillai was administered the oath of office as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, AAPI by the out-going chairman, Dr. Ajeet Singhivi.

Cutting edge CMEs that offered insights into several healthcare and medical issues, focus on ways to actively participate in the nation’s legislative process, on ways to prevent diseases, while working with the government of India and voluntary agencies to effectively train physicians in India, fashion show, women’s forum, fashion shows, mega entertainment by Bollywood Stars, Sonu Nigam, Dr. KJ Yesudas, cultural programs, healthy living, yoga, health walk, meditation, honoring those who worked hard to make a positive impact in their respective areas of work, and  networking and renewing of friendships and bonds were some of the highlights of the 33rd annual convention in the magical city.

Convention Organizing Committee members with Dr. Amish Parikh on the podium
Convention Organizing Committee members with Dr. Amish Parikh on the podium

The convention was inaugurated here on Thursday, June 18th, 2015 with AAPI members rededicating themselves to give back to their motherland, India. A major objective of AAPI has been about giving back to India and USA. AAPI India Engagement was a way of coordinating these individual efforts for the sake of streamlining them and to make it easier and sustainable in the a way that more members can contribute and help make a positive impact in the lives of millions of Indians.

AAPI had three dynamic speakers, Vani Tripathi,  Dr. Margaret McLaren, and Bhakti Sharma, at the Women’s Forum, who  were selected for not only for their enthralling speaking abilities and their expertise in their fields, but also for the varied messages they were able to individually convey to a packed audience at the Discovery Hall.

The event also dthe AAPI Golf Classic, AAPI’s Got Talent and the Be Fit Be Cool Walk in partnership with the Orlando Health Foundation as part of AAPI’s National Childhood Obesity program. Notable Speakers at the event included US Surgeon General Vice Admiral (VADM) Vivek H. Murthy, Kailash Satyarthi, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, recognized for his works against child labor; Sri Sri Ravi Shankar a humanitarian leader and a spiritual teacher; Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York; and several top Indian performers including Mystic India, Jay Sean, Sonu Nigam and K J Yesudas.

The conference provided an enriching platform for members comprised of medical, mental health, and dental physicians in American to engage with the latest in medical technology, research and advances in the world of all types of medicine and dental. The convention included CME and DME accredited courses as well as variety of panel discussions, presentations and a research competition. There were forums for AAPI Young Physicians Group (AAPI YPS) and for AAPI MSRF for medical students, residents and fellows. A nearly sold out Exhibitor Hall included medical and pharmaceutical products, jeweler, fashion designs, devices and equipment and medical and dental, practice-related services.

 A section of the audience during the Gala at the 33rd annual convention.
A section of the audience during the Gala at the 33rd annual convention.

Delegates of AAPI that represents nearly 100,000 Physicians, Fellows, and Residents in the United States, were led to meditate after an inspiring address on Yoga and Health by global thought and spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The unique event served as a platform for the AAPI members to discuss the importance of meditation in resolving the nation’s pressing health concerns and how Ayurveda, Yoga, and Meditations, the ancient traditions of India offer solutions to the most pressing health problems of the world.

Dr. Jain called upon AAPI members to join in this historic journey: “AAPI’s mission is clear, our programs will continue to strive and our impact is infectious on benefiting society. We as physicians make significant contributions for the betterment of people’s lives. As members we can make these contributions through the 4 E’s: Excellence of Education, Empowerment, Enlightenment, and Evolution. Today I ask you to set aside your differences, and join me in this noble journey to make our mission possible! We make history – starting today!”

For more details, please visit: www.aapiusa.org
