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Palm Beach, FL – June 22, 2024 – TheUNN Corporation, a leader in global publishing and media, has announced its latest milestone: a joint publication agreement to publish Ambassador SD Muni’s best-selling book, “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise.” This agreement, in collaboration with Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., marks a significant step in TheUNN Corporation’s mission to bring influential and insightful works to a worldwide audience. The book is now available for purchase on Amazon globally.

Ambassador SD Muni, a renowned expert in South Asian politics and international relations, offers readers an unparalleled glimpse into the world of diplomacy. His memoir, “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise” provides an insider’s perspective on critical political developments in South Asia, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Laos. The book combines Prof. Muni’s extensive academic knowledge with his personal experiences, making it a compelling read for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in international affairs.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Ambassador SD Muni on this exceptional publication,” said Dr. Joseph M. Chalil, Publisher of Universal News Network and, and Chairman of Indo-American Press Club. “Ambassador Muni’s insights and firsthand accounts offer a unique and valuable perspective on diplomacy and regional politics. This joint publication agreement aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of global issues through high-quality content.”

TheUNN Corporation’s partnership with Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd. and Ambassador Muni highlights its dedication to supporting and disseminating works that contribute to the global discourse on diplomacy and international relations. By making “Dabbling in Diplomacy” available on Amazon worldwide, TheUNN Corporation ensures that this important work reaches a broad and diverse audience.

KPR Nair, Managing Director of Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration: “Working with TheUNN Corporation and Ambassador SD Muni has been a rewarding experience. This book is a testament to Ambassador Muni’s profound understanding of South Asian politics and his ability to convey complex diplomatic narratives in an engaging manner. We are proud to be part of this joint effort to bring his valuable insights to a global readership.”

Ambassador Muni’s memoir has already garnered significant attention and praise from experts and readers alike. The book’s detailed recounting of pivotal moments in South Asian history and its exploration of the human aspects of diplomacy have resonated with audiences, making it a best-seller in its category.


In “Dabbling in Diplomacy,” Ambassador Muni shares engaging anecdotes and profound insights from his interactions with senior leaders in South Asia. His tenure as India’s Special Envoy to Southeast Asian countries on UNSC Reforms and as Ambassador to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic enriches the narrative, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical landscape.


TheUNN Corporation invites readers worldwide to explore Ambassador SD Muni’s “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise.” The book is now available for purchase on Amazon in both digital and print formats. This collaboration not only underscores TheUNN Corporation’s commitment to excellence in publishing but also its dedication to promoting knowledge and understanding of international relations. For more information about TheUNN Corporation and its latest publications, please visit


About TheUNN Corporation:

TheUNN Corporation is a global leader in publishing and media, dedicated to delivering high-quality content that informs, educates, and inspires. With a diverse portfolio of publications and media offerings, TheUNN Corporation strives to foster a deeper understanding of global issues and promote informed discourse across a wide range of topics.

TheUNN Corporation Announces Joint Publication Agreement for Ambassador SD Muni’s Best-Selling New Book

Palm Beach, FL – June 22, 2024 – TheUNN Corporation, a leader in global publishing and media, has announced its latest milestone: a joint publication agreement to publish Ambassador SD Muni’s best-selling book, “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise.” This agreement, in collaboration with Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., marks a significant step in TheUNN Corporation’s mission to bring influential and insightful works to a worldwide audience. The book is now available for purchase on Amazon globally.

Chalil and KPRAmbassador S.D Muni, a renowned expert in South Asian politics and international relations, offers readers an unparalleled glimpse into the world of diplomacy. His memoir, “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise” provides an insider’s perspective on critical political developments in South Asia, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Laos. The book combines Prof. Muni’s extensive academic knowledge with his personal experiences, making it a compelling read for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in international affairs.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Ambassador SD Muni on this exceptional publication,” said Dr. Joseph M. Chalil, Publisher of Universal News Network and, and Chairman of Indo-American Press Club. “Ambassador Muni’s insights and firsthand accounts offer a unique and valuable perspective on diplomacy and regional politics. This joint publication agreement aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of global issues through high-quality content.”

TheUNN Corporation’s partnership with Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd. and Ambassador Muni highlights its dedication to supporting and disseminating works that contribute to the global discourse on diplomacy and international relations. By making “Dabbling in Diplomacy” available on Amazon worldwide, TheUNN Corporation ensures that this important work reaches a broad and diverse audience.

KPR Nair, Managing Director of Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration: “Working with TheUNN Corporation and Ambassador SD Muni has been a rewarding experience. This book is a testament to Ambassador Muni’s profound understanding of South Asian politics and his ability to convey complex diplomatic narratives in an engaging manner. We are proud to be part of this joint effort to bring his valuable insights to a global readership.”

Ambassador Muni’s memoir has already garnered significant attention and praise from experts and readers alike. The book’s detailed recounting of pivotal moments in South Asian history and its exploration of the human aspects of diplomacy have resonated with audiences, making it a best-seller in its category.

In “Dabbling in Diplomacy,” Ambassador Muni shares engaging anecdotes and profound insights from his interactions with senior leaders in South Asia. His tenure as India’s Special Envoy to Southeast Asian countries on UNSC Reforms and as Ambassador to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic enriches the narrative, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the geopolitical landscape.

TheUNN Corporation invites readers worldwide to explore Ambassador SD Muni’s “Dabbling in Diplomacy: Authorised & Otherwise.” The book is now available for purchase on Amazon in both digital and print formats. This collaboration not only underscores TheUNN Corporation’s commitment to excellence in publishing but also its dedication to promoting knowledge and understanding of international relations. For more information about TheUNN Corporation and its latest publications, please visit

About TheUNN Corporation:

TheUNN Corporation is a global leader in publishing and media, dedicated to delivering high-quality content that informs, educates, and inspires. With a diverse portfolio of publications and media offerings, TheUNN Corporation strives to foster a deeper understanding of global issues and promote informed discourse across a wide range of topics.

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TheUNN Corporation

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Dabbling in Diplomacy AuthorisedDiplomacy Liberated Konark UNN front for PODIndia Beyond The PandemicBeyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Biden Unveils Israeli-Led Peace Plan: Roadmap to Ceasefire and Hostage Release

President Biden has unveiled a pivotal Israeli-led initiative aimed at ending the ongoing conflict and securing the release of all remaining hostages held since October 7. The proposal outlines a three-stage roadmap, marking a significant step towards potential resolution between Israel and Hamas.

In a press briefing, President Biden emphasized the extensive diplomatic efforts undertaken by his team, including numerous discussions with leaders from Israel, Qatar, Egypt, and other regional stakeholders. He described Israel’s comprehensive proposal as a pathway to a sustainable ceasefire and the liberation of all captives. Although the proposal has been relayed to Hamas through Qatar, formal acceptance from the Gaza-based organization is pending.

“This is truly a decisive moment,” remarked President Biden, urging Hamas to seize the opportunity for peace by endorsing the deal. He also called upon the Israeli populace to support the initiative, highlighting the significant blows dealt to Hamas during the conflict, rendering a recurrence of October 7 unlikely.

Acknowledging potential dissent within Israel, particularly from factions advocating for prolonged military engagement, President Biden cautioned against perpetuating the war indefinitely. He stressed the imperative of prioritizing the release of hostages and embracing the proposed ceasefire as a means to avert further bloodshed.

Senior administration officials elaborated on the proposal’s phased approach, spanning approximately six weeks for each stage. Phase one entails a ceasefire period coupled with humanitarian efforts to alleviate the plight of Gazans, including infrastructure rehabilitation and provision of essential services.

The subsequent phase focuses on the release of remaining hostages and the permanent cessation of hostilities, accompanied by the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza’s populated areas. Negotiations will be pivotal in navigating the transition to this stage, with provisions in place to extend the ceasefire if required.

Phase three envisions a comprehensive reconstruction program spanning three to five years, supported by the U.S. and the international community. This initiative aims to address the long-term stabilization and rehabilitation of Gaza.

The proposal’s announcement follows previous ceasefire negotiations that ended without a resolution. Concurrently, Israeli military operations persist in certain areas, prompting concerns about civilian casualties and the escalation of violence.

President Biden emphasized his enduring commitment to Israel and underscored the urgency of seizing the current opportunity for peace. He reiterated his longstanding advocacy for a two-state solution and expressed optimism that the proposed roadmap could pave the way for such a resolution in the future.

Microsoft Unveils Groundbreaking AI Advancements at Build 2024 Conference, Empowering Global Innovation

At the recent Build 2024 conference hosted by Microsoft, CEO Satya Nadella commenced the keynote by recounting a compelling narrative about how technology had empowered an Indian farmer. This story marked the beginning of a series of exciting advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), including updates to Azure and Copilot, as well as groundbreaking innovations from collaborators like OpenAI.

Nadella shared, “In January 2023, I met a rural Indian farmer who used GPT-3.5, in his own voice, to understand government farm subsidies he’d heard about on television. It was a powerful moment for me. It illustrated the incredible impact of a cutting-edge model developed on the West Coast of the United States, now being used to directly improve the life of a rural farmer in India.”

During the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting at Davos in January, Nadella discussed the case of the Indian farmer with Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Nadella recounted how the farmer sought assistance with accessing a government program, stating, “He expressed a complex need in one of the local languages. This got translated and interpreted by a bot and a response came back saying go to a portal and here is how you will access the programme.”

Furthermore, Nadella revealed that the farmer initially hesitated to engage with the program and requested the bot to handle it on his behalf. “And, it completed it and the reason why it was able to complete it was that the developer building it had taken GPT [General Purpose Technology] and trained it over all of the government of India documents and then scaffolded it with the speech recognition software,” Nadella added.

The Build 2024 conference showcased two significant announcements from Microsoft in the realm of AI. Firstly, developers can now utilize OpenAI’s most advanced model, GPT-40, offering revolutionary AI capabilities. Secondly, Microsoft introduced Phi-3-Vision, a novel Small Language Model (SLM) capable of comprehending and analyzing images with exceptional proficiency.

These pioneering tools will be accessible through Microsoft’s Azure AI Studio, providing developers with a centralized platform to harness these advancements and explore the frontiers of AI.

Microsoft’s endeavors didn’t conclude there. They also unveiled robust new virtual machines tailored for efficiently managing AI workloads. Notably, they emerged as the inaugural cloud provider to integrate AMD’s state-of-the-art MI300X AI accelerator chip. This integration enhances the Azure ND MI300X v5 virtual machine series, positioning it as a formidable entity for executing intricate AI tasks.

Shifting Economic Powerhouses: U.S. Resilience, China’s Rise, and Japan’s Decline from 1980 to 2024

Over the decades, the distribution of global GDP among the world’s largest economies has experienced dynamic shifts, reflecting changes in economic policies, technological advancements, and demographic trends.

To illustrate these changes, we visualized the world’s top six economies by their share of global GDP from 1980 to 2024.

U.S. Resilience

The United States’ share of global GDP has shown significant fluctuations over time. After reaching a low point of 21.1% in 2011, the U.S. economy rebounded, increasing its share by several percentage points. The IMF estimates that by 2024, the U.S. will account for 26.3% of global GDP.

This trend indicates that the U.S. has managed a robust recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, as evidenced by its rising share of global GDP since 2020. In contrast, China, the EU, and Japan have seen their relative shares decline during the same period.

China’s Incredible Rise

The chart highlights China’s period of rapid economic growth, which began in the early 2000s. A significant milestone was China joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, which facilitated its integration into the global economy.

Japan Falls From the #2 Spot

Japan was once the world’s second-largest economy after the U.S., accounting for 17.8% of the global economy in 1994 and 1995. However, economic stagnation and an aging population have led to a relative decline in Japan’s economic influence.
