The grand opening of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is scheduled for January 24, 2024, and will be marked by the inauguration led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The construction, set in motion following a landmark 2019 Supreme Court judgment, is on the verge of completion, covering a vast 70-acre area. The temple itself spans 2.7 acres and has incurred a cost of US$216 million.
In accordance with the vision of the Ram temple trust, the temple stands not only as a religious symbol but also as an embodiment of self-reliance and environmental sustainability. Remarkably, the temple complex boasts a 70 percent green cover, incorporating dense sections adorned with preserved existing trees. The infrastructure further includes sewage and water treatment plants, a dedicated power line, and a strategically positioned fire brigade post.
Designed in the traditional Nagara style, the temple complex is a marvel with three stories, 392 pillars, and an impressive 44 gates on each floor. For the convenience of pilgrims, a facilitation complex has been incorporated, featuring healthcare facilities, a toilet block, and storage provisions for personal items before embarking on the revered ‘darshan.’
Anticipating the momentous occasion, Prime Minister Modi is scheduled to visit Ayodhya on December 30. During this visit, he will inaugurate the redeveloped railway station and unveil a new airport. In a significant move, Air India Express is set to initiate its inaugural flight from Delhi to Ayodhya on December 30, with daily services commencing from January 16. Additionally, IndiGo is following suit with its inaugural flight on December 30, commencing commercial services from January 6.
The celebration of this auspicious event extends beyond national borders, as the Ram Temple Trust has extended invitations to political leaders, actors, industrialists, and sports icons. The trust is also gearing up to host representatives from 50 foreign countries, adding a global touch to the grand inauguration ceremony, which is expected to be attended by a gathering of 7,000 people.
In the words of the Ram Temple Trust, “The temple is not just a place of worship; it symbolizes a harmonious blend of spirituality and sustainability. We invite the world to witness this historic moment in Ayodhya, as we open the doors to the monumental Ram Mandir, a testament to our rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess.”