Bellamkonda K. Kishore, M.D., Ph.D., MBA
When we hear 9/11, our mind goes through the chilling images of the twin towers on fire and collapsing in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001, by the audacious acts of terrorists on the American soil, after hijacking commercial airliners. It was reminiscent of the unprovoked attack of Pearl Harbor on the morning on December 7, 1941, by the air force of the Imperial Japan. The motive of the Japanese behind attacking of Pearl Harbor was a gamble to weaken the US Naval fleet in Pacific region so that Japanese can get their supplies uninterrupted during the World War II. It was a shortsighted gamble with the United States for which the Imperial Japan paid heavy price.

Fast forward to September 11, 2001, by which time the economy of the USA was booming with a GDP of $10.58 trillion, which was far ahead of that of Japan ($4.375 trillion) and China ($1.339 trillion). Thus, the second and third largest economies of the world at that time were not comparable to that of the USA. That was the time when foreign terrorists targeted the financial capital of the United States with the sole intent of destroying the United States as a dominant economic power in the world. But, unlike the Imperial Japan, which gambled, the terrorists miscalculated the strength and resilience of the economic power of the United States. Bringing down a couple of towers in Manhattan did not bring the USA down on its knees. It killed 2,996 people including the hijackers and wounded a few thousands. September 11, 2001, remained as a sad day in the history of the United States.
But, was it the first time September 11 made news in America? No, exactly 108 years ago, on September 11, 1893, a Hindu monk from India made history in the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago, Illinois. On that day, Swami Vivekanand delivered his bold and eloquent speech on goodness of religions, while highlighting the problems the world was facing by misguided religious beliefs. Specifically, in his speech, he said: The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: “Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me.” Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now. But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal.
It was a coincidence that the above words were uttered by Swami Vivekananda on the same calendar day of September 11, but 108 years before. While expressing his anguish about sectarianism, bigotry, and fanatism, he said “had it not been for these horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now.” Yet, Swami Vivekananda expressed optimism that the convention in which he spoke would open avenues for a change. However, it seems that did not happen. Despite wars, massacres, genocides, and every possible onslaught on humanity, the world changed little even today. Peace in many parts of the world is apparently held in place by deterrence, not by willingness. We do not know for how long the world can sustain like that. Despite globalization of economy, food, commodities, transportation, industries, communications, banking, education, employment, entertainment, broadcast, etc., still there is mistrust among nations, leave along sectarianism, bigotry, and fanaticism. Physical barriers between the nations are falling down, while mental barriers are being fortified, even among apparently friendly countries. Sometimes, we do not know where we are heading for.
While the above geopolitical issues are still plaguing the word, it is heartening to see that at least in the domains of science, technology, higher education, and medicine, there is significant cooperation and understanding even among the countries, whose leaders do not get on well each other. This gives hope to many of us. But the question is why do people seem to come together willingly when it is science, technology, higher education, and medicine? Why do people bridge mental walls when they have to deal with issues related religion or ethnicity or identity? We may not find the answers to these questions. But it tells us we should work on things that bring us together and pay less attention to things that divide us or make us enemies. One way of achieving that goal is through proper education. That was why Nelson Mandela said: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan said: Human nature is fundamentally good, and the spread of enlightenment will abolish the wrong. He further said: The end-product of education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversaries of nature. Finally, Swami Vivekananda said: Education should be man-making. Let us all work together to promote such a man-making education.
![]() Author: Prof. Bellamkonda K. Kishore, M.D., Ph.D., MBA is an academician and innovator turned to entrepreneurship. He is an Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah Health; Co-Founder, President, CEO & CSO of ePurines, Inc., in Salt Lake City, Utah; and a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors. Dr. Kishore received several academic and community awards and honors for his contributions, such as induction as a Fellow of professional bodies, citations in Marquis Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare and European Biographical Directory, Nelson Mandela Leadership and Hind Rattan (Jewel of India) awards from the NRI Welfare Society of India, New Delhi. Currently, he is Vice President of the US Chapter of the NRI Welfare Society of India, which was started with the noble objective of strengthening the emotional bonds between India and Non-Resident Indians. Dr. Kishore was also conferred Global Unity Ambassador by the Indian.Community. Personal Website: |
Dr. Kishore great article about September 11 incidents that changed human outlook. Keep contributing such articles when you get a chance.