Tamil Nadu Chapter of the Indian Overseas Congress, USA remains vigilant and diligent

Speaking at an event  on April 13, 2019, in Hicksville, New York, the President of the Tamil Nadu Chapter Ms. Jaya Sundaram said that with the current Lok Sabha elections on the way, the Tamil Nadu Chapter remained vigilant and diligent as to the accomplishment of its set goals in trying to get out the votes of all its family members and friends back home.  She  warned that one should not be swayed by propaganda but must make their choice on facts and figures.
Mr. John Joseph, the Chairman of the Tamil Nadu Chapter, who is also national Vice President of the Indian Overseas Congress  USA, said that the Chapter had its review and strategy planning session where some 75 of its leaders gathered around to take stock of its overall work.    Mr. Joseph traced back the criteria the Chapter had established earlier to register and measure its targeted goals of making  phone calls and the use of other media  means to coax their respective relatives, families and friends to make a critical analysis of the work of the Modi government to assist families make their choice of government.   The horrific stories going around of money laundering at high levels was scary and worrisome, he added.  He thanked the NRIs for their concerns.
Mr. Devendra Vora, President of the Maharashtra Chapter opined that the families have only to look around their own cases to see how   badly the downturn in the economy  had affected them during the last five years and how disappointing the performance of the Modi government had been.
Mr. Ravi Chopra, President of the Finance Committee, appealed everyone to support the efforts to change the government and bring Rahul Gandhi to head the next Government.
Ms. Shalu Chopra, Chair of the women’s  Committee made a passionate speech on how women were increasingly playing an active role in politics and drew  everyone’s attention to the recent increase in their numbers of participation.
Mr. Mohinder Singh Gilzian, President of IOC, USA  pointed out that the market conditions were deplorable, unemployment remained high, farmers complaints were very serious, the sick and the students in schools were beginning to take a heavy toll.    Furthermore, many promises made by the Modi government during their election campaigns turned out to be bogus.  Consequently, many voters were now seeking to replace the Modi government.                                                Mr. Mr. Harbachan Singh, Secretary General of IOC, USA praised the most comprehensive Manifesto of the Congress Party as a masterpiece which addressed every issue in human endeavor.  It did not dwell in outlandish and unattainable propositions as contained in other manifestos.   Where is the black-money and where are the fifteen Lakh rupees that were promised to be deposited into every personal account,   he asked.  Modi government began by fooling the people who over the years are now traumatized.  He referred to a litany of failures and scams which plagued the administration and observed that NRI families had recently been glued to the TV and media to keep themselves appraised on the developments back home destined to bring about change in the government to ameliorate the frustrating situation.
Speaker after speaker painted a gloomy picture of the Modi government’s performance and expressed despair and gruesome future that threatened India and its people.  Amongst the leaders that  also spoke include Pradeep Samana, Vice President of IOC USA, Oommen Koshy, George Chacko, Leela Merat  Kerela Chapter President, Mathew kutty  Easow, and Sophia Sharma

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