Rep. Krishnamoorthi leads 237 lawmakers urging Senate to move job-training act

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, lead Democratic sponsor of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, joined Republican sponsor Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson of Pennsylvania in leading 235 other Members of the House of Representatives in urging the Senate education committee to take up the bill which passed the House unanimously in June.

The Thompson-Krishnamoorthi act would modernize career, technical, and vocational education through increasing local control and employer involvement to focus curricula on in-demand skills. By requiring educators to work directly with local employers to identify the skills needed in the work force, the Thompson-Krishnamoorthi Act will ensure that career and technical education programs prepare students not just for their next job, but for a good-paying, family-sustaining career. The bill will also benefit employers through providing the skilled workforce they need to help their businesses thrive and grow.

“It’s not often these days that we see a piece of serious legislation pass the House with bipartisan support, never mind unanimously, but that’s exactly what happened with this bill because Democrats and Republicans agree that we need to modernize our career and technical education system,” said Congressman Krishnamoorthi. “The House has done its part by passing this legislation unanimously and through our letter, my colleagues and I are calling upon the Senate to do the same. A four-year degree may not be for everyone but an education must be and this bill will help make that a reality.”

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