Dr. Raj Bhayani Receives Outstanding Service Appreciation Award for his Contributions to AAPI An Accomplished Neurosurgeon, Social Activist, Entrepreneur, and Leader: Committed to Serving Humanity

Dr. Raj Bhayani, an accomplished neurosurgeon, social activist, entrepreneur, leader, and the first ENT surgeon in India, was honored with the Outstanding Service Appreciation Award for his contributions to AAPI during the historical 12th Global Health Summit (GHS) held in Mumbai on December 29th, 2018.
Dr. Bhayani, the Co-Chair of AAPI GHS 2018, had completed training in Neurosurgery and had a Fellowship in Facial Plastic & Micro vascular Surgery in India. He is currently practicing in New York, has come a long way since he began his professional practice in New York decades ago.
Dr. Bhayani is grateful to American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), which he has come to love and adore in recent years. He says, “AAPI has given me the opportunity to work with people of high intellect. It has helped me develop relationships with many, without which I would not have I have met many people whom I look upon as role models. And, AAPI helps me grow as a person and continues to mentor me in several ways.”
Dr. Bhayani says, having worked in the inner circles of AAPI, he has come to recognize “AAPI as the most united, strong, vibrant and transparent organization. We do have differences of opinion, which is the beauty of democracy in AAPI. When needed, AAPI members have always come together to support AAPI and its many initiatives. We have always connected and have given our best for common causes.”
Having contributed tremendously with every noble cause AAPI has initiated, Dr. Bhayani says, “I have worked closely with the organizing committee of the Global Healthcare Summit by raising $9 Million, being instrumental in bringing the President of India to the Summit in Mumbai. I have worked closely and for the success of the many charitable programs AAPI has initiated, including the TB Free India, Sevak Project and many others.”
Dr. Bhayani has held several positions in AAPI and has grown with the organization. He has served as a past president of AAPI Metro New York City. He has served successfully as the Convention Chair of National AAPI Convention in 2017 Atlantic City with a record profit of more than $300,000. He had served as the AAPI Leadership Conference Co-Chair 2018 and 2017, AAPIQLI Convention Chair 2015, AAPI QLI Diwali Gala Chair 2018 and a member of the Board of Trustee AAPI NYC METRO. Dr. Bhayani has been an active member of AAPI CPR Council; AAPI Publication Committee; AAPI ADOPT A VILLAGE PROGRAM ; and the Co Chair of AAPI India n Day parade in New York.
He currently serves as the AAPI IT Committee Chair 2018-19, and has been instrumental in bringing out the AAPI Weekly newsletter from the President’s Desk. He is the President Elect AAPIQLI, one of the largest Chapters of AAPI.
His accomplishments in the professional world are well known. During the duration of his medical profession, more than 50 research papers have been published and presented by him, which has resulted in inclusion of his name in the Marquis ‘Who’s Who in America in Medicine and Healthcare’ acknowledging his achievements in the medical field.
Not satisfied with his professional accomplishments, Dr. Bhayani has devoted his life to being actively involved in the philanthropic sector. He currently serves on the boards, and is an active member, of over 20 communities and associations that are involved in philanthropic activities. In addition, he has also served on the Board of Trustees of Save Life Foundation, which has helped in the implementation of Good Samaritan Law and Road Safety Bill to help road side accident victims and to improve road safety in India.
Passionate about giving back to the larger society, Dr. Bhayani says, “Inspired by many individuals, who lead by example. Cause is the driving than actual person.” His life has been an example of how to give back to the community, which has given him much.  “Even since childhood, I had the desire to be someone, who wanted to contribute to the common good.”
Recently, he was the chief organizer for ‘Football for Nation’ initiative, in Delhi, by bringing Parliamentarians and Film stars together to play a game of football to raise funds for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Besides, his significant contributions in organizing several health and blood donation camps as well as fund raisers for Aksharpatra, helping millions of kids with Mid-day meal program in India, have earned him great respect and appreciation in the society. He is grand Patron for India Day Parade for celebrating India’s Independence Day in New York.
Imbibed with this passion, Dr. Bhayani did not have to look for opportunities. They actually came his way. “In the society we live in, there are ample of opportunities to do good,” he says. “I always look upon in my friends who do larger good, and have tried to join them or find noble causes that I can support or initiate, with the objective of doing little acts of kindness. I believe small acts of kindness by many of us can achieve tremendous impact on humanity than individual acts.”
The unassuming Dr. Bhayani was instrumental in organizing Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s historic address to the Indian – American community at Madison Square Garden, during his maiden visit to New York in September 2014.
A distinguished Guest Speaker, as a proponent of the Honorable Prime Minister’s vision for India, on popular regional TV shows in USA, Dr. Bhayani is one of the foremost members of the Indian community who has worked tirelessly in increasing awareness of the Prime Minister’s initiatives in the USA, which in return has resulted in the remittance of funds to India for the implementation of these initiatives. His work is an exemplary example of his commitment towards India’s progress.
His outstanding support to the society in his roles as a physician, a leader, and as a philanthropist have not gone unnoticed. Dr. Bhayani has received dozens of awards, recognition and scholarships. He has been felicitated on several platforms and his list of accolades includes Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman Award at House of Lords in London, Bharat Gaurav Puraskar and Delhi Ratan Award, Hind Ratan Award, Asian American Heritage Honoree of the year 2016, New York City as well as State Proclamation Award. He has also been awarded ‘United States Congressional Achievement Award’ and is also the recipient of the ‘Most Influential Leader in Indian Community in United States’ recognition award. He has received USA Triologic Society award for his research papers. He has held various leadership positions in the healthcare field and leading hospitals in New York heading the ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery divisions.
Working with AAPI in the past decades towards the realization of its mission in various capacities, Dr. Bhayani has held several responsible positions and has worked tirelessly and with devotion in various capacities. Having shown his exceptional leadership and organizational qualities, now, aspiring to play even a greater role in AAPI by joining the national Executive Committee.
The dynamic person that he is, Dr. Bhayani wants to play a more active role in national AAPI.
Having achieved success and recognition professionally, Dr. Bhayani has come to a stage in his life that his skills, talents, resources and his life cane be devoted to do larger good for people here his adopted country, and back home in India. Dr. Bhayani believes that towards this mission in life, AAPI provides him with “a platform to achieve my goal in life.’
When elected as a member of the national leadership, Dr. Bhayani wants to work towards, “Making active in 10 years of medical school. Recruit and engage young generation. Increase AAPI membership. Enhance our relationship with Pharma companies and help make them AAPI as a valuable partner. Work closely with US Legislators for meaningful outcome, including stronger voice for achieving AAPI’s legislative agenda. Make AAPI financially strong. Create alliances with strong organizations similar to AAPI.
Dr. Bhayani says, “I bring to AAPI my decades of experiences, networking, relationships. I am able to meet and connect with and help connect people from different walks of life, including high profile people from different categories. My ability to raise money and the financial support I have brought to AAPI are known to all.”
Dr. Bhayani, with a proven record of commitment and dedication, says, “I believe I am hard working and result oriented. I speak less and let my work speak for itself. My work should resonate my character. I have tremendous affinity for youth. I am a team player. Determined. Trustworthy. And, always, dependable.”
 “You have seen how I connect with the new generations. I am able to motivate, inspire, and encourage young generation, and instill in them confidence to be leaders. I believe, the future of AAPI is in strengthening the role of next generation and integration and deeper involvement of YPS and MSRF.”
Dr. Bhayani, who has been through many challenges, when he had initially as a young physician immigrated to this land of opportunities decades ago, is now committed to mentoring young physicians who have recently come into the United States. “I would like to encourage nurture and mentor younger physicians, professionally in career as well as in leadership,” he says.
AAPI’s voice must be heard in corridors of powers, Dr. Bhayani says. “I will like to work with Dr. Vinod Shah, Dr. Ajrawat and Dr. Suresh Gupta for the success of AAPI’s Legislative agenda.”
Some of the initiates Dr. Bhayani wants to strengthen are: to make India TB Free; Addressing the Opioid crisis; Creating a CPR Ad-hoc Committee; Anganwadi Projects in the state of Madhya Pradesh; Charitable Clinic in Varanasi; and Give me water project in West Bengal. “In order to meet our objectives we need a strong team with long term vision and commitment. I believe under leadership of current leaders of AAPI and active participation of AAPI members, AAPI will reach new heights,” he says.
Dr. Bhayani has come to recognize that many leaders of AAPI with their vision, commitment and dedication have brought AAAPI to its current glory. Tremendous work has been done by current and past AAPI leaders over the 38 years since foundation of AAPI to reach today’s height and glory. However, AAPI continues to face many challenges and concerns. It is therefore, now more than ever, we need to work together with steadfast resolve and determination.
“Since my association with AAPI, I have seen with awe and inspiration, how this noble organization has grown over the past 37 years.  AAPI has a very strong future with its  highly educated, skilled and dedicated membership and leadership. AAPI has a greater role to play in the national arena. And, AAPI is ready to march on and I am there to be part of this great organization and all its diverse and talented membership to make this noble organization a great force with a stronger voice to accomplish its many lofty goals.”

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