Bharat Bachao rally in front of the Indian Consulate in New York

“When India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, ran for the top job five years ago, he promised development but what he has delivered us is a mismanaged economy” Stated Mohinder Singh Gilzian, President of the Indian Overseas Congress, USA who was addressing the crowd which has gathered in front of the Indian Consulate in New York on December 14th to protest Narendra Modi Government’s economic policies as part of joint protest called by the All India Congress Committee. “Under the Modi Government, the unemployment has reached a 45 year high with increasing suicides among the farmers and rising inflation, it is apparent that Modi’s governance has brought the country to economic stagnation and to the brink of paralysis” Mr. Gilzian added.
Bharat Bachao rally in front of the Indian Consulate in New YorkAbout 150 people mostly belonging to IOC, USA gathered in front of the Consulate for this protest rally and shouted slogans like ‘Modi Hatao, Bharat Bachao” and displayed slogans like “farmers are dying, and Modi is flying”, “Save secularism and Save India”,and  “save democracy”.
Mr. George Abraham, Vice-Chairman of the IOC, USA, spoke about the deteriorating economic conditions where Modi’s crony capitalistic policies have contributed to the highest level of Non-performing Assets (Bad debt) thereby putting the banks and its depositors at risk. “Modi government is busy diverting attention away from the real issues that affect the people but rather engaged in promoting a divisive and polarizing agenda to create a majority vote bank to retain power,” Abraham added.
Mr. Harbachan Singh, Secretary-General lamented the sharp decline of the Indian economy and said: “factories are slowing down and with GDP in a free fall to 4.5% at this point, the employment situation for the young people looks rather dim, and Modi is not only damaging the economy but also its democracy”.
Mr. Rajender DichpallyBharat Bachao rally in front of the Indian Consulate in New York, General Secretary, decried Government’s apathy in addressing youth unemployment in India. “With over 8% unemployment and rising, Modi has broken his promise to the young people of crating 2 Crores jobs a year,” Dichpally added.
Mr. Gurmit Gill Mulapur, President of the Punjab Chapter spoke about the declining prices of Real Estate in India and added that the second generation Indians are increasingly afraid to travel to India because of the security concerns.
The leaders who spoke at the rally included Phuman Singh, Sr. Vice-President,Rajesh Alladad, vice-President,Pradeep Samala, Vice-President, John Joseph, Vice-President, Sawaran Singh, Treasurer, Satish Sharma – Chairman Punjab Chapter Chairman, Leela Maret, President, Kerala Chapter, Rajeswara Reddy – President, Telengana Chapter, Dr. Jayesh Patel – President, Gujarat Chapter, Sandeep Kumar – President, Delhi, Chapter, Devendra Vora, President, Maharashtra Chapter, Pavan Daris – President,  Andhra Chapter, Gurmit Buttar – Vice-President, Kris Arora, Senior leader, Vijay Nadella, Pappy Badesha,  Manoj Shinde, Chairman, IOC-IT Wing, Vinay Vikas- Vice-President, IOC-Massachusetts Chapter and Dhananjay Nawadner of IOC, Mass.

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