Ambassador Richard Verma to India joins strategic consultancy group

Richard Verma, the first ever Indian-American U.S. ambassador to India, is joining a leading U.S.-based international investment advisory group. Paladin Capital Group is pleased to announce that Richard Verma, former U.S. Ambassador to India (2014-2017) and current Vice Chair at The Asia Group, will join Paladin’s Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). Ambassador Verma brings 25 years of experience across senior levels of business, law, diplomacy, and the military. “We are very excited to have Rich as part of Paladin’s strategic network,” said Lt. General (Ret.) Kenneth Minihan, Managing Director at Paladin. “Rich’s subject matter expertise and experience as a trusted advisor to senior leadership on critical security and intelligence policy issues will provide invaluable advice and guidance to Paladin and our portfolio companies.”

Nominated as U.S. Ambassador to India by President Obama and unanimously confirmed by the Senate in December 2014, Ambassador Verma oversaw one of the largest U.S. diplomatic missions in the world and championed historic progress in U.S.-India relations, with critical evolutions to bilateral cooperation in defense, trade, and clean energy. The Ambassador also oversaw an unprecedented nine meetings between President Obama and Prime Minister Modi – leading to over 100 new initiatives and more than 40 government-to-government dialogues.
Ambassador Verma was previously the Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs, where he led the State Department’s efforts on Capitol Hill. He worked as Senior National Security Advisor to the Senate Majority Leader and also spent time in the House of Representatives. He is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, where he served on active duty as a Judge Advocate. His military decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal and Air Force Commendation Medal.

The Ambassador brings to bear a distinguished career in the private sector. He was a partner in a major global law firm for many years and led the South Asia practice of a Washington-based consulting firm. He is also currently a Centennial Fellow at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, where he supports the India Initiative, and co-chairs the Center for American Progress’ U.S.-India Task Force.

Ambassador Verma holds degrees from the Georgetown University Law Center (LLM), American University’s Washington College of Law (JD), and Lehigh University (BS). “I am delighted to welcome Richard Verma back to Paladin’s Strategic Advisory Group,” said Michael Steed, Managing Partner of Paladin. “Rich was integral member of the Strategic Advisory Group before being nominated and serving as Ambassador of India. He will further strengthen Paladin’s unique commitment and capability to add strategic value to its portfolio companies in accessing U.S. federal market opportunities as well as navigating the evolving security and compliance policy landscape in international markets.”

Paladin Capital Group was founded in 2001 and has offices in Washington DC, New York, London, Luxembourg, and Silicon Valley. As a multi-stage investor, Paladin focuses on best-of-breed companies with technologies, products, and services that meet the challenging global cyber security and digital infrastructure resilience needs for commercial and government customers. Paladin has over $1 billion in committed capital across multiple funds. Follow the firm on Twitter @Paladincap, visit their website at

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