WhatsApp, the widely-used global messaging platform under the umbrella of Meta, has introduced fresh functionalities, including an alternative login method and an artificial intelligence aide within the application.
iPhone users now have the option to utilize passkeys for logging in. This allows them to access the app through Face ID, Touch ID, or their iPhone passcode, eliminating the need for SMS verification. WhatsApp stated on X, formerly known as Twitter, on April 24 that this feature constitutes “a more secure way to login.” Additionally, it circumvents potential obstacles associated with SMS verification, with the company noting: “traveling? no network? no problem.”
The introduction of passkeys for Android users took place in October, as evidenced by a post shared on Threads, another social media platform under the Meta umbrella.
Furthermore, there’s been a recent update to the messaging app. On April 18, Meta expanded the presence of a new AI assistant across its suite of social platforms—Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.
Users can now leverage this assistant, dubbed Meta Llama 3, within feeds, chats, and search functionalities across the apps to access information and create images “without having to leave the app you’re using,” according to the company.
Moreover, Meta AI in English is now accessible in over a dozen countries beyond the United States, including Australia, Canada, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.