Four day Online certificate course on Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy for the Indian diaspora and international participants will start in a dozen of European countries from next month. The course attempts to promote the Gandhian vision of peace and non-violence. This program is a part of India’s 75th independence anniversary celebrations in collaboration with Indian Mission facilitated by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).
Online certification course on Mahatma Gandhi’s Philosophy(Global pursuit of truth and non- violence) hosted by Indian Embassy is scheduled to be conducted in Hungary, Malta, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Finland, Greece and Romania. After completion of the course, participants will be given a digitally signed certificate. The online course will be spread over a period of four weeks (60-90 minutes once a week every Saturday on a virtual platform).
The online classes will be conducted by Smt. ShobhanaRadhakrishna. She is an internationally acclaimed expert on Gandhian Philosophy. This program is supported by Indian council for cultural relations, India. The course aims to give its participants orientation in the theoretical and practical dimensions of Gandhi’s life and his philosophy, Gandhi ji’s legacy, his ideas to comprehend the concept like Swaraj, Swadeshi, Satyagraha, Spirituality and trusteeship as explained and applied by Mahatma Gandhi in his personal and public life.
According to Indian Embassy in Sweden, broad topics to be covered in four courses: equip Gandhian Philosophy of Truth, Non- violence, Sarvodaya, Satyagraha and Swaraj themselves. The talk attempts to provide some principles, ideas, and alternatives that can help us in our quest for more excellent substance. These lessons gleaned from Mahatma Gandhi’s life offer us invaluable advice on leading an enlightened life, a more meaningful, self-aware, socially responsible and saner life.
A veteran Indian journalist and author of the book Ba – Bapu, Arvind Mohan said Indians are losing much of their cultural identity. Similarly, the new generation does not know much about Gandhi. They only know what they have heard from people. But there are many such inspiring incidents from the life of Gandhi which can prove to be helpful in improving our lives. The sad thing is that the diaspora is forgetting the ideals and heroic stories of our great leaders. Hope such programs will inspire them and they will pass it on to the generations to come.
DrShobhanaRadhakrishna is an internationally acclaimed expert on Gandhian Philosophy. During the commemoration of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, she travelled to 33 countries and presented 148 lectures and Gandhi Katha. ShobhanaRadhakrishna was born in Sewagram Ashram in Wardha, India. Radhakrishna has cultivated a strong ideological connection with Gandhi’s ideals since childhood. She has established many organizations to work for Sarvodaya, Gramswaraj and constructive programs. She is the founder of the SCOPE Gandhian Forum for Ethical Corporate Governance in India. This course will further enhance the understanding of the participants to get acquainted with the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and their relevance in the contemporary world.