GOPIO Manhattan and Happy Life Celebrate International Day of Yoga 2024 Hosted by Filmmaker Tirlok Malik

New York: Global Organization for People of Indian Origin – Manhattan Chapter and Emmy-nominated filmmaker and Happy Life Yoga speaker Tirlok Malik, along with The Indian Panorama and Indian American Forum, organized an interactive and informative session on June 22 featuring eminent experts and speakers to celebrate International Day of Yoga 2024.

GOPIO Manhattan and Happy Life Celebrate International Day of Yoga 2024 Hosted by Filmmaker Tirlok Malik pic 1
Host Tirlok Malik, a Happy Life Yoga Speaker

The ever-ebullient Malik emphasized loving yourself and “if you love yourself, it is your responsibility to take care of your happiness and health”. He conducted practical exercises as well as chair yoga, peppered with calls for laughter among a large number of participants logged in for the session from the New York area, other parts of the USA, India, and around the world.

Consul General of India in New York, Amb. Binaya Srikanta Pradhan, in his address as Chief Guest, underlined that yoga is a holistic body-mind-spirit system. He congratulated GOPIO and Tirlok Malik for holding the event open to all.

GOPIO Manhattan and Happy Life Celebrate International Day of Yoga 2024 Hosted by Filmmaker Tirlok Malik pic 2
India’s Consul General in New York Shri Binay Srikanta Pradhan

In his 4th year leading this event, session host Malik asked the speakers to address the question: There are challenges and hardships in life, but how do you let them go and laugh at life? Give me your personal mantra, he asked them.

Indu Jaiswal, Chairperson of the Indian American Forum and a medical professional, shared her mantra: “Always have a positive outlook and believe in yourself.”

Prof. Indrajit Singh Saluja, Editor-Publisher of The Indian Panorama, said that happiness is within you. He added that the five don’ts – ahimsa, Satya, etc.–of Patanjali yoga is a formula for not causing unhappiness to others.

Tara Shajan, a medical professional, suggested we should revisit our happy memories, particularly from childhood, and try to lower our happiness threshold. Neeta Bhasin, the founder of Times Square Diwali, shared that she has learned to prioritize her own happiness.

Neha Lohia, a filmmaker and spiritual enthusiast, said that we should take whatever happens to us as ‘prasad’ from God.

Parveen Chopra, founder of wellness and spirituality webmag, mentioned the sutra, “Heyam dukham anagatam” (Avert the danger that has not yet come). Do regular exercise, yoga and meditation, he said, to avoid poor physical and mental health later in life.

Dr. Renee Mehra, Host of Zoom in with Renee Online show conducted a short meditation. Others who spoke included GOPIO International President Lal Motwani, AIA National President Gobind Munjal, ‘Vegan Ambassador’ Anil Narang and Deborah Fishman.

GOPIO International Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, who also serves as an advisor to GOPIO-Manhattan, in his welcome address spoke about the objectives of GOPIO and urged who are not members yet to join GOPIO International organization or a nearby chapter. GOPOIO-Manhattan President Shivender Sofat, said the message shared at the session should be shared with others. GOPIO-Manhattan Board member Sid Jain provided the technical service at the session Chapter Secretary Bhavya Gupta gave the vote of thanks.

Tirlok Malik has conducted over 100 Happy Life Yoga workshops over four years. He created this workshop (No mats needed!) inspired by Ayurveda, yoga, and Indian philosophy as a practical way to live a happier and healthier life in today’s testing times.

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Organizers and speakers at the Yoga Day Session
GOPIO Manhattan and Happy Life Celebrate International Day of Yoga 2024 Hosted by Filmmaker Tirlok Malik pic 4
Organizers and speakers at the Yoga Day Session

GOPIO-Manhattan, in accordance with its mission to serve the larger society and those in need, has taken several initiatives since its founding in 2020. A Community Feeding is organized by the Chapter providing ​a vegetarian lunch for the homeless and needy at Tomkins Square Park in Manhattan on the last Monday of every month. The chapter appeals to the community to support the initiative by being a volunteer and/or a sponsor.

For additional information on GOPIO Manhattan, contact President Shivender Sofat at 731-988-6969, e-mail: or visit here:  Facebook Link: GOPIO Manhattan NYC

GOPIO-CT Hosts Virtual Seminar to Promote Mental Health Awareness in South Asian Community

Speakers at the virtual seminar organized by GOPIO-CT to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, Top row, l. to r. Mini Santosh, Japa Daptardar; Bottom row: from l. to r. Dr. Mohini Ranganathan and Dr. Thomas Abraham

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin – Connecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT) recently held an engaging virtual seminar in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of GOPIO International and Trustee of GOPIO-CT, opened the seminar by introducing GOPIO and its Connecticut chapter, outlining their various activities and ways to get involved. He then introduced GOPIO-CT President Jaya Daptardar, who spearheaded the organization of this wellness seminar and panel discussion on May 30, 2024, via Zoom. The event received a positive response from the attendees.

The seminar’s theme was “Embracing Wellness and Cultivating Mental Health Awareness,” and it featured a distinguished and diverse panel of speakers. The panelists included Dr. Mohini Ranganathan, an associate professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and a practicing psychiatrist for two decades; Dr. Jaya Daptardar, an Ayurvedic Doctor with 25 years of experience who also serves as the Chief Compliance Officer for Bridges Healthcare in Connecticut; and Mini Santosh, an Early Childhood Director with the Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut.

Dr. Mohini Ranganathan emphasized that no community is exempt from mental health issues and underscored the importance of having open conversations about mental health. She pointed out the lack of sufficient awareness and dialogue about mental health within the South Asian American community but noted an increasing willingness to learn about it. “It is important not to be shy about discussing behavioral health issues,” she said.

Dr. Jaya Daptardar highlighted that behavioral health challenges are universal and not confined to any particular race, ethnicity, or gender. She stressed the significance of recognizing early signs of behavioral changes and challenges and initiating conversations to seek help. Dr. Daptardar also discussed various therapies and treatments available, as well as simple prevention and wellness methods such as breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga.

Mini Santosh, an educator specializing in early childhood education, spoke about the heightened need for mental health attention, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic. She highlighted the stigma surrounding mental health in Indian communities and emphasized the importance of providing support and access to mental health services.

The panel discussion elicited insightful questions from the participants, and the Q&A session provided valuable insights for parents and attendees. It was clear that more panels and community discussions are necessary to raise awareness of mental health in South Asian and Indian communities. GOPIO-CT has a robust platform to offer health and wellness-related seminars for the community.

Over the past 18 years, GOPIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO International, has evolved into an active and dynamic organization. It hosts interactive sessions with policymakers and academicians, community events, youth mentoring and networking workshops, and collaborates with other local organizations to foster a better future. GOPIO-CT serves as a non-partisan, secular, civic, and community service organization, promoting awareness of Indian culture, customs, and contributions of people of Indian origin through various community programs, forums, events, and youth activities. The organization seeks to strengthen partnerships and create ongoing dialogues with local communities.

Citizens Launch Nationwide #VotersWillMustPrevail Campaign to Ensure Fair Vote Counting in 18th Lok Sabha Elections

As citizens deeply invested in various social movements concerning farmers, workers, women, and marginalized groups, including notable public intellectuals, we have actively engaged in the lead-up to the 18th Lok Sabha Elections, which began on April 19, 2024. Over the past ten months, we have noticed a concerning lack of exemplary conduct from the Election Commission of India (ECI). To address this, we convened two High-Level Broad Consultative Meetings in Bengaluru (May 21, 2024) and Delhi (May 28, 2024) with grassroots movements, civil society, and political parties.

In our continued commitment to the electoral process, voter awareness, booth-level vigilance, and ensuring accountability and transparency from statutory bodies, particularly the ECI, we have launched the nationwide campaign #VotersWillMustPrevail. This initiative aims to secure a fair and transparent vote-counting process. A structured Citizens Vigil will be organized to document and address any malpractices or misconduct by officials or politicians during the polling process, ensuring prompt dissemination and thorough follow-up. We call upon the responsible sections of the Indian media to support the publication of the Voters Will Must Prevail Programme.

To uphold the people’s will, we have resolved to establish a Vigilant Voter Task Force for Counting Day (June 4, 2024). Our key actions include:

1.Citizen Involvement: Citizens will engage in the counting process at the local level in Parliamentary Constituencies nationwide on June 4, 2024.

2.Collaboration with Opposition Parties: We will work closely with political parties from the Opposition to motivate Counting Agents, ensuring a methodical and thorough counting process, free from intimidatory tactics by the Regime.

3.Reminder to Election Officials: We will remind the ECI and all State Level Officers, right down to every booth, that their allegiance is to the Indian People and the Constitution, not the government in power.

4.Communication with District Officials: Letters will be sent to District Collectors, Deputy Commissioners, District Magistrates, and other officials functioning as Returning Officers, as well as ECI-appointed Observers, reminding them of their Constitutional Obligations and Duties.

5.Mobilization of Citizens: Citizens will be mobilized across the country, particularly in sensitive booths, to ensure that the vote-counting process is conducted by the Law and Rule Book, free and fair. This involvement, termed Ginti ki Chaukidaari, will be visible state-wise outside counting stations.

6.Counting Vigilance Manual: A manual will be created to facilitate this coordinated endeavor. To ensure functionality and effectiveness, four helpline numbers (two for North India and two for South India) will be established to record and respond to ground-level complaints. These helpline numbers will be operationalized shortly and widely publicized.

Furthermore, we will closely interact with the opposition INDIA alliance on issues of voter manipulation and subversion. Our actions aim to exercise the democratic and peaceful rights of the Indian people as mandated by the Constitution under Articles 324-326. We, the People of India, have a vested interest in restoring India to a vibrant, functioning democratic republic.

We express deep concern that never before in the history of the Indian Republic has the public’s faith in democratic institutions been so low. The ongoing subversion of the autonomy and independence of governance institutions necessitates alerting fellow citizens nationwide in the days and weeks ahead. We are deeply concerned about potential manipulations in the counting process and the subsequent transition period. On behalf of the electorate, we affirm that if the counting of votes and the declaration of results are conducted freely, fairly, and transparently, the mandate will clearly oppose the current regime’s policies. Fair implementation of this mandate will assuredly bring change to the People of India.

However, we are extremely concerned about the process that follows and whether it will proceed smoothly, democratically, and constitutionally. The entire period of this 18th Lok Sabha election, particularly post-declaration of polls and the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC), has seen unprecedented violations of the Constitution, Indian law, and the MCC, along with blatant electioneering malpractices. There is a genuine apprehension that these structured manipulations will persist during the counting process and beyond, potentially disrespecting the people’s mandate.

It is the People of India who elect a Government. No one is above the people. As the Preamble of our Constitution states, “We The People of India, are sovereign.”

We urge the Indian media and citizens to support and participate in this crucial vigilance effort, ensuring the democratic process is upheld and the people’s voice prevails.

GOPIO Chamber of Commerce and Industry to be launched globally

Following the relaunch of the GOPIO Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) at the GOPIO Convention 2024 in April, a brainstorming meeting was held on May 23rd with GOPIO officials and businesspeople from the New York area. The meeting, which took place at the conference room of Braj Aggarwal CPA PC in New York City, focused on the worldwide launch of GCCI. Additionally, the event featured Ahmedabad Advocate Nachiket Dave, who practices in the Gujarat High Court and Supreme Court in New Delhi. Advocate Dave will be active in GOPIO-Ahmedabad and plans to initiate GCCI-Ahmedabad.

GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham and GOPIO Global Ambassador Prakash Shah led the discussion. Officials from GOPIO chapters in Manhattan, Connecticut, and North Jersey were also in attendance.
Participants at the planning meeting, Sitting from l. to r. Joe Simon, Dr. Thomas Abraham, Advocate Nachiket Dave, Prakash Shah; Standing from l. to r. T.T. Bhat, Mridul Pathak, Prof. Raj Vangapaty, Prof. Krish Girish, Srinivas Akarapu, Dr. Anil Paulose, Attorney Dilli Bhatta, Ravi Nichani, Bharat Rana and Siddarth Jain

First-of-its-kind Ram Lalla Music Concert in the USA

For Immediate Release

May 5, 2023

The following press release was issued by Deepti Mahajan, Coordinator, SF Bay Area, World Hindu Council of America (VHPA)

On May 18th, 2024, Hindus of Northern California are celebrating Shri Ram Lalla’s (Baby Shree Rama’s) homecoming with the largest Music concert for Shri Rama. The concert, like the VHPA Ram Rath Yatra, the monumental journey of Ram Rath visiting around 850 temples in North America, will bring Akshath and Prasad from January 22nd. Pran Pratishthan (consecration ceremony) held in Ayodhya.

This will be a first-of-its-kind music concert on the Shri Ram theme. The chants of Hanuman Chalisa and Ram ji songs will reverberate through the Bay Area.   World-renowned religious troupe ‘Kirtaniyas’,  will add a divine touch to the celebrations. The echoes of Shri Ram’s glory will resonate, filling the audience’s soul with peace, love, and reverence.

Deepti Mahajan, the coordinator of VHPA in the SF Bay Area, member of the National Governing Council, and co-convener of HinduPACT, expressed, “This enchanting evening of musical devotion to our beloved Shri Rama is a unique opportunity for all Hindus of North California to come together, celebrate, and partake in a truly transcendental experience. This ‘RELIGIOUS MUSIC CONCERT’ is not just a musical event, but a small step towards fostering unity and celebrating the spirit of Ram Janma Bhumi within the Bay area Hindu community.”

The organizers, Deepti Mahajan, Daipayan Deb, Bimal Bhagwat, Deepak Bajaj, Param Desai and Rohit Sharma- are thrilled to bring this event to California, aiming to further strengthen the Hindu community. This same group had orchestrated the bay area car rally on January 22nd, a resounding success that drew over 2000 Hindus and 1000 cars. Many dedicated volunteers like Raj Nanduri, Atul Shah, Chinmayi Vyas, Pankaj Kushwaha, Rupal Asodaria, Sangeetha Shankar, Mukul Sinvhal, Adhiraj Lahiri, Himanshu Sharma and Srinivasan Venkataraman are also working tirelessly to ensure the event is a memorable and successful one.

To learn more about the event and to get tickets, please go to:

For further information, please contact: [email protected]

Thank you!

Deepti Mahajan


New York City Mayor Eric Adams proclaimed April 6th as Dr. Thomas Abraham Day at the dedication ceremony of Dr. Thomas Abraham Library.

New York: Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chairman of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) was honored for his contribution of 50 years of service to the Indian Diaspora community and India by dedication of Dr. Thomas Abraham Library at the Indian American Kerala Cultural and Civic Center in Elmont, New York. New York City Mayor Eric Adams proclaimed April 6th as Dr. Thomas Abraham Day in honor of the new library opening.

Indian Consul General Binaya Srikanta Pradhan inaugurated the library at a festive event at the Center, attended by cross section of the community on April 6. Apart from books, the library also contains historical documents depicting the growth of the Indian American community and history of Indian Diaspora community, especially from the collections of Dr. Abraham.

Consul General Pradhan Cutting the Ribbon at the Dr Thomas Abraham Library 1

Dr. Thomas Abraham Library Inauguration – Consul General Pradhan Cutting the Ribbon. Also seen are New York City Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs Dilip Chauhan, Rockland County Legislator Dr. Aney Paul, Kerala Center President Alex Esthappan and NY State Senator Kevin Thomas

Dr. Abraham, whose community work spans a half century, is noted for founding several organizations which have become big institutions of the Indian American community and the global Indian Diaspora community. Dr. Abraham has been serving the NRI/PIO community for the last 51 years. He served as the founder president of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) of New York in the 1970s which organizes the largest India Day Parade outside India and the National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA) in the 1980s. Dr. Abraham currently serves as the Chairman of Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) which he founded in 1989 and as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Indian American Kerala Center in New York and was a Co-Founder of the Center. Dr. Abraham also served as the Co-Chairman of the fund-raising campaign to institute a chair for Indian studies at Columbia University. Two other groups initiated by Dr. Abraham are National Indian American Association for Senior Citizens (NIAASC) and South Asian Council for Social Services (SACSS).

Lighting of trhe lamp and Saraswati Vandana as a Kathak Dance

Photo left: Lighting of the lamp by notable ladies of the Kerala Center and Abraham Family, from l. to r. Dr. Nitya Abraham, Leela Moduthagam, Jessica Abraham, Prof. Teresa Antony, Chinnamma Stephen and Vilcy Esthappan; Photo right: Barnard College student Nandini Lal performing Saraswati Vandana in Kathak style.

Library Committee Member Abraham Thomas started the program with a brief welcome and then introducing Kerala Center Vice President Daisy Stephen, who served as the MC. The program was started with rendering American and Indian National Anthems by Ms. Lauren Vattakalam. Kerala Center President Alex Estappan in his welcome speech noted that Dr. Abraham was the founder of most of the major Indian community organizations in the New York area including FIA New York, NFIA and GOPIO. These organizations have empowered the Indian community over the last 50 years.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the library hall with Consul General Pradhan cutting the ribbon along with dignitaries. Kerala Center officials and immediate family members of Dr. Abraham. The program was started with lamp lighting ceremony and a Kathak Dance Sarswati Vandana by Barnard College student Nandini Lal.

Kerala Center Board Chairman Nephrologist Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran introduced the Consul General and said “It is a proud movement for the Kerala Center to have this library at it premises.”

Addressing a packed audience, Consul General Pradhan said, “I don’t see this as the inauguration of a library, but as a celebration of the work and achievements of Dr. Abraham and his contributions to the society.”

Pradhan said that he was familiar with organizations like GOPIO (Global Organization of People of Indian Origin) which Abraham founded. When he joined the New York Consulate, he met Dr. Abraham on the first day and got a clear picture of the Indian American community from him.

‘The gradual growth and changes in the Indian society can be seen through his life. This growth is exciting. People mentioned Dr. Abraham’s name when he visited Ohio, a state within the jurisdiction of the consulate. It means his work isn’t limited to the New York tristate area. It is amazing how he shaped the brand India over half a century.” Said Pradhan.

The Indian community is growing steadily here. We pay a high price for that. Now at least one lakh students from India come to study here every year. The community has now become a force to reckon with.

Consul General Binaya Pradhan Speaking and New York City proclamation presented

Photo left: Consul General Binaya Pradhan Speaking, Photo right New York City proclamation being presented to Dr. Thomas Abraham, from l. to r.: Kerala Center Founder E.M. Stephen, Senator Kevin Thomas, GOPIO President Lal Motwani, New York City Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs Dilip Chauhan, Consul General Pradhan, Dr. Thoms Abraham, Kerala Center President Alex Esthappan, Leela Miruthangam, Dr. Nitya Abraham, Terrence Moduthagam, Jay Thomas Aberaham and Jessica Abraham

When he was ambassador to Tanzania, he tried to set up a branch of IIT there.  The government of Tanzania came forward to set it up. The president of that country knew about the benefits achieved by India through IITs and wanted to have the same in his country. This was achieved during his term in Tanzania.

Pradhan asked the diaspora to pay attention to the Indian American community here as well, along with the services done for India. The community should come forward to help the Indian students coming here. That is very much needed.

He also praised the works of the Kerala Center. He suggested adding digital facilities at the library and the Consulate is willing to contribute to the same.

New York City Deputy Commissioner for International Affairs Dilip Chauhan presented a proclamation from New York City Mayor Eric Adams declaring April 6th as Dr. Thomas Abraham Day in honor of the new library opening. In his proclamation, Mayor Adams applauded Dr. Abraham for his continued effort to support and uplift people of Indian origin descent in New York and beyond.

New York State Senator Kevin Thomas, who was another honored guest, revealed at the event that his field of activity is going to change soon. He had announced that he would contest for the Congress, but later called it off. He said he is also no longer running for the New York State Senate. There were earlier indications that he would get another important appointment. He did not reveal what that would be.

Senator Thomas said more youth should come forward to politics. He also presented New York Senate’s Proclamation honoring Thomas Abraham.

Mr. Bruce A. Blakeman, Executive of Nassau County, where the library is located, issued a citation honoring Dr. Abraham for his half a century of dedicated service to the Indian American community. The award was presented by former Nassau County Commissioner Varinder Bhalla and former Deputy Commissioner Ratna Bhalla. Both praised contributions of Dr. Abraham.

Proclamation from New York Senate and Citation from Nassau County Executive Being Presented

Photo left: New York State Senator Kevin Thomas presenting a proclamation from New York State Senate honoring Dr. Abraham, Photo right: Nassau County Citation being presented to Dr. Abraham, from l. to r.: GOPIO President Lal Motwani, Ratna Bhalla, Dr. Abraham, Varinder Bhalla, Consul General Pradhan, Keral Center President Alex Estappan and Board Chairman Dr. Madhu Bhaskaran

Connecticut’s senior US Senator Richard Blumenthal issued special recognition to Dr. Thomas Abraham Library. In his massage, Senator Blumenthal said, “I appreciate all the work you have done for the NRI/PIO community, and indeed the State of Connecticut, including founding of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) and GOPIO-CT, as well as numerous community institutions and nonprofit organizations you have supported.”

“The inauguration of the new library at the Kerala Center in your name is well deserved, and I am glad to hear that it will serve as a reference and research center for Indian Americans and the Indian Diaspora,” Blumenthal continued. Senator Blumenthal’s recognition certificate was presented by GOPIO-CT Executive Vice President Mahesh Jhangiani.

Dr Abraham with GOPIO CT Officials and the original Team of 1970s and '80s

Photo left: Dr. Abraham with GOPIO-CT Officials, Photo right: the original team of 1970s and ’80s for community mobilization

Kerala Center Founder President E.M. Stephen recalled that he had written in the press in 1994 saying that the Kerala Center would be a research center. Now that is coming is place and he is very happy in seeing library housed at the Keral Center.

He said he has been associated with Thomas Abraham since 1978, working in the organizations founded by him. He termed Abraham as a philosophical and progressive person who works for the good of all.

John Isaac (Shibu), who is running for the New York State Assembly from Westchester complimented Dr. Abraham for his community achievements and also urged the community to promote political involvement in running for public office. Rockland County Legislator Dr. Aney Paul was also present at the occasion.

Community leaders from various community organizations which Dr. Abraham founded spoke at the event included SACSS Executive Director Sudha Acharya who was also former President of FIA New York, Vice President of NFIA and Founding Co-Convener of GOPIO; GOPIO ‘s Global Ambassador and 2024 Convener Prakash Shah and Rajul Shah; NFIA Vice President for New York Region and President of NIAASC Gunjan Rastogi.

 Dr. Thomas Abraham’s son Jay Abraham, who is a senior engineering manager at Pratt and Whitney, daughter Montefiore Urologist Dr Nitya Abraham, granddaughter Leela and other family members attended the function. The Library Committee will be headed by Kerala Center’s new Grand Patron and Dr. Abraham’s son Jay Abraham, who thanked the Kerala Center for housing the library. Keral Center Secretary Raju Thomas gave the vote of thanks.

In a fireside chat set up with MC Daisy Stephen, Dr. Thomas Abraham thanked all who attended the event. He said that if his work has done any good to the community, it makes his life worthy and satisfied.

“Our community should continue to grow and become stronger in the political arena too,” Dr. Abraham said.

Fireside Chat with Dr Thomas Abraham and Audience

Photo left: Fireside chat with Dr. Abraham, Photo right: Audience at the event.

Dr. Abraham further said that this library would serve as a resource center for the Indian Diaspora with compilation Diaspora history in different countries and as research center for Diaspora studies.

“Down the road, a few decades from now, people should know how the Indian Diaspora contributed to India in the last 50 years, how it influenced India government to liberalize in the 1980s and ‘90s, how the Diaspora brought technologies and investments to India, and even the close US-India relations is attributed to our Diaspora in the USA, said Dr. Abraham.

Kerala Center Officials and Members with Dr Thomas Abraham

Kerala Center Officials and Members with Dr. Thomas Abraham

The program ended with a Bhangra by Dr. Reena Sharma, a research scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York.
