American Association of Engineers of Indian Origin (AAEIO) will host a Technical and Start-up Business conference in April 2022 to help new companies to do networking, mentoring, access to funding and developing Business plans.
These programs are designed to assist new startups. Microsoft CEO Mr. Satya Nadella, U.S Senator, Governor, Consul General of India, U.S Congressmen, CEOs of fortune 100 companies are expected to attend this event.
AAEIO President Gladson Varghese and other Board members had a planning meeting with Consul General of India Amit Kumar in Chicago to discuss this event and future plans.
Hon. Kumar, a Kanpur IIT Graduate and IFS officer, also gave his suggestions. He asked the board to focus on 2-3 areas like Digital transformation, Education, Energy and do it well. He also asked the board to do events both in US and in India. He suggested that digital transformation ideas should be at grass root levels, such as solution to problem such as “Army is looking to create parts with 3D printing for older generation MIGs”. These ideas can be used for business competition and provide innovation.
As part of the growth of this organization, organizers are planning to host events in various cities including San Francisco. Attracting Indian Engineering students was also discussed in this meeting.
Membership Chairman Nag Jaiswal, Vice President Nitin Maheshwari, President-Elect Ajit Pant and Treasurer Abhishek Jain will take the lead in these activities.
The group is also planning to do a Job Fair on March 10th to help the community, Board of Director Vinoz Chanamolu with the help of other Board members taking the leadership role by contacting several Fortune 500 companies and other IT / Manufacturing Companies. Several Board of Directors are working in getting Federal and State governments participation including Department of Labor.
Technical and Start-up business conference will be hosted with the support of T-hub, which is a Technology Hub organization based in Hyderabad for innovation and business incubator programs based on the triple helix model of Innovation, Participation of University, Industry and Government.
Purdue University President is also expecting to attend this event. AAEIO is planning to have this event start in the morning with various seminars and Trade shows and the evening meeting will conclude with black-tie event.