Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor was a speaker at the India Conference at the prestigious Harvard Business School in Boston, Massachusetts. Her sister, actress Kareena Kapoor also joined her for an online chat. Sharing the photos, Karisma thanked the team for having her. BFF Malaika Arora, Natasha Poonawalla, Sanjay Kapoor, Maheep Kapoor and others congratulated Lolo on the honor.
On Monday, Karisma took to her Instagram and shared pictures from the Harvard Business School in Boston. The actress spoke about the soft power of Bollywood. In the pictures, she can be seen dressed in a beige Indian attire and a long coat.
Karisma wrote in the caption: “It was an absolute pleasure and honor to be a speaker at the India Conference at Harvard. Shout out to @kareenakapoorkhan for joining us for an impromptu but insightful chat. Thank you to @sunnysandhu24 and team #HarvardIndiaConference for being so wonderful. This was truly special.”
The post also garnered mixed reactions. A troll commented, “So many female scientists, achievers, entrepreneurs this country has produced.. yet Harvard is inviting those who lip-synced to songs and danced around trees to motivate them… it’s sad and hilarious.”Defending the actress, a fan hit back, “You can write a paragraph but cannot read a few words on that screen. It was about Bollywood so why would they invite scientists or entrepreneurs?”
An X user called out Harvard Business School for inviting Karisma Kapoor to speak on ‘soft power of Bollywood’ despite the fact that she isn’t a graduate.
However, another user defended Karisma by commenting, “Uninformed Bewfkoof aurat (dumb woman)! It may interest you to know that Harvard University offers a prominent undergraduate degree program known as ‘Art, Film, and Visual Studies.’ This information is provided to address any gaps in your awareness.”
Another user posted, “From when did graduation became equivalent of wisdom? Why is a woman bashing another woman? (laughing with tears emoji) Jealous?” A third user echoed the thought and commented, “Knowledge is much more than certificates and degrees – at the time when she was active in Bollywood she was way ahead of his time as compare to others actresses #KarishmaKapoor.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress will be soon seen in the upcoming streaming thriller film ‘Murder Mubarak’. The film will drop on Netflix on March 15. (IANS)