Russia and India to Begin Talks on Visa-Free Group Tourism in June, Agreement Expected by Year-End

Featured & Cover Russia and India to Begin Talks on Visa Free Group Tourism in June Agreement Expected by Year End

The initial discussions between Russia and India regarding the establishment of a visa-free group tourist exchange are set to commence in June, with the expectation of finalizing a bilateral agreement by the end of the year. This information was disclosed by Nikita Kondratyev, the Director of the Russian Economic Development Ministry’s Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects, to the Russian state-owned news agency Sputnik.

“The process with group visa-free trips has moved a little. The Indian side returned with the answer that they are at the final stage of internal state coordination and asked us again for the latest draft of the document and promised to return in the very near future. I think we will hold the first consultations with them in June to discuss a draft agreement,” Kondratyev stated at the International Economic Forum ‘Russia–Islamic World: Kazan Forum 2024’ held in Kazan.

He further added, “We plan to sign by the end of the year.”

Previously, the ministry had indicated that it anticipates initiating visa-free tourist exchanges with India in 2024, following the precedents set by similar agreements with China and Iran.

On August 1, 2023, Russia and China commenced a visa-free group tourist exchange under an intergovernmental agreement. Simultaneously, a visa-free group tourist exchange between Russia and Iran also began on the same date.

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