Rep. Rohit Khanna Introduces Bill Limiting SC Judges’ Term

The United States Supreme Court has come under criticism for its partisan views based on its rulings based on ideology, economic status, and who is able to finance Justices and families for their willingness to accept and use sponsors for their luxury trips around the world for Favors and favorable opinions in cases that favor their financiers,

A Majority of the US public and across the globe have lost faith in the Justices of the US Supreme Court, based on their ideology, political orientations, and the money power of their clients.

In this context, following the US Supreme Court’s rejection of President Biden’s student debt relief plan, Representatives Rohit Khanna and Don Beyer reintroduced The Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act of 2021, which seeks to create an 18-year term limit for justices appointed to the court.

According to a release, a recent poll showed that only 37 percent of Americans have confidence in the Supreme Court while 68 percent support term limits for Supreme Court justices. The proposed legislation, which aims to restore judicial independence, states that after their 18-year terms, justices would be allowed to continue their service in lower courts.

Commenting on the bill’s significance, Indian American Representative Ro Khanna said, “Our Founding Fathers intended for lifetime appointments to ensure impartiality. The decision today demonstrates how justices have become partisan and out of step with the American public. I am proud to reintroduce The Supreme Court Term Limits and Regular Appointments Act to implement term limits to rebalance the Court and stop extreme partisanship.”

Rep. Beyer also joined Khanna on stating the implication of the ruling on the student borrowers. “I have long supported reforming the Supreme Court to limit terms to end lifetime tenures and ensure the Court remains a fair and impartial arbiter of justice. Our bill would achieve this and help restore balance to a heavily politicized Court,” he added.

Reps. Barbara Lee, Rashida Tlaib, Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, Sean Casten. and John Garamendi also extended their support in favour of the bill.

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