Bellamkonda Kishore, M.D., Ph.D., MBA.,an academician, innovator and entrepreneur of Salt Lake City, Utah, has composed a Pandemic Gitanjali on COVID-19,an inspiring poetical tribute, aptly reflecting his unique skills as a writer and thoughtful leader. In addition to being a physician leader, Dr. Kishore is a freelance writer and composer in Telugu ad English.
It’s noteworthy that Dr. Kishore has been honored with the Outstanding Editor Award in Renal and Epithelial Physiology Specialty Section of Frontiers in Physiology, a Switzerland-based publication last week. In a message sent to Dr. Kishore, Publishing Development Journal Manager Georgina Harris, Ph.D. at Frontiers in Lausanne, Switzerland, wrote: “As Frontiers in Physiology reaches 10,000 published articles and more than 10 years online, on behalf of our Chief Editors, we are honored to award you the Outstanding Editor Award in Renal and Epithelial Physiology Specialty Section for your strong editorial contribution to Frontiers in Physiology.” Dr. Harris added: “We would like to highlight our outstanding editors and share our gratitude towards your editorial efforts via social media. Thank you for your strong support for the Journal and providing your time and expertise towards our mission to make all science open!”
For Dr. Kishore, this award follows on the heels of successful launching of JAAPI (Journal of AAPI), a peer-reviewed medical and healthcare journal, as its Editor-in-Chief. UNN has recently covered that event, which is a milestone in the annals of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, the largest physicians organization in the United States after the American Medical Association.
Dr. Kishore has decades of academic research experience in kidney physiology, pathophysiology and experimental therapeutics gained in India, Japan, Belgium, and the United States, which includes the Intramural Research Program of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland. Over the years, Dr. Kishore and his collaborators identified and patented novel drug targets for obesity, and kidney and other diseases. In recognition of his academic and research contributions and scholarly activities, he has been inducted as Fellow by professional organizations such as the American Society of Nephrology (FASN), Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), American Physiological Society (FAPS) and American Heart Association (FAHA).
After directing an internationally recognized kidney research program as a Principal Investigator at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System for about 20 years, where he received a Superior Performance Award and News Release local radio broadcast of his research, in May 2020 Dr. Kishore moved out to build ePurines, Inc a startup drug development company focused on developing innovative purinergic signaling-based therapies for obesity, metabolic syndrome, and kidney and liver disease. Currently he is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine (Nephrology) with affiliations to Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology and Center on Aging at the University of Utah Health, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dr. Kishore believes that Passion, Perseverance and Patience (3Ps) are the only ingredients anyone needs, despite his/her status at the start of career or life. If these three are there, everything will fall in tplace one day or other. It is just a question of time. Dr. Kishore says that there are still plenty of opportunities to grow in this world and do meaningful work, provided we prepare by changing our attitude, and recognize and follow our priorities in life whether they are pleasant to us or not. He says that people fail often not because they are not smart or intelligent, but they chose wrong priorities in life and pursue them without thinking where they will lead them.
Dr. Kishore adds, a purpose-driven life is far more superior than a success-driven life. Because, a purpose-drive life expands our consciousness and horizons, whereas success-driven life narrows our consciousness and options. By putting together his philosophy and experience in life, Dr. Kishore has written and published two books TamasomaJyothirgamayaand Life is Creating Yourself to benefit aspiring students and youth seeking direction and guidance in life beyond the academics. These books are available freely to download as PDF copies by clicking on the hyperlinks. Dr. Kishore considers that academics only prepare us to earn livelihood, but not teach us how to lead our lives. He hopes that his books will provide much needed insights to the youth to shape their lives and thus lead purposeful lives.