Indian Nurses Association of New York (INA-NY), the professional organization of nurses of Indian origin in the State of New York is inviting essays to the annual competition. The theme of the essay is “Nurses A Voice to Lead: A Vision for Future Healthcare”. All nurses of Indian origin/heritage living in New York State are eligible to participate in the competition.
The two-page essay should be double spaced, without any identifiable author’s personal information. A separate cover page with author’s name, credentials, telephone number(s) and email address is to be submitted with the essay.
The winners of 1st and 2nd place will be announced at the Nurses Day celebration of INA-NY on May 8th. Nominations are also invited for Annual Student Scholarship for undergraduate and Associate degree nursing students of Indian origin. The student must be a member of INA-NY. Application form for Graduate Nursing Student Scholarship can be obtained from
Nominations for ‘INA-NY Nurse Excellence Award 2021’ are also accepted from INA-NY members. The selected candidate will exemplify the very best attributes of Nursing profession, excelled in giving high quality patient care and demonstrated a commitment to professional nursing practice.
The leadership of INA-NY intents to utilize the Nurses Day celebrations for promoting nursing, nurses, education, health and wellness. The submission is to be sent to Grace Alexander, Chair of the Awards & Scholarship committee at [email protected].