Born and educated in India, Ajay Ghosh, The Chief Editor of Universal News Network, came to the United States to pursue his higher studies in Journalism in 1997. Having a Master’s Degree in Social Work, he worked as a freelance writer on social issues for numerous publications on in Delhi and served as the Editor of The Voice Delhi.
After graduating with a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the School of Journalism at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, his life as a professional journalist began in the summer of 1999 in New York City. Starting as a reporter for India Post, he worked as the New York Bureau Chief of Indian Reporter and World News from 2000 to 2005.
From 2002 to 2008, Ajay worked as the Executive Editor of NRI Today, a monthly magazine, published from New York. He was instrumental in launching The Asian Era, a colorful magazine published from New York and worked as the Chief Editor from 1999 to 2015. He had worked for about two years as the New York Bureau Chief of India Tribune, a weekly newspaper, published from Chicago.
Since early 2014, he has been working as the Bureau Chief of The Indian Express, North American Editions. In 2014, he along with Dr. Joseph Chalil launched The Universal News Network, an online publication ( and continues to serve as the Chief Editor of the web-portal.
In 2010, Ajay was appointed as the Media Consultant of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI, the largest ethnic association representing over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin in the United States. He has been recently appointed as the Media Coordinator of GOPIO-CT, considered the most vibrant GOPIO Chapter in the world.
With the objective of bringing together the journalists of Indian origin scattered across the United States, Ajay along with his friends/colleagues in the media, was instrumental in forming Indo-American Press Club last year, and had served as the founder President of Indo-American Press Club.
In addition, Ajay taught Social Work Seminar and guided students at the Graduate School of Social Work, Fordham University in New York City since 2006. He has been working as the Administrator of the Mental Health Clinic at Saint Dominic’s Home, Bronx, New York from 1999 to 2014. Worked as the Treatment Coordinator at Saint Vincent’s Hospital’s Westport Campus, which serves patients with mental health issues, and had a bief stint as a Senior Social Worker at Children’s Village that serves children and families for over 150 years. At present, he works as a Social Worker at Yale New Haven Hospital.
Ajay Ghosh is married to Mini, his closest friend and wife for nearly two decades and the couple are blessed with three beautiful daughters, Archana, Navya, and Ahana. The Ajay Family lives in Trumbull, CT.