WhatsApp has introduced an innovative ‘Secret Code’ feature geared towards enhancing user privacy in sensitive conversations. This complements their existing Chat Lock tool, enabling users to password-protect specific chats.
The Secret Code feature allows users to establish a distinct password, separate from their phone’s lock code, to access locked chats. This introduces an additional layer of security in the event that someone gains unauthorized access to the user’s phone. Moreover, the Locked Chats folder now has the option to be completely concealed from the main chat list. The exclusive means of accessing locked chats is by entering the secret code into WhatsApp’s search bar.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, expressed, “Rolling out secret code to Chat Lock on WhatsApp so you can protect your chats with a unique password. Now you can set your locked chats to only appear when you type the secret code in the search bar, so no one can unintentionally discover your most private conversations.”
In addition to bolstering security, the new feature streamlines the process of locking new chats. Users can now effortlessly lock any chat by long-pressing on it, eliminating the need to navigate through settings.
The global rollout of this feature commences this week, with the aim of reaching all WhatsApp users in the coming months. This development is part of a series of privacy-centric updates from the Meta-owned app, showcasing its commitment to reassuring users. In a landscape where chat privacy holds significant importance, the introduction of innovative tools like the Secret Code could potentially set WhatsApp apart from its competitors.