Taliban Imposes Strict New Rules on Afghan Women, Limiting Freedoms and Public Behavior

Feature and Cover Taliban Imposes Strict New Rules on Afghan Women Limiting Freedoms and Public Behavior

Afghanistan’s Taliban regime has issued a set of new orders that further restrict the freedoms of women in the country. According to a 114-page document reviewed by The Telegraph, the Taliban has banned women from looking at men and speaking loudly, both in public and inside their homes. These rules mark another step in the regime’s stringent control over the everyday lives of Afghan citizens, particularly targeting female behavior.

One of the new rules explicitly states, “It is forbidden for adult women to look at strange men.” In addition, women have been instructed to cover their faces to “avoid temptation and tempting others” and are prohibited from speaking in the presence of men who are not their husbands or close relatives. Inside their homes, women are ordered not to speak loudly to ensure their voices are not heard outside.

“The international community’s engagement with the Taliban has emboldened them to further suppress women,” said Zainab, a former civil servant in Kabul, expressing her concern over the new regulations. She added, “These are radical individuals in power who refuse to acknowledge our existence.”

These new restrictions require women to cover their bodies fully whenever they are in public. If a woman must leave her home, she is mandated to cover her face and ensure her voice is not audible to men. Women are also prohibited from singing or reciting the Koran in public. Furthermore, their clothing must not be thin, tight, or short, to maintain what the Taliban deems appropriate modesty.

The crackdown on women’s freedoms extends to public transportation and social behavior. Taxi drivers have been ordered not to transport women unless they are wearing a hijab and accompanied by an adult male guardian. Playing music in vehicles and allowing any interaction between men and women is also strictly prohibited. Women found in violation of these rules face arrest and imprisonment, according to the Taliban.

The restrictions are not limited to women. Men are also forbidden from looking at women’s faces in public and from wearing tight or short clothing while in public or exercising. The rules also bar men from trimming or shaving their beards, aligning with the Taliban’s interpretation of Islamic law.

These new rules have sparked widespread outrage among Afghan women, who have already faced numerous restrictions since the Taliban regained power in 2021. Women have been barred from working with aid agencies, entering parks, and traveling without a male guardian, among other limitations. Girls over the age of 12 have been excluded from education, leaving many without any formal schooling since the Taliban’s return.

“They’ve essentially created a massive cage for us called Afghanistan. I’m very concerned about what lies ahead,” said Zainab, one of the many women who lost their jobs after the Taliban took control. She continued, “They’ve threatened to prosecute women without hijabs, but they haven’t clarified what type of hijab they consider acceptable. They’re arresting women on the streets and pulling them out of taxis if they’re not accompanied by a male guardian.”

The Taliban’s harsh measures have been reinforced by its “ministry for the propagation of virtue and the prevention of vice,” which was established in the premises of the former women’s affairs department in 2021. This ministry has played a key role in enforcing the Taliban’s interpretation of Islamic law, often through fear and intimidation.

A UN report from July 2024 highlighted the ministry’s influence in creating a climate of fear among the Afghan population. The report noted that the ministry’s authority is expanding into other aspects of public life, including media monitoring and efforts to eradicate drug addiction.

“They’re dragging us back to the stone age,” lamented Zainab. “Society is no longer normal.” This sentiment echoes the growing frustration and hopelessness among Afghan women, who feel that their country is regressing under the Taliban’s rule.

In addition to their crackdown on women’s freedoms, the Taliban’s new rules have sparked criticism from human rights organizations around the world. These organizations argue that the Taliban’s actions are a violation of basic human rights and dignity. The international community has repeatedly called on the Taliban to respect women’s rights and allow them the freedom to participate fully in society.

However, the Taliban’s engagement with the international community has not resulted in any significant change in their stance. Instead, it seems to have emboldened them to impose even more severe restrictions on women. “The international community’s engagement with the Taliban has emboldened them to further suppress women,” reiterated Zainab.

The future for Afghan women under the Taliban regime appears increasingly bleak, with few signs of improvement. The Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic law continues to dictate nearly every aspect of life in Afghanistan, particularly for women, who have been systematically stripped of their rights and freedoms.

As the Taliban’s oppressive rules continue to restrict women’s rights, many fear that the situation in Afghanistan could deteriorate even further. The ongoing repression has left Afghan women with few options and little hope for change, reinforcing the belief that the Taliban’s return to power has created a “massive cage” for the women of Afghanistan.

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