National India Hub, “Center of Excellence in Community Service” Inaugurated in Schaumburg, Illinois

A new era has dawned in the history of the United States, for the fast-growing Indian Diaspora with the inauguration of the first ever and the largest US Indian Community Service Center, the National India Hub in Schaumburg, Illinois on June 15, 2024. The opening ceremony also coincided with the inauguration of a Yoga Fest in the presence of His Holiness Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni, Founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati.

Feature and Cover National India Hub

The Hub, a Community, Cultural, and Recreational Center, is set to be a beacon of hope, uniting and empowering the community. The nonprofit Center’s mission is to provide comprehensive services and activities, each designed to make a positive impact on all US communities, of all age groups, fostering a sense of optimism and progress.

The National India Hub, a 110,000 sq ft magnificent Class-A Building was inaugurated by Hon’ble Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Hon’ble Consul General of Chicago Indian Consulate Somnath Ghosh, and Hon’ble Former Secretary of Ministry of External Affairs of India, Ambassador Dr. Ausaf Sayeed. They commended the leadership of the National India Hub and wished to see the Center as a “Model Community Center” in the US.

Harish Kolasani, Founder & Chairman of the National India Hub, passionately shared the Center’s mission and vision in an exclusive interview with the news media. He said that this iconic center stands tall as the world’s largest Indian community center, housing over 60 service organizations dedicated to serving the community without boundaries, which is already eligible for Guinness World Record for having the highest number of service organizations under one roof.

NATIONAL INDIA HUB offers a wide range of services, including preventive healthcare, mental health support, aid for domestic abuse survivors, support for sexual assault victims, free CPR training, personality development, assistance for international students, business networking opportunities through chambers, diverse educational programs for children, skill development programs for adults, vibrant cultural activities, art classes, beautiful and affordable halls for community and private events, recreational activities for seniors and youth, and many more. All these initiatives are fueled by the dedication of our 590 passionate volunteers, making our Hub a beacon of community empowerment.

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Health-related activities include mental and heart health-targeted programs, blood drives, basic health screenings, and community bystander CPR programs to enhance outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Monthly mega-job fairs are also provided at the Center. Help desks representing the Indian and US Governments will be available soon. Programs tailored to senior citizens and youth including indoor games are a special feature at the Hub.

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Dr. Vemuri Murthy, a well-known Indo-US Cardiac Resuscitation Expert, is the Founder of the Community Health and CPR Training Center at the National India Hub. Dr. Murthy said, “Bystander CPR programs for communities and high school students will be offered during weekends at the Training Center, with state-of-the-art resuscitation equipment involving a dedicated team of CPR instructors and volunteers.” The Chicago Medical Society is a partner of the CPR Training Center. Hon’ble Somnath Ghosh and Hon’ble Dr. Ausaf Sayeed received the Center’s First Two CPR Training Certificates during an exclusive “Celebrity CPR Training Program” conducted at the Training Center.

Harish Kolasani, on behalf of the Board Members of the National India Hub, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the dignitaries and the 200+ attendees. He mentioned that until now National India Hub hasn’t taken any donations or grants from anyone including Government or Private organizations since 2010, which proves the credibility of the leadership. He also mentioned that he is proud to have the support of 340 Student Volunteers and 250 plus Adult volunteers who all came together to make this challenging project into an unstoppable project. He acknowledged their invaluable support and emphasized the community’s crucial role in the Hub’s success. He earnestly requested the continuing support of community members, and governmental and non-governmental organizations to help the Center become a ‘Model Community Service Center in the United States.”

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GOPIO-CT Chapter Raises Funds For CIRI, FUTURE 5 And Women’s Mentoring Network

GOPIO-CT chapter organized a fundraiser at its Holiday Party on December 15th to benefit Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI), a statewide nonprofit organization that assists refugees and immigrants. It was one of most successful Holiday Party and fundraising for charities. With a full house and overflowing, the chapter raised $5,000 and the check was presented to CIRI President and CEO Susan Schnitzer.

GOPIO-CT also presented checks to two other charities with similar amounts, Future 5 and Women’s Mentoring Network. These two later groups have been supported by GOPIO-CT since 2016.

The Holiday Party started with President Dr. Jaya Daptardar with a welcome speech. GOPIO-CT Board Member Prof. Sujatha Gadkar-Wilcox, who is a professor Quinnipiac University, was recognized for being appointed by Governor Ned Lamont as a Commissioner at Connecticut Human Rights Commission. constitution and international law.

GOPIO-CT honored its Past President Anita Bhat at the Holiday Party with Liberty Award 2023 for community leadership and for her services to GOPIO for over a dozen years. This was to be presented earlier at the India Independence Day Celebrations in August but she was not available at that time. Anita said that GOPIO-CT is doing a great job in community service.

GOPIO-CT has reelected the team for 2024 at the General Body Meeting held before the Holiday Party. The new team members are President Dr. Jaya Daptardar, Executive Vice President Mahesh Jhangiani, Vice President Prachi Narayan, Secretary Sushanth Krishnamurthy, Associate Secretary Ashvini Persaud and Treasurer Srinivas Akarapu. The General Body also elected Dr. Thomas Abraham and Totty Narang to the two open positions of Trustees. Continuing Trustees are Shelly Nichani (Chair), Joe Simon, Shailesh Naik and Prasad Chintalapudi. Up to 11 new Board Members will be appointed by the Executive Council.

A musical evening followed and was organized by GOPIO-CT President Daptardar and was compered by Board Member Sonali Gannu.
Singers at the evening were Raashmi Sathe, Anant Nimkarde, Sachin and Shilpa Kulkarni, Leena Damle, along with DJ Ryan Persaud. A sumptuous Indian dinner followed.

Photo below:
Top left: Anita Bhat (in the middle) being presented with Liberty Award 2023. From the left, Past Presidents Sangeeta Ahuja and Shelly Nichani along with in the right GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham and GOPIO-CT President Dr. Jaya Daptardar; Top right: CIRI President Susan Schnitzer accepting a check from GOPIO-CT Trustee Chair Shelly Nichani, flanked by GOPIO EC and Board Members and Trustees; Bottom left: Future 5 Executive Director Amanda Dubois-Mwake receiving a check from GOPIO-CT Treasurer Srinivas Akarapu; and Women’s Mentoring Network Executive Director Lana Gifas accepting a check from GOPIO-President Jaya Daptardar and Treasurer Srinivas Akarapu.


GOPIO-CT chapter organized a fundraiser at its Holiday Party on December 15th to benefit Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants (CIRI), a statewide nonprofit organization that assists refugees and immigrants. It was one of most successful Holiday Party and fundraising for charities. With a full house and overflowing, the chapter raised $5,000 and the check was presented to CIRI President and CEO Susan Schnitzer. GOPIO-CT also presented checks to two other charities with similar amounts, Future 5 and Women’s Mentoring Network. These two later groups have been supported by GOPIO-CT since 2016. The Holiday Party started with President Dr. Jaya Daptardar with a welcome speech. GOPIO-CT Board Member Prof. Sujatha Gadkar-Wilcox, who is a professor Quinnipiac University, was recognized for being appointed by Governor Ned Lamont as a Commissioner at Connecticut Human Rights Commission. constitution and international law. GOPIO-CT honored its Past President Anita Bhat at the Holiday Party with Liberty Award 2023 for community leadership and for her services to GOPIO for over a dozen years. This was to be presented earlier at the India Independence Day Celebrations in August but she was not available at that time. Anita said that GOPIO-CT is doing a great job in community service. GOPIO-CT has reelected the team for 2024 at the General Body Meeting held before the Holiday Party. The new team members are President Dr. Jaya Daptardar, Executive Vice President Mahesh Jhangiani, Vice President Prachi Narayan, Secretary Sushanth Krishnamurthy, Associate Secretary Ashvini Persaud and Treasurer Srinivas Akarapu. The General Body also elected Dr. Thomas Abraham and Totty Narang to the two open positions of Trustees. Continuing Trustees are Shelly Nichani (Chair), Joe Simon, Shailesh Naik and Prasad Chintalapudi. Up to 11 new Board Members will be appointed by the Executive Council. A musical evening followed and was organized by GOPIO-CT President Daptardar and was compered by Board Member Sonali Gannu. Singers at the evening were Raashmi Sathe, Anant Nimkarde, Sachin and Shilpa Kulkarni, Leena Damle, along with DJ Ryan Persaud. A sumptuous Indian dinner followed.
