Indo-American Hotelier, Sunil Tolani has been nominated to receive the HIND RATTAN, a prestigious award by 36th International Congress of Non Resident Indian on January 26th, 2017, in New Delhi, India.
According to a CNN report by Mariac NN, “I have met many humanitarians but not quite like Mr. Sunil Tolani who continues to impact the world by his immeasurable philanthropy. He has been honored and recognized with different awards and there is one yet to come which is the PHILANTHROPY AND OUTSTANDING HUMANITARIAN AWARD FOR 2012 by the Indian Community Of Southern California, this Janury 2012. Tolani was One of top vote WINNER of Holiday Spirit award in OC where the judges described : “Owner’s focus is people, not money in the annual recognition of Orange County business owners who are kind, generous and full of good will all year long.”
In his own words, Tolani says, “I have always seen travel as a tool that could improve the world. Giving back to the community is not only the right thing to do — it’s also good for business when corporate responsibility and sustainability are rooted in our business, they drive operational efficiencies, customer loyalty, and Team Member morale as recognition and corporate responsibility go hand-in-hand, and are key factors in creating a culture of awareness, inclusion, and respect. It’s important for us to recognize our Team Members’ efforts to make a positive difference in the world. Prince Organization is doing more than ever to fulfill its mission of corporate responsibility by creating opportunities, strengthening communities, celebrating cultures, and living sustainably.
“I always wanted to be a Social Entrepreneur by exemplifying high standards in leadership, citizenship, and innovations, one who can be an inspiration and a rare example of highest customer service others can emulate, a mentor to newcomers. Our hotels engage with community organizations and play an active role through volunteerism and donations to support those who are challenged with supporting themselves. The generosity of the Tolani Family and dedication and commitment of our many PRINCE associates has resulted in hundreds of personal hours and free room nights that have been provided to many non profit organizations for their charity auctions and fundraising events. Education is the foundational cornerstone of our organizations’ corporate responsibility commitment. Our organization has proudly initiated multiple scholarship funds to help many well deserving young adults achieve their educational goals established the “ Scholarship for the American Dream” with endowments that encourages others to create their own American Dream. Participating schools select the recipients and preference is given to students of minority groups.
“I view charity and philanthropy as two very different endeavors. For many years, practiced charity, simply writing checks to worthy causes and organizations, since the budget has immensely increased , I have engaged in “venture philanthropy.” My approach to our grant-making activity is with much the same vigor, energy and expectation as I do in business. Viewing my grants as investments, and expect a return – in the form of improved student achievement for our education reform work.
“The catch phrases that drive my life and philanthropy include: Enjoy every day; Think outside the lines; risk, learn and grow; ideas are easy, execution pays off; constantly improve; Admit mistakes, fix them and move on; problems are opportunities; hard work makes winners.”