Once, during the month of Kartika on the occasion of the Deepavali festival at Giriraja-Govardhana, the Vrajavasis were busily absorbed in decorating their cows and other animals with various kinds of ornaments. The gopis also brought various ornaments from their homes to decorate the cows. Sri Radhika and Her girlfriends sat on the madhavi terrace near the Malyaharini-kunda making several kinds of beautiful pearl ornaments. Meanwhile Sri Krsna arrived there, having heard of Srimati Radhika’s activities from the mouth of parrot Vicaksana, and asked for some pearls to decorate only 4 horns of His favorite cows Hamsi and Harini. However, Radhika and Her gopi friends laughed at Him proudly saying that their pearls are most precious. They are not ordinary to decorate cows. They are meant only for great queens like them.
Sri Krsna decides to grow His own Pearl garden. He returned home where He asked for some pearls from Mother Yasoda. Then He and His friends planted them near the bank of the Yamuna, and regularly watered them with milk from His own goshala.
In a few days extremely beautiful pearls grew in abundance. All including mother Yashoda , Krsna’s father Nana Baba and all the villagers were amazed. When gopis saw this astonishing field of pearls , they requested some pearls from Sri Krishna. Now it was Krishna and His friends’ turn to make fun of them and reject pearls to them.

Since the gopis wanted the same quality of pearls, they consulted with a senior friend Nandimukhi and secretly brought pearls from their homes and took pearls from their own jewelry. They began to sow them as Sri Krsna had done. They irrigated the field with an abundance of not only cow’s milk but ghee and butter too as advised by Nandinukhi. After a few days, their pearls sprouted, but to their surprise, only into thorny creepers. The gopis became worried as they brought all the pearls from their homes for planting. They told Sri Krsna what had happened, and asked Him for some of His pearls. But Krsna, the crown jewel of rasikas, took a lot of pleasure in bargaining with them and teasing them to the extent that Srimati Radha just asks Gopis to leave the place and not argue with the cheaters. Finally He lovingly prepared beautiful necklaces from His exquisite pearls for all the Gopis and went to present them along with His sakhas. All the Gopis were extremely happy to receive such wonderful necklaces and wanted to reciprocate to Krishna by preparing delicious food.
Malyaharini-kunda received its name by virtue of this confidential pastime. Our main objective of performing such beautiful pastimes of Krishna are to give the kids an experience of sweet activities of the God. And to show how Lord Krishna, although the Supreme Controller , creator and master of the universe (Bhagavad Gita 10.8) takes pleasure in sweetly playing with His devotees just like we do. He is a person and we are Meade in His image. We enjoy what he enjoys by understanding the sweetness of Krishna, kids can easily take His shelter by remembering Him in challenging times and think of Him as their close loving friend.
The various characters were played by the following kids: Narrator , Anshika – Radha, Radhika – Krishna, Ramakrishna – Chitralekha, Swarna – Vishakha, Mamata – Lalita, Krsangi – Vishal, Advay – Subal, Gaura – Ujjval, ChItanya – Madhu, Devansh – Kanchan lata, Dyuti – Champak Lata, Aadya – Chandramukhi, Ananya – Nandimukhi, Meera – Tungavidya, Radha – Yashoda, Sanya – Malati older Gopi, Dr. Sapna Patel
Janaki older Gopi, Amara dd – Sundar older Gopa, Dayaram Prabhu – Nand Baba, Dushyant Prabhu,