Rep. Ami Bera, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi appointed co-chair of the New Economy Task Force

Indian American Congressmen Raja Krishnamoorthi and Rep. Ami Bera have been appointed on September 13th to serve as co-chairs for the New Economy Task Force for the Democratic party, along with representatives Susan DelBene, Debbie Dingell and Darren Soto. Rep. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., the House Democratic Caucus chairman, announced the launch of the “Jobs for America” task forces, for which Indian American freshman Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., and three-time congressman, Rep. Ami Bera, were named among the co-chairs.

The task forces serve as a unified effort from House Democrats to craft a real legislative agenda for America that will benefit the hardest-working Americans and middle-class families across the nation, according to a Democratic Caucus news release.

They will create opportunities for job growth, boost hardworking families and give every worker the opportunity to achieve the American dream by developing legislation focused on investing in key industries, restoring worker benefits, removing barriers to help workers find stable and well-paying jobs, helping our veteran communities transition to the workforce, and identifying jobs of the future, the caucus added.

“I’m honored to take a leading role in crafting our job-focused agenda for the new economy. Fundamentally, building the economy of the future means ensuring that out workers have the in-demand skills they need to thrive and that businesses have the advanced infrastructure they need to grow. On the New Economy Task Force, I look forward to working with my colleagues to accomplish both these goals,” Krishnamoorthi said in a press release.

The task force will take a forward-leaning approach to job growth by looking at rapidly advancing technology, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing and ensuring that workers are trained for the jobs of tomorrow. The task force is one of five Democratic Caucus Jobs for America Task Forces aimed at identifying opportunities and solutions for American workers in five key areas: Rebuilding America, Jobs with Dignity, Access to Jobs, New Economy, and Reinvesting in Our Returning Heroes.

“Congressman Krishnamoorthi understands just how important it is to take a proactive and aggressive approach to jobs and our economy, and I’m grateful for his leadership in this important endeavor,” said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley.

“Our economy isn’t working for far too many Americans. Middle-class families and hardworking men and women struggle to attain the opportunities they so greatly deserve, find financial security and retire with confidence,” said Crowley in a statement. “Americans want to know what Democrats stand for and how we’ll fight for them. This effort will provide a specific roadmap for how families in Queens, the Bronx, and across America can obtain better wages, better jobs, and a better future.”

Over the course of several months, Bera, Krishnamoorthi and the 18 other co-chairs of the task force will meet with business and labor leaders, entrepreneurs and middle-class Americans to develop a legislative package that will benefit all Americans, the news release said.

The New Economy Task Force is one of five Democratic Caucus Jobs for America Task Forces aimed at identifying opportunities and solutions for American workers in five key areas, including Rebuilding America, Jobs With Dignity, Access to Jobs, New Economy and Reinvesting in Our Returning Heroes.

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