Immigration Advocacy Convention- L. I. F. E ‘19 Launched By FOMAA

By Anil Augustine

FOMAA has initiated in highlighting, advocating and educating the Indian American community members on the perspectives & challenges licit, legit & documented Employment Based (EB) immigrants are faced with insane Green Card backlog of 150+ years of wait time due to the Country Cap birth origin nationality quota system.

FOMAA together in partnership with IL immigration Forum (IIF) and Chicago Cosmopolitan Club has made a very bold statement enabling brotherhood to the otherwise unorganized orphans/strangers the deserving immigrant “Aliens” in the apathy of the insane Employment Based (EB) GC backlog.

This bipartisan initiative was well attended by elected officials of both Rep. & Dem parties, is of much significance.

Republican State Chief Mr. Tim Schneider, Honorable Representative Tom Morrison of District 54 together with Mr. Nimesh Jani, City Council member attended the convention. Honorable Congressman Mr. Raja Krishnamoorthy, Mr. Matt Flamm, together with Ms. Laddi Singh, area leaders represented the Democratic Party at the event.

Dr. Sam Pitroda, the absolute icon of immigrant success in America was the chief guest and enlightened the participants with his eloquent thoughts. It was double sweetened for attendees that a surprise birthday celebration was organized by FOMAA as it was Dr. Sam Pitroda’s birthday.

Dr. Pitroda, assertively reminded the audience how India historically hosted the Mughals, the British, the Portuguese, the Iranian Zoroastrians while they were fleeing persecution, the Polish when they escaped Nazi persecution, currently the Tibetans & the Bangla Rohingiyas making the First Nation in the world  be a true “Melting pot”. The diversity that India is blessed with is the true factor that helped India to produce the best educated talent pool the global economic powerhouses could tap into. Dr. Pitroda encouraged everyone to involve actively in the political process that, unless without participation no changes can be expected in our favor; however desperate & genuine be our cause!

Hon. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthy, as well stressed upon the fact that a community that participate/vote, only will be counted & reckoned. This was in a way an appeal to the community from the Hon. Congressman urging all community members the importance of exercising their votes during the upcoming elections.

State Republican Chief Mr. Tom Schneider, highlighted Pr. Trump’s policies favoring licit & legit immigration. Rep. Morrison, being an educator by profession underlined the alarming shortage of skilled STEM professionals in USA & promised to represent our cause to the party higher ups.

The convention was well attended by citizens of Indian diaspora from across the Nation. FOMAA oficials Mr. Jose Abraham, on his welcome note narrated the vision & commitment to persuade favoring this genuine cause. This well organized event was chaired by Mr. Subash George Chemanthara, and coordinated by Mr. Vishak Cherian of —— State.

This exceptional, much needy stem put forward by FOMAA is greatly appreciated and will be a benchmark initiative to be followed by all other community organizations in social relevance. For more information please visit:

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