Huma Abedin files for divorce from Anthony Weiner ending 7 yrs of marriage

Huma Abedin filed for divorce from Anthony Weiner on May 19, the same day the disgraced congressman pleaded guilty in connection with his sexting case.

Abedin, of Indian and Pakistani descent, and Weiner were married on July 10, 2010, while she was working as a close aide to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Weiner had been in Congress since 1998 and had come in second place in a bid for the Democratic nomination for New York City mayor in 2005.

Abedin’s lawyers filed the papers, captioned “Anonymous vs. Anonymous,” in Manhattan Supreme Court just hours after a weepy Weiner walked into nearby federal court — still wearing his wedding ring — and pleaded guilty to sexting with a minor.

Abedin had originally filed for an uncontested divorce, but then soon amended her papers to say “contested” — suggesting that Weiner decided at the last minute not to sign on the dotted line. Now, the two will likely face a long, costly court battle, experts predicted.

Not so much over money — Abedin, a longtime close aide to Hillary Clinton, is apparently between jobs, and Weiner has lost at least four jobs in the six years since his first sexting scandal. Experts said the fight will be over visitation for their 5-year-old son, Jordan.

Given Weiner’s guilty plea in federal court, it’s a fight in which Abedin holds the cards — though as the moneyed spouse, she may have to pay at least Weiner’s legal bills for the years it takes to hash out an agreement.

On May 19, he pleaded guilty to a sex charge, tearfully apologizing for communications with the teen that he said destroyed his “life’s dream in public service.” Weiner, who could go to prison, pleaded guilty to a single count of transmitting sexual material to a minor. He admitted exchanging online messages with the girl beginning in January 2015 and engaging in obscene communications that included “sharing explicit images and encouraging her to engage in sexually explicit conduct.”

“I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse,” he said. The 52-year-old paused repeatedly as he fought back tears and tried to compose himself. He said he knew the texting was “as morally wrong as it was unlawful.”

“She certainly has a leg up now on any custody battle, said Manhattan divorce lawyer Michael Stutman. Manhattan divorce attorney Suzanne Kimberly Bracker added of Weiner, “He pleaded guilty — no judge will allow him to have unsupervised visitation.

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