Dr. Sampat Shivangi Elected Delegate For GOP Convention In Florida

Dr. Sampat Shivangi, a physician, an influential Indian-American community leader, a Member of the National Advisory Council, National Mental Health Center, SAMSHA, Washington, DC, Chair of Mississippi State Board of Mental Health, and a veteran leader of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) , has been elected as a Republican delegate for the fifth consecutive term to the party’s convention that would formally nominate US President Donald Trump as its candidate for the November presidential elections. The Republican National Convention (RNC) in Jacksonville, Florida is scheduled to be held from August 24 to August 27. “It is a great honor to be a part of this historic convention to re-nominate and re-elect Trump for another four years,” he said. “Under President Trump, the United States has made unprecedented progress. Until, we were hit by coronavirus, the US economy was at an all time best. And to top it all, under President Trump, India and Indian-Americans have the best ever friend in the White House,” Dr Shivangi, the national president of Indian-American Forum for Political Education and a long-time Republican leader, said. A conservative life-long member of the Republican Party, Dr. Shivangi is the founding member of the Republican Indian Council and the Republican Indian National Council, which aim to work to help and assist in promoting President Elect Trump’s agenda and support his advocacy in the coming months. Dr. Shivangi is the National President of Indian American Forum for Political Education, one of the oldest Indian American Associations. Over the past three decades, he has lobbied for several Bills in the US Congress on behalf of India through his enormous contacts with US Senators and Congressmen. Dr. Shivangi is a champion of women’s health and mental health whose work has been recognized nationwide. Dr. Shivangi has worked enthusiastically in promoting India Civil Nuclear Treaty and recently the US India Defense Treaty that was passed in US Congress and signed by President Obama. Dr. Sampat Shivangi, an obstetrician/gynecologist, has been elected by a US state Republican Party as a full delegate to the National Convention. He is one of the top fund-raisers in Mississippi state for the Republican Party. Besides being a politician by choice, the medical practitioner is also the first Indian to be on the American Medical Association. Dr. Shivangi has actively involved in several philanthropic activities, serving with Blind foundation of MS, Diabetic, Cancer and Heart Associations of America. Dr. Shivangi has been carrying on several philanthropic works in India including Primary & Middle Schools, Cultural Center, IMA Centers that he opened and helped to obtain the first ever US Congressional grant to AAPI to study Diabetes Mellitus amongst Indian Americans. The Indian-American physician was first elected as a delegate at the Republican convention in New York City in 2004, to nominate President George W Bush. In 2008, he was elected as a Republican delegate at Minneapolis to nominate John McCain and in 2012 at Tampa, to nominate Mitt Romney. In 2016, Dr. Shivangi attended the RNC convention in Cleveland, Ohio as a delegate to nominate and elect the current president, Donald Trump. “This is my fifth time to be part of the RNC delegation to nominate and help to elect our next president of USA,” Dr. Shivangi said. “This convention and the upcoming presidential election is going to be historic for our nation, possibly for India and to the whole world. I am glad that I can contribute a little, to my beliefs in nation building,” he said in a statement.

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