President Biden’s approval rating has dropped to 38 percent, nearing his previous record low, according to the latest Gallup survey released on Friday. The poll revealed that 38 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s performance in the White House, while 59 percent disapprove.
Quoting directly from the original article, “The poll released Friday found that 38 percent of respondents approve of Biden’s performance in the White House, while 59 percent disapprove.”
The survey also highlighted dissatisfaction with Biden’s handling of various crucial issues facing the nation. In terms of the war in Ukraine, only 40 percent of respondents expressed support for Biden’s approach, and his response to the conflict in Gaza garnered approval from only 30 percent. Additionally, a mere 33 percent approved of his handling of other foreign affairs.
Concerns about the economy persist, with 36 percent approving of Biden’s efforts to revive it post-pandemic. Notably, this reflects a 4-point increase since November, although the economy itself continues to perform well.
Quoting again from the original article, “The president also received low ranks for the economy, with 36 percent approving of Biden’s efforts to turn it around following the pandemic.”
Immigration remains a significant point of contention, with only 28 percent of respondents approving of how Biden is managing the surge of migrants at the U.S. border.
The article goes on to discuss the varying levels of support among Democrats. While there is generally support for Biden regarding the economy and his handling of the Russia-Ukraine war and foreign affairs, opinions diverge on the Israel-Hamas conflict and the situation at the southern border. Among Democratic respondents, there is a “bare” majority, with 55 percent approving of Biden’s approach to immigration and 51 percent on the Middle East conflict.
Quoting from the original article regarding Democrats, “According to the survey, Democrats generally support Biden with the economy and his handling of the Russia-Ukraine war and foreign affairs. But opinions about the Israel-Hamas war and the southern border are less favorable among respondents who identify as Democrats; he holds a “bare” majority among them on those issues, securing a 55 percent approval on immigration and 51 percent on the Middle East conflict.”
Biden’s handling of the economy has contributed to a modest improvement in his standing among independent respondents. However, their opinions on other topics, including immigration, remained lower, according to Gallup’s observations.
Republicans, on the other hand, exhibited minimal support for Biden across the board. Only 3 percent of Republicans approved of his immigration efforts, and 4 percent expressed approval for his handling of the economy.
Quoting directly from the original article about Republican respondents, “Very few Republican respondents support Biden on ‘any of the issues measured,’ the survey giant said. Just 3 percent of Republicans approve of Biden’s immigration efforts and 4 percent said the same about the economy.”
The article notes that Biden’s approval rating has not surpassed 44 percent since August 2021, and his average approval rating during his third year in office was 39.8 percent, making it the second-worst rating among post-World War II presidents.
Highlighting historical context, the piece points out that looking ahead to November, Biden faces a significant challenge in improving his approval rating among both independents and Democrats if he hopes to secure a second term. It emphasizes that incumbents who win reelection typically have at least a 50 percent approval rating.
Quoting once more from the original article, “Looking ahead to November, history suggests that Biden has significant work to do to improve his approval rating among independents as well as Democrats if he is to win a second term.”
The Gallup survey, conducted from Feb. 1-20 among 1,016 U.S. adults, carries a margin of error of 4 percentage points.