Beena Kothari to lead GOPIO-NY new team

GOPIO International called up a meeting of GOPIO-New York, which has not been a good standing chapter for the last couple of years, even though GOPIO-New York has been the first GOPIO Chapter. As per GOPIO-Executive Council discussion, GOPIO Vice President in charge of chapters Mr. Ram Gadhavi called a meeting of the GOPIO-New York members as well as others who want to become chapter members. It was held at the Indian American Kerala Center, Elmont, NY. The meeting was chaired by GOPIO International Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham. Founder President, GOPIO-New York Chapter, Mr. Lal Motwani briefly shared with the attendees, some of GOPIO-New York Chapter’s accomplishments since its inception in 2003.

Dr. Abraham mentioned the most active GOPIO-Chapter, Connecticut’s “exemplary” accomplishments over the years; this chapter’s focus being civic and community-oriented events and activities. After discussing how to make the chapter active again the following officers were elected with a floor nominations.

President: Mrs. Beena Kothari, Executive Vice President: Mr. Inderjit Singh, Vice President: Mr. Mihir Patel, Secretary: Dr. Rohini B. Ramanathan, Joint Secretary: Ms. Meenakshi Varadnani, Treasurer: Mr. John Paul. Board of Directors: Dr. Yusuf Syed; Mr. Shiva Bhashyam; Mr. Amar Malla; Lal Motwani was endorsed as Honorary Chair of the GOPIO-New York Chapter will Dr. Abraham will serve as an Advisor.  According to reports, GOPIO-New York plans to undertake several activities in 2017.

GOPIO-New York Team for 2017-’18 with GOPIO Intl and Kerala Center officials. Sitting from l. to r.: GOPIO Intl Assistant Secretary Jaswant Modi, Dr. Rohini Ramanathan, GOPIO Intl Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, Beena Kothari, GOPIO Intl. New York Coordinator Lal Motwani, Standing from l. to r. Shiva Bhashyan, Kerala Center Exec. Director E.M. Stephen, Kerala Center President Thambi Thalappillil, John Paul, Amar Malla and Dr. Yusuf Syed

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