AAPI writes to President of US, Governors and Lawmakers urging for Plasma Drive

The Corona virus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War II. Since its emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. Cases are rising daily around the globe with no effective remedy or vaccination found to deal with this deadly virus.
“There is enormous anxiety and numerous questions among general public about the pandemic and the havoc it’s creating.  In the past few week, AAPI has taken several initiatives to educate its members and the public, and to provide much needed help and support through helping obtain much needed PPEs and distributing them to medical institutions around the country,” said Dr. Suresh Reddy, President of AAPI.
As Convalescent Plasma appears to be the promising treatment for Covid patients, AAPI has launched the Plasma Drive from patients who have been cured of COVID-19 and are now without Corona-virus related symptoms for at least the past two weeks. AAPI has created three separate committees on Convalescent Plasma treatment.
 “An official letter of recommendation on Convalescent Plasma Therapy from AAPI has been sent the President of the United states, state Governors and to all members of US Congress and Senators. Thank you all your efforts to reach our goal,” said Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President-Elect of AAPI.
Dr. Suresh Reddy, President of AAPI in PPE
Dr. Suresh Reddy, President of AAPI in PPE

AAPI’s Covid Plasma Government Policies Committee is being headed by Dr.  Dalsukh Madia with the task of “Writing Letters to the President, Governors and Senators and other Government officials urging them to encourage individuals and medical facilities to harness this much needed resource.

AAPI’s Covid Plasma Local Hospital Administrators committee is being chaired by Dr. Binod Sinha, who will contact the hospital administrators for the policy implementation in all the hospitals in the country.

AAPI’s Covid Plasma Collection committee is led by Dr. Madhavi Gorusu, who is responsible for coordinating with the Red Cross and other agencies to work with Plasma Donations and donors.

“Following the recommendations for disbursements of AAPI Covid 19 funds. approved by the  fund committee, comprising of Dr. Jayesh Shah (chair), Dr. Suresh Reddy, Dr. Seema Arora, Dr. Sajani Shah, Dr. Sudhakar Johnlaggada, Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Dr. Chander Kapasi, Dr. Surendra Purohit, AAPI has distributed funds to the locations based on local needs,” Dr. Seema Arora, Chair of AAPI’s BOT, announced here.
Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President-Elect of AAPI
Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, President-Elect of AAPI

All applications have to come through Regional Directors or Chapter Presidents who would be responsible for fair disbursement of funds to each chapter and will provide proof of disbursement with all receipts. There is no matching contribution needed by chapters. Individual member can fill out the form too but it is recommended that they work with regional director. This very transparent process will be closely monitored by the fund committee, Dr. Arora stated.

“I want to take this opportunity to thank our physicians for responding to late-night phone calls, working long hours and providing unswerving care. Today, more than ever, we know the sacrifices they make to put the health of their communities first,” said Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Vice President of AAPI.
“We do acknowledge that these are challenging times, more than ever for us, physicians, who are on the frontline to assess, diagnose and treat people who are affected by this deadly pandemic, COVID-19. Many of our colleagues have sacrificed their lives in order to save those impacted by this pandemic around the world,” Dr. Ravi Kolli, Secretary of AAPi, added.
“At AAPI, the largest ethnic medical association in the nation, we are proud, we have been able to serve every 7th patient in the country. We serve in large cities, smaller towns and rural areas, sharing our skills, knowledges, compassion and expertise with the millions of people are called to serve,” Dr. Raj Bhayani, Treasurer of AAPI said.
Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Vice President of AAPI
Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Vice President of AAPI

Responding to the national/world-wide shortage of masks and other personal protective equipment, American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), the largest ethnic medical organization in the United States, has raised funds, donated money, purchased and donated masks to several Medical Institutions across the United States.

AAPI is requesting physicians to participate and run COVID helpline. We are asking physicians including primary care physicians, ER, critical care and ID physicians, who see these patients on a constant basis, to help during this crisis. Questions will be sent by email and please answer them at your earliest convenience. We are trying to post as many FAQs as possible on our website. Those who are Interested, please contact Dr. Jayesh Shah, Chair of COVID online helpline. Email: covidhelpline@aapiusa.org
“We urge the authorities to provide the much needed Equipment, Testing and Facilities enabling patients with COVID 19 to be isolated and treated, which will reduce our healthcare workforce at precisely the time we need them to be healthy and treating patients,” Dr. Reddy added.
For more information on AAPI and its several initiatives to combat Corona Virus and help Fellow Physicians and the larger community, please visit: www.aapiusa.org,  or email to: [email protected]

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