AAPI thanks US Administration & Lawmakers for support of India, condemning terrorist attack on Indian Jawans in Kashmir

(Chicago, IL. — Feb 25th, 2019) “American Association of Physicians of Indian origin (AAPI), wants to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the United States Administration, the Lawmakers and the public, who have overwhelmingly expressed their deep concerns of the ongoing terrorist activities, particularly the most recent heinous terrorist attack on CRPF personnel in Kashmir today,” said Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI in a statement here.
A Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into the bus they were travelling in. At least 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Jawans were killed and dozens of others injured in a blast in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, February 14th. The blast was triggered by militants who had targetted vehicles carrying the CRPF Jawans in the north Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir.
Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect of AAPI, said, “Attack on the CRPF personnel in Kashmir is despicable. We at AAPI strongly condemn this dastardly attack. Sacrifices of our brave security personnel shall not go in vain. We strongly urge all members of the international community to support India’s efforts to root out terrorism.”
Almost all major countries from all the continents, including the European, African, Asian and Australian countries have strongly condemned the attack.  “The United States condemns in the strongest terms the heinous terrorist attack by a Pakistan-based terrorist group that killed over 40 Indian paramilitary forces and wounded at least 44 others,” the White House said. Expressing “deep condolences” to the victims’ families, the Indian government, and the Indian people for the loss of life, the White House hauled up Pakistan.
“The United States calls on Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence, and terror in the region. This attack only strengthens our resolve to bolster counterterrorism cooperation and coordination between the United States and India,” the Trump administration asserted.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee (@HouseForeign) tweeted the response of its Chairman Rep. Eliot Engel, D-NY, saying, “I strongly condemn the terrorist attack in India’s Jammu and Kashmir state today and send my condolences to the families of the victims. Countries must not allow terrorist groups like Jaish-e-Mohammed to operate with impunity. #kashmirterrorattack.” Numerous other members of Congress from both parties, took to social media expressing unequivocal condemnation. Democratic Party leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. John Cornyn, Republican co-chair of the Senate India Caucus, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Virginia, co-chair of the Senate India Caucus, and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the first Hindu woman to be in the U.S. Congress, were among the dozens of others who have condemned the deadliest terror attack by a radical Islamist terrorist group.
“This latest attack by Jaish-e-Mohammed is sadly another example of how Pakistan’s intelligence services continue to sponsor terrorist incursions into India,” said Dr. Ajeet Kothari, Chair, Board of Trustees. “While it’s heartening to see that a wide swath of the international community is unequivocally condemning the attack, such statements of solidarity must be backed up by actions which help bring to an end the ability of such terrorist groups to kill with impunity and destabilize the region.”
“My thoughts are with the families of the victims of heinous terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir last week. I send my deepest condolences to the soldiers injured and killed in this senseless attack, to their families, and to India,” said Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice-President of AAPI, said.
“Want to express our sincere gratitude for the outpouring of the support from across the world at this hour of deep sadness,” Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary of AAPI said. “This incident has undoubtedly strengthened our resolve.  The Indian nation owes the deep condolence and sympathies to the families of the fallen soldiers as we sincerely appreciate and recognize how greatly indebted, we are for the unstinting and ultimate sacrifice that they made for India and its people.”
Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer of AAPI, said, “AAPI members from across the nation salute martyred soldiers and we all stand united with families of martyrs. We pray for speedy recovery of the injured. Terrorists will be given unforgettable lesson for their heinous act.”
While thanking the members of India’s armed forces who brave hostile conditions on the Indo-Pak borrder, protecting the nation from acts of terrorism and enemy attacks, Dr. Parikh said, “The sacrifices of our brave security personnel shall not go in vain. The entire AAPI family is united with them and their families in this hour of need. I want to convey our deepest condolences to the families of our martyrs.” While describing terrorism to be a cancer in the society, Dr. Parikh called on the international community to come together, to make collective efforts to root it out.
Dr. Parikh praised the US government for calling on “Pakistan to end immediately the support and safe haven provided to all terrorist groups operating on its soil, whose only goal is to sow chaos, violence and terror in the region. This attack only strengthens our resolve to bolster counter-terrorism cooperation and coordination between the US and India.” For More Details, Please Visit: http://www.aapiusa.org

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