With key endorsements, Kamala Harris on way to U.S. Senate

With key endorsements last week from Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, California’s Attorney General Kamala Harris is reported to be on her way to be a member of the world’s most coveted body, the US Senate in the upcoming elections on November 8th.

The two senators joined a long list of popular Democrats who have thrown their support behind Harris in the race between two Democratic opponents, rejecting the Orange County congresswoman.

President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Gov. Jerry Brown have all backed Harris. The California Democratic Party has spent more than $560,000 on Harris’ Senate campaign, but not offered a penny to help her rival, Sanchez.

Boxer, who is retiring from the Senate after four terms, described Harris as the perfect choice to succeed her in Washington and carry on her progressive agenda, implying that Sanchez failed to meet that test.

Harris, a Democrat, and her counterpart, Orange County area Rep. Loretta Sanchez, also a Democrat, are seeking the seat in the November election, but the Indian American attorney has garnered support from a laundry list of influential dignitaries. The latest endorsements have come in the wake of the Oct. 5 debate between the two candidates.

“California deserves a continuation of clear progressive leadership in the U.S. Senate. For almost 50 years, the seat that I hold has been a leadership seat on human rights, women’s rights, civil rights, voting rights, immigrants’ rights, fair trade, a clean environment and a voice for all families — no matter their circumstances,” Boxer added. “Kamala Harris shares those values with me. Her broad array of endorsements underscores this.”

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