Vin Gopal sworn in as NJ State Senator, will serve on several committees

The newly elected New Jersey State Senator Vin Gopal, was sworn in as the Senator representing the 11th Legislative District was sworn on January 10th along with other Senators. State Senate president Steve Sweeney administered the oath of office to Gopal in the New Jersey Assembly Chamber in Trenton.

Gopal, an Indian American Democrat, defeated a long-time Republican incumbent Jennifer Beck in the November election,  said, “It is an absolute honor to be able to represent the 11th District in the State Senate. As a life-long resident of Monmouth County, born and raised here, this is a very humbling moment for me.,”

The young and talented Gopal has been assigned to serve as vice-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee. He will also serve as a member of the Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee and the Economic Growth Committee.

“I look forward to working with my new Democratic and Republican colleagues on issues that matter to the people in New Jersey, like property taxes, healthcare, transportation and the environment,” Gopal added.

Gopal, in addition to his time as chair of the Monmouth County Democrats, where he helped place the focus of local campaigns on the crushing property tax burden placed on Monmouth County homeowners, served on the board of directors for the now Monmouth County Chamber of Commerce where he chaired the Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee.

He is a past president of the Hazlet Township Business Owners Association and a past board member of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth County. Gopal is the owner of Community Magazine NJ, which he founded in 2008, and the nonprofit Direct Development LLC, which he founded in 2010 to help local charities and individuals in need. Gopal, who was born and raised in New Jersey, earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from Pennsylvania State University.

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