Vice Chancellor of Osmania University Calls on Consul General of India in Chicago

May 21st 2017: Chicago: Professor S Ramachandram, Vice Chancellor of Osmania University called on Her Excellency Smt. Neeta Bhushan, IFS, Consul General of India in Chicago in her chambers at NBC Tower Building, Chicago, Illinois State.

Professor S Ramachandram had wide-ranging discussions with the Consul General on a number of subjects relating to professional education in India and the US and the wide scope of learning from each other’s core competencies and competitive advantages. “Though USA has been a hot destination for Indian students for their professional studies, there is a need to multiply the possibilities of the US students undertaking short term visits to India to understand it’s fascinating culture under their International Immersion Programs”, Professor Ramachandram suggested.

Professor S Ramachandram further discussed with the Consul General the ambitious plans of Osmania University in the domains of student and faculty exchange, lectures through video conferencing, joint degree programs, and a number of other initiatives of mutual benefit to the universities in India and the USA.

The Consul General underlined the need to further diversify and enrich the collaboration among the Universities in India and the USA considering the surging tide of globalization. She said that the Office of the Consulate General of India in Chicago will be pleased to help Osmania University in its campaign aimed at making the content of its educational programs both local and global in terms of their relevance. She advised Professor Ramachandram to submit a concept paper indicating the ways and means in which the office of the Consulate General of India in Chicago may be of help to Osmania University in its endeavours.

Recently, Professor Ramachandram participated in a high-profile Centenary Celebrations of Osmania University as the Chief Guest, organised by Glory of Hyderabad in Chicago.

Giving an example of his self-defeating personality disorder,” she said. “He’s going to ruin his family financially — if it’s contested, it’s going to cost over $100,000, easily.” It’s been a long road to splitsville for Abedin. She had stood by the much-mocked former congressman since 2011, when, a year into their marriage, he tearfully admitted Tweeting out an underwear selfie.

She stood at his side literally in 2013, at a press conference after Weiner self-scuttled his mayoral candidacy by getting caught continuing to sext with multiple women. “I love him, I’ve forgiven him, I believe in him,” she told reporters.

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