Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan)

Be it for breakfast, midnight munching or as your quarantine binge..a homemade granola is to the rescue! This granola recipe I’m sharing with you is the healthiest version of a granola you could ever think of. And the best part is that it tastes awesome too!
Why is this recipe special ?
Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan). 3 super seeds- I incorporated chia seeds, flaxseeds & pumpkin seeds in this granola for an added crunch along with a nutritious punch. Both chia seeds and flax seeds are good sources of fibre, healthy fats & proteins. Whereas pumpkin seeds provide micronutrients like magnesium and zinc along with healthy fats.
. Cinnamon & Vanilla- Both are antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is known to help keep blood sugar levels under control too.
. Protein & Fibre loaded- Peanuts, coconut , oats & super seeds. These are the easiest ingredients to be found in any vegans pantry who fuels up his body the right way.
. Easy to prepare- Anyone can make this. There’s no excuse to not try this recipe guys! Get your clumsy kids to throw all the ingredients into a bowl & mix it up. Because that’s literally how easy it is to make. Rest all you need to do is place it in the oven , wait and crumble up when cooled. Oops.. I spilled my recipe method before getting into the ingredients list!
How did I develope this recipe?
Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan)Being a granola lover, I used to buy granola from the grocery stores thinking that it’s all super healthy. I know you might be thinking what’s soo unhealthy about store-bought granola. I would ask you to check the ingredients list & nutritional facts column of your granola packet to throw light to the ugly truth. Yes guys, it’s full of sugars- in the form of corn syrup, maltodextrin, tapioca starch… and what not.
Now that I know what goes into the so -called healthy granola, I started making my own versions- chocolate pecan /honey almond/ banana bread are few of such flavours.
Me being a peanut butter lover too I thought of incorporating 2 of my favourite ideas- peanut butter into basic granola recipe along with my favourite seeds too. That was how this granola was first made.
What you’ll need-
Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan). 2.5 cups rolled oats
. Half cup peanuts
. 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
. 1 tablespoon chia seeds
. 1 tablespoon flax seeds
. 2 tablespoons black raisins
. 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
. One by fourth cup coconut oil
. One by fourth cup grated coconut
. One by fourth cup coconut sugar
. One by fourth cup peanut butter
. One by fourth cup pure maple syrup
. Half teaspoon vanilla extract
Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan)How to make-
  • Preheat oven to 150 degree Celsius .
  • In a large mixing bowl , combine oats, peanuts, raisins, 3 seeds, grated coconut, cinnamon & coconut sugar.
  • In a small sauce pan, stir in coconut oil & peanut butter. Heat till melted & well combined.
  • To this mix in the maple syrup & vanilla to combine.
  • Pour this mixture over the oats mix and stir well to combine.
  • Lay it over a baking tray lined with baking sheet/parchment paper & bake for 25-30 mins.
  • Take it out and let it cool.
  • Break it into crumbly bits and store in an airtight container .
Notes, tips & suggestions-
Ultimate Peanut butter Granola (Vegan). Never try to break up hot granola right after taking it out from the oven.
. You can add your favourite dry fruits following the same ratios given in the above recipe, for example ,you can substitute raisins with dry black currants/cranberries.
. Maple syrup can be substituted by honey, if you are a non-vegan.
. Apart from having granola for breakfast with your favourite milk, you could try it as toppings for ice creams & plain porridge.

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