Top Countries Receiving U.S. Green Cards in 2022: Mexico and India Lead the Way

Feature and Cover Top Countries Receiving U S Green Cards in 2022 Mexico and India Lead the Way

Who’s Receiving U.S. Green Cards: A Look at the Leading Countries of Origin

The United States remains a beacon for many around the world who aspire to live in a country known for its opportunities, safety, and freedom. Whether driven by the hope for better prospects or the need to escape adverse conditions, people from across the globe see the U.S. as a land of promise. In fact, the U.S. hosts more immigrants than any other country, with its numbers surpassing those of Germany, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United Kingdom combined.

In 2022, over a million people realized their dream of permanent residency in the U.S., with the exact figure standing at 1,018,340. This data, provided by the Office of Homeland Security Statistics, reveals the diversity of immigrants and highlights the nations most represented among new green card holders. Among the top 15 countries of origin, Mexico and India lead the pack, reflecting longstanding migration trends and the search for opportunities in the U.S.

Mexico and India Lead in U.S. Green Card Distribution

Mexico continues to be the primary source of immigrants to the U.S., with a staggering 10.7 million Mexican-born individuals currently residing in the country. This longstanding migration pattern is also evident in the number of green cards issued, with Mexicans receiving 139,000 green cards in 2022 alone. The reasons for this substantial movement are varied but often include the pursuit of economic opportunities, improved living conditions, and the chance to reunite with family members already in the U.S.

India, on the other hand, holds the second position in terms of green cards granted, with 127,000 Indian nationals becoming permanent residents in 2022. The surge in Indian immigration is closely tied to the country’s growing population of skilled professionals. Many Indian immigrants are drawn to the U.S. by the promise of better job prospects, especially in the technology and healthcare sectors, as well as the chance to pursue higher education in some of the world’s leading universities.

The Growth of Indian Immigration

The flow of immigrants from India to the U.S. has seen significant fluctuations in recent years. Notably, in 2020, the number of new permanent residents from India dropped to a decade-low figure of 46,363. This decline was largely attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to stricter travel restrictions and disruptions in global mobility. However, this downward trend did not last long, as the numbers began to rise again in the following years. By 2021, the figure had climbed to 93,450, and by 2022, it reached 127,012.

The combined total of green cards issued to immigrants from Mexico and India in 2022 was 265,784, representing 26% of the total green cards distributed that year. This significant share underscores the importance of these two countries in the broader landscape of U.S. immigration.

This analysis sheds light on the patterns and trends that shape U.S. immigration today, illustrating how people from different parts of the world continue to view the U.S. as a land of opportunity and a place to build a new life.

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