FTC Sues Adobe for Allegedly Trapping Users in Costly Subscriptions with Hidden Fees and Cancellation Hurdles

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has filed a lawsuit against Adobe, accusing the company of deliberately making it difficult for customers to cancel subscriptions to its products, such as Photoshop. The FTC alleges that Adobe “trapped users” in costly contracts by obscuring important details and creating barriers to cancellation.

The complaint highlights that Adobe guided customers towards its “annual paid monthly” subscription option without clearly disclosing the potential cancellation fees, which could amount to hundreds of dollars. Samuel Levine, FTC Consumer Protection Director, stated, “Adobe trapped customers into year-long subscriptions through hidden early termination fees and numerous cancellation hurdles. Americans are tired of companies hiding the ball during subscription signup and then putting up roadblocks when they try to cancel.”

Two top executives from Adobe, Vice President Maninder Sawhney and Senior Vice President David Wadhwani, are also named in the suit. The FTC claims that Adobe misled customers by concealing the early termination fee, subsequently using it as leverage to pressure customers into maintaining their subscriptions when they tried to cancel.

Furthermore, the FTC’s lawsuit mentions significant delays and difficulties customers encountered when attempting to cancel their subscriptions. Issues included dropped calls, interrupted chats, and being transferred multiple times. The agency also reported that some consumers continued to be billed for the service even after believing they had canceled their subscriptions.

In response to the lawsuit, Adobe defended its business practices. Dana Rao, Adobe’s general counsel, stated, “Subscription services are convenient, flexible and cost-effective, allowing users to choose the plan that best fits their needs, timeline, and budget. Our priority is to always ensure our customers have a positive experience. We are transparent with the terms and conditions of our subscription agreements and have a simple cancellation process.”

At the heart of the dispute is Adobe Creative Cloud, which offers access to all of Adobe’s creative products, including the widely-used Photoshop. Adobe shifted to a subscription-only model in 2012, moving away from the previous one-time purchase fee structure. A subscription to Creative Cloud costs approximately $90 per month on a monthly plan, $60 per month on the “annual, paid monthly” plan, which is the focal point of the lawsuit, and around $55 per month if paid annually upfront, according to Adobe’s website.

The FTC’s lawsuit against Adobe brings to light the challenges customers face with subscription services, particularly when companies employ tactics to retain subscribers against their will. The FTC is taking a firm stance against such practices, seeking to hold Adobe accountable for what it describes as deceptive and obstructive conduct.

The crux of the FTC’s argument is that Adobe’s practices are not just inconvenient but also financially punitive for consumers. By hiding the early termination fee and making the cancellation process difficult, Adobe has allegedly taken advantage of customers who might otherwise have chosen different subscription plans or opted out entirely.

The inclusion of high-ranking executives like Sawhney and Wadhwani in the lawsuit underscores the FTC’s assertion that these practices were not isolated incidents or oversights but rather a systematic approach embedded within the company’s operations.

Adobe’s defense hinges on the claim that their subscription model offers benefits such as convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. They argue that they provide clear information about the terms and conditions and that their cancellation process is straightforward. However, the FTC’s allegations, backed by consumer complaints, suggest that the reality experienced by many customers is far from this ideal.

This lawsuit could have broader implications for how companies structure their subscription models and handle cancellations. As more businesses adopt subscription-based revenue models, transparency and ease of cancellation are likely to become increasingly important issues both for consumers and regulators.

The FTC’s focus on Adobe’s practices is part of a larger effort to crack down on what it views as unfair business practices in the subscription economy. This legal action sends a strong message to other companies that they must prioritize customer transparency and fairness or risk regulatory intervention.

For Adobe, the outcome of this lawsuit could affect its reputation and customer trust. If the FTC’s allegations are upheld, Adobe might need to overhaul its subscription processes and provide clearer disclosures about potential fees and cancellation procedures. This case underscores the importance of balancing business interests with consumer rights and the potential repercussions when that balance is disrupted.

The FTC’s lawsuit against Adobe raises critical issues about consumer protection in the context of subscription services. The case highlights the need for companies to ensure transparency and fairness in their subscription practices, particularly regarding cancellation policies. As this legal battle unfolds, it will be closely watched by both consumers and industry players, potentially setting precedents for future regulatory actions and business practices.
