James Koodal to lead Houston Chapter of IAPC

A new leadership team for IAPC Houston Chapter was elected in the meeting last week presided over by Indo American Press Club founder Chairman Ginsmon Zacharia; held at Stanford, Houston, TX.

James Koodal was elected Chapter President, while Suresh Ramakrishnan is the new Vice-President, Andrew Jacob is the General Secretary, Reny Kavalayil is the Joint Secretary, and, Simon Valacherry is the Treasurer for the calendar year 2019.

Easo Jacob will serve as the Chapter Advisory Board Chair and Dr. Chandra Mittal, Joseph Ponnoli, Joji Joseph, and C. G. Daniel are others elected as Chapter Advisoy Board Members.

James Koodal is one of the prominent socio-cultural media fraternity entrepreneurs based in Houston, TX. For over 35 years, he has contributed generously to the diaspora. He being the producer of ‘Vision Arabia’ broadcasted on Jaihind channel in Bahrain, Koodal is a noted creative contributor on multiple media platforms. It’s noteworthy that Koodal, is the American Region President of The World Malayali Council as well. He is the Managing Director of the Houston based M.S.J. Business Group.

Elected Vice President Suresh Ramakrishnan is the Managing Director of Houston based leading publication ‘Nerkaazhcha’. He has served as the Greater Houston Malayali Association in the capacity of General Secretary.

Andrew Jacob, the General Secretary, is the serving Cultural committee Chairman of the World Malayali Council and he is a Board Member at The Houston Malayali Association.

Joint Secretary Reny Kavalayil, is a noted media professional of Indian diaspora and socially he serves on the board of the Houston Malayali Association. Simon Valachery, the elected chapter Treasurer is the Managing Editor of the publication ‘Nerkaazhcha’ as well he is a recognized promising leader of the diaspora.

The new leadership was complimented and congratulated by the IAPC National Secretary Jacob Kudassanad, noted media associates Sangeeta Dua, Roy Thomas,  Babu Chacko, Saji Dominic together with the Houston Chapter members.

IAPC was formed with the lofty goal of realizing a long-felt need to bring together the media groups and the Indian American media persons across the United States under one umbrella to work together and support one another, and thus giving them a powerful voice in the media world and the larger society. IAPC members are dedicated to fulfill the vision of enhancing their own journalistic skills while striving to help fellow journalists and future generations to work towards the common cause of enhancing the well being and efficiency of all peoples of the world.For more information, please visit: https://www.indoamericanpressclub.com/

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