“I am running for Connecticut State Treasurer to bring leadership and experience to Hartford,” says Mr. Harry Arora, an Indian American and a State Representative of the Connecticut General Assembly. Mr. Arora has over 25 years of experience in investment management and running a successful business in Greenwich. Five years ago, the talented and experienced businessman pivoted to public service to give back to his community. As a state representative for Connecticut’s 151st district, Mr. Arora has fought tirelessly for his constituents, and now he wants to play a bigger role at the state level, serving the 3.6 million people who have made this beautiful state their home.
Connecticut is considered one of the most expensive states to live. It’s residents have the second-highest tax incidence in the country after New York. According to WalletHub’s analysis, Connecticut proved to be the state with the most expensive residential energy bills, paying an average of $372 per month to keep warm, cool, lit, moving and entertained.
A new report by the Personal finance website Bankrate has ranked Connecticut the 3rd most expensive, and 8th worst overall, in which to retire. Connecticut tied for 4th with Vermont in the crime category, and is ranked 8th overall for retiree “well-being,” but takes a beating in the data when it comes to affordability. The state ranks No. 48, right behind affluent enclaves Hawaii and California.
In this context, electing someone who understands the needs and the complexities of managing the finances of the state of Connecticut is very essential. “It’s time Connecticut has a Treasurer that actually has experience in the role they are elected for: managing our pensions and debt,” says Mr. Arora. “I ask for your vote on November 8th to fix Connecticut’s finances.”
Mr. Arora has extensive experience in portfolio management and investment analysis, with a proven risk manager with an excellent track record. He has a strong background in macro-economics and financial theory and has experience selecting third-party portfolio managers and fixed income experience, in managing duration and credit risk. All these endear him well to elect Mr. Arora as the next State Treasurer.

“I am the most qualified candidate for this role. I am a finance professional with 20+ years as a portfolio manager and Chief Investment Officer,” says Mr. Arora. “I have led an investment firm for many years. My opponent is a lawyer with no formal education in business or economics and no experience in finance or investing. No private sector firm would entertain him to be their Treasurer.”
“My platform is to fix Connecticut’s finances,” says, Mr. Arora. “I want to work to improve returns on our $50 billion pension fund. We are lagging a passive index by billions of dollars. I will work towards managing our debt better and lower interest expense. We have $30 billion in outstanding debt and pay $1 billion + interest each year. I want to improve CT residents’ financial well-being by promoting financial education on budgeting, borrowing, and investing.”
Mr. Arora understands the need to be fiscally conservative and help lower the tax burden on the people of the state. “I have the plan to lower our interest expense, manage our debt and improve returns on our pension assets,” say Mr. Arora. “I will work to improve financial education and improve economic well-being of all residents in Connecticut. I hope to have your vote on November 8th to be Connecticut’s next State Treasurer.”
Mr. Arora, an immigrant American who came to the United States from India as a student and naturalized as a citizen 18 years ago, if elected will be the first Indian American to be in statewide office if elected. Reflecting on India and its steady growth to be a world leader, Mr. Arora says, “India has made significant economic and social progress in the last 75 years. This progress has improved the standard of living for hundreds of millions of people and created a vibrant middle class. India is ready for primetime with a younger, educated, and diverse workforce. It is also astounding how India has made this progress as a democracy with a free press and the rule of law. I left India 30 years ago to pursue graduate school. As an Indian American, I feel proud to see India – the country of my birth, make strides to become a leading nation in the world.”
“I have served two terms in the state legislature and have a proven record of working across the aisle and getting things done. My opponent has never served in elected office,” says Mr. Arora. “I started and ran an investment management firm for 15 years and have a proven ability to manage high-performing teams. As your next State Treasurer, I plan to improve returns on our pension assets, lower interest expenses, and focus on financial education for CT residents to improve their financial well-being.”
Mr. Arora is running to be the next State Treasurer, who manages the state’s $45 billion in pension assets for the state employees and teachers. With 25 years of experience in finance, Mr. Arora intends to leverage that expertise to produce higher returns for the state’s portfolio After years of underperformance, let us build a portfolio for outperformance.
Mr. Arora and his wife Nisha are raising their three kids in Greenwich. He came to the United States from India as a graduate student 27 years ago and naturalized as an American citizen in 2004. He truly represents the American dream.
Mr. Arora understands that this is a close race and every vote that is cast could be the deciding vote. He is urging every eligible voter in the state of Connecticut to come out and vote and help him get elected to be the next Treasurer of the state of Connecticut. “I ask for your vote on November 8th.” To learn more about the candidate and his vision for Connecticut, please visit: https://www.arora2022.com/