Dr. Amit Chakrabarty Honored During AAPI Mini Convention In Chicago

“It is amazing how quickly these two years have passed by. With the help of Dr. Annu Terkonda I helped revive the Indian Medical Council of St Louis (IMCStL), that had been dormant for more than 8 years to become one of the most vibrant chapters of the American Association of Physician of Indian Origin (AAPI), culminating in hosting the National AAPI governing body meeting during our upcoming Diwali Gala,” said Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, President of IMCStL 2018 and 2019, and currently the National AAPI Secretary said, after receiving an Award recognizing his contributions to the growth of AAPI and the revival of Indian Medical Council of St Louis.

Dr. Suresh Reddy, Immediate Past President of AAPI honored Dr. Amit Chakrabarty during the Mini Convention held in Chicago on Saturday, September 26th, 2020. Dr. Amit Chakrabarty was among the several AAPI leaders and others honored during s solemn ceremony for their contributions and achievements, especially during the pandemic. Dr. Reddy thanked Dr. Amit Chakrabarty for his stewardship and working hard to make this Chapter one of the finest in the nation.  

“We had the honor and pleasure of hosting leaders of National AAPI as our guests during their Governing body meeting. I was privileged to have dedicated a committee members to help make this event one of the best AAPI has ever witnessed and donated over $20,000 to the national AAPI in addition to bearing the entire cost of hosting the Governing Body Meeting,” Dr. Amit Chakrabarty said.

It’s been a very long journey with American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) for Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, from being an ordinary member of the largest ethnic medical society in the United States to a Regional Leader, currently serving as the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees (BOT) of national AAPI, and now leading the organization as the Secretary of national AAPI, that he calls as his second family and has come to adore.  “Since my membership to AAPI In 1997, for more than two decades I have been a dedicated foot soldier for the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin,” Dr. Amit Chakrabarty a Consultant Urologist, Poplar Bluff Urology, Past Chairman of Urologic Clinics of North Alabama P.C., and the Director of Center for Continence and Female Pelvic Health.

In his endeavor to play a more active role and commit his services for the growth and expansion of AAPI that represents the interests of over 100,000 Indian American physicians, Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, the Alabama-based Indian American Physician wants this noble organization to be “more vibrant, united, transparent, politically engaged, ensuring active participation of young physicians, increasing membership, and enabling that AAPI’s voice is heard in the corridors of power.”

A physician with compassion, brilliance, and dedication, Dr. Chakrabarty has excelled in every role he has undertaken. Dr. Amit Chakrabarty, who was honored with the National AAPI Distinguished Service Award 2018 and the President’s Award for Services in 2019 by the Indian American Urological Society, says, “I consider myself to be a leader and shine in the fact that I can get people motivated.  I lead by example that motivates people.  I am fun loving and have always striven to brush off any obstacles that come in the way.”


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