Dalai Lama Honored with Series on ‘Greatness of Spirit’ to Mark 65th Anniversary of Ramon Magsaysay Award

Feature and Cover Dalai Lama Honored with Series on ‘Greatness of Spirit’ to Mark 65th Anniversary of Ramon Magsaysay Award

On Wednesday, the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation commemorated the 65th anniversary of the award given to the Dalai Lama by launching a seven-volume series titled *Greatness of Spirit*. This event, held at the Dalai Lama’s residence in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, was marked by the presence of the Tibetan spiritual leader, along with representatives from the Foundation and Indian laureates.

The Dalai Lama, who was awarded the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award in August 1959, was recognized for his leadership during a critical moment in Tibetan history. His leadership of the Tibetan community, especially during their fight to preserve their religious and cultural identity in the face of Chinese oppression, was a key factor in his receiving this honor. The award citation lauded him for leading “the Tibetan community’s gallant struggle in defence of the sacred religion that is the inspiration of their life and culture.” This recognition placed the Dalai Lama among the distinguished figures in Asia who had made significant contributions to society and governance.

Susanna B. Afan, the President of the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation, officially launched the book series during a ceremony at the Dalai Lama’s residence. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees, along with selected partners and previous Indian laureates, were also present to witness the momentous occasion. The series *Greatness of Spirit* aims to showcase the extraordinary efforts of individuals who have received the Ramon Magsaysay Award, emphasizing the values of integrity, service, and idealism.

Earlier in April 2023, a historic moment took place when members of the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation personally presented the 1959 award to the Dalai Lama at his residence in Dharamsala. Although he had been conferred with the award 64 years earlier, this was the first time the Tibetan leader had received the physical award in person. This gesture was seen as a reaffirmation of the Dalai Lama’s enduring influence and his continued commitment to the principles that had first earned him the award.

Known for his infectious smile, simplicity, and sense of humor, the Dalai Lama’s influence extends far beyond his role as a spiritual leader. A Nobel Peace Prize laureate, he is also a passionate advocate for non-violence and human rights. For him, Mahatma Gandhi stands out as the most influential figure of the 20th century, with Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence deeply resonating with the Dalai Lama’s own beliefs. Throughout his life, the Dalai Lama has engaged with world leaders and spiritual figures across various religious traditions, always seeking to foster dialogue and mutual understanding. He is also a frequent speaker on ethics and happiness, offering guidance to students, business leaders, and religious communities alike on how to cultivate well-being and compassion in the modern world.

In recognition of his global contributions to peace, the Dalai Lama was awarded the US Congressional Gold Medal in 2007, an honor that elevated his status further on the international stage. This recognition, however, was not without controversy. China, which views the Dalai Lama as a separatist, protested vehemently against the decision, criticizing the US government for what it saw as interference in its internal affairs. Despite these protests, the Dalai Lama continued to remain a revered figure globally, with his message of peace and reconciliation reaching far and wide.

Born on July 6, 1935, in the small hamlet of Taktser in Tibet, the Dalai Lama’s journey from a humble background to becoming the leader of the Tibetan people is remarkable. At the age of two, he was identified as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso. This recognition marked the beginning of his journey as the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet. However, his leadership took on new challenges when Tibet faced political unrest due to Chinese occupation.

In 1959, a failed uprising against Chinese rule forced the Dalai Lama to flee Tibet, seeking refuge in India. He eventually established the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, where he continued to advocate for the rights of the Tibetan people. Although his government-in-exile has never been officially recognized by any country, the Dalai Lama has remained a symbol of hope and resilience for the Tibetan cause. His call for autonomy within China and his emphasis on non-violence have garnered international support, even though the political resolution of Tibet’s status remains elusive.

The Ramon Magsaysay Award, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Asia,” is a prestigious honor that is presented annually. The award is named after Ramon Magsaysay, a former Philippine president known for his integrity and dedication to public service. Magsaysay’s presidency was marked by his efforts to combat corruption and his commitment to improving the lives of ordinary people, qualities that the award seeks to recognize in its recipients.

The prize was established in 1957 by the trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in collaboration with the Philippine government. Since its inception, the award has celebrated individuals and organizations in Asia who demonstrate integrity, courage, and commitment to societal improvement. Recipients of the award are recognized for their contributions to a range of fields, including governance, community service, and social reform. The Ramon Magsaysay Award continues to stand as a beacon of ethical leadership in Asia, promoting ideals of democratic governance and social justice.

By launching the *Greatness of Spirit* series, the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation hopes to inspire future generations to follow in the footsteps of the award’s distinguished laureates. These volumes not only chronicle the lives and achievements of past recipients but also serve as a testament to the enduring power of compassion, courage, and service in creating positive social change.

As the Dalai Lama continues to inspire millions around the world with his teachings and actions, the launch of this series is a fitting tribute to his lifelong dedication to the betterment of humanity. The 65th anniversary of his Ramon Magsaysay Award is not just a commemoration of a past achievement but a reminder of the timeless values that the Dalai Lama embodies and the lasting impact he continues to make on the world stage.

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