(Chicago, IL: September 24th, 2018) The growing influence of physicians of Indian heritage is evident, as they are increasingly recognized and hold critical positions in the healthcare, academic, research and administrative positions across the nation. With their hard work, dedication, compassion, and skills, they have thus carved an enviable niche in the American medical community.
Not satisfied with their own professional growth and the service they provide to their patients around the world, they are in the forefront, sharing their knowledge and expertise with others, especially those physicians and leaders in the medical field from India.
The 12th annual Global Healthcare Summit (GHS) 2018, organized by the Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) at the Trident Hotel, Nariman Point, Mumbai, India, from December 28th to 30th, 2018 offers a unique forum for them to come together, sharing their knowledge and expertise in their respective medical fields with their fellow physicians from around the world, and to learn from one another.
Dr. Naresh Parikh, president of AAPI, says, “AAPI has been engaged in harnessing the power of Indian Diaspora to bring the most innovative, efficient, cost effective healthcare solutions to India. For the first time, clinical practice workshops will be held at this summit.” The theme chosen for the GHS 2018 is: H3C: Health Care, Commerce & Career.
“This conference will focus on bringing the highest caliber of internationally acclaimed faculty and will develop a very robust agenda in collaboration with leading experts from India. The enhanced focus on conducting skills enhancement workshops, hands on experience with advanced techniques. CME sessions with academicians from India, US, UK and Canada will offer unique opportunities for local medical staff and healthcare professionals to advance leanings and provide the best possible care for the people of Maharashtra and India. More than 500 Physicians are anticipated to attend the AAPI GHS 2018,” Dr. Parikh added.
The scientific program and workshops of GHS is developed by leading experts with contributions by the Scientific Advisory Board and the International Scientific Committee. The workshops will be led by world famous physicians on topics relevant to the needs of the time.
The Summit will have an International Research competition and AAPI is committed to creating an Award of excellence will enhance the already positive image. “AAPI will work collaboratively with a leading academic medical college in Mumbai and will be conducting the 7th International Research Competition for Medical, Students, Residents, Fellows and Junior Doctors,” Dr. Ravi Jahagirdhar, Chair, GHS Organizing Committee says. “This competition will have five categories for abstract submission: 1.Basic Sciences 2. Hospital Administration 3. Innovation 4. AYUSH and 5. Clinical Science and Patient based research. More than 400 national and international participants are anticipated to participate. This competition will be launched in June/July 2018 and this will encourage innovation and presents a unique opportunity for Young Physicians to network and interact with international faculty from leading medical universities in USA.”
AAPI in conjunction with several leading trauma specialists has developed the first set of guidelines for managing TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). These are now being reviewed by MOH GOI and parts of these guidelines are being included in the overall Trauma Management. As a part of this initiative AAPI will collaborate with Maharashtra Government to organize CPR and BLS training for approximately 500 police workers. This work can be initiated as early as May 2018. By launching this campaign there will be immediate and positive impact and help prevent fatalities due to road accidents.
“This international health care summit is a progressive transformation from the first Indo-US Healthcare Summit launched by AAPI USA in 2007,” Anwar Feroz, Honorary Advisor of AAPI, says. “With the objective of enabling people in India to access high quality, affordable, and cost-effective world class health services, the Summit to be held in collaboration with the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs & Ministry of Health, will have participation from some of the world’s most well-known physicians and industry leaders.”
Describing the message and theme for the Summit, Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect of AAPI, says, “AAPI has a mandate to help disseminate our medical knowledge, our expertise and technological advances to the rest of the world, and to India in particular.” Headquartered in Chicago, having a strong legislative presence in Washington, DC AAPI has come to be recognized as a strong voice in the healthcare legislation and policy arena.
More than 100 opinion leaders and expert speakers across the globe will present cutting edge scientific findings related to clinical practice by speakers drawn from major centers of excellence, institutions and professional associations. Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (CMEs) for 12 hours of credit, the Summit will also feature a CEO Forum, where CEOs from around the world from hospitals, teaching institutions and major healthcare sectors, including pharmaceutical, medical devices and technology, will join to explore potential opportunities for collaboration.
“The scientific program of GHS 2018 is developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar Scientific Advisory Board and International Scientific Committee. The Conference in collaboration with several professional associations from all over the world, accredited from Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education for 12 hours of credits will be applied for,” says, Dr. Raj Bhayani, Vice-Chair of the GHS 2018.
Expected to draw over 1,000 leading experts from several countries, GHS-16 will focus on sharing best practices, developing efficient and cost effective solutions for India. The scientific program of GHS is developed by leading experts with the contributions of a stellar scientific advisory board and international scientific committee.
“With the changing trends and statistics in healthcare, both in India and US, we are refocusing our mission and vision of GHS2018, AAPI would like to make a positive meaningful impact on the healthcare in India,” Dr. Parikh says. “In our quest to fulfill the mission of AAPI, we are proud to share best practice and experiences from leading experts in the world and develop actionable plans for launching demonstration projects that enable access to affordable and quality healthcare for all people. To help accomplish this mission, join us at the GHS 2018 in Mumbai.” For more information on Global Health Summit 2018, please visit https://aapisummit.org