UK Hindu Community Unveils Historic Manifesto Ahead of Elections, Outlining Key Assurances for Future Government

Feature and Cover UK Hindu Community Unveils Historic Manifesto Ahead of Elections Outlining Key Assurances for Future Government

In a landmark move ahead of the forthcoming British elections, the Hindu community in the United Kingdom has released its first-ever manifesto. This collective effort by Hindu organizations is aimed at presenting a unified voice to parliamentary candidates and the future government, delineating seven key assurances that mirror the community’s needs and aspirations.

Titled the Hindu Manifesto 2024, this document seeks to safeguard, promote, and advance Hindu values and interests within the broader context of British society. The accompanying statement highlights the significance of these assurances, stating, “These assurances aim to ensure the protection, promotion and progress of Hindu values and interests within the broader fabric of British society.”

The manifesto outlines several critical assurances:

  1. Recognition of Anti-Hindu Hate:It calls for anti-Hindu hate to be acknowledged as a religious hate crime and advocates for the proscription of organizations and individuals involved in such activities.
  1. Protection of Places of Worship:Ensuring the safety and sanctity of Hindu temples and other places of worship is emphasized as a priority.
  1. Access to Fair Education:The manifesto demands equitable educational opportunities and access for the Hindu community.
  1. Equal Representation and Opportunities:There is a call for equal representation and opportunities for Hindus across various sectors.
  1. Streamlining Immigration:Improving and simplifying immigration processes for Hindus is identified as another key assurance.
  1. Healthcare and Social Care:The manifesto stresses the need for enhanced healthcare and social care services for the Hindu community.
  1. Acknowledging Dharmic Values: It calls for the recognition and protection of Dharmic values within British society.

Vinod Tikoo, Coordinator of ABHI UK (Advocacy for British Hindus & Indians UK), emphasized the manifesto’s significance, stating, “The manifesto represents the aspirations and expectations of the community from the candidates who will be seeking support from the community.”

The UK Hindu community, with a population exceeding 1 million, significantly contributes to the country’s economy through taxes, healthcare, education, and business sectors. Highlighting the community’s importance, Nitish Rai Parwani, a D.Phil. scholar at the University of Oxford, remarked, “Hindus play an important role in the British community. They play important roles in economic, health segments of British society.”

The organizations that contributed to the creation of the manifesto include BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha UK, Chinmaya Mission UK, Hindu Council UK, Hindu Forum of Britain, Hindu Forum of Europe, Hindu Mandir Network, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (UK), INSIGHT UK, ISKCON UK, Manchester Marathi Mandal, Mandir Baba Balak Nath, Walsall (UK), National Council of Hindu Temples UK (NCHTUK), National Hindu Students’ Forum (UK), The National Council of Hindu Priests UK, and the World Council of Hindus UK (VHP UK).

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